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2 EXCELLENCE in ENT AESCULAP AG & CO. KG Tuttlingen / Germany Phone ++49 (74 61) 95-0 Telex , Fax ++49 (74 61) C Edition / Ausgabe 2/01 Reprinting even partially is not allowed. Nachdruck, auch auszugsweise, verboten.

3 Tradition Founded by Gottfried Jetter in 1867 as an instrument workshop, AESCULAP quickly progressed to become the world's biggest manufacturer of surgical instruments. The staff and serpent of Aesculapius, surmounted with a crown, serves as the company's trademark and has been a symbol of quality and reliability for over 100 years. AESCULAP s headquarters is in Tuttlingen, a location renowned throughout the world as a centre for medical technology. Numerous branches in important markets enable the company to provide onthe-spot, market-specific customer care. Whereas in the early years AESCULAP began by concentrating on manufacturing basic surgical instruments, over the decades the company steadily expanded its range of products. Systematic diversification enabled it to develop into an all-round supplier in the field of surgical medicine. In a process of continuous cooperation with leading surgeons throughout the world, innovative operating techniques and instruments for improved patient care are being developed in areas ranging from general surgery to endoscopic procedures. These also encompass the specialist disciplines such as micro-neurosurgery, spine surgery, cardio-thoracic surgery, maxillofacial surgery, ENT and orthopaedics (joint implants, osteosynthesis, motor systems). From the outset, innovation was the driving force behind AESCULAP's rapid development. At the same time, human health has always been our central concern. Today's AESCULAP innovations provide the basis for tomorrow's conventional techniques. II

4 Innovation Das Weltunternehmen AESCULAP, von Gottfried Jetter als Instrumentenwerkstätte im Jahre 1867 gegründet, entwickelte sich in kurzer Zeit zum weltweit größten Hersteller chirurgischer Instrumente. Seit über 100 Jahren steht der AESCULAP-Schlangenstab für Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit. Der Stammsitz von AESCULAP ist Tuttlingen, weltweit bekannt als Zentrum der Medizintechnik. Niederlassungen in einer Vielzahl wichtiger Märkte garantieren eine kundennahe und marktspezifische Betreuung. Während sich AESCULAP in den Anfangsjahren zunächst auf die Produktion von chirurgischem Basisinstrumentarium konzentrierte, erweiterte das Unternehmen im Laufe der Jahrzehnte kontinuierlich sein Produktprogramm. Spezialdisziplinen, wie z. B. Mikro-Neuro-Chirurgie, Wirbelsäulen-Chirurgie, Herz-Thorax- Chirurgie, Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirurgie, HNO, Orthopädie (Gelenk-Implantate, Osteosynthese, Motoren-Systeme) bis hin zur endoskopischen Chirurgie werden in ständiger Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Opera-teuren in der ganzen Welt neuartige OP-Techniken und Instrumente zum Wohle des Patienten entwickelt. Von Beginn an war Innovation die Triebfeder für die rasante Weiterentwicklung von AESCULAP. Hierbei stand und steht die Gesundheit des Menschen stets im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns. AESCULAP-Innovationen von heute sind die Basis für die Tradition von morgen. Durch gezielte Diversifikation gelang die Entwicklung zum Komplettanbieter im Bereich der operativen Medizin. Von der Allgemeinchirurgie über Centre of Excellence, ENT, Sheffield, England III

5 Competence in Surgery Surgery is currently facing drastic changes. The current state of medical and technological knowledge means that operations can be performed with ever greater precision and using less and less invasive techniques. Along with the availability of increasingly sophisticated diagnostic tools, the decisive factor underlying this progress is the parallel ongoing development of the entire range of surgical instruments. With its new and innovative products, AESCULAP is playing a decisive part in this development. AESCULAP's products are developed strictly "in the realms of practice, for the realms of practice". This applies as much to new and innovative areas, such as minimally invasive surgery, as to standard surgical instruments in general. Throughout the world, AESCULAP products have proved themselves in day-to-day practice, not least from the point of view of quality and cost. With limited investment budgets available, optimized hospital procedures and resulting efficiency gains offer a means of making better use of existing resources. AESCULAP's range of services can help to achieve such improvements. The following service components enable us to meet the ever increasing demands of the future: Our many years of experience and competence in the field of planning and advice The world renowned excellent quality of our products Our high level of product availability Individual and practice-oriented service concepts to maintain the value of your surgical instruments Continuous new opportunities for ongoing and further training in the form of the courses offered by the AESCULAP ACADEMY. This ENT/HNO Catalogue now combines for the first time, the portfolios from both AESCULAP and DOWNS. This substantial combination gives a broad range of surgical products used within the ENT/HNO operating departments worldwide. IV

6 Die Chirurgie steht heute vor einschneidenden Veränderungen. Die aktuellen medizinischen und technologischen Erkenntnisse bilden die Grundlage dafür, operative Eingriffe immer präziser und schonender vorzunehmen. Das entscheidende Element für diesen Fortschritt ist neben der zunehmenden Verfeinerung der diagnostischen Möglichkeiten die parallele Weiterentwicklung des chirurgischen Instrumentariums in seiner Gesamtheit. Mit neuen innovativen Produkten leistet AESCULAP zu dieser Entwicklung einen entscheidenden Beitrag. AESCULAP-Entwicklungen entstehen grundsätzlich Aus der Praxis für die Praxis. Dies gilt für neue Innovationsfelder wie z. B. die minimalinvasive Chirurgie genauso, wie für den Bereich des allgemeinchirurgischen Standardinstrumentariums. AESCULAP-Produkte haben sich in der täglichen Praxis, auch unter Kostenaspekten weltweit bewährt. In Anbetracht limitierter Investitionsbudgets ist auch die Optimierung der Prozessabläufe im Krankenhaus und der damit vorhandenen Effizienzsteigerung ein Weg, vorhandene Ressourcen besser auszunutzen. Das AESCULAP-Dienstleistungsangebot hilft Ihnen dabei: Langjährige Erfahrung und Kompetenz im Bereich Planung und Beratung Die bekannte, ausgezeichnete Produktqualität Die hohe Lieferbereitschaft ab Lager Individuelle und praxisorientierte Servicekonzepte zur Werterhaltung Ihres chirurgischen Instrumentariums Ständig neue Fort- und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten durch das Kursangebot der AESCULAP-AKADEMIE Dies sind die einzelnen Bausteine, um die ständig wachsenden Anforderungen der Zukunft zu erfüllen. Wir freuen uns, Ihnen zum ersten Mal die Produktpaletten von AESCULAP und DOWNS in einem HNO-Katalog präsentieren zu können. Sie finden hier ein breites Angebot chirurgischer Produkte, die sich in der HNO-Chirurgie weltweit bewährt haben. V

7 Q uality Whilst skill, precision and continuity are important factors in the success of surgical operations, equally similar high standards need to be applied to the surgical instruments used. Optical instruments, callipers and test equipment create demonstratable precision and play an essential part in quality control, but such means of verification cannot even come close to replacing the human senses. The trained, critical eye of the craftsman sees the shape and form of an instrument as a complete whole. Only the fine feeling of his hands can gauge elasticity and tension, sense smoothness of movement or the gentle clicking into position of the locking mechanism. Standards (DIN, ISO) have been created to define and monitor quality targets. A Company that continuously meets such standards over a period of many years and also defines even more exacting tolerances for their own requirements can justifiably claim to practice quality management. Since January 1995, AESCULAP has held certifications based on the highest and most exacting standards required of medical products: DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN and Annex II of EU medical products Directive 93/42/EEC. This enables the company to meet the conditions required for use of the CE mark. However, AESCULAP provides consistent quality assurance completely independently of the Tuttlingen site. All production sites are certified according to standards DIN EN ISO 9001 / DIN EN or DIN EN ISO 9002 / DIN EN All company staff are involved in the process of meeting quality standards. VI

