Smart Price House Case Study Hamburg

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1 INTERNATIONAL BUILDING EXHIBITION HAMBURG Smart Price House Case Study Hamburg August 2013

2 Imprint Published by: IBA Hamburg GmbH Am Zollhafen Hamburg TEL. +49(0) FAX +49(0) Date: August 2013 Project coordinator: Hubert Lakenbrink Concept and design: IBA Hamburg GmbH Jens-Phillip Petersen Text and editing: IBA Hamburg GmbH Jens-Phillip Petersen Christian Roedel 2


4 A Introduction A. 1 Smart Price Houses The development of an affordable range of housing in inner cities that enables people on middle and low incomes to own or rent urban property is one of the key tasks of any forwardlooking city policy. The Smart Price Houses are primarily well-designed and aesthetically sophisticated modular constructions or designs involving inexpensive materials, as well as supporting self-assembly and encouraging input from building associations and groups. In short, this approach marks the reinterpretation of the prefabricated building as urban housing. The Smart Price concept is focused on the implementation of cost-effective construction strategies that draw on experience and assets from the fields of prefabricated building, modular construction, pre-production, automation, and self-assembly in order to come up with ambitious and contemporary architectural solutions. The resulting building must not only be contemporary in terms of its architectural expression; it must also make a vital contribution to addressing socially relevant issues such as ecology, sustainability, energy, and resource conservation, and the shifting of trends in community living, if it is to be considered innovative. Three Smart Price designs were completed by March 2013, all of which make their own contribution to the Smart Price approach. A central aspect of affordable construction is the way in which its models can be applied to other sites, particularly those that feature problems that are common in cities. This approach informed the themes for the Smart Price Houses. To what extent are the examples created here transferable without the additional assistance of IBA Excellence funding or other subsidies? The intention is that the development of the Smart Price Houses will set new standards and thus establish prototypes for constructing such buildings at other sites. out in detail in this booklet. The building is an example of timber construction in an urban context. Another point of focus is the clear setting out of the planning process, as various changes were made between the design stage and the implementation of the model project. The reasons behind these changes were technical, financial, or functional, meaning that some original targets had to be adjusted. Model projects are particularly liable to undergo planning changes; indeed, besides presenting innovative end products, building exhibitions also seek to test out construction methods and processes. Only when the planning process is examined is it possible to ascertain whether a model building project can serve as a good example for the use of smart price concepts in the twenty-first century, or whether the concept needs to be reworked. In addition to setting out technical details for experts, this White Paper is intended to provide an objective assessment of whether the model project fulfils this aim, and whether and to what extent it has ultimately succeeded in achieving the goals set out before the planning stage. After this short introduction the Case Study Hamburg will be presented in brief, and then explained in detail. In particular, this presentation concentrates on the high degree of prefabrication involved in the Case Study Hamburg construction, as well as the choice of solid wood construction to reduce costs, and the feasibility of the concept when applied to this building and subsequent projects. The architectural and building services concept behind the Case Study Hamburg will be set 4

5 A. 2 Project Outline Case Study Hamburg Features Innovative design with a high proportion of solid wood components, in a multistorey residential building Flexible and cost-effective construction Low consumption of resources due to the use of wood as a building material Fig. 1: View of the north façade, March 2013 Fig. 2: View of the east façade, April 2013 Designed by Adjaye Associates, a firm with offices in London, Berlin, and New York, and implemented by planpark architekten, Hamburg, Case Study Hamburg demonstrates new possibilities for multistorey wooden buildings within cities, and follows the construction-kit principle: basic modules of equal size are stacked around a central area, forming housing units of different sizes with two to four bedrooms, configured as apartments or maisonettes. The primary timber support structure for the project was largely prefabricated. The compact design and the 18 centimetre thick exterior insulation provide a high energy standard. Wood was chosen as a construction material for both ecological and economic reasons, while the prefabrication of the components reduces the assembly time and therefore the cost. It is possible to live over one or two floors in the building, as modules can be joined together horizontally or vertically. Due to the generous floor spans, the residents are left largely free to determine the design and layout of the ground plans, and can configure the rooms according to their individual wishes. The interior stairs, balconies, and terraces are mostly freely placed. 5

6 PROJECT PARTNERS Idea, Concept, and Authorship Investor Technical planning planpark architekten, Hamburg (realization) Adjaye Associates, London, Berlin, New York (concept) Engel & Völkers Development, Hamburg Boll + Hauser Ingenieure, Itzehoe Structural engineer/fire safty Partner building materials Other project partners bauart Konstruktion, München KLH Massivholz GmbH, Katsch an der Mur Hamburg Energie GmbH, Hamburg Haubrich Freiräume, Hamburg PROJECT DATA Project costs Plot size Gross floor area approx. 2.7 million 809 m m 2 Size of the functional units Energy standard Energy supply m 2 KfW-Effizienzhaus 55 Wilhelmsburg Central Integrated Energy Network Construction schedule December January

