Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis. Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik

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1 Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik Steinbeckerstraße 15 Wintersemester 2016/17 1

2 ANGLISTIK/AMERIKANISTIK KOMMENTIERTES VORLESUNGSVERZEICHNIS WINTERSEMESTER 2016/17 Inhalt HINWEISE FÜR STUDIERENDE... 3 Struktur des Institutes für Anglistik/Amerikanistik im Wintersemester 2016/ Reguläre Sprechstundenzeiten der Lehrkräfte:... 5 Sprechstundenzeiten der Sekretär[inn]en:... 6 Sprechstundenzeit des Studentischen Fachschaftsrates:... 6 Studienberatung/Sprechstunden in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit... 6 Erstsemesterberatung... 6 Einschreibung / Online enrolment... 6 Informationen und Verhaltensregeln zur LSF-Einschreibung... 6 Wichtige Informationen zum Studienbetrieb... 7 Legende... 8 MODULSTRUKTUREN (Zuordnung der LV zu Modulen)... 9 B.A.-MODULE... 9 B.A.: Studienordnung B.A.: Studienordnung LEHRAMTSMODULE: Studienordnung MASTER-STUDIENGÄNGE KOMMENTIERTE GESAMTLISTE DER LEHRVERANSTALTUNGEN SPRACHPRAXIS ENGLISCHE SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT UND CULTURAL STUDIES FACHDIDAKTIK ECTS POINTS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR EXCHANGE STUDENTS MUSTERSTUDIENPLAN B.A. STUDIENORDNUNG MUSTERSTUDIENPLAN LA GYMNASIEN STUDIENORDNUNG MUSTERSTUDIENPLAN LA REGIONALE SCHULEN STUDIENORDNUNG Edited: James Fanning Last updated:

3 HINWEISE FÜR STUDIERENDE Studierende sollten zu Beginn der Vorlesungszeit und immer regelmäßig nach Aushängen mit wichtigen Informationen im Gebäude der Anglistik/Amerikanistik bzw. im Internet unter Ausschau halten. Aus verschiedenen Gründen kann es z.b. zu Änderungen des Lehrangebotes gegenüber diesem Verzeichnis kommen. Bitte kontrollieren Sie auch regelmäßig Ihr universitäres Webmail-Postfach. Das Lehrpersonal kommuniziert mit Ihnen ggf. über das Selbstbedienungsportal bzw. die Groupware per . Der Login erfolgt mit den zentralen Authentifikationsdaten (WLAN, LSF, Webmail, etc.), die Sie mit Ihrem Studentenausweis erhalten haben. Sie können auch Mails von der Uni-Adresse automatisch auf eine andere Adresse umleiten lassen. Das müssten Sie aber selbst einrichten. Bitte achten Sie zusätzlich auf aktuelle Änderungen per Aushang im Institut. Geschäftsführender Direktor des Instituts für Anglistik/Amerikanistik im Wintersemester 2016/17: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Domsch Postanschrift: Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik Steinbecker Str Greifswald Fax: (03834) (Lehrstuhl Sprachwissenschaft) & (03834) (Lehrstuhl Literatur/Cultural Studies) Homepage: Der Vorlesungsbetrieb beginnt am und endet am Gesetzlicher Feiertage: , 24. & , Vorlesungsfreie Tage: Studienberatung Dr. Margitta Kuty (Tel.: ) Dr. Anette Brauer (Tel.: ) Studentischer Fachschaftsrat: 3

4 STRUKTUR DES INSTITUTES FÜR ANGLISTIK/AMERIKANISTIK IM WINTERSEMESTER 2016/17 Lehrstuhl für Anglophone Literaturwissenschaften (einschl.,cultural Studies ): Inhaber: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Domsch (Tel.: ) Sekretariat: Anke Möller (Tel.: ) wiss. Mitarbeiter[innen]: Dr. Anette Brauer (Tel.: ) Dr. James Fanning (Tel.: ) Dr. Mascha Hansen (Tel.: ) Dr. Martin Holtz (Tel.: ) Jörg Weber M.A. (Tel.: ) Privatdozent[inn]en apl. Prof. Dr. Andrea Beck apl. Prof. Dr. Michael Szczekalla Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft: Luisa Menzel Lehrstuhl für Englische Sprachwissenschaft: Inhaberin: Prof. Dr. Amei Koll-Stobbe (Tel.: ) [Forschungsfreisemester] Sekretariat: Mathias Köhn, M.A. (Tel.: ) wiss. Mitarbeiter[innen]: Melanie Oberst M.A. (Tel.: ) Dr. Sebastian Knospe (Tel ) Ann-Kathrin Mehrens (Tel ) Dr. Marie-Elaine van Egmond (Tel ) Handapparat Koll-Stobbe: Zugang n.v. 4

5 Englische Fachdidaktik: Leiterin: Dr. Margitta Kuty (Tel.: ) wiss. Mitarbeiter[innen]: Anja Feldtmann (Tel.: ) N.N. Lernwerkstatt: Zugang n.v. Sprachpraxis: Leiterin: Dipl.-Lehrerin Heike Gericke (Tel.: ) wiss. Mitarbeiter[innen]: Dr. Anette Brauer (Tel.: ) Dr. James Fanning (Tel.: ) April Graziano B.A. (Tel.: ) Dr. Marie-Elaine van Egmond (Tel ) Jörg Weber M.A. (Tel.: ) Emeriti: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Klein (Englische Literatur und Cultural Studies GB) Prof. Dr. Hartmut Lutz (Amerikanistik/Kanadistik) Prof. Dr. Günter Weise (Englische Sprachwissenschaft) REGULÄRE SPRECHSTUNDENZEITEN DER LEHRKRÄFTE: (Falls nötig, können andere Zeiten mit der jeweiligen Lehrkraft bzw. mit der zuständigen Sekretärin abgesprochen werden, ggf. auch telefonisch oder per s. oben!) Dr. Anette Brauer Mittwoch Uhr Raum 25 Melanie Oberst M.A. Donnerstag Uhr Raum 38 Prof. Dr. Sebastian Domsch Donnerstag 10:00 11:00 Uhr Raum 32 Dr. James Fanning Dienstag Uhr Raum 37 Dipl.-Lehrerin Heike Gericke Montag Uhr Raum 36 April Graziano B.A. Mittwoch Uhr Raum 36 Dr. Mascha Hansen Montag Uhr Raum 39 Dr. Martin Holtz Donnerstag Uhr Raum 25 Dr. Sebastian Knospe Dienstag Uhr Raum 31 Prof. Dr. Amei Koll-Stobbe Mittwoch Uhr Raum 30 Dr. Margitta Kuty Montag Uhr Raum 35 und Donnerstag Uhr Ann-Kathrin Mehrens Dienstag Uhr Raum 31 Dr. Marie-Elaine van Egmond Dienstag Uhr Raum 38 Jörg Weber M.A. Montag Uhr via Skype (weber.emau) Sprechstunden während der vorlesungsfreien Zeit werden im jeweiligen Sekretariat bzw. an den Bürotüren per Aushang bekanntgegeben. 5

