Dr. Hala El- Senousy C. V. Faculty Member Curriculum vitae

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1 Faculty Member Curriculum vitae 1

2 First: Personal Information: Name: Dr. Hala Abd El Kader Said El-Senousy Date of Birth nd December 1975 Place of Birth: Egypt Current Position: Assistant Professor Institution: College of Arts University of Dammam Province: Department: Library And information Department Current Administrative Duties: - Date of affiliation with UOD: 01 Marital Status: Married Number of family members: 5 Second: Qualifications: Qualifications Graduation date College University Major Sub Major Bachelor 1997 Faculty of Cairo University Science and Chemistry Higher Diploma 1999 Faculty of Cairo University Curricula and Methodology Science Master 003 Faculty of Cairo University Curricula and Methodology Science Doctorate 009 Faculty of Beni Suef University Curricula and Methodology Science

3 M.A Thesis Title:. "Effectiveness of a Suggested Programme in the View of Integration among Science, Technology and Society (STS) for Enhancing the Scientific Literacy for Students of Elementary Branch of Faculties of " PhD Thesis Title:. "Effectiveness of a suggested Program in Chemistry for Enhancing the Scientific concepts, critical thinking skills and Attitude toward Chemistry learning for the high School Students Third: Training History: # == Course Title SPSS Electronic Learning Blackboard (Collaborate). Communication skills Electronic Learning Blackboard (Integrity) The quality and academic accreditation Scientific partnerships Teaching skills in the 1st - century Development of Academic Programs Using of mashups in Blackboard Kal. Board Program Using of Magma Learning Resource Google Scholar Smart Board Using of Sign assignment\ turn in Program Multi Intelligence theory New Trends In Scientific curricula Peer Tutoring Conducted by Quality Electronic Learning Teaching development Electronic Learning Quality Post Graduates Teaching development Teaching development Electronic Learning Electronic Learning Electronic Learning Quality Electronic Learning Electronic Learning Teaching development Quality al Guiding Duration s s Notes Four: Career Hierarchy: # Job Title College/Department Duration (from to) 1 Assistant Professor Faculty of Arts, Dammam University 01 now Associate Professor Faculty of, Beni Suef University 014 now 3 Lecturer Faculty of, Beni Suef University Associate Lecturer Faculty of, Cairo University Demonstrator Faculty of, Cairo University

4 Five: Courses Taught by Faculty Member: # Undergraduate Postgraduate MA Orientation 1 Teaching Technique Curricula Building Curriculum Development Instructional Technology 3 Instructional Technology 4 Design means 5 Use & Maintenance of 6 Learning Centres leadership 7 Curricula 8 Learning Evaluation PhD Orientation Six: Research Supervised by the Member: Research Supervised by Faculty Member and Got Approval MA Thesis PhD Thesis Research Currently Under Supervision MA Thesis PhD Thesis Registration Date Research title Registration Date Research title Approval Date Research title Approval Date Research title 5 E. Model Learning Cycle to Enhance scientific Concept 01 Active Learning Activities program 011 4

5 Seven: (A) Published Works in Refereed Journals: Research Status Research Title Single Dual Peer Publisher Hala El-Senousy, Andreas Kometz: (007) "Effectiveness of a suggested Program in Chemistry for Enhancing the Scientific concepts, critical thinking skills and Attitude toward Chemistry learning for the high School Students " Poster in German Conference, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker GDCh, Wissenschaftsforum, Chemie, September 007, Ulm,, PP 118 Michael Urbanger, Hala El- Senousy, Andreas Kometz: (007) "Naturwissenschaftliche Grundbildung- Bayern und Ägypten im vergleich " --- Poster in German Conference, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Wissenschaftsforum, Chemie, September 007, Ulm,, PP 11 Hala El-Senousy, Michael Urbanger, Andreas Kometz: (008) "Naturwissenschaftliche Grundbildung- Bayern und Ägypten im vergleich II" Poster in German Conference, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker GDCh, Fachgruppe Chemieunterricht, "Chemie und Innovation", September 008, Potsdam Hala El-Senousy, Andreas Kometz, Barbra Schmitt Sody: (010) "The Project NESSI meets Hapi" Poster presented to the annual conference of der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik GDCP, "Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung als Beitrag zur Gestaltung Partizipativer Demokratie'', September, Potsdam/ Golm,, Pp 89 5

6 Barbara Schmitt-Sody, Andreas Kometz, Hala El-Senousy, Bílek Martin,: (010) ''NESSI- Lab Transfer Die Ausweitung des Schülerlabors auf Förderschulen und in andere Länder', Hala El-Senousy, Andreas Kometz, Barbra Schmitt Sody: (010) "Effects of NESSI meets Hapi concerning the attitude toward science" paper presented to the annual conference of der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik GDCP, Hala El-Senousy, Florian Scheffler, Andreas Kometz,: (011) " Herstellung eines Indikators aus Hibiskus." Hala El-Senousy, Florian Scheffler, Andreas Kometz,: (011) " Testen verschiedener Haushaltschemikalien mit selbst hergestelltem Indikator - paper presented in the Annual conference in Vienna, In: Tagungsband zum Bayrisch- Österreichisch- Slowakischen Chemiedidaktik- Symposium. Wien 010. In: Höttecke, D. (edetor.): Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung als Beitrag zur Gestaltung partizipativer Demokratie. Vo. 31. Pp Berlin 011 Unterricht der Chemie, Heft 13, jahr, Pp " Unterricht der Chemie, Heft 13, jahr, Pp Hala El-Senousy (01). Effectiveness of the cartoons strategy of environmental science teaching in enhancing environmental decision-making and motivation towards environmental issues learning to high school students Hala El-Senousy (013). "The level of consciousness of kindergarten teachers before and during the service about their role in scientific formation Journal of, Faculty of, University of Al- Azhar number 150, Part 1 October, pp Journal of al Sciences - College of Bakna- South Valley University, in January, the number of 18- pp