7 Loggia Zimmer WF: 15,60 m 2 Loggia WF: 7,23 m 2 A Schlafen WF: 13,50 m 2 Zimmer WF: 12,28 m 2 Zimmer WF: 12,95 m 2 Wohnen WF: 34,74 m 2 0,88 5 0,88 2,13 planpark 5 5 Schlafen WF: 16,00 m 2 Wohnen/Essen/Ko WF: 37,40 m WF: 14,06 m AB WF: 2,36 m 2 0,76 Küche WF: 6,49 m 2 Vorwand H = 1,2 Loggia WF: 7,99 m 2 AB WF: 1,31 m 2 AB WF: 2,31 m 2 AB WF: 4,71 m 2 Du Bad WF: 5,23 m 2 Bad WF: 7,57 m 2 Bad WF: 6,68 m 2 VW H = 1,2 Bad WF: 4,51 m 2 Wohnen/Essen/Ko WF: 26,79 m 2 0,76 1, WF: 6,99 m 2 D/S 1.12 AB WF: 0,54 m 2 T 30-RS T30RS KS Technik FW WF: 10,54 m WF: 2,57 m 2 AB WF: 2,29 m WF: 9,94 m 2 1,01 0,63 5 D/S 1.10 AB WF: 4,06 m GS Zimmer WF: 11,91 m 2 Küche WF: 5,73 m ,76 0,76 Abstell WE WF: 2,00 m 2 Abstell WE WF: 2,30 m 2 Abstell WE WF: 1,90 m 2 Essen WF: 14,88 m 2 AB WF: 2,16 m 2 WC WF: 1,66 m 2 Zimmer WF: 11,57 m Abstell WE WF: 4,76 m WF: 4,14 m D/S 1, WF: 5,90 m WF: 7,56 m Eingang/Treppenhaus 0.0 FB: BWS VF: 14,61 m Schlafnische/Wohnen FB: Parkett WF: 11,47 m 2 Loggia WF: 7,83 m 2 0,88 5 Bad 0, WF: 6,43 m 2 0,88 5 Schlafen WF: 15,47 m 2 Schlafen/Ankleide WF: 22,73 m 2 Fahrräder / Kinderw WF: 10,90 m 2 Abstell WE WF: 3,64 m 2 Abstell WE WF: 3,59 m 2 Duschbad WF: 6,96 m 2 Treppenhaus 1.0 FB: BWS VF: 12,90 m 2 Zimmer WF: 10,72 m 2 Holzwand gekapselt Stahlbeton Stahlbetonfertigteil Kalksandsteinmauerwerk Estrich / unbew. Beton Wärmedämmung Gipskartonwände Kies Loggia IndexWF: 7,82 Datum m 2 / gez. Art und Bereich der Änderung / Ergänzung A / al Wandstärke Achse A + U Träger Achse A geändert Schächte geändert, siehe Wolken B / al SD Planung, Heizkörper, Deckenfugen eingetragen C / al Innentreppen / Löschwasserentnahme eingetragen D / al Änderung Statik s. Wolke, Raumstempel angepaßt E / al Stand Übergabe Pläne Gewerk Holzfenster / Holzbau F / al Küchen aktualisiert G / al siehe Wolken, Raumstempel H Wohnen/Essen/Ko / al Planstand Trockenbau WF: 36,71 m 2 Index WF: 10,10 m 2 Bad Alle Maße sind vor Ort zu prüfen und am Bau zu nehmen! Unstimmigkeiten sind unverzüglich der Bauleitung / Planverfasser anzuzeigen. Für Maßfehler haften allein die FB: ausführenden Fliesen Firmen! WF: 6,61 m 2 Die Gewähr für die Richtigkeit der Schlitz - und Durchbruchsplanung verbleibt den Fachingenieuren! WF: 0,54 m 2 OKFF OKRF Schlafen WF: 11,90 m 2 Loggia WF: 7,84 m 2 Holzwand Gasbeton OKRF Oberkante Rohfußboden Deckendurchbruch OKFF Oberkante Fertigfußboden Bodendurchbruch OK Oberkante Wanddurchbruch UK Unterkante Wandschlitz UKD Unterkante Decke LH Lichte Höhe UZ Unterzug OKRF AB 2 OKFF WF: 2,49 m maik AB spliethoff 1 WF: - marten 7,52 m 2 sund WF: 1,51 m 2 Bauherr : Zweite VVV Stadthaus Grundstücks GmbH & Co. KG c/o Engel & Völkers Development GmbH Zimmer Stadthausbrücke 5 in Hamburg Tel.: 040 / WF: 7,71 m 2 Datum / Unterschrift: Architekt : planpark architekten gbr Susannenstr. 29 Wohnen/Essen/Ko in Hamburg Tel.: 040 / ( ) Fax.: - 20 Datum / Unterschrift: Holzwand gekapselt Holzwand WF: 30,14 m 2 Stahlbeton Gasbeton OKRF Oberkante Rohfußboden Planinhalt : Stahlbetonfertigteil Deckendurchbruch OKFF Oberkante Fertigfußboden Kalksandsteinmauerwerk Bodendurchbruch OK Oberkante Estrich / unbew. Beton Wanddurchbruch UK Unterkante Wärmedämmung Wandschlitz UKD Unterkante Decke Gipskartonwände LH Lichte Höhe Kies UZ Unterzug Planstand : Datum / gez. : Plannummer : Maßstab : / al Index Datum / gez. Art und Bereich der Änderung / Ergänzung A / al Schächte geändert, siehe Wolken Wohnen B / al SD Planung, Heizkörper, Deckenfugen eingetragen C FB: / al Parkett Innentreppen / Löschwasserentnahme eingetragen WF: 35,40 m 2 D / al Raumstempel angepaßt E / al Trockenbaumaße ergänzt / Loggiengeländer eingetragen / s. Wolken F / al Stand Übergabe Pläne Gewerk Holzfenster / Holzbau G / al Küchen aktualisiert H / al siehe Wolken, Raumstempel I / al Planstand Trockenbau J / al s. Wolke Tür gedreht Index Loggia WF: 7,94 m 2 Küche Alle Maße sind vor Ort zu prüfen und am Bau zu nehmen! Unstimmigkeiten sind unverzüglich der Bauleitung / Planverfasser anzuzeigen. Für Maßfehler haften allein FB: die Parkett ausführenden Firmen! WF: 5,76 m Dieser Plan ist nur gültig in Verbindung mit der geprüften Statik, der geprüften Schalplanung, WF: 2,49 m 2 der Werkplanung der ausführenden Firmen und den einschlägigen Ausführungsbestimmungen! Die Gewähr für die Richtigkeit der Schlitz - und Durchbruchsplanung verbleibt den Fachingenieuren! Alle Quadratmeter beziehen sich auf Fertigmaße! AB 1 Brüstungshöhen und Türöffnungsmaße beziehen sich auf OKFF! OKFF WF: 14,39 mokrf OKFF 2 WF: 2,22 m OKRF 2 Zimmer WF: 15,68 m 2 maik spliethoff - marten sund Bauherr : Architekt : Planinhalt : Zimmer WF: 12,93 m 2 VW H = 1,2 Bad WF: 5,10 m 2 Vorwand H = 1,2 AB WF: 4,56 m 2 Du Bad WF: 5,22 m 2 Bad WF: 5,85 m 2 Zweite VVV Stadthaus Grundstücks GmbH & Co. KG c/o Engel & Völkers Development GmbH Stadthausbrücke 5 in Hamburg Tel.: 040 / Schlafen Datum / Unterschrift: planpark WF: 16,06 marchitekten 2 gbr Susannenstr. 29 in Hamburg Bad Tel.: 040 / ( ) Fax.: Datum / Unterschrift: WF: 7,56 m 2 Planstand : Datum / gez. : Plannummer : Maßstab : / al AB AB WF: 2,30 m 2 AB WF: 2,13 m 2 WC WF: 1,62 m 2 GS Küche WF: 6,19 m 2 Zimmer Loggia WF: 7,23 m 2 Loggia WF: 7,60 m 2 AB WF: 3,21 m WF: 3,22 m WF: 7,44 m 2 Wohnen WF: 21,84 m 2 Treppenhaus 2.0 FB: BWS VF: 12,64 m 2 VW H = 1,2 Wohnen/Essen WF: 26,33 m 2 Treppenhaus 3.0 FB: BWS VF: 12,36 m WF: 10,96 m 2 Schlafen WF: 15,18 m 2 Zimmer WF: 9,78 m 2 Küche WF: 5,50 m 2 GS WC WF: 4,97 m 2 Schlafen WF: 13,10 m 2 Zimmer WF: 16,66 m 2 KS Holzwand gekapselt Stahlbeton Stahlbetonfertigteil Kalksandsteinmauerwerk Estrich / unbew. Beton Wärmedämmung Gipskartonwände Kies Index Datum / gez. Art und Bereich der Änderung / Ergänzung A / al Schächte geändert, siehe Wolken B / al SD Planung, Heizkörper, Deckenfugen eingetragen C / al Innentreppen / Löschwasserentnahme eingetragen D / al Raumstempel angepaßt E / al Trockenbaumaße ergänzt / Loggiengeländer eingetragen / s. Wolken F / al Stand Übergabe Pläne Gewerk Holzfenster / Holzbau G / al Küchen aktualisiert H / al siehe Wolken, Raumstempel I / al Planstand Trockenbau J / al s. Wolke Tür gedreht Index Brüstungshöhen und Türöffnungsmaße beziehen sich auf OKFF! OKFF OKRF OKFF OKRF Holzwand Gasbeton OKRF Oberkante Rohfußboden Deckendurchbruch OKFF Oberkante Fertigfußboden Bodendurchbruch OK Oberkante Wanddurchbruch UK Unterkante Wandschlitz UKD Unterkante Decke LH Lichte Höhe UZ Unterzug maik spliethoff - marten sund Bauherr : Zweite VVV Stadthaus Grundstücks GmbH & Co. KG c/o Engel & Völkers Development GmbH Stadthausbrücke 5 in Hamburg Tel.: 040 / Datum / Unterschrift: Architekt : planpark architekten gbr Susannenstr. 29 in Hamburg Tel.: 040 / ( ) Fax.: - 20 Datum / Unterschrift: Holzwand gekapselt Holzwand Stahlbeton Gasbeton OKRF Oberkante Rohfußboden Planinhalt : Stahlbetonfertigteil Deckendurchbruch OKFF Oberkante Fertigfußboden Kalksandsteinmauerwerk Bodendurchbruch OK Oberkante Estrich / unbew. Beton Wanddurchbruch UK Unterkante Wärmedämmung Wandschlitz UKD Unterkante Decke Gipskartonwände LH Lichte Höhe Kies UZ Unterzug Planstand : Datum / gez. : Plannummer : Maßstab : / al Index Datum / gez. Art und Bereich der Änderung / Ergänzung A / al Schächte geändert, siehe Wolken B / al SD Planung, Heizkörper, Deckenfugen eingetragen C / al Innenwände aus Holz eingetragen, Innentreppen geändert D / al Raumstempel angepaßt E / al Trockenbaumaße ergänzt / Loggiengeländer eingetragen / s. Wolken F / al Stand Übergabe Pläne Gewerk Holzfenster / Holzbau G / al Küchen aktualisiert H / al Oberlicht gedreht I / al siehe Wolken, Raumstempel J / al Planstand Trockenbau Index Brüstungshöhen und Türöffnungsmaße beziehen sich auf OKFF! OKFF OKRF OKFF OKRF Bauherr : Architekt : Planinhalt : maik spliethoff - marten sund Zweite VVV Stadthaus Grundstücks GmbH & Co. KG c/o Engel & Völker Development GmbH Stadthausbrücke 5 in Hamburg Tel.: 040 / Datum / Unterschrift: planpark architekten gbr Susannenstr. 29 in Hamburg Tel.: 040 / ( ) Fax.: - 20 Datum / Unterschrift: Planstand : Datum / gez. : Plannummer : Maßstab : / al B Case Study Hamburg Project Details B.1 Architectural Concept The aim of the project is to find new prospects for multistorey wooden buildings in an innercity context, and to use designs that opt for a high degree of prefabrication to devise a cost-effective building model for urban living. Designed as a building with three apartments on each floor, and without a basement, the four-storey building now comprises nine apartments ranging from 47 to 124 square metres, all of them accessible from the northeastern side via a staircase. Two kit principle: basic modules of the same dimensions are stacked around this area, forming apartments of different sizes. The ancillary rooms are found on the ground floor. The layout and alignment of the residential units are based on four modules per floor, each measuring 7.5 x 9 metres, all adjoining the central area. The Legende modules can be joined up with one another vertically to form maisonettes, or horizontally on the Türstempel siehe separate Türliste same floor, resulting in individual floor plans of Legende Türstempel siehe separate Türliste 1 1 Grundstücksgrenze Änderungen WF: 11,64 m 2 Zimmer 2 Änderungen Wohnung 2 barrierefrei WF: 8,56 m 2 Vorßur 0.00 Gebäude = 2.30 m über Normalnull 0.00 Gebäude = 2.30 m über Normalnull Alle Maße sind vor Ort zu prüfen und am Bau zu nehmen! Unstimmigkeiten sind unverzüglich der Bauleitung / Planverfasser anzuzeigen. Für Maßfehler haften allein die ausführenden Firmen! 2 2 Dieser Plan ist nur gültig in Verbindung mit der geprüften Statik, der geprüften Schalplanung, der Werkplanung der ausführenden Firmen und den einschlägigen Ausführungsbestimmungen! Alle Quadratmeter beziehen sich auf Fertigmaße! Brüstungshöhen und Türöffnungsmaße beziehen sich auf OKFF! Höhenkoten Grundriss Höhenkoten Schnitt Dieser Plan ist nur gültig in Verbindung mit der geprüften Statik, der geprüften Schalplanung, der Werkplanung der ausführenden Firmen und den einschlägigen Ausführungsbestimmungen! Die Gewähr für die Richtigkeit der Schlitz - und Durchbruchsplanung verbleibt den Fachingenieuren! Alle Quadratmeter beziehen sich auf Fertigmaße! Höhenkoten Grundriss Höhenkoten Schnitt 3 3 planpark architekten gbr planpark architekten gbr 4 EG der Wohnung 1 barrierefrei 4 IBA Legende Neubau eines 4-geschossigen Wohnhauses SPH_3 in Holzbauweise auf dem IBA-Gelände am Inselpark in Hamburg Wilhelmsburg Erdgeschoss IBA Legende Neubau eines 4-geschossigen Wohnhauses SPH_3 in Holzbauweise auf dem IBA-Gelände am Inselpark in Hamburg Wilhelmsburg 2. Obergeschoss Fig. 3: Ground floor ground plan B C Türstempel siehe separate Türliste Fig. 5: Second floor ground plan B H WP G :50 C Türstempel siehe separate Türliste J WP G : ,88 5 Änderungen Änderungen 2 Vorwand H = 1,2 H=OK Wanne 1.06 Vorw. H = 1,2 0, Gebäude = 2.30 m über Normalnull Höhenkoten Grundriss Höhenkoten Schnitt architekten gbr 0.00 Gebäude = 2.30 m über Normalnull Alle Maße sind vor Ort zu prüfen und am Bau zu nehmen! Unstimmigkeiten sind unverzüglich der Bauleitung / Planverfasser anzuzeigen. Für Maßfehler haften allein die ausführenden Firmen! Dieser Plan ist nur gültig in Verbindung mit der geprüften Statik, der geprüften Schalplanung, der Werkplanung der ausführenden Firmen und den einschlägigen Ausführungsbestimmungen! Die Gewähr für die Richtigkeit der Schlitz - und Durchbruchsplanung verbleibt den Fachingenieuren! Alle Quadratmeter beziehen sich auf Fertigmaße! Höhenkoten Grundriss Höhenkoten Schnitt planpark architekten gbr 3 16 Stg. 19,7/28 cm 3 16 Stg. 19,7/28 cm 0,88 5 IBA Neubau eines 4-geschossigen Wohnhauses SPH_3 in Holzbauweise auf dem IBA-Gelände am Inselpark in Hamburg Wilhelmsburg IBA Neubau eines 4-geschossigen Wohnhauses SPH_3 in Holzbauweise auf dem IBA-Gelände am Inselpark in Hamburg Wilhelmsburg Obergeschoss 3. Obergeschoss Fig. 4: First floor ground plan A B C southeast-facing apartments were built as maisonettes with two floors. The building is arranged around the northeastfacing central area according to the construction- Fig. 6: Third floor ground plan J WP G B 1:50 different sizes, comprising two to four bedrooms. The chosen design of the wood-concrete composite floor-and-ceiling structures is particularly important to the flexibility of the overall concept, as this means that the surfaces of the modules C J WP G :50 7

