Candidate Number. ADVICE TO CANDIDATES Read each question carefully and make sure you know what you have to do before starting your answer.

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1 Advanced Subsidiary GCE F712QP GERMAN Unit F712: German Listening, Reading and Writing 1 Specimen Paper Morning/Afternoon Additional Materials: CD Special Sheet (enclosed) Time: 2 hours 30 minutes Candidate Name Centre Number Candidate Number INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes above. Answer all the questions. Use blue or black ink. Read each question carefully and make sure you know what you have to do before starting your answer. Do not write in the bar code. Do not write outside the box bordering each page. WRITE YOUR ANSWER TO EACH QUESTION IN THE SPACE PROVIDED. ANSWERS WRITTEN ELSEWHERE WILL NOT BE MARKED. INFORMATION FOR CANDIDATES The number of marks for each question is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part of question. The total number of marks for this unit is 140. ADVICE TO CANDIDATES Read each question carefully and make sure you know what you have to do before starting your answer. For Examiner s Use Section A Section B Total This document consists of 15 printed pages and 1 blank page. SP (SLM) T12103 OCR 2007 QAN 500/2260/X OCR is an exempt Charity [Turn Over

2 2 Section A: Listening and Writing Recommended time for Section A: 1 hour Aufgabe 1: Hörtext WO DIE DEUTSCHEN URLAUBEN Hören Sie diesen Bericht und haken ( ) Sie die richtige Alternative ab. [10 Punkte] (a) Die Tourismusindustrie A erlebt schlechte Zeiten. B freut sich. C ist gar nicht optimistisch. (b) Die Deutschen urlauben A öfter und billiger. B seltener und teurer. C teurer und öfter. (c) Die Organisation, die die Umfrage A ATE. gemacht hat, heißt B ETI. C ITE. (d) Befragt wurden mehr als tausend A Erwachsene. B Kinder. C Rentner. (e) Die Prozentzahl der Deutschen, die A 23 Prozent. letzten Sommer reisten, war B 45 Prozent. C 54 Prozent.

3 3 (f) Der durchschnittliche Urlaub kostete A 580. B 805. C 850. (g) 12 Prozent urlaubten A bis zu 7 Tagen. B bis zu 23 Tagen. C bis zu 40 Tagen. (h) Ein Drittel der Deutschen urlaubte A außerhalb Europas. B in Osteuropa. C in ihrem eigenen Land. (i) Am liebsten fahren die Deutschen A ans Meer. B auf das Land. C in die Hauptstadt. (j) Wenn sie ins Ausland fahren, reisen die A Italien. Deutschen am liebsten nach B Österreich. C Spanien.

4 4 Aufgabe 2 : Hörtext VIEL STADT FÜR WENIG GELD Hören Sie den Bericht und setzen Sie das fehlende Wort in die Lücke ein. Wählen Sie das richtige Wort aus der Liste unten. Es gibt mehr Wörter als Lücken. Benutzen Sie jedes Wort nur einmal. [10 Punkte] anstrengend Eintritt planen Umwelt 39,90 ausgegeben gespart sinnvoller uninteressant 62,70 Besucherkarten informieren Stadtmitte unternehmungslustig eingeschlossen kostenlos teurer Taschenrechner Viele Städte bieten jetzt (a)... an. Hamburgs Metropolcard (b) kostet... Euro und ist nicht nur für die (c)... gültig. Man bekommt damit freien (d)... zu Museen usw. Außerdem kann man die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel (e)... benutzen. In diesem Fall hat die Frau mehr als 20 Euro (f)... aber die drei Tage waren (g).... Es lohnt sich eigentlich nur, eine Karte zu kaufen, wenn man (h)... ist und man muss auch bereit sein, die Tage sehr gut zu (i).... Für Stadtbummler ist es aber (j)..., eine Tageskarte für Bus und Bahn zu kaufen.

5 5 Task 3: Listening THE BERLIN GAMES ACADEMY Listen to the radio broadcast and answer the following questions IN ENGLISH. [15 marks] (a) Why do the young men look like skate boarders?... (b) What are they in fact doing?... [2] (c) What are we told about Fragfist?... [3] (d) What does every student have to do to complete the course?... (e) How successful are the graduates of this course?... (f) What is the market for computer games like in Germany?... [2] (g) What are the options for people who want to do a course like this in Germany?... [2]

6 6 (h) What information are we given about the current students at the Games Academy?... [2] (i) What is the best way to contact the Academy?...

7 7 Aufgabe 4: Schreiben Your friend is interested in doing a course at the Games Academy and has drafted this short in English. S/he has asked you to put the into German. You do not have to translate the word for word but you should include all the information. [10 marks for Quality of Language + 10 marks for Communication] I heard about the Sports Academy and would like to do a course. I have visited your website but I still have a few questions. I would like to know how long the course lasts and what it costs. I would also like some information about what qualifications are necessary and how to apply for the course. I am a foreign student. How much German will I need to know in order to be able to follow the lessons? An die Berliner Games Academy Section A Total [55]

8 8 Section B: Reading and Writing Recommended time for Section B: 1 hour and 30 minutes Aufgabe 5: Lesetext Lesen Sie diesen Artikel. Frau am Herd Seit Jahrhunderten sind es die Frauen, die das Essen zubereiten. Wenn es aber um Spitzenküche geht, haben oft die Männer die Nase vorn. Das hat sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten geändert: Sarah Wiener spielt inzwischen eine große Rolle in der Gastronomie. Die Österreicherin, die tatsächlich aus der Hauptstadt stammt, besitzt drei Restaurants in Düsseldorf. In ihrem neuen Kochbuch bringt sie kreative Rezepte, in denen der Einfluss der Wiener Küche nicht zu übersehen ist. Die Gerichte sind klar beschrieben und leicht nachzukochen. Johanna Maier kommt ebenfalls aus Österreich und wird oft die beste Köchin der Welt genannt. Sie führt zusammen mit ihrem Mann in dem kleinen Dorf Filzmoos das Hotel Hubertus. In ihrem ersten Kochbuch beschreibt sie zwischen interessanten Rezepten ihr Familienleben und ihre Gedanken über Essen und Gesundheit. Jetzt erscheint ihr zweites Buch Meine Kochschule. Mit beigefügter DVD kann man Maier bei der Arbeit über die Schulter schauen. Cornelia Potto wollte eigentlich Tierärztin werden, doch heute fühlt sie sich als Köchin in Hamburg wohl. Sie ist eine der ersten Köchinnen, die Michelin- Sterne erhielt. Im Restaurant Poletto kocht sie gern nach Rezepten von der Mittelmeerküste und mit ihrem Mann Remigo zaubert sie aus Zutaten der Saison ein kulinarisches Feuerwerk.

