Review Unit. German Online German III. Material you will need for the Review Unit: - the booklet Hände weg von meinem Kopf!

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German Online German III Material you will need for the Review Unit: Review Unit - the booklet Hände weg von meinem Kopf! - a German/English dictionary. Whenever you see this symbol please go to our website, <>, to do an online assignment. Use the User ID and password provided to you by us to log on to the German III material. Introduction This unit is about - reviewing vocabulary from German I and II. We use the story from German II to go over some basic German words which you should know. - reviewing some basic grammar. Most of the grammar we talk about in German III will be review these are things you have already learned in German I and II. We will be reviewing some more grammar throughout this course, so in this review chapter we mainly concentrated on topics that will not show up again later. - reading a longer text. We would like for you to read one chapter for each lesson. - Using a dictionary. You can find most vocabulary words for the story at the back of the booklet. However, there may be some words from German I that we have not listed. If you run across words that you are not familiar with and that are not in the booklet, please use your dictionary. Your grade for this unit will be based on four quizzes, a test at the end of the unit and these pages, which you will send to us after you have filled in the blanks. Please note: If the question is in German we would like a German answer! Viel Spaß! German 3 Review 1

Kapitel 1 Liebe auf Distanz Read Kapitel 1, S. 1-2, in the booklet Hände weg von meinem Kopf! Mark words you do not know in the booklet. Look at the word list in the booklet, pp. 18-19. If there are words in the chapter that you do not know which are not listed there, write those words below and find their English meanings, either in a dictionary, or online, or by asking us. Draw a picture for these words: die Liebe die Stunde die Leute das Fenster die Tasse das Flugzeug German 3 Review 2

Study the vocabulary on pp. 18 and 19 of the booklet. Then go to our website and do Computer Exercise Review 1 Lies Kapitel 1 noch einmal und beantworte diese Fragen: 1. Warum kann Thomas im Flugzeug nicht schlafen? 2. Im letzten Jahr war Thomas als Austauschschüler in Deutschland. Was ist ein Austauschschüler auf Englisch? 3. Was hatte Anita zu Thomas gesagt? 4. Warum hatte Thomas im Flugzeug kein Abendbrot gegessen? 5. Zum Frühstück gibt es Brötchen mit Käse und Wurst und Orangensaft. Was isst du zum Frühstück? 6. Thomas hat ein Problem mit Anita. Was ist das Problem? 7. Was hat Anita über Frank geschrieben? 8. Warum hat Thomas keinen Appetit mehr? Review: Weather View the Flash Clip Wetter on the Review Outline and write the sentences below: 1. Wie ist das Wetter? German 3 Review 3

2. Wie ist das Wetter? 3. Wie ist das Wetter? 4. Wie ist das Wetter? 5. Wie ist das Wetter? 6. Und wie ist das Wetter heute wo du bist? Review: Pronunciation View the Flash Clip Pronunciation-Vowels on the Review Outline In the Flash clip we used the drawings below as memory helps. Write the correct vowel for each drawing: German 3 Review 4

View the Flash Clip Umlaute, Paare on the Review Outline and fill in the blanks below: German letter pairs that make a sound of their own: 1. au as in, (excellent) 2. ei as in,, 3. eu sounds like English or (Germany). Examples:, 4. ch after the vowels Examples: and sounds like the h in the English, 5. ch rattles after the vowels,, and :, gute Nacht There are four letters in the German alphabet that do not exist in English: 6. Umlaute: a à, o à, u à 7. ä sounds almost like an English. Example: ö is similar to the sound in murder. Example: (angry, evil) ü sounds like the eeewh that people make when they see something yucky. Examples:,, 8. ß is called s-zet and makes a sharp - sound:, Review: Polite Sie View the Flash Clip Polite Sie on the Review Outline and fill in the blanks below: 1. There are two forms in German to address people: - used for children,, friends Example: Hallo Thomas,? German 3 Review 5

