Deutsch 101 Spring 2016 MWF 9:00 9:50 am, Capers 407

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Deutsch 101 Spring 2016 MWF 9:00 9:50 am, Capers 407 Instructor: Prof. Susanne Frenzel Office: Capers 207 A Office Hours: MWF 8:00 9:00 am MW 2:00 3:00 pm and by appointment Contact: Required Texts in Hard Copy (no E-books): Kontakte. 7 th Edition. McGraw Hill Required Electronic Texts: Connect Online Workbook (Arbeitsbuch), the access code is packaged with the textbook! Recommended: English Grammar for Students of German. Zorach, Melin, and Kautz Course Goals: Welcome to Elementary German I! In this course you will acquire basic skills for effective and meaningful communication in German. To achieve this, we will focus on the five essential skills for communication: understanding, speaking, reading, writing, and culture. After successfully completing this course you will be able to make small talk and talk about yourself and your interests in German, as well as to ask others about themselves. The conversational and cultural competence you develop will lay the groundwork for meeting other people and making contacts abroad. This course is conducted in German. Assignments and Assessment Summary 10 % Participation: 20 % Homework 10 % Daily Quiz 10 % Compositions 25% Chapter Tests 10% Vocabulary Tests 15 % Final (Written and Oral) Scale: (%) A=100-90 B=89-80 C=79-70 D=69-60 F=59-0 Detailed Assignment Guide: 10% Teilnahme (Class Participation): Successful language learning depends on active class participation. Class participation includes coming to class prepared (i.e. completing all homework), as well as checking email for announcements. The participation grade will reflect your contribution to class (for example: being present and punctual, answering and asking questions, being prepared when called on, being a team player in group work, and avoiding English, staying awake and focused in class, not leaving the classroom during the 50-minute period, and bringing the required materials). 20% Hausaufgaben (homework) in the textbook Kontakte (& ) and Connect (: ). Your success in learning German and ability to participate in class depends heavily on the time spent studying and preparing outside of class. All homework is listed on the Semesterplan below. & A reading in Kontakte that introduces a new grammar topic before we practice it in class. Read the grammar explanation in English, and then log in to Connect to complete the assigned Strukturen exercises. Complete the exercises on your own, using the information you ve just read and the charts provided as a reference. All homework assignments are due at 9 am on the date they are scheduled on the Semesterplan. : Connect: first time log-on requires the access code packaged with your textbook and enrollment instructions provided by your professor. 2 Arbeitsblatt (worksheet) assignments are also posted in Connect. Print each worksheet, complete it by hand and turn it in on the date scheduled. G Drops: Your two lowest homework grades in Connect will be dropped. 1

10% Quiz des Tages (Daily Quiz )Expect a brief quiz almost every class on grammar, culture, vocab. There are absolutely no make-up quizzes. G Drops: Your 3 lowest QdT grades will be dropped. 10% Aufsatz (Composition) assignments. To be completed in class as scheduled on the Semesterplan. Aufsätze will be graded by your instructor. Students who take pains to follow instructions and consult their notes and textbooks should receive the grade of A or B. If such pains have been taken and the assignment receives the grade of C, it is a sign to seek extra help from your instructor. 