9 9 Welche von den drei Frauen ist das? Haken Sie jedesmal ein Kästchen ab ( ). Ein Beispiel ist schon gemacht worden. Wenn Sie mehr als 10 abhaken, gibt es Minuspunkte! [10 Punkte] Wer... Sarah Wiener Johanna Maier Cornelia Potto Beispiel hat Sterne von Michelin bekommen? (a) wurde in Wien geboren? (b) hat kein Restaurant in der Großstadt? (c) (d) kocht gern nach Rezepten aus südlichen Ländern? hat ein Kochbuch geschrieben, in dem sie auch von ihren Ideen und Erlebnissen erzählt? (e) arbeitet nicht mit ihrem Mann zusammen? (f) (g) (h) hat Rezepte erfunden, in denen die traditionelle österreichische Küche zu erkennen ist? hatte als Jugendliche andere Pläne für die Zukunft als Köchin zu werden? schreibt nicht nur Rezepte sondern demonstriert auch, wie man die Gerichte vorbereitet? (i) ist keine Österreicherin? (j) erfindet Rezepte, die einfach zu kochen sind?

10 10 Aufgabe 6: Lesetext Lesen Sie diesen Artikel aus der Zeitung. Wir wandern wieder Immer mehr Menschen zieht es in die Natur und zwar zu Fuß. Wandern liegt im Trend. 34 Millionen Deutsche wandern und sie haben nicht alle graue Haare: Der Anteil der 20- bis 39-Jährigen unter den Wanderern hat sich innerhalb von zwei Jahren verdoppelt. Der neue Wandertyp ist am liebsten zu zweit oder mit Freunden unterwegs, anstatt wie früher in einer großen Gruppe. Gern auch ganz spontan, wenn das Wetter ihn nach draußen lockt. Er läuft etwa 15 Kilometer am Tag, natürlich mit Pausen. Außerdem ist er gebildet jeder zweite hat mindestens Abitur und verdient nicht schlecht. Manager, Anwälte und Ingenieure laufen sich den Stress von der Seele. Das Wandern entspannt, leert den Kopf und beruhigt die Nerven. Es ist ein Ausdauersport, der Herz und Kreislauf stärkt. Obwohl der Wanderer am Abend ein gutes Essen genießt und in einem Komforthotel schläft, sind es die elementaren Dinge des Lebens, die ihm am Wandern wirklich gefallen: Wärme und Kälte, Sonne und Regen, Nadelholz riechen, sich an der schönen Aussicht satt sehen. Beliebt sind stille Plätze, Waldwege, schmal, kurvig und abwechslungsreich. Die Wegmarkierungen sind auch wichtig, weil man sich nicht ständig mit Suchen beschäftigen will. Die Deutschen sind auch nicht unglücklich darüber, wenn es unterwegs eine gemütliche Gaststätte gibt. Weit über Kilometer Wanderwege gibt es in Deutschland. Nicht alle sind zur Zeit im besten Zustand, aber manche werden geprüft und mit Qualitätszeichen versehen. Zum Beispiel wurde im Herbst 2005 der Wanderweg Rheinsteig eröffnet, der von Wiesbaden nach Bonn führt. Atemberaubende Ausblicke auf das Rheintal, Flussromantik, Naturerlebnis und Kultur der Rheinsteig hat alles und darf sich Premiumweg nennen. Beantworten Sie jetzt die folgenden Fragen AUF DEUTSCH. [25 Punkte: 15 für Verständnis des Textes und 10 für Qualität der Sprache] (a) Wer hat begonnen, sich in der letzten Zeit für Wandern zu interessieren?... (b) Wie unterscheidet sich der neue Wandertyp von dem früheren Wanderer?... [2]

11 11 (c) Was für ein Mensch ist der neue Wandertyp?... [2] (d) Warum wandert er?... (e) Warum ist Wandern gut für die Gesundheit?... (f) Was will der Wanderer beim Wandern erleben?... (g) Durch welche Landschaft wandert er am liebsten?... (h) Was ist auch für den Wanderer wichtig? Warum?... [2] (i) Was hofft der deutsche Wanderer, unterwegs zu finden?.... (j) Wie kann man wissen, ob ein Wanderweg sich lohnt?... (k) Was lernen wir über den Rheinsteig?... [2]

