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AIC 12.-14.11. 2015 Wien Von der Instabilität zur Stabilität Vortragstitel: Blockaden beim akuten Trauma Autor: Dr. Max Schmidt Conflict of interest in relation to the above mentioned topic: X I have NO conflict of interest I have conflicts of interest (please specify): received travel grants, speaking fees, writing fees and other honoraria... received fees for consulting received research funding employed by a related company. holding stocks or shares in a company which might be affected by mine publications... others...

FAHRPLAN Allgemeines (Patho-)Physiologie Beispiele, Daten Cave Applaus

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ALLGEMEINES - SCHMERZ ALS SPÄTFOLGE NACH TRAUMA 3047 Patienten (18-84 a), 1 Jahr post traumam: 62,7 % verletzungsbedingte Schmerzen NRS 5,5 44,3% Gelenke, Extremitäten 26,2% Rücken Rivara FP et al. Prevalence of pain in patients 1 year after major trauma. Arch Surg 2008:143(3):282-7

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(PATHO-) PHYSIOLOGIE Inflammatorische Mediatoren: Bradykinin, Kalium, Interleukine, TNF, Substanz P, Histamin, H, Serotonin, Leukotriene, Prostaglandine, Prostazyklin verursachen Vasodilatation, Erythem, Schwellung, Schmerz, Hyperalgesie Permanente Stimuli der C-Fasern im Hinterhorn führt zu zentraler Hypersensibilisierung

(PATHO-) PHYSIOLOGIE Hormone: Endorphine, (Nor-)Adrenalin, Cortisol, ADH, Vasopressin, Aldosteron, Glucagon, Wachstumshormon Hypertension, Tachycardie, VO2, Hyperkoagulabilität, Immunsupression,

(PATHO-) PHYSIOLOGIE Hormone: Endorphine, (Nor-)Adrenalin, Cortisol, ADH, Vasopressin, Aldosteron, Glucagon, Wachstumshormon Hypertension, Tachycardie, VO2, Hyperkoagulabilität, Immunsupression,

(PATHO-) PHYSIOLOGIE Hormone: Endorphine, (Nor-)Adrenalin, Cortisol, ADH, Vasopressin, Aldosteron, Glucagon, Wachstumshormon Hypertension, Tachycardie, VO2, Hyperkoagulabilität, Immunsupression, Aktivierung des N. vagus mit Supprimierung der entzündlichen Reaktion Bierhaus A et al. Linking stress to inflammation. Anestesiol Clin 2006;24(2):325-40

(PATHO-) PHYSIOLOGIE Bierhaus A et al. Linking stress to inflammation. Anestesiol Clin 2006;24(2):325-40

BEISPIELE, DATEN jedes Verfahren aus dem elektiven Bereich ist möglich unterschiedliches Verletzungsmuster, Hämodynamik, Neurologie individuelles Entscheiden zwischen Nutzen und Risiko als Bridging zur OP evtl. post OP

BEISPIELE, DATEN - NEUROAXIALE VERFAHREN Kontraindikationen: Ablehnung des Patienten Sepsis, lokale Infektion am Funktionsort Schwere Hypovolämie Akute hämodynamische Instabilität Obstruktiver Ileus Gerinnungsstörung, Gerinnungstherapie (siehe Guidelines) Erhöhter ICP Rosenberg A et al. Pain management and regional anesthesie in trauma. Philadelphia: WB Saunders;2000 Kariya N et al. [Effective treatment of a man with head injury and multiple rib fractures with epidural analgesia]. Masui 1996;45(2):223-6

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VERGLEICH EPIDURAL - PARAVERTEBRAL kein signifikanter Unterschied bei Schmerzscores besseres NW-Profil des PVB (Harnretention, Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Hypotension) Davies RG et al. A comparison of the analgesic efficacy and side-effects of paravertebral block vs. epiduralblock for thoracotomy - a systematic review and metaanalysis of randomized trials. Br J Anaesth 2006;96:418-26

VERGLEICH EPIDURAL - PARAVERTEBRAL Kein Unterschied im zusätzlichen Opioid-Verbrauch Kein Unterschied in der ICU-Dauer Kein Unterschied in der Dauer des KH-Aufenthaltes Weniger Hypotension in der PVB-Gruppe Mohta M et al. Prospective randomized comparison of continuous thoracic epidural and thoracic paravertebral infusions in patients with unilateral multiple rib fractures: a pilot study. J Trauma 2009;66:1096-101

EXTRAMITÄTENTRAUMA systemischer Schmerztherapie überlegen periartikulären / intraartikulären Techniken überlegen Kombination mehrerer Katheter - zentral / peripher US / Stimulator bestehendes neurologisches Defizit Prophylaxe CRPS?