6 SPRECHSTUNDENZEITEN DER SEKRETÄR[INN]EN: Anke Möller (LS Anglophone Literaturwissenschaften, Raum 25) Montag Freitag: Uhr Mathias Köhn (LS Linguistik, Raum 27) Montag Donnerstag: Uhr; Freitag: 13:00 14:00 SPRECHSTUNDENZEIT DES STUDENTISCHEN FACHSCHAFTSRATES: Ort & Zeit werden zu Beginn des Semesters per Aushang bekannt gegeben STUDIENBERATUNG/SPRECHSTUNDEN IN DER VORLESUNGSFREIEN ZEIT Bei Frau Dr. Kuty (Raum 35): Mi : Mi : Mi : Mi : Mi : Di : Do : Bei Frau Dr. Brauer (Raum 25) Di : Do : ERSTSEMESTERBERATUNG Jeweils 09:00, 10:00, 11:00 R. 34: 4. Oktober (Dr. Kuty) 5. Oktober (Dr. Brauer) 6. Oktober (Dr. Kuty) 7. Oktober (Dr. Brauer) EINSCHREIBUNG / ONLINE ENROLMENT Enrolment for the Summer Semester will take place online from 1 st September until 31 st October 2016 Go to You need your university address and your personal log-in. Instructions will be provided when you have logged in. Please pay attention to the principles explained in the next section. If you have any further questions write to fsrangl@uni-greifswald.de INFORMATIONEN UND VERHALTENSREGELN ZUR LSF-EINSCHREIBUNG Groupware: Das Lehrpersonal kommuniziert mit Ihnen über die Groupware ( Bitte kontrollieren Sie regelmäßig das Groupware-Postfach. Der Login erfolgt mit den zentralen Authentifikationsdaten (WLAN, HIS, Groupware, etc.) auf dem ersten Studentenausweis. Kriterien: Die primären Auswahlkriterien für Lehrveranstaltungen sind die für die Lehrveranstaltung festgelegte Semesterpriorität (Studienphase im Musterstudienplan) 6

7 und die für die jeweilige Lehrveranstaltung ggf. laut Studienordnung vorher zu absolvierenden Prüfungen/Module. Sprachpraxis: Studenten dürfen maximal drei Sprachpraxiskurse pro Semester wählen. Eintragung: Bitte melden Sie sich nur für Lehrveranstaltungen an, die Sie tatsächlich besuchen wollen. Die Anmeldung für unverhältnismäßig viele Kurse führt zu Nichtberücksichtigung in allen Kursen. Abmeldung: Wenn Sie an einer Lehrveranstaltung nicht teilnehmen können, sind Sie verpflichtet sich von dieser Lehrveranstaltung umgehend selbst abzumelden, damit Kommilitonen auf der Warteliste nachrücken können. Erste Sitzung: Eine verbindliche Platzzusage trifft der Kursleiter in der ersten Sitzung. Sie müssen in der ersten Sitzung anwesend sein und gegebenenfalls auch zwingend zu erbringende Prüfungsleistungen nachweisen (z.b. erfolgreicher Abschluss des Grundstudiums oder eines vorgeordneten Moduls). Änderungen: Bitte achten Sie daher immer zu Semesterbeginn auf aktuelle Aushänge im Institut (Eingangsbereich und Bürotüren) und auf der Homepage des IfAA. Daten wie Namen, Orte oder Zeiten von Lehrveranstaltungen können sich ändern. Lehrveranstaltungen können in seltenen Fällen in Gänze entfallen oder es können neue Lehrangebote kurzfristig hinzukommen. Ordnungen: Eine gründliche Lektüre der Prüfungs- und Studienordnung zu Beginn des Studiums spart langfristig Zeit und Aufwand und macht den Studienablauf durchschau- und planbar. Prüfungs- und Studienordnungen enthalten Informationen zu Ablauf, Inhalten und Prüfungen des Studiums sowie Musterstudienpläne und Modulhandbücher. Rückfragen: Mit Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an den Fachschaftsrat oder die Studienberaterinnen der Anglistik/Amerikanistik. WICHTIGE INFORMATIONEN ZUM STUDIENBETRIEB Prüfungsvorbereitung Kandidat[inn]en für alle Abschlußprüfungen außer Sprachpraxis müssen sich rechtzeitig (i.d.r. drei Monate vor dem jeweiligen Prüfungstermin) bei der/dem jeweiligen Prüfer[in] melden, um sich mit ihr/ihm über die Prüfungsthemen und -schwerpunkte zu verständigen. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) Zu den Kriterien der Punktvergabe für alte Lehramtsstudiengänge sowie für ausländische Studierende siehe die Anmerkungen auf Seite 45. B.A.- und M.A.-Studierende können die Richtlinien der Punktvergabe für die Module den jeweiligen Prüfungs- bzw. Studienordnungen entnehmen. Internationale Beziehungen Die Greifswalder Anglistik/Amerikanistik hat internationale Verbindungen zu Einrichtungen in Europa und Nordamerika. Wer sich für ein Studium in den USA bzw. Kanada interessiert, kann sich bei Dr. Anette Brauer (Widener University, University of Manitoba, University of Saskatchewan, allgemeine Fragen zu Fulbright) oder über die Webseite des Akademischen Auslandsamts informieren; Informationen über ERASMUS -Studienaufenthalte innerhalb der EU erhalten Sie von Frau Gericke, der ERASMUS Koordinatorin des Instituts. 7

