TUESDAY, 22 MAY 1.00 PM 2.40 PM

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1 X060//0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 0 TUESDAY, MAY.00 PM.40 PM GERMAN HIGHER Reading and Directed Writing 45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each question. You should spend approximately one hour on Section I and 40 minutes on Section II. You may use a German dictionary. SA X060//0 6/440 *X060//0*

2 SECTION I READING Read the whole of this newspaper article carefully and then answer in English the questions which follow it. Jillian and Danny left home in the US more than a year ago to see the world. They are now in Germany and are staying with Anja, the writer of the article, and her boyfriend in Cologne. Es fing alles im Jahr 009 an, als mein Freund und ich für unseren Amerika- Urlaub eine Bleibe in Washington DC gesucht haben. Über das Internet haben wir Jillian und Danny gefunden. Wir haben sie über die Internetseite von Couchsurfing kennen gelernt. Die beiden sind in unserem Alter und haben uns ihre Couch zur Verfügung gestellt. Nach unserem zweitägigen Aufenthalt bei Jillian und Danny war schnell klar, dass die beiden uns auch besuchen kommen sollen. Schon damals spukte eine Idee in den Köpfen der beiden: Eine Reise um die Welt, jeder mit einem Rucksack und dem Nötigsten ausgerüstet zwei Paar Hosen, drei T-Shirts, Unterwäsche für ein paar Tage, Seife, Shampoo, Zahnbürste, Trinkflasche und Campingausrüstung. Das Badetuch und die Kleidung sind aus Microfaser, schnell trocknend und wasseraufsaugend; alles ist praktisch, schnell waschbar und leicht. Denn das ist das Wichtigste: Alles muss leicht sein. Die beiden haben keinen Zeitdruck auf ihrer Tour. Vor der Abreise haben sie ihren sicheren Job gekündigt. Die Idee ihrer Reise: sich durch nichts und niemanden beeinflussen lassen; einfach zwei Jahre lang leben. Die Idee dazu hatten die beiden schon früh. Seit dem Collegeabschluss haben sie gespart, um die Reise bezahlen zu können. Außerdem haben sie vor der Abreise die Wohnung und das Auto verkauft, die wichtigsten Sachen bei den Eltern eingelagert, den Rest haben sie verschenkt. Als der Tag der Abreise näher rückte, kam auch die Anspannung und die Frage, ob alles gut gehen wird. Auf der einen Seite war ich traurig, meine Freunde und Familie [X060//0] Wenn einer eine Reise tut... Page two zu verlassen, auf der anderen Seite habe ich mich gefreut, auf eine Weltreise zu gehen, erklärt Jillian. Von ihrer Heimatstadt flogen sie zuerst nach Mexiko, anschließend nach Mittelund Südamerika. Wir haben dort viele Ziele eingeplant, erzählt Danny. Die eigentliche Herausforderung ist es, mit Enttäuschungen fertig zu werden, besonders wenn etwas nicht so ist, wie man es sich vorgestellt hat. Nach ihrem neunmonatigen Aufenthalt in Südamerika flogen sie Ende November 00 zurück nach Hause. Für uns war es billiger, erst nach Hause zu fliegen und von dort nach Südafrika zu fliegen als von Südamerika nach Südafrika, erklärt Danny. Nach Südafrika reisten sie weiter über Simbabwe, Uganda, und den Nahen Osten nach Deutschland. Danach soll es über Russland nach Asien gehen. Auf die Frage, was sie nach ihrer Weltreise machen wollen, schauen mich die beiden ratlos an. Wir haben keine Ahnung, gesteht Danny. Auch Jillian hat noch keine festen Pläne. Vielleicht noch mal studieren oder wieder in den Beruf. Wir wissen auch noch nicht, in welcher Stadt oder in welchem Staat wir leben werden, sagt Danny. Eins wissen sie hingegen: Es soll nicht zurück ins alte Leben gehen. Ich vermisse den Lebensstil, den wir aufgegeben haben, den Fitnessclub, eine gesunde Ernährung, Wochenendausflüge. Aber ich möchte jetzt keinen Job, in dem ich von 9 bis 7 Uhr arbeite und Papier auf dem Schreibtisch herumschiebe, meint Danny. Auch Jillian vermisst die alltäglichen Dinge, die ihr früher auf die Nerven gingen. Wäsche waschen, Essen