8 Operationsablauf sind wichtige Parameter für das Gelingen eines chirurgischen Eingriffs. Ebenso hoch muß der Anspruch an das zum Einsatz kommende chirurgische Instrumentarium sein. Optische Geräte, Meßlehren und Testvorrichtungen machen Präzision nachweisbar. Sie sind unverzichtbare Bestandteile einer Qualitätskontrolle, und doch können solche Kontrollinstanzen die menschlichen Sinne nicht annähernd ersetzen. Das geschulte und kritische Auge des Fachmannes sieht die Form und Gestaltung eines Instrumentes in der Gesamtheit. Nur mit der Sensibilität seiner Hände fühlt er die Elastizität und Spannung, die Gleichmäßigkeit des Ganges oder das weiche Einrasten der Sperre. Normen (DIN, ISO) wurden geschaffen, um Zielkorridore zu definieren und zu kontrollieren. Wer solche Normen über Jahre hinaus nicht nur erfüllt, sondern die darin definierten Toleranzen für seine eigenen Ansprüche noch enger eingrenzt, kann mit Fug und Recht behaupten, Qualitätsmanagement zu leben. ualitätqpräzision und Kontinuität im Q AESCULAP ist bereits seit dem 1. Januar 1995 nach der höchsten und schwierigsten Anforderung für Medizinprodukte zertifiziert: DIN EN ISO 9001, DIN EN und Anhang II der Medizinprodukterichtlinie 93/42/EWG und hat damit bereits die Voraussetzungen zur CE-Kennzeichnung geschaffen. Aber auch völlig unabhängig vom Standort Tuttlingen sorgt AESCULAP für gleichbleibende Qualität. Alle Fertigungsstätten sind nach den Normen DIN EN ISO 9001 / DIN EN oder DIN EN ISO 9002 / DIN EN zertifiziert. Alle Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens sind in den Prozeß der Erfüllung der Qualitätsanforderungen eingebunden. VII

9 Technical ServiceWer Surgeons whose work involves konzentriert concentrated, routine and frequent operations need an operating system that offers the best possible functionality throughout. The need for this state of readiness applies to the entire range of technical equipment, from scalpels to vascular clamps or needle holders. AESCULAP provides the necessary preconditions for this by means of a team of highly qualified instrument makers and medical technicians. These serve as competent contacts available for discussion on such issues as how to maintain the value of equipment, or how to tackle upkeep and repairs, particular emphasis being placed on maintaining the value of surgical instruments in daily use. Individual and practice-oriented service concepts ensure fast, intelligent and economical maintenance and repair services. At a time when financial resources are under scrutiny, these services are particularly important factors, for you are also important for us. und routiniert und auch oft unter Notfallbedingungen operiert, braucht die bestmögliche Funktionalität des gesamten operativen Systems. Dieser Einsatzbereitschaft unterliegt auch das gesamte technische Equipment, angefangen vom Skalpell bis hin zur Gefäßklemme oder dem Nadelhalter. Die Voraussetzung hierfür schafft AESCULAP durch ein starkes Team an hochqualifizierten Instrumentenmachern und Medizintechnikern als kompetente Ansprechpartner zu den Themen Werterhaltung, Instandhaltung und Reparatur. Hierbei kommt der Werterhaltung des täglich verwendeten chirurgischen Instrumentariums eine besondere Bedeutung zu. Individuelle und praxisorientierte Servicekonzepte gewährleisten schnelle, intelligente und wirtschaftliche Instandhaltungs- und Reparaturleistungen. Dies ist in Zeiten immer knapper werdender Ressourcen für Sie besonders wichtig und für uns eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Technischer Service VIII

10 AESCULAPIUM the thirst for knowledge calls for a competent forum! Today, public speaking skills, the ability to motivate staff and manage conflicts and a basic knowledge of business management form part and parcel of routine hospital work. Courses on such subjects form as much a part of the training offered by AESCU- LAP ACADEMY GMBH as hands-on courses on microvascular, neuroendoscopic and laparoscopic or thoracoscopic operation techiques. Amid modern surroundings and interesting architecture of the AESCULAPIUM, you can find out everything you ever wanted to know about flat-rate case payments, special remuneration arrangements or quality management. From a functional point of view, the AESCULAPIUM is a new forum for communication in medicine. It offers all the technical facilities needed to demonstrate new operating techniques and technical highlights in the field of medicine, in the form of workshops, which are closely modelled on practical conditions, or for live operations that are relayed to the AESCULAPIUM s lecture theatre by satellite. Video-conferences are also easy to arrange. Exchanges of experiences and interdisciplinary dialogues with recognized international exponents of specific viewpoints feature regularly in the AESCULAPIUM s calendar of events. For further details, please call us on ++49 (0) to request an up-to-date list of events organized by AESCULAP ACADEMY GMBH or consult AESCULAP s Internet homepage: denn Ihr Wissensdurst braucht ein kompetentes Forum! Rhetorik, Motivation, Konfliktmanagement oder betriebswirtschaftliches Basiswissen gehören heute zum Werkzeug im klinischen Alltag. Diese Weiterbildungsangebote sind ebenso im Seminarprogramm der AESCULAP AKADEMIE GMBH enthalten wie hands-on Kurse für mikrogefäßchirurgische, neuroendoskopische und laparoskopische bzw. thoraskopische Operastionstechniken. In hochmoderner und architektonisch interessanter Umgebung vertiefen Sie sich in aktuelle Themenkreise wie Fallpauschalen, Sonderentgeltregelungen oder Qualitätsmanagement. Funktional bietet das AESCULAPIUM, das neue Forum für Kommunikation in der Medizin, alle technischen Möglichkeiten, um neue OP-Techniken und technologische Highlights in der Medizin praxisnah in Workshops zu demonstrieren und Operationen per Satellit in den Hörsaal des AESCULAPIUMs zu übertragen. Auch Videokonferenzen sind kein Problem. Erfahrungsaustausch und interdisziplinärer Dialog mit anerkannten, internationalen Meinungsführern sind regelmäßig im Veranstaltungskalender des AESCULAPIUMs zu finden. Das aktuelle Veranstaltungsangebot der AESCULAP AKADEMIE GMBH können Sie unter Telefon ++49 (0) oder im Internet unter anfordern. IX

11 Planning and Consulting In an age of managed care, quality assurance circles and rapid progress in the field of minimally invasive surgical techniques the future has already begun today. This future vision invariably also means investment in human resources and technology. Limits on financial resources in the healthcare sector and increasingly complex documentation and settlement procedures mean that decisions on such investments are becoming increasingly important, but at the same time more and more difficult. Investment and future two concepts that have now become more important than ever before. For only those who make the right investments today will be in a position to reap the benefits of those investments tomorrow. Having devoted particular attention to the demand for competent and fair advice, AESCULAP has continually expanded this area of service. Workable planning for hospital surgical departments depends partly on sound analyses of the actual situation in and around the operating theatre. Indeed, if new long-term objectives are envisaged, there is no alternative to a detailed appraisal of the status quo. This is where our AESCULAP planning and advice team can help. We analyse the quality, condition and further usability of your present set of instruments quickly, thoroughly, competently and independently. We then work with you to develop facility criteria indicating the most efficient way to put your plans into practice. Although every hospital with a surgical department has its own individual problem profile, there are standard situations applicable to the planning of operating theatre instrument trays. AESCULAP can call upon decades of data, creating a useful tool to provide you with fast, practical solutions to problems a surgical instrument library that you can fall back on if and when the specific need arises. We have given the utmost priority to ensuring that our planning and advice enables you to take your decisions on a basis of maximum certainty. Plans to expand, strengthen or restructure facilities can only be addressed properly if you are, for example, aware of the current status of your instruments. X

