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USA 1/2 (abhängig: American Samoa, Guam, Navassa Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Palmyra Atoll, Puerto Rico, die Inseln Howland, Jarvis, Midway, Nördl. Mariana, Virgin und Wake) Amer. Unabhängigkeitsbewegung US-Verfassung (1787) Federalist Papers (A. Hamilton, J. Madison, J. Jay)

Amerikanische Verfassung 1.Constitutional Convention 2.geschriebene Verfassung 3.Bill of Rights (1789) 4.Separation of Powers 5.Judical Review: legal activism

Rollen des Präsidenten 1/2 1.Head of State 2.Commander in Chief 3.Foreign Policy Maker 4.Chief Executive

Rollen des Präsidenten 2/2 5.Chief Legislator 6.Economic Leader 7.Crisis Manager 8.Party Leader

Befugnisse des Präsidenten 1. Legal Power 2. Institutional Powers 3. Political Powers an Spitze der Verwaltung symbolische Figur

Institutionen The Cabinet (State, War, Treasury, General Attorney) Executive Office of the President (z.b.: Office of Management and Budget) White House Office Vizepräsident

White House Office 1. honest brocker, Informationsbüro 2. gibt Empfehlungen ab 3. polit. Antenne 4. organisiert Weißes Haus

COMMITTEE ACTION Referred to House committee INTRODUCTION HR 1 introduced in House INTRODUCTION HR S 1 2 introduced introduced in in House Senate COMMITTEE ACTION Referred to Senate committee Referred to subcommitte Veto overruled by 2/3 majority in both houses Referred to subcommitte Reported by full committee Rules Committee FLOOR ACTION House debate, vote on passage House Veto or Signature PRESIDENT The compromise version is sent from conference to each chamber for final approval CONFERENCE ACTION Senate Once both chambers have passed related bills, a conference committee of members from both houses work out the differences Reported by full committee FLOOR ACTION Senate debate, vote on passage

Gesetzgebungsprozess Abgeordnete, Präsident u. Verwaltung, Lobby Groups, etc. Gesetzesentwurf (Member of) House Standing Committee ev. Abänderung Committee Action Subcommittee Floor Action 1. Lesung 2. Lesung 3. Lesung Ablehnung Annahme bei unterschiedlichen Versionen Senate u. House Gesetzesentwurf an Senate Conference Committee Präsident Standing Committee Unterschrift Veto Committee Action Floor Action Override Bill 2/3 Kongressmehrheit keine Aktion

19.11.2003 H. Gottweis VO Einführung in die Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft WS 03/04

US-System Kontinuität des polit.-institutionellen Systems (seit Ende 18. Jh.) System der Gewaltenteilung (hist. Dynamik) 5 Akteure: Präsident, Senate u. House, Bundesstaaten, lokale Regierungsebene, Supreme Court Lobby Groups

Zyklen der Machtbalance New Deal - F. Roosevelt Vietnamkrieg Johnson Watergate Nixon M. Lewinsky-Affäre - Clinton

Staatsorgane USA Ernennung der Richter auf Lebenszeit (mit Zustimmung des Senats) Aufschiebendes Veto gegen Gesetze Überprüfen der Verfassungskonformität von präs. Verwaltungshandeln PRÄSIDENT Ausgabenbewilligungsrecht Kein Auflösungsrecht OBERSTES BUNDES GERICHT SENAT 100 SENATOREN REPRÄSENTAN- TENHAUS 435 ABGEORDNETE Überprüfen der Verfassungskonformität von Gesetzen 9 Richter/Lebenszeit Wahl auf 4 Jahre KONGRESS 538 WAHLMÄNNER Wahl Wahl auf 6 Jahre (alle 2 Jahre 1/3) Wahl auf 2 Jahre WAHLBERECHTIGTE BEVÖLKERUNG

White House Oval Office Video Tour


1992 and 1996 Presidential Election Results 1992 u 1996 President Elections Presidential Vice Presidential Political Candidate Candidate Party Popular Vote Electoral Vote William Clinton Albert Gore Democrat 47,402,357 49.24% 379 70.4% Robert Dole Jack Kemp Republican 39,198,755 40.71% 159 29.6% H. Ross Perot Pat Choate Reform 8,085,402 8.40% 0 0% 1996 Ralph Nader Winona LaDuke Green 685,128 0.71% 0 0% Harry Browne Jo Jorgensen Libertarian 485,798 0.50% 0 0% Other - - 420,194 0.44% 0 0% William Clinton Albert Gore Democrat 44,909,326 43.01% 370 68.8% George Bush Dan Quayle Republican 39,103,882 37.45% 168 31.2% 1992 H. Ross Perot James Stockdale Independent 19,741,657 18.91% 0 0% Andre Marrau Nancy Lord Libertarian 291,627 0.28% 0 0% Other - - 378,522 0.36% 0 0%

2000 President Elections 7. Nov. 2000 Presidential Election Results Presidential Vice Pres. Political Electoral Popular Vote Candidate Candidate Party Vote George W. Richard Bush Cheney Republican 50,459,624 47.87% 271 50.4% Albert Joseph Gore Jr. Lieberman Democrat 51,003,238 48.38% 266 49.4% Ralph Winona Nader LaDuke Green 2,882,985 2.74% 0 0.0% Patrick Ezola Buchanan Foster Reform 449,120 0.43% 0 0.0% Harry Art Browne Olivier Libertarian 384,440 0.36% 0 0.0% Other - - 232,922 0.22% 1 0.2%

Turnout Presidential Elections 2000 Total Total VAP (=Voting Age Population - all persons of 209,128,094 age 18 or over) Total REG (=Total number of registered voters) 159,725,715 Turnout 105,411,587 %TO VAP 50.41% %TO REG 66.00%

14. Nov. 2002 Congress Elections Senate SENATE Party % 100 seats Republicans 50,2 51 Democrats 46,1 48

14. Nov. 2002 Congress Elections House HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Party 435 % Republicans 229 51,0 Democrats 205 46,2

Iron Triangle Bureaucracy Sugar division of the Departement of Agriculture Information Approval of higher budget requests Help with constituents omplaints Rullings on sugar production and prices Information about the industry Support for agency s budget requests Congressional Subcommittees Subcommittee of the House and Senate agricultural committees Campaign contributions and support Information about the industry Legislation affecting sugar farmers and other members of the industry Interest Groups Sugar lobby (American Sugar Cane League, sugar user group,etc)

Number of Employees House of Representatives Committee staff Personal staff Leadership staff * Officers of the House staff ** Senate Committee staff Personal staff Leadership staff * Officers of the Senate staff ** joint committee staffs Support agencies General Acounting Office Congressional Research Service Congressional Budget Office 1276 7282 126 1146 1216 4410 148 958 120 3500 747 232 * Staff who worked directly for party leaders ** Includes doorkeepers, parliamentarians, etc

White House (Clinton Administration)