II. Auswahlbibliographie: Inhalt 38. Inhalt

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1 II. Auswahlbibliographie: Inhalt 38 Inhalt II. Kommentierte Auswahlbibliographie Kernbereich: Kindes- und Jugendalter Grundlagen und Klassiker der Resilienzforschung Definitorisch und konzeptionell fokussierte Forschungsarbeiten im Feld der Resilienzforschung Forschungsbereiche im Feld Kinder- und Jugendbezogener Resilienzforschung Praktische Umsetzung der Forschungsergebnisse Wachstumsbereich der Resilienzforschung: Das Erwachsenenalter Erwachsenen-Altersbezogene Resilienzforschung Resilienz im Erwachsenenalter mit dem Focus der Belastungsund Traumaforschung Die systemische Perspektive als Innovationsbereich der Resilienzforschung Systemische Perspektive auf der Mikroebene: Die Resilienz von Familien Sozialökologische Resilienzforschung auf der Meso- und Makroebene: Resilienz von Sozioökologischen Systemen und Gesellschaften Der Arbeitskontext als Potential- und Schnittstellenbereich Arbeitsbezogene individuelle Resilienz Arbeitsbezogene System-Resilienz (Teams/ Unternehmen) Sektorbezogene Resilienz

2 II. Auswahlbibliographie 39 II. Kommentierte Auswahlbibliographie Wie aus Teil I dieser Arbeit bereits ersichtlich wurde, handelt es sich bei der Resilienzforschung um ein kaum mehr überschaubares Forschungsfeld. Die kommentierte Auswahlbibliographie soll dazu dienen, einen Überblick über die Breite dieses Feldes sowie den aktuellen Forschungsstand zu vermitteln. Insbesondere im Bereich des Kindes- und Jugendalters, welcher sowohl der Ursprungsforschungsbereich ist, als auch noch immer den Forschungsschwerpunkt darstellt, wird relevante Literatur exemplarisch dargestellt werden. Das erste Kapitel gliedert sich in vier Abschnitte: Kapitel 1.1 stellt die Anfänge der Resilienzforschung dar und umreißt wichtige klassische Werke der Resilienzforschung, auf welche noch heute entsprechend häufig verwiesen wird. In Kapitel 1.2 folgt eine Übersicht über aktuelle Arbeiten, welche sich speziell mit der Klärung des Resilienzkonzeptes unter definitorischen Gesichtspunkten auseinandersetzen. Eine Übersicht über die Breite der Fragestellungen findet sich in Kapitel 1.3. Im vierten Teil des ersten Kapitels werden Arbeiten vorgestellt, die Ergebnisse der Resilienzforschung auf Interventions- und Präventionsfragestellungen beziehen. Im zweiten Kapitel wird das Forschungsfeld der erwachsenenbezogenen Resilienzforschung vorgestellt. Dieses Gebiet gewinnt in der aktuellen Forschung zunehmend an Interesse. In der neueren Forschung wird ein relativer Charakter von Resilienz angenommen. Diese Forschungsperspektive auf Resilienz geht davon aus, dass resiliente Verhaltensweisen zu beliebigen Zeitpunkten im Leben, also auch im hohen Erwachsenenalter erlernbar sind. Kapitel 2.1 zeigt Arbeiten auf, welche das Resilienzkonzept vor allem auf das höhere Erwachsenenalter beziehen. Dieses Lebensalter gewinnt aufgrund des demographischen Wandels der Gesellschaft zunehmend an Bedeutung und dementsprechend auch an Forschungsinteresse. In Kapitel 2.2 werden Arbeiten dargestellt, welche die Resilienz von Personen betrachtet, die belastende Bedingungen erfahren/ erfahren haben, oder traumatischen Ereignissen ausgesetzt waren.