12 In Zeiten von Managed Care, Qualitätssicherungszirkeln und der rasanten Weiterentwicklung von minimalinvasiven chirurgischen Techniken hat die Zukunft heute schon begonnen. Und Zukunft bedeutet immer auch Investition in Personal und Technologie. In Anbetracht begrenzter finanzieller Ressourcen im Gesundheitswesen und komplexer werdender Dokumentationsund Abrechnungsabläufe werden Entscheidungen über solche Investitionen immer wichtiger, aber auch schwieriger. Investition und Zukunft - zwei Begriffe, die heute mehr denn je an Gewicht gewonnen haben. Denn nur wer heute richtig investiert, wird morgen die Früchte dieser Investitionen ernten können. Der Nachfrage nach kompetenter und fairer Beratung hat sich AESCULAP besonders gewidmet. Deshalb ist auch dieser Servicebereich permanent ausgebaut worden. Eine Voraussetzung einer tragfähigen Planung für die operativen Bereiche eines Klinikums sind fundierte Analysen des IST-Zustandes rund um den OP. Nur wer genau weiß, wie z.b. der aktuelle Status des Instrumentariums ist, kann sinnvoll eine Erweiterung, Aufstockung oder Umstrukturierung angehen. Wer gar langfristige neue Ziele im Planung Auge hat, kommt um die detaillierte Aufarbeitung des Bestehenden nicht herum. Unser AESCULAP Planungs- und Beratungs-Team hilft Ihnen hierbei. D. h. wir analysieren schnell, gründlich, kompetent und unabhängig Ihr momentanes Instrumentarium auf Qualität, Zustand und weitere Verwendbarkeit. Gemeinsam mit Ihnen entwickeln wir Ausstattungskriterien, wie Ihre Pläne am effizientesten umgesetzt werden können. Problembeschreibungen aus operativ tätigen Kliniken sind immer individuell und doch gibt es Standardsituationen zur OP-Siebeplanung. Jahrzehntelange Erfahrungswerte hat AESCULAP zu einem für Sie nützlichen Instrument der schnellen, praxisnahen Problemlösung zusammengefaßt eine OP-Siebbibliothek, auf die Sie bei konkretem Bedarf zurückgreifen können. Wir haben es uns zur obersten Devise gemacht, Ihnen durch unsere Planung und Beratung ein Höchstmaß an Entscheidungs-Sicherheit mit auf den Weg zu geben. und Beratung XI

13 EXCELLENCE in ENT Table of Contents Inhaltsübersicht Otology Otologie 1 46 Ear Microsurgery Ohr Mikrochirurgie Rhinology Rhinologie Rhinoplasty Septum und Nasenplastik Sinus and Hypophysectomy Sinus and Hypophyse Adenoidectomy Tonsillectomy Adenotomie Tonsillektomie Laryngology Laryngologie XII

14 Table of Contents Inhaltsübersicht EXCELLENCE in ENT General Surgical Instruments Instrumente aus dem Hauptkatalog Motor Systems Motoren Systeme Endoscopy Endoskopie HF-Surgery, Accessories HF-Chirurgie, Zubehör Alphabetical Index Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis Numerical Index Nummernverzeichnis Comparison List Nummernvergleichsliste XIII

15 EXCELLENCE in ENT Alphabetical Index Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis

16 EXCELLENCE in ENT Alphabetical Index Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis A ABBEY, Sub-mucosal needle 102 ABRAHAM, Tonsil knives 200 -Tonsil holding forceps 197 Abscess Forceps 201 -Knives 200 Adenoid Curettes Cutting forceps 213 -Punch 213 Adenotomes 212 ADSON, Haemostatic forceps 301 -Dissecting forceps 294 ADSON-BROWN, Tissue forceps 138, 295 AESCULAP, Universal handles 151, 224 AGNEW, Myringotome 31 Air douche 20 Alar retractors 118, 121 Alligator forceps 55, 248 ALLPORT, Mastoid retractors 42 ALM, Retractors 318 Antrum applicators 149 -Cannula Curettes 152, 157 -Elevators 152 -Punches Rasps 149 -Retractor 154 -Trocars Trocar chisels 150 -Trocar needles 149 Applicators -Ear-Microsurgery 49 -Laryngeal 221 -Nasal 84 -Otology Postnasal 214 ASH, Septum straightening forceps 128 Atraumata forceps 294, 297, 306 AUFRICHT, Rasps 126 -Retractor speculum 117 Aural magnifier 15 Awls 216 B BABY-ADSON, Dissecting- and ligature forceps 302 -Retractors 317 BABY-CRlLE (PEAN), Haemostatic forceps 300 BABY-CRlLE (KOCHER), Haemostatic forceps 304 BABY-CRlLE-WOOD, DUROGRlP-Needleholder 322 BABY-METZENBAUM, DUROTlP -Dissecting forceps 66, 137, BABY-MILLER, Blades for laryngoscopes 251 BABY-MlXTER, Dissecting- and ligature forceps 302 BABY-MOSQUlTO, Haemostaticic forceps 299 BABY-OVERHOLT, Dissecting and ligature forceps 302 BABY-ROUX, Wound retractor 312 BACKHAUS, Towel clamps 308 Bayonet chisel 165 BALLENGER, Septum gouges 92, 124 -Swivel knives 93 Bandage and cloth scissors 279 BANE-HARTMANN, Rongeurs 44 BARANY, Noise apparatus BARNHILL, Adenoid curettes 211 BARRAQUER, Micro-needleholders 325 BARRON, Suction cannulae 71 BARSKY, Skin hook retractor 119 BARTH-PRYSlNG, Aural curettes 36 Battery handles 251, 255 Baskets, wire 61 BAUMGARTNER Needleholders 320 BEALES, Hook 49 -Raspatory 53 -Tendon knife 50 BECK, Rongeur 162 BECKMANN, Adenoid curettes Aural and nasal speculum 62 -nasal specula 76 BELLUCCI, Micro scissors 57 -Suction cannula 70 BEYER, Rongeurs 43, 45 BEYER-BÖHLER, Rongeurs 45 BlLLEAU, Aural loops 24 Binocular loupe 6 Biopsy forceps 212, Punches 233, 248 Bipod 194 Bipolar cables 365 Bipolar coagulator 364 Bipolar coagulation forceps 368 Bipolar footswitch 365 BIRKETT Haemostatic forceps 206 Blades - Breaker 112 -Laryngoscope Palate 189 -Scalpels 260, 262, 264 -Tongue Tonsillotome 205 BLOHMKE, Tonsil seizing forceps 197 BLUMENTHAL, Rongeurs 43 BOETTCHER, Tonsil scissors 202 BÖHLER, Bone cutting pliers 44 -Rongeurs 45 BOlES, Nasal fracture elevator 128 Bone Crusher 127 -Cutting forceps 129 -Punches 46, BOSE, Tracheal ligature needles Tracheal retractors 242 BOUCHERON, Aural specula 9 Bougies Frontal sinus 157 BOWMAN, Eye-probes 309 BRAUN, Tissue grasping forceps 330 Bronchoscopic and oesophagoscopic forceps

