How must the boats of the future be designed?

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How must the boats of the future be designed? Conference Düsseldorf Boat Show January, 23rd, 213 1

Research project standard data : Age- and gender-related reference data for the performance of activities from watersport enthusiasts on motor- and sailing-yachts 2

Study performed by the Research Institute for the Recreational Boating Industry Founded in 27 by the marine industry companies Non-profit organisation Performing joint industrial research projects in collaboration with qualified research centres (i.e. universities) Research projects financed by industry or government 3

Research project Age and gender-related reference data (standard data) Boating population is getting older Different age (and gender) groups have different needs Using standard data enables boat manufacturers to design boats according the needs of a special age target group Elderly people have both time and money 5 more years on board means 13 billion Euro additional turnover for the German marine industry 4

Future problem: Demographic Trend Men / age group (in millions) 12. 1. 8. 6. 4. 2.. 24.7 m 24.1 m 23.7 m 27 217 227 Year Age group 3-44 years Age group 45-59 years Age group 6-74 years Next 2 years: The male population (3-75 years) will remain stable at about 24 million persons Decreasing number of younger people increasing number of elderly people 5

Future problem: Boat owners as a proportion of the male population Proportion of boat owners per age group [%] 3.5% 3.% 2.5% 2.% 1.5% 1.%.5%.% Survey: 28 3-34 35-39 4-44 45-49 5-54 55-59 In the age group 55-7 years: More than 2.5% of males have their own boat In the age group < 4 years: The proportion of the boat owners has decreased to 1% In the age group 7-75 years: Around 5 % quit boating (see project Fit & Sail) 6-64 Age group 65-69 7-74 75-79 8-84 6

Changes in the target group marketing Example Automobile industry: Preparing for the Future Top categories 196: - Engine performance, maximum speed, handling characteristics - Image of the brand - Technical reliability => Target groups: "Standard customer, "Social class Top categories 212: - Comfort in the interior, flexible use - Simple operation, assistance systems - Favourable costs => additional target groups: "Women, Elderly people, "Lifestyle Similar changes are also to be expected in boatbuilding 7

In boatbuilding: Preparing for the Future Target group categories: Gender (Men / Women) Age group (2-29 / 3-39 / 4-49 / 5-59 / 6-69 / 7-79) Survey in the standard data project: Which ranges of physical and mental performances can be expected on board from these groups Measurements made on 51 test persons in cooperation with the Institute for Sports Sciences University of Kiel 8

Activities investigated: Safe walking and working on board Climbing heights Step length Stairs Optimal seating heights Strengths and performances when hauling ropes (by hand / by winch) Arm and hand strength when lifting and turning Field of view and mobility Reaction times, stress 9

Evaluation, Presentation, Interpretation Grouping: By Gender, Age Group Range of measurement results per age group: Seil holen stehend Zugkraft Bandbreite Männer Preparing for the Future 5 45 Trend lines: Zugkraft (DaN) 4 35 3 25 2 15 1 5 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 m 9% 5% 8% of customers 1% e.g.: Target group "Comfort-Design" for elderly couples 1

Example "Comfort-Design" Balance: Gleichgewicht: links-rechts-stabilität Bandbreite Männer Preparing for the Future Gleichgewicht: links-rechts-stabilität Bandbreite Frauen Stabilitätsindex 1 2 sehr gut 3 4 sehr schwach 5 6 Stabilitätsindex 1 2 1% sehr gut 3 5% 9% 4 Trend 9% Trend 5% sehr schwach 5 Trend 1% 6 1% 5% 9% Trend 9% Trend 5% Trend 1% 7 2-29 3ß - 39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 7 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 m w Elderly persons have increasing problems with their sense of balance and require handrails on board - on deck, in the saloon & pantry - on stairs, in wet areas 11

Example "Comfort-Design" Reach: Preparing for the Future Greifweite nach unten Bandbreite Männer Greifweite nach unten Bandbreite Frauen Abstand nach unten (cm) 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Abstand nach unten (cm) 1 9 8 95% 7 5% 6 5% 5 Trend 95% 4 Trend 5% Trend 3 5% 2 1 95% 5% 5% Trend 95% Trend 5% Trend 5% 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 m Altergruppe w Downwards:7-8 cm (e.g. railing) Laterally: 5-6 cm Upwards: 18 cm (e.g. handrail in the saloon) Problem with railing: Standard 6-66 cm is too low 12