12 12 Aufgabe 7: Lesetext Lesen Sie diesen Artikel und beantworten Sie die Fragen AUF DEUTSCH. Schreiben Sie nicht mehr als 300 Wörter. Sie sollten Ihre Aufgabe machen, ohne Wortreihen zu kopieren. Wenn Sie mehr als 5 Wörter kopieren, werden Sie Punkte verlieren. Die neue Lust am urbanen Wohnen Vor ein paar Jahren hatte die Stadt keine Zukunft. Dank Internet wäre alles überall möglich. Der Mensch brauchte nicht mehr in einer Stadt zu sein, um sein Geld zu verdienen. Das Ziel der meisten Deutschen war, im Grünen zu wohnen. Wer in den Städten blieb, war arm oder alt und hatte keine Wahl. Jetzt aber wollen viele zurück in die Stadt ziehen. Es sind vor allem Ältere, deren Kinder gerade aus dem Haus sind. Sie wollen dort wohnen, wo es Theater und Kunst gibt, mit guten Restaurants gleich um die Ecke und wo man auch die besten Ärzte findet. Bereits jeder dritte Deutsche über 50 favorisiert das urbane Leben. Bis 2020 wird die Zahl dieser Deutschen um zehn Millionen wachsen. Für manche jüngere Leute nimmt das Hin und Her zwischen einem Heim im Grünen und dem Arbeitsplatz zu viel Geld und zu viel Zeit. Sie finden, dass Kind, Karriere und Freizeit in einer Stadt mit kurzen Wegen sich weit besser vereinbaren lassen. (a) Sie sollten Ihre Antwort zu dieser Frage auf dem Text basieren: Wie hat sich die Situation in der Stadt geändert? [Verständnis des Textes: 10 Punkte] (b) Schreiben Sie jetzt Ihre eigenen Ideen zum urbanen Wohnen: Wo würden Sie am liebsten wohnen? Im Grünen oder in der Stadt? Warum? [Persönliche Ansicht: 20 Punkte] [Qualität der Sprache: 20 Punkte] [Total: 50 Punkte]

13 13 (a) Wie hat sich die Situation in der Stadt geändert?

14 14 (b) Wo würden Sie am liebsten wohnen? Im Grünen oder in der Stadt? Warum? Section B Total [85] Paper Total [140]


16 16 Copyright Acknowledgements: Sources Adapted from Frau am Herd, Süddeutsche Zeitung (Kochlust), Nov 05, p. 26 Adapted from Wir wandern wieder, Welt am Sonntag, 16/04/2006, Number 16, p. 82 Adapted from Neue Heimatstadt? Die Zeit 18/08/2006, Number 34, p33 Permission to reproduce items where third-party owned material protected by copyright is included has been sought and cleared where possible. Every reasonable effort has been made by the publisher (OCR) to trace copyright holders, but if any items requiring clearance have unwittingly been included, the publisher will be pleased to make amends at the earliest opportunity. OCR is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES), which is itself a department of the University of Cambridge. OCR 2007



19 OXFORD CAMBRIDGE AND RSA EXAMINATIONS Advanced Subsidiary GCE GERMAN F712MS Listening, Reading and Writing in German 1 Specimen Mark Scheme The maximum mark for this paper is 140. SP (SLM) T12103 OCR 2007 QAN 500/2260/X OCR is an exempt Charity [Turn Over

20 2 Section A: Listening and Writing Question Number Answer Marks Task 1 Wo die Deutschen urlauben [10] (a) B (b) C (c) B (d) A (e) C (f) C (g) C (h) C (i) A (j) A Task 2 Viel Stadt für Wenig Geld [10] (a) Besucherkarten (b) 39,90 (c) Stadtmitte (d) Eintritt (e) kostenlos (f) gespart (g) anstrengend (h) unternehmungslustig (i) planen (j) sinnvoller

21 3 Section A: Listening and Writing Question Number Answer Marks Task 3 The Berlin Games Academy [15] (a) Because of their dress (1) (b) They are standing around computers (1) They are students at the Berlin Games Academy (1) They are taking part in a lesson (1) (any two for 2 marks) [2] (c) It s a computer game that is a student project (1) At first sight it is as good as professionally produced computer game (1) It s a bit shorter (1) [3] (d) He has to produce his own computer game (1) (e) Two thirds get a job immediately (1) (f) It s a huge market (1) The Germans spent a billion euros last year on computer games (1) [2] (g) There is no public provision (1) The Berlin Games Academy is private (1) It s the only place offering the course (1) (any 2 for 2 marks) [2] (h) 74 students (1) between ages of 18 and 50 (1) only 2 are women (1) (any 2 for 2 marks) [2] (i) Visit the website (1) Task 4 10 marks for Quality of Language (Accuracy) Grid C.2 10 marks for Communication, Grid H.1 [20] Section A Total [55] GRIDS NEXT PAGE

22 Aufgabe 4 20 marks [Grid H.1 Communication 10 marks] and [Grid C.2 Quality of Language: Accuracy 10 marks] 4 GRID H.1 COMMUNICATION 10 marks AO2 GRID C.2 QUALITY OF LANGUAGE (ACCURACY) 10 marks AO3 0-2 Very little or no information conveyed Only a quarter of the points conveyed Half of the information successfully conveyed Three quarters of the points conveyed. 7-8 Little evidence of grammatical awareness. Persistent, serious and elementary errors (endings, verb forms, gender of common nouns). Frequent first language interference. Evidence of gaps in basic grammar. Frequent errors of an elementary kind (endings, verb forms, gender of common nouns, adjectival agreements) but evidence of correct use of simple sentence structures. Vocabulary and structures may be quite strongly influenced by the candidate s first language. Shows evidence of fair understanding of grammatical usage. Generally accurate use of simple sentence structures. Some correct use of complex sentence structures. The performance is likely to be patchy and inconsistent. Language generally accurate. Shows a sound grasp of AS and/or A2 structures, as appropriate. Generally correct use of complex structures. Tenses and agreements good, although there may be some inconsistency and errors in more complex areas Most or all of the information successfully conveyed Characterised by a high and consistent level of accuracy in use of complex structures, although there may be some errors.