2. The formal or polite form is - teachers, neighbors, you don t know (well), people you call by their last names Example: Möchten etwas? 3. Germans value etiquette and form very highly. You would appear rude or impolite if you address an adult as. To switch from Sie to du usually takes a formal agreement: Darf ich sagen? 4. Polite Form - Plural You use the same form whether you are talking to one or several persons: Herr Becker, eine Tasse Kaffee? Herr und Frau Becker, heute? 5. In German schools, students always say to their teachers and teachers say to their students - through 9th grade. In 10th grade, when most students turn 16, teachers have to switch to and have to call students by their last names. Example: Herr Jones, mir Ihre Hausaufgaben! In our story what does the Stewardess say to Thomas on the plane when she asks him if he would like something to drink? Du oder Sie? Was würdest du sagen? Herr Müller sieht Frau Meier auf der Straße und sagt: Guten Tag, Frau Meier. (Do you have time today?) Friedrich spielt mit seinem Freund Karl. Er fragt: (Do you have a computer game?) Frau Schneider geht mit ihrer Tochter einkaufen. Sie fragt: (Would you like an icecream?) Karla ist im Garten. Sie sieht ihre Nachbarin und sagt: Guten Tag, Frau Schmidt. (How do you like the weather?) German 3 Review 6

Review: Gender of Nouns In German, nouns are either masculine, feminine or neuter, in other words: they have gender. This is fairly logical where persons are concerned: male persons are der, female persons are die : An important exception: Vater Schwester Freund Lehrerin Frau Mann Tochter Mädchen The plural article is always Eltern. Note that some nouns are always in the plural: Leute Unfortunately, all other nouns also can be der, die, or das, and there is no rhyme or reason to most of those. Look at the words below and find the article. Most of these words are from chapter 1 in Hände weg... Some words you may have to look up in a dictionary: Liebe Stunde Tasse Forschung Richtung Kugelschreiber Fernseher Mädchen Brötchen Blitz Flug Essen Based on the words above, can you come up with some rules for the gender of German nouns? German nouns ending in e are usually. Nouns ending in ung are always. Nouns ending in er which are derived from a verb are always. Nouns ending in chen are always. Nouns which are derived from a verb and have no ending are usually. Nouns which are derived from a verb and still have the verb ending are always. Unfortunately, that leaves a whole lot of nouns where you have to learn the article as part of the noun. Maybe you could make some kind of memory help for yourself to remember the der/die/das for individual nouns. One suggestion is an Artikelhaus (see next page): Picture the nouns you want to learn in the room with the same article (all die-nouns go in the kitchen, all das-nouns in the bathroom and all der- nouns in the cellar). Then come up with some reason why this particular item is in this room, the whackier the better. German 3 Review 7

Artikelhaus die Küche das Badezimmer der Keller Der, die oder das? Liebe; Frau; Adresse; Idee; Seite; Brieftasche; Telefonkarte Richtung Fernseher; Wohnung; Mädchen; Bericht; Belohnung. Kapitel 2 Wo ist Anita? Read Kapitel 2, S. 2-4, in the booklet Hände weg von meinem Kopf! Mark words you do not know. Look at the word list in the booklet, pp. 19-20. If there are words in the chapter that you do not know which are not listed there, write those words below and find their English meanings, either in a dictionary, or online, or by asking us. There are several useful phrases included with the vocabulary on pp. 19 and 20. Write one of those phrases that would fit in these situations: 1. Oh nein, mein Auto ist weg! German 3 Review 8

2. Rita hat einen neuen Freund? 3. Da stehen so viele Leute - 4. Alex hat eine Million Dollar gefunden? 5. Du musst einen Aufsatz schreiben und weisst kein gutes Thema? - ich helfe dir! 6. Peter ist heute so freundlich und hilfsbereit - Find a word from the vocabulary list that means the opposite: richtig - die Kinder - geduldig - niemand - immer - der Eingang - der Mann - Study the vocabulary on pp. 19 and 20 of the booklet. Then go to our website and do Computer Exercise Review 2 Lies Kapitel 2 noch einmal und beantworte diese Fragen: 1. Was ist das Problem mit Thomas Koffer? 2. Wie viel Geld braucht Thomas? 3. Anita ist nicht da, aber wer ist da am Flughafen? 4. Wie fühlt Thomas sich? 5. Wie kommen Thomas und Philipp zu Philipps Haus? Nehmen sie ein Taxi? German 3 Review 9

