Ausschuss für Beschäftigung und soziale Angelegenheiten

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1 EUROPÄISCHES PARLAMENT Ausschuss für Beschäftigung und soziale Angelegenheiten EMPL_OJ(2014)1201_1 PROTOKOLL Sitzung vom 1. Dezember 2014, Uhr, und vom 2. Dezember 2014, Uhr und Uhr BRÜSSEL Die Sitzung wird am Montag, dem 1. Dezember 2014, um Uhr unter dem Vorsitz von Marita Ulvskog (stellvertretende Vorsitzende) eröffnet. 1. Annahme der Tagesordnung EMPL_OJ (2014)1201_1v01-00 Die Tagesordnung wird in der im vorliegenden Protokoll ausgewiesenen Fassung angenommen. 2. Mitteilungen des Vorsitzes - Es stehen Dolmetscher für alle Sprachen außer für Finnisch, Kroatisch und Maltesisch zur Verfügung. - Joachim Starbatty ist stellvertretendes Mitglied des EMPL-Ausschusses geworden (ECR-Fraktion). 3. Genehmigung des Protokolls der Sitzung vom 20. November 2014 PV PE v01-00 Das Protokoll wird genehmigt. 4. Aussprache mit Morten Kjaerum (Direktor der Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA)) EMPL/8/01426 Aussprache Es sprechen: Morten Kjaerum (FRA), Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, Olle Ludvigsson, Jutta Steinruck, Rina Ronja Kari, Neoklis Sylikiotis, Paloma López Bermejo, Lampros PV\ doc PE v01-00 In Vielfalt geeint

2 Fountoulis, Zdzisław Krasnodębski, Anne Sander, Dominique Martin 5. Einrichtung einer Europäischen Plattform zur Stärkung der Zusammenarbeit bei der Prävention und Abschreckung von nicht angemeldeter Erwerbstätigkeit EMPL/8/00424 ***I 2014/0124(COD) COM(2014)0221 C7-0144/2014 Berichterstatter: Georgi Pirinski (S&D) PR PE v01-00 Federführend: EMPL Mitberatend: ECON, ITRE, IMCO, JURI, LIBE, FEMM Prüfung des Entwurfs eines Berichts Es sprechen: Georgi Pirinski, Romana Tomc, Enrique Calvet Chambon, Anthea McIntyre, Kostadinka Kuneva, Terry Reintke, Sven Schulze, Dominique Martin, Brando Benifei, Jeroen Lenaers, Muriel Guin (Europäische Kommission, GD EMPL) Beschlüsse: Frist für die Einreichung von Änderungsanträgen: 15. Dezember 2014, Uhr. Annahme im EMPL-Ausschuss: 26. Februar Entlastung 2013: EU-Gesamthaushaltsplan Europäische Kommission EMPL/8/ /2075(C) COM(2014)0510[01] C8-0140/2014 Verfasserin der Marian Harkin (AL) Stellungnahme: Federführend: CONT Ingeborg Gräßle (PPE) Prüfung des Entwurfs einer Stellungnahme PA PE v02-00 Es sprechen: Marian Harkin, Claude Rolin, Georgi Pirinski, Rina Ronja Kari, Francisco Merchan Cantos (Europäische Kommission, GD EMPL) Beschlüsse: Frist für die Einreichung von Änderungsanträgen: 9. Dezember 2014, Uhr. Annahme im EMPL-Ausschuss: 29. Januar Entlastung 2013: Europäische Agentur für Sicherheit und Gesundheitsschutz am Arbeitsplatz EMPL/8/ /2100(C) COM(2014)0510[16] C8-0176/2014 Verfasserin der Marian Harkin (AL) Stellungnahme: Federführend: CONT Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR) Prüfung des Entwurfs einer Stellungnahme Es spricht: Marian Harkin PA PE v01-00 Beschlüsse: Frist für die Einreichung von Änderungsanträgen: 9. Dezember 2014, PE v /40 PV\ doc

3 12.00 Uhr. Annahme im EMPL-Ausschuss: 29. Januar Entlastung 2013: Europäisches Zentrum für die Förderung der Berufsbildung CEFOP EMPL/8/ /2087(C) COM(2014)0510[11] C8-0156/2014 Verfasserin der Marian Harkin (AL) Stellungnahme: Federführend: CONT Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR) Prüfung des Entwurfs einer Stellungnahme Es sprechen: Marian Harkin, Claude Rolin, Georgi Pirinski PA PE v01-00 Beschlüsse: Frist für die Einreichung von Änderungsanträgen: 9. Dezember 2014, Uhr. Annahme im EMPL-Ausschuss: 29. Januar Entlastung 2013: Europäische Stiftung für Berufsbildung EMPL/8/ /2104(C) COM(2014)0510[20] C8-0180/2014 Verfasserin der Marian Harkin (AL) Stellungnahme: Federführend: CONT Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR) Prüfung des Entwurfs einer Stellungnahme Es spricht: Marian Harkin PA PE v01-00 Beschlüsse: Frist für die Einreichung von Änderungsanträgen: 9. Dezember 2014, Uhr. Annahme im EMPL-Ausschuss: 29. Januar Entlastung 2013: Europäische Stiftung zur Verbesserung der Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen EMPL/8/ /2088(C) COM(2014)0510[12] C8-0157/2014 Verfasserin der Marian Harkin (AL) Stellungnahme: Federführend: CONT Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR) Prüfung des Entwurfs einer Stellungnahme Es sprechen: Marian Harkin, Georgi Pirinski, Claude Rolin PA PE v01-00 Beschlüsse: Frist für die Einreichung von Änderungsanträgen: 9. Dezember 2014, Uhr. PV\ doc 3/40 PE v01-00

4 Annahme im EMPL-Ausschuss: 29. Januar Bericht über die Entlastung zur Ausführung der Haushaltspläne der Agenturen der Europäischen Union für das Haushaltsjahr 2013: Leistung, Haushaltsführung und Kontrolle EMPL/8/ /2139(C) COM(2013)0570[54] C8-0225/2014 Verfasserin der Marian Harkin (AL) Stellungnahme: Federführend: CONT Ryszard Czarnecki (ECR) Prüfung des Entwurfs einer Stellungnahme PA PE v01-00 Es sprechen: Marian Harkin, Georgi Pirinski, Claude Rolin, Armindo Silva (Europäische Kommission, GD EMPL) Beschlüsse: Frist für die Einreichung von Änderungsanträgen: 9. Dezember 2014, Uhr. Annahme im EMPL-Ausschuss: 29. Januar Sitzung der Koordinatoren findet zur Besprechung noch offener Angelegenheiten vom 27. November 2014 von Uhr unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit statt siehe Ergebnisse der Koordinatoren in Anhang V. Die Sitzung wird um Uhr unterbrochen und am 2. Dezember um 8.07 Uhr (Gemeinsame Sitzung mit ECON-Ausschuss) unter dem Vorsitz von Roberto Gualtieri (Vorsitzender des ECON-Ausschusses) und Marita Ulvskog (stellvertretende Vorsitzende des EMPL-Ausschusses) wieder aufgenommen. * * * Gemeinsame Sitzung mit dem ECON-Ausschuss 13. Wirtschaftspolitischer Dialog und Aussprache über den Jahreswachstumsbericht EMPL/8/01818 Aussprache mit Vizepräsident Valdis Dombrovskis (Euro und sozialer Dialog) sowie mit den Mitgliedern der Kommission Pierre Moscovici (Wirtschafts- und Finanzangelegenheiten, Steuern und Zoll) und Marianne Thyssen (Beschäftigung, Soziales, Qualifikationen und Arbeitskräftemobilität) * * * 14. Gemeinsame öffentliche Anhörung des EMPL- und des INTA-Ausschusses zu dem Thema Beschäftigungs- und sozialpolitische Aspekte der Transatlantischen Handels- und Investitionspartnerschaft (TTIP) EMPL/8/01028 Aussprache mit Ignacio Garcia Bercero (GD Trade der Kommission) Es sprechen: Marita Ulvskog, Bernd Lange, Ignacio Garcia Bercero (Europäische PE v /40 PV\ doc

