IHK- Zusatzqualifikation berufsorientierte Fremdsprache für Schüler allgemein bildender Schulen. Mustertexte B1. Ergänzung zur Broschüre

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IHK- Zusatzqualifikation berufsorientierte Fremdsprache für Schüler allgemein bildender Schulen Mustertexte B1 Ergänzung zur Broschüre Stand: 09/2010

Zusatzqualifikation berufsorientierte Fremdsprache für Schüler allgemein bildender Schulen SEK I, Niveaustufe B1 des CEF Prüfung am: Prüfungsfach: Prüfungsdauer: Schriftliche Kommunikation in der Fremdsprache als Reaktion auf schriftliche fremdsprachige Vorgabe. 45 Minuten Situation: Sie sind Schüler/in der Erasmus Gesamtschule in Düsseldorf. Ihre Klasse hat sich im Unterricht mit Australien beschäftigt und würde gern mit einer etwa gleichaltrigen Schulklasse in Australien einen Email-Kontakt aufbauen. Sie haben im Internet die Website der Beenleigh State School in Queensland gefunden. Um herauszufinden, ob diese Schule an einem Email-Kontakt mit Ihrer Klasse interessiert ist, schreiben Sie nach Absprache mit Ihrer Klasse und Ihrer Englischlehrerin eine Email an die Schulleiterin Denise Aspinall. Die Adresse finden Sie in der Anlage. Aufgabe: Verfassen Sie eine Email an die Schulleiterin: - Stellen Sie sich, Ihre Klasse und Ihre Schule kurz vor. - Erklären Sie mit wenigen Worten, wo Ihre Schule ist. - Tragen Sie den Wunsch Ihrer Klasse vor, eine Email-Partnerschaft mit einer etwa gleichaltrigen Schulklasse in Australien aufzubauen. - Nennen Sie einen Grund für diesen Wunsch. - Bitten Sie höflich um eine Antwort auf Ihre Anfrage.

Lösungsvorschlag Email From: Barbara Meyer bmeyer@hotmail.de To: mailto:info@beenleighshs.qld.edu.au Re: Email partnership Date: Attachments Dear Mrs Aspinall My name is Barbara Meyer and I am a tenth-grader at Erasmus Gesamtschule. We found your school s website in the internet and now I am writing to you because we are looking for an email partnership with an Australian school. In our English lessons we have been doing a project on Australia. We decided that it would be very interesting to get into contact with young Australians of our age so that we could exchange information about our school and our country via email. We would also like to find out how young Australians live, what kind of interests and plans they have etc. We are 13 boys and 12 girls in our class and we are between 15 and 17 years old. Our English teacher is willing to support such a contact and he told us to write to you. Our school has about 650 pupils from age 10 19. It is near the centre of Düsseldorf, a city (on the river Rhine) in the west of Germany. We would be very glad if you could help us to find a class at your school that is interested in such an email project. Of course we are ready to provide further information about our class and our school on request. We are really looking forward to hearing from you and hope to get a positive answer. Yours sincerely Barbara Meyer c/o Erasmus Gesamtschule Brinkmannstraße 10 40225 Düsseldorf Germany

Zusatzqualifikation berufsorientierte Fremdsprache für Schüler allgemein bildender Schulen SEK I, Niveaustufe B1 des CEF Prüfung am: Prüfungsfach: Vermerk in Deutsch über ein Gespräch in der Fremdsprache Prüfungsdauer: 30 Minuten (ohne Gesprächsdarbietung) Situation: Sie sind Barbara Meyer und haben auf Ihr Schreiben an die Beenleigh State State School bisher keine Antwort erhalten. Über Bekannte erfahren Sie in der Zwischenzeit, dass an der Kolbe-Gesamtschule zur Zeit eine Austauschschülerin aus Queensland, Australien zu Gast ist. Ihr Name ist Catherine Blake. Sie erhalten die Telefonnummer dieser Schülerin. Aufgabe: Sie rufen Catherine Blake an, um herauszufinden, ob Sie Ihnen einige Tipps geben kann, wie Sie am besten mit einer australischen Schule Kontakt aufnehmen. Fertigen Sie für Ihre Englischlehrerin Frau Messner und für Ihre Klasse eine Notiz des Gesprächs an. Achten Sie dabei auf Informationen, die für die Kontaktaufnahme wichtig sind. Benutzen Sie den beiliegenden Vordruck.