6. Was sagt Philipp, was ist los mit Anita? 7. Was sagen Anitas Eltern, was macht Anita? 8. Warum denkt Thomas nicht, dass Anita eine Cousine in Berlin besucht? Review: Food There are some food items mentioned in Kapitel 1. List them here (including article, please!) with their English equivalents: - - - - - - - - - - Do you remember any others? List 4 more here: - - - - Write a short skit (10 lines, 5 for each of the two persons): you and your friend are going to the grocery store. You have a shopping list from your mother, but both of you are having problems reading your mom s handwriting. German 3 Review 10

Review: Present Perfect Tense View the Flash Clip Present Perfect Tense on the Review Outline and fill in the blanks below: Regular Verbs 1. Present Perfect is a tense that Germans use when they about the past. It is also called the past, because in spoken German the present perfect is used rather than the simple past tense. The present perfect tense is formed with a helping verb,,and the participle. The participles of regular German verbs have a in the front and a at the end: Was du am Samstag? Ich eine CD und Musik. Irregular Verbs 2. The participles of irregular verbs have the ending instead of t and they often have some change in the stem of the verb: Hast du den Jungen? Er hat mir seine Adresse. Oh ja? Er hat gestern drei Stunden mit Anna im Café. Mixed Verbs 3. There are 4 important verbs that have the regular ge- and t, but they also have a stem change: bringen (to bring) - know personally) -, denken (to think) -, wissen (to know abstract facts) -, kennen (to German 3 Review 11

Rudi hat Rita nach Hause - hast du das? Separable-Prefix Verbs 4. With separable-prefix verbs like anrufen (to call on the phone), einkaufen (to shop) or fernsehen (to watch TV) the ge- goes between the prefix and the rest of the verb. Warum hast du nicht? Oh ich habe, Monty Python auf Deutsch! Verbs with -ieren 5. There are some verbs that do not have a ge- prefix for the participle: verbs that end in ieren, like studieren or passieren (to happen) just get a t ending: Kurt hat in Deutschland. Inseparable-Prefix Verbs 6. And participles of verbs with inseparable prefixes like be-, er-, ver- or zer- (remember our beer verbs?) also do not have a ge-: Ich habe meine Tante. Sie hat von meinem Großvater. Ich habe nicht alles. Verbs with sein 7. One last thing: There is a group of verbs that do not use haben as a helping verb in the Present Perfect Tense, but instead they have a form of sein (to be). These are verbs that describe moving from one place to another, like gehen or kommen, or a change of state like aufwachen (to wake up) or sterben (to die). And the verbs bleiben (to stay), werden (to become), and sein (to be) also use sein as a helping verb: du am Samstag zu Hause geblieben? Nein, ich um 2 Uhr aufgewacht und wir ins Kino gegangen. Read the story below, underline the parts of the present perfect tense (e.g. bist and gekommen in the first sentence) and write in which category (from the ones above) the verbs would fall: Peter: Hallo, Susie, warum bist du gestern nicht zu meiner Party gekommen? Susie: Oh, das tut mir Leid. Ich habe deinen Geburtstag nicht vergessen. Aber gestern war wirklich ein verrückter Tag. Ich bin um 8 Uhr aufgestanden und habe gefrühstückt. German 3 Review 12