5 Kommission, GD TRA), Marva Corley-Coulibaly (Forschungsabteilung der ILO), Tom Jenkins (Senior Advisor ETUC), Luisa Santos (International Affairs BusinessEurope), Conny Reuter (Solidar), Ralph Kamphöner (SME Europe), Maria Arena, Joachim Schuster, Danuta Jazłowiecka, Emma McClarkin, Rina Ronja Kari, Monika Vana, Guillaume Balas, Agnes Jongerius, Sven Schulze, Jan Keller, Paloma López Bermejo, Edouard Martin, Anthea McIntyre, Evelyn Regner, Anne-Marie Mineur, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Marian Harkin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Jean Lambert * * * Die Sitzung wird um Uhr unterbrochen und um Uhr unter dem Vorsitz von Marita Ulvskog (stellvertretende Vorsitzende) wieder aufgenommen. *** Elektronische Abstimmung *** 15. Inanspruchnahme des Europäischen Fonds für die Anpassung an die Globalisierung (Antrag EGF/2013/006 PL/Fiat Auto Poland S.A., Polen) EMPL/8/ /2181(BUD) COM(2014)0699 C8-0243/2014 Federführend: BUDG Jan Olbrycht (PPE) PR PE v01-00 Annahme des Entwurfs einer Stellungnahme in Form eines Schreibens Beschluss: (siehe das Abstimmungsergebnis in Anhang I). Der Entwurf einer Stellungnahme in Form eines Schreibens wird mit 43 Stimmen bei 3 Gegenstimmen und 2 Enthaltungen angenommen. 16. Inanspruchnahme des Europäischen Fonds für die Anpassung an die Globalisierung (Antrag EGF/2014/013 EL/Odyssefs Fokas, Griechenland) EMPL/8/ /2183(BUD) COM(2014)0702 C8-0245/2014 Federführend: BUDG Monika Vana (Verts/ALE) PR PE v01-00 Annahme des Entwurfs einer Stellungnahme in Form eines Schreibens Beschluss: (siehe das Abstimmungsergebnis in Anhang II). Der Entwurf einer Stellungnahme in Form eines Schreibens wird mit 43 Stimmen bei 5 Gegenstimmen und 1 Enthaltung angenommen. 17. Inanspruchnahme des Europäischen Fonds für die Anpassung an die Globalisierung (Antrag EGF/2013/014 FR/Air France, Frankreich) EMPL/8/ /2185(BUD) COM(2014)0701 C8-0247/2014 Federführend: BUDG Marco Zanni (EFDD) PR PE v01-00 Annahme des Entwurfs einer Stellungnahme in Form eines Schreibens Beschluss: (siehe das Abstimmungsergebnis in Anlage III). Der Entwurf einer Stellungnahme in Form eines Schreibens wird mit 40 Stimmen bei 5 Gegenstimmen und 3 Enthaltungen angenommen. 18. Jahresbericht der Europäischen Zentralbank 2013 PV\ doc 5/40 PE v01-00

6 EMPL/8/ /2157(INI) Verfasser der Stellungnahme: David Casa (PPE) PA PE v01-00 AM PE v01-00 Federführend: ECON Pablo Zalba Bidegain (PPE) PR PE v01-00 AM PE v01-00 Annahme des Entwurfs einer Stellungnahme MdEP Dominique Martin, ein fraktionsloses Mitglied, bringt seine Unterstützung für die Kompromissänderungsanträge A und C zum Ausdruck. Jeroen Lenaers erklärt im Namen der PPE-Fraktion und mit Unterstützung von Jutta Steinruck im Namen der S&D-Fraktion, dass aus der Abstimmungsliste die Unterstützung von Dominique Martin für die Kompromissänderungsanträge A und C nicht hervorgehe (da fraktionslose Mitglieder keine Fraktion darstellten). Beschluss: (siehe das Abstimmungsergebnis in Anlage VI). Die Stellungnahme wird mit 39 Stimmen bei 7 Gegenstimmen und 5 Enthaltungen angenommen. *** Ende der elektronischen Abstimmung *** 19. EYE 2014 kurze Anhörung zum Europäischen Jugendtag EMPL/8/01797 Aussprache Es sprechen: Ricardo Ibarra, Sofia Ribeiro, Brando Benifei, Deirdre Clune, Maria Arena, Johanna Nyman, Martina Dlabajová, Danuta Jazłowiecka, Helga Stevens, Tania González Peñas, Jonathan Mack, Ole Christensen, Lampros Fountoulis, Anne Sander, Guillaume Balas, Kaja Dekleva, Ádám Kósa, Marian Harkin, Terry Reintke, Marco Zanni 20. Vorschlag für eine Richtlinie des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Änderung der Richtlinien 2008/94/EG, 2009/38/EG, 2002/14/EG, 98/59/EG und 2001/23/EG in Bezug auf Seeleute EMPL/8/00260 ***I 2013/0390(COD) COM(2013)0798 C7-0409/2013 Berichterstatteri Elisabeth Morin-Chartier (PPE) n: Federführend: EMPL Mitberatend: TRAN, PECH Meinungsaustausch mit Interessenträgern PR PE v01-00 Es sprechen: Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, Muriel Guin (Europäische Kommission, GD EMPL), Mark Dickinson (Europäische Transportarbeiter-Föderation), Pia Voss (Verband der Reeder in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft), Agnes Jongerius, Ulla Tørnæs, Anthea McIntyre, Daniela Aiuto, Liadh Ní Riada Beschlüsse: Prüfung des Entwurf eines Berichts: bis zum 21./22. Januar 2015 Frist für die Einreichung von Änderungsanträgen: 29. Januar 2015, PE v /40 PV\ doc