Telephone Call (full version) S = Student Barbara Meyer C = Catherine Blake Catherine Blake speaking. S: Hello, my name is Barbara Meyer. I got your phone number from a friend of mine. He told me you re an exchange student from Queensland. Yes, that s right. I ve been in Germany for 5 months now. I came here to improve my German. S: Well, m calling because our class is looking for an email partnership with an Australian school and I thought you might be able to help us. I m not sure what I can do for you. But I ll try S: The point is we found the address of a school in Queensland that sounded interesting. So we wrote a letter to the principal but we haven t got any answer yet. What s the name of the school? S: It s Beenleigh State School and the principal is C. You re kidding. That s my school. I am at Beenleigh. Who did you send the letter to? S: We wrote to the principal. His name is Wait a minute! Aspinall, Denise Aspinall. S: That s the name! Well, maybe your school already has some partnerships with other schools and doesn t want any more links. We do have links with other schools in Australia. Last year, for example my class did a project with a school in Cairns. But as far as I know we do not have any links with schools outside Australia, at least not with Germany. S. Does that mean we might have chance? I don t know. But I think it would be a great idea to have a link with a German school. I mean we ve got German as a foreign language and most of our students do not have the opportunity to go on an exchange like me. It would be a great chance for them to get some first-hand information about Germany that way, wouldn t it? S: And it would be a great chance for us to learn more about Australia.. Do you have an idea what we could do about an email partnership? Let me think. Maybe I should contact my German teacher. S: Do you think he might be interested? I don t know. But I ll find out. What s the name of your school? Does it have a website? S: Our school s name is Erasmus Gesamtschule and the website is erasmus.gs.de e-r- a-s-m-e-s-dot-g-s-dot-de. Is that right? S: Not quite. It s e-r-a-s-m-u-s OK. I got it. Maybe, I should send him your teacher s name and email address, too. S: That s a good idea. But I ve got to ask my teacher first, you see. Do that and let me know as soon as possible. You can send me an email. My address is catherine-2@hotmail.au. S: I m sorry. I didn t catch the name of the provider. Could you repeat that please. Certainly. It s hotmail dot au S: Thanks, Catherine. I ll get back to you as soon as possible. Bye. You re welcome. Bye

Telephone Call (Prüfungstext) S: Hello, my name is Barabara Meyer. I got your address from a friend of mine. He told me you re an exchange student from Queensland. S: Well. I m calling because our class is looking for an email partnership with an Australian school and I thought you might be able to help us. S: The point is we found the address of a school in Queensland that sounded interesting. So we wrote a letter to the principal but we haven t got an answer yet. S: It s Beenleigh State School and the principal is. S: We wrote to the principal. Her name is S: That s the name! Well. maybe your school already has some partnerships with other schools and doesn t want any more links. S: Does that mean we might have a chance? S: And it would be a great chance for us to learn more about Australia. Do you have an idea what we could do about an email partnership? S: Do you think he might be interested? S: Our school s name is Erasmus Gesamtschule and the website is erasmus.gs.de S: Not quite. It s e- r-a-s-m-u-s. S: That s a good idea. But I ve got to ask my teacher first, you see. S: I m sorry. I didn t catch the name of the provider. Could you repeat that please? S: Thanks, Catherine. I ll get back to you as soon as possible. Bye.

Lösungsvorschlag: Aktennotiz Datum: Gesprächspartner: Catherine Blake Verfasser: Betreff: Barbara Meyer Email-Partnerschaft mit Beenleigh State School Ich habe heute mit Catherine Blake telefoniert. Sie ist eine Austauschülerin von Beenleigh State School in Queensland und zur Zeit an der Kolbe-Gesamtschule in Düsseldorf. Catherine glaubt, dass ihre Schule noch keine Partnerschaft mit einer Schule in Europa, ganz bestimmt auch nicht mit Deutschland hat. Da an ihrer Schule Deutsch als Fremdsprache unterrichtet wird, würde sie eine Partnerschaft begrüßen und will deswegen Kontakt mit ihrem Deutschlehrer aufnehmen. Dazu möchte sie auch gern den Namen und die Email-Adresse von Frau Messner an ihren Deutschlehrer weitergeben. Catherine erwartet nun eine Rückmeldung mit dem Namen und der E-Mailadresse von Frau Messner, falls diese einverstanden ist.