17 Alphabetical Index Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis EXCELLENCE in ENT BRUENINGS, Aural magnifier 15 -Septatomes 88 -Septum forceps 97 -Tips for universal handles and tubes 225 -Tongue depressors 184 -Tonsil knives 200 -Tonsil snares 203 -Tubes 204 -Universal handles 151, 224 BRUENINGS-BRUNK, Antrum retractors 154 BUCHWALD, Tongue depressors 184 BUCK, Applicator 22 -Aural curettes 24 -Aural forceps 24 Bulbs Spare 7, BULL, Nasal saws 127 Bulldog clamps 307 -Scissors 134 Button-end knife 113 C CAIRNS, Self-retaining retractor 41 Calipers 119 Camera drapes sterile 353, 355 Cannulas -lnsulated, for suction and coagulation 236 -Irrigating antrum Laryngeal 250 -Nasal snares 85 -Suction , 246 Cartilage scissors 105 CARRUTH, Venturi tube 230 -Suction tube 230 -Scalpel handle 265 CASTROVIEJO, Caliper 119 Catheters eustachian 20 Cautery burners 103 CAWTHORNE, Cerumen hook 25 -Aural forceps 29, 59 -Scissors 59 Cerumen pick and wool carrier 24 Cerumen scoop and hook 23 CHADWICK, Scissors 277 Chest support 194, 227, 230 CHEVALIER JACKSON, Vocal nodule forceps 248 -Laryngeal grasping forceps 248 Chisels -Antrum 150 -Ear 38-39, 63 -Fishtail 122 -Foot plate 63 -Haemostatic 38 -Otology Rhinoplasty 122 -Septum 91 Choana hook 84 CHOMPRET, Raspatories 216 ClNELLI, Osteotomes 123 CITELLl, Bone punches 46, 156 CITELLI-BEYER, Bone punch 46 Clamps Bulldog 308 -Columella 138 -Fixation 14 -Towel CLAR, Head light 6, 7 CLAUS van ElCKEN, Suture hooks 208 -Ligature needles 208 Cleaning and sterilization 61 Cleaning brush 240 Cloth scissors 279 Coagulation cable 173, 236 -Forceps Suction cannula 236 -Coagulation probe 234 Coagulators Bipolar 364 COAKLEY, Antrum curettes 152 -Antrum trocars and wash tubes COLLEDGE, Laryngectomy tubes 238 Columella clamp 138 COLVER, Tonsil seizing forceps 196 Comedone extractors 144 Cones 149 Conical metal pipe 19 Containers 61 CONVERSE, Alar retractors 121 -Button-end knife 113 -Needleholders 319 COOPER, Surgical scissors 267 CORDES, Tips for universal handles and tubes 226 CORWIN, Tonsil haemostat 207 COTTLE, Alar retractor 121 -Bulldog scissors 134 -Chisels 122 -Chisel-Osteotomes 122 -Columella clamp 138 -Dorsal scissors 134 -Elevators 114 -Fishtail 122 -Lower lateral forceps 138 -Mallets 40, 92, Nasal speculae 78, 110 -Osteotomes 122 -Retractors 121 -Self-retaining septum specula 165 -Septum knife 113 -Septum speculum 78-79, , 165 -Tenaculum 118 COTTLE-KNAPP, Plastic scissors 136, 269 COTTLE-MASING, Nasal plastic scissors 135, 285 COTTLE-WALSHAM, Septum straightening forceps 128 CRAIG, Septum bone cutting and breaking forceps 94 CRAIG AUFRIGHT, Nasal retractor fibre optic 117 CRAIG-DOMNICK, Septum bone cutting and breaking forceps 94 CRlLE, Haemostatic forceps 301,

18 EXCELLENCE in ENT Alphabetical Index Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis CRILE-WOOD, Needleholders 320, 322 Curettes Adenoid Antrum , Ear 26, 36 -Ear microsurgery 54 -Endaural 37 -Mouth 216 -Pituitary 175 CUSHING, Buttoned hook 118 CUSHING -LANDOLT, Specula 164 CZERNY, Tissue grasping forceps 330 D DAVID eco Camera consisting of Camera head control unit 351 -Camera head 351 DAVID 1 CHIP Camera consisting of BNC connecting cable 353 -Camera control unit 353 -Camera head and cable 353 -Endolens, f = 30 mm 353 -Endolens, f = 40 mm 353 -Remote control cable, 1,7 m 353 -Sterile camera drape, (disposable) 353 -S-VHS connecting cable 353 -V/C mount adapter 353 DAVID 3 CHIP Camera consisting of Beamsplitter, f = 28 mm, C mount 355 -BNC connecting cable, 2 m 355 -Camera control unit 355 -Camera head and cable 355 -D-sub 9 Pin-RGB cable, 2 m 355 -Endolens, f=30 mm 355 -Remote control cable, 1,7 m 355 -RGB-RGB cable, 2 m 355 -S-VHS Connecting cable, 3 m 355 -Title generator 355 DAVIS-BOYLE, Mouth gags 189 -Tongue blades 192 DAVlS-MEYER, Mouth gags 189 -Tongue blades 191 DEAN, Tonsil scissors 202 De BAKEY, Bulldog clamps 307 -DUROGRlP-Needleholders 139, , 323 -Atraumatic forceps De BAKEY HESS, Bulldog clamps 307 DENHARDT, Mouth gags 187 DENlS BROWNE, Tonsil holding forceps 197 Depressors tongue Dermal punches 146 DESCHAMPS, Ligature needles 208, 327 Diagnostic -Heads Set 3 DIETER, Malleus nipper 58 Dilators Tracheal 242 DINGMANN, Bone holding forceps 141 -Mouth gag 188 Directors 309 Dissecting forceps 138, , 295 -Scissors 32, 64-66, , , , , 287 Dissectors 52, 88-90, 176 -Suction 90, 117 -Micro 179 -Tonsil 199 Dorsal scissors 134 Double picks 120 DOUGHTY, Tongue blades 193 DOYEN, Rib raspatories 140 DOYEN -COLLlN, Mouth gags 186 DOYEN -JANSEN, Mouth gags 186 DRAFFlN, Bipod 194 Dressing forceps 66, 81-83, 201 DUPLAY, Dressing forceps 201 -Nasopharyngeal sponge holding forceps 214 -Sponge forceps 329 DURHAM, Retractor 312 DUROGRlP -Forceps Needleholders 139, Rasps 126 DUROTIP Dissecting scissors 65-66, 201, , , Scissors , 287 -Surgical scissors 269 -Wire cutting scissors 32, 86 E Ear -Applicators Chisels 38-39, 63 -Curettes 26, 36 -Elevators 36, 52 -Excavators 52 -Forceps 26-29, Holders Hooks 25 -Knives 23, 25 -Loops 24 -Needles 48 -Probes 23, 25 -Retractors 41-42, Rongeurs Snares 32 -Suction tubes Syringes 19, 21 -Specula 2-3, 9-12 EICKEN, Antrum trocar needles 149 -lrrigating antrum cannula 148 -Tips for universal handles and tubes 226 Electroscopes 245 Elevators Antrum 152 -Ear 33 -Ear microsurgery 52 -Nasal fracture 128 -Rhinology Septum

