Matthias Schorer 14 Mai 2013

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Matthias Schorer Accelerate Advisory Services Leader, CEMEA 29.05.13 2

29.05.13 3

The 1960s Source: 29.05.13 4

29.05.13 5

Bridge to Captain Kirk... (1966) Source: 29.05.13 6

Odyssey 2001 (1968) Source: Arthur C. Clarke - NewsPad 29.05.13 7

Douglas Parkhill (1966) Source: 29.05.13 8

29.05.13 9

online as needed utility based 29.05.13 10

29.05.13 11

Motorola MicroTAC (1989) 23 years after Kirk's Communicator Source: 29.05.13 12

ipad (2010) 42 years after Odyssey Source: 29.05.13 13

Cloud Computing has arrived - yeah! 46 years after Douglas Parkhill's Book Source: 29.05.13 14

Cloud computing has arrived oh no! Source: Andy Rain - dpa 29.05.13 15

Traditionell ist die IT nicht auf den Mehrwert fokussiert IT Investment 5% Infrastruktur Investment Hohe Komplexität + empfindliche Infrastruktur = 23% Applikations- Investment 30% Applikations- Betrieb 42% Infrastruktur- Betrieb weniger als 30% des IT-Budgets werden für Innovation und Ausbau des Wettbewerbsvorteils genutzt. Agile IT schafft Mehrwert! Quelle: VMware Fortune 100 Kunden

Aus komplexer IT entstanden komplexe Organisationen Windows Linux DB Mission Crit. HPC Big Data Komplexität verhindert Agilität! 29.05.13 17

Was hindert uns daran eine Cloud einzuführen? Cluster A Cluster C Cluster B Cluster D Künstliche Grenzen!

komplexe physische Netzwerke 29.05.13 19

? Was wäre wenn wir die selben Prinzipien, die bereits einen Bestandteil des Rechenzentrums neu definiert, und unseren Kunden Mrd. gespart haben auf das gesamte Rechenzentrum anwenden? 29.05.13 20

Das Prinzip: Abstraktion, Pooling, Automation Windows Linux DB Mission Crit. HPC Big Data Compute MGMT Netzwerk / Security Storage / Verfügbarkeit Abstraktion Pooling Automation 29.05.13 21

So entsteht das Software Defined Data Center Windows Linux DB Mission Crit. HPC Big Data Software Defined Data Center VDC VDC VDC VDC VDC Software Defined Data Center Services 29.05.13 22

Die vcloud Suite macht den Schritt zur Cloud einfach Hybrid Cloud Service private vcloud vcloud Suite Software Defined Data Center Services Management und Automation Compute & Memory Network & Security Storage & Verfügbarkeit 29.05.13 23

vclouds national und international national international 29.05.13 24

Defining a New Operating Model for the Cloud Era Reactive Standardize Proactive Service Broker Innovative Strategic Partner IT Business Management HOW DO I OPERATE IN THIS NEW WORLD? People, Culture & Organization Processes & Control WHAT TECHNOLOGY SHOULD I USE? Software Technology & Architecture

Notwendige Prozessänderungen CUSTOMER CASE STUDY 29.05.13 26

The problem: Sequential and Manual Workflow, Governance and Deployment 3-6 months Request Log On Governance Fulfill took months! Financial Approval; SOX; FSA; Legal; ITIL Change Management! Often intended to slow things down!! Requires massive data input up-front! Uni-directional

Private Cloud automation... some benefits 3-6 months Request Log On Governance Fulfill 3-4 weeks elapsed time 8 hours actual time.but no impact on Governance! Reduced to 1 hour with Private Cloud automation

Simplify, Standardize, Automate Policy driven Industrialization 20% 80% Governance Fulfillment Simple Form x86 OS: Windows, Linux, Solaris CPU and Memory: Network: Storage: Service and Support: Class: Small, Medium, Large Cisco, Other Small, Medium, Large High, Medium, Low Production, UAT, Development Pre-Approval linked to Policy Engine! Financial sign off (workflow driven)! Change Management sign off! Policy based on User Profile, Application and Class Application: xyz

Automation and new business process 3-6 months 20% Governance One Day (with Private Cloud + Policy Engine) Fulfillment One Hour (with Private Cloud) 80% 1 day

Actual Cost savings from this customer Thousand Euros 2.200 2.000 1.800 1.600 1.400 1.200 1.000 800 600 400 200 0 Sample Cost of 300 x86 Workloads Dedicated Virtualised Automated Manpower Hardware Power

VMware Accelerate Services Business Transformation thru IT Transformation Strategic Solution Blueprints Benchmark and Value Modeling Operational Maturity Modeling Strategy and Adoption Plans "

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