3 85 kochen, spülen die tägliche Routine fehlt ihr. Aber sie möchte auch nicht missen, was sie alles erfahren und gelernt hat: Unsere Beziehung ist anders geworden, viel enger, weil man die ganze Zeit zusammen ist, sagt sie. In dieser Situation kann man nicht mehr vor den Launen des anderen fliehen, sondern muss damit umgehen. Man kann seine Gefühle nicht verstecken, klärt Jillian mich auf und lächelt Danny an. Schnell sind die vier Tage vorbei. Und wieder heißt es packen, eine Weiterreisemöglichkeit finden, Übernachtungen organisieren QUESTIONS Marks. Read lines 9. (a) How did Anja come to meet Jillian and Danny? (b) What are you told about Jillian and Danny?. Read lines 0 4. Why have they chosen to take clothes and towels made of microfibres? Mention four things. 3. Read lines (a) Why is there no time pressure on Jillian and Danny now? (b) What is the idea behind their trip? Mention two things. 4. Read lines (a) What did they do with all their possessions, before they left America? (b) How did Jillian feel, just before they left? 3 5. Read lines What is the most challenging aspect of the trip? 6. Read lines Why did they go back home in November 00? 7. Read lines What are their thoughts and plans for after their world trip? Mention two things. 8. Read lines (a) What exactly does Jillian say is different in their relationship? (b) What are the reasons for this? Mention two things. 9. Translate into English: Ich vermisse... auf die Nerven gingen. (lines 73 8) (0) 0 (30) [X060//0] [Turn over for SECTION II on Page four Page three

4 SECTION II DIRECTED WRITING Marks Two years ago you hosted a German student for nine months and last year you were invited by the student s family to spend the entire summer with them; this included going on holiday with them. When you return to Scotland, you write a report in German for the Languages page of your school/college website. You must include the following information and you should try to add other relevant details: where in Germany the family live and whether you had ever been to Germany before what your host family were like and how you got on with them what you did to help out in the family home what you liked about a special outing you went on what you found to be different about going away on holiday with a family other than your own one whether or not you felt it was a good experience for you to be away from Scotland for such a long time. (5) Your report should be words in length. Marks will be deducted for any area of information that is omitted. [END OF QUESTION PAPER] [X060//0] Page four

5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Reading and Directed Writing Section I Reading Extract adapted from article taken from newspaper Kolner Stadt-Anzeiger, July 00. Reproduced by kind permission of KSTA.de.

6 FOR OFFICIAL USE Examiner s Marks A B Total Mark X060//0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 0 TUESDAY, MAY 3.00 PM 4.00 PM GERMAN HIGHER Listening/Writing Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s) Surname Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number Number of seat Do not open this paper until told to do so. Answer Section A in English and Section B in German. Section A Listen carefully to the recording with a view to answering, in English, the questions printed in this answer book. Write your answers clearly and legibly in the spaces provided after each question. You will have minutes to study the questions before hearing the dialogue for the first time. The dialogue will be played twice, with an interval of minutes between the two playings. You may make notes at any time but only in this answer book. Score out any notes before you hand in the book. Move on to Section B when you have completed Section A: you will not be told when to do this. Section B Do not write your response in this book: use the 4 page lined answer sheet. You will be told to insert the answer sheet inside this book before handing in your work. You may consult a German dictionary at any time during both sections. Before leaving the examination room you must give this book to the Invigilator. If you do not, you may lose all the marks for this paper. SA X060//0 6/440 *X060//0*

7 Section A Svenja, a German girl, recently spent a year in a school in Britain.. (a) What does Svenja say about the wearing of school uniform in many countries? Marks DO NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN (b) In which two countries other than Britain are uniforms compulsory?. When Svenja was in Britain, what uniform did she have to wear, apart from a tie and blazer? Mention two things. 3. Why did wearing a school uniform not bother her? 4. In what ways did some girls try to individualise their school uniforms? 5. What steps did other girls take to show their individuality? Mention one thing. 6. To what extent did designer clothes play a role in Svenja s life? [X060//0] Page two