3 II. Auswahlbibliographie 40 Kapitel drei stellt Literatur zusammen, die sich mit Resilienz von Systemen auseinandersetzt. Hier steht nicht mehr die psychologische Frage nach psychischer Widerstandsfähigkeit von Individuen im Mittelpunkt, sondern die Frage nach der Funktionsfähigkeit von Systemen. Zunächst werden Arbeiten aufgeführt, welche sich auf der Mikroebene mit der Resilienz von Familien auseinandersetzten (Kapitel 3.1). Kapitel 3.2 zeigt Arbeiten, die ihren Focus auf die Resilienz von Gruppen bzw. Gesellschaften legen, welche Belastungen oder Traumata erlebt haben oder erleben. Unter der Systemperspektive werden auch Arbeiten vorgestellt, die den Focus auf die Widerstandsfähigkeit von sozio-ökologischen Systemen legen. Dies betrifft beispielsweise das Zusammenspiel zwischen Gesellschaftsgruppen und den gegebenen Umweltbedingungen. Im abschließenden Kapitel 4 erfolgt eine Übersicht über Literatur, welche Resilienz im Arbeits- und Organisationskontext betrachtet. Aufgrund des noch jungen Themengebietes der systemischen arbeitsweltbezogenen Resilienzforschung konnten hier alle Arbeiten vollständig berücksichtigt werden, welche bei der Datenbankenrecherche eine eindeutige Verbindung mit dem Konstrukt der Resilienz erkennen ließen. In Kapitel 4.1 werden Arbeiten aufgeführt, die ihren Schwerpunkt auf die Betrachtung der Widerstandsfähigkeit von Einzelpersonen im Arbeitskontext legen. Kapitel 4.2 stellt Literatur vor, die die Funktionsfähigkeit von Teams, Unternehmen oder Organisationen fokussiert. Auch hier wird Resilienz aus einer systemischen Perspektive heraus betrachtet. Einige wenige Beiträge, welche den Begriff der Resilienz auf Wirtschaftssektoren beziehen, werden in Kapitel 4.3 aufgeführt.

4 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 1. Grundlagen Kernbereich: Kindes- und Jugendalter Der Bereich des Kindes- und Jugendalters stellt nicht nur den Anfangspunkt der Resilienzforschung dar, sondern ist auch der Bereich der Resilienzforschung, der am stärksten kontrovers diskutiert wird. Das Kindes- und Jugendalter stellt weiterhin den Schwerpunktbereich der Resilienzforschung dar. Im Folgenden werden einige der frühen Arbeiten zu Resilienz aufgeführt, welche maßgeblich zur Genese der Resilienzforschung beigetragen haben (1.1). Daran anschließend werden einige Bücher und Artikel erwähnt, welche sich intensiv mit der Diskussion und der Klärung des Konzeptes beschäftigen. Darauf folgend (1.2) werden einige Arbeiten aufgeführt, welche sich mit Resilienz in unterschiedlichen Bereichen bzw. mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten auseinandersetzten, um einen Überblick über die Breite des Forschungsfeldes im Kindes- und Jugendalter zu vermitteln. In diesem Bereich ist die Resilienzforschung bisher am weitesten verbreitet, und es werden bereits erste Ergebnisse aus früheren Studien in Präventions- und Interventionsprogrammen umgesetzt. Diesen Arbeiten widmet sich der Teil Grundlagen und Klassiker der Resilienzforschung Anthony, E. J. (1974): The syndrome of the psychologically invulnerable child. In: Anthony, E. J./ Koupernik, Cyrill (Hrsg.): The child and his familiy: Vol. 3: Children at psychiatric risk. New York: Wiley, S Abstract (Quelle: PsycINFO): Discusses various aspects of invulnerability and offers steps that can be taken to make children relatively invulnerable to the stresses of life.