7 12.00 Uhr Annahme im EMPL-Ausschuss: 24. März Europäisches Netz der Arbeitsvermittlungen, Zugang von Arbeitskräften zu mobilitätsfördernden Diensten und die weitere Integration der Arbeitsmärkte EMPL/8/00333 ***I 2014/0002(COD) COM(2014)0006 C7-0015/2014 Berichterstatter: Heinz K. Becker (PPE) Federführend: EMPL Mitberatend: IMCO, REGI, CULT, JURI, FEMM Meinungsaustausch mit Interessenträgern Es sprechen: Robert Plummer (BUSINESSEUROPE), Claude Denagtergal (ETUC), Erik Arckens (VDAB Flämisches Amt für Beschäftigungsvermittlung und Berufsbildung), Denis Pennel (Eurociett), Marc Heytens (EURES-Koordinator Euregio Maas-Rhein), Heinz K. Becker, Siôn Simon, Martina Dlabajová, Paloma López Bermejo, Tamás Meszerics, Danuta Jazłowiecka, Georges Bach, Edouard Martin Beschlüsse: Prüfung des Entwurf eines Berichts: bis zum 21./22. Januar 2015 Frist für die Einreichung von Änderungsanträgen: 30. Januar 2015, Uhr Annahme im EMPL-Ausschuss: 24. März Jahresbericht 2013 der Europäischen Investitionsbank EMPL/8/ /2156(INI) Verfasser der Stellungnahme: David Casa (PPE) PA PE v01-00 AM PE v01-00 Federführend: ECON Ernest Urtasun (Verts/ALE) PR PE v01-00 Prüfung von Änderungsanträgen Es sprechen: Javi López, Marian Harkin, Claude Rolin, Thomas Mann, Guillaume Balas, Zdzisław Krasnodębski Beschluss: Annahme im EMPL-Ausschuss: 21./22. Januar Nächste Sitzungen 21. Januar 2015, Uhr (Brüssel) 22. Januar 2015, Uhr und Uhr (Brüssel) Schluss der Sitzung: Uhr. PV\ doc 7/40 PE v01-00

8 Annex I EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Directorate-General for Internal Policies Committee on Employment and Social AffairsCommittee on Employment and Social Affairs The Secretariat Opinion in form of a letter on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) for the case EGF/2013/006 PL/Fiat Auto Poland S.A. VOTING LIST VOTE on the letter For against abstention(s) Electronic vote PE v /40 PV\ doc

9 Annex II EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Directorate-General for Internal Policies Committee on Employment and Social AffairsCommittee on Employment and Social Affairs The Secretariat Opinion in form of a letter on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) for the case EGF/2014/013 EL/Odyssefs Fokas from Greece VOTING LIST VOTE on the letter For against abstention(s) Electronic vote PV\ doc 9/40 PE v01-00

10 Annex III EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Directorate-General for Internal Policies Committee on Employment and Social AffairsCommittee on Employment and Social Affairs The Secretariat Opinion in form of a letter on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) for the case FR/Air France from France VOTING LIST VOTE on the letter For against abstention(s) Electronic vote PE v /40 PV\ doc

11 Annex IV EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Directorate-General for Internal Policies Committee on Employment and Social AffairsCommittee on Employment and Social Affairs The Secretariat KS/ir DRAFT OPINION European Central Bank Annual Report for 2013 (2014/2157 (INI)) Rapporteur: David Casa (EPP) VOTE RESULT Concerned AM Tabled by Remarks Vote text Paragraph 1 COMP A EPP, S&D, AL, Replacing AMs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, + Greens/EFA, EFDD 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 1 Patrick Le Hyaric SEEKS TO LETE Falls if COMP A is adopted Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Brando Benifei Brando Benifei, Javi López, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto Fall if COMP A or AM 1 is adopted Identical AMs - to be voted as one 12 Laura Agea, Tiziana Beghin Falls if COMP A or AM 1, 9 or 10 is adopted 5 Javi López Falls if COMP A or AM 1, 9, 10 or 12 is adopted 2 Marian Harkin Falls if Comp A or AM 1 or 5 is adopted Compatible with AM 12 PV\ doc 11/40 PE v01-00

12 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote Can be combined with AMs 9 and 10 7 Ulrike Trebesius Falls if COMP A or AM 1, 9, 10, 12, 5 or 2 is adopted 8 Karima Delli Falls if COMP A or AM 1, 9, 10, 5 or 7 is adopted Compatible with AMs 12 and 2 13 Tania González Peñas Falls if COMP A or AM 1, 9, 10, 12, 5, 2, 7 or 8 is adopted 6 Siôn Simon Falls if COMP A or AM 1, 9, 10, 12, 5, 2, 7, 8 or 13 is adopted 11 Dominique Martin Falls if COMP A or AM 1, 9, 10, 12, 5, 7, 13 or 6 is adopted Compatible with AM 8 Can be combined with AM 2 4 Dominique Martin Falls if COMP A or AM 1, 5 or 7 is adopted Compatible with AM 9, 10, 12, 2, 8, 13, 6 and 11 3 Dominique Martin Falls if COMP A or AM 1, 9, 10, 12, 5, 7, 8, 13 or 6 is adopted Compatible with AM 2, 11 and 4 Paragraph 1 a 14 Dominique Martin Falls if COMP A or AM 5 or 2 is adopted Paragraph 1 a 15 Javi López + 23/22/6 Paragraph 1 a 16 Jutta Steinruck + Paragraph 1 a 17 Sergio Gutiérrez + Prieto, Brando Benifei Paragraph 2 COMP B EPP, S&D, AL, Replacing AMs 18, 19, 20, + Greens/EFA, EFDD 21, 22, 23 and Javi López Falls if COMP B is adopted. 19 Patrick Le Hyaric Falls if COMP B or AM 18 is adopted 23 Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Brando Benifei Falls if COMP B or AM 19 is adopted PE v /40 PV\ doc

13 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote 20 Laura Agea, Tiziana Beghin Can be combined with AM 18 Falls if COMP B or AM 18 or 19 is adopted Paragraph 2 a Paragraph 2 a Can be combined with AM Siôn Simon Falls if COMP B or AM 18, 19 or 20 is adopted Can be combined with AM Jutta Steinruck Falls if COMP B or AM 18, 19, 23 or 21 is adopted Compatible with AM Tania González Peñas Falls if COMP B or AM 18, 19, 23, 20, 21 or 22 is adopted 25 Dominique Martin Falls if AM 18, 19, or 24 is adopted 26 Ulrike Trebesius Oral AM by Ulrike Trebesius: - + Paragraph 2 a Paragraph 2 a Paragraph 2 b Paragraph 2 b Paragraph 2 b Paragraph 2 c 27 Javi López, Brando Benifei, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto 2a. Acknowledges that the ongoing process of balance sheet adjustment in the financial and non-financial sectors, combined with high unemployment continued to dampen economic activity in the euro area in 2013; Falls if AM 9, 10 or 12 is adopted 28 Marian Harkin Falls if AM 16 is adopted 29 Dominique Martin VOTE ONLY IF AM 25 IS ADOPTED 30 Ulrike Trebesius + 31 Javi López, Sergio + Gutiérrez Prieto 32 Ulrike Trebesius /14/2 PV\ doc 13/40 PE v01-00