8 7. What was one of the problems that Svenja was aware of with some families and designer clothes? Marks DO NOT WRITE IN THIS MARGIN 8. To what extent do school uniforms still show who has money and who does not? Mention two things. 9. What does Svenja say about the uniforms of pupils from better-off families? 0. What happened in her British school, if a pupil arrived at school not wearing uniform?. According to Svenja, what two conditions would have to be met, before a school uniform could be introduced in Germany?. What information does Svenja give about the uniform at one school in Hamburg? (0) [Turn over for Section B on Page four [X060//0] Page three

9 Section B Die Uniform in ihrer englischen Schule hat Svenja nicht gestört. Und du, was sind für dich die Vor- und Nachteile einer Schuluniform? Findest du es wichtig, die neueste Mode oder die richtige Marke zu tragen? Schreibe 0 50 Worte zu diesen Fragen! Marks 0 (30) USE THE 4 PAGE LINED ANSWER SHEET FOR YOUR ANSWER TO SECTION B [END OF QUESTION PAPER] [X060//0] Page four

10 X060// NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 0 TUESDAY, MAY 3.00 PM 4.00 PM GERMAN HIGHER Listening Transcript This paper must not be seen by any candidate. The material overleaf is provided for use in an emergency only (eg the recording or equipment proving faulty) or where permission has been given in advance by SQA for the material to be read to candidates with additional support needs. The material must be read exactly as printed. SA X060// 6/00 *X060//*

11 Instructions to reader(s): The dialogue below should be read in approximately 4½ minutes. On completion of the first reading, pause for two minutes, then read the dialogue a second time. Where special arrangements have been agreed in advance to allow the reading of the material, those sections marked should be read by a male speaker and those marked by a female speaker. Candidates have two minutes to study the questions before the transcript is read. Svenja, a German girl, recently spent a year in a school in Britain. In Deutschland wird viel über das Thema Schuluniform diskutiert, weil es bei euch normalerweise so was nicht gibt. Wie siehst du die Sache? Also, ich weiß, dass das Tragen dieser Uniformen in vielen Ländern etwas ganz typisches ist. In Großbritannien und auch in vielen anderen Ländern wie Australien und Neuseeland sind Schuluniformen auch heute noch Pflicht. Du hast neulich ein Jahr in Grossbritannien verbracht und bist dort zur Schule gegangen. Musstest du auch eine Schuluniform tragen? Ja, als Schülerin in England musste ich eine Schuluniform tragen und zwar einen knielangen dunkelblauen Rock, eine weiße Bluse, eine Krawatte und auch einen Blazer mit Schullogo. Hast du deine Schuluniform gerne angezogen? Ja, das hat mich nicht gestört, denn man hat immer die gleichen Sachen an. Man braucht nicht darüber nachzudenken, was man morgens anzieht. Aber bei anderen Mädchen gab es Probleme. Viele haben versucht, aus der Uniform ein individuelles Outfit zu machen. Wie haben sie das gemacht? Sie haben zum Beispiel ihre Röcke kürzer gemacht oder ihre Blazer mit Buttons dekoriert. Und hat es sonst noch Probleme mit der Uniform gegeben? Nicht mit der Uniform selbst, aber andere Schülerinnen haben ziemlich extreme Punkfrisuren getragen oder große Ohrringe. Haben teure Markenklamotten bei dir eine große Rolle gespielt? Na, klar. Wenn ich aus der Schule nach Hause gekommen bin, habe ich mich sofort umgezogen. Das mussten dann schon meine modischen Klamotten sein. Wie war es bei deinen Freundinnen in England? Sie haben sich auch umgezogen, als sie zu Hause angekommen sind. Das Problem aber ist, dass diese Markenklamotten teuer sind. Viele Eltern haben nicht das Geld für diese modischen Sachen. Aber mit der Schuluniform sieht man nicht mehr, wer reiche Eltern hat, oder? Doch, natürlich! Auch mit der Schuluniform sieht man, wer Geld hat und wer nicht. Das fängt schon damit an, dass man die Schuluniform selbst kaufen muss. Manche Schülerinnen müssen die Uniform von einer Schwester oder von einer Cousine nochmals tragen und können auch nicht so oft wechseln, weil sie nur zwei weiße Blusen haben. [X060//] Page two