5 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 1. Grundlagen 42 Garmezy, N. (1971): Vulnerability research and the issue of primary prevention. In: American Journal of Orthopsychiartry, Bd. 41, Nr. 1, S Abstract (Quelle: PsycINFO): The goal of primary prevention of psychiatric disorder is a laudatory one, which unfortunately can not be realized in the absence of scientific knowledge about etiology. An emergent strategy is presented for acquiring such knowledge: the study of children who are vulnerable to the development of psychopathology in adulthood. Garmezy, N. (1974): The study of competence in children at risk for severe psychopathology. In Anthony, E. J./ Koupernik, C. (Hrsg.): The child and his familiy: Vol. 3. Children at psychiatric risk. New York: Wiley, S Abstract (Quelle: PsycINFO): Describes Minnesota studies of competence as illustrations of a 4-stage research sequence for exploring the correlation between the behaviors of children presumed to be vulnerable to psychopathology, and a criterion of their qualities of competence. Garmezy, Norman (1987): Stress, competence, and development: Continuities in the study of schizophrenic adults, children vulnerable to psychopathology, and the search for stress-resistant children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Bd. 57, Nr.2, S Abstract (Quelle: PsycINFO): Traces the evolution of an ongoing research study into stress-resistant factors in children from the early work on adult schizophrenia through the identification of risk factors in children vulnerable to stress. Findings indicate that children with higher IQ and socioeconomic status (SES) and greater family cohesion and stability are more competent and, when under stress, more socially engaged with peers. Behavioral styles of stress response appear to be related to personal and environmental characteristics. The effects of stressful events and risk factors seem to be cumulative. Future directions for the research are explored, including the necessity for defenses against possible politicization of the findings.

6 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 1. Grundlagen 43 Murphy, Lois B./ Moriarty, Alice E. (1976): Vulnerability, coping and growth: From infancy to adolescence. New Haven: Yale University Press. Abstract (Quelle: PsycINFO): Describes how a group of children, observed at the Menninger Foundation from birth through adolescence, attempted to deal with internal and external stresses, and how the stress often promoted growth. Medical, psychological, and psychiatric data regarding the group are presented and analyzed. Rutter, M. (1987): Psychosocial resilience and protective mechanisms. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Bd. 57, Nr. 3, S Abstract (Quelle: PsycINFO): Discusses the concept of mechanisms that protect people against the psychological risks associated with adversity in relation to 4 main processes: (1) reduction of risk impact, (2) reduction of negative chain reactions, (3) establishment and maintenance of selfesteem and self-efficacy, and (4) opening up of opportunities. Interaction effects of gender, temperament, parent-child relationships, marital support, planning, and school experiences are also reviewed. It is suggested that the mechanisms operating at key turning points in people's lives must be given special attention. Werner, Emmy E./ Smith, Ruth (1992): Overcoming the odds: high risk children from birth to adulthood. New York: University Press. Abstract (Quelle: PsycINFO): Overcoming the Odds looks closely at the lives of an ethnically diverse group of 505 men and women who were born in 1955 on the Hawaiian Island of Kauai and who have been monitored from the perinatal period through early adulthood by psychologists, pediatricians, public health professionals, and social workers. Werner and Smith trace the impact of a variety of biological and psycho-social risk factors and stressful events on the development of these individuals, most of whose parents did not graduate from high school and worked as semi-skilled or unskilled laborers. Incorporating vivid case study accounts with statistical analysis, the authors focus on both the vulnerability and the resilience of those who overcame great odds to grow into competent and caring adults. They trace the recovery process through which most of the troubled adolescents in the cohort--those with histories of delinquency, teenage pregnancy, and mental health problems--emerged with improved prospects in their twenties and early thirties. Identifying both the self-righting tendencies that enable high risk children later to adapt successfully to work, marriage, and parenthood, and the conditions under which professional and volunteer care is most beneficial, Werner and Smith offer concrete suggestions for effective intervention policies.