23 5 Section B: Reading and Writing Question Number Answer Marks Task 5 Frau und Herd [10] Sarah Wiener Johanna Maier Cornelia Potto (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) Task 6 [25 Punkte: 15 für Verständnis des Textes und 10 für Qualität der Sprache] (a) jüngere Leute / Leute zwischen 20 und 39 (1) (b) in kleineren Gruppen (1) lieber spontan als organisiert (1) [2] (c) er ist gut gebildet (1) er verdient gut (1) [2] (d) um Stress abzubauen / um sich zu entspannen / um die Nerven zu beruhigen (1) (e) es stärkt Herz und Kreislauf (1) (f) die elementaren Dinge des Lebens (1) (g) Waldlandschaft / Landschaft mit Hügeln (1) (h) Wegmarkierung (1) damit er nicht ständig den Weg suchen muss (1) [2] (i) eine (gemütliche) Gaststätte (1) (j) sie sind mit einem Qualitätszeichen versehen (1) (k) Er heißt Premiumweg (1) führt von Wiesbaden nach Bonn (1) hat atemberaubende Ausblicke auf das Rheintal (1) (any two for 2 marks) [2]

24 6 GRID C.2 QUALITY OF LANGUAGE (ACCURACY) 10 marks AO Little evidence of grammatical awareness. Persistent, serious and elementary errors (endings, verb forms, gender of common nouns). Frequent first language interference. Evidence of gaps in basic grammar. Frequent errors of an elementary kind (endings, verb forms, gender of common nouns, adjectival agreements) but evidence of correct use of simple sentence structures. Vocabulary and structures may be quite strongly influenced by the candidate s first language. Shows evidence of fair understanding of grammatical usage. Generally accurate use of simple sentence structures. Some correct use of complex sentence structures. The performance is likely to be patchy and inconsistent. 7-8 Language generally accurate. Shows a sound grasp of AS and/or A2 structures, as appropriate. Generally correct use of complex structures. Tenses and agreements good, although there may be some inconsistency and errors in more complex areas Characterised by a high and consistent level of accuracy in use of complex structures, although there may be some errors.

25 7 Section B: Reading and Writing Question Number Answer Marks Task 7 10 Comprehension of text : Grid I 20 Response to text: Grid J 10 Quality of language(accuracy): Grid C.2 10 Quality of language(range): Grid F.2 Total: 50 marks Possible comprehension points: (a) not long ago city had no future Internet gives far greater freedom no need to be in city to work most Germans wanted a home in the country only the poor and the old / people with no choice stayed in the city now people want to move back especially older people/ a third of over 50s they want entertainment close at hand they want the best doctors number of over 50s set to increase by 10 million by 2020 some younger people no longer want to commute from the country wastes too much money and time easier to combine family, work and leisure in city Section B Total [85] Paper Total [140] GRIDS NEXT PAGE

26 8 Grid I must be used in conjunction with the indicative content provided page 7 GRID I COMPREHENSION OF TEXT 10 marks AO2 GRID J RESPONSE TO TEXT 20 marks AO No relevant information or supplies one or two relevant points from the original passage. 0-3 Little relevant information. Includes up to a third of the points, showing understanding of some of the points. Over reliance on phrases lifted from the original passage. 4-7 Very short response. May not go beyond points of view already expressed in the original text. Manages the beginning of a response to the requirements of the task. May have difficulty in expressing and/or developing points of view Some relevant information showing understanding of up to half of the points. There may be instances of lifting from the original passage. Relevant information showing understanding of up to two third of the points from the original passage. There may be one or two instances of lifting from the original passage Expresses points of view which respond to the requirements of the task. Some of these may be developed and there may be some originality and/or imagination. Expresses points of view which are consistently developed and respond to the requirements of the task. Shows some originality and/or imagination Consistently relevant information. Includes nearly all the points from the original passage. Shows a very clear understanding of the text Responds with well developed points of view which show insight, originality and imagination.

27 9 GRID C.2 QUALITY OF LANGUAGE (ACCURACY) 10 marks AO3 GRID F.2 QUALITY OF LANGUAGE (RANGE) 10 marks AO3 0-2 Little evidence of grammatical awareness. Persistent, serious and elementary errors (endings, verb forms, gender of common nouns). Frequent first language interference. 0-2 Only simple sentence patterns. Very limited vocabulary. Very limited range of structures. 3-4 Evidence of gaps in basic grammar. Frequent errors of an elementary kind (endings, verb forms, gender of common nouns, adjectival agreements) but evidence of correct use of simple sentence structures. Vocabulary and structures may be quite strongly influenced by the candidate s first language. 3-4 Use of a restricted range of vocabulary and structures. Frequent repetition of the same words and phrases. Some attempt (not necessarily successful) at the use of more complex sentence structures. 5-6 Shows evidence of fair understanding of grammatical usage. Generally accurate use of simple sentence structures. Some correct use of complex sentence structures. The performance is likely to be patchy and inconsistent. 5-6 Attempts to extend the range of vocabulary, though still rather repetitive. Attempts to use more complex language with some success in producing a range of syntax and sentence structures appropriate to the task. 7-8 Language generally accurate. Shows a sound grasp of AS and/or A2 structures, as appropriate. Generally correct use of complex structures. Tenses and agreements good, although there may be some inconsistency and errors in more complex areas. 7-8 Effective use of a range of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the task, with little repetition. A positive attempt to introduce variety and to use a range of complex sentence structures (though not always able to maintain correct usage) Characterised by a high and consistent level of accuracy in use of complex structures, although there may be some errors Effective and confident use of a wide range of vocabulary and idiom with a variety of complex sentence structures. [Turn Over

