Abstract Book. 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving. 8ème Conférence européenne sur l archivage digital

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1 Abstract Book 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving 8ème Conférence européenne sur l archivage digital 8. Europäische Konferenz über digitale Archivierung International Conference Centre Geneva, Switzerland


3 Information Please note: The abstracts in this publication are presented as submitted by the author(s). The abstract s code allows you to find the presentation on the programme. Merci de prendre note que les résumés ont été publiés tels que soumis par leur(s) auteur(s). Le code de l abstract vous indiquera la position de la présentation dans le programme. Bitte beachten Sie: Die Abstracts sind so publiziert, wie sie von den Autorinnen und Autoren ein gereicht wurden. Mit dem Code des Abstracts finden Sie die Präsentation im Programm.

4 Table of contents Table des matières 4 Topic 1 Archival profile: professional competence in the digital age Thème 1 Profil professionnel: nouvelles compétences à l ère numérique 29 Topic 2 What to keep: how to mirror the information society Thème 2 Constitution des fonds: comment documenter la société de l information 55 Topic 3 E-Archiving: reorganisation of processes and business models Thème 3 E-Archivage: réorganisation des processus et des modèles d entreprise 124 Topic 4 Online access: solutions and implications Thème 4 Accès en ligne: solutions et implications

5 Inhaltsverzeichnis 4 Topic 1 Fachliches Profil: professionelle Kompetenzen im digitalen Zeitalter 29 Topic 2 Überlieferung: wie die Informations gesellschaft abbilden 55 Topic 3 E-Archivierung: Neugestaltung von Prozessen und Geschäftsmodellen 124 Topic 4 Online Zugang: Lösungen und Implikationen

6 Topic 1 Keynote address The inclusive archivist Eric Ketelaar University of Amsterdam, Faculkty of Humanities Herengracht 286, 1016 BX Amsterdam, The Netherlands The 2005 Report on archives in the enlarged European Union summarizes the challenges for the archivist in the 21st century: changing societal expectations activated by the increasing irrelevance of constraints of place, time, and medium in «the age of access», made possible by modern information and communication technologies. In his keynote address professor Ketelaar will argue that these challenges call for redefining the profile and the competencies of the archivist. Curiculum vitae Eric Ketelaar Eric Ketelaar ( is Emeritus Professor at the University of Amsterdam. From 1997 to 2009 he was Professor of Archivistics in the Department of Mediastudies (Archive and Information Studies) of the University of Amsterdam. As a honorary fellow of both his former department and the Faculty of Information Technology of Monash University, Melbourne he continues his research which is concerned mainly with the social and cultural contexts of records creation and use. Eric Ketelaar was General State Archivist (National Archivist) of The Netherlands from He was part-time Professor of Archivistics in the Department of History of the University of Leiden. He was served the International Council on Archives in various functions from In 2000 he was appointed Honorary President of ICA. 4 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva 2010

7 Topic 1 Keynote address La création d un programme de formation en archivistique à l ère numérique: réflexion et questionnements sur les enjeux professionnels et disciplinaires Sabine Mas Université de Montréal École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l information C.P Succursale Centre-Ville, Montréal, QC, H3C 3J7, Canada Thème La conférence s inscrit dans le premier axe du congrès soit «Profil professionnel: nouvelles compétences à l ère numérique». Elle se propose d analyser diverses compétences exigées de l archiviste dans l environnement numérique et de mesurer l impact de ces nouvelles compétences professionnelles sur la formation en archivistique. Contenu Le rôle des archivistes s est modifié à travers les siècles et les cultures: de devins, gardiens des documents, historiens, archivistes-paléographes à records managers, les archivistes ont su adapter leurs compétences à la mesure de l évolution de leur mission et des supports documentaires qui sont sous leur garde et responsabilité. À l aube d un XXIème siècle caractérisé par une multiplication sans précédent des technologies de l information et de la communication favorisant la diffusion de documents originaux ou reproduits sous format numérique, on observe que plusieurs appellations parfois fort originales sont aujourd hui utilisées par les employeurs pour désigner les professionnels de la gestion des archives et des documents dans l environnement numérique: digital asset managers, analystes de l information, archivistes numériques (digital archivists), voire même, architectes de l information. Que désignent ces appellations selon le point de vue des employeurs? Quelles sont les tâches et compétences demandées à ces professionnels? À quelle(s) formation(s) disciplinaire(s) ces compétences font-elles référence? Ce questionnement intervient dans un contexte de réflexion au sein de l École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l information (EBSI) de l Université de Montréal. Les préoccupations de l équipe de formateurs en archivistique à l EBSI concernent la possibilité de créer une majeure en archivistique (programme de premier cycle universitaire d une durée de deux ans) au sein d une institution qui offre déjà une formation en archivistique aux trois cycles universitaires (certificat, maîtrise et doctorat). Cette majeure en archivistique traduirait le niveau actuel de développement de la discipline dans une perspective multidisciplinaire. Plus-value scientifique La conférence vise à apporter un éclairage nouveau aux questions générales suivantes: À l instar de la bibliothéconomie s ouvrant aux sciences de l information, est-ce que l archivistique tire suffisamment de l apport des autres disciplines telles que les sciences de l information, les sciences de la gestion ou les sciences cognitives pour répondre aux défis de l ère numérique? Doit-on envisager une formation distincte ou unifiée en archivistique numérique? Le montage d un programme de formation universitaire en archivistique a des conséquences importantes. La conférence fera état des questionnements et de la réflexion qui occupent une équipe d enseignants en archivistique soucieux de répondre aux besoins exprimés par les milieux de travail et les associations professionnelles tout en tenant compte des derniers développements de la discipline archivistique d un point de vue scientifique. Mots-clés Discipline, formation en archivistique, programme de formation en archivistique, compétence, archivistique numérique Sabine Mas Sabine Mas est professeure adjointe en archivistique à l École de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l information (EBSI) de l Université de Montréal. Elle a travaillé en 1996 au Centre rhénan d archives et de recherches économiques, en France. Elle a participé à plusieurs projets de recherche sur la notion de dossier en archivistique (Subvention du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada) et sur les plans de classification hiérarchiques et à facettes pour l organisation des documents organisationnels numériques (Subvention du Gouvernement du Québec et bourse de recherche postdoctorale du Fonds québécois sur la recherche et la culture). Ses intérêts de recherche touchent à la classification en archivistique, aux méthodes de travail des archivistes et à la diplomatique contemporaine. 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva

8 Topic 1 W.1.1 Archives numérique et profils de formation face au processus de Bologne Maria Taverniti Roberto Guarasci, Anna Rovella Università della Calabria, Dipartimento di Linguistica, Laboratorio di Documentazione Via P. Bucci cubo 17b, 87036, Rende, (CS), Italie Thème Profil professionnel: nouvelles compétences à l ère numérique. Contenu Dans la plupart des pays européens, la pleine validité légale des documents numériques permet la gestion du cycle de vie d un document même en absence d un support tangible, ce qui favorise les relations logiques des documents au détriment des relations physiques et substitue, aux connaissances traditionnelles des archivistes, un nouveau panel disciplinaire qui ne trouve toujours pas d équivalent dans le panorama formatif des différents pays. La situation Italienne fait enregistrer un cadre normatif très complet et actualisé qui valide totalement les différentes typologies documentaires dans les secteurs public et privé. La promulgation récente de deux lois qui obligent les administrations publiques, les entreprises et les professionnels de disposer d un courriel (Lois 2/09) et découragent l utilisation du support papier en le sanctionnant même, comme c est le cas pour les administrations publiques (Lois 69/09), ne fait qu accentuer le décalage entre la demande des administrations et la réalité productive d un côté, et la disponibilité réelle de professionnels capables de satisfaire ces exigences en assumant des Malgré de nombreuses tentatives de revitalisation, les Ecoles des Archives d Etat deviennent, en effet, de plus en plus marginales car orientées presque exclusivement à la documentation historique et le panorama des cours universitaires, dépourvu d un plan national organique, reste, de son côté, uniquement confié à l initiative autonome des différentes écoles. Une analyse synchronique de la situation italienne, comparée à celles des autres nations européennes, à la lumière du processus de Bologne qui prévoit une harmonisation des profils de formations universitaires en Europe d ici fin 2010, nous permettra de faire le point sur l état des lieux et de faire des hypothèses pour des solutions possibles. Plus-value scientifique De plus en plus aujourd hui aux professionnels qui s occupent des archives et du records management on demande de gérer les documents mais aussi l information. Il s agit, bien évidement, d un métier en devenir. Actuellement le système éducatif Italienne n est pas capable de faire face ni aux exigences des entreprises ni aux exigences des administrations publiques et/ou privées. L enjeu, maintenant, est de mettre en place, et dans les universités et dans les écoles des Archives d Etat, des parcours, on pourrait dire, hybrides. C est-àdire des parcours formatifs interdisciplinaires qui favorisent l acquisition de savoirs faires opérationnelles et techniques, et des connaissances permettant de gérer les documents et leur contenu quelque soit leur nature, leur support et le système documentaire utilisé. Mots-clés Formation, administration publique, documentation historique, records management, processus de Bologne. Maria Taverniti Doctorante en Gestion Documentaire et Science de l Information Université de la Calabria Italie. Maitrise en Informatique pour le Sciences Humaines gestion des connaissances Université de la Calabria Italie. Boursier Projet de formation extrarégionale Extraction automatique des termes d indexation pour la construction de thesaurus documentaires ILC-CNR Pisa; Université de la Calabria- Italie. Boursier Projet Archivistique et Science de l Information Région Calabria; Università della Calabria- Italie Stagiaire Projet Terminologie et documentation Université Pompeu Fabra de Barcelone Espagne. 6 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva 2010

9 Topic 1 W.1.1 Roberto Guarasci Professeur titulaire de Documentation Université de la Calabria Italie. Directeur de l Unité de Recherche CNR «indexation et classification». Directeur du départmnet de Linguistique de l Uni versité de la Calabria ( ). Délégué du Conseil National des Recherches pour les Documents Numeriques. Chargé de l évaluation des project de recherche Linguistique Informatisé (Loi 488/92) Ministère de l Education Nationale. Membre de l International Institute of Informatics and Systemics Orlando (USA). Membre de l Indexing Society of Canada Ottawa. Anna Rovella Maître de conférences en Archivistique Contemporaine Université de la Calabria Italie. Maître de conférences en Archivistique Contemporaine Université de Roma II Italie. Membre du Collège des enseignants-chercheurs de l Ecole Doctorale «Archivistique et Biblio théco nomie» Uni versité de Udine. Chargè du project de recherche «Gestion Electronique des documents» CNR- Université de la Calabria Prisma Eng. S.r.l. Chargé du project de classification des documents du FSE Fonds Social Européen de la Regione Lombardia. 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva

10 Topic 1 W.1.2 Des archivistes aux profils multiples Chantal Renevey Fry Archiviste du Département de l instruction publique Rue de l Hôtel-de-Ville 6, CP 3925, 1211 Genève 3, Suisse Thème Irruption des nouvelles technologies, exigences posées par les nouvelles législations sur la transparence et l information, mise sur pied des Hautes Ecoles spécialisées en Suisse: autant de facteurs qui ont conduit ces deux dernières décennies à une diversi fication de la formation professionnelle des archivistes. Contenu Divers facteurs ont contribué au renouvellement de la formation des archivistes. Les nouveaux supports et les nouvelles technologies doivent désormais être pris en compte dans les programmes de formation initiale et continue mais il devient difficile d ajouter de nouvelles matières à des plans d études qui ne sont pas extensibles à l infini. Un cursus traditionnellement profilé sur des études universitaires humanistes ne constitue plus la voie royale et unique d accès à la profession. La mise sur pied d une formation professionnelle supérieure au sein des Hautes Ecoles spécialisées a par ailleurs conduit à la formalisation d une filière complète allant d un apprentissage validé par un certificat fédéral de capacité à un master et intégrant, jusqu au bachelor, l archivistique dans le domaine de l information documentaire. Enfin, les nouvelles législations fédérales et cantonales sur la transparence de l administration et l information aux citoyens ont suscité la création de postes dont le titre d archiviste recouvre des notions et des cahiers des charges fort diversifiés, voire même contradictoires. Contrairement à ce qu on aurait pu penser ou craindre initialement, les collègues au bénéfice de formations en information documentaire, en records management ou en gestion ne sont pas venus remplacer leurs prédécesseurs titulaires d une licence plus classique au fur à mesure du renouvellement des générations. La séparation des profils ne se fait pas non plus forcément et automatiquement en fonction de la mission et du type de documents des services producteurs et employeurs. Dès lors, la cohabitation de plusieurs générations et de collègues de formations diverses au sein d une même structure peut être source d enrichissements mutuels, mais aussi de tensions, voire d incompréhensions et de frustrations. Coopération ou concurrence? Essayons de définir clairement les différents profils dont le monde archivistique a besoin et les parcours de formation existants ou à créer à leur associer, sans tomber dans une simplification outrancière qui conduirait à lier un profil professionnel donné à un type de support de l information. Plus-value scientifique Si l archivage numérique a indéniablement conduit à la création de nouveaux métiers et de nouveaux profils de formation, la réalité du monde académique et professionnel vécue quotidiennement dans les services producteurs ou les services d archives montrent bien qu il n existe pas un profil professionnel unique lié à des activités spécifiques. C est au contraire la diversité des compétences et des points de vue qui doit être privilégiée, ce que devrait rendre possible la variété des formations professionnelles possibles. Mots-clés Profils de formation, diversité, coopération, concur rence Chantal Renevey Fry Archiviste du département de l instruction publique de la république et canton de Genève, membre de la commission de formation de l association des archivistes suisses, membre de la commission de réforme de l ordonnance sur la formation professionnelle des assistants en information documentaire puis de la commission suisse pour le développement professionnel et la qualité des agents en information documentaire, enseignante vacataire à la Haute Ecole de gestion de Genève, membre fondatrice de la CRIÉE (communauté de recherche interdisciplinaire sur l éducation et l enfance), membre du Conseil international des archives (ICA/CPT). 8 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva 2010

11 Topic 1 W.1.3 Archivierung in unserer neuen Welt. Eine Meditation über Archive und Archivwissenschaften Christian Keitel Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Referat Überlieferungbildung digital, Erschließung Eugenstraße 7, Stuttgart, Deutschland Thema Der Vortrag diskutiert die Begriffe Archive, Archivierung und Archivwissenschaft sowohl in empirischer Hinsicht (was wird gemacht) als auch in sys tematischer Hinsicht (was könnte/sollte ge macht werden). Die Differenz zwischen möglichem An spruch (Archivierung wird von vielen Einrichtungen betrieben) und tatsächlicher Umsetzung (klassische Archive sind an den Rand gedrängt) wird deutlich. Inhalt Am Anfang stehen drei Beobachtungen: Archivierung im Sinne eines langfristigen Erhalts von Informationen wird heute von vielen Einrichtungen betrieben, die sich selbst nicht Archive nennen: Bibliotheken, Museen, Forschungsdatenzentren, Raumf ahrtagenturen sind nur einige von ihnen. Die grundlegenden Standards zur digitalen Archivierung werden nicht mehr von den klassischen Archiven geschrieben: OAIS, PREMIS, METS, EAD. Die Archivwissenschaft hat das konkurrierende Konzept der Digital Curation bislang kaum rezipiert. Ein fachlicher Austausch zwischen Archivwissenschaft und Nachbardisziplinen findet entgegen allen Versicherungen kaum statt. Z. B. haben nur acht von über 500 Teilnehmern sowohl an der wichtigsten Archivierungs- als auch an der wichtigsten Recordsmanagementtagung des Jahres 2008 teilgenommen (ipres und DLM-Forum; eigene Erhebung). Der Vortrag wird diese Feststellungen zunächst durch verschiedene Beobachtungen ausführen. Im Anschluss wird der Versuch unternommen, über die gemeinsame Klammer des Archivierungsbegriffes zu einer neuen Definition von Archiven und von Archivwissenschaften zu kommen. Gefragt wird, ob die klassische Archivwissenschaft an ein Ende gekommen ist, ob es mehrere Archivwissenschaften gibt oder ob eine Vereinigung der unterschiedlichen Ansätze noch möglich ist. Dabei werden auch die gemeinsamen Schnittmengen mit Nachbarwissenschaften wie Geschichtswissenschaften (Stichwort Designated Community), Bibliothekswissenschaften (Stichwort Digitale Archivbibliotheken) und Infor matik (Stichwort Gemeinsame Sprache) thematisiert. Erkenntnisgewinn Die weitgehenden, aber kaum genutzten Möglichkeiten der klassischen Archive und ihrer Archivwis sens chaft werden angesprochen. Schlüsselwörter Archive, Archivierung, Archivwissenschaften Curriculum Vitae Christian Keitel Seit 2000 in der baden-württembergischen Archivverwaltung an verschiedenen Stellen für digitale Archi vierung verantwortlich, zuletzt in der Abteilung Fachprogramme und Bildungsarbeit U. a. Projektleiter, de/web/44346 Neuere Artikel: Automatic Metadata Extraction and the Long Way to Significant Properties, erscheint in: KIM- DINI-Tech nology-watch-report Zusammen mit Susanne Dobratz, Vertrauenswürdige digitale Archive Ergebnisse und Perspektiven der Nestor/DIN-AG, in: Archivar 62 (2009), S Elektronische Archivierung in Deutschland. Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Erscheint in: Für die Zukunft sichern! Bestandserhaltung analoger und digitaler Unterlagen, 78. Deutscher Archivtag 2008 in Erfurt, Fulda 2009 (im Druck) Artikel State of the Art: Archive, Mikroverfilmung und Organisation: Perspektiven der Beschreibung, in: nestor-handbuch, 2009, sub.uni-goettingen.de/handbuch/index.php Ways to Deal with Complexity, Beitrag zur ipres-konferenz an der British Library, 2008, day2/45_keitel.pdf Mit Rolf Lang und Kai Naumann, Metadaten für die Archivierung digitaler Unterlagen, 2008, media.php/25/konzeption_metadaten10.pdf 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva

12 Topic 1 W.1.4 Welche Kompetenzen befähigen zur Übernahme der Gesamtverantwortung für digitales Archivgut? Das Beispiel des Weiterbildungsprogramms in Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft der Universitäten Bern und Lausanne Niklaus Bütikofer Universität Bern, Historisches Institut, Weiterbildungsprogrammin Archiv-, Bibliotheksund Infor ma tions wissenschaft Gesellschaftsstrasse 25, 3012 Bern, Schweiz Thema Die digitalen Technologien verlangen von den Archivarinnen und Archivaren neue Kompetenzen ohne dass sie auf ihre bisherigen Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten für den Umgang mit analogem Ar chiv gut verzichten können. Der Beitrag zeigt wie die Universitäten Bern und Lausanne auf diese Herausforderungen mit einem integrierten und interdisziplinären Weiterbildungsprogramm, welches zur Übernahme der Verantwortung über den gesamten Lebenszyklus von Archivgut befähigt, reagiert haben. Inhalt Die Verbreitung der Neuen Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien in der Produktion, Ver waltung und Archivierung von Unterlagen verlangt von den Beteiligten neue Kompetenzen, was vielenorts dazu geführt hat, dass sich neue Berufsbilder mit eigenen Ausbildungsgängen für den Bereich der digital curation herausgebildet haben. Der Beitrag führt die Gründe dafür auf, warum heute die Fähigkeit die Gesamtverantwortung für die Überlieferung von erhaltenswürdigen Informationsobjekten nicht über die Spezialisierung, sondern im Gegenteil über die interdisziplinäre Verknüpfung und die Integration der Informationsberufe erreicht werden kann. Das Weiterbildungsprogramm in Archiv-, Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft der Universitäten Bern und Lausanne ist in seiner Struktur und Organisation auf den Erwerb einer solchen umfassenden Kompetenz ausgerichtet. Das Programm behandelt den ganzen Lebenszyklus der Informationsobjekte. Es fokussiert weniger auf technisches Wissen mit kurzer Halbwertszeit als vielmehr auf die grundsätzlichen, theoretischen Aspekte der archivischen Aufgaben und nutzt die dabei gewonnenen Erkenntnisse für die Analyse einer vielfältigen Praxis, die sich unter dem Einfluss neuer digitaler Technologien laufend verändert. Technisches Wissen wird nur soweit unterrichtet, als es für die erfolgreiche Kommunikation mit den auf jeden Fall notwendigen Spezialisten notwendig ist. Die Einbettung der archivischen Funk tionen und der archivischen Institutionen in den gesellschaftlichen, politischen, wirtschaftlichen und tech nologischen Kontext ist ein weiteres zentrales Element des Programms und fördert die Fähigkeit zur Veränderung und zur Positionierung in einer Welt, die neue Kommunikations- und Koopera tionsformen ermöglicht und geradezu verlangt. Der Beitrag erläutert diese Kompetenzen, die im Weiterbildungsprogramm aufgebaut werden, und setzt diese in Beziehung zur Struktur, den wesentlichen inhaltlichen Elementen und den Un ter richts formen des Studienganges. Er zeigt, welche Erfahrungen bisher gemacht wurden und wie diese in die Weiterentwicklung des Programms eingebaut werden. Erkenntnisgewinn Der Beitrag zeigt, welche Kompetenzen nötig sind, um die Verantwortung für das Archivgut wäh rend seines ganzen Lebenszyklus wahrnehmen zu können, und wie ein konkretes universitäres Weiter bil dungsprogramm den Erwerb dieser Kompetenzen ermöglicht. Schlüsselwörter Weiterbildung, Archivwissenschaft, Kompetenzen Curriculum Vitae Niklaus Bütikofer Niklaus Bütikofer studierte in Bern und Berlin Geschichte, arbeitete während 15 Jahren als Archivar im Schweizerischen Bundesarchiv, wo er für Beratung und Kontrolle des Records Managements in der Schweizerischen Bundesverwaltung, die Übernahme von Archivgut und die digitale Archivierung zuständig war. Er war zudem Mitglied des Committee on Current Records in an Electronic Environment des Internationalen Archivrates ICA sowie Co-Direktor des Projektes ERPANET (Electronic Resource Preservation and Access Network) im Forschungsrahmenprogramm der Europäischen Union. Seit 2003 ist er als Berater im Bereich Records Management und Archivierung tätig. Seit 2005 arbeitet er ausserdem als Mitglied der Studienleitung des Nachdiplom-Studienganges Master of Advanced Studies in Archival, Library and Information Science der Universitäten Bern und Lausanne. 10 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva 2010