8 NORD - WEST do not require additional support. Wood defines the building s load-bearing structure. All of the exterior walls are made of crosslaminated timber in a solid wood construction. This is accompanied by a standing larch wood casing with fire sections on every floor, visible through the recesses in the horizontal cladding. The dividing walls in each apartment are duallayered structures, also made of 120 millimetrethick solid wood. Wood thus gives the building its distinctive appearance, from the larch wood façade to the bare wood ceilings and wooden floors inside. Die einzelnen Module können in unterschiedlichen Zusammenstellungen für die jeweiligen Nutzungsmöglichkeiten kombiniert werden. Das ermöglicht größtmögliche Flexibilität auf den jeweiligen Nutzer zugeschnitten. Mögliche Kombination mit 7 Wohneinheiten: 3 Apartments und 4 Maisonetteeinheiten The cube-shaped structure receives its architectural tension from the recessed balconies, each Fig. 8: How the units are stacked is classed as normally inflammable according to the Hamburg building regulations. Horizontal bands that prevent fire from spreading run across each floor and give the façade its horizontal lines. At the top of the building is a flat roof with a large area of greenery. The exterior design is not the only element of the building to use wood as part of its appeal. Large amounts of wood are also visible inside the building, giving it a pleasant and comfortable feel. Fig. 7: Interior, first floor covering eight square metres, that occur at intervals on the first and second floors, and merge into the roof area on the third floor. The careful integration of the modules into the building block concept results in a structure that is defined by notches and incisions over two storeys, and has a compact yet relaxed appearance. The narrow, vertical, floor-to-ceiling windows and the perpendicular larch wood cladding make the façade visually striking. In order to go ahead with the larch wood cladding it was necessary to obtain approval in relation to fire protection for this specific project, based on a test carried out by the Institute for Materials Research and Testing in Leipzig. This was necessary because larch wood 8

