Pen enrichment and reduction of tail biting

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Pen enrichment and reduction of tail biting Wim Houwers (GIQS) Herman Vermeer, Karel de Greef, Marc Bracke, Johan Zonderland (Wageningen UR Livestock Research)

What is tail biting An abnormal behaviour in which one pig (biter) bites into the tail/ear/leg/flank of another pig (victim) and causes a wound

Tool kit: Soring e.g. tail wounds 1. No damage 3. Tail wound 2. Bite marks Complete protocol in: Zonderland et al., 2003. Preventie en behandeling van staartbijten bij gespeende biggen. PraktijkRapport Varkens, 18, Lelystad OR Velarde & Geers (ed), 2007. On farm monitoring of pig welfare. P 63 Also using support system by Taylor et al (instruments on wound scoring and risk factors)

Directive EC 2001/93, Art. 8 of the Annex [..] tail docking [ ] must [not] be carried out routinely but only where there is evidence that injuries to [ ] other pigs [ ] tails have occurred. Before carrying out these procedures, other measures shall be taken to prevent tail biting and other vices taking into account environment and stocking densities. For this reason, inadequate environmental conditions or management systems must be changed. Procedures must be performed appropriately, hygienically and by a trained person. After the 7 th day of life: only by a vet under anaesthesia and prolonged analgesia

EC Directive 2001/93/EG Pigs must have permanent access to a sufficient quantity of material to enable proper investigation and manipulation activities, such as straw, hay, wood, sawdust, mushroom compost, peat or a mixture of such, which does not compromise the health of the animals.

- Economical impact (J. Zonderland) Prevalence of 2,1% in weaned and finishing pigs Costs per pig Weaned piglet 8.39 Finishing pig 9.26 Costs at farm level Farrowing farm (500 sows) 2,354 Finishing farm (4000 pigs) 2,426 Total costs NL 8 million/year (Confidential; preliminary data)

Motivation for Tail Docking In intensive pig husbandry pigs tend to bite tails Currently pig tails are docked to prevent tail biting Infection and retarded growth of bitten animals Losses of animals Rejected carcasses or parts

Objections against tail docking Societal objection against mutilation of animals Growing concern from within the meat sector Risk of infection European Guideline 2001/93/EG According to the EU Directive 2001/93/EG, tail docking is forbidden as a common management strategy and is only allowed under veterinary prescription. Tail has a social function and management tool

Behaviour and welfare Tail biting is abnormal behaviour Tail biting is a sign of reduced welfare Tail biting occurs when pigs cannot cope with the environment Tail biting can spread within a pen (self-enforcing process)

Causes of tailbiting: no single cause Simple??? additive model drempelwaarde Suboptimale gezondheid Voersysteem Gelten, borgen of beren Hokbezetting Ras of kruising Voersysteem Gelten, borgen of beren Hokbezetting Ras of kruising Verveling Verveling

Comfort class approach When all needs are met no abnormal behaviour should be present (structurally) We have to handle inidvidual- exeptions The bucket should not be too full

The needs of pigs (according to the Comfort Class approach) Comfort behaviour Movement Exploration, rooting Rest Thermocomfort Satiety Social behaviour Health Excretion Safety

Bedürfnisse der Tiere 1 Anreize: Stroh, verschiedenes Aussehen und unterschiedliche Bodenstruktur in jedem Bereich sowie ein Wühltrog mit frischem Material Soziale Kontakte: Tiere können Aktivitäts- und Ruhephasen synchronisieren Ruhe: separater, eingestreuter und warmer Liegebereich, 0,6 m3 pro Tier

Bedürfnisse der Tiere 2 Exkretion: separate, rutschfeste Fläche mit 2 Ecken, 0,6 m2 pro Tier, mit minimalem Abstand von 4 m zum Liegebereich Bewegung: gesamter Bereich, inklusiv Möglichkeit zum Fressen und Wühlen, von 1,9 bis 2,4 m2 pro Tier, abhängig von der Anzahl der Tiere in der Bucht Sättigung: Ad-libitum Fütterung an 6 nebeneinander aufgestellten Fressplätzen

Bedürfnisse der Tiere 3 Gesundheit: Konventionelle Gesundheitsprotokolle (IKB Varken, 2008 Thermokomfort: Durch den überdachten Liegebereich und die komplexe Buchtenstruktur können die Tiere zwischen verschiedenen Temperaturzonen wählen, Ab 25 C wird 2-mal pro Stunde im Kotbereich ein Sprinkler für 20 Sekunden eingeschaltet

Entwurf Star Class

Entwurf Comfort Class

Set of 4 Buchten, 29 m2, 2,4 m2/pig

Thank you for attention Finance: Ministry Economic, Agriculture and Innovation, previously LNV Wageningen UR

Acknowledgement The dissemination of these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 2013 under grant agreement n 228821.