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1 Seite 1 von 8 NTUR STNDRD DT FORM For Special rotection reas (S), roposed Sites for Community Importance (psci), Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and for Special reas of Conservation (SC) SITE SITENME T Traun-Donau-uen TLE OF CONTENTS 1. SITE IDENTIFICTION 2. SITE LOCTION 3. ECOLOGICL INFORMTION 4. SITE DESCRITION 5. SITE ROTECTION STTUS ND RELTION WITH CORINE IOTOES 6. IMCTS ND CTIVITIES IN ND ROUND THE SITE 7. M OF THE SITE 1. SITE IDENTIFICTION 1.1 Type 1.2 Site code C T Site name Traun-Donau-uen 1.4 First Compilation date 1.5 Update date Respondent: Name/Organisation: ddress: Magistrat Linz, mt für Natur- und Umweltschutz, Naturkundliche Station Site indication and designation / classification dates Date site classified as S: National legal reference of S designation LGl.Nr. 79/2011 Date site proposed as SCI: Date site confirmed as SCI: No data Date site designated as SC: National legal reference of SC designation: LGl.Nr. 79/2011 file:///c:/rogram%20files/natura%202000%20sdf%20manager%20tool%202.1/x...

2 file:///c:/rogram%20files/natura%202000%20sdf%20manager%20tool%202.1/x... Seite 2 von 8 2. SITE LOCTION 2.1 Site-centre location [decimal degrees]: Longitude Latitude rea [ha]: 2.3 Marine area [%] Sitelength [km]: dministrative region code and name NUTS level 2 code T31 Region Name Oberösterreich 2.6 iogeographical Region(s) Continental ( %) 3. ECOLOGICL INFORMTION 3.1 Habitat types present on the site and assessment for them nnex I Habitat types Site assessment Code F N Cover [ha] Cave [number] Data quality C D C Representativity Relative Surface Conservation Global G C G C G C C G C C C G C C C 91E G 91F G C F: for the habitat types that can have a non-priority as well as a priority form (6210, 7130, 9430) enter "X" in the column F to indicate the priority form. N: in case that a habitat type no longer exists in the site enter: x (optional) Cover: decimal values can be entered Caves: for habitat types 8310, 8330 (caves) enter the number of caves if estimated surface is not available. Data quality: G = 'Good' (e.g. based on surveys); M = 'Moderate' (e.g. based on partial data with some extrapolation); = 'oor' (e.g. rough estimation) 3.2 Species referred to in rticle 4 of Directive 2009/147/EC and listed in nnex II of Directive 92/43/EEC and site evaluation for them Species opulation in the site Site assessment G Code Scientific Name S N T Size Unit Cat. D.qual. C D C

3 file:///c:/rogram%20files/natura%202000%20sdf%20manager%20tool%202.1/x... Seite 3 von 8 Min Max op. Con. Iso. Glo. 297 crocephalus scirpaceus 168 ctitis hypoleucos 168 ctitis hypoleucos r p G C C C r 0 1 i G C C C c 1 10 i G C C C 229 lcedo atthis p 3 5 i G C C 054 nas acuta c 3 9 i G C C C C 056 nas clypeata c 5 10 i G C C C 052 nas crecca w i G C 052 nas crecca c G C 050 nas penelope c i G C 050 nas penelope w i G C 055 nas querquedula c 5 20 i G C C 051 nas strepera c G 051 nas strepera w i G 039 nser fabalis c 0 5 i G D 029 rdea purpurea c 0 1 i G D 059 ythya ferina w i G C C 059 ythya ferina c G C C 061 ythya fuligula 061 ythya fuligula c G C C w i G C C 061 ythya fuligula r 5 8 p G C C 1188 ombina bombina p i G C 1193 ombina variegata p i G C C C 021 otaurus stellaris w 1 2 i G C C 067 ucephala clangula c G C C 067 ucephala clangula w i G C C M 1337 Castor fiber p 1 1 i G C C C 197 Chlidonias niger 081 Circus aeruginosus c 1 10 i G C C r 1 2 i G C C C 207 Columba oenas r 0 1 i G D 207 Columba oenas c G D F 1163 Cottus gobio p G C C C C I 1086 Cucujus cinnaberinus 238 Dendrocopos medius p M C C C p i G C 236 Dryocopus martius p 1 2 i G C C 027 Egretta alba w i G C C 027 Egretta alba c G C C 381 Emberiza schoeniclus r 5 10 p G C C

