Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg University of Education in Vorarlberg - Austria. DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT (Diploma supplement)

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Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg University of Education in Vorarlberg - Austria Liechtensteinerstraße - 7 800 Feldkirch, Austria.... Family name(s) Given name(s) Date of birth (DDMMYYYY) Student identification number 08. DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT (Diploma supplement) This Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international "transparency" and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and by the individual named on the original qualification to which this supplement is appended. It should be free from any value-judgements, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition. Information in all eight sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should give the reason why. Information identifying the holder of the qualification Information identifying the qualification Name of qualification, title conferred *) Bachelor of Education (BEd).... Main field(s) of study for the qualification Name and status of awarding institution *) Name and status of institution administering studies *) Language(s) of instruction / examination Mathematics; Music Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg, Pädagogische Hochschule Pädagogische Hochschule Vorarlberg, Pädagogische Hochschule German.. Information on the level of the qualification Level of qualification Official length of programme Bachelor's programme (UNESCO ISCED Code A) First Diploma: semesters credits: 8, Second Diploma: semesters credits: 90, years ( semesters, credits: 80) credits: 80. Access requirement(s) Secondary school leaving certificate or University entrance qualification.. Information on the contents and results gained Mode of study Programme requirements Full-time study This six semester study qualifies the student to teach the first and second stubject they have been trained in at a lower secondary school. The study is divided into two sections. (Section semester and ; section semesters to ). The examinations after each term are modularized and have to be passed positively. There is school practice in the second and third semester on a daily basis, in the fourth and sixth term the school practice is blocked ( weeks). Before graduating the students have to write a bachelor thesis with relevance to their vocational field and on a scientific standard. * in original language (German) Das Diploma Supplement ist ein Europass-Dokument (www.europass.at) /

. Programme details ( e.g. modules or units studied) and the individual grades/marks/ obtained) See transcript of records enclosed. Grading scheme and, if available, grade distribution guidance ( grading scale) Single grades: excellent () good () satisfactory () sufficient () fail () Assessment of participation in courses: participation with success fail Overall classification of qualification: pass with distinction pass fail. Overall assessment of the qualification Not applicable within this curriculum. Information on the function of the qualification Access to further study Master's programmes. Professional status Diploma according to the guideline 89/8/EWG. Additional information Additional information not available. Further information sources http://ec.europa.eu/education/policies/rec_qual/recognition/diploma_de.html 7 7. Certification of the supplement Date 0.07.0 7. Official stamp or seal 7. Name and signature Andreas Frick 7. Capacity Office of students 8 Information on the Austrian higher education system see next page DVR 00 Das Diploma Supplement ist ein Europass-Dokument (www.europass.at) /

PÄDAGOGISCHE HOCHSCHULE VORARLBERG Liechtensteinerstraße - 7 800 Feldkirch, Austria NAME OF STUDENT: TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS First name: Date of birth: Academic degree: BEd Date of admission: Sep 00 Matriculation number: 08 Study: Mathematics; Music (as a degree student) Number / Academic Year () 8ME0FA 0/ 8SE00FP 0/ 8ES00FP 0/ 8MA00FP 0/ 8HW00FP 0/ 8SP00FP 0/ 8ME00FP 0/ 8HW0FA 0/ 8ES0FP / 8MAFP / 8SP0FP / 8ME0FA / 8HW0FB / 8ME0FP / 8MA0FP / 8HW0FA / 8MAFP / 8HW0FP / 8ME0FB / 8SP0FP / 8HW0FB / 8ME0FP / 8MA0FP / Title of the course / type / semester hour () ME-0A Musikpraxis; FA; SE-00 Studieneingangsphase; FA; ES-00 Ergänzende Studien I; FA; 8 MA-00 Elemente der Mathematik I; FA; HW-00 Einführung in die Grundlage der Humanwissenschaften; FA; SP-00 Planung von Unterricht; FA; ME-00 Theoretische Grundlagen I; FA; HW-0A Möglichkeiten und Bedingungen persönlichen und sozialen Lernens; FA; ES-0 Forschungsmethoden und Statistik; FA;. MA- Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik I; FA; SP-0 Angeleitetes Praktikum II; FA; ME-0-A Musikpraxis III; FA; HW-0B Möglichkeiten und Bedingungen persönlichen und sozialen Lernens; FA; ME-0 Musik in Theorie und Praxis I; FA; MA-0 Lineare Algebra; FA; HW-0A Kinder mit speziellen Bildungs- und Erziehungsbedürfnissen; FA; MA- Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik II; FA; HW-0 Schule im Spannungsfeld von Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft; FA; ME-0-B Musikpraxis IV; FA; SP-0 Begleitetes Praktikum I; FA; HW-0B Kinder mit speziellen Bildungs- und Erziehungsbedürfnissen; FA; ME-0 Musik in Theorie und Praxis II; FA; MA-0 Stochastik und Analysis I; FA; Duration of the course / examination / recognition date () S / 07.0.0 S / 07.0.0 S / 07.0.0 S / 07.0.0 S / 09.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S / 0.07.0 S / 0.0.0 S / 0.0.0 S / 0.0.0 S / 0.0.0 S / 08.0.0 S / 09.0.0 S / 7.0.0 S / 9.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S / 8.0.0 S / 0.07.0 Local grade () Grade () C Credits Page of