8 LEGENDE BA CS HS Lit. LA Loh LV MA [u.]n.v. R Rub SWS - Bachelor of Arts - Cultural Studies - Hörsaal (Rubenowstraße oder E.-Lohmeyer-Platz) - Literatur[e] - Lehramt[sanwärter(innen)] - (bei Hörsälen:) Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz - Lehrveranstaltung - Master of Arts - [und] nach Vereinbarung - Raum (Steinbeckerstraße) - (bei Hörsälen:) Rubenowstraße - Semesterwochenstunden (2 SWS = 2 Stunden jede Woche über 1 Semester oder Äquivalent d.h. insgesamt 28 Stunden, z.b. 4 Stunden alle 2 Wochen über 1 Semester oder 2 Blöcke von je 7 Stunden) 8

9 Studierende sollten immer regelmäßig nach wichtigen Informationen im Gebäude der Anglistik/Amerikanistik bzw. im Internet Ausschau halten: Aus verschiedenen Gründen kann es z.b. zu Änderungen des Lehrangebotes gegenüber diesem Verzeichnis kommen. MODULSTRUKTUREN (Zuordnung der LV zu Modulen) B.A.-MODULE B.A.: NACH STUDIENORDNUNG 2010 (für Studierende, die vor Okt begonnen haben)) Falls noch Bedarf besteht, konsultieren Sie die Studienordnung und wenden Sie sich an die Lehrkräfte des jeweiligen Bereichs. Die Kursbeschreibungen stehen im Hauptteil dieses Verzeichnisses (ab S. 22). B.A.: NACH STUDIENORDNUNG 2012 Die Kursbeschreibungen stehen im Hauptteil dieses Verzeichnisses (ab S. 22) unter den gleichen Titeln und Nummern. (s. auch Musterstudienplan am Ende dieses Verzeichnisses) SPRACHPRAXIS 1. UNDERSTANDING TEXTS This module should be taken in the first (or second) semester. Listening (Übung) SWS Di R 8 April Graziano or: Do R 8 or: Fr R 8 Reading (Übung) SWS Di R 24 April Graziano or: Mi R 23 or: Do R 34 Reading (Übung) SWS Mi R 8 Heike Gericke Listening (Übung) SWS Mi R 34 Anette Brauer Reading: In the News (Übung) SWS Do R 23 Anette Brauer 2. ORAL SKILLS Before taking this module you must have passed the Module Exam Understanding Texts. It is recommended to take it in the 3 rd semester. Presentations (Übung) SWS Di R 34 Heike Gericke Speaking: In the News (Übung) SWS Di R 34 Anette Brauer 9

10 Speaking (Übung) SWS Do R 8 Heike Gericke Speaking (Übung) SWS Fr R 8 April Graziano Presentations SWS Block R 21 Jörg Weber A: Theory and exercises, 1-2 October 2016, B: Practice, 18 December 2016, WRITING TEXTS Before taking this module you must have passed the Module Exam Understanding Texts. It is recommended to take it in the 5 th semester. Writing: In the News (Übung) SWS Mo R 23 Anette Brauer Writing for Film: Media Project Part I (Übung) SWS Mo R 34 Anette Brauer Writing (Übung) SWS Mi R 21 April Graziano Writing (Übung) SWS Mi R 21 Heike Gericke Advanced Grammar: The Grammar of Written English (Übung) SWS Mo R 8 Heike Gericke or: Do R 23 Writing (Übung) SWS Block + Tutorial R 21 Jörg Weber , anschließend 14-tägliches Essay Tutorial SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT 4. PRACTICAL LINGUISTICS This module is recommended to be taken in the first semester, and the two classes Introduction to Grammar and Introduction to Phonetics & Phonology are accordingly held each Winter Semester. Introduction to Phonetics & Phonology (Vorlesung) SWS Mo HS 5 James Fanning Introduction to English Grammar (Vorlesung) SWS Di HS 5 Heike Gericke 5. LINGUISTICS I This module is recommended to be taken in the second semester. The Linguistic Tool-Kit lecture and tutorial are accordingly held each Summer Semester. Before taking it, students must pass the module exam Practical Linguistics. 10

11 6. LINGUISTICS II This module is recommended to be taken in the fourth and fifth semesters. Before taking it, students must pass the module exam Linguistics I. Societal Aspects of Bilingualism (Proseminar) SWS Mo R 8 Melanie Oberst Verbal Humour (Proseminar) SWS Mo R 8 Sebastian Knospe The Writing City: Urban Multilingualism (Proseminar) SWS Di R 8 Ann-Kathrin Mehrens English Lexicology (Proseminar) SWS Di R 34 Sebastian Knospe World Englishes I: From Codified Codes to World-Wide Repertoire and Symbolic Resource (Vorlesung/Hauptseminar) SWS Di HS 1 Rub Amei Koll-Stobbe World Englishes II: Contact, Identities, Hybridization (Vorlesung/Hauptseminar) SWS Di HS 1 Loh Amei Koll-Stobbe Language Variation and Change (Proseminar) SWS Do R 34 Melanie Oberst ENGLISCHE UND NORDAMERIKANISCHE LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT 7. LITERATURE I This module is recommended to be taken in the second semester. Accordingly, the lectures History of British Literature and Introduction to Literary Studies are offered each Summer Semester 8. LITERATURE II This module is recommended to be taken in the third and fourth semesters. Before taking it, students must pass the module exam Literature I. The lecture History of American Literature is offered each Winter Semester. The History of American Literature (Vorlesung) SWS Mi HS 2 Loh Sebastian Domsch You are recommended to take the other part of the module, a Proseminar, in the Summer Semester, but the following are available in this Winter Semester: Contemporary British Children's Literature (Proseminar) SWS Mo R 34 Mascha Hansen Studying Drama (Proseminar) SWS Mo R 23 James Fanning Mx. President, Manspreading, and Dealing the Woman Card: A NYT-based Introduction to Gender Studies (Seminar) SWS Di R 34 Anette Brauer American Poetry (Proseminar) SWS Do R 8 Martin Holtz 11