4 file:///c:/rogram%20files/natura%202000%20sdf%20manager%20tool%202.1/x... Seite 4 von Emberiza schoeniclus c G C C 099 Falco subbuteo r 1 2 p G C C C 321 Ficedula albicollis 321 Ficedula albicollis c 3 5 i G C C r 0 1 i G C C 002 Gavia arctica w 2 4 i G C C 001 Gavia stellata w 1 2 i G D 001 Gavia stellata c 1 2 i G D 075 Haliaeetus albicilla 022 Ixobrychus minutus w 1 2 i G D c 0 1 i G D 022 Ixobrychus minutus r 0 1 i G D 338 Lanius collurio r i G C C 340 Lanius excubitor w 0 2 i G D 182 Larus canus w G D 179 Larus ridibundus w i G C C I 1042 Leucorrhinia pectoralis p 0 1 i G D 291 Locustella fluviatilis r 3 5 p G C C C C 290 Locustella naevia r 3 5 p G C C C C 272 Luscinia svecica r 3 5 i G C C 068 Mergus albellus c 3 23 i G C 068 Mergus albellus 070 Mergus merganser 070 Mergus merganser 070 Mergus merganser w 1 15 i G C w 5 20 i G C C C r 2 4 i G C C C c G C C C 073 Milvus migrans c G C C 073 Milvus migrans F 1145 r 0 1 i G C C Misgurnus fossilis p G C C C 058 Netta rufina c 5 12 i G C C C 094 andion haliaetus c 0 1 i G D 072 ernis apivorus r 1 3 i G C C 017 halacrocorax carbo c G C 017 halacrocorax carbo w i G C 234 icus canus p 1 1 i G D 005 odiceps cristatus r 1 2 i G C C 005 odiceps cristatus 005 odiceps cristatus w i G C C c G C C

5 file:///c:/rogram%20files/natura%202000%20sdf%20manager%20tool%202.1/x... Seite 5 von odiceps grisegena c 1 2 i G D 006 odiceps grisegena w 1 2 i G D 008 odiceps nigricollis 008 odiceps nigricollis w 1 4 i G D c 1 4 i G D 119 orzana porzana c G C C C C 119 orzana porzana r 0 1 i G C C C C 118 Rallus aquaticus c G C C C 118 Rallus aquaticus r 10 p G C C C 336 Remiz pendulinus 336 Remiz pendulinus c G C C C C r 0 1 p G C C C C F 5339 Rhodeus amarus p G C C C C 210 Streptopelia turtur r p G C C 004 Tachybaptus ruficollis r 3 5 i G C 004 Tachybaptus ruficollis c G C 004 Tachybaptus ruficollis w i G C 166 Tringa glareola 165 Tringa ochropus 1166 Triturus cristatus c 1 20 i G C C C C c 1 4 i G C C C p i G C C C Group: = mphibians, = irds, F = Fish, I = Invertebrates, M = Mammals, = lants, R = Reptiles S: in case that the data on species are sensitive and therefore have to be blocked for any public access enter: yes N: in case that a species is no longer present in the site enter: x (optional) Type: p = permanent, r = reproducing, c = concentration, w = wintering (for plant and non-migratory species use permanent) Unit: i = individuals, p = pairs or other units according to the Standard list of population units and codes in accordance with rticle 12 and 17 reporting (see reference portal) bundance categories (Cat.): C = common, R = rare, V = very rare, = present - to fill if data are deficient (DD) or in addition to population size information Data quality: G = 'Good' (e.g. based on surveys); M = 'Moderate' (e.g. based on partial data with some extrapolation); = 'oor' (e.g. rough estimation); V = 'Very poor' (use this category only, if not even a rough estimation of the population size can be made, in this case the fields for population size can remain empty, but the field "bundance categories" has to be filled in) 3.3 Other important species of flora and fauna (optional) Species opulation in the site Motivation Group CODE Scientific Name S N Size Unit Cat. Species nnex Other categories Min Max C R V IV V C D ccipiter gentilis 1 1 X ccipiter nisus 1 2 X I crocephalus palustris X eshna isosceles 5 5 X