Zusatzqualifikation berufsorientierte Fremdsprache für Schüler allgemein bildender Schulen SEK I, Niveaustufe B1 des CEF Prüfung am: Prüfungsfach: Prüfungsdauer: Schriftliche Zusammenfassung eines fremdsprachigen Textes in der Fremdsprache 45 Minuten Situation: Sie haben sich im Englischunterricht mit Australien beschäftigt. Nun würde Ihre Klasse gern Email-Kontakt zu einer Schule in Australien aufnehmen, um sich mit australischen Schülerinnen und Schülern auszutauschen. Sie haben auch schon eine Email an die Schulleitung einer Schule in Queensland geschickt. In der Zwischenzeit haben Sie im Internet die Homepage der Alice Springs School of the Air gefunden. Sie könnten sich vorstellen, auch mit dieser Schule einen Email-Kontakt zu suchen und möchten deshalb Ihre Mitschülerinnen und Mitschüler kurz über diese Schule informieren. Aufgabe: Stellen Sie kurz dar (90-100 Wörter): - An welche Schüler richtet sich die Alice Springs School of the Air? - Wie werden die Schüler unterrichtet? - Wie hält die Schule Kontakt zu Schülern und Eltern? - Welche besonderen Schwierigkeiten haben Kinder der Ureinwohner?

Alice Springs School of the Air The Alice Springs School of the Air provides education for about 140 children aged 4 13 who live in Central Australia. The furthest student is just over 1,000 kms away from Alice Springs. The radio has been the most important tool since the school began its work 5 in 1951. In the early 90 s many people in the Outback got better telephone systems and could then make direct phone calls throughout Australia. As faxes, computers and video are now available as well, the teachers can get into contact with parents when radio contact fails. But even today the HF radio is still the most important tool. It is the medium 10 that gives the school the ability to share news, experiences and just say G day. So the radio helps to give the school a sense of being a school. The students spend up to half an hour on the radio each day. Each student also has a personal 10-minute radio lesson with the class teacher once a week. In addition to the radio lessons the students have to do correspondence work 15 at home. They have to spend 5 to 6 hours a day, five days a week working on their radio lessons. These lessons are prepared by the teachers at the school and supervised by an adult at home, mostly the child s parents. Among the students there are also Aboriginal children. For them the English correspondence lessons are a problem because they need a supervisor at 20 home with good English language reading and writing skills. (220 words) (Adapted from: www.assoa.nt.edu.au) Worterklärungen: Outback (5) - in Australien: das Hinterland (HF) radio (5 + 9) - Funkgerät Lösungsvorschlag: The Alice Springs School of the Air offers education to children, who live all over Central Australia. Contact is made via HF radio, telephone, fax and computer. The students have a 30-minute radio lesson per day plus a 10-minute private radio lesson per week. In addition they have to do a lot of correspondence work. For this they need support from an adult at home. He has to have good English reading and writing skills. To find such an adult at home can be difficult for Aboriginal children. (87 words)

Zusatzqualifikation berufsorientierte Fremdsprache für Schüler allgemein bildender Schulen SEK I, Niveaustufe B1 des CEF Prüfung am: Prüfungsfach: Prüfungsdauer: Schriftliche Kommunikation in der Fremdsprache 45 Minuten Situation Aus Ihrer Klasse (Albert-Schweitzer-Realschule, Düsseldorf) fahren 18 Schülerinnen und Schüler vom 04.-11. September 2006 nach Stratford-upon-Avon und besuchen die School of English. Sie sind dafür verantwortlich Informationen über die Unterbringung einzuholen und haben sich aus dem Internet die folgenden Informationen herunter geladen. Aufgabe Schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an die School of English (stratford.school@btinternet.com). Beachten Sie dabei folgende Punkte: stellen Sie sich und ihre Gruppe kurz vor teilen Sie den geplanten Aufenthaltstermin in Stratford-upon-Avon mit fragen Sie nach den Unterbringungsmöglichkeiten a) Familie mit gleichaltrigen Kindern b) Jugendherberge erkundigen Sie sich nach den Kosten für den Aufenthalt a) in der Familie b) in der Jugendherberge bitten Sie den Empfänger der E-Mail um die Zusendung von Broschüren bedanken Sie sich im Voraus für die Hilfe

Accommodation Your stay will be more beneficial if you live with one of our carefully selected homestay families, most of whom are within walking distance of the School. There, you will feel very much at home and will be able to practise your English in friendly surroundings, where you will learn more about the English way of life. When you enrol at the School, we will choose a family to suit your requirements. We can also arrange other types of accommodation: bed and breakfast, guest houses, hotels of all categories and an International Youth Hostel. (Quelle: www.stratfordschool.com) Vokabelangaben: to enrol - sich einschreiben requirement - Anforderung

