Interrelations of. Agriculture and Water Agricultural policy adaptation measures to future water quality and quantity requirements

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1 Interrelations of Agriculture and Water Agricultural policy adaptation measures to future water quality and quantity requirements Klaus Wagner Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics Marxergasse Vienna, Austria

2 Introduction Evident problems in Austria Groundwater quality Flood Water scarcity 2

3 Groundwater quality - situation (1) Austrian ÖPUL - Bewertungsfrage Wasser - Nitrat Übersicht Auswertung nach der Grundwasserschwellenwertverordnung Grundwasserkörper groundwater regions ausgewiesen als Beobachtungsgebiet im Zeitraum 2007/2008 and nitrate concentrations ausgewiesen als voraussichtliches Maßnahmengebiet im Zeitraum 2007/2008 Projektgebiet ÖPUL Maßnahmen zum vorbeugenden Grundwasserschutz Grenze Bundesland Klaus Wagner, 03/2010 Quelle: Lebensministerium 2010; Umweltbundesamt 2009; eigene Bearbeitung 3

4 Groundwater quality - situation (2) Groundwater measurements with an exceeding nitrate threshold (%) 4

5 1.000 t nutruient Groundwater quality - situation (3) Sale of fertilizers in Austria N P2O5 K2O Linear (N) Linear (P2O5) Linear (K2O) Year 5

6 Flood (1) Flood prevention on agricultural lands Flood sensitivity of agricultural lands Costs of agricultural measures for adapted land use 6

7 Flood (2) Natural properties Agricultural land use Natural properties Flood prevention on agric. areas Low prevention in case of: soil, landscape and climatic conditions which favour quick water runoff agricultural land use with high share of arable land and risk crops (corn, sunflowers, beets ) Agricultural measures and costs Recommendations for an improved flood prevention and reduced flood sensitivity Frequency of floods Agricultural land use Flood sensitivity of agric. areas High sensitivity in case of: frequent flooding soil, landscape and climatic conditions which favour quick water runoff agricultural land use with high share of arable land and risk crops (corn, sunflowers, beets ) 7

8 Flood (3) Flood prevention contribution of agricultural lands Seitenstetten Gewässereinzugsgebiete Nutzungsbed. Hochwasserprävention Fließgewässer Gemeindegrenze Gewässereinzugsgebiet gering gering - mittel mittel mittel - hoch ± hoch 0 0,5 1 2 Kilometers Projekt Landwirtschaft und Hochwasser Flood Risk II Bundesanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft 05/2008 Seitenstetten Seitenstetten Gewässereinzugsgebiete Water Catchment Areas Nutzungsbed. Flood Prevention Hochwasserprävention Fließgewässer River Gemeindegrenze Community borderline Gewässereinzugsgebiet Water catchment area gering low mittel middle hoch high Wald Wood bzw. or Siedlungsfläche settlement area ± 0 0,5 1 2 Kilometers Projekt Landwirtschaft und Hochwasser Flood Risk II Bundesanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft 05/2008 8

9 Flood (4) Flood sensitivity of agricultural lands Seitenstetten Gewässereinzugsgebiete Nutzungsbed. Hochwasserempfindlichkeit Fließgewässer Gemeindegrenze Gewässereinzugsgebiet gering gering - mittel mittel mittel - hoch ± hoch 0 0,5 1 2 Kilometers Projekt Landwirtschaft und Hochwasser Flood Risk II Bundesanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft 05/2008 Seitenstetten Gewässereinzugsgebiete Water Catchment Areas Nutzungsbed. Flood Sensitivity Hochwasserempfindlichkeit Fließgewässer River Gemeindegrenze Community borderline Gewässereinzugsgebiet Water catchment area gering low mittel middle hoch high Wald Wood bzw. or Siedlung settlement area ± 0 0,5 1 2 Kilometers Projekt Landwirtschaft und Hochwasser Flood Risk II Bundesanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft 05/2008 9

10 Water Scarcity (1) Impacts of climate change on agriculture Agricultural vulnerability evaluation in pilot regions Agricultural policy measures and its influence on water consumption Agricultural options for adaptation / mitigation of water scarcity 10