12 America s Firsts: Peoples, European Settlements, and Texts (Seminar) SWS Do R 34 Anette Brauer 9. CULTURAL STUDIES GB/USA This module is recommended to be taken in the third and fourth semesters. The lecture Introduction to the UK is offered each Winter Semester, and the lecture Introduction to the USA is offered in the Summer Semester. Introduction to the UK (Vorlesung) SWS Fr HS 1 James Fanning 10. SPECIALIZATION This module is recommended to be taken in the fifth and sixth semesters. SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT Societal Aspects of Bilingualism (Proseminar) SWS Mo R 8 Melanie Oberst Verbal Humour (Proseminar) SWS Mo R 8 Sebastian Knospe The Writing City: Urban Multilingualism (Proseminar) SWS Di R 8 Ann-Kathrin Mehrens English Lexicology (Proseminar) SWS Di R 34 Sebastian Knospe Language Variation and Change (Proseminar) SWS Do R 34 Melanie Oberst LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT / CULTURAL STUDIES The Truth [Was] Out There: An X-Files-based Investigation of America s 1990s (Seminar) SWS Mo R 34 Anette Brauer Oscar Wilde (Hauptseminar) SWS Di R 8 Mascha Hansen The Western (Seminar) SWS Do R 8 Martin Holtz Charles Dickens: David Copperfield (Seminar) SWS Do R 23 James Fanning 12

13 LEHRAMTSMODULE: NACH STUDIENORDNUNG 2012 Die Kursbeschreibungen stehen im Hauptteil dieses Verzeichnisses (ab S. 22) unter den gleichen Titeln und Nummern. SPRACHPRAXIS 1. UNDERSTANDING TEXTS This module should be taken in the first (or second) semester. Listening (Übung) SWS Di R 8 April Graziano or: Do R 8 or: Fr R 8 Reading (Übung) SWS Di R 24 April Graziano or: Mi R 23 or: Do R 34 Reading (Übung) SWS Mi R 8 Heike Gericke Listening (Übung) SWS Mi R 34 Anette Brauer Reading: In the News (Übung) SWS Do R 23 Anette Brauer 2. ORAL SKILLS Before taking this module you must have passed the Module Exam Understanding Texts. It is recommended to take it in the 3 rd semester. Presentations (Übung) SWS Di R 34 Heike Gericke Speaking: In the News (Übung) SWS Di R 34 Anette Brauer Speaking (Übung) SWS Do R 8 Heike Gericke Speaking (Übung) SWS Fr R 8 April Graziano 3. WRITING TEXTS Before taking this module you must have passed the Module Exam Understanding Texts. It is recommended to take it in the 4 th & 5 th ( Regionalschule ) or 6 th & 7 th semesters ( Gymnasium ). Writing: In the News (Übung) SWS Mo R 23 Anette Brauer Writing for Film: Media Project Part I (Übung) SWS Mo R 34 Anette Brauer 13

14 Writing (Übung) SWS Mi R 21 April Graziano Writing (Übung) SWS Mi R 21 Heike Gericke Advanced Grammar: The Grammar of Written English (Übung) SWS Mo R 8 Heike Gericke or: Do R 23 Writing (Übung) SWS Block + Tut. R 21 Jörg Weber 4. ADVANCED LANGUAGE COMPETENCE Before taking this module you must have passed the Module Exams Writing Texts and Practical Linguistics. It is recommended to take it in the 9 th semester. Translation German-English (Übung) SWS Mo R 23 James Fanning or: Fr R 23 Translation Workshop (Examenskurs) (Übung) SWS Di R 23 James Fanning Error Correction (Übung) SWS Mo R 8 Heike Gericke SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT 5. PRACTICAL LINGUISTICS This module is recommended to be taken in the first semester, and the two classes Introduction to Grammar and Introduction to Phonetics & Phonology are accordingly held each Winter Semester. Introduction to Phonetics & Phonology (Vorlesung) SWS Mo HS 5 James Fanning Introduction to English Grammar (Vorlesung) SWS Di HS 5 Heike Gericke 6. LINGUISTICS I This module is recommended to be taken in the second semester. The Linguistic Tool-Kit lecture and tutorial are accordingly held each Summer Semester. Before taking it, students must pass the module exam Practical Linguistics. 7. LINGUISTICS II This module is recommended to be taken in the fourth and fifth semesters. Before taking it, students must pass the module exam Linguistics I. Societal Aspects of Bilingualism (Proseminar) SWS Mo R 8 Melanie Oberst Verbal Humour (Proseminar) SWS Mo R 8 Sebastian Knospe 14

15 The Writing City: Urban Multilingualism (Proseminar) SWS Di R 8 Ann-Kathrin Mehrens English Lexicology (Proseminar) SWS Di R 34 Sebastian Knospe World Englishes I: From Codified Codes to World-Wide Repertoire and Symbolic Resource (Vorlesung/Hauptseminar) SWS Di HS 1 Rub Amei Koll-Stobbe World Englishes II: Contact, Identities, Hybridization (Vorlesung/Hauptseminar) SWS Di HS 1 Loh Amei Koll-Stobbe Language Variation and Change (Proseminar) SWS Do R 34 Melanie Oberst 8. LINGUISTICS III This module is recommended to be taken in the sixth and seventh semesters. Morphology (Hauptseminar) SWS Mo R 23 Sebastian Knospe American English Past and Present Perspectives (Hauptseminar) SWS Di R 23 Sebastian Knospe Doing Language: Knowledge, Context, and Discourse (Hauptseminar) SWS Mi R 23 Amei Koll-Stobbe Cognitive Linguistics and Language Stuff (Hauptseminar) SWS Mi R 23 Amei Koll-Stobbe Discursive Linguistics (Tutorium) SWS Do R 8 Ann-Kathrin Mehrens Syntax (Hauptseminar) SWS Do R 34 Marie-Elaine van Egmond ENGLISCHE UND NORDAMERIKANISCHE LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT 9. LITERATURE I This module is recommended to be taken in the second semester. Accordingly, the lectures History of British Literature and Introduction to Literary Studies are offered each Summer Semester 10. LITERATURE II This module is recommended to be taken in the third and fourth semesters. Before taking it, students must pass the module exam Literature I. The History of American Literature (Vorlesung) SWS Mi HS 2 Loh Sebastian Domsch You are recommended to take the other part of the module, a Proseminar, in the Summer Semester, but the following are available in this Winter Semester: Contemporary British Children's Literature (Proseminar) SWS Mo R 34 Mascha Hansen 15