10% O Vokabeltest (vocabulary quiz). To prepare for vocabulary quizzes, review the appropriate sections of the vocabulary list at the end of the chapter, as well as the pictures and activities with which vocabulary was introduced in class. Successful students use flash cards to study vocabulary and start studying on the first day of the chapter. There are several helpful free online resources for creating and studying flashcards, including Please keep in mind that online flashcard sets have not been vetted by your Citadel instructor and cannot be assumed to accurately or completely reflect the list contained in the textbook. 25% O Prüfungen (chapter tests). A chapter test covers vocabulary, grammatical structures, listening, reading, writing and culture. Review all the work you have completed for the chapter. G Missed Tests: Tests may not be missed due to guard duty. This is Citadel policy. If a chapter test or vocab quiz must be missed for some other reason, contact your professor in advance to make arrangements. In cases of illness or emergency, contact your professor as soon as possible.if you informed your professor appropriately, the next test will count double. If there is no following test, the previous test score will be used. Failing to notify your professor in advance of missing a test or missing a second test may result in a grade of 0 for that test. Emergency? Contact your professor as soon as possible. 5% Mündliche Prüfung (oral final). An interview with your professor and a role play, scheduled during the last weeks of the semester. The oral final will evaluate your ability to sustain conversation and respond to certain situations in German. 10% P Semesterklausur (final exam): Cumulative written exam, on the date scheduled by the college. Your professor is not permitted to reschedule exams. Plan your holiday travel accordingly Final Exam Date and Time: Thursday, April 28 at 13:00 Your professor is not permitted to reschedule final exams. Please plan your holiday travel accordingly. General Course Policies Homework All homework is listed on the Semesterplan below, and is due on the date it is listed. Remember: Your success in foreign language learning depends heavily on the time spent studying and preparing outside of class. No late homework will be accepted, except in extraordinary circumstances and by arrangement with your Professor. (Forgetting, printer problems, guard duty, training exercises, etc, do not qualify as extraordinary circumstances.) When you plan to be absent, homework must be submitted in advance. 2

Attendance Attendance is mandatory. Official Citadel attendance policy will be followed. Students must notify the professor at least 24 hours in advance of any planned absence and submit homework in advance. Students must make an effort to reschedule guard duty when it conflicts with class, and tests may not be missed due to guard duty (The White Book, p. 86-7). Furthermore, "For any student, absences, whether authorized or unauthorized, in excess of 20% of the meetings of a particular course can, at the discretion of the professor, result in a grade of F in that course" (Blue Book, p. 86). Cell Phones and Electronic Devices Use of personal electronic devices is not permitted during class, except when called for by the professor. Such devices include cell phones (including camera phones and smart phones), blackberries, pagers, tablet PCs, mobile presenters, wireless tablets, digital recorders, beepers, palms, IPods, MP3 players, texting calculators, digital cameras, and laptops. (This policy does not extend to medically necessary assistive devices and to approved emergency communications). Texting or otherwise working with your electronic devices in class displays not only a visible lack of attention but also a lack of respect for your classmates, for your instructor, and for your learning environment, and