13 Topic 1 W.1.5 Professionelle Kompetenzen für die Archivierung digitaler Information der Master-Studiengang Konservierung neuer Medien und digitaler Information an der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart Gerald Maier Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg Eugenstrasse 7, Stuttgart, Deutschland Thema Der Vortrag stellt unter dem Aspekt professionelle Kompetenzen für die Archivierung digitaler Information den Master-Aufbaustudiengang Konservierung neuer Medien und digitaler Information an der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart vor. Inhalt Die Langzeitsicherung oder Archivierung genuin digitaler Information gehört neben der Online- Bereitstellung von digitalisiertem Kulturgut momentan zu den größten Herausforderungen für Kulturgut bewahrende Einrichtungen. Obwohl die Aufgabe der Archivierung digitaler Unterlagen zunehmend Eingang in die berufliche Ausbildung von Archivaren/-innen findet, ist es sinnvoll und zum Teil un abdinglich, dass für die veränderten Fachaufgaben auch andere Berufsbilder die vorhandenen archivfachlichen Qualifikationen im Bereich der Übernahme, Erschließung und Bereitstellung sowie der Bestandserhaltung von Archivgut ergänzen und unterstützen. Benötigt werden dabei vor allem Qualifikationen im Bereich der Informations- und Medientechnologie. Als erste Hochschule der Welt reagierte die Staat liche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart im Oktober 2006 mit einem eigenen Aufbaustudiengang auf diese Entwicklung: In einem zweijährigen Master-Studiengang lernen die Studierenden die Möglichkeiten des langfristigen Erhalts von digitalem bzw. digitalisiertem Kulturgut kennen. Schwerpunkte können dabei innerhalb des Studiums in den Bereichen digitale Aufzeichnung in Schriftform, digitale Fotografien und digitale Videoaufzeichnungen gesetzt werden. Als Dozenten wirken deutsche und internationale Fachleute, die den künftigen Experten für die Erhaltung digitaler Medien und digitaler Information nicht nur organisatorisches, fachwissenschaftliches und technologisches Wissen vermitteln, sondern sie in praxisorientierten Pro jekten auf ihr zukünftiges Betätigungsfeld vorbereiten. Das Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg beteiligt sich mit mehreren Dozenten seit Einrichtung des Studiengangs mit Lehrveranstaltungen zu den Bereichen der Archivierung digitalen Kulturguts und Digitalisierung von Kulturgut. Zielgruppen für den Studiengang sind Absolventen eines Erststudiums mit mindestens einem Bachelor-Abschluss und vorzugsweise Berufserfahrung in den Bereichen Bibliothekswissenschaft, Archivwissenschaft, Dokumentation, Informatik, Informationstechnologie, Informationswissenschaft, Medientechnologie oder Restaurierung. Die Zulassung zum Studium erfolgt über ein Auswahlverfahren. Erkenntnisgewinn Veränderte Fachaufgaben wie die Archivierung digitaler Unterlagen erfordern neue Kompetenzen, die in der klassischen Archivarsausbildung bisher nicht ausreichend vermittelt werden. Der vorgestellte Master-Studiengang ermöglicht ein Auf baustudium, das zum Beispiel einen Bachelor in Archivwissenschaft oder ein informationstechnisches Studium sinnvoll ergänzen kann und damit zu einer Weiterqualifizierung im Bereich der Archivierung digitaler Information führt. Schlüsselwörter Fachliches Profil, Berufsbild, professionelle Kompetenzen im digitalen Zeitalter, Ausbildung, Kooperation mit anderen Berufszweigen Gerald Maier Archivdirektor. Beauftragter des Bundesrats der Bundesrepublik Deutschland für Digitalisierung und Online-Zugänglichkeit kulturellen Materials und dessen digitaler Bewahrung, Leiter des Referats Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, Elektronische Dienste beim Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg in Stuttgart, Lehrbeauftragter an der Staatlichen Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart für den Studiengang Konservierung neuer Medien und Digitaler Information (M.A.); seit 1998 wissenschaftlicher Archivar bei der Landesarchivdirektion bzw. dem Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg; Archivreferendariat in Karlsruhe und Marburg; Studium der Geschichte, Evan gelischen Theologie, Kunstgeschichte und historischen Geographie in Tübingen und Bonn, anschließend Promotion in neuer Geschichte. 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva

14 Topic 1 W.1.6 Staying Current in Fast Changing Environment: The Academy of Certified Archivists New Role Delineation Statement and Certified Archivist Roll-Out Digital Projects Cindy Smolovik, Jane Nokes Academy of Certified Archivists 90 State Street, Suite 1009, Albany, New York Topic Archival profile: professional competence in the digital age Content The Academy of Certified Archivists (ACA) recognizes that the digital era is changing educational needs and partnerships in the work place by shaping approaches to the creation, recognition, and preservation of electronic archival materials. The ACA Role Delineation Statement defines the knowledge and tasks of the archival profession and areas on the exam itself. The 2009 update reflects digital era changes to the profession s vocabulary and knowledge requirement. In recognition of the changing knowledge base Cindy Smolovik will present ACA s Role Delineation Statement updates and specific recommendations on what archivists need to know now and in the future. Jane Nokes will discuss how Certified Archivists demonstrate their adaptability to the changing environment everyday using case studies of projects at Scotiabank Group Archives & Fine Art Department; Archives of the Cities of Thunder Bay and Ottawa City, Ontario and the University of Alberta. In addition both speakers will discuss other projects in automated records and techniques that they are currently or previously involved with in the course of their careers. Insights Part of the mission of the Academy of Certified Archivists (ACA) is to establish standards and provide incentives for archivists to maintain and improve professional competency as represented by the Role Delineation Statement. As what archivists are preserving changes from something you can touch and feel to something you can only see or perhaps hear the knowledge and skills are also changing; there fore, the foundational skills must adapt. Certified Archivists working and directing archival institutions (and consulting/advising in the arts, culture, & heritage sector) across North America write the Role Deli ne ation Statement; are guided by their commitment to lifelong learning, which definitely includes Digitization; and are developing innovative programs in their institutions. We are transcending tradition in terms of archival education and what it means to be an archivist in the 21st Century. We are among the leaders in all (or at least most) areas of our profession, including Digitization. The reality of being a CA, not just becoming certified but maintaining Certification over the long term, makes us effective agents of change in our parent organizations. We combine transformative programming and concrete templates with the built-in review and assessment processes necessary for success. So, there it is: progressive Role Delineation Statement by and for leading professional archivists; the critical importance of the Academy and its continuing mission to prepare archivists for future success in all areas; digital records and digitization as components of the programs that CAs are directing now (not as ideas being discussed/debated for the future). This session will provide information on how the ACA is remaining current, what influences the speakers see are important, skills to think about and partnerships that need to be made and maintained based on current and previous projects and experience of ACA members in real life on the job exposure to the changes the digital era has brought and will continue to bring to the profession. Keywords Skills, Certification, Case study, digital projects, experience, current, real life examples, commitment, trans formative, education, innovation Cindy Smolovik Appraisal Archivist/Senior Records Analyst, US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), since ACA Secretary; Secretary of the Society of Southwest Archivists (SSA); SAA 2009 Annual Meeting Program Committee. Contributor to Grace and Gumption: A History of Fort Worth Women and sequel Grace and Gumption: The Cookbook. Jane Nokes Director Scotiabank Group Archives & Fine Art. Since President of the Association of Canadian Archivists, Chair Society of American Archivists (SAA) Business Archives Section; Member- SAA Auto ma ted Records & techniques Task Force; American Archivists Editorial Board; ICA Business & Labor Archives Section Steering Committee and ICA North American Archival Network (NAANICA) organizing committee, and authored a paper delivered to European Association for Banking & Financial History, Malta, th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva 2010

15 Topic 1 W.1.7 Digital Diplomatics and Digital Forensics: Towards One Integrated Discipline Luciana Duranti School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of British Columbia # East Mall, Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z1 Canada Topic In the digital environment, archivists are increasingly called to assess and preserve the authenticity of the records they are responsible for, and to act as neutral third parties, trusted record keepers, or trusted custodians. But, are they qualified to fulfill this role? This presentation discusses the body of knowledge that an archivist has to muster in order to assess the trustworthiness of digital records and ensure that their continuing authenticity can be demonstrated, if needed, at any time in the future. Content Increasingly, archivists are expected to acquire digital records not only from creators who have well established and reliable recordkeeping systems, but also from organizations and individuals who have records stored in a variety of obsolete or nearly obsolete hardware/software and/or formats, often proprietary. These records are difficult to access and identify, their integrity is practically impossible to establish, and their authenticity is hard to maintain and prove. This paper will present the competences needed by archivists to fulfill the role of forensic experts and trusted custodians, and the specific body of knowledge that is needed to provide such competences. It will discuss the relevant concepts of a relatively new discipline called digital forensics and compare them with the concepts developed by the Inter PARES project in the area of digital diplomatics; analyse the methodologies used by the two disciplines; and propose the content of an integrated body of knowledge that might be called Digital Records Forensics. professionals, as well as to law enforcement, legal, judicial, and information technology professionals. The poten tial that a Digital Records Forensics discipline has of infusing these non-record professions with archival knowledge and the benefits deriving to archives from such an endeavor are not to be underestimated. Keywords Diplomatics, digital forensics, trusted custodian Luciana Duranti Luciana Duranti is Chair of the Master of Archival Studies, School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of British Columbia, and a Professor of archival theory, diplomatics, and the management of digital records in both its master s and doctoral archival programs. Dr. Duranti is presently Project-Director of InterPARES ( ), the largest research project on the longterm preservation of authentic electronic records; and principal investigator in a research project entitled Digital Records Forensics ( ). She is developing digital records guidelines for the UNESCO Memory of the World International Register and digital records education resources for the ICA. Her research has been recognized with the Emmett Leahy Award, the British Columbia Innovation Council Award, the Killam Research Prize and the University of British Columbia Jacob Biely Research Prize. Insights Diplomatics was developed in the 17th century to assess the authenticity of records of unknown or unproven origin and demonstrate it in the course of legal proceedings. Digital Diplomatics grew out of Diplomatics to assess and preserve the authenticity of digital records. Digital Forensic was developed about five years ago from Computer Forensics to gather digital evidence from computers and storage media in such a way that its authenticity cannot be contested, and to maintain it so that such authenticity cannot be disputed in a court of law. The commonality of purpose and perspective among these areas of knowledge is obvious. The concepts and methods are consistent and complementary. The integration of the existing contents can lead to the development of new knowledge that is necessary to archivists acting as trusted custodians and to all kinds of records 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva

16 Topic 1 W.1.8 Organizing for Digital Preservation Who will Do IT? Mari Runardotter Jan Aspenfjäll Luleå University of Technology, Social Informatics, Dept. of IES, S Luleå, Sweden Sörbyn 81, S Gunnarsbyn, Sweden Topic This paper addresses the need of an updated professional profile for managing digital preservation. It builds on a view that we need to consider the organization s total information assets, where the information to be preserved constitutes one part. The underlying idea is that information never dies instead it can evolve and linger throughout and beyond the organization s life. This paves way for information managers being those who take on the responsibilities for digital preservation. Thus, their professional profile and competences would differ from the traditional archivists. Content Traditionally, and in a paper-based society also naturally, it has been archivists that have been assigned the entire responsibility for preservation matters. This scenario is nowadays turned upside down by IT. Swedish research has shown that the introduction and use of technology, and thereby born-digital records, split up the responsibility for digital preservation into three categories; practical, technological and strategic. This change the preconditions for person s employed for taking care of preservation matters. Not only need they be knowledgeable of archival theory (i.e. systematization and principles of order, the practical part of preservation), but they should also be technologically competent, and strategic thinkers. Since IT facilitates access to records another trend that affects digital preservation, and those working with it can be discerned; digital information need not be archived in the traditional sense at all. Of course, there is still need to identify what information to be preserved, and thereby specially treated. But there is no need to put it aside in the same way that paper-based records have been transferred to another location (the archive premises). Instead it is possible to regard the preserved information as an equally active and living part as any of the organization s entire information assets. The difference consists of the preserved information being prepared for and under surveillance for continued existence. Based upon this, we claim that an adequate professional profile would be as information manager. To work as information manager would, among other things, involve three tasks; to plan for organizations entire information assets, where digital preservation is one part; to organize the work with the same; and to maintain the organization s information assets. Insights An information manager must be able to plan, i.e. develop the strategies and policies around information management that will permeate the organization. Based upon this, digital preservation must be orga ni zed, and this embraces the creation of routines and processes. Finally, there is the maintenance of the information assets. In turn, these three tasks (plan, organize and maintain) should assure that the three responsibilities for digital preservation, practical, technological, and strategic are safeguarded. Key words Digital preservation, information assets, infor mation manager, planning and organizing, res ponsibi li ties. Mari Runardotter Mari Runardotter gained her PhD in the research area of long-term digital preservation, where her re search focused on organizing for digital preservation, from the perspectives of users and management. Mari started her academic carrier by participating in the EU-funded project Equapol, which explored the effects of the gender mainstreaming policy, before her research in long-term digital preservation. Her research focuses on social, societal and organizational effects of IT. This involves systems design and IT use, and also changes in peoples action space and work roles, in addition to IT s effect on organization s structures, processes and management. The theories and methods Mari use emphasize social, cultural, organizational and societal aspects in the interaction between human and information system. Currently she participates in the EU-funded project Protage. Jan Aspenfjäll Jan Aspenfjäll has a bachelor s degree in Systems Sciences from Luleå University of Technology. Jan has been working at National archive of Sweden as manager of development placed at Longterm Digital Preservation (LDP)-centre, situated in Boden, a town in the north of Sweden. Now he has his own company and works as consultant, and helps government authorities and other organizations with feasibility studies, requirement specifications, project management and education in digital preservation. Currently he participates in the EU-funded project Protage. 14 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva 2010

17 Topic 1 W.1.9 A chain is as strong as its weakest link. Some thoughts about chain-information and chain-information-systems from an archival point of view Hans Waalwijk Archiefschool [at] Hogeschool van Amsterdam, Netherlands institute for archival education and research Rhijnspoorplein 1, 1091 GC Amsterdam, Netherlands Topic Chain information is increasingly present in governmental and business administration. In chain infor mation, registers and registries are bound together by exchanging and linking data. Linking files belongs to the concept op chaining information too. Exchanging data between chained registers and files, complete the picture. In chain-information, and thus in chain-information systems, data are supposed to be registered once and mutual and multi-used. Success on implementing chaininformation, is the acceptance of born-digital and digitized records as being fully reliable, authentic, integer and usable (as in ISO ). Content Records and archives have hardly any value if they are not linked to other records and archives. It is this particular bond that gives records and archives its specific meaning. This meaning leads to the interpretation or possible reconstruction of the primary or secondary processes for which the records are the warrant. For that reason the link between the process and the record should be maintained as long as possible; for example in metadata. The link between records and archives is a prerequisite for the use and usage of these records and archives, whether the link has the form of series, files, or bonds. Traditionally, record-creators and record-creating-organisations obtain, manage and maintain their own records. The managerial and/or political responsibility for the records and archives, including their management, is laid down on board of directors level irrespective of the fact if the actual records and archival management is executed by professionals within or outside the organisation. Even after the transfer of records and archives to archival institutions, the original ownership is often the first and main (meta)data-element containing the name of that record-creator or the organisation. Aspects of the principle of provenance have to be seen in this light. Within recent years quite a new feature has been developed in administration: chain-information. Examples given in this article, reflect the 2009 situation in the Netherlands. Insights In this paper, the concept of the principle of provenance and of the archival fond are discussed in the context of chaining information, the same is due to the concept and meaning of records and archives (Are data, records?), as well as the integration of risk management and information security management, as aspects of records- and archives management. Besides, central and de-central storage, as well as the question on the use of one or more repositories, are discussed by means of the question of political and managerial responsibilities. Key words Chain information, data, registers, registries, archival bond Hans Waalwijk Hans Waalwijk (1960) is employed at the Archiefschool/University of Applied Sciences of Amsterdam (education and research). From 1985 to 2002 he was archivist of the Central Bank of the Netherlands. He is member of the board of the Dutch Foundation of Archival Publications (Stichting ArchiefPublicaties S@P) and member of the Section on Archival Education of the International Council on Archives (ICA) As one of the editors in chief of the Dutch handbook on rules, procedures and legislation for records-management and archives (Handboek Archiefregelingen) he delivers articles on the interpretation of Dutch legislation on records and archives. He studied history at Utrecht University (1991) and Archival Science at Amsterdam University (2000). 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva

18 Topic 1 T.1.1 The semantics of digital preservation: we can t do it alone! Patricia Sleeman Digital Archives Department, University of London Computer Centre, Senate House, London Topic Discussion of communication in the digital preservation community. The struggle to communicate with those outside of our chosen professions e.g. IT, data specialists. The challenge of developing a common language. Content To survive in the digital age, the archivist must communicate with their community and look beyond the archival sphere. Looking first at the archival and librarian community and how we communicate within our profession. We must articulate our needs and issues well to each other. Information overload in the arena of digital preservation is overwhelming, we need to synthesise this information/research and identify what we need. We must learn to communicate with those who we need to work with beyond our profession. By necessity we must engage with other communities, the archivist cannot do it all. Neither can the information technologist, nor the librarian, nor the data specialist. We all need each other in this brave new world. Exploration of tools to enable good communication. E.g OAIS. Exploration of common goals. Looking at major digitization projects we can see how goo d preservation depends on linking up with other sectors/departments/professions. Looking at preservation of born digital material the same is true. In addition we must communicate with the communities whose information we are managing and raise awareness of the importance of digital preservation. Making contact with these sectors is very important. Patricia Sleeman Patricia Sleeman is an archivist who has worked at the University of London Computer Centre for 10 years. She has worked on the National Digital Archive of Datasets (NDAD)as well as being the Project Leader of the Digital Preservation Training Programme (DPTP) since its creation as a JISC funded project in collaboration with Cornell University in She led the survey team for the JISC funded Digitisation Preservation Project, EVAMP, as well as providing various training events on the National Digital Archive of Datasets as well as providing a four day workshop in 2003 with a colleague in Havana, Cuba for the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment funded by the Social Science Research Council. Previous to working at ULCC she worked at the National Archives of Ireland on the records of the Ordnance Survey and the Valuation Office of Ireland. She has also been secretary for the Section for Professional Associations within the International Council on Archives. She speaks Spanish and Irish. Insights Understanding the digital community and how best to work with it and communicate. No one person or one profession can solve this issue. Key words Digital preservation, Semantics, Communication, Change. 16 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva 2010

19 Topic 1 T.1.2 Transforming repositories: from repository managers to institutional data managers Steve Hitchcock David Tarrant, Les Carr KeepIt Project, IAM Group, School of Electronics and Computer Science University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK Topic The last decade has seen support for digital preservation transformed. There are now a multitude of organisations, training courses, and software development tools to help guide managers of digital data towards preservation decisions and solutions. But how well do these approaches understand the needs and requirements of users? This paper will look at the applicability and practicality of all this support for one class of user, digital repositories, and in particular institutional repositories (IRs) and their managers. We will show how the need is to develop such people as data managers rather than focus on systems approaches. Content If digital data and its preservation can still be considered a recent concern, relative to other more tra di tional media types, IRs are even newer, effectively dating from 2000 but growing appreciably since The aim of an IR is to collect, disseminate and preserve the research and teaching outputs of the institution, with preservation more an aspiration than formal practice in most cases. IRs have many issues to address today before worrying about tomorrow. IRs are most often located in the institutional library, but since many IRs have yet to establish a more formal role within the wider institution they typically have to work with limited staffing and budgets and an unclear policy framework for building a longer-term approach. The JISC KeepIt project ( is working with a number of repositories to assist them in developing for the longer-term. Currently, IRs tend to take a systems-based approach to managing a thinly defined type of content. We can already see in our exemplar repositories the types of data that might be managed: arts, science, teaching materials, research papers, etc. It is likely that research data, from which the most visible academic outputs are derived, will need to be managed within disciplines and sub-disciplines. As these repositories grow institutionally, that is, to represent and present all the substantive activities and outputs of the institution, we have to separate people and content, or data, from systems and infrastructure. There are already many people supporting systems and IT infrastructure in institutions, and on the systems front we can see the transformation of the repository in the cloud. KeepIt is providing intermediate services, such as format and storage management, to manage repository systems within this flexible infrastructure. There are fewer people designated to manage data and support data creators. The people responsible for IRs tend to be called repository managers, but there should be support for them to develop as data experts rather than systems experts. We will need many more data experts across institutions to manage the explosive growth anticipated in digital data produced within academic institutions and for which research funders are expected impose greater requirements for formal management and access. Insights Informed by the managers of the exemplar repositories, their needs and constraints, the project has created a roadmap covering training and development for data management and preservation. The roadmap takes a system, content and organisational approach, but also considers people-based development. The latter takes a longer-term view on the changing role of repository staff, towards teams of data managers liaising with content and data creators to support and manage a wide range of digital data types produced within institutions, to understand and ensure the integrity and accessibility of this content over defined periods of time. Based on our work with this roadmap, we will show how repositories are being transformed not just in terms of systems but through the people that work with them. Key words Digital preservation, data curation, digital repositories, institutional repositories, repository managers, data managers 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva

20 Topic 1 T.1.2 Transforming repositories: from repository managers to institutional data managers Steve Hitchcock He is project manager for the JISC KeepIt project. He has a PhD from Southampton University, where he now works in the areas of digital publi shing, digital preservation, open access and repositories. David Tarrant He is a researcher in the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton. His main areas of research are web, web science and their relations to digital scholarly material. He is currently the technical developer for the KeepIt project, and also worked on the Preserv2 project, both of which focus on preservation of digital repositories. He is also a developer for EPrints, one of the leading software platforms for institutional repositories. Les Carr He is a senior lecturer at the University of Southampton, with expertise is in Web-based information technologies. Les is a fellow of the Web Science Research Initiative, course leader for an MSc in Web Technologies, and technical director of the EPrints repository software team. 18 8th European Conference on Digital Archiving, Geneva 2010


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