14 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote Paragraph Patrick Le Hyaric Tania González Peñas SEEK TO LETE 35 Ulrike Trebesius Identical AMs - to be voted as one 36 Laura Agea, Tiziana Beghin 37 Dominique Martin COMP C EPP, S&D, AL, Greens/EFA, EFDD Replacing AMs 38, 39, 41, 42 and 43 Falls if AMs 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 are adopted. 42 Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Brando Benifei Falls if COMP C or AM 33, 34, 35, 36 or 37 is adopted 38 Marian Harkin Falls if COMP C or AM 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42 is adopted 41 Karima Delli Falls if COMP C or AM 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 or 38 is adopted + + Compatible with AM Siôn Simon Falls if COMP C or AM 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42 or 38 is adopted Compatible with AM Jutta Steinruck Falls if COMP C or AM 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42, 38, 41 or 39 is adopted Paragraph 3 40 Javi López Falls if AM 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 are adopted. - 23/25/1 If adopted it becomes paragraph 3 a. Paragraph 3 a 44 Patrick Le Hyaric + Paragraph 3 a 45 Laura Agea, Tiziana + Beghin Paragraph 3 a 46 Ulrike Trebesius + 25/24/3 Paragraph 3 a 47 Sergio Gutiérrez + Paragraph 3 a Prieto, Brando Benifei 48 Javi López Split vote requested by ECR: 1 st part: Is concerned that in December 2012, + 2 nd part: it is necessary to - PE v /40 PV\ doc

15 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote implement to pre-crisis level by 2020; 23/29/1 Paragraph 3 b 49 Javi López Split vote requested by ECR: 1 st part: Welcomes the reductions operations to 0.25%; 2 nd part: Vote only if 1 st part is adopted. is however concerned employment and job creation; + + Paragraph 3 d Paragraph 3 e Paragraph 3 f Paragraph 3 g 51 Javi López + 52 Javi López + 29/20/1 53 Javi López, Jutta + Steinruck 54 Javi López + Paragraph 4 COMP D EPP, S&D, AL, Greens/EFA, EFDD Replacing AMs 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 and Javi López Falls if COMP D is adopted. 62 Sergio Gutiérrez Falls if COMP D or AM 58 Prieto, Brando Benifei or 55 is adopted 61 Brando Benifei, Javi Falls if COMP D is adopted. López, Sergio Compatible with AM 58, 55 Gutiérrez Prieto and Karima Delli Falls if COMP D or AM 58, 55 or 62 is adopted + 59 Laura Agea, Tiziana Beghin Compatible with AM 61 Falls if COMP D or AM 58, 55 or 62 is adopted Compatible with AM 61 and Dominique Martin Falls if COMP D or AM 58, 55 or 62 is adopted Compatible with AM 61, 60 and Dominique Martin Falls if COMP D or AM 58 PV\ doc 15/40 PE v01-00

16 Concerned text AM Tabled by Remarks Vote or 55 is adopted Compatible with AM 62, 61, 60, 59 and 57 Paragraph 4 55 Ulrike Trebesius If adopted it becomes paragraph 4 a. Paragraph 3 c Paragraph 4 a 50 Javi López, Brando Benifei, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto 63 Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Brando Benifei VOTE ONLY IF COMP D or AM 55 or AM 58 IS ADOPTED /27/1 Paragraph 5 64 Laura Agea, Tiziana Beghin COMP E EPP, S&D, AL, Greens/EFA, EFDD SEEKS TO LETE - Replacing AMs 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 and 72 Falls if AM 64 is adopted. 71 Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Brando Benifei Falls if COMP E or AM 64 is adopted 72 Tania González Peñas Falls if COMP E or AM 64 or 71 is adopted 67 Patrick Le Hyaric Falls if COMP E or AM 64, 71 or 72 is adopted 69 Javi López Falls if COMP E or AM 64, 71, 72 or 67 is adopted 66 Ulrike Trebesius Falls if COMP E or AM 64, 71, 72, 67 or 69 is adopted 70 Karima Delli Falls if COMP E or AM 64, 72, 67, 69 or 66 is adopted + Paragraph 5 a Compatible with AM Marian Harkin Falls if COMP E or AM 64, 71, 72, 67, 69, 66 or 70 is adopted 68 Siôn Simon Falls if COMP E or AM 64, 71, 72, 67, 69, 66, 70 or 65 is adopted 73 Javi López, Jutta Steinruck Falls if AM 64 is adopted + 31/19/0 Paragraph Patrick Le Hyaric Jutta Steinruck SEEK TO LETE Identical AMs - to be voted as one COMP F EPP, S&D, AL, Falls if AMs 77 and 75 are Greens/EFA, EFDD adopted. - + PE v /40 PV\ doc

17 Concerned text Paragraph 6 a Paragraph 6 a Paragraph 6 a AM Tabled by Remarks Vote Replacing AMs 76, 77, 78 and Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Brando Benifei Falls if COMP F or AM 74 or 75 is adopted 76 Javi López Falls if COMP F or AM 74, 75 or 78 is adopted 77 Laura Agea, Tiziana Beghin Falls if COMP F or AM 74, 75, 78 or 76 is adopted 79 Tania González Peñas Falls if COMP F or AM 74, 75, 78, 76 or 77 is adopted 80 Patrick Le Hyaric - 81 Dominique Martin Falls if AM 74, 75, 78 or 76 is adopted 82 Marian Harkin If adopted, to be inserted as Paragraph 1 a - + Paragraph 7 83 Javi López SEEKS TO LETE - COMP G EPP, S&D, AL, Greens/EFA, EFDD Falls if AM 83 is adopted. Replacing AMs 84 and Patrick Le Hyaric Falls if COMP G or AM 83 is adopted 84 Laura Agea, Tiziana Falls if COMP G or AM 83 is Beghin adopted + Paragraph 7 a Paragraph 7 b Paragraph 7 a Compatible with AM Javi López + 88 Javi López, Jutta Steinruck 87 Brando Benifei, Javi López, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto Falls if AM 88 is adopted + VOTE on the DRAFT OPINION as amended for against abstentions PV\ doc 17/40 PE v01-00

18 Annex V EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Committee on Employment and Social Affairs Thursday, 27 November 2014, Room LOW S4.5 (in camera), Louise Weiss Building, Strasbourg RESULTS The meeting started at 09:32 hrs and closed at 11:00 hrs. In the Chair: Ms Marita Ulvskog, 1st Vice-Chair, Acting Chair in the absence of Mr Thomas Händel. Present EPP EPP S&D ECR AL GUE/NGL GUE/NGL Greens/EFA EFDD Mr David Casa, Coordinator Mr Heinz K. Becker, Vice-Coordinator Ms Jutta Steinruck, Coordinator Ms Ulrike Trebesius, Deputy Coordinator Ms Marian Harkin, Coordinator Ms Inês Zuber, Co-Coordinator Ms Rina Ronja Kari, Co-Coordinator Ms Jean Lambert, Coordinator Ms Laura Agea, Coordinator Also present Ms Agnes Jongerius, 4th Vice-chair PE v /40 PV\ doc