11 Water Scarcity (2) Development of indicators: Water consumption of agriculture Plant cultivation (5 classes, crop coefficient FAO) Animal husbandry (3 classes, guidelines for livestock water consumption) Irrigation (share of irrigable area) Soil Capacity of available water (3 classes) Climate Aridity index (3 classes, relation of temperature and precipitation) 11

12 Agriculture plant cultivation Agricultural land use classification: Plant category Spring Grain, Grapes Sunflowers Legumes, Maize, Roots, Tubers Wintergrain Fruittrees, Berries, Rapeseed Grassland, Pastures Examples of cultivated crops Springwheat, Springrye, Springbarley, Springoats, Millet, Sorghum, Sunflower, Pumpkin, Grapes Fababean, Soybean, Peas, Maize, Sugarbeets Potatoes Wheat, Barley, Oats, Triticale Apples, Cherries, Pears, Apricots, Peaches, Rapeseed, Berries Rotated pastures, Low input grassland, Meadows Water demand Class very low 1 low 2 middle 3 high 4 very high 5 12

13 Agriculture animal husbandry Livestock classification: Livestock category Water demand Per livestock unit per year. m³ Rearing, fattening calves, pigs Horses, laying hens, sheep, goats, breeding cows, suckler cows, dairy cattle Fattening chicken, turkey, Production piglets Classification and weight low (1) middle (3) high (5) 13

14 Weighted risk points 2.1 Current Situation Agricultural Risk Analysis for Water Scarcity Pilot regions - overview Type of Agricultural Area Arable land % Grassland intensive % Grassland low input % Orchard % Vineyard % XXX Agricultural area in ha Austria Steirisches Randgebirge France Switzerland Sandey 648 Noce Piave Steirisches Becken Lower Gurktal Kärnten gesamt Koralpe Steiermark Koralpe Kärnten Jauntal Karawanken Slovenia Julian Alps Dravsko-Ptujsko Tarentaise Arly Risk Classification Land Use Italy 500 Scrivia National borderline Alp Water Scarce Project Federal Institute of Agricultural Economics Vienna Klaus Wagner Source: own calculations, national statistic data 0 Steir. Randgebirge Koralpe Kärnten Kärnten gesamt* Koralpe Steiermark Karawanken Jauntal Lower Gurktal Steir. Becken Tarentaise Arly* Dravsko-Ptujsko* Pilot region Scrivia* Julian Alps* Noce Spöl* Sandey* 14 Piave

15 Standardized risk points 2.1 Current Situation Risk Classification Standardized Steir. Randgebirge Kärnten gesamt* Koralpe Kärnten Koralpe Steiermark Karawanken Jauntal Lower Gurktal Steir. Becken Tarentaise Arly* Dravsko-Ptujsko* Scrivia* Julian Alps* Noce Spöl* Sandey* Piave -3 Pilot region Land use Livestock Soil Aridity Irrigation 15

16 Five steps of intervention Land management, treatment, cultivation methods, stable and grazing management short term Intensity of agricultural land use Varieties, species Type of crop rotation Type of land use, farm and landscape management Economic and Ecologic Impact long term 16

17 Examples of additional costs Measures of land use change Additional annual expenditure in /ha Change from autumn ploughing wihtout green cover to ploughing with temporary green cover Change from winter barley to grassland 360,- Changes from forage cereals to grassland 324,- Change from Triticale to grassland 309,- Change from forage wheat to grassland 279,- 159,- Change from corn to forage cereals 158,- Change from autumn ploughing without green cover to direct seeding in winter cover crops -22,- 17

18 Conclusions and recommendations (1) Better understanding, awareness of multifunctionality of agricultural land (especially concerning water relevance) is necessary Austrian-wide analyses of current cultivation practices in water catchment and flood plain areas Setting of regional priorities regarding the water situation (quantity and quality) 18

19 Conclusions and recommendations (2) Looking for or develop suitable state-regulated and private instruments (e.g. in the Agri-Environmental Programme) Deriving generally accepted criteria for watercompatible land cultivation 19

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