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Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder, Personal details: Prof. Dr. Stefan Pfänder (born in 1969) studied French, Spanish, Russian, and history in Freiburg, Aix-en-Provence/France, Santander/Spain and Novgorod/Russia. For the duration of his studies he held a scholarship of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (German Merit Foundation) and was additionally awarded a DAAD scholarship for his studies in France and the French part of the Caribbean. Within the framework of the collaborative research project 321, whose speaker Wolfgang Raible (laureate of the Leibniz-Prize in 1992) was Pfänder s doctoral advisor, he worked on his doctoral thesis Aspekt und Tempus im Frankokreol (sowie im Französischen und Russischen) from 1996-1999. On being awarded his doctoral degree ("summa cum laude"), he joined the university of Halle-Wittenberg as an Assistant Professor, during which time he acted as coordinator of an interdisciplinary research group on language contact, broadening his field experience through several research trips to Latin America (Argentine/Bolivia). In 2004 Pfänder completed his postdoctoral thesis (Habilitation) on Sprachkontakt und Sprachwandel Spanisch in Bolivien and was awarded the Saxony-Anhalt Christian-Wolff-Prize for excellent internationally cross-linked junior research projects. In 2004/05 he returned to Freiburg as interim professor. In 2005, he was appointed Chair of Romance Linguistics (Francophone countries and Iberoromania) which he continues to hold after having rejected the offer of a W3-professorship in Münster in 2009. Stefan Pfänder was invited to numerous guest professorships (in chronological order: Aix-en-Provence, Fort-de-France, Cayenne. Paris, Seville, La Plata, Montréal, New Orleans, La Plata, Madrid, Cairo, Dakar). Since 2008 Pfänder has been in charge of Freiburg University's Herman Paul Graduate School in linguistics. Since 2009 he has additionally been one of the two speakers of the DFG Research Training Group 1624/1 Frequenzeffekte in der Sprache - In 2010 he became one of the founding directors of the Basel-Freiburg International Graduate School of Linguistics. So far, Stefan Pfänder has published 15 books (3 of which are monographs) and 52 articles in German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, and Russian. Furthermore, within the framework of a 10-year linguistic project he established the book series Transkriptionen, published by the Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, which is funded by the Paul Riebeck foundation and others. What the six books published so far have in common is that they include audio CDs with vibrant eye witness interviews documenting old handicraft trades (e.g. chimney sweepers, gondoliers), as well as old and new minorities in France and French minorities in Southern and Eastern Europe or Northern Africa (European polyphony, Brittany, Cairo). Since 2005 Pfänder has headed a total of 8 externally funded projects, of which the research network CIEL-F (DFG/ANR) is especially noteworthy. Within this project the main focus has lain on postgraduate education (8 completed dissertations, often in co-tutelle) which all focus on crosslinguistic phenomena, on the one hand, and language contact (e.g. contact of

Romance languages with languages like Arabic or Chinese), on the other. So far, four of the junior researchers that were supported by his department have been appointed to permanent postdoc positions, four others have been appointed to professorships. Research profile: Successful models of language change within the practice-based paradigm are based on the assumption that language change starts in situated conversations. However, this assumption has so far not been tested empirically. Pfänder s innovative research programme is, by means of the first time ever systematic combination of corpus linguistics and conversation analysis, to get to the root of the gradual emergence and formation of language during speaking and listening. The experience with linguistic input has different time depths. As initiator and head of a German-French research group (funded by DFG and ANR), which investigates the French language in 20 regions on four continents, Pfänder himself focuses on the moment of spontaneous conversation, whereas a complementary longue durée perspective is followed by the DFG Research Training Group 1624/1 on frequency effects in language, and by a PhD research training group on empirical linguistics in the framework of the Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg (Pfänder being the speaker of both). Moreover, Pfänder is also likely to be the first and currently the only German scholar in Romance languistics who investigates the emergence of new Romance varieties and creoles on a broad empirical base and in a systematic comparative perspective. In the past decade he has dealt with corpus material from the Americas (Canada, the Caribbean, the Andes, and Argentine), Africa (Cameroun, Senegal, Egypt) and the Pacific (Mauritius, India, Vietnam, Australia). Under the direction of Stefan Pfänder a synchronic sample of audio-visual data of spontaneous every-day conversations is being collected for the first time. The data collected, uniquely valuable in their own right, are enhanced by state-of-the-art annotation schemes and retrieval software specially developed for this purpose at his department in Freiburg. The current research programme, which as yet focusses on the study of Romance-speaking countries, regions and communities outside Europe, will be developed in two directions in the mid term. The findings obtained from varieties outside Europe will be used to develop new models to account for variation in the European home-bases of the Romance languages, and the socio-historical and structural trajectory of the Romance languages will be compared to other European languages with a history of colonial expansion. A newly started long-term project at FRIAS (Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies), where Pfänder was appointed Internal Senior Fellow for 18 months in 2009/10), has already laid a foundation.