9 B.2 Smart Price Concept The building features a high proportion of solid wood components. All of the load-bearing walls consist of cross-laminated timber, while the floor-and-ceiling elements are prefabricated timber-concrete composite slabs, and the roofing is designed as a pure cross-laminated timber ceiling. Only the staircases and landings are made of reinforced concrete. By using only prefabricated components, the timber frame could be constructed within four weeks. The Smart Price approach was achieved by reducing the construction time and ensuring that mostly prefabricated elements were used for the building s primary and secondary support structures. Structure Above the reinforced concrete floor, which rests on a pillar foundation, the building is made of pure wood. The outer walls and load-bearing inner walls and the walls of the staircases were built as solid wood constructions using crosslaminated timber elements. The non-load-bearing interior walls are conventional and lightweight. The floor-and-ceiling components consist of timber-concrete composite parts, also based on cross-laminated timber elements. The solid wood dividing and stiffening walls, with a K2 30 enclosure, were constructed to a standard that deviates from 24 (2) of the Hamburg building regulations. The outer and inner walls are made of solid wood, with cross-laminated timber. The outer walls are 410 and 415 millimetres thick. The outer casing consists of 21 millimetre thick larch wood as a The floor-and-ceiling components are 400 millimetres thick, including the floor structure. 41 The upper layer is made of 10 millimetre thick parquet, on a 45 millimetre floating floor, with Wandaufbau von außen nach innen: Wall construction - 21 mm mm (from Schalung inside Lärche to outside): - 21 mm als larch geschlossene shutteringnut- und Federkonstruktion, - 25/38 Dicke mm der slattet Feder mind. 10 mm - 38/38 Befestigung mm counter unsichtbar slattet im Nutbereich - 25/38 mm Lattung - sealing - 38/38 sheet mm Konterlattung mm - Dichtungsbahn, insulation z.b. Dörken Delta Foxx Plus, sd - convection mm barrier Dämmung WLG 035, Baustoffkl. A - 25mm - Konvektionssperre, plasterboard sd 2,0 m m mm glulam GKF Platten, 2 x 12,5 mm - 25mm - 95 plasterboard mm Brettsperrholzwand (KLH 95-3s), NSi bzw. 120 mm Achse A und C - 25 mm GKF Platten, 2 x 12,5 mm Fig. 9: Construction of outer wall 4 Fig. 10: View of terrace, second floor closed tongue and groove structure, on a 25 by 38 millimetre substructure and a 38 by 38 millimetre batten. Behind this is the lining membrane with 180 millimetre type WLG 035 insulation, a timber structure, and a convection barrier that acted as a weather guard during the construction period. As with the walls dividing the apartments, the interior has millimetre thick plywood board walls, encapsulated in 25 millimetre thick glass reinforced plastic (GRP) sheeting. The ventilated façade cladding formed by vertically mounted larch wood slats marks deviates from 26 (3) of the Hamburg building regulations due to the use of solid wood components. The apartment walls have a total thickness of 300 millimetres and consist of two plywood board walls, each 120 millimetres thick, with a 10 millimetre thick joint gap. The wood is covered on both of the outer sides by 24 millimetre thick GRP panels. 9

