Tunnelsurveying II. Engineering Geodesy II

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1 Tunnelsurveying II Engineering Geodesy II Prof. Dr. H. Ingensand Geodetic Metrology and Engineering Geodesy

2 Tunnelsurveying II Projects in Europe (overview) Classification: tunnel, gallery, microtunnel (stollen), shaft, cavern Tunnel- and shaft construction methods Surveying tasks in tunnels Staking out the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) project

3 Tunnelprojects in Europe Prof. Dr. H. Ingensand Geodetic Metrology and Engineering Geodesy

4 Tunnelprojects in Europe (Selection) Finished Eurotunnel Elbtunnel Lötschbergtunnel CERN Under Construction Gotthardbasistunnel Mont Cenis Ceneri Koralm Durchmesserlinie (Zuerich)/ City Tunnel Leipzig/Stuttgart 21 Planned Bosporus Tunnel Brenner Basistunnel Semmering Deposit of nuclear waste (Switzerland, France,Germany) Gibraltartunnel

5 Railwaytunnel Projects in Europe

6 Spiralförmiger Zwischenangriff Modane (Lyon Turin)

7 Das neueste Projekt: Stuttgart 21 taz.de

8 Classification: gallery (stollen), tunnel, shaft, cavern Gallery Tunnel Cavern

9 Construction Methods Tunnel Construction Methods open pit methods mining methods Pressvortrieb tubes Vertical-Shaft Construction Methods

10 Open pit method (slotted wall method) Offene Bauweisen, bei welchen - vereinfacht gesagt - ein Einschnitt durch das zu untertunnelnde Gebiet gegraben wird, in welchem dann das Tunnel im Tagbau erstellt wird, bevor der Einschnitt wieder zugeschüttet wird. halboffene Bauweisen, bei denen zuerst mit z.b. Schlitzwandbauweise die Tunnelwände gebaut werden und dann auf der gewünschten Tiefe die Tunneldecke betoniert wird. Unter der Tunneldecke wird anschliessend das Material ausgebrochen. slotted wall

11 Mining construction methods (Overview) Tunneling Rock Loose Rock Full beak out Partial break out Concrete spray Tunnelboringmachine Cutting head machine Iron arcs Blasting Blasting Jetting Cutting head machine Frezzing method Shieldmachine with Tubbings Pressure Tunneling

12 Tunneling in Rocks Blasting using Bohrjumbo Tunnelboringmachine TBM

13 TBM with Gripper (Lötschberg) Head Gripper 9 m Bohrkopf 1 Schreitwerke eitwe rk Meter Nachläufer

14 Tunneling in rocks TBM Blasting Cutting Head Machine New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM)

15 Tunneling in loose rock Selective cut heading machine (Teilschnittmaschine) Shield drive (Schildvortrieb) "Hydroschild". Beim Schildvortrieb wird ein Rohr, das sogenannte "Schild" in das Erdreich gepresst. Am vorderen Ende des Rohres ist die Abbaukammer. In dieser sitzt ein sich drehendes Rad mit darauf befindlichen Meißeln, die das Erdreich lösen und zerkleinern. Am unteren Ende der Kammer wird der Abraum dann entfernt.

16 Tunnel Profile: Definitions Strosse = side wall

17 Phases of tunnelling in loose rock

18 Tunnelling Methods: Partial break out (NATM) Bild :Amberg Messtechnik Bild :Amberg Messtechnik Cut head machine 1. Paramentstollen 2. Kalotte 3. Kern 4. Sohle

19 New Austrian Tunneling Method

20 Special Tunnelling Methods in Loose Rock Bild Sedrun Alptransit Tunneling in the Kakiritzone at Sedrun Construction method: Spannbögen mit Gleitelementen Maschines: Digger

21 Vertical-Shaft Construction Methods (Overview) Shaft Driving Rock Loose Rock Shaftbohringmachine (Raise boring ) Shotcrete Blasting Steel Arcs Shieldmachine with Tubbings