7 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 1. Grundlagen Definitorisch und konzeptionell fokussierte Forschungsarbeiten im Feld der Resilienzforschung Die im Folgenden vorgestellten Forschungsarbeiten widmen sich dem uneinheitlich definierten und ebenso uneinheitlich operationalisierten Konstrukt der Resilienz. Diese beruhen auf Arbeiten bezüglich des Kindesund Jugendalters. Zum einen wurde das Konstrukt in diesem Bereich generiert, zum anderen findet bis heute eine umfangreiche Debatte über die Konzeption des Konstruktes statt. Dabei wird deutlich, dass methodische Zugänge und Zuschnitte sich stark an Forschungsfragen und bereichen ausrichten. Forschungsmethoden der Resilienzforschung finden gleichermaßen auch in verwandten Forschungsrichtungen wie z.b. der Risiko- und Stressforschung Anwendung bzw. werden von dort übernommen. Dies erschwert die Ausarbeitung eines allgemeingültigen Rahmenkonzeptes der Resilienz. Im Bereich des Kindes- und Jugendalters jedoch finden sich einige Arbeiten, welche ihren Focus auf eben diese konzeptionellen, methodischen und definitorischen Probleme richten. Diese tragen somit dazu bei, das Resilienzkonzept weiter auszuarbeiten und mit ihm verbundene Probleme zu klären.

8 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 2. Konzeptklärung 45 Connor, Kathryn M./ Davidson Jonathan R. T. (2003): Development of a new resilience scale. The Connor-Davidson Resilience scale (CD-RISC) In: Depression and anxiety, Bd. 18, Nr. 2, S Resilience may be viewed as a measure of stress coping ability and, as such, could be an important target of treatment in anxiety, depression, and stress reactions. We describe a new rating scale to assess resilience. The Connor-Davidson Resilience scale (CD-RISC) comprises of 25 items, each rated on a 5-point scale (0 4), with higher scores reflecting greater resilience. The scale was administered to subjects in the following groups: community sample, primary care outpatients, general psychiatric outpatients, clinical trial of generalized anxiety disorder, and two clinical trials of PTSD. The reliability, validity, and factor analytic structure of the scale were evaluated, and reference scores for study samples were calculated. Sensitivity to treatment ef fects was examined in subjects from the PTSD clinical trials. The scale demonstrated good psychometric properties and factor analysis yielded five factors. A repeated measures ANOVA showed that an increase in CD-RISC score was associated with greater improvement during treatment. Improvement in CD-RISC score was noted in proportion to overall clinical global improvement, with greatest increase noted in subjects with the highest global improvement and deterioration in CD-RISC score in those with minimal or no global improvement. The CDRISC has sound psychometric properties and distinguishes between those with greater and lesser resilience. The scale demonstrates that resilience is modifiable and can improve with treatment, with greater improvement corresponding to higher levels of global improvement.

9 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 2. Konzeptklärung 46 Curtis, / Cicchetti, Dante (2003): Moving research on resilience into the 21st century: Theoretical and methodological considerations in examining the biological contributors to resilience. In: Development and Psychopathology, Bd. 15, Nr. 3, S Online verfügbar: < Empirical investigations of resilience over the past 30 years have examined a wide range of psychosocial correlates of, and contributors to, this phenomenon. Thus far, theoretical treatments of resilience have focused almost exclusively on psychosocial levels of analysis to derive explanatory models. However, there have been no formal discussions of either theory or research that have examined the biological contributors to, or correlates of, competent functioning despite the experience of adversity. This paper seeks to fill this gap and sets forth a preliminary theoretical framework and outline of empirical strategies for studying the biological underpinnings of resilience. The initial sections of the paper discuss the particular suitability of a transactional organizational theoretical perspective as a conceptual foundation for including a biological level of analysis within the extant theoretical framework of resilience. Subsequently, other important theoretical considerations for the inclusion of a biological perspective on resilience are discussed, including the avoidance of an approach that would reduce resilience to merely a biological process, the application of the constructs of multifinality and equifinality to a biological perspective on resilience, as well as a general discussion of the potential for utilization of brain imaging and other technologies in the study of resilience. The possible relation between the mechanisms of neural plasticity and resilience are examined in some detail, with specific suggestions concerning research questions needed to examine this association. Sections of the paper discuss the likely relation of several areas of brain and biological functioning with resilience, including emotion, cognition, neuroendocrine and immune functioning, and genetics. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of a biological perspective on resilience for preventive interventions. Ewart, Craig K./ Randall, Jorgensen S./ Suchday, Sonia/ Chen, Edith/ Matthews, Karen A. (2002): Measuring Stress Resilience and Coping in Vulnerable Youth: The Social Competence Interview. In: Psychological Assessment, Bd. 14, Nr. 3, S A brief interview to measure stress coping capabilities was developed and tested in 4 samples of African American and White adolescents in low-income neighborhoods of 2 large U.S. cities. The Social Competence Interview (SCI) is a 10-min social stressor that assesses physiological and social emotional responses to a recurring real-life problem. A new behavioral coding system using audiotapes permits reliable and valid assessment of components of social competence, including Interpersonal Skills (expressiveness, empathy), Goal-Oriented Strivings in coping (self defense, social acceptance, competitiveness, stimulation pleasure, approval, self improvement), and Social Impact (high vs. low affiliation/control). High SCI expressiveness and self-defensive striving create a critical aggressive social impact, which is correlated with increased hostility and anger.