10 a dividing layer and 35 millimetre-thick impact noise insulation. Below this is 30 millimetre-thick insulation and 100 millimetre thick prefabricated grout topping, which is joined to the 182 millimetre thick plywood ceiling and acts as a loadbearing element, allowing large spans. This also deviates from 29 (1) of the Hamburg building regulations. The walls of the staircase are 265 millimetres thick in total, and consist of a 140 millimetre thick cross-laminated timber wall, framed by two GRP panels each 38 millimetres thick, and a 75 millimetre thick plasterboard facing formwork. Working from top to bottom, the 320 millimetre thick stairwell ceilings consist of 20 millimetre thick artificial stone, 40 millimetre thick screed, 10 millimetre thick impact noise padding, and 30 millimetre thick insulation, supported by the 200 millimetre thick reinforced concrete slabs. The window and door elements were made of wood and installed after the encapsulation of the wooden components. Due to the way in which the elements were fitted, the windows were installed from the inside. In some places, it was necessary to fit baffle discs in front of the windows for noise protection. The windows have a lower crooked wing, sound-absorbing embrasures, and windowsills, in order to meet the high sound insulation requirements set out in the development plan. Wood and Concrete Composite Flooring System The floor-and-ceiling elements of the building were constructed as wood and concrete composite floors. A connecting system was devised by KLH Massivholz GmbH especially for Case Study Hamburg. The flooring consists of the crosslaminated timber applied to the underside in the tensile area, and the concrete applied to the topside in the pressure area. The cross-laminated timber is 18 centimetres thick, while the concrete is 10 centimetres thick. The two are connected by notches and screws. The notches are 30 millimetres deep and 250 millimetres long. These are cut vertically into the cross-laminated timber elements. The benefits of using the completely Fig. 11: Interior room view, second floor dry and precisely crafted floor elements were proven during the construction phase. High Level of Prefabrication Due to the high level of prefabrication, construction of the primary supporting structure only took four weeks, which is remarkable given the size of the building. Each floor, including the precast reinforced concrete parts, was placed within a week. The encapsulation of the wood elements on site took longer than expected, and the experience gained should be applied to similar projects by ensuring that the first layer of encapsulation be done within the factory, in order to optimise the process. Fire Prevention Fire prevention is essential in the Case Study Hamburg project due to the large number of timber elements. Smoke detectors are installed in all of the bedrooms, children s rooms, living rooms, and corridors. A smoke detector is also fitted on every level of the staircase. The alarm is activated by smoke detection in the respective apartment. Load-bearing walls and supports have to be highly fire-retardant, and constructed in accordance with Hamburg building regulations. All load-bearing walls were encapsulated by a casing made of fireproof panels. Maintaining the visual effect of the wood on the interior walls would have required significantly stronger wooden cross-sections, at the expense of the apartment area, and would have meant a marked increase in the construction costs, so that the building would no longer fulfil the Smart Price approach. 10