7 of the preschool child " Hala El-Senousy (013). The effect of roundhouse strategy in sciences teaching in developing the scientific concepts and reflective thinking for middle school students Hala El-Senousy (013). the awareness extent of students of the University of Dammam of using M-Learning Hala El-Senousy (014). The extent of utilizing the educational resources and the constraints faced in KSA East Aria schools Journal of Science Vol 16. No. 5. September pp Arab Studies in and Psychology, November, No. 43, Part II, pp Arab Journal of Social Sciences and Alterboah- Arab Center for Studies and Seauth- January, No. 5, pp

8 (B) Works Approved for Publication in Refereed Journals: Research Status Publisher Research title Single Dual Peer The state and utilizing difficulties of Instructional Technology in Science Teaching for Adult learning Girls schools in Dammam -In views of Teachers and Learners." The effect of using a reciprocal teaching strategy on developing the instant and postponed achievement and skills of metacognitive perception to non- educationally specialists by the building and developing curricula course - - Arab Society for Technology magazine, accepted for publication. Scientific journal in Mansoura, accepted for publication (C) Scholarly Activities (Evaluation of MA& PhD. Thesis, Participation in Curriculum Development Committees: # Data, type and location etc. Date Eight: Refereed Books : Title Publisher Date Notes 8

9 Nine: Participation in Conferences, Symposiums, Workshops, Seminars and Scientific Forums: # 1 Title Conference, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Wissenschaftsforum, Chemie, September 007 Conference, der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik GDCP, "Chemie-und Physikdidaktik für die Lehramtsausbildung", September 008, Conference, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker GDCh, Fachgruppe Chemieunterricht, "Chemie und Innovation", September 008, the annual conference of der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik GDCP, "Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung als Beitrag zur Gestaltung Partizipativer Demokratie'', September (010) the Annual conference, In: Tagungsband zum Bayrisch- Österreichisch- Slowakischen Chemiedidaktik-Symposium. Wien 010 the annual conference of der Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik GDCP, Naturwissenschaftliche Bildung als Beitrag zur Gestaltung partizipativer Demokratie, September, (010) the annual conference of Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker GDCh, "Chemie verstehen'', 9-11 September,. Fourth Student Conference at the University of Dammam Organize d by GDCh GDCP GDCh GDCP Bayrisch- Österreichi sch- Slowakisch en GDCP GDCh Dammam university Place, Ulm, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Potsdam,, Golm, in Vienna, Potsdam, Dortmund, Type of Participation Attendance Attendance & participation Research Title. 9

10 fifth Student Conference at the University of Dammam third National Conference of quality in higher education of Dammam First International Conference on Libraries and Information (libraries and information centers in a changing digital environment symposium World Environment Day Conference for Environment and Development in the Gulf region Dammam university Dammam university Libraries Association of Jordan Dammam university Dammam university Ten: Formed Committees Membership: # Committee Duties Duration From To 1 Evaluation Development of student Unite Achieve Manager Eleven: Scientific Associations Membership: # Committee College/Department Location 1 GDCh EWF\ Chemistry Teaching GDCP Heidelberg\ Physics Chemistry Teaching 3 Scientific Learning Commission \ science teaching 4 Curricula Teaching \ science teaching Egypt Egypt Instructional Technology Technology Egypt 10

11 11

12 Twelve: Activities Held by Faculty Member: A. Activities within College: (1) Cultural and Religious Activities: # Name Type Title of the Lecture Date 1 Activities () Community Service: # Type Date Notes 1 (3) Artistic Activities : # Type Date Notes 1 B. Activities outside College: (1) Cultural and Religious Activities: # Name Type Title of the Lecture Date 1 () Community Service: # Type Date Notes 1 instruction Area instruction Area 014 Learning Resource providing 015 Evaluation of The new books (3) Artistic Activities: # Type Date Notes 1 1

13 13

14 Acknowledgment : I testify that all the information mentioned above is correct. Otherwise has been approved I should be liable to penalties stipulated in rules and bylaws in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Name: Dr. Hala El-Senousy Signature: Dr. H. Senousy Date: 14

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Praktikumsstellen für Juristen in Taiwan (ROC)

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CURRICULUM VITAE. Martin Gross. December 2014

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Gemeinde Gilching. Registration kindergarten for the school year 2016/2017

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Grade 12: Qualifikationsphase. My Abitur

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mail: philipp.masur@uni-hohenheim.de phone: +49 (0) 711 459-24792 2009-2010 Media and communications Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

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Dr. oec. et lic. phil. Anja Feierabend-Brüschweiler

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