10 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 2. Konzeptklärung 47 Harvey, John/ Delfabbro, Paul H. (2004): Psychological resilience in disadvantaged youth: A critical review. In: Australian Psychologist, Bd. 39, Nr. 1, S This paper provides a critical review of research into the notion of psychological resilience and its implications for studies of disadvantaged young people. A number of significant conceptual and methodological challenges are examined, the most important of these being the difficulties associated with the operationalisation of resilience, the development of culturally relevant thresholds and the circularity inherent in commonly used definitions. The limitations and potential value of integrated theoretical models, such as Brofenbrenner's ecological model and Bandura's self-efficacy theory are considered, along with suggestions for methodological strategies to enhance the validity and comprehensiveness of resilience research. Heckhausen, Jutta (2001): Adaption and resilience in midlife. In: Lachman, Margie (Hrsg.): Handbook of midlife development. New York: John Wiley & Sons, S Abstract (Quelle: PsycINFO): Discusses the developmental regulation in midlife, particularly the way adults in midlife adapt to the challenges of developmental growth and are resilient to developmental losses. The chapter starts by identifying on conceptual and empirical grounds the specific developmental challenges of midlife adults. Subsequently, the major external and internal resources available to adults in midlife are discussed in terms of their effectiveness to attain adaptive developmental outcomes, and to be resilient with regard to the impact of major losses on psychological functioning. In this context, the author pinpoints a set of key phenomena that are selectively characteristic of midlife and then investigates the available empirical evidence about midlife adaptation and resilience with regard to these phenomena. Holtmann, Martin/ Schmidt, Martin H. (2004): Resilienz im Kindes- und Jugendalter. In: Kindheit und Entwicklung, Bd. 13, Nr. 3, S Originalzusammenfassung: Der Begriff Resilienz beschreibt einen dynamischen oder kompensatorischen Prozess positiver Anpassung angesichts bedeutender Belastungen. Beide Aspekte, die positive Entwicklung und die aversiven Lebensumstände, erfordern eine genauere Betrachtung. Um das Resilienz-Konzept für die Entwicklungspsychopathologie und die Prävention fruchtbar machen zu können, müssen einige grundlegende konzeptuelle und methodische Probleme geklärt werden. So sollten nur solche Merkmale als resilienzerhöhend bezeichnet werden, die besonders oder ausschließlich wirksam sind, wenn auch eine risikoerhöhende Gefährdung vorliegt, die einen Puffereffekt ausüben und die bereits zeitlich vor dem risikoerhöhenden Ereignis bestanden haben, um dessen Auswirkungen moderieren zu können.

