Bachelor in Economics and Management (D.M. 270/04 ex D.M. 509/99)

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2014 TITLES OF DEGREE THESIS Bachelor in Economics and Management (D.M. 270/04 ex D.M. 509/99) Die Handelskammer Bozen - Geschichte und Gegenwart Financial analysis of Barilla and Parmalat s Evolution of Capital Structure Profili tributari delle società calcistiche Critical analysis of the three big rating agencies Active management: Portfolio construction and the assesment of its value added An empirical analysis of competitiveness factors applied to the destination Kaltern/Lake Kaltern Prostitution laws in the European Union: an overview and a proposal for Italy Audit roles and responsibilities in the global financial crisis of 2007-2008 Solar Market in Italy: Investigation on current financial appeal of solar investments and future scenarios Digital Currencies Women in Microcredit: Impact on Households and Society Business evaluation, Twitter vs. Moncler Towards the European Banking Union - Rationale and Arrangements of the Single Resolution Mechanism The influence of credit ratings on capital structure decisions An economical overview of green certifications: the case of climahotel European sovereign debt crisis: Eurobonds and other possible remedies Sharing Economy: An Economic Analysis Consumers' quality perception and willingness to pay in organic food Too little too late? A comparison between the effectiveness of monetary and financial policies adopted by the FED and the ECB during the financial crisis. Il regime di tassazione delle persone fisiche in Italia e in Austria, profili comparati. Privatverschuldung als Auslöser von Wirtschaftskrisen Forme di finanziamento ed entrate tributarie della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano Value investments in Rare Earth Elements - Statistical analysis and risk forecast of the financial time series of the Rare Earth Elements Il nuovo sistema della finanza e fiscalità locale nel quadro del federalismo fiscale The information content and forecasting ability of volatility measures Il regime tributario delle associazioni e degli enti "non profit" Fusione Fiat e Chrysler The impact of the introduction of IFRIC 13 on the financial statements of European airlines Konfigurierung einer zentralen Nacharbeitssteuerung. Real Estate Market in Berlin - Is there any bubble? Market failures in quality evaluation of hotels. Empirical findings from South Tyrol Determinants of non aviation revenues: evidence from German airports The performance of sustainable companies on the stock market Profili fiscali del passaggio generazionale delle imprese nel settore turistico Die Rolle der Mitarbeiterethik am Beispiel eines Unternehmens Mindful consumption & wellness tourism. Divergenza fra valori, intenzioni e comportamento Impliziertes Wissen als Quelle für Wettberwerbsvorteile - Eine qualitative Untersuchung der Sternegastronomie in Deutschland An empirical analysis on CSR and stakeholder management in South Tyrolean SMEs La regolamentazione del pubblico impiego nella Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano alla luce delle più recenti riforme adottate dal legislatore nazionale

Catastrophe Bonds A Look at Europe and a Comparison of two Pricing Models Die Sowjetunion - Niedergang einer Weltmacht Rating Agencies' Civil Liability Foreign market entry strategies of SMEs in South Tyrol Sonderwirtschaftszonen als wirtschaftspolitisches Instrument - das Beispiel China Contraffazione del marchio Benefits of Portfolio diversification in Emerging Markets Die Brennerbahn: von der Errichtung 1867 bis zum Projekt des Brennerbasistunnels - Eine wirtschaftshistorische Analyse Finanzielle Anreizsysteme zur Leistungsmotivation von Mitarbeitern und Führungskräften. Eine kritische Beurteilung am Besipiel der Firma Williams Lea Inhouse Solutions GmbH Influence of tablemates on restaurant ordering: leader effect and variety index ACE - aiuto alla crescita economica: la leva fiscale come strumento anti-ciclico Strategisches Controlling auf Basis der Balanced Scoresard analysiert am Beispiel einer Regionalbank Gli accordi di ristrutturazione dei debiti Regime tributario dei giochi e delle lotterie Protektionismus als Entwicklungsstrategie am Beispiel der USA - Friedrich Lists revolutionäre Theorien für die Entwicklung der Staaten Die Reform des EU - Die Bedeutung von Joint Audits für den Wirtschaftsprüfungsmarkt Project Monitoring in Construction Contracts Analysis on marketability and flexibility of software development firms in the South Tyrol region Implementierung einer Kostenrechnung in einem landwirtschaftlichen Betrieb Le convenzioni internazionalei contro le doppie imposizioni Absatzmarkt Italien für Schiffsantriebe, hergestellt von der SCHOTTEL GmbH Die Auswirkungen der 2014 geplanten Verfassungsreform in Italien auf die Südtirol Autonomie. A modern understanding of corporate social responsibility. European awareness and the VW Group business reality Mitarbeiterbindung in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen On the rating process: outline of the theory and its application The accession of Turkey to the European Union: the question of human rights. Profil eines Social Innovators Cultura e leadership, un'analisi comparata Apple, das wertvollste Unternehmen der Welt. Eine kritische Bilanzanalyse. Risk assessment and collateral eligibility as a tool of ECB policy - A comparison to Private Clearing Houses and Approach to Financial Stability in the European banking sector Staatschulden Analisi critica del modello "Blue Ocean Strategy" Consumi alimentari e principi di vita: esiste una relazione? Treasure hunt at the bottom of the pyramid: CSR, Brand-image and the bottom market La Gran Bretagna e l'opt-out dall Unione Monetaria: aspetti giuridici ed economici Measuring distraction in the classroom, Evidence from Unibz Il regime dell' IVA nelle operazioni a tutela della salute Was braucht der Mensch? Eine Unterscheidung zwischen ethischen und ökonomischen Bedürfnissen Mikrokredite für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung. Das Fallbeispiel Oikocredit. Review and empirical finding of cluster analysis Perdite su crediti nel reddito d'impresa Women entrepreneurs: are they different from men entrepreneurs? An empirical study on consultancy firms