22 Shaft Construction Methods: Raise-Boring AlpTransit Raise-Boring (Sedrun II) First Phase: Boring top down Second Phase: Boring head of the first boring is replaced by an oversized drill. Thereafter the extended drill is lifted with a of 90 to 120 tons. Third Phase: The shaftboringmachine widens the 780 m deep shaft from 1.80 m to 7.00 m (top down)

23 Surveying Tasks in Tunnels Prof. Dr. H. Ingensand Geodetic Metrology and Engineering Geodesy

24 Typical Surveying Tasks in Tunnels Basic Tasks Networks (Portal Network, Tunnel Network) Modelling of Gravity and Determinaton of the Deviation of the Plumb Line Topography Staking Out Transfer of Coordinates- and Heights Direction and 3D Machine Guidance Staking out of Infrastructure (Tracks, Power Lines etc.) Quality Check and Monitoring (Deformation) Quality Check of prefabricated Elements (Tubbings) Surface Check (Roughness,.) Convergence Determination Monitoring of the pits (Baugruben, Tagbautunnel) Attendant measurements (Dam Monitoring, ) Check of railway loading gauge (Lichtraumprofil)

25 Preparing Tasks (Rekognostizierung) Visual Check (Space for optical Surveying Tasks) Selection of Sure Points and Supports Consoles Bolts Pillars Centring Systems Maximal Lengths of Sight Design of the Numbering Scheme Existing Concept of the Contractor? No alphanumerical Signs => facilitates Punktnummernarithmetik Gyroscopic Measurements: Direction Reference? Arrangement with Contractor (Access, Insurance, etc.)

26 Centring Kern centring Only position 0.02 mm Taylor-Hobson-Sphere Self centering Sphere: mm mm Target tolerance: 0.01 mm (if glass plate 12.7 mm thick) Large-area light emitting diode, Adaption of illumination arrangement backside

27 Tunnel Network Design Geometry of the Tunnel Space/Clearance Consoles Points at the Floor Consoles: Traversing along Parament traversing Zig-Zag-Method

28 Traversing Configurations

29 Consoles (Brackets, Supports) at the Wall

30 Refraction Temperature Characteristics at the Vereina- Tunnel Vent off Vent on

31 Refraction (Temperature Gradient) Refraction Angle as a Function of the horizontal Temperature Gradient: δ = 1 2 s 10 6 T Y Example: T C = 0.1 ; Y m δ = 1.6 mgon s = 500m

32 Minimisation of Refraction Optimal: Traversing in the middle of the Tunnel Activation of Vent Portal: eventually Azimuth Determination using simultaneously two Gyros Gyro Measurement expensive Regard Refraction even at Plumbing Tasks

33 Lateral refraction in the area of the addit Meßanordnung nach Wilhelm, 1994 Höninger, 1996

34 Staking out Tasks Prof. Dr. H. Ingensand Geodetic Metrology and Engineering Geodesy

35 0.5m 0.5m

36 Positioning with survey control points

37 Task break out

38 Task position arch

39 LEICA TMS OFFICE One single software platform for all TMS applications. definition or import of project data systematic data management for project data survey point data measurement data interactive project data definition with graphic online display design calculation functions GSI, DXF, ASCII, BEVER interfaces comprehensive reporting functions

40 TMS SETOUT Point set out Automatic set out of single or interval points referred to the axis or design profile

41 TMS SETOUT Arch formworks / joint strips Spot-on positioning of the arch formwork and setting out joint strips

42 Guidance of Tunnelling Machines Prof. Dr. H. Ingensand Geodetic Metrology and Engineering Geodesy

43 Cut Head Machine (Teilschnittmaschine) Images:Leica-Geosystems

44 Machine-related Coordinate Systems Targets roll pitch X,Y,Z, Machine

45 TBM Laser Guidance (Murgenthaltunnel)

46 VMT Electronic Target for TBM Target with integrated 2 axial Inclinometer

47 VMT Sensor Sensor surface 2 Inclinometers Sensor surface 1

48 Ingenieurvermessung th International Conference on Engineering Surveying Zürich, März 2004 Das Steuerleitsystem im Teilabschnitt Bodio des Gotthard- Basistunnel Reinhard Deicke, Consorzio TAT, Tunnel Alp Transit - Ticino