12 Und die mit reichen Eltern? Die Mädchen mit reichen Eltern haben vier oder fünf Blusen, die die Mutter jeden Tag bügelt. Da hat man natürlich Unterschiede gesehen. Und diese Unterschiede waren auch allen Leuten klar. Was ist denn eigentlich passiert, wenn man die Uniform einfach nicht angezogen hat? Das gab auf jeden Fall Stress. Man musste sich am nächsten Morgen bei der Schuldirektorin mit Uniform melden. Und wenn man die Uniform nicht anhatte, wurde man nach Hause geschickt, um sich umzuziehen. Nach deinen Erfahrungen in England, glaubst du, dass man auch hier in Deutschland eine Schuluniform einführen sollte? Das kommt darauf an. Die Schüler müssten damit einverstanden sein. Und sie müssten selber entscheiden, wie die Uniform aussieht. Zum Beispiel könnte man nur einen Schulpullover tragen, aber die andere Kleidung selbst wählen. Gibt es schon Schulen in Deutschland, die eine Uniform haben? Ja. In Hamburg gibt es eine Schule mit Uniform. Dort gibt es sogar je nach Jahreszeit verschiedene Uniformen. [END OF TRANSCRIPT] [X060//] Page three


WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY 1.00 PM 2.10 PM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY 1.00 PM 2.10 PM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060/20 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 200 WEDNESDAY, 9 MAY.00 PM 2.0 PM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE 2 Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


Level 1 German, 2012

Level 1 German, 2012 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2012 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 13 November 2012 Credits: Five Achievement


Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060//0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 03 FriDAY, 4 MAY.00 PM.0 PM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s) Surname


National Quali cations

National Quali cations H 018 X734/76/11 National Quali cations German Reading MONDAY, 4 JUNE 9:00 AM 10:40 AM Total marks 30 Attempt ALL questions. Write your answers clearly, in English, in the Reading answer booklet provided.


WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY. 45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each question.

WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY. 45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each question. X060/30 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 00 WEDNESDAY, 9 MAY GERMAN.00 PM.40 PM HIGHER Reading and Directed Writing 45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each


TUESDAY, 20 MAY 1.00 PM 2.40 PM

TUESDAY, 20 MAY 1.00 PM 2.40 PM X060//0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 04 TUESDAY, 0 MAY.00 PM.40 PM GERMAN HIGHER Reading and Directed Writing 45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each question.



SAMPLE EXAMINATION BOOKLET S SAMPLE EXAMINATION BOOKLET New Zealand Scholarship German Time allowed: Three hours Total marks: 24 EXAMINATION BOOKLET Question ONE TWO Mark There are three questions. You should answer Question One


Level 2 German, 2016

Level 2 German, 2016 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2016 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German texts on familiar matters 2.00 p.m. Tuesday 29 November 2016 Credits: Five


Level 1 German, 2014

Level 1 German, 2014 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2014 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Wednesday 26 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour Centre No. Paper Reference Surname Initial(s) Candidate No. 1 2 3 1 4 H Signature Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 23 November 2010 Morning Time: 30 minutes (plus


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 22 May 2007 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (plus


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Monday 17 November 2008 Morning Time: 30 minutes (plus


Level 2 German, 2013

Level 2 German, 2013 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2013 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German text(s) on familiar matters 9.30 am Monday 11 November 2013 Credits: Five


Level 2 German, 2015

Level 2 German, 2015 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2015 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German text(s) on familiar matters 2.00 p.m. Friday 4 December 2015 Credits: Five


Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060/0/0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 0 TUESDAY, MAY.00 PM.45 PM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s) Surname


Paper Reference. 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding. Foundation Tier

Paper Reference. 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding. Foundation Tier Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Tuesday 24 May 2005 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


National Quali cations

National Quali cations H 2018 X734/76/11 National Quali cations German Reading MONDAY, 4 JUNE 9:00 AM 10:40 AM Total marks 30 Attempt ALL questions. Write your answers clearly, in English, in the Reading answer booklet provided.