11 B.3 Building Services Concept The project is connected to the Wilhelmsburg Central Integrated Energy Network, and is a long way below the IBA minimum standard, thus meeting the Efficiency House 55 standard. This shortfall is attributable both to the requirements for the primary energy demand and to the specific transmission heat loss in accordance with the reference building in Appendix 1, Table 1 of the 2009 energy conservation regulations (EnEV) for residential buildings. The building s energy requirement is 57 kwh/m 2 per annum, and the primary energy requirement is 26 kwh/m 2 per annum. The energy needed for room heating amounts to 37.9 kwh/m 2 per annum, as this is supplied by the Wilhelmsburg Central Integrated Energy Network. Hot water, which requires 18.3 kwh/m 2 per annum, is also supplied by the district heating grid. The remaining 0.9 kwh/m 2 per annum is for hot water supply from the system current, which is supplied by the national grid. result that most of the heat losses are primarily attributable to losses through air conditioning and through the window surfaces. The technical rooms that supply the building are located on the north side of the ground floor. It is possible to upgrade the greenery-covered roof of the building with photovoltaic units, although this has not yet been done. The building has a good energy balance due to the high insulating quality of the solid wood used in the outer walls and the selective use of wood as a building material that does not produce additional carbon dioxide, instead absorbing it. Wood is also a sustainable construction material that can grow back and be recycled. The seasonal heat requirement is relatively low due to effective external insulation, with the thermal bridging windage loss windows lower building isolation roofage outer walls Fig. 12: Heat losses according to energy conservation regulatory information (EnEV) 11