16 Studying Drama (Proseminar) SWS Mo R 23 James Fanning Mx. President, Manspreading, and Dealing the Woman Card: A NYT-based Introduction to Gender Studies (Seminar) SWS Di R 34 Anette Brauer American Poetry (Proseminar) SWS Do R 8 Martin Holtz America s Firsts: Peoples, European Settlements, and Texts (Seminar) SWS Do R 34 Anette Brauer 11. LITERATURE III This module is recommended to be taken in the eighth and ninth semesters (LAG) or seventh and eighth semesters (LAR). Reading Shakespeare (Seminar) SWS Di R 24 Mascha Hansen Mx. President, Manspreading, and Dealing the Woman Card: A NYT-based Introduction to Gender Studies (Seminar) SWS Di R 34 Anette Brauer Classic Dystopias (Seminar) SWS Di R 23 James Fanning Reading Texts: Theory and Practice (Seminar) SWS Mi R 8 Sebastian Domsch America s Firsts: Peoples, European Settlements, and Texts (Seminar) SWS Do R 34 Anette Brauer Charles Dickens: David Copperfield (Seminar) SWS Do R 23 James Fanning 12. CULTURAL STUDIES I This module is recommended to be taken in the third and fourth semesters. Introduction to the UK is taught each Winter Semester, and Introduction to the USA each Summer Semester Introduction to the UK (Vorlesung) SWS Fr HS 1 James Fanning 13. CULTURAL STUDIES II The Truth [Was] Out There: An X-Files-based Investigation of America s 1990s (S) SWS Mo R 34 Anette Brauer Mx. President, Manspreading, and Dealing the Woman Card: A NYT-based Introduction to Gender Studies (Seminar) SWS Di R 34 Anette Brauer America s Firsts: Peoples, European Settlements, and Texts (Seminar) SWS Do R 34 Anette Brauer 16

17 The Western (Seminar) SWS Do R 8 Martin Holtz and: Di R 8 (obligatory film sessions) Vikings in Britain (Seminar) SWS Block R 21 Jörg Weber The Hansa and Britain (Seminar) SWS Block R 21 Jörg Weber 14. (NUR LAG) ADVANCED SPECIALIZATION (ONLY LA GYMNASIUM) This module is recommended to be taken in the eighth and ninth semesters. SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT Morphology (Hauptseminar) SWS Mo R 23 Sebastian Knospe Doing Language: Knowledge, Context, and Discourse (Hauptseminar) SWS Mi R 23 Amei Koll-Stobbe Cognitive Linguistics and Language Stuff (Hauptseminar) SWS Mi R 23 Amei Koll-Stobbe Syntax (Hauptseminar) SWS Do R 34 Marie-Elaine van Egmond LITERATURWISSENSCHAFT / CULTURAL STUDIES Writing for Film: Media Project Part I (Übung) SWS Mo R 34 Anette Brauer The Truth [Was] Out There: An X-Files-based Investigation of America s 1990s (Seminar ) SWS Mo R 34 Anette Brauer Reading Shakespeare (Seminar) SWS Di R 24 Mascha Hansen Oscar Wilde (Hauptseminar) SWS Di R 8 Mascha Hansen Classic Dystopias (Seminar) SWS Di R 23 James Fanning Southern Gothic (Hauptseminar) SWS Do R 23 Sebastian Domsch The Western (Seminar) SWS Do R 8 Martin Holtz and: Di R 8 (obligatory film sessions) 17

18 FACHDIDAKTIK 14. (LAR) / 15. (LAG) TEACHING ENGLISH I This module is recommended to be taken in the third semester. Courses are accordingly offered every Winter Semester. Einführung in die Fremdsprachendidaktik (Vorlesung) SWS Mo HS 3 Margitta Kuty Getting started: the basics of ELT (Proseminar) SWS Fr R 23 Margitta Kuty 15. (LAR) / 16. (LAG) TEACHING ENGLISH II This module is recommended to be taken in the fourth and fifth semesters. It consists of Schulpraktische Studien/Übung and a Proseminar, which may be taken in different semesters. English language teaching Modul II (Proseminar) SWS Di R 23 N.N.2 Using different media in the English classroom (Proseminar) SWS Mi R 34 Margitta Kuty Schulpraktische Studien Englisch (Seminar/Übung) SWS n.v Gruppen: Margitta Kuty und 2 Gruppen: N.N. Schulpraktische Studien Englisch (Spezialgruppe: s. Kommentar) (1 Gruppe) (Seminar/Übung) SWS n.v. -- Margitta Kuty 16. (LAR) / 17. (LAG) TEACHING ENGLISH III This module is recommended to be taken in the sixth and and seventh semesters. It consists of two Hauptseminare, which may be taken in different semesters. Alternative teaching methods and effects on traditional ELT (Hauptseminar) SWS Di R 23 Margitta Kuty English language teaching Modul III (Hauptseminar) SWS Do R 34 N.N.2 SCHURAKTIKUM Begleitseminar Englisch: Schulpraktikum II (Kolloquium) SWS Block R 21 Margitta Kuty Termine: 20. Januar Uhr und 31. März 2017, Uhr 18