therefore affects your participation grade. If you are experiencing a situation that requires you to be in constant electronic contact, consult with your instructor about the best way to proceed. Course Policy on Dictionaries, Translations and Extra Help: Our policy is designed to help language learners form good habits. We understand the frustration of being limited, yet we know that unlimited access does not automatically lead to more successful communication and in fact often inhibits it. We encourage students to embrace the early honey-moon phase of language learning, during which there is only a relatively small amount of material to feel responsible for. In our experience, students who make the most of this time by communicating courageously, playfully and experimentally in German will rarely be at a loss for words. "One-way" policy for Dictionaries: Use of traditional or online dictionaries in German 101 should be "one way", namely, to look up the meaning of a German words in English (German English). We ask you not to look up English words and phrases in order to use their German equivalent in an essay, for example. The purpose of assignments is to practice the German that we ve targeted in class. Use the German that you know! Ask your professor for additional vocabulary when necessary. "Two-way" policy for Textbook glossary: The glossary in the back of the textbook may be used two ways (German English/English German), but with caution: avoid words that aren't introduced until later chapters unless you are confident that you can use them correctly. Remember that words can have multiple meanings and the glossary won't always make that clear. If you require vocabulary beyond what the book provides in order to express yourself, ask your professor for help! Translation Programs: Use of online translators, translation software, etc. is cheating and will not be tolerated. This includes using an online dictionary to translate even a single phrase from English. Tutoring and extra help: Your professor is available during office hours and by appointment for extra help. For regular tutoring, we encourage you to seek out the German tutor at the Writing and Learning Center. Consult with your professor before receiving help from anyone else. Cheating/Plagiarism: All work submitted must be your own. Use of online translation programs is cheating. Using German phrases you have learned from the textbook is not plagiarism, as long as you are personalizing the information. G The Syllabus and Semesterplan are subject to change. 3

Semesterplan G Submit all homework by the start of class on the day it is listed. Day Date Homework Topics in class Tag Datum Hausaufgaben Themen im Unterricht 1 Mittwoch 13. Januar 2 Freitag 15. Januar Montag 18. Januar 3 Mittwoch, 20. Januar 4 Freitag, 22. Januar 5 Montag 25. Januar : Print out or save a copy of the complete syllabus and Semesterplan. & die Vokabelliste (vocab list) auf Seite (on page) 17. (Create flashcards for this vocabulary and start learning them daily from today onward). Register with Connect. You must register with Connect in order to complete the homework! : Einf. A: Aufforderungen (complete online on Connect) & S.(page) 20: Lesen Sie A.2. (read only) : Strukturen A.2: heißen. (complete online on Connect). O Schreiben Sie das Syllabus Quiz MLK-Tag : Einf. A: Namen; : Einf. A: Kultur-Namen; : Einf. A: Kleidung (complete online on Connect) & S. 20-2: Lesen Sie (read) A.4. : Strukturen A.4: gender (complete online on Connect) : Einf. A: Farben; : Einf. A: Begrüßen und Verabschieden; : Einf. A: Kultur-Begrüßen und Verabschieden. 