19 1. Chair's announcements 1.1 Interpretation Interpretation was available in German, English and Italian. 1.2 Consequences of Ms Weber's group change The Chair informed the Coordinators, that Renate Weber had left the EPP Group to join the AL Group. The EPP had subsequently 15 seats (previously 16), and AL 6 (previously 5). Practical consequences: The EPP Group has to appoint one of its members to the EGF Working Group. The D Hondt tables (seats on delegations, speakers at events etc.) have been updated accordingly. Points system: The Coordinators decided that in the event of a change of political affiliation by a Member the point system be continued with the original allocation of points, i.e.16 x 2 points for EPP and 5 x 2 points for AL, and that the change in relative strengths would be reflected only when a fresh round of points would be allocated to all the groups. 1.3 Place and time of Coordinators' meetings The Coordinators Bearing in mind that they had decided on 23 October 2014 to hold their regular meetings in Strasbourg 1 Took note of the wish of the majority of groups to hold coordinators' meetings in Brussels noted that certain coordinators had requested interpretation into their mother tongue Considered various options as to the place and time of Coordinators' meetings Instructed the secretariat to submit options for holding Coordinators' meetings in Brussels. 1 The Coordinators decided to hold their regular meetings during Strasbourg sessions on Thursday from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m., on the understanding that additional meetings may be convened in Brussels if necessary. EN.pdf PV\ doc 19/40 PE v01-00

20 2. Allocation of reports and opinions Reports 2.1 Conclusion, on behalf of the European Union, of the Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons who are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled EMPL/8/ /0297(NLE) COM(2014)0638 (MM) Resp.: EMPL Opinions: CULT, JURI, FEMM Decision: Rapporteur to be nominated by the EPP Group 2.2 Commission Communication on a Green Employment Initiative: Tapping into the job creation potential of the green economy EMPL/8/01436 COM(2014)0446 (ZP) Resp.: EMPL Opinions: VE, INTA, ECON, ENVI, ITRE, FEMM Decision: Rapporteur to be nominated by the Greens/EFA Group 2.3 Creating a competitive EU labour market for the 21st century: matching skills and qualifications with demand and job opportunities, as a way to recover from the crisis EMPL/8/01430 (CO) Resp.: EMPL Opinion(s): Decision: Rapporteur to be nominated by the AL Group 2.4 Reducing inequalities with a special focus on child poverty EMPL/8/01433 (MM) Resp.: EMPL Opinion(s): Decision: Rapporteur to be nominated by byt the GUE/NGL Group 2.5 Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in combatting unemployment EMPL/8/01437 (PR) Resp.: EMPL Opinion(s): Decision: Rapporteur to be nominated by the EPP Group 2.6 The labour and social dimension of TTIP EMPL/8/01771 (MK) PE v /40 PV\ doc

21 Resp.: EMPL Opinion(s): Decision: The Coordinators noted that EMPL's request for an own-initiative report on the labour and social dimension had been withdrawn owing to the strong resistance of the INTA Committee which had offered other committees the possibility to give opinions to its report based on Rule 108, and in the light of the orientations given by the Conference of Presidents and the TTIP monitoring group; Instructed the Chair to request to have it recorded in the CCC minutes of 25 November 2014 that the withdrawal of the EMPL own-initiative report on 'Labour and social aspects of the TTIP' was conditional on receiving the closest possible association offered by INTA to any other committee on its Rule 108 report on the TTIP. agreed that the Greens/EFA Group should be allowed to submit a proposal for an own-initiative report Opinions 2.7 Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions: Innovation in the Blue Economy: realising the potential of our seas and oceans for jobs and growth COM(2014)0254 (MM) Resp.: ITRE Opinions: EMPL, TRAN, REGI Decision: Rapporteur to be nominated by the EFDD Group Documents received for information 2.8 Report from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions Implementation of the European Progress Microfinance Facility 2013 COM(2014) 639 (ZP) Decision: Resp.: EMPL Opinions: BUDG, ECON 1. Request authorisation to draw up an implementation report. 2. Rapporteur to be nominated by the EPP Group PV\ doc 21/40 PE v01-00

22 Possible additional decisions 2.9 Communication from the Commission on an EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work COM(2014) 332 [MK] Decision: Resp.: EMPL Opinion: 1. Request authorisation to draw up an own-initiative report. 2. Rapporteur to be nominated by the S&D Group PE v /40 PV\ doc

23 3. European Youth Event speed hearing in EMPL on 2 December (ZP - DG COMM) Decision: The Coordinators 1. Held an exchange of views 2. Agreed that the political groups should appoint 16 speakers (5 EPP, 4 S&D, 2 ECR, 1 each for AL, GUE, Greens, EFDD and non-attached Members) by the end of the day (27 November end of business). 4. EMPL Committee studies and workshops for (CO) Decision: The Coordinators Took note of the following list of proposals 1. Precarious employment contracts in Europe: types, patterns, trends. (Proposed by S&D and EFDD, endorsed by EPP, GUE/NGL and Greens/EFA) 2. The impact of the economic crisis on the labour market with respect to force and skills shortages. (Proposed by EPP and EFDD, endorsed by AL) 3. Anticipating the future needs of the workforce in the context of the Digital Agenda. (Proposed by EPP and AL) 4. The impact created by subcontracting as a practice circumventing the labour and social rights of employees. (Proposed by GUE, endorsed by S&D) 5. How to mainstream the social scoreboard into macroeconomic surveillance. (Proposed by S&D) 6. Comparative study on the availability and the use of assistance for entrepreneurship to young people. (Proposed by AL, endorsed by ECR) 7. A comparison across member states on how different member states have encouraged young people to study STEM subjects. (Proposed by ECR) PV\ doc 23/40 PE v01-00

24 8. Member States use of the opt-out (from the Working Time Directive). (Proposed by ECR) 9. Evolution of collective bargaining in Troika programme and post-programme MS. (Proposed by GUE/NGL) 10. Study on Active Inclusion: how MS are implementing the 2008 Recommendation? (Proposed by Greens/EFA) 11. The level of effectiveness and the efficiency of the European Social Fund financed policies and measures addressed to unemployed, especially during the financial and social crisis. (Proposed by Greens/EFA) Decided that The authorisation for Studies 1-8 be sought today, whereas the first requests to be commissioned with external contractors would be o Proposal 2 (The impact of the economic crisis on the labour market with respect to force and skills shortages) o Proposal 6 (Comparative study on the availability and the use of assistance for entrepreneurship to young people) o Proposal 7 (A comparison across member states on how different member states have encouraged young people to study STEM subjects) Proposal 8 would be done by Eurofound (Member States use of the opt-out from the Working Time Directive) The remaining 3 subjects could be requested at a forthcoming coordinators' meeting an additional suggestion by Ms Jongerius would be submitted in writing for the next Coordinators' meeting. 5. Organising exchanges of views with stakeholders 5.1 Exchange of views with stakeholders Seafarers (ZP) Decision: The Coordinators confirmed the proposal made by the Rapporteur. 5.2 Exchange of views with stakeholders EURES (BM) Decision: The Coordinators confirmed the proposal made by the Rapporteur and agreed to PE v /40 PV\ doc