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 13 November 2007 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes


National Quali cations

National Quali cations H 06 X734/76/ National Quali cations German Reading WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9:00 AM 0:40 AM Total marks 30 Attempt ALL questions. Write your answers clearly, in English, in the Reading Answer Booklet provided.


Level 1 German, 2013

Level 1 German, 2013 90883 908830 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2013 90883 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 12 November 2013 Credits: Five Achievement


Level 1 German, 2016

Level 1 German, 2016 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2016 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Wednesday 23 November 2016 Credits: Five Achievement


National Quali cations

National Quali cations H 2017 X734/76/11 National Quali cations German Reading FRIDAY, 02 JUNE 09:00 AM 10:40 AM Total marks 30 Attempt ALL questions. Write your answers clearly, in English, in the Reading answer booklet provided.


Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060/0/0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 203 friday, 24 MAY.00 PM.45 PM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


*A25321A0116* A25321A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over

*A25321A0116* A25321A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Thursday 7 June 2007 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


THURSDAY, 19 MAY. 45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each question.

THURSDAY, 19 MAY. 45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each question. X060/30 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 0 THURSDAY, 9 MAY GERMAN.00 PM.40 PM HIGHER Reading and Directed Writing 45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each question.


Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060/0/0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 203 friday, 24 MAY.00 PM.45 PM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE C Total 300/3/0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 03 FRIDAY, 4 MAY.30 PM.30 PM GERMAN STANDARD GRADE Credit Level Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre


9.00 AM 9.45 AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

9.00 AM 9.45 AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060/0/0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 204 TUESday, 20 MAY 9.00 AM 9.45 AM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


National Quali cations

National Quali cations H 016 X734/76/11 National Quali cations German Reading WEDNESDAY, 1 JUNE 9:00 AM 10:40 AM Total marks 30 Attempt ALL questions. Write your answers clearly, in English, in the Reading Answer Booklet provided.


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (plus reading


TUESDAY, 26 MAY 9.00 AM AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

TUESDAY, 26 MAY 9.00 AM AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060//0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 05 TUESDAY, 6 MAY 9.00 AM 0.0 AM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 20 May 2008 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (plus


GERMAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE. ATAR course examination Recording transcript

GERMAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE. ATAR course examination Recording transcript GERMAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE ATAR course examination 2017 Recording transcript 2018/2717 Web version of 2018/2715 Copyright School Curriculum and Standards Authority 2017 GERMAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE 2 RECORDING


National Quali cations

National Quali cations H 2017 X734/76/11 National Quali cations German Reading FRIDAY, 02 JUNE 09:00 AM 10:40 AM Total marks 30 Attempt ALL questions. Write your answers clearly, in English, in the Reading answer booklet provided.



Englisch-Grundwortschatz Englisch-Grundwortschatz Die 100 am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter also auch so so in in even sogar on an / bei / in like wie / mögen their with but first only and time find you get more its those because


National Quali cations Forename(s) Surname Number of seat

National Quali cations Forename(s) Surname Number of seat N5 X734/75/0 TUESDAY, 6 MAY 9:00 AM 0:30 AM FOR OFFICIAL USE National Quali cations 05 Mark German Reading *X734750* Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Paper Reference Surname Initial(s) Candidate No. 4 3 7 5 0 1 Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Monday 30th October 2006 Afternoon Time:


Level 1 German, 2011

Level 1 German, 2011 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2011 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am uesday Tuesday 1 November 2011 Credits: Five Achievement


Paper Reference. German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+5 minutes reading time)

Paper Reference. German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+5 minutes reading time) Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+5 minutes reading time) Materials


*M22525A0116* M22525A W850/T1231/ /4/4/4/4/4/ Turn over

*M22525A0116* M22525A W850/T1231/ /4/4/4/4/4/ Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 26 May 2006 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060//0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 203 FriDAY, 24 MAY.00 PM 2.0 PM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE 2 Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


National Quali cations Date of birth Scottish candidate number

National Quali cations Date of birth Scottish candidate number N5FOR OFFICIAL USE X834/75/0 National Quali cations 208 Mark German Reading MONDAY, 4 JUNE :00 PM 2:30 PM *X834750* Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


Level 1 German, 2012

Level 1 German, 2012 90883 908830 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2012 90883 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 13 November 2012 Credits: Five Achievement


FRIDAY, 24 MAY 1.00 PM 2.40 PM

FRIDAY, 24 MAY 1.00 PM 2.40 PM X060//0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 03 FRIDAY, 4 MAY.00 PM.40 PM GERMAN HIGHER Reading and Directed Writing 45 marks are allocated to this paper. The value attached to each question is shown after each question.


WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY 1.30 PM 2.30 PM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY 1.30 PM 2.30 PM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE C Total 300/403 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 00 WEDNESDAY, 9 MAY.30 PM.30 PM GERMAN STANDARD GRADE Credit Level Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre


Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE C Total 300/3/0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 203 FRIDAY, 24 MAY.30 PM 2.30 PM GERMAN STANDARD GRADE Credit Level Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *0971753294* GERMAN 0525/41 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2015 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


National Quali cations 2015

National Quali cations 2015 H National Quali cations 2015 X734/76/11 German Reading TUESDAY, 26 MAY 1:00 PM 2:40 PM Total marks 30 Attempt ALL questions. Write your answers clearly, in English, in the Reading Answer Booklet provided.


National Quali cations Date of birth Scottish candidate number

National Quali cations Date of birth Scottish candidate number N5FOR OFFICIAL USE X834/75/0 National Quali cations 208 Mark German Reading MONDAY, 4 JUNE :00 PM 2:30 PM *X834750* Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *8687657147* GERMAN 0525/43 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2016 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *1705723522* GERMAN 0525/41 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2016 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Offenes Lernen 1: Pflichtaufgaben

Offenes Lernen 1: Pflichtaufgaben Offenes Lernen 1: Pflichtaufgaben You have to do all of these tasks. Du musst alle diese Aufgaben machen. 1. Spelling Bee Work with a partner. One partner takes five words out of the box and tells the


Paper Reference. 6481/01 Edexcel GCE German Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing. Tuesday 23 May 2006 Morning Time: 1 hour

Paper Reference. 6481/01 Edexcel GCE German Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing. Tuesday 23 May 2006 Morning Time: 1 hour Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 6481/01 Edexcel GCE German Advanced Subsidiary/Advanced Unit 1 Listening and Writing Tuesday 23 May 2006 Morning Time: 1 hour Materials required for examination


When you are told to do so, open your paper and write your answers in English in the spaces provided.

When you are told to do so, open your paper and write your answers in English in the spaces provided. FOR OFFICIAL USE X060/0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 008 THURSDAY, 5 JUNE 9.00 AM 0.0 AM Mark GERMAN INTERMEDIATE Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


National Quali cations Forename(s) Surname Number of seat. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

National Quali cations Forename(s) Surname Number of seat. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number N5 X734/75/0 TUESDAY, 0 MAY 9:00 AM 10:30 AM FOR OFFICIAL USE National Quali cations 014 Mark German Reading and Writing *X734750* Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre


Ein Stern in dunkler Nacht Die schoensten Weihnachtsgeschichten. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

Ein Stern in dunkler Nacht Die schoensten Weihnachtsgeschichten. Click here if your download doesnt start automatically Ein Stern in dunkler Nacht Die schoensten Weihnachtsgeschichten Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Ein Stern in dunkler Nacht Die schoensten Weihnachtsgeschichten Ein Stern in dunkler


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *5121783171* GERMAN 0525/42 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2015 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *2470692504* GERMAN 0525/43 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2018 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Level 1 German, 2005

Level 1 German, 2005 1 9 0 0 9 0 L P Level 1 German, 2005 90090 Listen to and understand spoken language in German in familiar contexts Credits: Six 2.00 pm Tuesday 29 November 2005 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE SUPERVISOR AND THE


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *9918820267* GERMAN 0525/42 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2017 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


National Quali cations SPECIMEN ONLY

National Quali cations SPECIMEN ONLY H FOR S834/76/03 OFFICIAL USE National Quali cations SPECIMEN ONLY Mark German Listening Date Not applicable Duration 30 minutes (approx) *S8347603* Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below.