19 MASTER-STUDIENGÄNGE The Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik offers modules within the M.A. courses in Intercultural Linguistics: Germanische Gegenwartssprachen, Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, Kultur-Interkulturalität-Literatur and Sprachliche Vielfalt For each of these you should also consult the curriculum as given in the relevant Studienordnung and Modulhandbuch and the information given under HIS/LSF: Öffnung von Sprachpraxis-Kursen für das Masterprogramm Sprachliche Vielfalt / Language Diversity Modul Angl-1 English linguistics. Fundamental Concepts and Theoretical Frameworks : identisch mit M2/1 (Master Intercultural Linguistics). Kein Sprachpraxiskurs zu belegen. Modul Angl-2 English World-Wide: Local and Global Identities : besteht wie M2/3 (Master Intercultural Linguistics) aus der EWL-Vorlesung und dem dazugehörigen Tutorial. Zusätzlich sollen die Studierenden dieses Master-Programms eine sprachpraktische Übung nach Wahl belegen. Modul Angl-3 Discursive Linguistics : identisch mit M2/4 (Master Intercultural Linguistics). Kein Sprachpraxiskurs zu belegen. Das Modul Angl-5 Anglophone Literatures: Textuality and Mediality as Representations of Cultural Semantics (Schwerpunktphilologie) speist sich aus zwei literaturwissenschaftlichen Seminaren/Vorlesungen und einem Sprachpraxis-Kurs aus dem Bereich Written Skills. Wird Anglistik im Rahmen des Masters Sprachliche Vielfalt dagegen als Vertiefungsphilologie studiert, so ist statt Angl-5 das Modul Angl-4 zu belegen. Dieses unterscheidet sich von Modul Angl-5 (Schwerpunktphilologie) dadurch, dass kein Sprachpraxis-Kurs besucht werden muss. If you have any questions, consult the teaching staff, and contact the chairs in Anglophone Literature or English Linguistics, or the secretaries offices. Course descriptions for all classes are given below in the main part of this booklet, beginning on the next page. 19

20 KOMMENTIERTE GESAMTLISTE DER LEHRVERANSTALTUNGEN Die Modulzuordnungen der einzelnen Lehrveranstaltungen sowie das/die Semester, in dem/denen die Module laut Musterstudienplan belegt werden sollen, stehen oben (ab S. 9). Die Musterstudienpläne für die modularisierten Studiengänge stehen am Ende dieses Verzeichnisses. SPRACHPRAXIS Translation German-English (Übung) SWS Mo R 23 James Fanning or: Fr R 23 Besides providing a pragmatically based revision of main points of Grammar, this course aims above all to increase your awareness of the similarities and differences between the two languages and practice techniques for getting around problems of translation. We shall mainly work orally, but a written test will be offered in the final week of the semester. Students are advised to take this course early enough to be able to take the Translation Workshop (cf. below) afterwards, before their final exam. It is essential to be present in the first session of the semester. maximum participants: 30 (each group) Error Correction (Übung) SWS Mo R 8 Heike Gericke This course for prospective teachers aims to improve your ability to spot and correct mistakes (spelling, lexical, grammatical, idiomatic) in your pupils written papers. At the same time the course provides a general revision of English grammar for everyone. maximum participants: 25 Writing: In the News (Übung) SWS Mo R 23 Anette Brauer The news offers facts, analyses and opinions on a huge amount of events that more or less shape our daily lives or our experience of the world. They reflect or challenge our own views. We will choose such hot-button issues for planning, structuring and writing academic essays in preparation of longer argumentative texts that you will be required to write as part of your term papers or final exams. maximum participants: 12 Writing for Film: Media Project Part I (Übung) SWS Mo R 34 Anette Brauer SUPER! Heroes, Zombies, Star Trek captains, and Satan himself : We had them all right here at Griffin University in our mythical, yet familiar-looking Grayville. Now a NEW CHALLENGE is on. Develop three original story ideas into 25-page movie scripts and 1-minute teasers in teamwork so that by mid-january 2017 your fellow students can vote for their favorite movie project for the summer semester Expand your creative horizons, test your writing talents, and share your enthusiasm for Fly-By Images next no-budget/non-profit student movie. Join this experimental, hands-on course and learn about preproduction processes in movie making. 20

21 (Especially recommended for future teachers. For credit points in [Advanced] Specialization, you will have to participate in the Media Project Part II/Production Phase during the summer semester 2017) maximum participants: 15; minimum participants: 6 Translation Workshop (Examenskurs) (Übung) SWS Di R 23 James Fanning This course is for those students who intend to take their final exam in Translation immediately following this semester. It will build on the normal Translation course (cf. above), which participants should ideally have already taken. maximum participants: 30 Listening (Übung) SWS Di R 8 April Graziano or: Do R 8 or: Fr R 8 In this course, students will expand on their listening skills by focusing on different types of listening, such as listening for specific information, listening for general understanding, and listening for specific words. We will focus on American vocabulary, pronunciation, and perspectives towards the events and topics discussed, but will also be listening to pieces from speakers of various backgrounds and with different accents, both native and non-native speakers. The class will use in-class discussion to analyze information and perspectives. The course will provide ample opportunity for practice in listening to a variety of text forms (e.g. speeches, radio interviews, informational videos, and podcasts) and broaden students skill sets largely through listening practice, focus on vocabulary, and use of discussion to aid analysis and understanding. maximum participants: 25 each group Writing for Master Students (Übung) SWS Di R 23 Marie-Elaine van Egmond This course will equip students with the skills they need to produce elegant, polished and well-structured academic texts. We will move from sentence structure, to paragraph structure and essay / thesis structure, focussing on clarity and coherence. Students will write approximately one essay per week through the semester on a range of topics, which will also include their thesis topic. The course will consist of group meetings, in which the class will discuss and review crucial grammar points and analyze good writing together, and individual meetings, in which students will meet with the instructor to review assignments and discuss overall progress. maximum participants: 12 Presentations (Übung) SWS Di R 34 Heike Gericke This course is designed to equip students with the essential communication and language skills needed for giving a presentation. We will analyse examples shown on video and practise skills such as structuring information, using an appropriate style of language, using 21

