Part I Agile and Turbulence-Suitable Processes for Knowledge and Technology Intensive Organizations

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1 Contents Part I Agile and Turbulence-Suitable Processes for Knowledge and Technology Intensive Organizations I Know Something, that You Do Not Know... 3 Ursula Bach, Ingo Leisten Measuring Intellectual Capital Sabine Bischoff, Gergana Vladova, Agile Prozessgestaltung und Erfolgsfaktoren im Produktionsanlauf als komplexer Prozess Esther Borowski, Klaus Henning Standard Operating Procedures for Telemedical Care in Emergency Medical Services Christian Büscher, Harold Fischermann, Frederik Hirsch, Marie- Thérèse Schneiders, Jörg Christian Brokmann, Daniel Schilberg, Langfristiges Verstehen durch kurzfristiges Missverstehen. Die Bedeutung der interaktiv-transkriptiven Störungsbearbeitung für den Transfer von Wissen Max Haarich, Ingo Leisten, Frank Hees, Strategien und Merkmale der Innovationsfähigkeit von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen Alan Hansen, Sven Trantow, Anja Richert, Design and Application of a New Workshop Concept on the Development of an Innovative Transport Unit Sebastian Jursch, Eckart Hauck, Richard Ramakers,, Klaus Henning xi

2 xii Contents Trust Is Good, Control Is Better Jessica Koch, Eckart Hauck, Ingrid Isenhardt Achieving IT Security in a Telematic Rescue Assistance System Matthias Müller, Daniel Schilberg, Reducing Hardware Risks in the Development of Telematic Rescue Assistance Systems: A Methodology Matthias Müller, Patrick Loijens, Daniel Schilberg, Open Innovation als Zukunftsstrategie für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen Thilo Münstermann, Jessica Koch, Raphaele Bruch, Ingrid Isenhardt Strategic Implementation of Open Innovation Methods in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Sabine Schwab, Jessica Koch, Paul Flachskampf, Ingrid Isenhardt Modular Software Architecture Approach for a Telematic Rescue Assistance System Sebastian Thelen, Marie-Thérèse Schneiders, Daniel Schilberg, Emergence of Innovation Sven Trantow, Alan Hansen, Anja Richert, Innovative Capability An Introduction to this Volume Sven Trantow, Frank Hees, Spannungsfelder der Innovationsfähigkeit. Internationales Monitoring im BMBF-Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprogramm A-L-K Sven Trantow, Katharina Schuster, Frank Hees, Potenziale für Smarte Innovation finden Christian Tummel, Max Haberstroh, Karina Berenzen, Eckart Hauck, Ingrid Isenhardt Learning by Playing: Potential of Serious Games to Increase Intellectual Capital Bodo von der Heiden, Verena Bock, Anja Richert, Making Scientific Performance Measurable René Vossen, Florian Welter, Ingo Leisten, Anja Richert, Ingrid Isenhardt Der Exzellenzcluster Integrative Produktionstechnik für Hochlohnländer an der RWTH Aachen Florian Welter, Claudia Joo"s, Anja Richert,

3 Contents xiii Organisation and Management of Integrative Research Florian Welter, Claudia Jooß, Anja Richert,, Christian Brecher Part II Next-Generation Teaching and Learning Concepts for Universities and the Economy An Electronic Engineering Mobile Remote Laboratory A.Y. Al-Zoubi, Jarir Nsour,, Olivier Pfeiffer, Thomas Richter Ein Planspiel zur Vorlesung Projektmanagement für Physiker Alexander an Haack, Philipp Wolters, Eckart Hauck, Problem Based Learning of Object-Oriented Programming with LEGO Mindstorms NXT and LeJOS Daniel Ewert, Daniel Schilberg, Hands on Robotics Concept of a Student Laboratory on the Basis of an Experience-Oriented Learning Model Alan Hansen, Frank Hees, Robotics Education Labs EDULAB Alan Hansen, Frank Hees,, Olivier Pfeiffer Bachelor+ A year abroad with NIDI-INTERNATIONAL , Nicole Natho, Olivier Pfeiffer, Christian Schröder, Erhard Zorn Experiences from an International Student and Staff Exchange Program. 363, Nicole Natho, Olivier Pfeiffer, Erhard Zorn Work in Progress: Engineering Math with Early Bird , Olivier Pfeiffer, Erhard Zorn A Management Approach For Interdisciplinary Research Networks in a Knowledge-Based Society Case Study of the Cluster of Excellence Integrative Production Technology for High-Wage Countries Claudia Jooß, Florian Welter, Anja Richert,, Christian Brecher The Challenge of Scientific Cooperation in Large Complex Research Clusters Experiences from the Cluster of Excellence Integrative Production Technology for High-Wage Countries Claudia Jooß, Florian Welter, Anja Richert, Open Innovation Kunden als Partner Jessica Koch, Katharina Schuster, Frank Hees,