Stefan Pfänder, Curriculum Vitae Education/Training Institution/Location Degree Year Subjects University of Aix-en-Provence Licence 1993 University of Freiburg Dr. phil. 1999 Romance linguistics University of Halle Dr. phil. habil. 2004 Employment/Experience 1996- Guest professorships and/or research stays in chronological order: Aix-en-Provence, Fort-de-France, Cayenne, Paris, Seville, La Plata, Montréal, New Orleans, La Paz, Madrid, Cairo and Dakar 1996-2004 Assistant and, subsequently, Associate Professor, University of Halle 2004- Full Professor, University of Freiburg; denomination of the professorship: Francophony & Iberoromania Honors, Awards and Scholarships 1991-1995 Scholarship of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (German National Merit Foundation) 1992-1993 Scholarship of the DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, German Academic Exchange Service) 2004 Christian Wolff Prize of the state for excellent international projects by young academics Offer of professorships, Universities: 2004 Offer of the professorship for Romance linguistics, University of Freiburg (accepted) 2009 Offer of the professorship for Romance linguistics, University of Münster (rejected) Other Scientific Activities

2005-2007 Vice-dean of the philological faculty, University of Freiburg 2006-2008 Constitution and direction of the interdisciplinary master programme Creating Cultures 2005-2008 Direction of the New Media Centre (Multimedia/Film/CIP) of the Philological Faculty 2005-2010 Chairman of the examination board of the university s France- Centre 2007-2010 Member of the Research Training Group History and Narrative 2007- Member of the steering committee of the university s Language Teaching Institute (Sprachlehrinstitut), University of Freiburg Member of the editorial boards of Espacios (Argentina) and Lexilexe (Bolivia) Series editor: Transkriptionen (Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag) Director of the Hermann Paul Graduate School of Language Sciences (HPSL), University of Freiburg 2009- Peer reviewer for DFG, ANR and SNF Externally Funded Research Projects (Selection; only projects with grants for doctoral and postdoc positions) 2006-2008 2010 2009 2009 2011 2011 2009-2012 2009-2014 MOCA, Multimodal Corpus Administration French, Spanish, Italian, German; Funds for evaluated research projects Emergent Constructions, or: How the whole world speaks French in Cayenne-Dakar-Montréal-Cairo (Fritz Thyssen- Stiftung) Improvisation in the humanities and life sciences, Funds for evaluated research projects Corpus of French varieties in North America: Newfoundland, St Pierre und Minquelon (Universities Freiburg und Avignon-Pays de Vaucluse) (PROCOPE/DAAD) Generations in Dialog: Texts-films-transcriptions Germany- Bolivia-Senegal (Paul Riebeck-Stiftung) Research Training Group Empirical Linguistics ; scholarshipholders work on the languages French, Spanish, Portuguese, English, German and Russian (Funded by the state of Baden- Württemberg) CIEL-F German-French corpus project (DFG and ANR) Spokesperson of the Special Research Training Group (DFG- Graduiertenkolleg 1624) Frequency effects in the language