22 visual aids and adopting the right body language. This course will culminate with each student giving a presentation in class. maximum participants: 20 Reading (Übung) SWS Di R 24 April Graziano or: Mi R 23 or: Do R 34 In this class we will examine a variety of texts, often news articles and journals, but also other categories of writing such as literary texts or satire. We will touch on reading strategies and techniques, as well as focus on expanding vocabulary through discussion and text analysis. Students will practice extrapolating general and specific information from texts and analyzing different text forms. We will also focus on summarizing and paraphrasing information. maximum participants: 20 each group Speaking: In the News (Übung) SWS Di R 34 Anette Brauer The objective of this course is to improve your ability to communicate orally in a (mostly) academic setting. Since news reporting covers a wide range of topics, we hope to expand your active vocabulary. Additionally, we will practice the art of reasonable discussions and help you prepare and present short speeches. maximum participants: 20 Reading (Übung) SWS Mi R 8 Heike Gericke In this course we will read texts of various styles, forms and topics to be then analysed and discussed in class. This course will provide practice in specific skills, e.g. dealing with unknown vocabulary and complex structures, paraphrasing words and phrases, reading techniques, and lots of opportunities to enhance your range of vocabulary, your fluency and communicative confidence. maximum participants: 20 Writing (Übung) SWS Mi R 21 April Graziano In this course we will discuss the principles of text production and work on creating essays that are academic, focused, and well developed. We will workshop your writing through the editing and revising process and the students will work closely together with the lecturer to improve their writing. We will discuss essay structure and style, and also touch on grammar and mechanics. maximum participants: 12 Listening (Übung) SWS Mi R 34 Anette Brauer We will practice the various forms of listening (listening for general understanding, listening for specific information and for specific words) in order to advance your understanding of 22

23 spoken and predominantly formal English. America will be our focus, content and pronunciation-wise. However other national varieties will be included. maximum participants: 25 Writing (Übung) SWS Mi R 21 Heike Gericke In regular meetings as a class we will discuss basic principles of text production and features of academic texts. In individual tutorials we will talk about your texts/assignments and work on better text organisation, style, and grammar and lexis. OBLIGATORY BOOK: Hodges, John C., et.al., Harbrace College Handbook. Harcourt Brace College Publishers, 1994 (Twelfth edition) or 1998 (Thirteenth edition). maximum participants: 12 Advanced Grammar: The Grammar of Written English (Übung) SWS Mo R 8 Heike Gericke or: Do R 23 In this course we shall deal with features of discourse and grammar typical of written English by analysing complex sentence structures in texts and practising advanced sentence patterns in class, at home and online. OBLIGATORY TEXTBOOK: Mark Foley & Diane Hall. MyGrammarLab. Advanced C1/C2. (Pearson Education Limited 2012) ISBN: maximum participants: 20 each group Speaking (Übung) SWS Do R 8 Heike Gericke Constructing arguments, orally and in writing, is a core skill at university. In this course we will practise how to make personal opinion and fact based arguments. We will practise language typical of group discussions, learn how to give global and selective summaries in English and give short presentations. maximum participants: 20 Reading: In the News (Übung) SWS Do R 23 Anette Brauer If you seriously want to study the language, literatures and cultures of the United Kingdom and North America, you must follow those countries most recent developments, discussion, and news stories. We will practice your reading abilities by using news reports from predominantly British and American newspapers and magazines like The Guardian and The New York Times. maximum participants: 25 Speaking (Übung) SWS Fr R 8 April Graziano In this course we will focus on speaking skills related to presenting information, having conversations, and participating in pro/con discussions. We will discuss some techniques and vocabulary that will aid the development of speaking skills. We will expand on vocabulary through practice and in-depth discussions of new topics. We will also focus on organizing and 23

24 summarizing information, and making opinion and fact-based arguments, as well as evaluating arguments, paraphrasing, and interpreting information in different formats. maximum participants: 20 Presentations SWS Block R 21 Jörg Weber A: Theory and exercises, 1-2 October 2016, B: Practice, 18 December 2016, Holding presentations is an essential academic skill both here at university and in your later careers. We will study presentation theory, e.g. verbal and non-verbal aspects such as structuring techniques, style/register, vocabulary, body language, using visual aids, and effective time management. There will be a number of exercises to expand your vocabulary and several practice sessions to put the theoretical concepts into action. Students will hold a final presentation towards the end of the semester. Lastly, we will learn how to formulate a hypothesis and how the university s library catalogues and databases can be used to find appropriate academic literature. The course consists of two blocks: maximum participants: 20 Writing (Übung) SWS Block + Tutorial R 21 Jörg Weber , anschließend 14-tägliches Essay Tutorial In this course students will study the basic principles of text production and work on improving grammar, syntax, style, structure and vocabulary. In the two-day compact course we will study the theoretical aspects of writing and go through various exercises together. Throughout the semester, students will hand in short essays every two weeks and follow an individual learning plan including additional exercises in order to bring their writing skills to perfection. maximum participants: 12 ENGLISCHE SPRACHWISSENSCHAFT Societal Aspects of Bilingualism (Proseminar) SWS Mo R 8 Melanie Oberst The number of languages in today s world is estimated at about 6,000. Thus, bilingualism or multilingualism is the reality in most of the world s nation states. But how are languages organized within different nation states? The consequences of contact situations for societies and for the individuals living in these societies will be the topic of this seminar. After defining basic concepts like bilingualism and multilingualism we will distinguish different contact situations in which languages interact and the different roles that language have to fulfil within certain settings. This will include discussions on the concept of language domains and on aspects of language ecology. Further we will focus on factors that influence the status of languages in a contact situation and how language-policy measures and language-planning efforts shape the relationship between prestigious and less prestigious languages. Besides the overarching societal level we will also consider the implications for individual language users. maximum participants: 30 24

25 Introduction to Phonetics & Phonology (Vorlesung) SWS Mo HS 5 James Fanning This course aims to give a thorough grounding in the sounds of English and their correct use from a theoretical point of view, while paying attention to the practical needs of foreign learners, particularly those of Germans. What is often known as British Received Pronunciation will be taken as the standard, however attention will be paid to significantly different features of General American pronunciation and, to a lesser extent, of certain other varieties. Together this course and the Introduction to English Grammar form the module Practical Linguistics (1 st semester). COURSEBOOK: Paul Skandera & Peter Burleigh. A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology, 2 nd ed., Narr (ISBN ) A supplementary reader will be available at the beginning of the semester: you should buy this and bring it to the first session. maximum participants: 200 Morphology (Hauptseminar) SWS Mo R 23 Sebastian Knospe At first glance, the morphological structure of Present-Day English seems to be quite reduced and simple, although there are, in fact, a number of irregularities that go back to earlier language periods including results of linguistic borrowing. This class will provide an in-depth picture of the morphological structure of English words and the use of morphological rules to build new vocabulary items. We will take a closer look at the somewhat problematic notion of the word, the linguistic components lexical units are composed of, and then study the different types of morphemes as well as productive and less productive word-formation processes found in the English language today. In this connection, structural and cognitive-linguistic approaches will be discussed. This theoretical knowledge will be applied in individual student projects. maximum participants: 30 Verbal Humour (Proseminar) SWS Mo R 8 Sebastian Knospe Verbal humour is an integral part of British and American culture as well as a test ground for theories of meaning-making. This seminar will try to offer a framework for an adequate linguistic description and analysis of jokes, puns, allusive humour and other signs of ludic uses of English. In so doing, we will particularly focus on semantic and pragmatic aspects of verbal humour, although we should not forget its social dimensions. In class we will study examples from everyday language, comedy, press and advertising language. The aim is to show the complexity of verbal humour, which often involves the breaking of linguistic and/or social norms. maximum participants: 30 American English Past and Present Perspectives (Hauptseminar) SWS Di R 23 Sebastian Knospe Since the colonial period, the USA and Canada have been immigration countries attracting people from different linguo-cultural backgrounds. This has resulted in complex situations of language contact that have shaped and keep on shaping both varieties of English up to the present. It will thus be the aim of this seminar to study the traces that other languages, 25