4 xiv Contents Introductory Mathematics Computer Course Olivier Pfeiffer, Erhard Zorn, Dipl-Ing Rest in Peace? Katharina Schuster, Frank Hees, OpenBologna Katharina Schuster, Ursula Bach, Anja Richert, Resisting Time Pressure Sven Trantow, Janine Stieger, Frank Hees, An Approach for Integrating Simulation Games in Higher Education Bodo von der Heiden, Philipp Wolters, Eckart Hauck, Theory of Digital Natives in the Light of Current and Future E-Learning Concepts Bodo von der Heiden, Stella Fleischer, Anja Richert, Übertragbarkeit brettbasierter Planspiele ins Internet Bodo von der Heiden, Thilo Münstermann, Knowledge Management in Vocational Training Florian Welter, Thomas Thiele, Olivier Pfeiffer, Anja Richert, Part III Cognitive IT-Supported Processes for Heterogeneous and Cooperative Systems Considering Multi-Evaluation Perspectives in an Agent-Based FMS Scheduling Approach Ghada Abaza, Iman Badr, Peter Göhner, Extending an Agent-Based FMS Scheduling Approach with Parallel Genetic Algorithms Ghada Abaza, Iman Badr, Peter Göhner, A MDV-Based Approach for Appearance Enhancement of Historical Images Mohammad Alfraheed, Ahmed Alamouri, Longitudinal and Lateral Control in Automated Highway Systems: Their Past, Present and Future Mohammad Alfraheed, Alicia Dröge, Max Klingender, Daniel Schilberg,

5 Contents xv Real Time Detection of the Back View of a Preceding Vehicle for Automated Heterogeneous Platoons in Unstructured Environment Using Video Mohammad Alfraheed, Alicia Dröge, Ralph Kunze, Max Klingender, Daniel Schilberg, Artificial Cognition in Autonomous Assembly Planning Systems Christian Büscher, Marcel Mayer, Daniel Schilberg, Kognitive Planungs- und Lernmechanismen in selbstoptimierenden Montagesystemen Christian Büscher, Sinem Kuz, Daniel Ewert, Daniel Schilberg, An Agent-Based Concept for Planning and Control of the Production of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastics Aircraft Structures with Mobile Production Units Franz Dietrich, Christian Löchte,, Annika Raatz A Graph Based Hybrid Approach of Offline Pre-Planning and Online Re-Planning for Efficient Assembly Under Realtime Constraints Daniel Ewert, Sebastian Thelen, Ralph Kunze, Marcel Mayer, Daniel Schilberg, Innovative Capability Learning Capability Transfer Capability. Promoting Innovation Systematically Max Haarich, Sylvia Sparschuh, Claudio Zettel, Sven Trantow, Frank Hees A Conceptual Agent-Based Planning Algorithm for the Production of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Aircrafts by Using Mobile Production Units Hamido Hourani, Philipp Wolters, Eckart Hauck, Annika Raatz, A Marsupial Relationship in Robotics Hamido Hourani, Philipp Wolters, Eckart Hauck, Self-Optimising Assembly Systems Based on Cognitive Technologies Marcel Mayer, Barbara Odenthal, Daniel Ewert, Tobias Kempf, Daniel Behnen, Christian Büscher, Sinem Kuz, Simon Müller, Eckart Hauck, Bernhard Kausch, Daniel Schilberg, Werner Herfs, Christopher Schlick,, Christian Brecher Erzeugung agiler Wissensprozesse in Förderschwerpunkten mittels einer interaktiven Diskussions- und Arbeitsplattform Anja Richert, Kerstin Thöing,