Dann habe ich gesehen, dass mein Hund dein Geschenk aufgefressen hat., Peter: Oh nein! Ist dein Hund o.k.? Susie: Naja, er hat im Wohnzimmer auf das Sofa gekotzt, aber... Peter: Igitt! Susie: Ach, das war nicht so schlimm, das hat er schon oft gemacht. Ich bin dann zu Sears gefahren, um ein neues Geschenk zu kaufen. Aber auf dem Weg dahin ist mein Reifen geplatzt und ich bin gegen einen Baum gefahren., Peter: Du meine Güte! Bist du o.k.? Susie: Ja, ich schon, aber mein Auto ist kaputt und mein Hund hat wieder gekotzt. Ich habe AAA angerufen und sie haben mein Auto in die Werkstatt gebracht., Eine Freundin hat mich abgeholt und nach Hause gebracht., Peter: Das war nett. Susie: Ja, aber es war ein bisschen peinlich, denn mein Hund hat in ihrem Auto gekotzt. Peter: Was hat deine Freundin gesagt? Susie: Ach, nichts, er hat das schon mal in ihrem Auto gemacht. Aber, jedenfalls, hier ist dein Geschenk! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Peter: Du gibst mir deinen Hund??!!! Review: Direct Objects - Accusative View the Flash Clip Accusative on the Review Outline and fill in the blanks below: Functions of the German Articles What are the functions of the articles der, die, das in German? 1. They tell you about the of the noun. 2. They tell you about the number: singular or. 3. They tell you whether a noun is a subject or an. Direct Object - Accusative The most common kind of object in German is a object. German 3 Review 13

Examples: Das Baby isst Make-up. Die Katze sucht Maus. Der Mann schlägt (hits) Computer. Articles for direct objects: der die das die (Plural) die Accusative: Watch out for Masculine Nouns! With accusative objects you have a change only for masculine nouns: der The same en ending as on den also shows up on other words like ein dieser etc. Accusative Prepositions The accusative is used after the prepositions,,,,. Examples: Wald, Hund, Wand, Kind, Baum. Prepositions Showing Direction You also have accusative after the prepositions,,,,,,,, if you are describing an action: German 3 Review 14

Der Hund rennt Computer. Tisch. Ich lege das Buch Accusative Personal Pronouns Just like in English (him, us) you also have special pronouns for the accusative case: ich du er es sie wir ihr sie Example: Ich liebe, liebst du? Was, du liebst? Liebst du beide? Ja, natürlich, ich liebe beide. Go to our website and do Computer Exercise Accusative Then review the vocabulary from chapters 1 and 2, weather expressions, gender of nouns, food vocabulary, present perfect tense and accusative and Go to our website and take Quiz Review 1 German 3 Review 15

Kapitel 3 Anita? Welche Anita? Lies Kapitel 3, S. 4-5, in Hände weg von meinem Kopf! Mark words you do not know. Look at the word list in booklet, S. 20-22. If there are words in the chapter that you do not know which are not listed there, write those words below and find their English meanings, either in a dictionary, or online, or by asking us. In German, you can take a word for a male person and make a female version by changing the article to die and adding an in to the end of the word. What is an example for this from the word list? What are the female versions of these words? der Lehrer - der Schüler - der Student - When you have a noun that is derived from an adjective, this noun gets adjective endings. For example, from the adjective gefangen you can make these nouns: der Gefangene die Gefangene ein Gefangener eine Gefangene die Gefangenen = the male prisoner = the female prisoner = a male prisoner = a female prisoner = the prisoners Please try this for the word erwachsen (grown-up). What do the nouns look like? Remember that German nouns are always capitalized! = the male adult = the female adult = a male adult = a female adult = the adults German 3 Review 16

An important phrase in this chapter is Was ist passiert? What is the difference between Was ist los? and Was ist passiert? There are several very useful adjectives in this chapter. Look at the word list and pick 5 adjectives, then make a sentence with each: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Study the vocabulary on pp. 21-22 of the booklet. Then go to our website and do Computer Exercise Review 3 Lies Kapitel 3 noch einmal und beantworte diese Fragen: 1. Was sagt Frau Mayer zu Thomas? 2. Und was sagt Herr Mayer? 3. Was sagt Thomas zu Philipp, wie sind Anitas Eltern? 4. Was sagt Philipp, was soll Thomas machen? 5. Wie kommt Thomas in Anitas Zimmer? 6. Was findet er in Anitas Zimmer und was macht er damit? German 3 Review 17