11 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 2. Konzeptklärung 48 Klohnen, E. C. (1996): Conceptual Analysis and Measurement of the Construct of Ego-Resiliency. In: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Bd. 70, Nr. 5, S This investigation explored the meaning, measurement, and validity of the egoresiliency construct (ER, J. H. Block & J. Block) in 3 samples. Study 1 explored the internal structure of ER in observer and self-report data, and the development of a selfreport measure is described. Study 2 tested convergent and discriminant relations of ER with personality attributes. Study 3 investigated implications of ER for adjustment and effective functioning in adulthood. Components of ER obtained through exploratory factor analyses-confident optimism, productive and autonomous activity, interpersonal warmth and insight, and skilled expressiveness-formed a unitary construct and mirrored the relations found between ER and other trait domains. Across samples, there were strong relations between ER and effective functioning in diverse areas of life. ER is discussed in relation to generally accepted criteria of adjustment and effective functioning. Luthar, Suniya S. (Hrsg.) (2003): Resilience and vulnerability. Adaption in the context of childhood adversities. New York: Cambridge University Press. Bei diesem Sammelband handelt es sich um eine Zusammenstellung unterschiedlicher neuerer Studien, welche sich mit Resilienz im Kindes- und Jugendalter beschäftigen. Ziel dieser Zusammenstellung ist es, einen aktuellen Überblick über das Feld der Resilienzforschung im Bereich des Kindes- und Jugendalter zu geben. Es werden vielfältige Studien aufgeführt, welche in zwei grundlegende Bereiche eingeteilt werden: zum einen in Arbeiten mit dem Schwerpunkt auf grundlegende Forschung und Klärung des Konstruktes, zum anderen mit dem Fokus auf die Implikationen der Ergebnisse für die interventive und präventive Praxis. Gemein ist diesen Studien, dass in allen versucht wird, die Definitionen der Grundbegriffe genau zu definieren, um damit dem bis heute größten Kritikpunkt an der Resilienzforschung, nämlich ungenaue und verwirrende Begriffsverwendung entgegenzuwirken.

12 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 2. Konzeptklärung 49 Luthar, Suniya S./ Cicchetti, Dante/ Becker, Bronwyn (2000): The Construct of Resilience: A critical Evaluation and Guidelines for Future Work. In: Child Development, Bd. 71, Nr. 3, S This paper presents a critical appraisal of resilience, a construct connoting the maintenance of positive adaption by individuals despite experiences of significant adversity. As empirical research on resilience has burgeoned in recent years, criticisms have been levied at work in this area. The critiques have generally focused on ambiguities in definitions and central terminology; heterogeneity in risks experienced and competence achieved by individuals viewed as resilient; instability of the phenomenon of resilience; and concerns regarding the usefulness of resilience as a theoretical construct. We address each identified criticism in turn, proposing solutions for those we view as legitimate and clarifying misunderstandings surrounding those we believe to be less valid. We conclude that work on resilience possesses substantial potential for augmenting the understanding of processes affecting at-risk individuals. Realization of the potential embodied by this construct, however, will remain constrained without continued scientific attention to some of the serious conceptual and methodological pitfalls that have been noted by sceptics and proponents alike. Masten, Ann S./ Hubbard, Jon J./ Gest, Scott D./ Tellegren, Auke/ Garmezy, Norman/ Ramirez, Marylouise (1999): Competence in the context of adversity: Pathways to resilience and maladaption from childhood to late adolescence. In: Development and psychopathology, Bd. 11, Nr.1, S Competent outcomes in late adolescence were examined in relation to adversity over time, antecedent competence and psychosocial resources, in order to investigate the phenomenon of resilience. An urban community sample of 205 (114 females, 90 males; 27% minority) children were recruited in elementary school and followed over 10 years. Multiple methods and informants were utilized to assess three major domains of competence from childhood through adolescence (academic achievement, conduct, and peer social competence), multiple aspects of adversity, and major psychosocial resources. Both variable-centred and person-centred analyses were conducted to test the hypothesized significance of resources for resilience. Better intellectual functioning and parenting resources were associated with good outcomes across competence domains, even in the context of severe, chronic adversity. IQ and parenting appeared to have a specific protective role with respect to antisocial behavior. Resilient adolescents (high adversity, adequate competence across three domains) had much in common with their low-adversity competent peers, including average or better IQ, parenting, and psychological well-being. Resilient individuals differed markedly from their high adversity, maladaptive peers who had few resources and high negative emotionality. Results suggest that IQ and parenting scores are markers of fundamental adaptional systems that protect child development in the context of severe adversity.