28 10 Hörtext 1: Wo die Deutschen urlauben Transcripts of Listening Texts Gute Nachricht für die Tourismusindustrie. Die Deutschen reisen mehr, länger und teurer. Dies hat eine Umfrage der Organisation ETI ergeben, die 1050 Menschen ab 16 Jahre über ihre Ferien befragt hat. Im vergangenen Sommer reisten 54 Prozent und gaben dafür durchschnittlich 850 Euro aus. 23 Prozent erholten sich nur fünf bis sieben Tage, aber 12 Prozent faulenzten bis zu 40 Tagen im Ferienparadies. Ein Drittel der Urlauber verbrachte die Ferien in der Heimat, und zwar die meisten an der Küste. In Europa ist Italien das beliebteste Ziel, gefolgt von Spanien und Österreich. Hörtext 2: Viel Stadt für wenig Geld Viel Stadt für wenig Geld: Besucherkarten sind der neue Trend. Ich habe Hamburgs Metropolcard ausprobiert. Sie kostet 39,90 für drei Tage und ist in Hamburg und Umgebung gültig. Sie ermöglicht freien Eintritt zu Museen, Freizeiteinrichtungen und Bootsfahrten. Bus und Bahn sind auch eingeschlossen. Ich habe in den 3 Tagen sehr viel unternommen, was mich ohne Karte 62,70 gekostet hätte. Gespart hab ich also. Aber am Ende war ich todmüde. Wenn du viel unternehmen willst, lohnt es sich, eine Karte zu kaufen, aber du musst dich gut informieren und am besten einen Taschenrechner dabei haben. Wer allerdings nur shoppen oder Cafés besuchen will, kauf lieber eine Tageskarte für Bus und Bahn. Hörtext 3: The Berlin Games Academy Sie tragen Wollmützen und weite Hosen. Die meisten sind Anfang 20 und keine Frau ist in Sicht. Es könnte ein Skater-Treffen sein aber die jungen Männer, die um Computer herumstehen, sind Studenten der Berliner Games Academy: Das Treffen ist ganz normaler Unterricht. Auf dem Bildschirm läuft Fragfist, ein Schülerprojekt. Das Spiel ist auf den ersten Blick genau so professionell wie kommerzielle Titel, es ist nur etwas kürzer. Jeder Student muss zum Abschluss sein eigenes Computerspiel fertig stellen und dann mit diesem Computerspiel bewirbt er sich auch bei einem Spielproduzenten. Zwei Drittel der Absolventen bekommen sofort einen Job. Computerspiele sind jetzt ein Riesenmarkt. Die Deutschen haben dafür im letzten Jahr eine Milliarde Euro ausgegeben. Das deutsche Bildungssystem hat es aber noch nicht bemerkt und die private Berliner Games Academy ist die einzige Schule, die sich auf die Ausbildung von Computerspiel-Experten konzentriert. Zur Zeit wollen 74 Schüler Video-Spiel-Experte werden. Der jüngste ist 18, der älteste um die 50, und nur zwei davon sind Frauen. Wenn Sie Interesse an die

29 Berliner Games Academy haben, besuchen Sie die Webseite 11

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The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.

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Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference 4 3 7 5 0 1 Surname Signature Paper Reference(s) 4375/01 London Examinations IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Tuesday 20 May 2008 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (plus


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject *6104067077* GERMAN 9780/03 Paper 3 Writing and Usage May/June 2012 2 hours 15 minutes


Level 2 German, 2016

Level 2 German, 2016 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2016 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German texts on familiar matters 2.00 p.m. Tuesday 29 November 2016 Credits: Five


Level 1 German, 2013

Level 1 German, 2013 90883 908830 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2013 90883 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 12 November 2013 Credits: Five Achievement


This Candidate s Sheet is to be handed to the candidate 20 minutes in advance.

This Candidate s Sheet is to be handed to the candidate 20 minutes in advance. Advanced GCE 2664 GERMAN 2664, Speaking and Reading TEXT A 15 MARCH 2006 15 MAY 2007 No additional materials are required. TIME 15 minutes This Candidate s Sheet is to be handed to the candidate 20 minutes


Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour Centre No. Paper Reference Surname Initial(s) Candidate No. 1 2 3 1 4 H Signature Paper Reference(s) 1231/4H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 4H Writing Higher Tier Tuesday 12 June 2007 Afternoon Time: 1 hour


Level 1 German, 2012

Level 1 German, 2012 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2012 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 13 November 2012 Credits: Five Achievement


*A25321A0116* A25321A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over

*A25321A0116* A25321A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Thursday 7 June 2007 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


Level 1 German, 2011

Level 1 German, 2011 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2011 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am uesday Tuesday 1 November 2011 Credits: Five Achievement


Level 2 German, 2015

Level 2 German, 2015 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2015 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German text(s) on familiar matters 2.00 p.m. Friday 4 December 2015 Credits: Five


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject *1307670787* GERMAN 9780/03 Paper 3 Writing and Usage May/June 2014 2 hours 15 minutes Candidates


Paper Reference. German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+5 minutes reading time)

Paper Reference. German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+5 minutes reading time) Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 30 minutes (+5 minutes reading time) Materials


Level 1 German, 2012

Level 1 German, 2012 90883 908830 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2012 90883 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 13 November 2012 Credits: Five Achievement


Paper Reference. 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding. Foundation Tier

Paper Reference. 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding. Foundation Tier Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Tuesday 24 May 2005 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


Level 1 German, 2016

Level 1 German, 2016 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2016 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Wednesday 23 November 2016 Credits: Five Achievement


Tuesday 10 May 2011 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time

Tuesday 10 May 2011 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel IGCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre Number Candidate Number Tuesday 10 May 2011 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time You do not need


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject * 578041094 6 * GERMAN 9780/03 Paper 3 Writing and Usage May/June 2010 2 hours 15


Haslingden High School MFL Faculty Y8 German Block A Homework In der Stadt

Haslingden High School MFL Faculty Y8 German Block A Homework In der Stadt Haslingden High School MFL Faculty Y8 German Block A Homework In der Stadt Name: Form: Subject Teacher: Date Given: Date to Hand in: Grades: Reading Writing WWW: KS3 Target : Effort : House Points: IOTI



UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GERMAN 3025/03 Paper 3 Reading Passage A October/November 2009 No Additional Materials are required. *6137300105*



SAMPLE EXAMINATION BOOKLET S SAMPLE EXAMINATION BOOKLET New Zealand Scholarship German Time allowed: Three hours Total marks: 24 EXAMINATION BOOKLET Question ONE TWO Mark There are three questions. You should answer Question One


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject *2017944094* GERMAN 9780/03 Paper 3 Writing and Usage May/June 2011 2 hours 15 minutes