26 including the indigenous tongues and newer immigrant languages, have left in both US and Canadian English. Moreover, we will look at the present language policies pursued in the two countries. In our comparison, we will focus on the integration of other languages in school education and present efforts to preserve minority languages. This way, the class will offer room for student projects focused on language contact in North America (past and present) and on multilingualism as a socio-political phenomenon. maximum participants: 30 Introduction to English Grammar (Vorlesung) SWS Di HS 5 Heike Gericke This lecture is intended to give a survey of Modern English grammar in order to provide students with basic theoretical knowledge of word phrases and their constituents, their syntactic behaviour within simple sentences, and of multiple sentences in English. Course material will be provided as a reader. Participants are required to attend regularly and actively. Together this course and the Introduction to Phonetics & Phonology form the module Practical Linguistics (1st semester). maximum participants: 150 The Writing City: Urban Multilingualism (Proseminar) SWS Di R 8 Ann-Kathrin Mehrens City centres are places where people of different social and linguistic backgrounds interact. This often leads to a dense situation of language contact and thus multilingual signage often can be found within the city, for example on public and commercial signs, including those in sheltered shopping centres or shops themselves (Landry/Bourhis 1997). In some cases, the signs themselves are multilingual signs, reflecting an expected multilingual readership, e.g. tourists, or there are even signs that are rather intended to appeal to readers via a more prestigious language than to be completely understood. Therefore, languages on public signs may show which languages already are, or are on the way of becoming, locally relevant. All depicted written language in the cityscape is studied by Linguistic Landscape Studies (LLS), which is a relatively recent field of sociolinguistics. A central issue in LLS is to explore multilingual aspects in public urban spaces as well as the influence of imbalances and presentation of minority and majority languages within the cityscape or the function(s) of English as a global language in a consumption-oriented world. This seminar will concentrate on this newly emerging branch in linguistics, dealing with its theoretical foundations and various strands, and exploring the opportunities it offers to study and research language use in multilingual settings. A practical part as well as a student project will be included in this seminar. maximum participants: 30 English Lexicology (Proseminar) SWS Di R 34 Sebastian Knospe More than other components, the lexicon of a language tends to be in constant flux not only because of the need to find new words which designate new things (e.g. fresh inventions), but also because of the wish of the speakers to have differentiated sets of expressions at their disposal. As a result, the vocabulary reflects both sociocultural processes of change and linguistic variation. Against this background, it is the aim of this seminar to study the English lexicon as an open, adaptive system which keeps on evolving and offers a pool of options from which competent language users may choose. Adopting a speaker-oriented perspective, 26

27 we will reflect on particular problems such as word formation, meaning change and sense relations, but also on denotative and connotative meaning as well as euphemisms and dysphemisms. Additionally, we will take a look at the creation of neologisms. Last but not least, we will investigate how dictionary makers systematize the complex and ever-changing stock of words for different kinds of users. maximum participants: 30 World Englishes I: From Codified Codes to World-Wide Repertoire and Symbolic Resource (Vorlesung/Hauptseminar) SWS Di HS 1 Rub Amei Koll-Stobbe This class and the lecture series/senior seminar World Englishes II can be chosen for the module Linguistics II, the module EWL in the Master programmes Intercultural Linguistics and Language Diversity or as a specialization option (B.A., LA Gym.). World Englishes I will take a diachronic perspective and reflect the emergence of English in Anglo-Saxon times, its (UK)-internal spread, changes and vernacular status in medieval England, the transporting of English to other continents from Elizabethan times on and the processes its codification into national standard Englishes in the Early Modern and Modern periods. We will also reflect on the ideology of the standard, and the growing visibility of grass-roots Englishes as repertoires of English that can be used as mobile resources for meaning-making in the digital age. maximum participants: 100 World Englishes II: Contact, Identities, Hybridization (Vorlesung/Hauptseminar) SWS Di HS 1 Loh Amei Koll-Stobbe This class and the lecture series cum senior seminar World Englishes I can be chosen for the module Linguistics II, the module EWL in the Master programmes Intercultural Linguistics and Language Diversity or as a specialization option (B.A., LA Gym.). World Englishes II will foreground socio- and contact-linguistic themes that explain and challenge the demographic and economic power of English as a world language. We shall zoom in on the importance of culture and language contact, the ecology of languages worldwide, and aspects of power and appropriateness of language and linguistic choices as identity markers. Our last objective will be the critical assessment of an attested hybridization of cultures and identities following the dominance of English as the expressive means (and functional register) of the US- Western economy and management culture. maximum participants: 100 Information valid for World Englishes I and II: Students who plan to enrol should be prepared to read serious linguistic papers and work with an obligatory textbook. I also welcome students who have experienced some of the World Englishes and are ready (or willing) to contribute authentic material. Class schedules, assignment requirements and references (including the obligatory textbook) will be provided only to those students that have not only registered, but also actively participate in the classes. Doing Language: Knowledge, Context, and Discourse (Hauptseminar) SWS Mi R 23 Amei Koll-Stobbe This senior seminar deals with the constitution of meaning through interactions in specific contexts, i.e. in particular oral and literate communicative settings. We shall study theoretical 27

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