Bachelor in Economics and Social Sciences (D.M. 270/04 ex D.M. 509/99) The visible fingers of the invisible hand. Human responsibility under modern economic conditions Corporate governance between shareholder and stakeholder theory Insights into Euroscepticism in the UK: An Analytical Approach to Country-Specific and Individual Characteristics Being successful by being responsible. Csr for long-term Corporate Success Die Dimension der Gerechtigkeit im Rahmen einer nachhaltigen Ökonomie Large Scale Land Acquisitions in Developing Countries: Risks and Opportunities for Food Security Value in Modern Economics. The Analysis of Creating Shared Value Fördermaßnahmen der Europäischen Union für Innovation Begründung und Präsentation Wohlstandsindikatoren jenseits des BIP. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen Europeanization of minority rights in Turkey - a challenge to the external incentives model? Alternative Parties in Europe - Political Apathy, Shifting Values, Anti-EU Protest Drivers of German Policy Orientation towards the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Women: an under-exploited resource for economic growth? Can gender equality increase productivity? Industrie in Südtirol im Strukturwandel DRG System im deutschen Gesundheitswesen. In how far are Zen Buddhist practices useful to IT-companies in the Silicon Valley and to what Humanitarian Intervention and Domestic Jurisdiction: the Concept of Responsibility to Protect and the Palestinian Case Rural-urban migration in develping countries: case study on Chinas economic development Omertà & Ehre- die Macht der Ehrenwerten Gesellschaft : Eine Annäherung an das Phänomen Mafia Brain drain - was passiert mit Südtirols klugen Köpfen? Il contratto prematrimoniale Bachelor in Tourism, Sport and Event Management (D.M. 270/04 ex D.M. 509/99) Wine Investments - the case of Italian wines La sostenibilità nel processo di marketing territoriale: la Val d'ega come caso studio The impact of mobile trends on travel and tourism: how the tourism sector is utilizing social media - focus on the situation in South Tyrol Restructuring a family owned agritourism business: a case study applying quality function deployment analysis Nachhaltigkeit in der Südtiroler Hotelindustrie Alto Adige come destinazione dell'arrampicata An evaluation of the transferability of a U.S. swim club management model to Italian swim clubs Integration of online marketing communication: evidence from the soccer industry Incentive Travel: the development and success of an incentive destination Assessing regional sustainability in South Tyrol for tourism competitiveness Organisation von Extremsportarten: eine Analyse am Beispiel des Südtirol Ultrarace The niche of Cycling Tourism - an analysis of South Tyrol Car sharing and sustainable tourism: findings and implications of the "car sharing" business model in Val Pusteria, South Tyrol

