Sommer Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen. Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der Universität Heidelberg (ZMBH) (Stand: 15.4.

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UNIVERSITÄT HEIDELBERG Verzeichnis der Lehrveranstaltungen () Die ausführliche Darstellung der Veranstaltungen findet sich unter

Zentrum für Molekulare Biologie der Universität Heidelberg (ZMBH) Abkürzungsschlüssel ZMBH = Im Neuenheimer Feld 282 (rollstuhlgerecht), Lehrsekretariat Raum 306, 3. OG, Tel. 546911 FS = Forschungsseminar GP = Grundpraktikum GV = Grundvorlesung HP = Hauptpraktikum LS = Literaturseminar ZV = Zyklusvorlesung Bachelor Biowissenschaften DKFZ-ZMBH-Alliance Colloquium Kolloquium Do; wöch; 16:00-17:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 001; Erhardt, S.;Hofmann, T.;Sourjik, V.;Stoecklin, G. Modul Biologie II Biologie II: Biochemie, Molekularbiologie, Molekulare Zellbiologie Grundvorlesung; SWS: 5; LP: 9 Block; 08:15-09:00, 15.04.2013-26.07.2013; INF 230 / ghs; Montag - Freitag, täglich; Brunner, M.;Nickel, W.;Harter, C.;Strahl, S.;Mayer, M.;Schiebel, E.;Melchior, F.;Holstein, T.;Schumacher, K. Fr; Einzel; 10:00-12:00, 30.08.2013-30.08.2013; INF 230 / ghs; Klausur am 12 oder 13.04.2012; Mi; Einzel; 10:00-12:00, 02.10.2013-02.10.2013; INF 230 / ghs; Wiederholungsklausur; Modul Zyklusvorlesungen Gruppe 3 Molekularbiologie Zyklus-Vorlesung; SWS: 2; LP: 4 Mi; wöch; 08:15-09:45, 12.06.2013-26.07.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH R 001; Gruppe 3; Erhardt, S.;Gruß, O.;Lemberg, M.;Luke, B.;Melchior, F.;Stoecklin, G. Fr; wöch; 08:15-09:45; INF 282 / ZMBH R 001; Erhardt, S.;Lemberg, M.;Luke, B.;Melchior, F.;Mogk, A.;Stoecklin, G. Modul Methoden der molekularen Biowissenschaften Sicherheitsbelehrung für alle ZMBH-Praktika und Kurse Mo; k.a.; 18:00-19:45, 22.04.2013-22.04.2013; INF 230 / ghs; Baumm, A.;Mayer, M.;Prior, P. Pipettieren, ph-titrieren: in elementare Labortechniken Do; Einzel; 10:15-12:00, 18.04.2013-18.04.2013; INF 230 / ghs; H.-W. Köpsell; Mayer, M. 2

