EK bilingual Unterricht in Jahrgangsstufe 7 Materialien: Around the World Volume I neu (Cornelsen), Diercke Weltatlas

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1 EK bilingual Unterricht in Jahrgangsstufe 7 Materialien: Around the World Volume I neu (Cornelsen), Diercke Weltatlas Themenfeld Themen verbindliche methodische Fertigkeiten Vorkurs Working with an atlas How to describe a position on earth (longitude/latitude) How to use an atlas Working with maps (scale/legend) Weather words The Earth in Space Talking about the sun s position in the sky Talking about locations and movements Talking about air pressure and wind Working with maps Hot Deserts Sahara, the Nile; Aswan High Dam the Sahel Making comparisons Talking about survival needs Talking about pictures Describing locations on a map Agreeing and disagreeing Explaining choices Talking about uses for something Discussing an issue Describing causes and effects Talking about pictures Giving a talk or presentation Leben und Wirtschaften in verschiedenen Landschaftszonen Polar Zones Arctic Antarctic Tundra Taiga Greenland Siberia Expressing opinions Discussing preparations Asking questions in an interview Describing geographical locations and features Describing thematic maps Working with tables, graphs and charts Talking about pictures Tropical Rainforest Brazil: Yanomami, Amazonia Talking about weather changes Talking about the structure of the rainforest Talking about the nutrient cycle Talking about line graphs and pie charts Comparing methods of cultivation Talking about the destruction of the rainforest Giving a talk or presentation Working with tables, graphs and charts Working with flow charts Topographische Verflechtung Vegetation and Climatic zones of the earth Summary in form of a table /presentations (arbeitsteilige Gruppenarbeit) Extracting information from a film

2 Gefährdung von Lebensräumen Plate Tectonics and Volcanoes Aktuelle California Tsunamis Talking about earthquakes and volcano zones Talking about plate movements Talking about plate boundaries Talking about volcanoes Working with flow charts Die Schülerinnen und Schüler erstellen Language Cards mit sprachlichen (words and phrases) und methodischen Hilfestellungen (Activate your English). Das Fachvokabular wird in Form einer Excel Tabelle gesammelt und zu einem Dictionary zusammengefasst!

3 EK bilingual Unterricht in Jahrgangsstufe 8 Materialien: Diercke Geography Volume 1, Diercke Weltatlas Themenfeld Themen verbindliche methodische Fertigkeiten Living and working in Northern America The Manufacturing Belt - The Snow-Sun Belt California, market garden for the world? National Parks Megalopolis/L.A Topography: states of the US Drawing a cross section Analysing climate graphs Explaining orographic rainfall Working with a thematic map Watching a film excerpt taking notes Summarizing and organizing results in a flow chart Analysing tables and figures Making a power point presentation (National Parks) Räumliche Disparitäten als Herausforderung Living and working in Asia Japan China India The Tiger States Working with an atlas Analysing tables putting the content of a table into a diagram Collecting information from a film/text Comparing and evaluating maps and cartodiagrams The Monsoon Hope and Despair in Bangladesh Bangladesh Working with maps Explaining monsoon Evaluating different measurements against floods Discussing different points of view Collecting information from a film/text (Arbeitsteilige Gruppenarbeit) Presentation techniques RAUMANALYSE Why is Nigeria a Less Developed Country? Nigeria Listing up and explaining criteria for underdevelopment Analysing texts, pictures, diagrams and maps Wachstum und Verteilung der Weltbevölkerung als globales Problem Population growth and carrying capacity cause and effect in selected countries Family planning in China an answer to population growth Germany /Kenya China Describing and explaining cartoons and diagrams Drawing and describing a population pyramid problemoriented analysis of the pyramid Describing and explaining the Demographic Transition Model Describing and analysing pictures, tables, diagrams Problem-oriented analysis and discussion

4 Die Schülerinnen und Schüler erstellen Language Cards mit sprachlichen (words and phrases) und methodischen Hilfestellungen. Das Fachvokabular wird in Form einer Excel Tabelle gesammelt und zu einem Dictionary zusammengefasst!

5 EK bilingual Unterricht in Jahrgangsstufe 9 Materialien: Diercke Weltatlas; Arbeitsblätter Themenfeld Themen verbindliche methodische Fertigkeiten Europe a country of differences Countries of the EU (climate, vegetation, soil, population, settlement) Drawing and analysing climate graphs Describing pictures Analysing maps and tables Regional study: the extension of the EU the new members of the EU Presentation skills; Debate Agriculture in Europe Spain Huerta of Murcia Agricultural policy of the EU (CAP) Studying and analysing tables, climate graphs, maps, diagrams and texts Discussing the negative/positive aspects of irrigation/traditional and modern agriculture Voraussetzungen, Ziele und Probleme der Schaffung neuer politischer und wirtschaftlicher Strukturen in einem Großraum Industrial changing pattern England the Midwest/ South Wales (steel industry) Docklands Gathering locational factors Comparing and evaluating maps and tables showing the past and present economic situation of the region Evaluating the potential development Lernen an Stationen: Describing and analysing pictures, maps and tables Discussing different points of view Comparing and evaluating Accumulating or sharing functions a metropolitain growth pole Berlin/ Paris Analysing and comparing maps and tables Analysing thematic maps, texts, pictures, films, etc. Collecting information and comparing different theses on Berlin s future prospects Erhaltung der natürlichen Lebensgrundlagen als Gemeinschaftsaufga be Core-periphery in Europe Impact of tourism on the ecosystem Italy (North South) the Alps Comparing pictures Analysing and comparing thematic maps and structural data / constructing choropleth maps Extracting information from maps, tables, pictures and texts Developing theses based on the material (pro-contra debate/role play) Analysing pictures, tables, maps and graphs Making a list of pull factors (Alpine tourism) Drawing flow charts showing cause and effect Discussing the pros /cons /Debate Measurements for protecting the environment (Role play)

6 New towns - Land reclamation the Netherlands; the Zuider Scheme Describing a new town Comparing the real situation with the aims if the Green Belt Policy Evaluating the example of the Netherlands Raumanalyse: Euregio - Analysing maps and tables - Describing the interrelation between location and economic importance - Analysing and explaining extracts taken from brochures - Analysing maps, graphs and texts - Making a wall newspaper showing the results Die Schülerinnen und Schüler erstellen Language Cards mit sprachlichen (words and phrases) und methodischen Hilfestellungen. Das Fachvokabular wird in Form einer Excel Tabelle gesammelt und zu einem Dictionary zusammengefasst!

verbindliche Raumbeispiele Inhaltsfeld Schwerpunkte Material methodische Fertigkeiten

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