Supervised Doctoral Theses, completed: 1. Oliver EHMER: Fiktionalität in Alltagsgesprächen. Die gemeinsame Herstellung möglicher Welten in der mündlichen Interaktion (Stipendium Studienstiftung, abgeschlossen 2010, Nachwuchs-Preis für Gesprächsforschung 2008, im Druck bei de Gruyter, erscheint Februar 2011. 2. Juan ENNIS: Decir la lengua. Debates ideológicos en la Argentina (gemeinsam betreut mit Ralph Ludwig, Halle) abgeschlossen 2005, erschienen 2008 als Debates ideológico-lingüísticos en Argentina desde 1837. Frankfurt am Main, etc.: Lang. 3. José Javier MARTOS Ramos: La concesividad en el habla espontanea, Universität Sevilla, abgeschlossen 2004 (anerkannt als Europäisches Doktorat in Kooperation mit den Universitäten Oviedo und Sevilla) 4. Steve PAGEL: Spanisch im Pazifik. Emergenz und Restrukturierung, betreut gemeinsam mit Ralph Ludwig, Halle, abgeschlossen 2009 5. Soledad PEREYRA: Vom Ethnolekt zum Soziolekt? Zur sozialen und ästhetischen Funktionalisierung von Migrantenvarietäten in der zeitgenössischen argentinischen Literatur, abgeschlossen 2010, betreut zusammen mit Graciela Wamba, La Plata und Andreas Gelz, Freiburg 6. Espana VILLEGAS, Andines Spanisch Diskurstraditionen und Sprachwandel, abgeschlossen 2010, betreut zusammen mit Daniel Jacob. 7. Marie SKROVEC: Wiederholung als alltagsrhetorische Ressource, gefördert von Fritz-Thyssen-Stiftung, abgeschlossen 2010, in co-tutelle betreut zus. mit Sibylle Kriegel, Université de Provence 8. Dirk VETTER: Sprachwechsel und Sprachwandel: Chinesen in Argentinien (Stipendium der Landesgraduiertenförderung), abgeschlossen 2010 betreut zusammen mit Rolf Kailuweit THE FIVE MOST IMPORTANT PUBLICATIONS: a) Book publications: author or co-author 2010 Le français cosmopolite. Témoignages de la dynamique langagière dans l espace urbain du Caire, Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag; book publication with Cynthia Dermarkar. 2009 Gramática mestiza: Presencia del quechua en el castellano; La Paz: Academia Boliviana de la Lengua/Editorial Signo; book publication, 2 nd revised and extended edition 2010. 2008 La des/comunicación y sus re/medios, Buenos Aires: La Crujia; monography with Jörg Wagner. b) Journal article peer-reviewed 2008 Francophonie et typologie des situations, in: Cahiers de Linguistique : Revue de Sociolinguistique et de Sociologie de la langue française, 143-162; with Françoise Gadet and Ralph Ludwig.

2007 "Multiple retractions in spoken French and spoken German. A contrastive study in oral performance styles", in: Cahiers de Praxématique 48, 57-84; with Peter Auer. RECENT PUBLICATIONS (2009 2011) 1. Grammatical change in language contact: on the emergence of new (sub-) systems 1.1 General questions; different languages 2011 Constructions emergent and emerging, to appear in February 2011 as volume 6 of the FRIAS series: Linguae et Litterae: de Gruyter; edited by Peter Auer & Stefan Pfänder. 2011 Constructions emerging or emergent? Introduction in: Auer, P. & Pfänder, S. 2011 2011 Improvisation and Emergence, in: Auer, P. & Pfänder, S. (eds.); Essay by Stefan Pfänder with Oliver Ehmer and Thiemo Breyer 1.2 Francophony /World French 2009 Weltsprache Französisch Projekte und Perspektiven, in: Jahrbuch des Frankreichzentrums, 117-126; article by Stefan Pfänder in cooperation with Sibylle Kriegel and Lorenza Mondada. 2009 Arealtypologische Dimensionen der Sprachvarianz in der Frankophonie. Ägypten als Modellfall eines ökologisch-empirischen Modells, in: Romanistisches Jahrbuch (appeared 2009, but year of publication is 2008), 101-127; by Cynthia Dermarkar, Françoise Gadet and Ralph Ludwig with Stefan Pfänder. 1.3 Spanish language in America; Andean Spanish 2010 Gramática mestiza: Presencia del quechua en el castellano; La Paz: Academia Boliviana de la Lengua/Editorial Signo; Buchpublikation, 2. korr. und erweiterte Auflage des grammatischen Teilbandes der Monographie von Stefan Pfänder aus dem Jahr 2009, unter Mitarbeit von Juan Ennis, España Villegas und Mario Soto. 2009 Gramática mestiza: Presencia del quechua en el castellano, 2 Teilbände; La Paz: Academia Boliviana de la Lengua/Editorial Signo, Auszüge aus der Habilschrift von Stefan Pfänder publiziert als Monographie.