Methoden der Molekularen Biowissenschaften - Teil Mikrobiologie Grundkurs Block; 11:15-16:15, 22.04.2013-26.04.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 022; Gruppe 1; Gruppe 1, 1 Woche halbtags; Mayer, Block; 11:15-16:15, 29.04.2013-03.05.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 022; Gruppe 2; Gruppe 2, 1 Woche halbtags; Mayer, Block; 11:15-16:15, 06.05.2013-10.05.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 022; Gruppe 3; Gruppe 3, 1 Woche halbtags; Mayer, Block; 11:15-16:15, 13.05.2013-17.05.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 022; Gruppe 4; Gruppe 4, 1 Woche halbtags; Mayer, Block; 11:15-16:15, 21.05.2013-25.05.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 022; Gruppe 5; Gruppe 5, 1 Woche halbtags; Mayer, Block; 11:15-16:15, 03.06.2013-07.06.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 022; Gruppe 6; Gruppe 6, 1 Woche halbtags; Mayer, Block; 11:15-16:15, 10.06.2013-14.06.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 022; Gruppe 7; Gruppe 7, 1 Woche halbtags; Mayer, Block; 11:15-16:15, 17.06.2013-21.06.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 022; Gruppe 8; Gruppe 8, 1 Woche halbtags; Mayer, Block; 11:15-16:15, 24.06.2013-28.06.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 022; Gruppe 9; Gruppe 9, 1 Woche halbtags; Mayer, Modul Seminare Gruppe 3 Key Experiments in Cell Biology Seminar; SWS: 2; LP: 4 Mi; k.a.; 18:00-20:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 020; Gruppe 3; Initial meeting and distribution of the topics: 17.04.2013, 18.00 Uhr, ZMBH R 020, Anmeldung/Registration to:; Seedorf, M. Protein Folding in the Cell: from Mechanism to Pathophysiology Seminar; SWS: 2 k.a.; s. Information: Infoboard at the ZMBH, Groundfloor, Initial meeting: Tue, April the 16th 2013, 4 p.m., Room 020 (Groundfloor), ZMBH / INF 282.; Bukau, B.;Mogk, A.;Kramer, G. Gruppe 5 From Cajal to Kandel: Key Concepts in Neuroscience Seminar; SWS: 2; LP: 4 k.a.; Gruppe 5; Blockseminar Wochenende (Fr,Sa,So) im Juni 2013, ganztägig, Vorbesprechung Do 30.5.2013, 17.00-18.30 Uhr, ZMBH / INF 282 R 020, EG; Nave, K.;Schwab, M. Modul Hauptpraktikum 1 Nukleinsäuren Sicherheitsbelehrung für alle HP-E-Praktika am ZMBH im SS 2013 Do; Einzel; 10:00-11:45, 14.02.2013-14.02.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH R 001; Baumm, A.;Mayer, M.;Prior, P. Pipettieren, ph-titrieren: in elementare Labortechniken 3

Do; Einzel; 10:15-12:00, 18.04.2013-18.04.2013; INF 230 / ghs; H.-W. Köpsell; Mayer, M. Nukleinsäuren Hauptpraktikum Typ 1; SWS: 9 Block; 10:00-18:00, 02.04.2013-19.04.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 022; 3-wöchig, ganztägig; Reiser, W.;Prior, P.;Mayer, M. Nucleic acids Hauptpraktikum Typ 1; SWS: 9 Block; 10:00-18:00, 04.03.2013-22.03.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 022; 3-wöchig, ganztägig.; Edgar, B. Nucleic acids Hauptpraktikum Typ 1; SWS: 9 Block; 10:00-18:00, 21.05.2013-07.06.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 021; 3-wöchig, ganztägig.; Clayton, C. Modul Hauptpraktikum 2 Proteine Sicherheitsbelehrung für alle HP-E-Praktika am ZMBH im SS 2013 Do; Einzel; 10:00-11:45, 14.02.2013-14.02.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH R 001; Baumm, A.;Mayer, M.;Prior, P. Pipettieren, ph-titrieren: in elementare Labortechniken Do; Einzel; 10:15-12:00, 18.04.2013-18.04.2013; INF 230 / ghs; H.-W. Köpsell; Mayer, M. Proteine Hauptpraktikum Typ 2; SWS: 9 Block; 10:00-18:00, 11.03.2013-28.03.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 021; 3-wöchig, ganztägig; Gruß, O.;Melchior, F. Proteine Hauptpraktikum Typ 2; SWS: 9 Block; 10:00-18:00, 08.07.2013-26.07.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 021; 3-wöchig, ganztägig; Bukau, B.;Kramer, G.;Mogk, A. Proteine Hauptpraktikum Typ 2; SWS: 9 Block; 10:00-18:00, 10.06.2013-28.06.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 021; 3-wöchig, ganztägig; Knop, M. Modul Planung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten Planung wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten Seminar; SWS: 2; LP: 4 Mo; wöch; 18:00-20:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 020; Vorbesprechung: Mo 15.04.2013, 18.00 Uhr, INF 282 / ZMBH R 020; Seedorf, M. Modul Kurse Gruppe 3 4