19 Alphabetical Index Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis EXCELLENCE in ENT Endaural curettes 37 Enucleators Epiglottis retractors 221 Ethmoidal forceps 87-89, Eustachian catheters 20 -Tubes 18 EVES, Tonsil snares 203 Excavators 52 Extractors 144 F FAHLBUSCH, Pituitary curettes 178 -Pituitary micro scissors 174 -Pituitary scoops 178 FARABEUF, Raspatory 35 -Wound retractors 312 FARRELL, Applicators 22, 84 FAULKNER, Antrum trocar chisels 150 FEATHERSTONE, Mouth gag 187 Fenestra hooks 48 FEIN, Laryngeal applicators 221 FERGUSSON, Suction tubes 70, 142, 182, 235 FERGUSSON-ACKLAND, Mouth gags 187 Files FlNSEN, Tracheal retractors FlSCH, Skin hooks 119 FlSHER, Tonsil knives 200 Fishtail chisels 122 Flap knives 50 Flexible arm Clamp 14 FOMON, Dorsal scissors 134 -Lower lateral scissors 136 -Osteotomes 123 -Rasps 125 -Retractors 121 Footplate chisels 63 -Hooks 49 Forceps -Abscess 201 -Adenoid cutting 213 -Alligator 65, 248 -Artery , Bipolar coagulation 368 -Biopsy 212, Bone cutting 129 -Columella 138 -Crushing 94 -Cup-shaped 174, 231 -Cutting 233 -Dissecting 138, , 294 -Dressing 30, 81-83, 141, 201 -Ear 26-29, 55, 57 -Ear dressing 30 -Endolaryngeal 231 -Ethmoid , Grasping 172, 231, Haemostatic Hypopharynx 212 -Jewellers Laryngeal Lower lateral 138 -Micro 65, Micro cupped 58 -Nasal cutting 95 -Nasal dressing Naso pharynx 212 -Naso pharyngeal 214 -Non-traumatic 294, Pituitary 174 -Polypus 222 -Septum 93-94, 96-97, 129, 162 -Septum straightening 128 -Septum morselizer forceps 128 -Sphenoidal Splinter 290 -Sponge holding 201, 214, 329 -Suture tying Tampon 29 -Tissue 66, 138, Tissue grasping 330 -Tonsil 198 -Tumour grasping 172, 181 -Wire bending 60 Forks implant 176 -Tuning FORMBY, Cerumen scoop and hook 23 -Suction cannulae 142 FOWLER, Tonsil knife 200 FRAENKEL, Laryngeal forceps 223 -Laryngeal polypus forceps 222 -Tips for universal handles and Tubes 226 FRANCIS ALAE-NASI, Nasal dilators 93 FRASER, Operating laryngoscopes 229 -Fibre light carrier 229 FRAZlER, Skin hooks 119 -Suction tubes 143, 182 FREER, Elevators 88-89, Mucous knives 88 -Raspatories 88, 113 -Septum chisels 91, 124 -Septum gouges 92, 124 -Skin hooks 120 FREER-YASARGlL, Dissectors 89, 115 FRENZEL, Nystagmus spectacles 14 -Tongue depressors 184 Frontal sinus probe 157 G Gags mouth GALLAHER, Rasps 127 GAST, Tongue blades 191 GERALD, Dissecting forceps 290 -Tissue forceps 292 GIERTZ-STILLE, Rib shear

20 EXCELLENCE in ENT Alphabetical Index Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis GILLIES, Needleholders 325 -Osteotomes 123 -Skin hooks 119 -Suction cannula 142 -Tissue forceps 138, 293 GLATZEL, Nasal mirror 83 GOLDMANN, Septum elevator 128 GOOD, Tonsil scissors 202 GORNEY, Dissecting scissors 66, 135, 272 -Suction dissector 117 Gouges Ear microsurgery 63 -Otology Rhinoplasty 124, 140 -Septum 92 GRAEFE, Dissecting scissors 135 -Skin hooks Tissue forceps 138 Graft holder 52 Grasping forceps 172, 231, 246, GROSS, Sponge forceps 329 GRUBER, Ear specula 10 GRUENWALD-HENKE, Nasal cutting forceps 95 Guiding probes 328 GWYNNE EVANS, Tonsil dissector 199 H Haemostatic chisels 38, -Forceps , Pluggers 38 HAJEK, lrrigating cannula 157 -Mallet 40, 63, Retractor 154 HAJEK-CLAUS, Antrum punches 155 HAJEK-KOFLER, Sphenoidal forceps HALLE, Antrum curettes 157 -Elevators 88, 114 HALOGEN, Light source HALSEY, DUROGRIP-Needleholders 139, 319 HALSTEAD, Haemostatic forceps 300 HALSTEAD-MOSQUITO, Haemostatic forceps 299 Handles -Battery 251, 255 -Chisel 63 -Gouges 63 -Laryngeal mirrors 220 -Laryngology 234 -Laryngoscopes 251, 255 -Scalpels 179, 261, Universal 151, 224 HARDY, Dissectors 176 -Pituitary curettes 175 -Pituitary enucleators Pituitary implant forks 176 HARDY FAHLBUSCH, Dissectors 176 HARTMANN, Aural forceps 27 -Aural specula Aural tampon forceps 29 -Eustachian catheters 20 -Nasal cutting forceps 95 -Nasal dressing forceps 81, 82, 83 -Nasal specula 74-80, Postnasal applicators 214 -Tongue depressors 185 -Tonsil punches 205 -Tuning forks 17 -Tuning fork set 18 HARTMANN-HALLE, CITELLI, Ear forceps 27 HARTMANN-HALLE, Nasal specula 75, HARTMANN-WULLSTElN, Aural forceps 28 HARVEY, Wire-cutting scissors 32, 86 HASLINGER, Uvula retractors 209 HAYFORK, Suspension apparatus 194 Head band 4, 7 -light 6-8 -Mirror 5 HEATH, Aural specula 10 HEERMANN, Chisels 63 -Gouges 63 -Handles 63 HEGAR-OLSEN, Needleholder 324 HEIFETZ, Tumor grasping forceps 181 HEISTER, Mouth gags 186 HENKE, Tonsil dissector 199 HENKEL, Ear Forceps 27 HERBA, Milium knife and comedone extractor 144 HEYMANN, Nasal scissors 87 -Septum forceps 94 HEYMANN-KNIGHT, Nasal scissors 86 -Septum forceps 94 HiLAN, Extension hoses 337 -Footswitches 337 -Handpieces 335 -Irrigation pump 336 -Pneumatic hoses 337 -Pneumatic motor 334 -Spray nozzles 336 HILL, Raspatory 89 Holders, ear speculum Razor blade 112 Hooks Antrum 49 -Blunt Choana 84 -Ear 25 -Foot plate Laryngology 234 -Rhinoplasty 118 -Tracheal Skln Suture 208 HOUGH, Aural forceps 59 -Footplate hook 49 HOUSE, Curettes 54 - Suction adaptor 69 -Suction/irrigation tubes 72 HOUSE-DIETER, Malleus nipper 60 HOWARTH, Elevators 90, 115 HUBER, Universal handles 151, 224 HUNT, Forceps