Review: Description Words View the Flash Clip Descriptions on the Review Outline and fill in the blanks below: Please write the German words: - tolerant - critical - practical - athletic - intelligent - friendly - unfriendly - nice - serious, earnest - social - hard-working - lazy - shy - pretty - happy - funny - quiet - humble Wie bist du? Wie kannst du dich selbst beschreiben? Beschreib eine andere Person: German 3 Review 18

Review: Rooms and Furniture Do you remember the words for different rooms in German? (If not, please look them up, either in a dictionary or online.) In the space below, draw the floor plan of a house with at least 5 different rooms. Label the rooms in German: Now furnish your rooms in your drawing above: put at least 10 different pieces of furniture and appliances in the rooms and label them in German. Kapitel 4 Anitas Tagebuch Read Kapitel 4, S. 5-7, in Hände weg von meinem Kopf! Mark words you do not know. Look at the word list in booklet, S. 22-23. If there are words that you do not know which are not listed there, write those words below and find their English meanings, either in a dictionary, or online, or by asking us. German 3 Review 19

Schreibe etwas, was für dich richtig ist: Das mache ich nie: Das mache ich manchmal: Das mache ich immer: Das habe ich einmal gemacht: Schreibe 5 deutsche Wörter von der Liste auf Seite 22/23, die mit Telefon zu tun haben: Study the vocabulary on pp. 22-23 of the booklet. Then go to our website and do Computer Exercise Review 4 Lies Kapitel 4 noch einmal und beantworte diese Fragen: 1. Was schreibt Anita über Thomas in ihrem Tagebuch? 2. Und was schreibt sie über Frank? 3. Thomas findet wichtige Information über Frank. Was findet er? 4. Wo bekommen Thomas und Philipp mehr Information über Frank? 5. Wie beschreibt Bettina Frank? 6. Warum denkt Thomas Gott sei Dank als er hört, wie Frank aussieht? 7. Wo finden Philipp und Thomas Franks Adresse? 8. Was will Thomas machen? German 3 Review 20

Berlin Review: nach vs. zu View the Flash Clip nach vs. zu on the Review Outline and fill in the blanks below: 1. Wieviel Uhr ist es? 2. nach (+ time) - after nach (+ country or town) - Berlin Thomas geht Berlin. Ich gehe im Sommer Deutschland. 3. With places other than countries or towns you use for to : Wir gehen McDonald s. Wir gehen Schule. (Note: zu der is contracted to zur.) German 3 Review 21

4. There is one other expression you use with nach : Ich gehe nach Hause. Anita ist nicht zu Hause. nach Hause zu Hause - home (direction) - at home 5. Practice - Write nach or zu : a) Thomas und Philipp gehen Hause. b) Hoffentlich ist Bettina_ Hause. c) Wir gehen im November Hamburg. d) Gehst du heute Schule? Nein, du Dussel, heute ist Samstag, heute bin ich Hause. 6. Write your own: Make four German sentences using either nach or zu : e) f) g) h) German 3 Review 22

Review: Dative View the Flash Clip Dative on the Review Outline and fill in the blanks below: Articles How do German articles change in the dative case? der das die (plural) die Dative Prepositions The prepositions that always use dative are: Examples: Heiner und Petra kommen aus Kino. Hast du schon von Film gehört? Es ist nach Buch von Hitlers Sekretärin. Dative with Location Dative is also used after prepositions that show location: Example: Zwischen Haus und Garage steht ein Baum. Dative Verbs There are some verbs in German that have a dative object without a preposition. The most frequently used ones are: - to answer, - to thank, - to belong to, - to believe, - to help Example: Der Schüler antwortet Lehrer nicht. Wir danken Frau. Kannst du Mann helfen? German 3 Review 23