6 file:///c:/rogram%20files/natura%202000%20sdf%20manager%20tool%202.1/x... Seite 6 von 8 nacamptis pyramidalis X rdea cinerea 3 3 X I rachytron pratense X utomus umbellatus X Dendrocopos minor Euphorbia palustris X X Hippophae rhamnoides X Hippurus vulgaris X Hottonia palustris X Hyla arborea X Muscicapa striata X Orchis militaris X Oriolus oriolus X elobates fuscus X icus viridis 7 10 X otamogeton lucens X Rana dalmatina X Rana esculenta X Rana ridibunda X Rana temporaria X Sagitaria sagittifolia X Senecio fluviatilis X Stratiotes aloides X Sylvia borin X Sylvia communis 5 10 X Thalictrum flavum X Triturus carnifex X Group: = mphibians, = irds, F = Fish, Fu = Fungi, I = Invertebrates, L = Lichens, M = Mammals, = lants, R = Reptiles CODE: for irds, nnex IV and V species the code as provided in the reference portal should be used in addition to the scientific name S: in case that the data on species are sensitive and therefore have to be blocked for any public access enter: yes N: in case that a species is no longer present in the site enter: x (optional) Unit: i = individuals, p = pairs or other units according to the standard list of population units and codes in accordance with rticle 12 and 17 reporting, (see reference portal) Cat.: bundance categories: C = common, R = rare, V = very rare, = present Motivation categories: IV, V: nnex Species (Habitats Directive), : National Red List data; : Endemics; C: International Conventions; D: other reasons

7 file:///c:/rogram%20files/natura%202000%20sdf%20manager%20tool%202.1/x... Seite 7 von 8 4. SITE DESCRITION 4.1 General site character Habitat class % Cover N N N N N N N N Total Habitat Cover 100 Other Site Characteristics Trotz der Lage im intensiv genutzten Linzer Zentralraum konnte sich ein in weiten ereichen relativ naturnahes uwald-ökosystem erhalten. Das Gebiet ist von intensiven Nutzungen (großer Industriebetrieb, bfalldeponie, Großkläranlage) umgeben. Teilbereiche werden durch die Wohnbevölkerung des Großraumes Linz zu Erholungszwecken genutzt. Die Donau wurde in das Schutzgebiet nicht einbezogen, da sie in diesem bschnitt aufgestaut und technisch massiv verbaut ist. Dies schränkt die uendynamik stark ein. Die Superspecies "Kammmolch" ist im Gebiet in einer Misch- bzw. Hybridpopulation aus Triturus cristatus und Triturus carnifex vertreteten. 4.2 Quality and importance Größter zusammenhängender uwald im oberösterreichischen Zentralraum mit bedeutenden Vorkommen seltener und gefährdeter Gefäßpflanzen (insg. 61 Taxa auf der nationalen Roten Liste), davon einige rten mit dem bislang einzigen (gesichert autochthonen) Vorkommen in Oberösterreich. Für manche rten ist trotz erheblicher Veränderungen in ezug auf die Hydrologie des uengebietes (nach Kraftwerksbau kaum noch überschwemmt) ein kontinuierliches Vorkommen seit mehr als 100 Jahren gesichert. Zudem finden sich hier einige bemerkenswerte Vergesellschaftungen und iotoptypen, etwa Weißpappel-uwälder (Fraxino-opuletum albae). uch aus faunistischer Sicht sehr wertvoll, regional bedeutend für mphibien und von überregionaler edeutung für Wasservögel, v.a. als Überwinterungsgebiet. 4.3 Threats, pressures and activities with impacts on the site The most important impacts and activities with high effect on the site Negative Impacts Threats and Rank pressures [code] ollution (optional) [code] L D01.02 o L H04 i L E02.03 o M E01.01 o L G01.01 i M F03.01 i L D01.04 o L D02.01 i M H06.01 i L G05.01 i L D02.01 o L F04 i M G05 i M K01.03 i L K02.03 i H i M K01.02 i L G01.02 i inside/outside [i o b] ositive Impacts ctivities, ollution inside/outside Rank management (optional) [i o b] [code] [code] M F03.01 i