21 Alphabetical Index Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis EXCELLENCE in ENT HUGHES, Stapes mobiliser 49 HURD, Ligature needles 327 -Tonsil dissectors and pillar retractors 199 Hypophysectomy instruments I Illuminated-Nystagmus spectacles 14 Injection needles 235 Incision knives Instrument tray with rack 61 lnsulated cannula for suction and coagulation 236 lrrigating and suction cannula 236 lrwln-moore, Septum forceps 97 J JACKSON, Trachea tubes 239 JACOBSON, Aural curettes 36 JAMESON, Dissecting scissors 133, 277 JAMESON-WERBER, Dissecting scissors 133, 276 JANSEN, Chisels 39 -Aural curettes 36 -Gouges 39 -Head light 8 -Mastoid retractors 42, 318 -Nasal dressing forceps 83 -Osteotomes 39 -Raspatory 35 -Rongeurs 44 JANSEN-MIDDLETON, Septum forceps 93, 129 JATHO, Nasopharynx forceps 212 Jewelers forceps JOBSON-HORNE, Ear probe 23 JONES, Towel clamps 309 JOSEPH, Button-end knife 113 -Nasal knife 113 -Nasal saws 127 -Plastic scissors 134 -Raspatories 35, 116, 217 -Rasps 125 -Scissors 64-65, 134, 280, 287 -Skin hooks 120 JURASZ, Adenoid cutting forceps 213 -Laryngeal polypus forceps 222 K KABIERSKE, Powder blower 20 KAHLER, Tips for universal handles and tubes 226 KALUSKAR, Pharyngeal foreign body forceps 223 KAZANJlAN, Bone cutting forceps 129 KGH, Cocainising wire 84 KELLY, Haemostatic forceps 300 KERRISON, Punches 46, 155 -Pituitary punches KEYES, Dermal punches 146 Kidney tray 21 KlLLlAN, Elevators 89-90, 115 -Laryngeal applicator 221 -Laryngectomy scissors 223 -Nasal probe 83 -Nasal specula fibre optic 80, 111 -Septum gouges 92, 124 -Septum specula 78, 110 KlLLlAN-CLAUS, Septum gouges 92, 124 KILNER, Alar retractors 121 -Dissecting scissors 133, 276 -Retractors 153 -Skin hooks 119 -Suction cannula 142 KING, Vein graft press forceps 53 KIRSTEIN, Nasal scissors 87 Knives button-end 113 -Cartilage slitting knife 113 -Cutting 50 -Ear microsurgery Flap 50 -Footplate 50 -Laryngeal 234 -Milium 144 -Mucous 88 -Nasal 113 -Periosteal 33 -Roller 51 -Septum 88, 113 -Skin grafting 145 -Sickle 50 -Tonsil 200 Knot tyer 208 KOCHER, Guiding probes 328 -Haemostatic forceps Vein retractors 311 -Wound retractors 313 KOCHER-LANGENBECK, Retractors 315 KOENIG, Elevator 33, 218 -Guiding probes 328 -Septum and tonsil syringes 102, 215 KOFLER, Sphenoidal punches 163 KRAUSE, Ear snare 32 -Antrum trocars with irrigation 148 -Nasal polypus snare 85 -Tips for universal handles and tubes 226 KRAUSE-VOSS, Nasal polypus snare 85 KRESSNER, Crushing forceps 94 KRONECKER, Ligature needles 327 L LABORDE, Tracheal dilators 242 LACK, Tongue depressor 185 LA FORCE, Adenotomes 212 LAKE, Aural probe 36 LAMBOTTE, Osteotomes 123 Lancet knives 50 LANDOLT, Bipolar coagulation forceps 173 -Blunt hooks 177 -Coagulation suction cannula 236 -Angled forceps 174 -Pituitary curettes 177 -Pituitary enucleators 177 -Pituitary mirror

22 EXCELLENCE in ENT Alphabetical Index Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis -Scalpel handles 179, 264 -Spreader 164 -Suction raspatory 117 -Tumor grasping forceps 172 LANDOLT REULEN, Blunt hooks 178 -Curettes 178 -Dissectors 178 -Raspatories 178 LANGE, Choana hooks 84 -Tips for universal handles and tubes 226 LANGENBECK, Bone holding forceps 141 -Durogrip needle holder 324 -Aural curettes 24 -Wound retractors 314 LANGENBECK-GREEN, Retractors 310 LANGENBECK-QUERVAlN, Elevator 33 Laryngeal -Applicators 221 -Cannula 249 -Forceps 223 -Handles 234 -Hooks 234 -lnstruments 234 -Knives 234 -Mirrors 220 -Polypus forceps 222 -Probes 234 -Scissors 223, Separators 234 -Sickle knives 234 -Snares 233 -Suture guides 234 -Syringes 250 Laryngoscopes 253, 255 -Blades Holders for operative laryngoscopes 227, 230 -Operative LATHBURRY FARRELL, Applicator 22 -Nasal applicator 84 LAZAR, Suture tying forceps 295 LEMPERT, Elevators 34 -Endaural curettes 37 -Raspatories 34, 53 -Rongeurs 43 -Suction cannulae 71 LERICHE, Haemostatic forceps 301, 305 LEWlS, Rasps 126 LEWY, Chest support and laryngoscope holder 230 LEXER, Osteotomes 140 -Dissecting scissors 273, 275, 284 LEXER-MINl, Chisels 39 -Gouges 39 LEYLA, Ear speculum holder 13 LlCHTENBERG, Needleholders 324 LlCHTWlTZ-BIER, Antrum trocar needles 149 Ligature lnstruments 208 -Needles 208, 327 -Scissors 278 Light guide 164, 227 -Carriers Cables 357, 359 Light sources LINDEMANN, Nasal saws 127 LISTER, Bandage and first aid scissors 279 -Dressing forceps 81, 141 LITTAUER, Ligature scissors 278 LOGAN TURNER, Nasal probe 84 Loops -Ear 24 -Wire 85, 203 LOPEZ-RElNKE, Tonsil suction dissector 199 Loupes -Binocular 6 -Magnifying 13 LOVE-GRUENWALD, Septum forceps 162 Lower lateral -Forceps 138 -Scissors 136 LUBERT BARBON, Nasal dressing forceps 81 LUC, Septum forceps 96 LUCAE, Aural dressing forceps 30 -Aural hooks 25 -Otoscopes 16 -Tympanum perforator 31 -Tuning forks 17 LUCAS, Chisels 38 -Gouges 38 -Raspatories 216 LUER, Rongeurs 43 -Tracheal tubes 237 LUER-FRlEDMANN, Rongeur 43 LUNIATSCHEK, Tonsil tampon pluggers 207 Lupus spatula 144 M MACDONALD, Dissector 89, 116 MACKAY, Antrum curettes 158 -Antrun sickle knife 158 -Modified stamburger punch 159 -Scissors 160 MACKAY CHOMPER, Rongeur 159 MAKAY MOD. WEIL-BLAKESLEY, Rongeur 159 MACKIE, Antrum curette 152 MAGAURAN, Plate 194 MAGILL, Suction cannulae 143 Magnifier aural Magnifying loupe 13 MAlER, Sponge forceps 329 Mains cables 344, 365 Mallets 40, 63, Malleus nipper 60, 67 MALTZ, Rasps 125 MARSCHIK, Tonsil holding forceps 198 MARSCHlK-KRONE, Tonsil seizing forceps