2. Language in Interaction: conversation analysis meets corpus linguistics 2011 Du jeu dans le système: Le syntagme verbal dans les français en Afrique in: Le Français en Afrique. Revue du Réseau des Observatoires du Français Contemporain en Afrique Noire 26, 185-194, Essay by Stefan Pfänder with Juan Ennis. 2010 Le français cosmopolite. Témoignages de la dynamique langagière dans l espace urbain du Caire, Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag; book publication by Cynthia Dermarkar and Stefan Pfänder. 2010 Donc, entre grammaire et discours. Pour une reprise de la recherche sur les universaux de la langue parlée à partir de nouveaux corpus, in: Drescher, Martina & Neumann-Holzschuh, Ingrid (eds.): Syntaxe de l'oral dans les variétés non-hexagonales du français, 183-196; essay by Marie Skrovec and Stefan Pfänder. 2010 Le français global - émergence, variation, francoversaux, in: Akten des Innsbrucker Romanistenkongresses, 83-96; essay by Stefan Pfänder with Cynthia Dermarkar, Claus Pusch and Marie Skrovec. 2009 Warum Venedigs Gondeln geradeaus fahren - Arti e mestieri d'italia. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag; Buchpublikation von Monica Scholz-Zappa und Stefan Pfänder. 2009 Improvisation. Kultur- und lebenswissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Freiburg: Rombach; gemeinsam erdacht und herausgegeben Maximilian Gröne, Hans- Joachim Gehrke, Frank-Rutger Hausmann, Stefan Pfänder und Bernhard Zimmermann, Tagung und Band mit Unterstützung der Fritz-Thyssen- Stiftung. 2009 "Sprache kann in jedem Moment ganz anders sein. Improvisationstechniken im Gespräch", in: Gröne, M. et al. (eds.): Improvisation. Kultur- und lebenswissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Freiburg: Rombach, 175-195, gemeinsam gefunden und beschrieben von Oliver Ehmer und Stefan Pfänder. 2009 Improvisation, in: Gröne, Maximilian et al. (eds.): Improvisation. Kultur- und lebenswissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Freiburg: Rombach, 25-34; Definitionsversuche in Form von Hypothesen vorgestellt von Stefan Pfänder zusammen mit Maximilian Gröne, Heymuth Omran und Steve Pagel. 2009 Tango und Breakdance: Improvisation und Flow, in: Gröne, M. et al. (eds.): Improvisation. Kultur- und lebenswissenschaftliche Perspektiven, Freiburg: Rombach, 159-174; Aufsatz von Eva Kimminich und Stefan Pfänder. 3. Discourse analysis, Sociolinguistics of globalization; New Media 2010 Zur -fragwürdigen- Legitimation des Laboratoriums Kreol(istik), in: Ludwig, Ralph & Röseberg, Dorothee (ed.) Tout-monde. Kreolität und Kulturkontakt in der Frankophonie, Frankfurt a.m. etc.: Lang, 257-282; eine Polemik von Stefan Pfänder, zugespitzt in Zusammenarbeit mit Juan Ennis. 2010 Der Schritt und die Stimme. Tango zwischen Migration und Transkription., in: Kailuweit, Rolf & Pfänder, Stefan & Vetter, Dirk (eds.): Migratio, Memoria und ihre Transkriptionen, Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag; Aufsatz von

Rolf Kailuweit und Stefan Pfänder. 2009 La unidad de la lengua y la irrupción de la lingüística: el caso Cuervo, in: Revista Argentina de Historiografía Lingüística, 175-193, nach einer Idee und aufnotiert von Juan Ennis und Stefan Pfänder, mit explizitem Dank an das FRIAS in der ersten Fußnote. 2009 Franko-Media: Aufriss einer französischen Sprach- und Medienwissenschaft, Berlin: Wissenschaftsverlag, herausgegeben von Rolf Kailuweit und Stefan Pfänder. 2009 "Warum wir sprechen wenn wir klicken. Die Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion als zukunftsweisendes Themenfeld für sprach- und medienwissenschaftliche Module in germanistischen und romanistischen Studiengängen (FrankoMedia / CreatingCultures, Freiburg und Interkulturelle Wissenskommunikation, Halle)", in: Kailuweit, Rolf & Pfänder, Stefan (eds.): Franko-Media: Aufriss einer französischen Sprach- und Medienwissenschaft, Berlin: Berliner Wissenschaftsverlag, 89-98; Ideensammlung von Jörg Wagner und Stefan Pfänder.