12 B.4 Planning Process For the two-stage competition launched in mid- 2009, Adjaye Associates, based in London, developed a concept that envisioned the basic shape of the building as a compact, sculptural block. Four equally sized basic modules, each 7.50 x 9 metres, are stacked around a large central area according to a model kit principle. The concept of load-bearing solid wood floorand-ceiling components and walls was intended to enable all of the interior walls to be built as non-supporting elements, allowing the layouts to be configured in an individual and flexible way. According to the plan it would also be possible to stack and combine the elements in different ways. The staircase was to be made completely of wood so that this would be the defining material, giving the building an ecological quality. The Smart Price approach was largely to be planpark architekten took over the further planning from the third phase. Due to legal requirements it was necessary to make adjustments to the ground plans: the staircase and apartments were made more compact, and scaled down in their ratio to one another, in order to achieve the best possible relationship between the living space and the common open area, while the maisonettes had to be given another entrance to the staircase for fire safety reasons, and the windows had to be optimised in order to ensure that the rooms received enough light. Due to the large areas and for fire safety reasons, the planned solid wood floor-and-ceiling structure had to be converted into a wood and concrete composite ceiling. The exposed wood proposed for the underside of this structure remained, and the composite structure also afforded greater sound insulation. Alongside the composite structure, KLH Massivholz GmbH developed a new connecting system between concrete and wood. This allowed the construction process to be accelerated, so that it only took four weeks to erect the shell of the building. Fig. 13: Elevation from the second phase of the competition achieved through a high level of prefabrication, and this remained the case despite revisions to the plan. Steel beams needed to be integrated due to the high ceiling spans which were necessary in order to implement the flexible stacked space principle and the associated structural require- The design submitted for the competition and the construction plan were revised by the Hamburgbased firm planpark architekten, and the original concept of the building as a compact, sculptural structure with flexible ground plans, built according to a model kit principle with a large amount of wood and a high degree of prefabrication, was retained. Building work began in January 2013, but some changes were made to the project details of the competition design. Fig. 14: Completion of the building in spring

13 Fig. 16: View in March 2013 Floor construction (from top to bottom) parquet cement screed seperating layer high-pass filter insulation wooden concrete ceiling, consisting: ferroconcrete glulam fire safety F-60B Fig. 15: Ceiling structure ments for the balconies. The idea of using timber beams was quickly rejected by the architects, because, although this was the same material as the ceiling undersides, the higher volume would mean that they would be visible in the room, so steel was preferred as the same material used in the ceiling components. The original notion that the apartments would be rented was abandoned in favour of owner-occupied properties, as the building costs were higher than expected in comparison to conventional building methods, making this necessary from an economic perspective. 13