8 Seite 8 von 8 M F02.03 i Rank: H = high, M = medium, L = low ollution: N = Nitrogen input, = hosphor/hosphate input, = cid input/acidification, T = toxic inorganic chemicals, O = toxic organic chemicals, X = Mixed pollutions i = inside, o = outside, b = both 4.5 Documentation s. eilage 5. SITE ROTECTION STTUS (optional) 5.1 Designation types at national and regional level: Code Cover [%] Code Cover [%] Code Cover [%] T T T SITE MNGEMENT 6.1 ody(ies) responsible for the site management: Organisation: ddress: mt für Natur- und Umweltschutz Naturkundliche Station Hauptstraße Linz Management lan(s): n actual management plan does exist: X Yes Name: Managementplan "Traun-Donau-uen T " Link: No, but in preparation No 6.3 Conservation measures (optional) Ökologischer Waldentwicklungsplan Gewässerentwicklungskonzept iotopkartierung Traun-Donau-uen 7. M OF THE SITES INSIRE ID: Map delivered as DF in electronic format (optional) Yes X No Reference(s) to the original map used for the digitalisation of the electronic boundaries (optional). file:///c:/rogram%20files/natura%202000%20sdf%20manager%20tool%202.1/x...


NATURA STANDARD DATA FORM Seite 1 von 6 NTUR 2000 - STNDRD DT FORM For Special rotection reas (S), roposed Sites for Community Importance (psci), Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and for Special reas of Conservation (SC) SITE



NATURA STANDARD DATA FORM Seite 1 von 5 NATURA 2000 - STANDARD DATA FORM For Special Protection Areas (SPA), Proposed Sites for Community Importance (psci), Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and for Special Areas of Conservation



NATURA STANDARD DATA FORM Seite 1 von 7 NATURA 2000 - STANDARD DATA FORM For Special rotection Areas (SA), roposed Sites for Community Importance (psci), Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and for Special Areas of Conservation



NATURA STANDARD DATA FORM NATURA 2000 - STANDARD DATA FORM For Special Protection Areas (SPA), Proposed Sites for Community Importance (psci), Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and for Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) SITE



NATURA STANDARD DATA FORM Seite 1 von 7 NATURA 2000 - STANDARD DATA FORM For Special rotection Areas (SA), roposed Sites for Community Importance (psci), Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and for Special Areas of Conservation



NATURA STANDARD DATA FORM Seite 1 von 5 NATURA 2000 - STANDARD DATA ORM or Special Protection Areas (SPA), Proposed Sites for Community Importance (psci), Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and for Special Areas of Conservation



NATURA STANDARD DATA FORM Seite 1 von 5 NATURA 2000 - STANDARD DATA FORM For Special Protection Areas (SPA), Proposed Sites for Community Importance (psci), Sites of Community Importance (SCI) and for Special Areas of Conservation


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Zusammenhängendes Waldgebiet mit Teichkomplexen, naturnahen Kleingewässern und ausgedehnten moorigen Senken, durchsetzt mit Feuchtwiesen

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VDE Prüf- und Zertifizierungsinstitut

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P r ü f b e r i c h t Test-Report

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Test Report No

Test Report No TFI Charlottenburger Allee 41 52068 Aachen Germany Charlottenburger Allee 41 52068 Aachen Germany Egetaepper A/S Postafch 1 90 7400 Herning DÄNEMARK Fon +49.241.9679 00 Fax +49.241.9679 200


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APPLICATION. DeutscherAkademischerAustauschDienst GERMAN ACADEMIC EXCHANGE SERVICE 871 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017

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Exercise (Part II) Anastasia Mochalova, Lehrstuhl für ABWL und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Kath. Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt 1

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Test Report No

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VDE Prüf- und Zertifizierungsinstitut

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ISO 15504 Reference Model

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VDE Prüf- und Zertifizierungsinstitut Zeichengenehmigung

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