Lösungsvorschlag E-Mail From: Stefanie Sander To: stratford.school@btinternet.com Subject: Accommodation 4 th - 11 th September, 2006 Date: Attachments Dear Sir or Madam We are a group of 18 pupils from Düsseldorf, Germany, aged 15 and 16. We are planning to stay in Stratford-upon-Avon from 4 th to 11 th September, 2006 and would like to attend classes at your school. These are our questions: - Is it possible that some of us live with homestay families who have children of our age? How much does the stay in such families cost? - Is it possible for some of us to stay in the International Youth Hostel? How much is the stay in this youth hostel? We would be pleased if you sent us some brochures with general information about the School of English. We thank you in advance for your kind help. Yours sincerely Stefanie Sander Albert-Schweitzer- Realschule Himmelgeister Allee 27 40225 Düsseldorf

Zusatzqualifikation berufsorientierte Fremdsprache für Schüler allgemein bildender Schulen SEK I, Niveaustufe B1 des CEF Prüfung am: Prüfungsfach: Prüfungsdauer: Vermerk in Deutsch über ein Gespräch 30 Minuten (ohne Gesprächsdarbietung) Situation: Sie sind Schüler an der Albert-Schweitzer-Realschule in Düsseldorf und bereiten sich auf einen einwöchigen Aufenthalt an der School of English in Stratford-upon-Avon vor. Der Unterricht am letzten Freitag dauert bis 15.00 Uhr, Sie und Ihre Mitschüler möchten aber schon eher abreisen, damit Sie die Fähre in Dover um 18.00 Uhr bekommen. Aufgabe: Sie rufen im Sekretariat der School of English in Stratford-upon-Avon an und besprechen mit der Sekretärin, dass Sie eher als geplant abreisen müssen. Da Sie die Angelegenheit auch mit der zuständigen Lehrerin, Ihren Mitschülern und dem Busunternehmen besprechen müssen, fertigen Sie für dieses Gespräch eine Notiz Ihres Telefonats mit der Sekretärin der School of English an. Schreiben Sie auf, was Sie mit der Sekretärin verabredet haben. Benutzen Sie dazu den beiliegenden Vordruck.

Text (volle Version) S = Secretary ST = Student S: School of English Fiona Pope speaking. How can I help you? ST: Hello, my name is Stefanie Sander. I am a pupil at the Albert-Schweitzer- Realschule in Düsseldorf, Germany. Some students of my class have organised a one-week class at your school from 4 th to 11 th September, 2006. S: Sorry, I didn t quite get you. What s the name of your school? ST: It s Albert-Schweitzer-Realschule in Düsseldorf, Germany. S: I see, I just have a look into my computer to check the appointments.... Here we are. You are planning to come in a group, aren t you? ST: Yes, that s right. We ll be 18 students all together. S: Is there a problem with the number of students? ST: No, there isn t. But we have got a problem with our journey back home. We would like to start our travel back on the same day the classes end, because our bus driver will have another tour on Sunday morning, and he will have to relax for a day after such an exhausting tour. So instead of leaving on Saturday morning we would like to be going on Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. Then we ll miss three lessons. S: Oh dear, we have never had this kind of problem. So please hang on a minute, I will have to ask our management, whether we can give you a certificate when you leave earlier. ST: Ok, I am waiting.... After a break: S: I m sorry you had to wait for such a long time, but our managing director couldn t be found immediately. Now I tell you what he said.: if you leave earlier, you will have to go to lessons in advance. He said that you can leave on Friday afternoon, but then you will have an extra lesson on Tuesday,

Wednesday and Thursday. I m sorry we have to be that strict, but our regulations are very clear. We can t give you a certificate unless you stay for the full amount of lessons. ST: I don t think that having an extra lesson on three days will be a problem for any of us. The only thing is we will have to tell our host families that we ll come home later in the evenings, and some students dinner in the youth hostels will be delayed. You know, some of us will stay in families and others will sleep in youth hostels. S: So never mind, I am going to inform both parties, the host families and the youth hostel. I don t think that this is a problem at all. So if you don t hear anything from us by the end of next week, everything will be all right. Then you can tell your teachers, parents, classmates and bus driver that you ll be leaving on Friday afternoon. ST: Thank you ever so much. It s very kind of you to solve this problem for us. You know if we couldn t have settled this matter, we would have had a big problem with our transport. S: Never mind, I try to help where ever I can. ST: We are looking forward to going to Stratford. S: And we are looking forward to having you here. Good bye my dear. ST: Bye for now.