Sicherheitsbelehrung für alle ZMBH-Praktika und Kurse Mo; k.a.; 18:00-19:45, 22.04.2013-22.04.2013; INF 230 / ghs; Baumm, A.;Mayer, M.;Prior, P. Pipettieren, ph-titrieren: in elementare Labortechniken Do; Einzel; 10:15-12:00, 18.04.2013-18.04.2013; INF 230 / ghs; H.-W. Köpsell; Mayer, M. Sortierung von Membranproteinen durch Interaktion mit Lipiden in Hefe Kurs; SWS: 4; LP: 4 Block; 10:00-18:00, 01.07.2013-05.07.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 021; Gruppe 3; 1 Woche, ganztägig; Seedorf, M.;und Kollegen Lehramt Biologie Grundstudium Pflichtveranstaltungen für das 2. Fachsemester Biologie Lehramt Biologie II: Biochemie, Molekularbiologie, Molekulare Zellbiologie Grundvorlesung; SWS: 5; LP: 9 Block; 08:15-09:00, 15.04.2013-26.07.2013; INF 230 / ghs; Montag - Freitag, täglich; Brunner, M.;Nickel, W.;Harter, C.;Strahl, S.;Mayer, M.;Schiebel, E.;Melchior, F.;Holstein, T.;Schumacher, K. Fr; Einzel; 10:00-12:00, 30.08.2013-30.08.2013; INF 230 / ghs; Klausur am 12 oder 13.04.2012; Mi; Einzel; 10:00-12:00, 02.10.2013-02.10.2013; INF 230 / ghs; Wiederholungsklausur; Lehramt Biologie Hauptstudium Vorlesungen Molekularbiologie Zyklus-Vorlesung; SWS: 2; LP: 4 Mi; wöch; 08:15-09:45, 12.06.2013-26.07.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH R 001; Gruppe 3; Erhardt, S.;Gruß, O.;Lemberg, M.;Luke, B.;Melchior, F.;Stoecklin, G. Fr; wöch; 08:15-09:45; INF 282 / ZMBH R 001; Erhardt, S.;Lemberg, M.;Luke, B.;Melchior, F.;Mogk, A.;Stoecklin, G. Master Molecular Biosciences, Major: Molecular and Cellular Biology BioQuant Seminars Seminar Di; 14täg.; 16:00-18:00; Höfer, T.;Schwarz, U.;Sourjik, V. DKFZ-ZMBH-Alliance Colloquium Kolloquium Do; wöch; 16:00-17:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 001; Erhardt, S.;Hofmann, T.;Sourjik, V.;Stoecklin, G. 5

Focus Biosciences I Frontiers in Methodology Vorlesung; SWS: 3 Block; 08:15-09:45, 15.04.2013-17.05.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH R 001; every day, Attention! the lecture on Thursday, April 25, 2013 takes place in room 020, ZMBH INF 282; Dozenten der Biowissenschaften Introduction to safe laboratory working practices at the ZMBH Mo; k.a.; 18:00-19:30, 15.04.2013-15.04.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH R 001; Mayer, M.;Tolle, R. Fluorescence Microscopy and Signalling Seminar; SWS: 2 k.a.; Block, INF 282 / ZMBH R 512 (SR), time to be arranged; Sourjik, V.;Teleman, A. Fluorescence Microscopy of Living Objects Practical Training; SWS: 4 k.a.; 10:00-18:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 204; 1 week, full day, time to be arranged, ZMBH /INF 282, R 204; Erhardt, S.;Sourjik, V.;Lorenz, H. Quantitative analysis of sumoylation with a FRET-based enzyme assay Practical Training; SWS: 4 Block; 10:00-18:00, 22.04.2013-26.04.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 021; 1 week, full day.; Melchior, F. Using budding yeast as a model organism to study telomere induced senescence Practical Training; SWS: 4 k.a.; 10:00-18:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 321; 1 week, full day, time to be arranged, s. Information: Infoboard at the ZMBH, Groundfloor, ZMBH / INF 282.; Luke, B. Genetic Analysis using Drosophila Practical Training; SWS: 4 Block; 10:00-18:00, 13.05.2013-17.05.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH PR 021; 1 week, full day; Edgar, B. Mass spectrometry Practical Training; SWS: 4 Block; 10:00-18:00, 15.04.2013-19.04.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH R 101; 1 week, full day; Mayer, M.;Ruppert, T. Focus Biosciences II Special topics in molecular and cellular biology Vorlesung; SWS: 3 Block; 08:15-09:45, 17.06.2013-26.07.2013; täglich, Mo+Tue+Thu in room 001, Wedn+Fr in room512, Attention on Thurs 27.06.2013 und Thurs 25.07.2013 the lecture takes place in room 020, ZMBH, INF 282; Dozenten der Biowissenschaften Biolab/Working in Biosciences Introduction to safe laboratory working practices at the ZMBH Mo; k.a.; 18:00-19:30, 15.04.2013-15.04.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH R 001; Mayer, M.;Tolle, R. 6