INFEKTIONEN 23% - 57% Katheterkolonialisierung 0% - 3% lokale Infektion > 48h Liegedauer wenn kein Antibiotikum axillär, femoral Capdevilla XM et al. Infectious risk of continuous peripheral nerve blocks. Anesthesiology 2009;110:182-8

KOMPARTMENTSYNDROM Pallor Pain Pulselessness Paralysis Paraesthesia

KOMPARTMENTSYNDROM kein Fallbericht für verspätete Diagnose unter peripherer Nervenblockade / lumbaler EDA Mar GJ et al. Acute compartment syndrome of the lower limb and the effect of postoperative analgesia on diagnosis. Br J Anaesth 2009;102(1):3-11 keine Evidenz bei Femurschaft-FX und Femoralisblockade Karagiannis G et al. Best evidence topic report: no evidence found that a femoral nerve block in cases of femoral shaft fractures can delay the diagnosis of compartment syndrome of the thigh. Emery Med J 2005;22(11):814

KOMPARTMENTSYNDROM red flag: plötzlicher Durchbruchschmerz engmaschige Überwachung Kompartmentdruckmessung NIRS treated with dilute concentrations of local anesthetics to minimize dense motor block and dense sensory block rather than denying a regional technique for pain control. Sanooj S et al. Does regional anesthesia in trauma patients lead to delayed recognition of compartment syndrome. Br J of Hospital Medicine 2013;74(6):358

RA IN AN / SEDIERUNG The potential ability of general anesthesia or heavy sedation to obscure early signs of systemic local anesthetic toxicity is not a valid reason to forgo performing peripheral nerve or epidural blocks in anesthetized or heavily sedated patients. (Class I) ASRA (Neal JM et al. ASRA practice advisory on neurologic complications in regional anesthesia and pain medicine. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2008;33(5):404-415)

NEUROAXIALES VERFAHREN IN AN / SEDIERUNG Warning signs, such as paresthesia or pain on injection of local anesthetic, inconsistently herald needle contact with the spinal cord. Nevertheless, some patients do report warning signs of needle-to-neuraxis proximity. General anesthesia or heavy sedation removes any ability for the patient to recognize and report warning signs. This suggests that neuraxial regional anesthesia should be performed rarely in adult patients whose sensorium is compromised by general anesthesia or heavy sedation. (Class II) ASRA (Neal JM et al. ASRA practice advisory on neurologic complications in regional anesthesia and pain medicine. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2008;33(5):404-415)

INTERSCALENÄRER BLOCK IN AN / SEDIERUNG ASRA (Neal JM et al. ASRA practice advisory on neurologic complications in regional anesthesia and pain medicine. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2008;33(5):404-415) Case reports document spinal cord injury during the placement of interscalene blocks in patients under general anesthesia, which heightens concern associated with this practice. Interscalene blocks should not be performed in anesthetized or heavily sedated adult or pediatric patients. (Class I)

PERIPHERE BLOCKADE IN AN / SEDIERUNG ASRA (Neal JM et al. ASRA practice advisory on neurologic complications in regional anesthesia and pain medicine. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2008;33(5):404-415) Because general anesthesia or heavy sedation removes all opportunity for adults to communicate symptoms of potential nerve injury, peripheral nerve block should not be routinely performed in most adults during general anesthesia or heavy sedation. However, the risk-to-benefit ratio of performing peripheral nerve block under these conditions may improve in select patient populations (e.g., dementia, developmental delay, or when unintended movement could compromise vital structures). (Class II)

PERIPHERE BLOCKADE BEI KINDERN IN AN / SEDIERUNG ASRA (Neal JM et al. ASRA practice advisory on neurologic complications in regional anesthesia and pain medicine. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2008;33(5):404-415) Regardless of wakefulness, infants and children may be unable to communicate symptoms of potential peripheral nerve injury. However, uncontrolled movement may increase the risk of injury. Therefore, the placement of peripheral nerve blocks in children undergoing general anesthesia or heavy sedation may be appropriate after duly considering individual risk-to-benefit ratio. (Class II)

ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Nicht nur bequem und elegant Teil eines multimodalen Behandlungskonzepts Möglichkeit die physiologische Antwort auf das Trauma zu mildern Möglichkeit Begleitverletzungen können maskiert werden Sympatikusblockade kann Hypovolämie verstärken Hämodynamische Stabilität und Ausschluss viszeraler Bauchverletzungen vor jeder RA Individuelle Entscheidung im Konsens