2 Arbeitsblatt (Worksheet): Begrüßen und Verabschieden (worksheet assignments posted in Connect must be printed and turned in in class.) TB: S. 23: Lesen Sie A.5. : Strukturen A.5: Sie vs. du vs. ihr : Einf. A: Aussprache und Orthographie 2 Arbeitsblatt: Aufsatz 1, Training Wiederholen Sie (review)für den Vokabeltest Einf. A Einführung A Kennenlernen Aufforderungen Warum Deutsch? (Why German?) Namen Kleidung Zahlen 1-10 heißen case and gender Kein Unterricht (no class) Farben (Kultur) Begrüßen/Verabschieden Du vs. Sie Zahlen Nouns and Pronouns O Vokabeltest 1: Einf. A 2 Aufsatz (Essay) 1: in class 6 Mittwoch, 27. Januar 7 Freitag, 29. Januar & Lernen Sie den Wortschatz auf S. 38-9. (Create flashcards for the vocabulary and start learning them daily). : Videoecke A: Perspektiven : Videoecke A: Interview TB: S. 40: Lesen Sie B.1 und B.2-3 (S. 41-42.) : Strukturen B.1: definite/indefinite articles : Strukturen B.2-3: sein und haben : Einf. B: Der Seminarraum : Einf. B: Aussprache: word stress TB: S. 43-4: Lesen Sie B.4. : Strukturen B.4: plural forms of nouns Einführung B Der Seminarraum Definite + indefinite articles The verbs sein and haben Beschreibungen Der Körper Wie viele? Plural forms of nouns The verbs sein and haben 4

Tag Datum Hausaufgaben Themen im Unterricht 8 Montag, 1. Februar 9 Mittwoch, 3. Februar 10 Freitag, 5. Februar 11 Montag, 8. Februar 12 Mittwoch, 10. Februar 13 Freitag, 12. Februar 14 Montag, 15. Februar 15 Mittwoch, 17. Februar 16 Freitag, 19. Februar 17 Montag, 22. Februar 18 Mittwoch, 24. Februar 19 Freitag, 26. Februar : Einf. B: Beschreibungen : Einf. B: Der Körper TB: S. 45: Lesen Sie B.5 : Strukturen B.5: personal pronouns : Einf. B: Die Familie : Einf. B: Orthographie - capitalizing nouns : Einf. B: Wetter und Jahreszeiten : Einf. B: Kultur Deutschland, Lage, Klima und Wetter TB: S. 46-7: Lesen Sie B.6 und B.7. : Strukturen B.6: origins : Strukturen B.7: possessive adjectives : Videoecke B: Interviews : Einf. B: Herkunft und Nationalität O Wiederholen Sie S.38-39 für den Vokabeltest. 2 Arbeitsblatt: Aufsatz 2 Training & Lernen Sie den Wortschatz auf S. 67-68 (Create flashcards for the vocabulary and start learning them daily from today onward) & S. 69-70: Lesen Sie 1.1. : Strukturen 1.1: present tense. : K1: Freizeit : K1: Aussprache und Orthographie: rounded vowels and melody. TB: 71-2: Lesen Sie 1.2. : Strukturen 1.2: gern / nicht gern : K1: Aussprache und Orthographie: the r-sounds : K1: Kultur-Schulsystem : K1: Schule und Universität 2 Arbeitsblatt: Schule und Universität TB: S. 72-3: Lesen Sie 1.3 und schreiben Sie Übung 6. : Strukturen 1.3: telling time. : K1: Videoecke 1: Perspektiven & S.74-6: Lesen Sie 1.4 und 1.5. : Strukturen 1.4: word order : Strukturen 1.5: separable-prefix verbs. : K1: Tagesablauf 2 Arbeitsblatt: Tagesablauf 2 Arbeitsblatt: Aufsatz 3 Training & S.76: Lesen Sie 1.6 : Strukturen 1.6: word order in questions : Persönliche Daten : Videoecke 1: Interviews Die Familie Personal pronouns Wetter und Jahreszeiten Kultur: Wetter und Klima Wochentage Herkunft und Nationalität Kultur origins: Woher kommen Sie? possessive adjectives O Vokabeltest 2: Einf. B 2 Aufsatz 2: in class Kapitel 1: Wer ich bin und was ich tue Freizeit und Hobbys present tense expessing likes and dislikes Was machst du gern? Musikszene present tense expressing likes and dislikes Schule und Universität Kultur: Schule O Vokabeltest 3: Freizeit, Orte, Schule und Universität Uhrzeit (telling time) Tagesablauf Word order in statements Separable Prefix Verbs Filmlektüre: Hilfe! 2 Aufsatz 3: in class Persönliche Daten Word order in questions Persönliche Daten Lektüre: Guten Tag, ich heiße... 5