Reparaturen kompakt - Küche + Bad: Waschbecken, Fliesen, Spüle, Armaturen, Dunstabzugshaube... (German Edition)

Reparaturen kompakt - Küche + Bad: Waschbecken, Fliesen, Spüle, Armaturen, Dunstabzugshaube... (German Edition) Reparaturen kompakt - Küche + Bad: Waschbecken, Fliesen, Spüle, Armaturen, Dunstabzugshaube... (German Edition) Peter Birkholz, Michael Bruns, Karl-Gerhard Haas, Hans-Jürgen Reinbold Click here if your


Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE Mark X060//0 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 202 TUESDAY, 22 MAY.00 PM 2.0 PM GERMAN INTERMEDIATE 2 Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


Mercedes OM 636: Handbuch und Ersatzteilkatalog (German Edition)

Mercedes OM 636: Handbuch und Ersatzteilkatalog (German Edition) Mercedes OM 636: Handbuch und Ersatzteilkatalog (German Edition) Mercedes-Benz Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Mercedes OM 636: Handbuch und Ersatzteilkatalog (German Edition) Mercedes-Benz


National Quali cations 2014

National Quali cations 2014 N5 X734/75/01 TUESDAY, 20 MAY 9:00 AM 10:30 AM FOR OFFICIAL USE National Quali cations 2014 Mark German Reading *X7347501* Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


She works with a computer. Does she work with a computer? He writes s. Does he write s? It sounds right. Does it sound right?

She works with a computer. Does she work with a computer? He writes  s. Does he write  s? It sounds right. Does it sound right? REPEAT Fragen stellen Im Deutschen durch Veränderung der Wortstellung Du sprichst Englisch. 2 1 3 Sprichst du Englisch? Asking questions Im Englischen mit do oder does und das s wandert vom Verb weg. You



RECORDING TRANSCRIPT LEVEL 1 GERMAN (90883), 2018 RECORDING TRANSCRIPT LEVEL 1 GERMAN (90883), 2018 Level 1 German (2018) page 2 of 12 TRACK 1 READER 1 Audibility Check. Please listen carefully to this introduction. This exam is NCEA Level 1 German for


*A25322A0112* A25322A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over

*A25322A0112* A25322A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding Higher Tier Thursday 7 June 2007 Morning Time: 40 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


*H33660A0116* H33660A W850/T1231/ /1/1/1. Turn over

*H33660A0116* H33660A W850/T1231/ /1/1/1. Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding Higher Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 40 minutes (+5 minutes reading time) Materials required


Max und Moritz: Eine Bubengeschichte in Sieben Streichen (German Edition)

Max und Moritz: Eine Bubengeschichte in Sieben Streichen (German Edition) Max und Moritz: Eine Bubengeschichte in Sieben Streichen (German Edition) Wilhelm Busch Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Max und Moritz: Eine Bubengeschichte in Sieben Streichen


TUESDAY, 22 MAY AM AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

TUESDAY, 22 MAY AM AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE G Total 1300/29/01 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 2012 TUESDAY, 22 MAY 10.50 AM 11.35 AM GERMAN STANDARD GRADE General Level Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Wednesday 16 June 2010 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (plus


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *3100160725* GERMAN 0525/43 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2015 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Level 2 German, 2005

Level 2 German, 2005 For Supervisor s 2 9 0 4 0 4 Level 2 German, 2005 90404 Read and understand written language in German in less familiar contexts Credits: Six 9.30 am Tuesday 29 November 2005 Check that the National Student


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *6572529493* GERMAN 0525/42 Paper 4 Writing October/November 2018 1 hour Candidates answer on the


Was heißt Denken?: Vorlesung Wintersemester 1951/52. [Was bedeutet das alles?] (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek) (German Edition)

Was heißt Denken?: Vorlesung Wintersemester 1951/52. [Was bedeutet das alles?] (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek) (German Edition) Was heißt Denken?: Vorlesung Wintersemester 1951/52. [Was bedeutet das alles?] (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek) (German Edition) Martin Heidegger Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Was


Funktion der Mindestreserve im Bezug auf die Schlüsselzinssätze der EZB (German Edition)

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Martin Luther. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

Martin Luther. Click here if your download doesnt start automatically Die schönsten Kirchenlieder von Luther (Vollständige Ausgabe): Gesammelte Gedichte: Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein + Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist... der Unweisen Mund... (German Edition) Martin