NAME OF STUDENT: First name: Date of birth: Study: Number / Academic Year 8SP0FP / 8ME0FC / 8MA0FP / 8HW0FA / 8ME0FP / 8ME08FP / 8HW0FP / 8MA0FB / 8ME0FD / 8MA0FA / 8HW0FB / 8SP0FP / 8HW0FP 0/ 8SP0FP 0/ 8ES0FP 0/ 8ME0FB 0/ 8MA0FP 0/ 8ME0FP 0/ 8ME0FP / 8ME07FP / Bachelor's Thesis:.. Total: () Title of the course / type / semester hour () SP-0 Begleitetes Praktikum II; FA; ME-0-C Musikpraxis V; FA; MA-0 Analysis II; FA; HW-0 Aktuelle pädagogischen und berufsfeldbezogene Fragestellungen; FA; ME-0 Musikalische Projekte; FA; ME-08 Musik in Theorie und Praxis III; FA; HW-0 Migration - Religion - Institutionen; FA; MA-0-B Mathematik und Gesellschaft; FA; ME-0-D Musikpraxis VI; FA; MA-0-A Zahlenlehre; FA; HW-0-B Studienabschlussmodul; FA; SP-0 Begleitendes Praktikum III; FA; Mathematics; Music (as a degree student) HW-0 Erziehung, Entwicklung, Lernen: Umgang mit Heterogenität; FP; SP-0 Angeleitetes Praktikum I; FP; ES-0 Ergänzende Studien II; FP; ME-0B Musikpraxis II; FP; MA-0 Elemente der Mathematik II; FP; ME-0 Theoretische Grundlagen II; FP; ME- Musik in Theorie und Praxis IV; FP; ME-07 Musikalische Projekte; FP; () () () () () See explanations on next page Academic degree: Date of admission: Sep 00 BEd Matriculation number: 08 Duration of the course / examination / recognition date () S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 S / 0.07.0 S / 7.0.0 S / 7.0.0 S / 7.0.0 S / 7.0.0 S / 7.0.0 S / 0.0.0 S /.0.0 S /.0.0 Local grade () Grade () Credits 9.00 80.00 Certificate st part of studies: 0 Oct 0 Certificate: 0 Jul 0 Date Signature of registrar/dean/administration officer Stamp of institution Sep 0 DVR: 00 Page of

- EUROPEAN CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM Information available on the Europe server: http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/socrates/ects_en.html () () () () Number / Academic Year Information available on INTERNET: http://www.ph-vorarlberg.ac.at Type of course AG = Tutorial AW = Independent research DA = Thesis DI = Dissertation DW = Independent research EE = EG = EK = EN = EP = EU = EV = Lecture with practical experimental component EX = Field trip FA = FP = HO = IL = Lecture/Practical IU = Practical KE = KG = KN = KU = Design practical KÜ = KV = Tutorial LU = Lab practical PJ = Project work PM = PR = Practical PS = Course with introduction to theoretical aspects PV = Tutorial for postgraduate students RM = Rückmeldemoderation RP = Tutorial RU = Maths Tutorial SE = Seminar SP = Seminar/Project UE = Practical VM = VO = Lecture VP = VS = VU = Lecture/Practical WK = Tutorial Semester hour: unit of academic credit: minutes a week for one semester Duration of course unit: Y S = full academic year = semester *... recognised Description of the institutional grading system: Austrian Grading Scale Definition EXCELLENT: outstanding performance GOOD: above the average standard but with some errors SATISFACTORY: generally sound work with a number of notable errors SUFFICIENT: performance meets the minimum criteria UNSATISFACTORY: some more work required before the credit can be awarded Nach dem geltenden Hochschulgesetz 00 ist für einzelne Prüfungen als weitere Beurteilung "Mit Erfolg teilgenommen" / "Ohne Erfolg teilgenommen" zulässig, sofern dies im jeweils geltenden Studienplan festgelegt wurde. () Recommended grades: Grade at PH Vorarlberg grade C D E F -Credits Semester = 0 Academic Year = 0 Page of