Example "Comfort-Design" climbing height: maximale Steighöhe (freihändig) Bandbreite Männer maximale Steighöhe (freihändig) Bandbreite Frauen Steighöhe (cm) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9% 6 5% 1% 4 Trend 9% Trend 3 5% Trend 1% 2 Steighöhe (cm) 8 7 1 9% 5% 1% Trend 9% Trend 5% Trend 1% 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 m w Free-hand: With hand-grip: 3-5 cm (e.g. cockpit deck) 5-6 cm (e.g. jetty on board) 13

Example "Comfort-Design" Step length: Preparing for the Future maximale Schrittweite Bandbreite Männer maximale Schrittweite Bandbreite Frauen Schrittweite (cm) 15 14 13 12 11 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 m 15 14 13 12 9% 11 5% 1 9 1% 8 Trend 7 9% Trend 6 5% Trend 5 1% 4 3 2 1 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 Schrittweite (cm) w 9% 5% 1% Trend 9% Trend 5% Trend 1% Freehand: 5-7 cm (e.g. boat jetty) 14

Example "Comfort-Design" Stairs: Preparing for the Future 3, moderat Stufenhöhe Bewertung 32 cm 3 Stufentiefe (akzeptabel - optimal) 28 cm 25 Bewertung 2, 1, leicht 12 cm 16 cm 2 cm 24 cm Stufentiefe (cm) 2 15 1 gerade noch akzeptabel Optimal 5, 12 cm 16 cm 2 cm 24 cm 28 cm 32 cm Stufenhöhe Männer Geschlecht Frauen Step height: < 3 cm Step depth: acceptable: >12 cm optimal: > 24 cm Step angle: < 5 15

Example "Comfort-Design" Hauling rope by hand: Seil holen stehend Leistung Bandbreite Männer Seil holen stehend Leistung Bandbreite Frauen 25 25 Leistung (W) 2 15 1 5 Leistung (W) 2 15 1 5 9% 5% 1% Trend 9% Trend 5% Trend 1% 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 m 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 Performance: Men: 11-15 Watt / Women: 5-7 Watt Tractive force with rope speed of.5 m/sec: Men: 25 DaN / Women: 15 DaN (1 DaN 1 kp) w 16

Example "Comfort-Design" Hauling rope by winch: Winsch (1:1) Zugleistung Bandbreite Männer Winsch (1:1) Zugleistung Bandbreite Frauen 18 18 16 16 Leistung (W) 14 12 1 8 6 4 Leistung (W) 14 12 1 8 6 4 9% 5% 1% Trend 9% Trend 5% Linear (1%) 2 2 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 m w Performance: Men: 8-1 Watt / Women: 5-6 Watt Hand force on the winder at 1.5 revolutions/sec: Men: 5 DaN / Women: 3 DaN 17

Example "Comfort-Design" Field of View: Preparing for the Future max. Drehwinkel Kopf (Grad) Bandbreite Männer max. Drehwinkel Kopf (Grad) Bandbreite Frauen 12 12 1 1 Drehwinkel (Grad) 8 6 4 Drehwinkel (Grad) 8 6 4 95% 5% 5% Trend 95% Trend 5% Trend 5% 2 2 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 m w Field of view clear vision: ±8 (Turning the head±6 + eye movements ±2 ) Problem: - View to the rear - Sprayhood, superstructures 18

Example Reaction Time, Multi-tasking, Stress: Antwortzeit auf einen optischen Reiz Bandbreite Männer 3. Antwortzeit (ms) 2.5 2. 1.5 1. 5 95% 5% 5% Trend 95% Trend 5% Trend 5% 2-29 3-39 4-49 5-59 6-69 7-79 m Reaction time single task: low age-dependence, wide range Reaction time multi-task: increases with age => Problem: Multi-tasking overload, stress => Option: Task-reducing assistance systems 19

Open questions, e.g.: Children on board Previously no investigations for boatbuilding Differing requirements of the age groups (babies, toddlers / pre-schoolers, school children, teenagers etc.) Low awareness of dangers Spontaneous activities, curiosity, spirit of adventure Strong urge to move Limited physical size (=> railing, stairs, handrails, seats etc.) Need for safe play areas Etc. 2

Contact & project report: Forschungsvereinigung für die Sport- und Freizeitschifffahrt e.v. (FVSF) Gunther-Plüschow-Strasse 8, D-5829 Köln Tel.: (+49) 221-59 57 1 E-Mail: Autor: Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Mell E-Mail: Project report download (Google: bvww normdaten): / forschung / forschungsprojekte / normdaten.html Thank you for your kind attention! 21