14 B.5 Assessment As part of the International Building Exhibition, Case Study Hamburg is a model project that promotes the greater use of wooden buildings for inner-city housing, and is a significant building block in the authorised and technically appropriate construction of multistorey wooden buildings. Due to the use of wood in the most important of the structural components in both the fitout and the façade, the project absorbs large amounts of carbon dioxide through its building materials. On balance, therefore, the construction process accounts only for low carbon dioxide consumption, while ensuring the long-term storage of carbon dioxide in its components. In this way, the building makes its very own contribution to the key IBA theme of Cities and Climate Change. Through its aim of becoming a Smart Price House and thus offering cost-effective housing, the building also makes a contribution to the theme of Cosmopolis and offers large strata of the population the chance to own their own property in a high-value housing development. The building also has lower heating costs that are normally found in new multistorey residential blocks due to its high energy standards. The building of Case Study Hamburg has Fig. 18: IBA opening, 24 March 2013 suppliers, resulting in high transportation costs. The Austrian vendor KLH Massivholz GmbH was chosen for Case Study Hamburg. This meant that the goal of using raw materials from the surrounding region and thus reducing costs by buying from local suppliers could not be fully implemented. With regard to the use of cross-laminated timber, the licensing-related aspects have shown that employing innovative materials and assessment by the building regulatory authorities are still largely at cross-purposes. The guidelines for timber constructions are lacking clear legal regulations on the use of cross-laminated timber or other solid wood building methods, which caused particular problems in relation to fire safety, as solid wood structures are not rated for their specific reaction to fire. The assumption, therefore, was that much greater encapsulation of the timber structure and the domestic technology was necessary, leading to increased costs, which acted counter to the Smart Price theme. Fig. 17: Horizontal bands on the north façade demonstrated that solid wood constructions and composite wood and concrete structures are not yet popular, at least not in Northern Germany. This led to a limited choice of material suppliers, and low competition as a result. The material costs are still too high, with the scarcity of However, this had the positive effect that KLH were forced to develop a new connection between reinforced concrete and wood, as it was hoped that a large amount of wood could be used within the building for reasons of resource conservation, the indoor climate, and, last but not least, visual effect. This technological innovation also allows other wood-and-concrete composite structures to be built more quickly, thus shortening construction times and thus reducing costs. 14

15 Construction of the building as a prefabricated structure is not yet possible, despite the universally applicable model kit system, as it is Class 4 according to Hamburg building regulations, and the high amount of wood always calls for a fire safety survey, which means that re-planning is necessary on a case-by-case basis. The implementation of the concept with the same materials would, however, be possible for detached or semidetached houses. Once again, this shows that it is necessary to adjust the Hamburg building regulations and change the general way of thinking about how to approach multistorey wooden buildings. This project has demonstrated the hard way, with a number of different authorisations, that it can still be cost-efficient. The apartments were sold at 3000 per square metre. This price is 500 lower than the Hamburg average in January In order to ensure that the model can be applied elsewhere, it should be mentioned that significant cost savings could be made to the model implemented here, which incurred additional expenditure due to its specific circumstances: Fig. 19: Urban buildings in the surrounding area weeks to erect the basic framework and the large amount of wood, as well as the use of a composite wood-concrete flooring system, a new development. This system consists of prefabricated drywall installations which are installed at the building site and then finished immediately, in order to save time and money. It would be possible to optimise the concept by opting for a greater mix of different materials, depending on their range of application, thus reducing costs and going even further towards fulfilling the Smart Price approach. High start-up costs resulting from the need to sink pillars due to the low load-bearing capacity of the soil; 50 per cent of the start-up costs could be saved if this were not necessary. Effective soundproofing was required due to the traffic noise in the area, and the requirements therefore set out in the development plan. More money could be saved by further simplifying the façade design (horizontal segmentation, change of casing). The thin wall design saves costs due to low spending on materials, and allows greater availability of space. Key features of the project were the short building time it took only four 15

16 Picture Credits Cover: Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: Figure 4: Figure 5: Figure 6: Figure 7: Figure 8: Figure 9: Figure 10: Figure 11: Figure 12: Figure 13: Figure 14: Figure 15: Figure 16: Figure 17: Figure 18: Figure 19: Martin Kunze / IBA Hamburg Johannes Arlt / IBA Hamburg Johannes Arlt / IBA Hamburg Planpark Architekten Planpark Architekten Planpark Architekten Planpark Architekten Bernadette Grimmenstein / IBA Hamburg Planpark Architekten Planpark Architekten Bernadette Grimmenstein / IBA Hamburg Bernadette Grimmenstein / IBA Hamburg bauart GmbH Adjaye Associates Martin Kunze / IBA Hamburg Planpark Architekten Bernadette Grimmenstein / IBA Hamburg Bernadette Grimmenstein / IBA Hamburg Johannes Arlt / IBA Hamburg Bernadette Grimmenstein / IBA Hamburg 16

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