Prüfungstext S = Secretary ST = Student S ST S Hello, my name is Stefanie Sander. I am a pupil at the Albert-Schweitzer- Realschule in Düsseldorf, Germany. Some students of my class have organised a one-week class at your school from 4 th to 11 th September, 2006. ST S It s Albert-Schweitzer-Realschule in Düsseldorf, Germany. ST S Yes, that s right. We ll be 18 students all together. ST S No, there isn t. But we have got a problem with our journey back home. We would like to start our travel back on the same day the classes end, because our bus driver will have another tour on Sunday morning, and he will have to relax for a day after such an exhausting tour. So instead of leaving on Saturday morning we would like to be going on Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. Then we ll miss three lessons. ST S Ok, I am waiting. After a break: ST S I don t think that having an extra lesson on three days will be a problem for any of us. The only thing is we will have to tell our host families that we ll come home later in the evenings, and some students dinner in the youth hostels will be delayed. You know, some of us will stay in families and others will sleep in youth hostels. ST S ST S Thank you ever so much. It s very kind of you to solve this problem for us. You know if we couldn t have settled this matter, we would have had a big problem with our transport. We are looking forward to going to Stratford. ST Bye for now.

Lösungsvorschlag Aktennotiz Datum: Gesprächspartner: Verfasser: Betreff: Fiona Pope Stefanie Sander Änderung eines Abreisetermins Ich habe mit Fiona Pope von der School of English in Stratford-upon-Avon gesprochen. Sie hat mit mir folgende Vereinbarungen getroffen: - Unsere Schülergruppe kann schon am Freitagnachmittag um 3.00 Uhr statt am Samstagmorgen die Reise zurück nach Deutschland antreten. - Die drei Unterrichtsstunden, die wir wegen unserer früheren Abreise versäumen, müssen wir am Dienstag, Mittwoch und Donnerstag vorarbeiten. Nur wenn wir die volle Anzahl an Unterrichtsstunden absolvieren, können wir das Zertifikat bekommen. - Die Sekretärin wird die Gastfamilien und die Jugendherberge darüber informieren, dass wir an drei Tagen später zum Abendessen kommen. - Wenn wir bis zum Ende der nächsten Woche nichts von der School of English hören, können wir davon ausgehen, dass von Seiten der Schule her alles für die frühere Abreise organisiert ist.

Zusatzqualifikation berufsorientierte Fremdsprache für Schüler allgemein bildender Schulen SEK I, Niveaustufe B1 des CEF Prüfung am: Prüfungsfach: Prüfungsdauer: Schriftliche Zusammenfassung eines fremdsprachigen Textes in der Fremdsprache (ca. 250 Wörter) 45 Minuten Situation Die Broschüre, die Sie von der Stratford-upon-Avon School of English erhalten haben, enthält auch Informationen über Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Nähe von Stratford. Besonders interessant finden Sie die Wellesbourne Watermill, die Sie während Ihres Aufenthaltes in Stratford-upon-Avon gerne besuchen würden. Deshalb möchten Sie Ihre Mitschüler davon überzeugen den Besuch der Mühle mit in das Programm aufzunehmen. Aufgabe Fassen Sie schriftlich in englischer Sprache zusammen, welche Möglichkeiten Besucher während ihres Aufenthaltes auf dem Gelände der Mühle haben (ca. 90-100 Wörter).

THE WATERMILL, ITS ENVIRONMENT, TEAROOMS AND SHOPS It is one of the few mills in the country where you can still see the machinery in action, working as it did hundreds of years ago. There are regular demonstrations by the miller of how the mill works. Experience the power of the huge wooden waterwheel and the rumbling and clanking of wheels and millstones. A true hands-on experience for all the family- children can lift a sack to the top of the mill, turn a handmill and work the model of the mill. Wellesbourne Watermill at Work Smell the fresh wholemeal flour and learn about the age-old arts of flour milling. Feel samples of wholemeal and white flour. The mill s guidebook is for sale by mail order @ 2.50 plus postage and packing. VIDEO OF MILL S RESTORATION: A fascinating film tells the story of the mill's restoration - how the millpond was re-created, how the waterwheel was re-built and the millstones dressed. The video is for sale in the shop and by mail order for 9.99 plus postage and packing. TEAROOMS AND FARM SHOP: The tearooms are in a beautifully restored 18th C barn. Light lunches and teas are cooked there. Don t miss the cakes baked with the mill s flour! When the weather is fine, enjoy the setting outside. There is also an exclusive food shop offering specialist jams, chutneys, chocolates, cakes, biscuits and much much more... (Textumfang: 227 Wörter - Quelle: www.wellesbournemille.co.uk)

Lösungsvorschlag At Wellesbourne Watermill you can see how the mill works. You can lift a sack to the top of the mill, turn a handmill and make a model of the mill. You can also learn about the way you gain wholemeal and white flour. If you are interested you can watch a film about the restoration of the mill. A guide book and a video are available in the shop. In the tearooms light lunches, cakes as well as teas are served. In the food shop you can buy all kinds of food. (93 Wörter)