25 invite one additional speaker from a border region (EURES Maas-Rhein). PV\ doc 25/40 PE v01-00

26 6. Experts for the Governing Board of the European Training Foundation (ETF) (BM) Decision: The Coordinators took note of the candidatures received 1 and decided that the vote on the candidates (by secret ballot) would take place at the committee meeting on 21/22 January Delegation to Denmark, March 2015 (PR/AC) (PR, AK) Decision: The Coordinators Noted that the proposed d'hondt based allocation of available seats per political group would be as follows (preliminary figures): o The Chair: hors quota; EPP: 3, S&D: 2; ECR: 1; AL: 1; GUE/NGL: 1 Noted that o the EPP would only use 1 of its 3 seats o GUE/NGL would renounce to its seat o EFDD would be interested to use its seat (position 16 on the d'hondt table) to join the delegation o in line with past practice, EMPL Members elected in Denmark may accompany the delegation at their own expenses "hors quota". o additional proposals to the programme would be made by other Members elected in Denmark Agreed that additional information as to the allocation for seats and the programme would be circulated by the Secretariat Agreed that the arrangements for the EMPL delegation to Portugal in July 2015 be discussed in due course and with the involvement of EMPL Members elected in Portugal. (MK, CO) 1 - Ms Edit BAUER from Slovakia (sponsored by EPP group) - Mr Jan ANRSSON from Sweden (sponsored by S&D group) - Mr Jean-Francois MEZIERES from France (sponsored by the AL group) - Ms Sara PARKIN from the United Kingdom (sponsored by the Greens group) PE v /40 PV\ doc

27 8. Public hearing on "Reform of educational systems in Europe as a way to fight youth unemployment" (together with CULT Committee) (CO) Decision: The Coordinators held an exchange of views and 3. agreed in principle, on the date of 26 February and communicate it to CULT Committee. 4. agreed to propose to CULT Committee that each of the two committees should nominate 2 speakers at the hearing, according to their respective competencies. 5. Agreed that the title be adjusted as follows: ""The reform of educational systems in Europe as a way to fight early school leaving, child poverty and youth unemployment" 6. Instructed the chair to initiate a joint EMPL-CULT letter to the President requesting the title change. 9. Request from President Schulz to Presidents of the European Commission and European Council to include the EMPL Chair as an observer to the Tripartite Social Summit (CO/MK) Decision: The Coordinators held an exchange of views and 7. agreed to mandate the Chair to write a letter asking President Schulz to send a new letter to the new Presidents of the European Commission and the European Council, recalling the first letter and reiterating the request to include the EMPL Chair as an observer to the Tripartite Social Summit, at all future meetings. PV\ doc 27/40 PE v01-00

28 10. Promotion of Employee Financial Participation AL proposal for an oral question with debate Decision: The Coordinators: Held an exchange of views on the proposal Agreed on the principle that an oral question on employee financial participation be tabled in the plenary Decided to set a deadline for modifications on the proposed text by Coordinators: 4 December 2014 with a view to agreeing on compromises and to adopting a text of no more than 25 lines at the committee meeting on January [NOTE: The final Oral Question must not be longer than 25 lines in Times New Roman 12 point] * * * The remaining items on the agenda were postponed owing to a lack of time. * * * 11. Date of next Coordinators' meetings On Monday, 1 December 2014, from 18:00 to 18:30 in room PHS 3C050 to conclude unfinished business. On Thursday, 18 December 2014, am, in Strasbourg. PE v /40 PV\ doc

29 Annex VI EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT Committee on Employment and Social Affairs EMPL COORDINATORS' MEETING Monday, 1 December 2014, Room PHS 3C050 (in camera), Paul-Henri Spaak Building, Brussels RESULTS The meeting started at 18:00 hrs and closed at 18:40 hrs. In the Chair: Ms Marita Ulvskog, 1st Vice-Chair, Acting Chair in the absence of Mr Thomas Händel. Present EPP S&D ECR AL GUE/NGL Mr Jeroen Lenaers, replacing the EPP Coordinator Ms Jutta Steinruck, Coordinator Ms Anthea McIntyre, Coordinator Ms Marian Harkin, Coordinator Ms Rina Ronja Kari, Co-Coordinator Also present Ms Agnes Jongerius, 4th Vice-chair 1. Chair's announcements 1.1 Interpretation Interpretation was available in German, English, Dutch and Danish. PV\ doc 29/40 PE v01-00

30 2. The 300bn Euros package ('Investment Plan for Europe')- next steps in EMPL The papers for the meeting included: a letter of 7 November 2014 from President Juncker and Vice-President Timmermans to the Commissioners The Commission Communication entitled An Investment Plan for Europe (COM(2014) 903 final) 1 Decision: The Coordinators held an exchange of views and 1. mandated the Chair to write to President Juncker (a) to insist on the inclusion of Ms Thyssen as a 'main participant' in Cluster 1 on Jobs, Growth and Investment and (b) to request that the Employment Committee be kept abreast of the works of Cluster 1; 2. regarding the options for possible follow-up to the plenary debate on 26 November on the Commission Communication 'Investment Plan for Europe; o decided that EMPL shall draft a formal contribution in form or a report or an opinion 2, with a timetable that should enable to influence the decisions related to the investment package; o agreed to take the decision on the EMPL contribution at the next meeting Opinion on ECON own-initiative report 'Bridging the investment gap' (rapporteur: Mr Udo Bullmann) and/or opinion on the future legislative report on the expected Commission proposal ("The legal proposal5 necessary for the European Fund for Strategic Investments should be dealt with in fast-track procedure by the European Parliament and the Council, as the EU legislator, to be in force by June 2015."; "The legal instrument is likely to be a Regulation based on Articles 172, 182, 175(3) and possibly 173 TFEU." - source: COM(2014)903 p. 6) PE v /40 PV\ doc