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF MRIGE INTERNTIONL EXMINTIONS International General ertificate of Secondary Education *7734681061* GERMN 0525/01 Paper 1 Listening May/June 2010 pprox. 45 minutes andidates answer on the Question


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certifi cate

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certifi cate Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certifi cate *0123456789* GERMAN (PRINCIPAL) 9780/03 Paper 3 Writing and Usage For Examination from 2016 SPECIMEN PAPER 2 hours 15 minutes Candidates


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education *4324318970* UNIVERSITY OF MRIGE INTERNTIONL EXMINTIONS International General ertificate of Secondary Education GERMN 0525/01 Paper 1 Listening May/June 2008 pprox. 45 minutes andidates answer on the Question



UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GERMAN 3025/03 Paper 3 Reading Passage A October/November 2008 No Additional Materials


German translation: technology

German translation: technology A. Starter Write the gender and the English translation for each word, using a dictionary if needed. Gender (der/die/das) German English Handy Computer Internet WLAN-Verbindung Nachricht Drucker Medien

Mehr UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GERMAN 3025/03 Paper 3 Reading Passage A October/November


*M22525A0116* M22525A W850/T1231/ /4/4/4/4/4/ Turn over

*M22525A0116* M22525A W850/T1231/ /4/4/4/4/4/ Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1F Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1F Listening and Responding Foundation Tier Friday 26 May 2006 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


Weiterbildungskolleg der Stadt Bielefeld Abendrealschule Fachbereich Englisch Frachtstraße 8 33602 Bielefeld

Weiterbildungskolleg der Stadt Bielefeld Abendrealschule Fachbereich Englisch Frachtstraße 8 33602 Bielefeld Weiterbildungskolleg der Stadt Bielefeld Abendrealschule Fachbereich Englisch Frachtstraße 8 33602 Bielefeld Requirements for Entering the First Term in English, Exercises to Prepare Yourself / Anforderungen


Haslingden High School MFL Faculty Y8 German Block A Homework In der Stadt

Haslingden High School MFL Faculty Y8 German Block A Homework In der Stadt Haslingden High School MFL Faculty Y8 German Block A Homework In der Stadt Name: Form: Subject Teacher: Date Given: Date to Hand in: Grades: Reading Writing WWW: KS3 Target : Effort : House Points: IOTI


GERMAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE. ATAR course examination Recording transcript

GERMAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE. ATAR course examination Recording transcript GERMAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE ATAR course examination 2017 Recording transcript 2018/2717 Web version of 2018/2715 Copyright School Curriculum and Standards Authority 2017 GERMAN: BACKGROUND LANGUAGE 2 RECORDING


*A25322A0112* A25322A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over

*A25322A0112* A25322A W850/T1231/ /6/6/6. Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding Higher Tier Thursday 7 June 2007 Morning Time: 40 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


GR3T/GR3V. General Certificate of Education June 2008 Advanced Subsidiary Examination. Unit 3 People and Society. Candidate s Material

GR3T/GR3V. General Certificate of Education June 2008 Advanced Subsidiary Examination. Unit 3 People and Society. Candidate s Material General Certificate of Education June 2008 Advanced Subsidiary Examination GERMAN Unit 3 People and Society Candidate s Material To be conducted by the teacher examiner between 7 March and 15 May 2008


Welcome to A Level German at The Bishop s Stortford High School! Below, you will find the bridging units which you must complete by the deadline.

Welcome to A Level German at The Bishop s Stortford High School! Below, you will find the bridging units which you must complete by the deadline. Welcome to A Level German at The Bishop s Stortford High School! Below, you will find the bridging units which you must complete by the deadline. 1. Reading comprehensions A & B 2. Listening 3. Grammar



UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level *2590175645* GERMAN 3025/02 Paper 2 Reading Comprehension October/November 2010 1 hour 30 minutes Candidates


Paper Reference. 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding. Higher Tier

Paper Reference. 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding. Higher Tier Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding Higher Tier Friday 26 May 2006 Afternoon Time: 40 minutes (+ 5 minutes reading time) Materials


Level 2 German, 2011

Level 2 German, 2011 90401 904010 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2011 90401 Listen to and understand spoken language in German in less familiar contexts 2.00 pm uesday Tuesday 1 November 2011 Credits: Six Check that the National


*H33660A0116* H33660A W850/T1231/ /1/1/1. Turn over

*H33660A0116* H33660A W850/T1231/ /1/1/1. Turn over Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 1231/1H Edexcel GCSE German Paper 1H Listening and Responding Higher Tier Friday 22 May 2009 Morning Time: 40 minutes (+5 minutes reading time) Materials required


GERMAN ( Non-Native)

GERMAN ( Non-Native) YEAR 9 (13+) SCHOLARSHIP May 2017 for entry in September 2017 GERMAN ( Non-Native) Your Name: Your School: Time allowed: 1 hour Equipment needed: Pen, pencil, lined paper, eraser. Information for candidates:


Zu + Infinitiv Constructions

Zu + Infinitiv Constructions Zu + Infinitiv Constructions You have probably noticed that in many German sentences, infinitives appear with a "zu" before them. These "zu + infinitive" structures are called infinitive clauses, and they're


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject GERMAN 9780/01 Paper 1 Speaking Card 1 May/June 2011 *6073892445*


Funktion der Mindestreserve im Bezug auf die Schlüsselzinssätze der EZB (German Edition)

Funktion der Mindestreserve im Bezug auf die Schlüsselzinssätze der EZB (German Edition) Funktion der Mindestreserve im Bezug auf die Schlüsselzinssätze der EZB (German Edition) Philipp Heckele Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Download and Read Free Online Funktion


VORANSICHT. Halloween zählt zu den beliebtesten. A spooky and special holiday Eine Lerntheke zu Halloween auf zwei Niveaus (Klassen 8/9)