Tag Datum Hausaufgaben Themen im Unterricht 20 Montag, 29. Februar : Kultur: Urlaub und Feiertage Lektüre 21 Mittwoch, 2. März & Wortschatz S.67-68 für den Vokabeltest. O Vokabeltest 4: Persönliche Daten, Tagesablauf, Verben mit trennbaren Präfixen Wiederholung 22 Freitag, 4. März O Wiederholen Sie für die Prüfung, Einf. A-B und Kapitel 1. O Prüfung! Einf. A-B und Kapitel 1 23 Montag, 7. März 24 Mittwoch, 9. März 25 Freitag 11. März 26 Montag 14. März & Wortschatzlisten Besitz, Haus und Wohnung,, Sonstige Substantive, Kleidung und Schmuck, Verben, Adjektive und Adverbien und Possessivpronomen auf S. 95-7. (Create flashcards for the vocabulary and start learning them daily from today onwards) : K2: Aussprache und Orthographie: rounded vowels : K2: Kultur-Lola rennt! & S.98: Lesen Sie 2.1 : Strukturen 2.1: the accusative case : K2: Besitz : Aussprache und Orthographie: vocalic r and schwa : Videoecke 2: Interviews & S.99-100: Lesen Sie 2.2 : K2: Kultur-Der Euro 2 Arbeitsblatt: Besitz & S.100-101: Lesen Sie 2.3. Kapitel 2: Besitz und Vergnügen Filmlektüre: Lola rennt Besitz The accusative case Kultur: der Euro The negative article Geschenke What would you like? 27 Mittwoch 16. März 28 Freitag 18. März : K2: Geschenke 2 Arbeitsblatt: Geschenke & S.101-103: Lesen Sie 2.4 : Strukturen 2.4: possessive adjectives : K2: Kleidung und Aussehen & S.104: Lesen Sie 2.5 : Strukturen 2.5: stem-vowel changing verbs. O Vokabeltest 5: Besitz, Haus und Wohnung, Sonstige Substantive Kleidung und Aussehen Musikszene Possessive Adjectives Vergnügen (Kultur) Stem-vowel changing verbs 29 Montag 21. März : K2: Vergnügen 2 Arbeitsblatt: Vergnügen 2 Arbeitsblatt: Aufsatz 4 Training 2 Aufsatz 4: in class 6

Tag Datum Hausaufgaben Themen im Unterricht 30 Mittwoch 23. März 31 Freitag 25. März & S.106: Lesen Sie 2.6 : Strukturen 2.6: the du-imperative & Lernen Sie Wortschatz, S.96-97 für den Vokabeltest: Kap 2! O Vokabeltest 6: Kleidung und Schmuck, Verben, Adjektive und Adverbien the du-imperative Wiederholung Wiederholen Sie für die Prüfung: Kapitel 2 O Prüfung: Kapitel 2 32 Montag 4. April 33 Mittwoch 6. April Frühlingsferien vom 28. März bis 3. April spring break & Talente und Pläne, Pflichten, Körperliche und geistige Verfassung,, Schule, Modalveben, Sonstige Verben und Adjektiven und Adverbien auf Seite 128-9. (Create flashcards for the vocabulary and start learning them daily from today onwards) : K3: Aussprache und Orthographie: dipthongs & S.130-31: Lesen Sie 3.1 : Strukturen 3.1: können, wollen, mögen : K3: Talente und Pläne. & S. 131-2: Lesen Sie 3.2. : Strukturen 3.2: müssen, sollen, dürfen Kapitel 3 Talente und Pläne können, wollen, mögen Pflichten müssen, sollen, dürfen Musikszene 34 Freitag 8. April 2 Arbeitsblatt: Modalverben : K3: Pflichten 35 Montag 11. April 36 Mittwoch 13. April 37 Freitag 15. April : K3: Kultur-Schuljahr, Zeugnisse und Jugendschutz : Videoecke 3: Interviews : K3: Aussprache und Orthographie: sentence rhythm, pauses, and stress & S.133-134: Lesen Sie 3.3 : Strukturen 3.3: accusative personal pronouns : K3: Ach wie nett! & S.135-6: Lesen Sie 3.4 : Strukturen 3.4: word order in independent clauses 38 Montag 18. April : K3: Körperliche und geistige Verfassung 2 Arbeitsblatt: Körperliche Verfassung/Geistige Verfassung Kultur: Schuljahr und Zeugnisse Kultur: Jugendschutz Vertiefung: Modalverben O Vokabeltest 7: Talente und Pläne, Pflichten, Schule, Modalverben Lektüre: Ringe fürs Leben zu zweit Ach wie nett! Accus. personal pronouns Filmlektüre: Soul Kitchen Körperliche und geistige Verfassung Dependent clauses: wenn und weil Vertiefung: dependent clauses Dependent clauses: separable prefix verbs 7

Tag Datum Hausaufgaben Themen im Unterricht 39 Mittwoch 20. April 40 Freitag 22. April 41 Montag 25. April & S.137: Lesen Sie 3.5 : Strukturen 3.5: dependent clauses and separable prefix verbs : Videoecke 3: Perspektiven 2 Arbeitsblatt: Aufsatz 5 Training & Wiederholen Mündliche Prüfung 2 Aufsatz 5: in class Wiederholung 28.April 13:00 Uhr P Semesterklausur 8