Analysis of type VI protein secretion in Vibrio cholerae k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 329 / 2nd floor / SR 205; Mogk, A. Bacterial Population Heterogeneity and Cellular Individuality k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 267 / Bioquant, room 603A; Bischofs-Pfeifer, I. Epigenetics and centromere biology k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 282 / ZMBH R 201.; Erhardt, S. Function of AAA+ chaperones in bacterial pathogenesis k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 329 / R 205; Mogk, A. Function of ER-Plasma Membrane Contact Sites in Yeast and Mammalian Cells k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 282 / ZMBH R 209.; Seedorf, M. Master Lab Practical k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 282 / ZMBH R 128/129.; Edgar, B. Mechanisms of Cell Division k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 282/ZMBH R 301; Gruß, O. Microbial signalling networks k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 282 / ZMBH R 223; Sourjik, V. Molecular Biology of Chaperones k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 329 / 2nd floor, SR 205; Bukau, B.;Mogk, A.;Kramer, G. Molecular mechanism and function of intramembrane proteases k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 282 / ZMBH R 309; Lemberg, M. Posttranslational modification with ubiquitin related proteins of the SUMO family k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 282 / ZMBH R 328/329.; Melchior, F. Regulation of Cell Cycle k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 282 / ZMBH R 229; Schiebel, E.;and coworkers RNA control in trypanosomes k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 282 / ZMBH R 122.; Clayton, C. Small research project in the area of systems biology 7

k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 282 / ZMBH R 321/322.; Knop, M. Structure function analysis of chaperone complexes k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 329 R 2nd floor / R 201; Mayer, M. Telomere regulation in budding yeast k.a.; 10:00-18:00; Block, 6-8 weeks, full day, time to be arranged, INF 282 / ZMBH R 321; Luke, B. Additional Offers Basics in Experimental Yeast Genetics Vorlesung mit Praktikum Mo; k.a.; 08:30-10:00, 08.04.2013-12.04.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH R 020; Lectures take place from: 8.30 to 10.00 a.m., the practical training from 10.00 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Knop, M. Aspects of bacterial pathogenesis Mi; wöch; 09:00-10:00; INF 329 / Ground floor / SR 26; Mogk, A. Bacterial communication networks Di; wöch; 09:15-10:45; INF 267 / Bioquant Room 655; Bischofs-Pfeifer, I. Biogenesis of proteins: New research developments Di; 14täg.; 10:00-11:30; INF 329, Information: Dr. Guenter Kramer:; Bukau, B.;Kramer, G. Function and Mechanism of AAA+ chaperones Mi; wöch; 10:00-11:00; INF 329 / Ground floor / SR 26; Mogk, A. Hsp70-Hsp90 chaperone machine: new research developments Fr; 14täg.; 09:00-10:30; INF 329 / 2nd floor / SR 201; Mayer, M. Intracellular sorting of macromolecules Di; wöch; 12:30-14:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 020; Lemberg, M.;Seedorf, M.;Strahl, S. Mechanisms and Functions of Sumoylation and ubiquitinylation Di; wöch; 09:00-11:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 512; Melchior, F. Molecular chaperones and proteases Mo; wöch; 10:00-12:00; INF 328 / BZH SR 25; Bukau, B.;Mayer, M.;Mogk, A.;Kramer, G. RNA and Trypanosomes 8