*N30592A0112* N30592A W850/T1231/ /1/1/1/1/ Turn over

*N30592A0112* N30592A W850/T1231/ /1/1/1/1/ Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding Higher Tier Friday 23 May 2008 Morning Time: 40 minutes (+5 minutes reading time) Materials required


National Quali cations SPECIMEN ONLY. Date of birth Scottish candidate number

National Quali cations SPECIMEN ONLY. Date of birth Scottish candidate number N5FOR OFFICIAL USE S834/75/03 National Quali cations SPECIMEN ONLY Mark German Listening Date Not applicable Duration 30 minutes (approx) *S8347503* Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below.


Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 5: Kann einfachen Interviews, Berichten, Hörspielen und Sketches zu vertrauten Themen folgen.

Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 5: Kann einfachen Interviews, Berichten, Hörspielen und Sketches zu vertrauten Themen folgen. SUMMER HOLIDAY TIPS Fertigkeit Hören Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 5: Kann einfachen Interviews, Berichten, Hörspielen und Sketches zu vertrauten Themen folgen. (B1) Themenbereich(e) Kultur, Medien


National Quali cations Forename(s) Surname Number of seat. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

National Quali cations Forename(s) Surname Number of seat. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number N5 X734/75/0 FOR OFFICIAL USE National Quali cations 04 Mark German Listening TUESDAY, 0 MAY 0:50 AM :5 AM (approx) *X734750* Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town





Tuesday 10 May 2011 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time

Tuesday 10 May 2011 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre Number Candidate Number Tuesday 10 May 2011 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time You do not need


TUESDAY, 22 MAY AM AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

TUESDAY, 22 MAY AM AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE G Total 1300/29/01 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 2012 TUESDAY, 22 MAY 10.50 AM 11.35 AM GERMAN STANDARD GRADE General Level Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name


FRIDAY, 24 MAY 9.00 AM 9.45 AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

FRIDAY, 24 MAY 9.00 AM 9.45 AM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number FOR OFFICIAL USE F Total 1300/27/01 NATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS 2013 FRIDAY, 24 MAY 9.00 AM 9.45 AM GERMAN STANDARD GRADE Foundation Level Reading Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name


Level 2 German, 2011

Level 2 German, 2011 90401 904010 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2011 90401 Listen to and understand spoken language in German in less familiar contexts 2.00 pm uesday Tuesday 1 November 2011 Credits: Six Check that the National


National Quali cations SPECIMEN ONLY

National Quali cations SPECIMEN ONLY N5 SQ0/N5/03 FOR OFFICIAL USE National Quali cations SPECIMEN ONLY Mark German Listening Date Not applicable Duration 5 minutes (approx) *SQ0N503* Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full


Paper Reference. 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding. Higher Tier

Paper Reference. 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding. Higher Tier Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding Higher Tier Friday 26 May 2006 Afternoon Time: 40 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


National Quali cations SPECIMEN ONLY

National Quali cations SPECIMEN ONLY N5 SQ0/N5/03 FOR OFFICIAL USE National Quali cations SPECIMEN ONLY Mark German Listening Date Not applicable Duration 30 minutes (approx) *SQ0N503* Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education *1096844205* GERMAN 0525/42 Paper 4 Writing May/June 2018 1 hour Candidates answer on the Question


Friday 10 May 2013 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time

Friday 10 May 2013 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel International GCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre Number Candidate Number Friday 10 May 2013 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time You


National Quali cations 2015. Forename(s) Surname Number of seat

National Quali cations 2015. Forename(s) Surname Number of seat N5 X734/75/0 TUESDAY, 26 MAY 9:00 AM 0:30 AM FOR OFFICIAL USE National Quali cations 205 Mark German Reading *X734750* Fill in these boxes and read what is printed below. Full name of centre Town Forename(s)


Wer bin ich - und wenn ja wie viele?: Eine philosophische Reise. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

Wer bin ich - und wenn ja wie viele?: Eine philosophische Reise. Click here if your download doesnt start automatically Wer bin ich - und wenn ja wie viele?: Eine philosophische Reise Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Wer bin ich - und wenn ja wie viele?: Eine philosophische Reise Wer bin ich - und