49 Tunnel and Machine Coordinates Systems Global Coordinates of the Tunnel Deike/2004

50 TBM Laser Guidance Configuration ELS Target Prism TBM Tacheometer Prism Reference Prism Axis

51 Laser Geometry at the TBM Head Gripper 1 Gripper 2 Prism Inclinometer Observed Direction Calculated Direction TPS

52 Tacheometer Fixation at the TBM Maschine

53 TBM Control Panel


55 Tolerance Check Prof. Dr. H. Ingensand Geodetic Metrology and Engineering Geodesy

56 TMS PROFILE LEICA TMS PROFILE The solution for a wealth of tasks. Rol l Instant excavation profile control Non-destructive computation of concrete thickness and volume Geological over-break calculation As-built profile survey and construction documentation Figures for quantity surveying Determination of as-built tunnel axis in TBM tunnels Railway clearance surveying Base data for refurbishment project planning

57 Absolute 3D-Verschiebungsmessungen Messsituation U2/3-Praterstern U-Bahn Wien

58 Absolute 3D-Verschiebungsmessungen Messsituation Koralmtunnel (Eisenbahn - ÖBB)

59 Absolute 3d-Verschiebungsmessungen Zeit-Verschiebungsdarstellungen Setzungen, Quer-, Längsverschiebungen, Konvergenzen, Verschiebungsdifferenzen, -verhältnisse und geschwindigkeiten Kombination der Darstellungen mit Baufortschritt,...

60 Absolute 3d-Verschiebungsmessungen querschnittsbezogene Darstellung

61 Absolute 3d-Verschiebungsmessungen [ mm] D E D A L O S 3 D - Op t i s c h e Ve r s c h i e b u n g s me s s u n g BAUST EL L E: ABSCHNI T T : T e s t b a u s t e l l e BP: ( c ) Ge o d a t a No r d v o r t r i e b T M: NR: 1 OPTI SCHE VERFORMUNGSMESSUNG SET Z UNG 1 : 0 6 / J AN/ : 1 3 / J AN/ : 1 8 / J AN/ : 2 1 / J AN/ : 2 6 / J AN/ : 0 1 / F EB/ : 0 8 / F EB/ : 1 3 / F EB/ : 2 1 / F EB/ : 2 7 / F EB/ : 0 8 / J AN/ : 1 6 / J AN/ : 1 9 / J AN/ : 2 2 / J AN/ : 2 8 / J AN/ : 0 4 / F EB/ : 0 9 / F EB/ : 1 5 / F EB/ : 2 3 / F EB/ : 0 2 / MAR/ : 1 1 / J AN/ : 1 7 / J AN/ : 2 0 / J AN/ : 2 4 / J AN/ : 3 0 / J AN/ : 0 6 / F EB/ : 1 1 / F EB/ : 1 9 / F EB/ : 2 5 / F EB/ : 0 4 / MAR/ DEDAL OS V / L i z. : GEODAT A 0 1 E M_ S / 1 0 : 2 6 ( c ) GEODAT A L e o b e n / AUST RI A Einflusslinien, Einflussflächen, Trendlinien

62 Tunnel Surveying Tasks of the CERN Large Hadron Collider Project Ralph Glaus Prof. Dr. H. Ingensand Geodetic Metrology and Engineering Geodesy

63 Content CERN Overview The LHC-Project A Priori-Computation Basic Network Plumbing Tunnelling Surveying with respect to Gyro Measurements Practical Problems and Solutions at Gallery Surveying Preanalysis Plumbing tasks in shafts

64 CERN -Overview CERN Centre Européen de la Recherche Nucléaire gegründet Mitgliedstaaten Laboratorien in Meyrin bei Genf CERN beschäftigt rund 3000 Personen Schwerster Magnet der Welt bei CERN (wiegt mehr als der Eiffel-Turm)

