Förderung von der EU: HORIZON 2020 /7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm

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1 Project ID Acronym /Title HORIZON 2020 Programme/ Call Scientist TU BAF Contact Start Duration SMARTEXPLORATION Sustainable mineral resources by utilizing new Exploration technologies MuDiLingo A Multiscale Dislocation Language for DataDriven Materials Science COALBYPRO Innovative management of COAL BYPROducts leading also to CO2 emissions reduction H2020SC52017 OnestageB ERC2017STG RFCS2016 Prof. Stefan Buske (Geophysik und Geoinformtik) Buske@geophysik.tufreiberg.de Prof. Stefan Sandfeld (Institut für Mechanik und Fluiddynamik) Stefan.Sandfeld@imfd.tufreiberg.de Prof. Bernd Meyer (Energieverfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen) Bernd.Meyer@iec.tufreiberg.de months SOCRATES European Training Network for the sustainable, zerowaste valorisation of (critical) metal containing industrial process residues H2020MSCA ITN2016 Prof. Michael Stelter (NEMetalle und Reinststoffe) Michael.Stelter@inemet.tufreiberg.de

2 CSI.interface A molecular interface science approach: Decoding single molecular reactions and interactions at dynamic solid/liquid interfaces ERC2015STG Prof. Markus Valtiner (Physikalische Chemie) Markus.Valtiner@chemie.tufreiberg.de MILDROLLING Ultrafine grained steel long products by MultiPass Warm Caliber Rolling Technology RFCS2015 Prof. Rudolf Kawalla (Metallformung) Rudolf.Kawalla@imf.tufreiberg.de months Flintstone 2020 Next generation of superhard noncrm materials and solutions in tooling H2020SC52015 onestage Prof. Kroke (Anorganische Chemie) Edwin.Kroke@chemie.tufreiberg.de DEFect NETwork materials science and engineering H2020MSCA ITN2014 Prof. Tobias Fieback (Wärmetechnik/ tobias.fieback@iwtt.tufreiberg.de DESCRAMBLE Drilling in supercritical geothermal condition H2020 LCE Prof. Buske (Geophysik und Geoinformatik) Buske@geophysik.tufreiberg.de Monate Real Time Mining Realtime optimization of extraction and the logistic process in highly complex geological and selective mining settings H2020SC52014 Topic SC511a 2014 Prof. Mischo (Bergbau und Spezialtiefbau) Helmut.Mischo@mabb.tufreiberg.de

3 BioMore New Mining Concept for Extracting Metals from Deep Ore Deposits using Biotechnology OptiMore Increasing yield on Tungsten and Tantalum ore production by means of advanced and flexible control on crushing, milling and separation process H2020SC Topic: SC511a 2014 H2020: SC /2015 New solutions for sustainable production of raw materials Prof. Konietzky (Geotechnik) Prof. Lieberwirth (Aufbereitungsmaschinen) , FP7: 7. Forschungsrahmenprogramm BlueMining Breakthrough Solutions for the Sustainable Exploration and Extraction of Deep Sea Mineral Resources FP7NMP 2013LARGE7 Prof. Mischo (Bergbau und Spezialtiefbau) PELSKIN A novel kind of surface coatings in aeronautics FP7AAT2012RTD L0 Prof. Brücker (Mechanik und Fluiddynamik) Christoph.Bruecker@imfd.tufreiberg.de months BioRobur Biogas robust processing with combined catalytic reformer and trap FCHJU20121 Prof. Trimis (Wärmetechnik und

4 DAPhNE Development of adaptive ProductioN systems for Ecoefficient firing processes cument &PJ_RCN= BIOCORIN NEW BIOCOATING FOR CORROSION INHIBITION IN METAL SURFACES FP72012NMP ICTFoF FP7ENV2011 ECOINNOVATION TwoStage Dr. Uhlig (Wärmetechnik und Prof. Kroke (Anorganische Chemie) 01/10/ /09/ /03/ /09/ FC DISTRICT New µchp network technologies for energy efficient and sustainable districts FP72010NMP ENVENERGYICT EeB Prof. Trimis (Wärmetechnik und 01/09/ /09/ CHANGEHABITATS 2 Network for Habitat Monitoring by Airbornesupported Field work An innovative and effective process in implementation of the Habitat Directive ndex.ht ml# MagPro²Life Advanced Magnetic nanoparticles deliver smart Processes and Products for Life cument &PJ_RCN= FP7PEOPLE 2009IAPP FP7NMP 2008LARGE2 Prof. Heilmeier (Biowissenschaften) Hermann.Heilmeier@ioez.tufreiberg.de Prof. Peuker (Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik und Aufbereitungstechnik) Urs.Peuker@imfd.tufreiberg.de 01/01/ /12/ /07/ /06/2013

5 PROMINE Nanoparticle products from new mineral resources in Europe FP7NMP 2008LARGE2 Prof. Schaeben (Geophysik) 31/12/ CEREXPRO Ceramic Heat exchangers with enhanced materials properties FP7ENERGY20081 Prof. Trimis (Wärmetechnik und 01/04/ /03/ GMOSAIC GMES services for Management of Operations, Situation Awareness and Intelligence for regional Crises FP7SPACE20071 Prof. Niemeyer 31/12/ THERMONANO LOWTEMPERATURE HEAT EXCHANGERS BASED ON THERMALLYCONDUCTING POLYMER NANOCOMPOSITES cument &PJ_RCN= FP7ENERGY20081 Prof. Trimis/Prof. Groß 30/06/2012

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