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1 Food waste monitoring and energy saving potential Naxos 13 June 218 Gerold Hafner Content Introduction Research projects Food waste monitoring and energy Results Monitoring Tools Summary 2 Universität Stuttgart

2 Introduction 3 Food waste Aspects of food wastage social ethical ecological economical 4 Universität Stuttgart

3 Value chain Agriculture Industry and crafts Trade Consumption 5 Value chain Agriculture Food processing Trade Consumption 6 Universität Stuttgart

4 Losses vs. wastes agriculture Food processing Trade Consumption out of home households FOOD LOSSES FOOD WASTE Optimization potential Wastes Donation avoidable partially avoidable unavoidable reduction potential reduction potential... Gerold Hafner Quelle: (Hafner, 214) Naxos/ 13 June Food waste Food waste unavoidable partially avoidable avoidable preparation residues (e.g. bones, peeling residues) food leftovers (e.g. cooked noodles, rice, bread crust, etc.) food (not eaten, not marketable, etc.) 8 Universität Stuttgart

5 Food waste in Germany households 53 kg/(cap*a) Food waste avoidable partially avoidable unavoidable 9 Food losses worldwide FAO study (211) billion tons of food waste worldwide every year. 1/3 of all food produced worldwide is thrown away EU-study FUSIONS (216) 2 88 million tons of food waste in Europe per year. 2 % of all EU-wide produced food is thrown away. Quelle: (FAO, 215) Gerold Hafner 1 Quelle: (Gustavsson et al., 211) 2 Quelle: (Stenmarck et al., 216) Naxos/ 13 June Universität Stuttgart

6 United Nations prevention target -5 % Food losses until research projects related to monitoring + energy 12 Universität Stuttgart

7 Energy savings through waste avoidance Potential for energy saving by avoiding food waste in Bavaria ( ) 13 Energy savings through waste avoidance Results (excerpt) 14 Universität Stuttgart

8 EnKü Energy efficient kitchen ( ) staff restaurant 1 school catering 1 staff restaurant 2 school catering 2 staff restaurant 3 15 EnKü Energy efficient kitchen 1. Determining the actual situation 2. Identification of energyintensive areas 16 Universität Stuttgart

9 EnKü Energy efficient kitchen 3. Power consumption measurements 4. Calculation of CO 2 -emissions 17 EnKü Energy efficient kitchen Local vs. food from abroad // fresh vs. convenience Energetischer Rucksack (ausgewählte Beispiele) Obst Obst,17 (Inland) 1,8 (Schifftransport),16 (Inland) Frisch Convenience 3,89 (Inland) 4,3 (Ausland) Angaben in kg CO2-eq pro kg Lebensmittel Angaben beziehen sich auf konv. Anbau,3 (Ausland) 18 Universität Stuttgart

10 EnKü Energy efficient kitchen Animal-based food vs. plant based food ENKÜ Energetischer Fußabdruck 14, kg CO 2 / kg LM,8 kg CO 2 /kg LM Gerold Hafner 19 Naxos/ 13 June 218 Food waste in project kitchens Food waste per meal [g/portion] summer holidays Christmas Carneval week 216 Pentecost Number of meals per week Wochenmittel an LMA pro verkaufter Hauptseise Anzahl verkaufter Hauptspeisen pro Woche 2 Universität Stuttgart

11 Origin of food waste 14 Food waste per day [kg/day] Schulrückläufe Tellerreste Überproduktion Produktionsverluste BSH Navitas WWK InfraServ Campus 21 Avoidable food waste 14 Food waste per day [kg/day] % 74% Schulrückläufe Tellerreste Überproduktion Produktionsverluste 4% 9% BSH Navitas WWK InfraServ Campus 22 Universität Stuttgart

12 Food waste related to food input 25. Quantity per year [kg/year] % 8% 6% 33% BSH Navitas WWK InfraServ Campus Summe der eingekauften Lebensmittel Summe vermeidbarer Lebensmittelabfall 23 Surplus production 1% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% % BSH WWK InfraServ Campus Hauptkomponente Beilagen Gemüsebeilagen Vorspeise Dessert Salatbuffet Dressing Suppe Saucen 24 Universität Stuttgart

13 Composition of energy consumption lighting, 6% Ventilation, 35% kitchen processes green: electricity, orange: thermal energy heating, 9% hot water preparation, 6% 25 energy consumers Infraserv 3 Kombidämpfer Topfspülmaschine 2 Wärmebecken 2 Kippbratpfannen 1 Wärmebecken 2 Vario Cooking Center Kipper links Gläserspülmaschine 25 5 Stromverbrauch [kwh/tag] Campus Doppelkammerspülm Kombidämpfer 1 Kombidämpfer 2 Freezer Chiller Großkochfeld 2 Tiefkühlschränke 3 Kühlzellen 25 5 Stromverbrauch [kwh/tag] rot: Lüftung, blau: Kühlung, orange: Spülen, grün: Andere 26 Universität Stuttgart