23 Alphabetical Index Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis EXCELLENCE in ENT MARTlNl, Ear curettes 36 MASING, Cartilage slitting knife 113 -DUROGRlP-Needleholders 139 -Elevators 113 -Osteotomes 122 -Upper lateral exposing retractor 118 Mastoid retractors 42, 318 MATHIEU, Needleholders 321 MATHIEU-STANDARD, Needleholders 324 Maxillary awl 216 MAYO-HEGAR, Needleholders 321 MAYO-LEXER, DUROTlP Dissecting scissors 285 McGEE, Wire closure forceps 58 McINDOE, Bone cutting forceps 45 -Cartilage scissors 135 -Dissecting forceps 138, 291, 293 -Skin hook retractors 119 McINTOSH, Blades 252, 254 -Laryngoscope 253, 255 MclVOR, Mouth gags 189 -Tongue blades 192 McKENTY Periosteal elevators 116 MEAD, Mallet 40 -Raspatories 216 -Rongeurs 44 Measuring rod 52 METZENBAUM, Dissecting scissors 66, 131, 137, 201, , MEYERDING, Retractors 315 MlCHEL, Rhinoscopic mirrors 221 Mlcro -Alligator forceps 55 -Cupped forceps 58 -Dissectors 179 -Aural forceps 27, Fenestra hooks Malleous nipper 57, 60 -Needles 48 -Needleholders Scissors 59-60, 174 -Suction cannulas Suction tubes 71 -Spring handles scissors 288 -Wire bending scissors 60 MICRO-ADSON, Dissecting and ligature forceps 302 -Dissecting forceps 294 MlCRO-ADSON-BIEMER, Tissue forceps 138 MlCRO-HALSTEAD, Haemostatic forceps 299 MicroLAN, Motor 334 MlCROFORM-Grasping forceps 181 MicroSpeed EC 341 -Electronic control unit 341 -Footswitches 341 -Handpieces 341, 343 -Mains cables 341 -Micromotor 342 -Micro reciprocating saws 347 -Spray nozzles MlDDELDORPF, Cheek retractors 154, 195 MIKULlCZ, Tonsil artery forceps 207 Mllium knives 144 MlLLER, Curettes 216 -Double rasps 126 -Aural elevators 36 Mirrors Laryngeal 220 -Nasal 83 -Otology 5, 7 -Pituitary 164 -Rhinoscopic 221 MILLESl, Spring handle scissors 288 MOLLINSON, Tonsil dissector 199 MOLLlSON, Retractors 41 MOLT, Mouth gags 186 -Raspatories 216 Monopolar electrodes 366 Monopolar forceps 367 MONCORPS, Mllium knife 144 Monitors 362 MORITZ-SCHMIDT, Tongue depressors 184 Mouth gags MUCK, Periosteal knife 33 Mucous knives 88 MURPHY, Head band 4 MUSEUX, Tonsil seizing forceps 196 MUSGROVE, Cerumen pick and wool carrier 24 MYLES, Nasal cutting forceps 95 Myringotome 31 N NAGER, Pillar retractors 209 -Tonsil suture needles 208 Nasal -Applicator 84 -Chisels 91, 122, 124 -Cutting forceps 95 -Dressing forceps Elevators 88-89, Fracture elevator 128 -Knife 113 -Mirror 83 -Plastic scissors , 269 -Polypus snare 85 -Probes Raspatories 88, 114, 116 -Retractors , -Saws 127 -Scissors 86-87, 134, -Snares 85, -Specula 62, 74-80, Suction tubes , 182 -Tips 20 NASAL PHARYNGOSCOPE, Flexible 361 Needles Antrum trocar 149 -Cases 326 -Ear microsurgery 48 -Holders 139, lnterior boxes 326 -lnjection

24 EXCELLENCE in ENT Alphabetical Index Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis -Ligature 327 -Septum 102, 208 -Suction 72 -Tonsil 102, 208 -Tonsil ligature 208 -Tonsil suture 208 NEGUS -Chest support 194 -Laryngoscopes blades 250 -Laryngoscopes 254 -Knot tyer 208 -Tracheal tubes 238 -Suction dissectors 90, 117 -Tonsil artery forceps NICOLA, Pituitary curettes 175 -Pituitary forceps 174, 232 -Pituitary raspatories 175 -Pituitary scissors 174, 232 Non-traumatic forceps Noise apparatus NOOTS, Aluminium ear trough 19 NORTHBENT, Ligature scissors 278 Nystagmus spectacles 14 O OBWEGESER, Awl for zygomatic arch 216 OLDBERG, Pituitary rongeur 172 OLlVECRONA, Nasal scissors 87 Ophthalmoscope set 2-3 ORMEROD, Ear forceps 29, 59 Osteotomes 38-39, , 140 OSTROM, Punches 150, 155 Oto-ophthalmoscope set 2-3 Otoscope set 2 P Palate blades 189 PAPAVERO, Bayonet chisel 165 PAPAVERO-CASPAR, Specula for transsphenoidal surgery 165 PAPAVERO-HARTMANN, Spreader for specula 165 PARTSCH, Chisels 39 -Gouges 39 PATERSON, Biopsy forceps 248 PASSOW, Haemostatic chisels 38, 153 PEAN, Haemostatic forceps 303 PENNlNGTON, Raspatory 114 Perforators Tympanum 31 Periosteal knives 33 PERKlNS, Antrum retractors 156 PERWITZSCHKY, Saliva scissors 214 PETERS, Pneumatic specula 16 PlCCOLO, Applicators 23 Picks PlERCE, lrrigating antrum trocars 148 Pituitary curettes 175 -Enucleator Forceps 174 -lmplant fork 176 -Micro scissors 174 -Mirror 164 -Punches 172 -Raspatories 175 -Rongeurs scissors 174 -Scoops 178 Plastic base 141 -Scissors 66, , 200, 269, Plate 194 PLESTER, Antrum hooks 49 -Flap knives 50 -Footplate hook 49 -Retractors Scrapers 48 -Sickle knives 50 -Suction tubes 71, 142, 182 -Wire guide and applicator 49 -Wire cutting and bending 204 Plugger haemostatic 38 -Rhinoplasty 129 -Tonsil tampon 207 Pneumatic specula 16 POLlTZER, Air douche 20 -Aural specula Myringotome 31 -Tympanum perforators 31 Polypus Snares 85 -Forceps 222 POTTS-SMITH, Delicate dissecting forceps 289 Powder blower 20 Preparation tray 52 Probes 309 -Ear 23 -Eustachian 62, 158, 214 -Eye 309 -Frontal sinus 157 -Guiding 328 -Laryngology 234 -Nasal 83 -Salival 214 Protectors teeth 227 PROVIDENCE-HOSPITAL, Haemostatic forceps 300 Punches -Adenoid 95, 213 -Antrum Biopsy 233, 248 -Bone 46, 156 -Ethmoid For enlarging intranasal opening 150 -Pituitary Sphenoidal Tonsil

