HYVE - the innovation company

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HYVE - the innovation company Mit Kunden/Nutzern gemeinsam innovieren Das Potential von Open Innovation in Zeiten der Digitalisierung iena Innovations-Seminar Wie schafft man Innovation Giordano Koch Geschäftsführer HYVE Innovation Community GmbH Nürnberg, den 31.10.2014 1

Wo kommen unsere Innovationen her? Nutzerinnovationen Wer hat das Mountainbike erfunden? Nutzer Wer hat die Pampers erfunden? Anwender Wo sitzt die F&E Abteilung, die bei P&G für 50% der Innovationen zuständig ist? Das weiß P&G auch nicht Warum ist Apache weltweit einer der erfolgreichsten Anbieter für Server-Infrastruktur? Aufgrund einer Community von Server-Enthusiasten Wer hat die menschliche Proteinstruktur entschlüsselt? 402.500 Gamer 2

( ) Many users from 10 percent to nearly 40 percent engage in developing or modifying products (Eric von Hippel, Democratizing Innovation, 2005) 3

Lead Users Methode Tom This is Tom, he is a passion for surfin on the river Isar. He constructed this board rack for his bike 4

New approaches with Lead Users 5

Entstehung eines neuen Nutzertypen der Prosument 6

Nivea s Co-Creation Programm für Deodorant Innovationen Tausende Konsumenten reden über Deos in Social Media 7

Nivea s Co-Creation Programm für Deodorant Innovationen Zuhören, was Konsumenten über Deodorants berichten Paula My husband s white linen and cotton shirts have this yellow deodorant stain. I have tried several ways to remove it, such as bleaching, soaking in the hot soppy water, rubbing with biochemical stain-removing stuff all failed. I even sent the shirts to a laundry. doggi Today I noticed that the areas under the armpit, and even some areas around the chest on the underside, are completely white, as if they were bleached out Does anyone have any clue as to what caused this? Was it just from sweat? Was it from my deodorant? Was it some strange chemical reaction of both? Was it a poorly dyed shirt? staining is one of the biggest issues. vanilla87 How to get deodorant off of black shirts? I have a nice black tank top, but my deodorant, no matter what brand I buy, I always manage to get the white stuff under the arms. It looks bad, so what s a quick way to remove it if I m going out? Gänsemama I also have a husband who has problems with deodorant stains on his shirts. It is hard and crusty even after washing the shirt several times. I have tried several stain removers, but nothing seems to help. Any ideas? Would lemon juice or baking soda work on these stains? Eule99 Don't you hate it when you notice a deodorant stain right as you are leaving the house? Use a baby wipe and its all gone! 8

Nivea Invisible for Black & White Source: nivea.de 9

Nivea Invisible for black and white Die nächste Deo Revolution? Probleme & Bedürfnisse Enthusiasten & Lösungen Optimierung Markterfolg Erfolgreichster Deo-Launch in der Beiersdorf Historie Quelle: beiersdorf.de 10

Nivea s Co-Creation Programm für Deodorant Innovationen Das Ergebnis: Invisible for Black & White Creating the most successful product launch in the history of Beiersdorf (Nivea) applying HYVE s Innovation Research approach 11

ideabird - make ideas fly by Deutsche Telekom AG OBJECTIVES Generate ideas for the future use of M2M* technology Development of product concepts based on submitted ideas Creation of an active community of M2M experts and designers APPROACH Creation of the innovation platform www.ideabird.com supported by Deutsche Telekom, Deloitte Consulting, HYVE and RWTH Aachen Recruiting qualified participants internationally 11 different idea categories Frequent exchange of knowledge between users and experts Selection of finalists in a intensive shortlisting-process with experts Selection of winners by a high-profile jury Lead User workshop with select users to develop concepts RESULTS 6 Weeks 618 Ideas 5.980 Comments 4.022 Reviews 826 Members 12 Product concepts from workshop *M2M = machine-to-machine communication 12


HYVE Innovation Design: Telekom / IngramMicro - STRYPE 14

Innovative Solutions PHYSICAL + DITIGAL 15

Paketbutler Development Innovation Space >650 Idea funnel internal external combined 30 17 12 6 6 3 Services 0 Idea Generation Clustering & Selection Evaluation & Enrichment Condensation & Selection Conceptualization Design Concept 16

NASA Tournament Lab Algorithmus zur perfekte Ausrichtung der ISS Sonnensegel Dauer: 2 Wochen 460 Entwickler 2.000 Code Einreichungen $ 35.000 Preisgeld Ca. 3% der Einreichungen waren gleich oder besser als die des NASA-Zulieferers 17

Local Motors born open Design, Build, and Sell Together Über 30.000 Community Mitglieder 18 Monate von erster Idee bis zum Serienreifen Auto (Rally Fighter ~ $ 60.000) 25.000 Ingenieure aus 122 Ländern waren an der Entwicklung des Rally Fighters beteiligt Fahrzeugpläne sind Open Source Montage in Micro-Factories 18

Local Motors born open Design, Build, and Sell Together 19

Fazit Open Innovation & Innovationsprozess 1 Erfolgsfaktoren: Kombination von unterschiedliche OI Methoden Kontinuierliche Integration unterschiedlicher Kundengruppen Kombination von virtuellen und realen Ansätzen 2 Vorteile: Nutzerintegration führt zu Markterfolg* Open Innovation ist mehr als Produktentwicklung (Marketing) Konstantes Feedback aus dem Markt 3 Herausforderungen: Verankerung der Methoden in der Organisation Geschwindigkeit von Nutzeridee bis zum Markterfolg Vernetzung: Kunden, R&D, Produktion, Marketing 20 *Nishikawa, H., et al., User-generated versus designer-generated products: A performance assessment at Muji, International Journal of Research in Marketing (2012)

HYVE the innovation company Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit HYVE GROUP HYVE Innovation Research Consumer Insights / New Market Research HYVE Innovation Community HYVE Innovation Design Community & Ideen Lösungen und Software Industrial Design / Engineering; Ideation HYVE Research Labs Open Innovation Forschung und Publikationen Giordano Koch Geschäftsführer HYVE Innovation Community GmbH giordano.koch@hyve.de 0049 89 189 081 452 www.hyve-community.de 21