14 Recommendations (excerpt) Operation Switching the equipment on and off according to necessity, Filling heating basins with warm instead of cold water, better utilization of dishwashers and refrigerators. Selection of food Reduction of food with high energy demand. Equipment Replacement of old and inefficient devices. 27 example Heating basins status quo ante 16 Heating basin left 16 Heating basin right Electricity demand [kw] Electricity demand [kw] Universität Stuttgart

15 example Heating basins after optimization Energy demand [kw] Covering of basin Energy demand [kw] Filling with warm water Original Abdeckung Original Warmwassernutzung Energy saving: 1% Energy saving: 29% 29 example Heating basins switch on when needed Elektr. Leistung [kw] Adapted switch on management Elektr. Leistung [kw] Stepwise switch off Original späteres Einschalten keine Anpassung stufenweises Ausschalten Energy saving: 14% Energy saving: 32% 3 Universität Stuttgart

16 ENERGY CONSUMPTION PER PORTION BSH Navitas WWK Infraserv Campus Main courses [portions/year] energy consumption [kwh/portion] BSH WWK InfraServ Campus Strom Wärme Gas Naxos/ 13 June GHG EMISSIONS FROM ENERGY CONSUMPTION 3 GHG emissions [kg CO 2 e/portion] 2 1 BSH WWK InfraServ Campus emission factors: Electricity ~,61,65 Heat ~,2,27 [kg CO 2 e per kwh] source: GEMIS Strom Wärme Gas The majority of GHG emissions are due to electricity consumption and thus above all to kitchen processes. Naxos/ 13 June Universität Stuttgart

17 A2UFood - Avoidable and Unavoidable Food Wastes A Holistic Managing Approach for Urban Environments, Heraklion, Crete (GR) monitoring + system optimisation in hotels restaurant for surplus food Production of plastics from food waste 33 Tools for monitoring and waste minimization Tools for industry, households and small restaurants, industry partner: Bizerba Zollernalbkreis, (district in Baden-Württemberg) Ministry of the Environment Stuttgart Canteens, restaurants, households in the district 34 Universität Stuttgart

18 Monitoring Tools If you can t measure it, you can t manage it. (Was man nicht messen kann, kann man nicht kontrollieren.) Kaplan, R.S., Norton, D.P. (1997) 36 Universität Stuttgart

19 Alliance against food losses of Bavaria We save food! Naxos/ 13 June RESOURCEMANAGER FOOD Gefördert durch RESOURCEMANAGER FOOD In cooperation with Naxos/ 13 June Universität Stuttgart

20 RESOURCEMANAGER FOOD composition The measuring system consists of:: All-in-One-PC or Tablet electronic scale (USB) Software and user interface: RESOURCEMANAGER-FOOD Naxos/ 13 June RESOURCEMANAGER FOOD User interface Naxos/ 13 June Universität Stuttgart

21 RESOURCEMANAGER FOOD measured facilities: hotels, company canteens, care, university canteens school cantines food vending machines catering events system gastronomy Naxos/ 13 June measurement results (example) Food waste at the breakfast buffet 3 Optimierungsschritte Dieses Beispiel zeigt die Optimierungsschritte bis zum möglichen Idealzustand (Optimum ). Naxos/ 13 June Universität Stuttgart

22 measurement results (example) Food waste "food vending machine" food vending machine (KW 17 - KW 24, 217) Stückzahl KW 17 KW 18 KW 19 KW 2 KW 21 KW 22 KW 23 KW 24 Kalenderwoche 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% % Verlustquote in % Produktion (Stück) Verwurf (Stück) Verlustquote (%) Quelle: (217) Naxos/ 13 June Universität Stuttgart RMF Mobile Online Monitoring 44 Universität Stuttgart

23 RMFOOD Mobile RMFOOD.DE RMFOOD.DE Local system: Hardware + Software Online-System Gefördert durch 45 RMFOOD Mobile RMFOOD.DE Mobile Website Features: Enter measurement data online Weighing or quantity recording Online data processing Visualization and Benchmarks Free use Gefördert durch 46 Universität Stuttgart

24 RESOURCEMANAGER FOOD - ONLINE Naxos/ 13 June RESOURCEMANAGER FOOD - ONLINE Naxos/ 13 June Universität Stuttgart

25 Summary Conclusions (excerpt) 15% reduction of energy consumption (average) Most of the measures can be implemented quickly and easily, usually with economic advantages External incentive ecessary, e.g. awareness raising (measuring / monitoring), consulting, training and support during implementation phases. Significant reduction of GHG Naxos/ 13 June Universität Stuttgart

26 Co-authors Gerold Hafner Dominik Leverenz Malte Rubach Hans Daxbeck Philipp Pilsl Thank you very much! Gerold Hafner Telefon +49 () University of Stuttgart, ISWA (RIK) Bandtäle Stuttgart Germany Universität Stuttgart

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