Mo; 14täg.; 17:00-19:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 104; Clayton, C.;Stoecklin, G. Control of cell growth and proliferation in Drosophila Do; wöch; 09:00-10:30; INF 282 / ZMBH R 104; Edgar, B. Epigenetic regulation of centromeric chromatin structures Fr; wöch; 09:15-10:45; INF 282 / ZMBH R 204; Erhardt, S. Yeast Genetics & Molecular Biology k.a.; 09:00-10:30; INF 282 / ZMBH R 001; Last Thursday of every month; Luke, B. Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin related Proteins Mi; 14täg.; 12:00-13:30; INF 282 / ZMBH R 512; Melchior, F.;Flotho, A.;Werner, A.;Stankovic, N. Recent developments in telomere biology Literaturseminar; SWS: 2 Fr; wöch; 09:00-11:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 104; Luke, B. Current topics in Cell Division Mi; wöch; 09:00-10:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 020; Erhardt, S.;Gruß, O. Current Literature in Cell Biology Mi; 14täg.; 12:45-14:15; INF 282 / ZMBH R 204; Seedorf, M.;Lemberg, M. Studienprogramm für Doktoranden am ZMBH DKFZ-ZMBH-Alliance Colloquium Kolloquium Do; wöch; 16:00-17:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 001; Erhardt, S.;Hofmann, T.;Sourjik, V.;Stoecklin, G. BioQuant Seminars Seminar Di; 14täg.; 16:00-18:00; Höfer, T.;Schwarz, U.;Sourjik, V. Literature Seminars Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Trypanosomes Literaturseminar; SWS: 2 Mi; k.a.; 13:00-15:00; INF 282 / ZMBH, INF 328 / BZH.; Clayton, C.;Krauth-Siegel, L. Current literature in spindle dynamics and mitosis Literaturseminar; SWS: 2 Mi; wöch; 09:00-10:30; INF 282 / ZMBH R 204; Schiebel, E.;and colleagues 9

Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin related Proteins Mi; 14täg.; 12:00-13:30; INF 282 / ZMBH R 512; Melchior, F.;Flotho, A.;Werner, A.;Stankovic, N. Current Literature in Cell Biology Mi; 14täg.; 12:45-14:15; INF 282 / ZMBH R 204; Seedorf, M.;Lemberg, M. Current topics in Cell Division Mi; wöch; 09:00-10:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 020; Erhardt, S.;Gruß, O. Signal Transduction Di; wöch; 09:30-10:30; INF 282 / ZMBH R 204; Sourjik, V. Special aspects of the chaperon-research Fr; wöch; 16:00-17:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 512; Bukau, B.;Kramer, G.;Mogk, A. Recent developments in telomere biology Literaturseminar; SWS: 2 Fr; wöch; 09:00-11:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 104; Luke, B. Research Seminars Molecular chaperones and proteases Mo; wöch; 10:00-12:00; INF 328 / BZH SR 25; Bukau, B.;Mayer, M.;Mogk, A.;Kramer, G. Mechanisms and Functions of Sumoylation and ubiquitinylation Di; wöch; 09:00-11:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 512; Melchior, F. Intracellular sorting of macromolecules Di; wöch; 12:30-14:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 020; Lemberg, M.;Seedorf, M.;Strahl, S. Mechanisms of Cell Divisions Mo; wöch; 09:00-10:30; INF 282 / ZMBH R 020; Schiebel, E.;Pereira, G. Microbial networks Mo; wöch; 09:30-11:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 204; Sourjik, V. Aspects of bacterial pathogenesis Mi; wöch; 09:00-10:00; INF 329 / Ground floor / SR 26; Mogk, A. Mechanisms of Cell Divisions, Research Seminar 10

