Global climate change: related to greenhouse gas emissions?

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Global Radiation Balance Energy balance, daily mean Condition Sustainable land use Stopping deforestation Global Radiation 4514 Wh Reflection 328 Wh Evaporation (Latent Heat) 1888 Wh Sensible Heat 575 Wh Reduction of urbanization Increased Thermal Radiation 1724 Wh Net Longwave (Thermal) Radiation7776 Wh Net Radiation 2462 Wh Main Influencing Factors: Vegetaition Precipitation Soil fertility Ø Daily Global Mean in Wh/m² source: Evaporation reduces thermal radiation and sensible heat flux

World s s Energy Consumption after Greenpeace / S. Krauter 2006

Rio de Janeiro 2006

Reduced evapotranspiration in urban areas increases thermal radiation and changes up to 95% of the net radiation to heat Asphalt roof Energy balance, daily mean Global Radiation 5354 Wh Niederschlag Reflection 482 Wh Evaporation (Latent Heat) 123 Wh Disadvantages Sensible Heat 1827 Wh Uncomfortable microclimate Low durability of the sealing of the roof High surface runoff, low evapotranspiration Pollution of the surface waters Increased Thermal Radiation 2923 Wh Net Longwave (Thermal) Radiation 7555 Wh Net Radiation 1949 Wh Main Influencing Factors: Surface colour (Albedo) Heat capacity of the surface Exposition Ø Daily Mean in Wh/m² June-August 2000 UFA-Fabrik Berlin-Tempelhof

On a green roof, evapotranspiration reduces thermal radiation and changes up to 65% of the net radiation to evaporative cooling Extensive Greened Roof Energy balance, daily mean Global Radiation 5354 Wh Niederschlag Reflection 803 Wh Evaporation (Latent Heat) 1185 Wh Advantages Sensible Heat 872 Wh Improvement of the microclimate High durability of the sealing of the roof Reduction of the runoff by evapotranspiration Increased Thermal Radiation 2494 Wh Net Longwave (Thermal) Radiation7555 Wh Net Radiation 2057 Wh Main Influencing Factors: Field capacity of the soil Exposition Percentage of cover of the vegetation Ø Daily Mean in Wh/m² June-August 2000 UFA-Fabrik Berlin-Tempelhof

Energie Diskomfort innerhalb von Gebäuden Erhöhter Energieverbrauch bei der Gebäudeklimatisierung

Steigerung des Energieverbrauchs bei der Gebäudekühlung in Europa 400% 350% 300% 250% Germany (%) Greece (%) France (%) Spain (%) Italy (%) EU Total (% and Kt CO2/a) Kt CO2 (EU Total) 68070 58070 48070 200% 38070 150% 100% M.Schmidt 2006 after: EECCAC 4/2003 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 28070 18070 Source: Energy Efficiency and Certification of Central Air Conditioners (EECCAC) Study for the D.G. Transportation-Energy (DGTREN) of the Commission of the E.U.

Klimatisierung über Strom 35 kwh Kälte 16 kwh Elektrizität (COP 2,2) 51 kwh Sensible Wärme

Globale Reduzierung der Verdunstung (täglich): Verlust an Wäldern: Urbanisierung: Wüstenbildung: 350 km² 150 km² 300 km²

Palaeogeography: we dry out the planet We dry out the planet!

Agadir,, Morocco 5/2008

Agadir, Morocco 5/2008 Agadir, Morocco today compared to descriptions by ancient Greek geographer Strabo: "all of the [land] between Carthage and the Pillars of Hercules [from Tunis to the Atlantic ocean] is of an extreme fertility." Morocco was often singled out as "one of the most beautiful and fertile countries of the earth" and was frequently described as "one of the granaries of Rome"

Large and Small Water Cycle Kravcik et al 2007,

Why does CO 2 correlate with the global temperature?

Photosynthese bestimmt die Konzentration von CO 2 in der Atmosphere Emission 5 Gt/a 20,9% O 2 0,038% CO 2 Respiration 60 Gt/a

Global Radiation Balance Energy balance, daily mean Condition Sustainable land use Stopping deforestation Global Radiation 4514 Wh Reflection 328 Wh Evaporation (Latent Heat) 1888 Wh Sensible Heat 575 Wh Reduction of urbanization Increased Thermal Radiation 1724 Wh Net Longwave (Thermal) Radiation7776 Wh Net Radiation 2462 Wh Main Influencing Factors: Vegetaition Precipitation Soil fertility Ø Daily Global Mean in Wh/m² source: Evaporation reduces thermal radiation and sensible heat flux

renewable biomass?

Maßnahmen in urbanen Gebieten

First projects TU Berlin 1983 Urban renewal quarter 108 Berlin-Kreuzberg

Potsdamer Platz DCI Berlin Rainwater harvesting of 99% as stormwater control Greened roofs on all 19 buildings (priority 2) 2550 m² of storage capacity for toilet flush and fire fighting Urban rainwater supplied lake of 19.000 m² for evaporation, 3500 m³ of additional stormwater retention (priority 3)

Trend zur Versickerung Infiltration needs to be combined with vegetation!

Institut für Physik der Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin

Institut für Physik der Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin Kein R-Kanal, keine RW Ableitung außerhalb der Gebäudegrenzen Regenwassernutzung für die Gebäudeklimatisierung: - Fassadenbegrünung - adiabate Abluftkühlung 450 Kletterpflanzen in 150 Fassadenkübeln mit Anstaubewässerung, Vergleichsmessung zum EG 280 Sensoren im Monitoring ArchitektInnen: G. Augustin, U. Frank

Mean daily evapotranspiration 7/15/05-09/14/05 correspondent cooling rate: 280 kwh per day [mm/d] 30 25 20 15 Mean ETP of a facade greening system, Adlershof Physik 7/15/05-09/14/05 [kwh/m²d] 20,4 south facade, 2nd floor south facade, 3rd floor south facade, 1st floor 17,0 courtyard, 1 st floor courtyard, 2nd floor 13,6 courtyard, 3rd floor 10,2 10 6,8 5 3,4 0 0,0 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00

Evaporative cooling in Central Air Conditioners

Difference in energy consumption with and without evaporative cooling 40,0 35,0 [ C] Aussentemperatur [ C] Anlage 4 [kw] [kw] 6 5 30,0 25,0 4 20,0 3 15,0 2 10,0 5,0 1 0,0 20.7.06 0:02 20.7.06 4:07 20.7.06 8:07 20.7.06 12:07 20.7.06 16:12 20.7.06 20:27 21.7.06 0:27 21.7.06 4:27 21.7.06 8:27 21.7.06 12:32 21.7.06 16:32 21.7.06 20:37 0

Difference in Surface Temperatures Conventional Roof Green Roof (Infrared measurements) 60,0 50,0 40,0 30,0 [ C] Temperatures 20.6.2001 Surface Black roof Surface Green roof Sealing Green roof Air 0m Green roof Air 1m Green roof 20,0 10,0,0 0:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00

Green Roof Lysimeter Measured Global Radiation, Latent Heat and resultant Sensible Heat in W / (m² day) 800 700 [W/m2d] 600 500 Sensibel Heat Latent Heat Global Radiation 400 300 200 100 0-100 5.9.03 0:00 5.9.03 12:00 6.9.03 0:00 6.9.03 12:00 7.9.03 0:00 7.9.03 12:00 8.9.03 0:00

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