31 3. Motions for Resolution (Rule 133) 1 - decisions on procedure 3.1 B8 0245/ Motion for a European Parliament resolution on deaths at the workplace in Italy by Mara Bizzotto The Motion for Resolution can be found at annex to these notes. Decision: Not to follow up the matter since on Oral Question on Health and Safety at work had been discussed in the plenary on 24 November. 3.2 B8-0242/ Motion for a European Parliament resolution on the rise in youth unemployment in Italy by Mara Bizzotto The Motion for Resolution can be found at annex to these notes. Decision: Not to follow up the matter since this had already been the object of recent EP resolutions and debates 1 Rule 133 : Motions for resolutions 1. Any Member may table a motion for a resolution on a matter falling within the spheres of activity of the European Union. The motion may not comprise more than 200 words. 2. The committee responsible shall decide what procedure is to be adopted. It may combine the motion for a resolution with other motions for resolutions or reports. It may adopt an opinion, which may take the form of a letter. It may decide to draw up a report under Rule The authors of a motion for a resolution shall be informed of the decisions of the committee and of the Conference of Presidents. 4. The report shall contain the text of the motion for a resolution. 5. Opinions in the form of a letter addressed to other institutions of the European Union shall be forwarded by the President. 6. The author or authors of a motion for a resolution tabled under Rule 123(2), 128(5) or 135(2) shall be entitled to withdraw it before the final vote. 7. A motion for a resolution tabled in accordance with paragraph 1 may be withdrawn by its author, authors or first signatory before the committee responsible has decided, in accordance with paragraph 2, to draw up a report on it. Once the motion has been thus taken over by the committee, only the committee shall be empowered to withdraw it up until the opening of the final vote. 8. A withdrawn motion for a resolution may be taken over and retabled immediately by a group, a committee or the same number of Members as is entitled to table it. Committees have a duty to ensure that motions for resolutions tabled under this Rule which meet the requirements laid down are followed up and duly referred to in the resulting documents. PV\ doc 31/40 PE v01-00

32 4. Petitions (MM) 4.1 Petition 1912/2013 by Antonio Valenciano Sal (Spanish), on salaries in Spain Decision: Coordinators mandated the Chair to write back to PETI along the lines set out in the notes, emphasising that the quoted EP resolution is not a binding legal instrument. The letter will be verified by the Coordinators before being sent. 4.2 Petition No 1961/2013 by Edward Marnell on behalf of Cammel Laird strikers, on unjust treatment of Cammel Laird strikers Decision: To wait for the Commission s reply regarding the compatibility of such actions with the EC Treaty in force at the time as regards the recognition of the rights of Trade Unions and the rights to strike; and to decide on the basis of this reply on the main lines of the letter to be sent to PETI. 4.3 Petition 1467/2013 by Sandra Fajardo Wetzel (Spanish) on unemployment of persons wove 50 years of age in Spain Decision: Not to take any action. The petition had been forwarded to EMPL for information only. 4.4 Petition 1534/2013 by Jose Manuel Martin Alvarez (Spanish) on providing basic income support to unemployed persons in Spain and care for addicts in the Canary Islands Decision: Not to take any action. The petition had been forwarded to EMPL for information only. 4.5 Petition 1573/2013 by Jose Ramon Gil Benito (Spanish) on the unpaid work on Sundays and public holidays in Spain Decision: Not to take any action. The petition had been forwarded to EMPL for information only. PE v /40 PV\ doc

33 5. Points for information 5.1 Timetables Draft Report for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on seafarers amending Directives 2008/94/EC, 2009/38/EC, 2002/14/EC, 98/59/EC and 2001/23/EC (Elisabeth Morin-Chartier) Deadline to send to TO/translation 18 December 2014 Consideration of draft in committee January 2015 Deadline for AMs 29 January 2015 at 12h00 Consideration of AMs 26 February 2015 Vote in EMPL 24 March 2015 Plenary estimate April II / May I 2015 Draft Opinions Discharge 2013 (Marian Harkin) Deadline to send to TO/translation 14 November 2014 Consideration of draft in committee 1-2 December 2015 Deadline for AMs 9 December 2014 at 12h00 Consideration of AMs 21/22 January 2015 Vote in EMPL 29 January 2015 Plenary estimate April II 2015 Draft Opinion on the review of the economic governance framework: stocktaking and challenges (Anne Sander) Deadline to send to TO/translation 18 December 2014 Consideration of draft in committee 21/22 January 2015 Deadline for AMs 30 January 2015 at 12h00 Vote in EMPL 26 February 2015 Plenary estimate March 2015 Draft opinion on the The EU Strategy for equality between women and men post 2015 (Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz) Consideration draft Opinion Send text to TO/Translation Debate(s) in Committee Deadline AMs January 2015 (tbc) 19 December 2014 (tbc) 28 January 2015 (tbc) Send AM to TO 29 January 2015 (tbc) Consideration of AMs tabled 26 February 2015 (tbc) Consideration of Comp AMs and Vote Vote EMPL 24 March 2015 (tbc) Vote lead committee FEMM March 2015 Plenary estimate: PV\ doc 33/40 PE v01-00

34 5.2 Joint Public Hearing on the Employment and social aspects of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) The final programme of the EMPL-INTA joint hearing is annexed to these notes. 5.3 Outgoing letters The following letters sent by the Chairman are annexed to the Coordinators notes: Invitation to an exchange of views with the EMPL Committee - to Morten Kjaerum, Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) Appointment of the EMPL committee members to the STOA Panel - to Mairead McGuinness, Vice-President responsible for STOA Situation in the Square de Meeûs Building - to Stefano Guccione, Chair, Staff Commitee Request to apply the procedure of associated committees (Rule 54 of the EP's Rules of Procedure) with the JURI committee on the proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on single-member private limited liability companies - to Jerzy Buzek, Chairman, Conference of Committee Chairs EMPL request to apply the procedure of associated committees with the JURI committee on the proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on single-member private limited liability companies (COM(2014) /0120 (COD) - Reply by the Chairman of the JURI Committee - to Jerzy Buzek, Chairman, Conference of Committee Chairs EMPL-CULT joint hearing on "The reform of educational systems in Europe as a way to fight youth unemployment " - to Jerzy Buzek, Chairman, Conference of Committee Chairs EMPL own-initiative report on "Creating a competitive EU labour market for the 21st century: matching skills and qualifications with demand and job opportunities, as a way to recover from the crisis" - to Jerzy Buzek, Chairman, Conference of Committee Chairs EMPL own-initiative report on Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation in combatting unemployment - to Jerzy Buzek, Chairman, Conference of Committee Chairs EMPL own-initiative report on a Green Employment Initiative: Tapping into the job creation potential of the green economy - (EMPL/8/01436), to Jerzy Buzek, Chairman, Conference of Committee Chairs EMPL own-initiative report on "Reducing inequalities with a special focus on child poverty" - to Jerzy Buzek, Chairman, Conference of Committee Chairs EMPL implementation report on the implementation, results and overall assessment of the 2012 European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations - (EMPL/8/01909), to Jerzy Buzek, Chairman, Conference of Committee Chairs EMPL own-initiative report on "The labour and social dimension of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)" - to Jerzy Buzek, Chairman, Conference of Committee Chairs PE v /40 PV\ doc