Application of the QFD method to the service design of the Hotel Hammerack Historic sights in tourism: A research on managerial issues at Prösels Castle, in South Tyrol Sportsteam Sponsorship - A case study illustrated on the example of FC Südtirol/Alto Adige Hoteliers use and perception of networking - findings and implications from 4 & 5 * hotels in the tourism destination Leogang Der Einfluss von Risikoverhalten auf Erfolg - eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel Wasserspringen The impact of sport events on tourism: the case of Marcialonga, Val di Fiemme and Val di Fassa Exploring authenticity in Tourism Die Wirtschaftlichkeit einer Beschneiungsanlage unter Berücksichtigung sich verändernder Klimafaktoren am Beispiel des Skigebietes "Skirama Kronplatz" Olympic Games 2024: analysis of the public debate on the Italian candidates Fremd- und Selbsteinschätzung im Hotelsektor in Südtirol Zentrale Teilnahmefaktoren bei Sportevents: Vergleich der Auffassung von Teilnehmern und Organisatoren. Eine empirische Untersuchung am Beispiel vom "Halbmarathon Meran-Algund" Die Zukunftsfähigkeit von Skigebieten: Skigebiets-Auswahl Nachhaltigkeit im Tourismus: Das Projekt Ried The product clubs in the tourism sector - the case study of Vita Nova-Trentino Wellness Hotel & Resort L'importanza dell'innovazione degli impianti sciistici di risalita nello sviluppo del turismo montano Val Formica: sviluppo di una nuova destinazione Freestyle in einem Wintersportgebiet: Chance oder Nischenmarkt Sviluppo do una destinazione attraverso la cooperazione tra attori locali. Il caso della Valle dei Mòcheni Soccer clubs going public: an empirical analysis Sport's corporate social responsibility - differences between publicity and privatley owned facilities Implementing destination strategy through collaborations: a luxury proposal for New Zealand Volunteer Management: The example of the 2015 FIS Alpine World Ski Championships Creating strong customer relationships and customer loyalty through the use of loyalty cards: The effectiveness of loyalty cards from retailer s perspective Effective marketing strategy for a new product: HOILA-Cider - First alpine apple cider Politicians are brands - the personal brand building process in politics analyzed from a marketing perspective Rechtliche Hintergründe und Hürden von verschiedenen Online-Marketingkonzepten dargestellt an Beispielen der Tourismuswirtschaft Social Media - Gamification. A new tool for tourism destinations Die touristische Neustrukturierung der Nationalparkregion Bayrischer Wald - Prozessbegleitung und Evaluierung eines möglichen Starterprojekts E-Tourism: dal turista 2.0 al turista 4.0 ITB- Berlin - weltgrößte Reisemesse. Charakteristika & Erfolgsgeheimnis The role of language in tourists' choice and experience of holiday activity The role of service and product quality in the success of destination promotions: the case of "Dine out Vancover" Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Erwerbsarbeit im Tourismus: Arbeitsrechtliche Möglichkeiten für Mütter und Väter in Beherbergungs- und Gastronomiebetrieben Südtirols

Nachhaltigkeit als Prinzip bei der Umgestaltung und Funktionserweiterung von speziellen Sportstätten Rural family business in tourism in South Tyrol and the dutch market Interkultureller Sportaustausch zwischen Sri Lanka und Deutschland und deren Sportstättenunterschiede Bicycle tourism in South Tyrol: case of Val Venosta Studying business customers loyalty in hotel chains Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (D.M. 270/04 ex D.M. 509/99) Die Auswirkungen von Humankapital auf das Wirtschaftswachstum am Beispiel Südtirols Unternehmensnachfolge in Familienunternehmen: Eine empirische Analyse Offene Geschäftsmodellinnovation in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen The Relation Between The Economic Performance of Italy and The Entrepreneurial Activity Vermarktungsoptionen für regionale Produkte The Effects of Acquisitions on Acquired Companies: Changes in internal organisation and NPD process in the case of Unifine Food & Bake Ingredients GmbH and Dawn Food Products The Acquisition of Italian Brands: A Growing Phenomenon IRS: the Italian experience Open Innovation: A Business Model for a regional Open Innovation Platform Neue Markteintrittsstrategien in BRICS-Staaten: Eine Fallstudie in Kooperation mit dem Unternehmen Rotho Blaas Erfolgsfaktorenanalyse der Kooperationen von Landwirten und Gastronomen anhand von Fallbeispielen aus Südtirol und Implikationen für das Regionalmarketing Open Innovation in der Landwirtschaft Performance of Startup Accelerators: a personality approach Master in Economics and Management of the Public Sector (D.M. 270) Performancemessung in der Öffentlichen Verwaltung Previsione con dati Google: uno studio sul tasso di disoccupazione in Italia Effizienz vs. Gerechtigkeit in der Wasserversorgung: Überlegungen zur Privatisierungsund Deregulierungsdebatte The Italian Electoral System under the lense of Constitutional Principles. A critical analysis of the Judgment no. 1/2014 of the Italian Constitutional Court Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf - Herausforderungen für berufstätige Eltern und Unternehmen in Südtirol I costi standard in sanità: l'esperienza del N.I.San. Die Regelung der Arbeitszeiten in den öffentlichen Verwaltung in der Autonomen Provinz Bozen Südtirol am Beispiel der Bezirksgemeinschaft Pustertal The European projet bond initiative: scope and applicability Die Umsetzung der Patientenmobilitätsrichtlinie 2011/24/EU in Südtirol Atypische Arbeitsverhältnisse im öffentlichen Sektor in Italien und in der Autonomen Provinz Bozen: Modernisierung oder Prekarisierung? Eine quantitative & qualitative Analyse. Teleriscaldamento: servizio pubblico a finanziamento privato?