6 xvi Contents An Incremental Online Heuristic for Evaluating the Feasibility of the m-vrptwar Christian Tummel, Christian Franzen, Eckart Hauck, The Multi-Depot Heterogeneous Fleet Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Assignment Restrictions (m-vrptwar) Christian Tummel, Christian Franzen, Eckart Hauck, Part IV Target Group-Adapted User Models for Innovation and Technology Development Processes User Adaptive Design of Active Vehicle Safety Systems with Regard to the Driver Behavior of Elderly Drivers Max Haberstroh, Max Klingender, Qihui Huang, Eckart Hauck, Klaus Henning, Die Zukunft fest im Blick: Interdisziplinäre Innovationen Klaus Henning, Esther Borowski Agile Werte im Innovationsmanagement Ingrid Isenhardt, Max Haberstroh, Christian Tummel, Ralph Kunze, Marina Scheiff, Eckart Hauck Wie lässt sich Komplexität als Quelle für Innovationen nutzen? Ingrid Isenhardt, Max Haberstroh, Marina Scheiff, Christian Tummel, Ralph Kunze, Eckart Hauck An Efficient Development Process for an Innovative Transport Unit Sebastian Jursch, Sylwia Jalocha, Eckart Hauck,, Klaus Henning Economic Evaluation of Intelligent MegaSwapBoxes for Advanced Intermodal Freight Transport Through Value Oriented Cost-Effectiveness Estimation Sebastian Jursch, Sabine Bischoff, Eckart Hauck, Paul Flachskampf,, Klaus Henning Occupational Safety and Health as an Innovation Driver Ingo Leisten, Ursula Bach, Frank Hees Strategische Transferkommunikation von Innovationsund Forschungswissen Ingo Leisten, Frank Hees A Joint Organizational and Technical Development of a Telematic Rescue Assistance System for German Emergency Medical Services Marie-Thérèse Schneiders, Daniel Schilberg,

7 Contents xvii Telenotarzt auf dem Prüfstand Marie-Thérèse Schneiders, Stephanie Herbst, Daniel Schilberg, Ingrid Isenhardt,, Harold Fischermann, Sebastian Bergrath, Rolf Rossaint, Max Skorning Discussions on Accessibility in Industrial Automation Systems Helmut Vieritz, Farzan Yazdi, Nasser Jazdi, Daniel Schilberg,, Peter Göhner Merging Web Accessibility and Usability by Patterns Helmut Vieritz, Daniel Schilberg, User-Centered Design of Accessible Web and Automation Systems Helmut Vieritz, Farzan Yazdi, Daniel Schilberg, Peter Göhner, User Interface Modeling for Accessible Web Applications with the Unified Modeling Language Helmut Vieritz, Farzan Yazdi, Daniel Schilberg, Peter Göhner, A Concept for User-Centered Development of Accessible User Interfaces for Industrial Automation Systems and Web Applications Farzan Yazdi, Helmut Vieritz, Nasser Jazdi, Daniel Schilberg, Peter Göhner, Part V Semantic Networks and Ontologies for Complex Value Chains and Virtual Environments A Multi Level Time Model for Interactive Multiple Dataset Visualization: The Dataset Sequencer Thomas Beer, Gerrit Garbereder, Tobias Meisen, Rudolf Reinhard, Torsten Kuhlen Platform for Integrative Simulation Thomas Beer, Tobias Meisen, Rudolf Reinhard, Daniel Schilberg, Torsten Kuhlen,, Christian Bischof The Virtual Production Simulation Platform: From Collaborative Distributed Simulation to Integrated Visual Analysis Thomas Beer, Tobias Meisen, Rudolf Reinhard, Sergey Konovalov, Daniel Schilberg,, Torsten Kuhlen, Christian Bischof Adaptive Information Integration Tobias Meisen, Philipp Meisen, Daniel Schilberg, A Framework for Adaptive Data Integration in Digital Production Tobias Meisen, Rudolf Reinhard, Daniel Schilberg,

8 xviii Contents Application Integration of Simulation Tools Considering Domain Specific Knowledge Tobias Meisen, Philipp Meisen, Daniel Schilberg, IT-Infrastructure for an Integrated Visual Analysis of Distributed Heterogeneous Simulations Tobias Meisen, Rudolf Reinhard, Thomas Beer, Daniel Schilberg, A Framework Enabling Data Integration for Virtual Production Rudolf Reinhard, Tobias Meisen, Thomas Beer, Daniel Schilberg, A Framework Providing a Basis for Data Integration in Virtual Production Rudolf Reinhard, Tobias Meisen, Daniel Schilberg, Digitale Produktion Daniel Schilberg Enterprise Application Integration for Virtual Production Daniel Schilberg, Tobias Meisen, Philippe Cerfontaine, Simulation and Interoperability in the Planning Phase of Production Processes Daniel Schilberg, Tobias Meisen, Rudolf Reinhard, Monographs and Published Books from IMA/ZLW & IfU


Part I Agile and Turbulence-Suitable Processes for Knowledge and Technology Intensive Organizations

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