35 Statements to be made in Parliament by the European Commission regarding the Commission proposal COM(2014) /0283 (NLE) of 2 October to President Martin Schulz, European Parliament Member in charge of implementing gender mainstreaming in the work of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs - to Iratxe García-Pérez, Chair, Committee on Women s Rights and Gender Equality Request for authorisation for the reimbursement of the travel expenses of experts implementation of the provisions of the Framework Agreement on relations between the European Parliament and the Commission and specifically in the context of expert groups meetings taking place for the preparation and the adoption of delegated acts - to Marianne Thyssen, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility - to Marianne Thyssen, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility Opinion on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) for the case EGF/2014/008 FI/STX Rauma (COM(2014)630 final) - to Jean Arthuis, Chair of the Committee on Budgets Opinion on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) for the case EGF/2014/005 FR/GAD (COM(2014)662 final) - to Jean Arthuis, Chair of the Committee on Budgets Opinion on the mobilisation of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) for the case EGF/2014/010 IT/Whirlpool from Italy (COM(2014)672 final) - to Jean Arthuis, Chair of the Committee on Budgets The German public broadcaster ARD recently reported (on ) a case of alleged abuse of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF), seemingly in the context of the Delphi case - to Marianne Thyssen, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility Request to apply Rule 54 to the ECON Committee Own-Initiative Report entitled "Bridging the investment gap in the EU for sustainable growth and jobs" (D (2014)52414) 5.4 Documents for information The following documents can be found annexed to the notes: Letter by Pavel Svoboda regarding the EMPL request for rule 54 on the singlemember private limited liability companies Letter by Jerzy Buzek regarding the authorisation of the INI report on the European Semester for economic policy coordination Letter by Jerzy Buzek to Martin Schulz regarding the state of play on delegated and implementing acts Letter by Michel Barnier to Thomas Händel regarding the results of the study on the "Promotion of Employee Ownership and Participation Letter by László Andor to Marita Ulvskog about the impact assessment studies concerning the Working Time Directive PV\ doc 35/40 PE v01-00

36 The Coordinators: discussed the reply of the JURI Chair Pavel Svoboda asking EMPL to withdraw its request for the application of Rule 54 (procedure with associated committees) on the proposal on single-member private limited liability companies. decided to maintain the request for application of Rule 54 on this procedure and mandated the Chair to meet the Chair of the JURI Committee so as to find a solution within the deadline set by the CCC. 6. Date of next Coordinators' meeting The Coordinators held an extensive exchange of views on recent contradictory decisions on the venue of their meetings and on the role of Co-Coordinators and Deputy Coordinators in this respect; agreed to decide on the time and place of their future meetings at their next meeting on Thursday, 18 December 2014, am, in Strasbourg. PE v /40 PV\ doc

37 ПРИСЪСТВЕН ЛИСТ/LISTA ASISTENCIA/PREZENČNÍ LISTINA/LTAGERLISTE/ ANWESENHEITSLISTE/KOHALOLIJATE NIMEKIRI/ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΠΑΡΟΝΤΩΝ/RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/ LISTE PRÉSENCE/POPIS NAZOČNIH/ELENCO DI PRESENZA/APMEKLĒJUMU REĢISTRS/DALYVIŲ SĄRAŠAS/ JELENLÉTI ÍV/REĠISTRU TA' ATTENNZA/PRESENTIELIJST/LISTA OBECNOŚCI/LISTA PRESENÇAS/ LISTĂ PREZENŢĂ/PREZENČNÁ LISTINA/SEZNAM NAVZOČIH/LÄSNÄOLOLISTA/LTAGARLISTA Бюро/Mesa/Předsednictvo/Formandskabet/Vorstand/Juhatus/Προεδρείο/Bureau/Predsjedništvo/Ufficio di presidenza/prezidijs/ Biuras/Elnökség/Prezydium/Birou/Predsedníctvo/Predsedstvo/Puheenjohtajisto/Presidiet (*) Marita Ulvskog (VP), Agnes Jongerius (VP), Ulla Tørnæs (VP)(2) Членове/Diputados/Poslanci/Medlemmer/Mitglieder/Parlamendiliikmed/Μέλη/Members/Députés/Zastupnici/Deputati/Deputāti/Nariai/ Képviselõk/Membri/Leden/Posłowie/Deputados/Deputaţi/Jäsenet/Ledamöter Guillaume Balas, Brando Benifei, Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, Enrique Calvet Chambon, Ole Christensen, Martina Dlabajová (2), Lampros Fountoulis, Marian Harkin, Danuta Jazłowiecka (2), Rina Ronja Kari, Jan Keller, Ádám Kósa (2), Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz (2), Zdzisław Krasnodębski, Kostadinka Kuneva, Jean Lambert (2), Jérôme Lavrilleux, Jeroen Lenaers, Verónica Lope Fontagné, Javi López (2), Anthea McIntyre, Thomas Mann (2), Dominique Martin, Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, Emilian ² (2), Georgi Pirinski, Terry Reintke, Sofia Ribeiro, Claude Rolin, Maria João Rodrigues (2), Anne Sander, Sven Schulze, Siôn Simon (2), Jutta Steinruck, Romana Tomc, Yana Toom (2), Ulrike Trebesius, Tatjana Ždanoka (2), Jana Žitňanská (2) Заместници/Suplentes/Náhradníci/Stedfortrædere/Stellvertreter/Asendusliikmed/Αναπληρωτές/Substitutes/Suppléants/Zamjenici/ Supplenti/Aizstājēji/Pavaduojantysnariai/Póttagok/Sostituti/Plaatsvervangers/Zastępcy/Membros suplentes/supleanţi/náhradníci/ Namestniki/Varajäsenet/Suppleanter Daniela Aiuto (2), Maria Arena (2), Georges Bach, Heinz K. Becker (2), Lynn Boylan (2), Deirdre Clune (2), Karima Delli (2), Tania González Peñas (2), Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto (2), Eduard Kukan, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Marju Lauristin (2), Paloma López Bermejo, António Marinho e Pinto (2), Edouard Martin (2), Tamás Meszerics (2), Evelyn Regner (2), Joachim Schuster, Csaba Sógor, Joachim Starbatty (2), Helga Stevens (2), Neoklis Sylikiotis, Monika Vana (2), Tom Vandenkendelaere (2) 200 (2) 206 (3) David Coburn, Liadh Ní Riada, Marco Zanni 53 (6) (Точка от дневния ред/punto del orden del día/bod pořadu jednání (OJ)/Punkt på dagsordenen/tagesordnungspunkt/ Päevakorra punkt/ημερήσια Διάταξη Σημείο/Agenda item/point OJ/Točka dnevnog reda/punto all'ordine del giorno/darba kārtības punkts/darbotvarkės punktas/napirendi pont/punt Aġenda/Agendapunt/Punkt porządku dziennego/ponto OD/Punct de pe ordinea de zi/bod programu schôdze/točka UL/Esityslistan kohta/föredragningslista punkt) Присъствал на/presente el/přítomný dne/til stede den/anwesend am/viibis(id) kohal/παρών στις/present on/présent le/nazočni dana/presente il/piedalījās/ Dalyvauja/Jelen volt/preżenti fi/aanwezig op/obecny dnia/presente em/prezent/prítomný dňa/navzoči dne/läsnä/närvarande den: (1) (2) PV\ doc 37/40 PE v01-00

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Level 2 German, 2013

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Level 2 German, 2016

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Level 2 German, 2015

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Level 1 German, 2012

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