VORANSICHT. Halloween zählt zu den beliebtesten. A spooky and special holiday Eine Lerntheke zu Halloween auf zwei Niveaus (Klassen 8/9) IV Exploringlifeandculture 12 Halloween(Kl.8/9) 1 von28 A spooky and special holiday Eine Lerntheke zu Halloween auf zwei Niveaus (Klassen 8/9) EinBeitragvonKonstanzeZander,Westerengel Halloween zählt


There are 10 weeks this summer vacation the weeks beginning: June 23, June 30, July 7, July 14, July 21, Jul 28, Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18, Aug 25

There are 10 weeks this summer vacation the weeks beginning: June 23, June 30, July 7, July 14, July 21, Jul 28, Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18, Aug 25 Name: AP Deutsch Sommerpaket 2014 The AP German exam is designed to test your language proficiency your ability to use the German language to speak, listen, read and write. All the grammar concepts and


Listening Comprehension: Talking about language learning

Listening Comprehension: Talking about language learning Talking about language learning Two Swiss teenagers, Ralf and Bettina, are both studying English at a language school in Bristo and are talking about language learning. Remember that Swiss German is quite


DIBELS TM. German Translations of Administration Directions

DIBELS TM. German Translations of Administration Directions DIBELS TM German Translations of Administration Directions Note: These translations can be used with students having limited English proficiency and who would be able to understand the DIBELS tasks better



RECORDING TRANSCRIPT LEVEL 1 GERMAN (90883), 2016 RECORDING TRANSCRIPT LEVEL 1 GERMAN (90883), 2016 Level 1 German (2016) page 2 of 9 ENGINEER TRACK 1 READER 1 Audibility Check. Please listen carefully to this introduction. This exam is NCEA Level 1 German



UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level GERMAN 3025/02 UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level *7319427388* GERMAN 3025/02 Paper 2 Reading Comprehension October/November 2011 1 hour 30 minutes Candidates


German Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40

German Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40 Centre Number Student Number 2011 HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION German Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes


Was heißt Denken?: Vorlesung Wintersemester 1951/52. [Was bedeutet das alles?] (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek) (German Edition)

Was heißt Denken?: Vorlesung Wintersemester 1951/52. [Was bedeutet das alles?] (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek) (German Edition) Was heißt Denken?: Vorlesung Wintersemester 1951/52. [Was bedeutet das alles?] (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek) (German Edition) Martin Heidegger Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Was


II. Matching. What answers listed below would be logical answers for the following There may be more than one answer for each:

II. Matching. What answers listed below would be logical answers for the following There may be more than one answer for each: KET German I Kapitel 6 Study Sheet Name: I. Listening A. Students should decide if answer given to a question is appropriate is appropriate. Expressions from chapter 6 are used (see dialogues in chapter.)


Monday 19 May 2014 Morning Time: 40 minutes (plus 5 minutes reading)

Monday 19 May 2014 Morning Time: 40 minutes (plus 5 minutes reading) Write your name here Surname Other names Pearson Edexcel Certificate Pearson Edexcel International GCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre Number Candidate Number Monday 19 May 2014 Morning Time: 40 minutes


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject GERMAN 9780/01 Paper 1 Speaking Card 1 May/June 2013 *2155551706* Additional Materials:


Friday 10 May 2013 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time

Friday 10 May 2013 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel International GCSE German Paper 1: Listening Centre Number Candidate Number Friday 10 May 2013 Afternoon Time: 30 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time You


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS Cambridge International Level 3 Pre-U Certificate Principal Subject GERMAN 9780/01 Paper 1 Speaking Card 1 May/June 2013 *2155551706*


BSc.(Hons) Tourism and Hospitality Management. Examinations for / Semester 1

BSc.(Hons) Tourism and Hospitality Management. Examinations for / Semester 1 BSc.(Hons) Tourism and Hospitality Management Cohort: BTHM/04/FT Year 2 Examinations for 2005-2006 / Semester 1 MODULE: GERMAN II MODULE CODE: LANG 2102 Duration: 2 Hours Instructions to Candidates: 1.


Level 1 German, 2015

Level 1 German, 2015 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2015 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Thursday 26 November 2015 Credits: Five Achievement


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF MRIDGE INTERNTIONL EXMINTIONS International General ertificate of Secondary Education *4893511927* GERMN 0525/11 Paper 1 Listening May/June 2013 pprox. 45 minutes andidates answer on the


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education *0775342121* UNIVERSITY OF MRIDGE INTERNTIONL EXMINTIONS International General ertificate of Secondary Education GERMN 0677/01 Paper 1 Listening May/June 2013 pprox. 45 minutes andidates answer on the


GERMAN (Second Language)

GERMAN (Second Language) GERMAN (Second Language) (Three Hours) Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be spent in


Level 1 German, 2016

Level 1 German, 2016 90883 908830 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2016 90883 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of spoken German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Wednesday 23 November 2016 Credits: Five



BIRTHDAY PRESENTS FOR GRANDMOTHERS BIRTHDAY PRESENTS FOR GRANDMOTHERS Fertigkeit Hören Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 5: Kann einfachen Interviews, Berichten, Hörspielen und Sketches zu vertrauten Themen folgen. (B1) Themenbereich(e)





Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien

Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien Episode 011 Grammar 1. Plural forms of nouns Most nouns can be either singular or plural. The plural indicates that you're talking about several units of the same thing. Ist das Bett zu hart? Sind die


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education

UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education UNIVERSITY OF MRIDGE INTERNTIONL EXMINTIONS International General ertificate of Secondary Education *4893511927* GERMN 0525/11 Paper 1 Listening May/June 2013 pprox. 45 minutes andidates


General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination June 2014

General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination June 2014 General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination June 2014 German GER2T/GER2V Unit 2 Speaking Test Examiner s Material To be conducted by the teacher examiner between 7 March and 15 May


Where are we now? The administration building M 3. Voransicht

Where are we now? The administration building M 3. Voransicht Let me show you around 9 von 26 Where are we now? The administration building M 3 12 von 26 Let me show you around Presenting your company 2 I M 5 Prepositions of place and movement There are many prepositions


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Ordinary Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Ordinary Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Ordinary Level *3189189222* GERMAN 3025/02 Paper 2 Reading Comprehension October/November 2014 1 hour 30 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper.