Dative Pronouns There are also special forms for the pronouns in the dative. They are: ich - wir - du - ihr - er/sie - sie - Examples: Gehst du mit steht ein Hund. ins Kino? He, ich helfe. Neben The most commonly used dative preposition is mit. You should learn the phrases mit mir, mit dir : Kommst du mit mir? Ja, ich komme mit dir. Write 2 sentences, one with mit mir and one with mit dir : Go to our website and do the Computer Exercise Dative Review: High-frequency Verbs These verbs you should know. What are their English equivalents? anrufen arbeiten besuchen brauchen erzählen finden gehen haben hören kennen können antworten beginnen bleiben denken essen geben glauben heißen kaufen kommen kosten German 3 Review 24

lachen leben lesen machen müssen reden schreiben sein sprechen trinken verstehen waschen wissen wollen lassen lernen lieben mögen nehmen schlafen sehen spielen suchen vergessen warten werden wohnen Please take 5 of the verbs above and write a German sentence with each: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Review the vocabulary from chapters 3 and 4, the description words from pp. 15-16, the words for rooms and furniture, nach vs. zu, and the high-frequency verbs from p. 22. Then Go to our website and take Quiz Review 2 Kapitel 5 Berlin Lies Kapitel 5, S. 7-9, in Hände weg von meinem Kopf! Mark words you do not know. Look at the word list in booklet, S. 23-24. If there are words that you do not know which are not listed there, write those words below and find their English meanings, either in a dictionary, or online, or by asking us. German 3 Review 25

Draw a picture in the space below. Include at least 5 items from the word list on pp. 23-24 in the booklet and label them in your picture in German: Study the vocabulary on pp. 23-24 of the booklet. Then go to our website and do Computer Exercise Review 5 Lies Kapitel 5 noch einmal und beantworte diese Fragen: 1. Wo wollen Thomas und Philipp in Berlin übernachten? Gehen sie in ein Hotel? 2. Was meinst du, warum denkt Thomas, dass die meisten Leute in der U-Bahnstation nicht wie Deutsche aussehen? 3. Was machen Thomas und Philipp um Franks Adresse zu finden? 4. Was sagt die Nachbarin über Frank und Anita? 5. Wo wollen Thomas und Philipp Frank und Anita suchen? German 3 Review 26

Kapitel 6 Hamburg Lies Kapitel 6, S. 9-11, in Hände weg von meinem Kopf! Mark words you do not know. Look at the word list in booklet, S. 25-26. If there are words that you do not know which are not listed there, write those words below and find their English meanings, either in a dictionary, or online, or by asking us. Schreib 2 Sätze für jedes Bild. Was ist hier los? Study the vocabulary on pp. 25-26 of the booklet. Then go to our website and do Computer Exercise Review 6 Lies Kapitel 6 noch einmal und beantworte diese Fragen: 1. Wie kommen Thomas und Philipp zum Hafen mit dem Taxi? German 3 Review 27

2. Hast du schon mal von Bismarck gehört? Was weißt du über ihn (auf Englisch)? 3. Was machen Thomas und Philipp, um Anita zu finden? 4. Warum verschluckt Thomas sich? 5. Was sagt Anita über die Apotheke und das Aspirin? 6. Was macht Anita und was machen Thomas und Philipp? Review: Body Parts View the Flash Clip Body Parts on the Review the blanks below: Outline and fill in German 3 Review 28