65 CERN LEP: Large Electron Positron Collider 27 km long 100 m deep 14 TeV rps 3368 magnets parameters for monitoring, controlling and synchronisation

66 Particle Accelerator at CERN Proton Synchrotron Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) Large Electron-Positron Collider (LEP) Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

67 LHC-Projekt - Übersicht 8.6 km TI8 TI2

68 TI2 Floor Plan (Grundriss) 2.6 km

69 TI8 Floor Plan (Grundriss) 2.5 km

70 Requirements of the Contractor Prof. Dr. H. Ingensand Geodetic Metrology and Engineering Geodesy

71 Construction of LHC - Requirements The connecting Galleries TI2 and TI8 should be driven from vertical Shafts Problem: Transfer of Orientation! High Precision Surveying Civil Engineers do autonomously Surveying Construction management checks sporadically the results of surveying 24-Hours-Operation (partly at Weekends) Checks have to be planned and carried out preferably during weekends

72 LHC Tolerances of the Constructor The Axis of the tunnel must be in the defined axis. Tolerance 5 cm The tunnel profile should not extend into the theoretical profile Additionally it may be 2 cm augmented

73 Design of the Traverse Network I Design parameters: e Geometry of the tunnel Cross section Maximum lenght of sight Usable cylindric volume (Lateral Refraction!) R S d Kathedus addition formula: s = 2 2( d 2e) R R [m] d [m] e [m] s [m]

74 Variance-Propagation: Traverse- and additional Gyromeasurements Varianzfortpflanzung beim gestreckten Polygonzug: Längsabweichung: Querabweichungr: σ l = σ D σ = q σ α 3 Varianzfortpflanzung beim gestreckten Kreiselzug: Längsabweichung: Querabweichung: σ l = σ D σ = q σ α Ls L S 3 L S L S Querfehler [cm] s D s D s D Polygonzug s=200, sa = 1 mgon Laenge [m] q(x) r(x)

75 A-priori Simulation der Kreiselmessungen (Eurotunnel) IGP Bericht No.205

76 Varianzfortpflanzung II Nach wieviel Brechungspunkten soll ein Kreisel eingesetzt werden? Genauigkeit? t σ = t0 + βi ( n 1) n = σ n 2 σ β gon Steigerung der Zuverlässigkeit Verminderung von Refraktionseinflüssen σ Kreisel σ n (ca.1,3mgon) 2 Kreisel 2 σ β σ 2 0 σ n ' A 1 A 1 ' A 2 ' A1 = A1 + ' ' A1 + A2 200 A1 = 2 A 2 = A ' 2 ' ' A1 + A A1 = 2 Diese Überlegung setzt voraus, dass die Refraktion währen der Messungen konstant bleibt. A 2

77 A Priori-Analyse TI8 Zwei Varianten: 1 Azimut / 500 m 1 Azimut / 250 m σ Lotung : 1 mm σ Richtung : 0.7 mgon σ Azimut : 1.5 mgon σ Distanz : 1 mm + 1 ppm σ Setup : 0.5 mm Polygonseitenlänge: 120 m Vertrauensintervall 95%

78 A Priori-Analyse TI2 Zwei Varianten 1 Azimut / 500 m 1 Azimut / 250 m σ Lotung : 1 mm σ Richtung : 0.7 mgon σ Azimut : 1.5 mgon σ Distanz : 1 mm + 1 ppm σ Setup : 0.5 mm Polygonseitenlänge: 200 m Vertrauensintervall 95%

79 Plumbline Determintaton (Lotung) Zwei unabhängige Methoden: tachymetrisch (Instrument mit Zweiachskompensator, Steilsicht- oder Zenitokular verwenden) 50 m mit Zenitlot aufwändig Genauigkeit der Richtungen beträgt 8 mgon 0.8 mm Zenitlot: 1 mm (aus Ausgleichung)

80 Ende

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