Unit 5. General Certificate of Education January 2003 Advanced Level Examination. Wednesday 29 January 2003 Afternoon Session. Time allowed: 2 hours

Unit 5. General Certificate of Education January 2003 Advanced Level Examination. Wednesday 29 January 2003 Afternoon Session. Time allowed: 2 hours General Certificate of Education January 2003 Advanced Level Examination GERMAN Unit 5 =>? Wednesday 29 January 2003 Afternoon Session In addition to this paper you will require: a 12-page answer book;


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Ordinary Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Ordinary Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Ordinary Level *8745787300* GERMAN 3025/02 Paper 2 Reading Comprehension October/November 2016 1 hour 30 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper.


Im Fluss der Zeit: Gedanken beim Älterwerden (HERDER spektrum) (German Edition)

Im Fluss der Zeit: Gedanken beim Älterwerden (HERDER spektrum) (German Edition) Im Fluss der Zeit: Gedanken beim Älterwerden (HERDER spektrum) (German Edition) Ulrich Schaffer Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Im Fluss der Zeit: Gedanken beim Älterwerden (HERDER


Haslingden High School MFL Faculty

Haslingden High School MFL Faculty Haslingden High School MFL Faculty Year 8 Block C - German 1 st Language Einkaufen und Geld Name: Form: German Teacher: Date Given: Date to Hand in: Target Level: Level achieved in Reading : Level achieved


Orientierungsarbeit Englisch

Orientierungsarbeit Englisch Sächsisches Staatsministerium Geltungsbereich: Klassenstufe 6 für Kultus Mittelschule / Förderschule Schuljahr 2007/2008 Orientierungsarbeit Englisch Mittelschule Klassenstufe 6 Material für Schüler Allgemeine


Max und Moritz: Eine Bubengeschichte in Sieben Streichen (German Edition)

Max und Moritz: Eine Bubengeschichte in Sieben Streichen (German Edition) Max und Moritz: Eine Bubengeschichte in Sieben Streichen (German Edition) Wilhelm Busch Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Max und Moritz: Eine Bubengeschichte in Sieben Streichen


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certificate

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certificate Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Pre-U Certificate GERMAN (PRINCIPAL) 9780/01 Paper 1 Speaking Card 1 May/June 2015 *6471587667* Additional Materials: READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Blank


English grammar BLOCK F:

English grammar BLOCK F: Grammatik der englischen Sprache UNIT 24 2. Klasse Seite 1 von 13 English grammar BLOCK F: UNIT 21 Say it more politely Kennzeichen der Modalverben May and can Adverbs of manner Irregular adverbs Synonyms


Arbeitsblatt Nein, Mann!

Arbeitsblatt Nein, Mann! Exercise 1: Understanding the lyrics First of all, read through the song lyrics on the Liedtext sheet. You can find the English translations of the underlined words on the right hand side. Use a dictionary


German Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40. Section I Pages 2 6

German Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40. Section I Pages 2 6 Centre Number HIGHER SCHOOL CERTIFICATE 2015 EXAMINATION Student Number German Extension Written Examination Total marks 40 General Instructions Reading time 10 minutes Working time 1 hour and 50 minutes


GERMAN ( Non Native)

GERMAN ( Non Native) YEAR 9 (13+) SCHOLARSHIP May 2016 for entry in September 2016 GERMAN ( Non Native) Your Name: Your School: Time allowed: 1 hour Equipment needed: Pen, pencil, eraser. Information for candidates: 1. Dictionaries


Haslingden High School MFL Faculty

Haslingden High School MFL Faculty Haslingden High School MFL Faculty Year 8 Block C - German 1 st Language Einkaufen und Geld Set 4 Name: Form: German Teacher: Date Given: Date to Hand in: Target Level: Level achieved in Reading : Level


Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Ordinary Level

Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Ordinary Level Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge Ordinary Level *2156074040* GERMAN 3025/02 Paper 2 Reading Comprehension October/November 2015 1 hour 30 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper.


Unit 5. General Certificate of Education June 2003 Advanced Level Examination. Wednesday 11 June am am. Time allowed: 2 hours

Unit 5. General Certificate of Education June 2003 Advanced Level Examination. Wednesday 11 June am am. Time allowed: 2 hours General Certificate of Education June 2003 Advanced Level Examination GERMAN Unit 5 =>? Wednesday 11 June 2003 9.00 am 11.00 am In addition to this paper you will require: a 12-page answer book; Time allowed:


Slide 3: How to translate must not and needn t with two sentences to illustrate this.

Slide 3: How to translate must not and needn t with two sentences to illustrate this. Teaching notes This resource is designed to revise the use of modal verbs in the present tense and includes a starter card sort, PowerPoint presentation and Word worksheet. Suggested starter activities


Der Buddhismus im Vergleich mit dem Evangelium der Bibel: Ist das Leben Leiden? Missionstheologischer Exkurs Christentum- Buddhismus (German Edition)

Der Buddhismus im Vergleich mit dem Evangelium der Bibel: Ist das Leben Leiden? Missionstheologischer Exkurs Christentum- Buddhismus (German Edition) Der Buddhismus im Vergleich mit dem Evangelium der Bibel: Ist das Leben Leiden? Missionstheologischer Exkurs Christentum- Buddhismus (German Edition) Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically





Unterwegs mit einem Engel: Mit dem Buch Tobit durch die Fastenzeit bis Ostern (HERDER spektrum) (German Edition)

Unterwegs mit einem Engel: Mit dem Buch Tobit durch die Fastenzeit bis Ostern (HERDER spektrum) (German Edition) Unterwegs mit einem Engel: Mit dem Buch Tobit durch die Fastenzeit bis Ostern (HERDER spektrum) (German Edition) Andrea Schwarz Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Unterwegs mit einem