Review the vocabulary for chapters 5 and 6, and the words for body parts and Go to our website and take Quiz Review 3 Kapitel 7 Keine Panik! Lies Kapitel 7, S. 12-13, in Hände weg von meinem Kopf! Mark words you do not know. Look at the word list in booklet, S. 26-27. If there are words that you do not know which are not listed there, write those words below and find their English meanings, either in a dictionary, or online, or by asking us. What kind of words are always capitalized in German? In German it makes a difference in the meaning of the word whether the word is spelled with a lower-case or capital letter. Write an example for this from the word list on p. 27: What do these words mean in English? arm - Arm - rasen - reifen - Rasen - Reifen - Here are 4 important words from the chapter 7 word list: endlich, plötzlich, etwas, ganz. Please write a German sentence with each of the 4 words: 1. 2. 3. 4. Study the vocabulary on pp. 26-27 of the booklet. Then go to our website and do Computer Exercise Review 7 German 3 Review 29

Lies Kapitel 7 noch einmal und beantworte diese Fragen: 1. Was machen Thomas und Philipp, als Anita in das Haus geht? 2. Warum ist Thomas unglücklich? 3. Was macht Thomas, um Anita wieder normal zu machen? 4. Was sagt Anita über Frank? 5. Was macht die Polizei mit Frank? Review: Separable-prefix Verbs View the Video Clip Separated Verbs on the Review Outline and fill in the blanks below: einkaufen einladen fernsehen anrufen anfassen aufmachen These verbs are called (sometimes also separable-prefix verbs ), because, when these verbs are the only verb in a sentence, you. Examples: 1. 2. German 3 Review 30

3. 4. 1. 2. heute - hoffentlich - erst - only (with time) schlafen - to sleep zumachen - to shut Geschichte: Fabian macht die Augen auf. Wieviel Uhr ist es? Acht Uhr?! Oh nein, ich komme zu spät in die Schule! He, warte, heute ist Samstag. Was mache ich heute? Ich sehe fern, und ich kaufe ein. Und heute abend gehe ich ins Kino. Ich lade Silke ein, hoffentlich hat sie Zeit. Ich rufe sie um zwei Uhr an. Und jetzt? Es ist erst acht Uhr. Ich schlafe jetzt. Fabian macht die Augen zu. Write the separated verbs which are used in the story above. Write them in their basic form, e. g. aufmachen for the first sentence. aufmachen,,,,,. Wie sagst du das auf Deutsch? 1. I am calling Anita (on the phone). 2. We are inviting Andreas. 3. Lukas and Britta are watching TV. 4. My mother opens the door. Kapitel 8 Hände weg von meinem Kopf! German 3 Review 31

Read Kapitel 8, S. 14-15, in the booklet Hände weg von meinem Kopf! Mark words you do not know. Look at word list in booklet, S. 27-28. If there are words that you do not know which are not listed there, write those words below and find their English meanings, either in a dictionary, or online, or by asking us. Pick 6 words from the word list on pp. 27-28 and draw pictures. Write the German word under your picture: Study the vocabulary on pp. 27-28 of the booklet. Then go to our website and do Computer Exercise Review 8 Lies Kapitel 2 noch einmal und beantworte diese Fragen: German 3 Review 32

1. Warum haben Anitas Eltern Thomas nicht erkannt? 2. Was machen Anita und Thomas mit Anitas Eltern? 3. Warum kommt der Polizist zu Philipps Haus? 4. Was wollen Thomas und Philipp mit dem Geld machen? 5. Was sagt Anita, was könnte Philipp machen? Review: Past Tense View the Flash Clip Past Tense of sein and haben on the Review Outline and fill in the blanks below: Past Tense of sein: ich du er/sie wir ihr sie Past Tense of haben: ich du er/sie wir ihr sie C. Fill in the correct past tense form of sein and haben: German 3 Review 33

Wo du gestern (yesterday)? - Ich zu Hause warum? - Gestern meine Party wir dreizehn Leute (people), und du nicht da! - Ihr dreizehn? Gut, dass ich nicht da! Lukas und Susanne gestern eine Party? - Ja, wir viel Spaß (fun). Warum du nicht da? du keine Lust? - Nein, ich keine Zeit. Review the vocabulary for chapters 7 and 8, separable-prefix verbs, and the past tense of sein and haben, then Go to our website and take Quiz Review 4 Go to our website and take the Review Test German 3 Review 34