Mi; wöch; 10:00-12:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 020; Gruß, O. Biogenesis of proteins: New research developments Di; 14täg.; 10:00-11:30; INF 329, Information: Dr. Guenter Kramer:; Bukau, B.;Kramer, G. Bacterial communication networks Di; wöch; 09:15-10:45; INF 267 / Bioquant Room 655; Bischofs-Pfeifer, I. Control of cell growth and proliferation in Drosophila Do; wöch; 09:00-10:30; INF 282 / ZMBH R 104; Edgar, B. Epigenetic regulation of centromeric chromatin structures Fr; wöch; 09:15-10:45; INF 282 / ZMBH R 204; Erhardt, S. Function and Mechanism of AAA+ chaperones Mi; wöch; 10:00-11:00; INF 329 / Ground floor / SR 26; Mogk, A. Hsp70-Hsp90 chaperone machine: new research developments Fr; 14täg.; 09:00-10:30; INF 329 / 2nd floor / SR 201; Mayer, M. RNA and Trypanosomes Mo; 14täg.; 17:00-19:00; INF 282 / ZMBH R 104; Clayton, C.;Stoecklin, G. Yeast Genetics & Molecular Biology k.a.; 09:00-10:30; INF 282 / ZMBH R 001; Last Thursday of every month; Luke, B. Additional Offers Basics in Experimental Yeast Genetics Vorlesung mit Praktikum Mo; k.a.; 08:30-10:00, 08.04.2013-12.04.2013; INF 282 / ZMBH R 020; Lectures take place from: 8.30 to 10.00 a.m., the practical training from 10.00 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Knop, M. Basics in yeast microbiology & yeast cell biology Practical Training; SWS: 2.5; LP: 2.5 CP Mo; k.a.; 09:00-17:00, 22.04.2013-26.04.2013; Knop lab, INF 282 (ZMBH); Knop, M. Analyzing Enzyme Kinetics Mo; k.a.; 14:00-18:00, 08.04.2013-10.04.2013; ZMBH, INF 282, R 512 (5th floor); Mayer, M. Digital image processing and analysis in fluorescence microscopy (Course A) 11

Mi; k.a.; 09:00-17:00, 10.04.2013-11.04.2013; ZMBH Imaging Facility, INF 282 (ZMBH); Lorenz, H. Digital image processing and analysis in fluorescence microscopy (Course B) Mi; k.a.; 09:00-17:00, 17.04.2013-18.04.2013; ZMBH Imaging Facility, INF 282 (ZMBH); Lorenz, H. Mammalian cell culture and immunostaining Di; k.a.; 10:00-17:30, 02.04.2013-05.04.2013; ZMBH, INF 282, Foyer; Stoecklin, G. Monitoring conformational changes within proteins by site-specific incorporation of fluorophors Do; k.a.; 09:00-17:00, 11.04.2013-12.04.2013; Mogk lab, 4th floor, INF 282 (ZMBH); Mogk, A. Protein analysis by mass spectrometry Mi; k.a.; 09:00-17:00, 10.04.2013-11.04.2013; Practical Course: Ruppert lab, 1st floor, ZMBH, INF 282; Mayer, M. Quantitative Measurements of MT dynamics in intact cells using plus end tracking Mo; k.a.; 09:00-17:00, 15.04.2013-16.04.2013; ZMBH microscopy facility; Gruß, O. Quantitative PCR Di; k.a.; 09:00-18:00, 09.04.2013-10.04.2013; ZMBH, INF 282, teaching lab, ground floor; Lutz, R. 12