25 Alphabetical Index Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis EXCELLENCE in ENT Q QUlNBY, Scissors 278 QUIRE, Aural forceps 26 R Racks, Ear microsurgery 61 -Specula 12 RAGNELL, Dissecting scissors 132, 282 RAMPLEY, Sponge forceps 307 Raspatories -Ear microsurgery 53 -Otology Pituitary 175, 178 -Rhinology 88, 90-91, 114, 116 -Rib 140 Rasps Antrum 149 -Rhinoplasty RAY, Pituitary curettes 175 Razor blade breakers and holders 112 Razor blades 112 REHN, Skin grafting knives 145 REICHERT, Epiglottis retractors 221 REILL, Micro-needleholders 325 REMMINGTON-HOBBS, Monopolar forceps 200 Retractors -Alar 121 -Antrum 154 -Aural Ear microsurgery Epiglottis 221 -Mastoid 41-42, 318 -Otology 41 -Pillar 199, 209 -Rhinoplasty , 121 -Tracheal , 310 -Uvula 209 -Wound Wound- and trachea 310 REYNOLDS, Dissecting scissors 133, 277 REYNOLDS-JAMESON, Vessel scissors 131, 281 Rhinoscopic mirrors 221 RHYS-EVANS, Operating laryngoscope 230 -Fibre light carrier 230 Rib -Raspatory 140 -Shears 140 RITTER, Frontal sinus bougies 157 RNTNE HOSPITAL, Operating laryngoscopes 228 -Fibre light carriers 229 ROBIN, Towel clamps 307 ROCHESTER-OCHSNER, Haemostatic forceps 306 ROCHESTER-PEAN, Haemostatic forceps 303 ROEDER, Ligature instruments 208 Roller knives 51 ROLLET, Skin hooks 120 Rongeurs ear Pituitary ROSE, Antrun irrigating cannula 149 ROSEN, Ear specula 11 -Hook 48 -Knife and elevator 50 ROSER-KONIG, Mouth gags 187 ROUX, Cheek retractors 154, 195 -Wound retractors 312 ROWBOTHAM, Suction cannula 198 Rubber bulbs RUSSEL-DAVIS, Tongue blades 190 RYDEL-SEIFFER, Tuning forks 17 RYDER, Needleholders S SAALFELD, Milium knife and comedone extractor 144 SAROT, Needleholders 320 Scalpels blades 260, 262 -Handles 179, 261, Micro blades 180, 264 -Sterile Scissors bandage and cloth 279 -Bulldog 134 -Cartilage scissors 135 -Dissecting , , 201, , Dorsal 134 -DUROTlP 86, , 202, 204, Ear microsurgery Laryngeal 223, Ligature 278 -Lower lateral 136 -Micro 174, 232 -Nasal 86-87, Nasal plastic Pituitary 174 -Plastic , 269, Salival 214 -Spring handle 288 -Surgical Tendon 276 -Tonsil Universal 279 -Vessel , 276, 281, 287 SCHAEDEL, Towel clamp 308 SCHEINMANN, Tips for universal handles and tubes 226 -Wire cutting 32, 86, 204 Scrapers 48 SCHMEDEN, Adenoid punch 95, 213 -Nasal cutting forceps 95 SCHMID, Mouth gag 186 SCHNIDT, Tonsil artery forceps 206 SCHOENBORN, Tracheal retractors 243 -Uvula hook 209 SCHUHKNECHT, Suction cannula 70 SCHUKNECHT, Roller knives 51 -Wire bending die 62 SCHUMACHER, Tips for universal handles and tubes 226 SCHWECKENDIEK, Tonsil scissors

26 EXCELLENCE in ENT Alphabetical Index Alphabetisches Inhaltsverzeichnis SEBILEAU, Elevator 33 SElFFERT, Eustachian probe 62 -Frontal sinus probe 158 -Salival probes 158 Self-clearing suction 143 SEMKEN, Dissecting forceps 290 -Dressing forceps 66 -Tissue forceps 66, SENNlNG, Needleholders 139 Separators 52, 234 Septatome 88 Septum bone cutting and breaking forceps 94 -Chisels 91, 124 -Elevators 128 -Forceps 93-94, 97, 129, 162 -Gouges 91, 124 -Knives 88, 113 -Morselizer forceps 128 -Needles 102, 215 -Specula 78, 112, 165 -Straightening forceps 128 -Syringes 102, 215 Sets for tracheotomy 244 -Tuning forks 17 SEWALL, Antrum elevators (curettes) 152 SHAH, Nasal speculum 74 SHAMBAUGH, Fenestra hook 48 SHEA, Curettes 54 -Aural forceps 59 -Aural specula 12 Sickle knives 50, 234 SlEBENMANN, Irrigating antrum cannula 149 SIEGLE, Aural magnifier 16 SILVER, Skin graft knife 145 -Spare blade 145 SlMON, Scalpel 179 Skin Hooks 118 SLUDER-BALLENGER, Tonsillotomes 205 Snares -Ear 32 -Laryngeal 233 -Nasal polypus 85 -Tonsil 203 -Wire 85, 203 SNELLEN, Ear curettes 24 Spatula rhinoplasty 144 Spectacles nystagmus 14 Specula -Aural 9, 11-12, 19, 62 -For trans-sphenoidal surgery 164, 165 -Holder 13, 14 -Hypophysectomy 165 -Nasal 62, 74-80, Retractor 117 -Septum 78-79, SPENCER, Ligature scissors 278 Splinter forceps 290 Sponge holding forceps 201, 214, 307, Spreader Spring handle scissors 288 SPIRIT LAMP, consisting of: 220 -Golden square draught excluder 220 -Spirit lamp 220 -Wick for spirit lamp 221 STACKE, Ear probes 25 ST BARTHOLOMEWS, Hook 25 Rongeurs Stapes mobiliser 49 ST. CLAlR-THOMPSON, Adenoid curettes 211 -Nasal speculum 79 -Raspatories 91 -Rhinoscopic mirrors 80 Sterile blades 180, 260, 262, 264 -Scalpels Sterilizing case 61 STERNBERG, Cheek retractors 153, 195 STEVENS, Dissecting scissors 131, 281 -Tendon scissors 132, 276 -Vessel scissors 132, 187 STlERLEN, Magnifying loupe 13 STlLLE, Osteotomes 140 STRUYCKEN, Nasal cutting forceps 95 -Tips for universal handles and tubes 226 Suction cannula 69-72, , 182 -Dissectors 90, 117 -Micro 69-72, 182 -Needles 71 -Raspatories 117 -Set 72 -Tubes-Ear Nasal Oesophageal 245 -Tonsil 198 Suture guide 234 Suture tying forceps Swivel knives 93 Syringes -Aural 19, 21 -Laryngeal 249 -Septum 102 -Tonsil 215 SYME, Tonsil dissector 199 T TAKAHASHl, Ethmoidal forceps , 161 TALBOT, Orbital retractors 157 Teeth protectors 227 TELESCOPES and TROCARS -Disposable aural specula 360 -Endoscopes 360 -Otoscopes 360 -Trocar sleeves 361 -Trocars 361 Tenaculum 118 Tendon scissors 276 THlES, Gouges 38 THILENIUS, Tonsil abscess forceps 201 THORBURN, Sickle knife

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CHIRURGISCHE INSTRUMENTE CHIRURGISCHE INSTRUMENTE Arterienklemmen Tuchklemmen Crile Delicate Crile-Rankin Delicate 13-3110-14 14 cm / 5½ 13-3111-14 13-3115-16 16 cm / 6¼ 13-3116-16 13-3120-18 18 cm / 7 13-3121-18 13-3112-14 14


SanStore: Kurzanleitung / SanStore: Quick reference guide

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Magic Figures. We note that in the example magic square the numbers 1 9 are used. All three rows (columns) have equal sum, called the magic number.

Magic Figures. We note that in the example magic square the numbers 1 9 are used. All three rows (columns) have equal sum, called the magic number. Magic Figures Introduction: This lesson builds on ideas from Magic Squares. Students are introduced to a wider collection of Magic Figures and consider constraints on the Magic Number associated with such



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job and career at IAA Pkw 2015

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Scheren Scissors. Chirurgische Scheren Surgical Scissors. 1 Blatt gezahnt 1 blade serrated. BC303R 130 mm 5 1 /8. BC304R 145 mm 5 3 /4

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Electrical testing of Bosch common rail solenoid valve (MV) injectors

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Aesculap Surgical Instruments Noir Dissecting Scissors

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