13 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 2. Konzeptklärung 50 Masten, Ann S. (2001): Ordinary Magic. Resilience Processes in Development. In: American Psychologist, Bd. 56, Nr. 3, S The Study of resilience in development has overturned many negative assumptions and deficit-focused models about children growing up under the threat of disadvantage and adversity. The most surprising conclusions emerging from studies of these children is the ordinariness of resilience. An examination of converging findings from variable-focused investigations of these phenomena suggests that resilience is common and that it usually arises from normative functions of human adaptional systems, with the greatest threats to human development being those that compromise these protective systems. The conclusion that resilience is made of ordinary rather than extraordinary processes offers a more positive outlook on human development and adaption, as well as directions for policy and practice aimed at enhancing the development of children at risk for problems and psychopathology. Masten, Ann S./ Powell, Jenifer L. (2003): A Resilience Framework for Research, Policy and Practice. In: Luthar, Suniya S. (Hrsg.) (2003): Resilience and vulnerability. Adaption in the context of childhood adversities. New York: Cambridge University Press, S Zusammenfassung: Dieser einleitende Artikel des Sammelbandes Resilience and Vulnerability gibt einen Überblick über die Grundlagen des Rahmenkonzepts Resilienz : fundamentale Definitionskriterien und deren Problematik; die Bedeutung der Entwicklung von Kompetenzen, deren Bedrohung durch Risiko und Belastung; Wege zur Erforschung von Prozessen, die dazu beitragen, dass sich Kinder und Jugendlichen trotz negativer Einwirkungen angepasst entwickeln. Im Anschluss an diese Darstellung werden die Ergebnisse der Resilienzforschung und deren Implikationen für die interventive bzw. präventive Praxis miteinander in Verbindung gesetzt. Resilienz wird hier definiert als positive Anpassung trotz beachtlicher Risiken bzw. Belastungen, wobei zwei Bedingungen erfüllt sein müssen, um von Resilienz bei einer Person sprechen zu können: (1) eine Person is doing okay, (2) es gab oder gibt signifikante Risiken oder Widrigkeiten, die überwunden werden müssen. Weiter wird betont, dass es sich bei Resilienz nicht um eine Eigenschaft eines Individuums handelt, auch wenn Resilienz in das Verhalten oder Lebensmuster eingebaut wird. Darstellung der Probleme des Resilienzkonzepts: (1) über das beste Kriterium für gute Anpassung und Einstellung wird heftig diskutiert, (2) das Konzept muss sehr unterschiedliche Outcomes von Kindern und Jugendlichen erklären, die unter widrigen Bedingungen aufwachsen, (3) Unterschiede müssen beachtet werden, die zwischen erfolgreichen Kindern bestehen, die hohen Risiken ausgesetzt waren/ sind, und denjenigen, die nur geringe Risiken erfahren haben. Ziel der Resilienzforschung: Prozesse aufdecken, die die Entwicklung vor negativen Einflüssen schützt. Die Erkenntnis der Resilienzforschung, dass es sich bei diesem Phänomen um gewöhnliche Magie handelt, sich also aus normalen Anpassungsprozessen ergibt, führt zu der Forderung, Interventions- und Präventionsmaßnahmen derart zu gestalten, dass allgemeine Kompetenzen der Kinder gefördert werden, wobei die Beachtung alterstypischer Entwicklungsphasen betont wird. Allgemein legen Resilienzstudien drei Hauptstrategien für Interventionen nahe: (1) Risikofokussierte Designs (2) assett -fokussierte Designs (3) Prozessorientierte Designs.

14 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 2. Konzeptklärung 51 McCreanor, Tim/ Watson, Peter (2004): Resiliency, Connectivity, and Environments: Their Roles in Theorising Approaches To Promoting the Well-Being of Young People. In: International Journal of Health Promotion, Bd. 6, Nr. 1, S Abstract (Quelle: PsycINFO): Early theory and findings on resilience among young people emphasised individual differences and personality characteristics to explain different reactions to stress and risk. The 'modem' resilience literature views the possible explanatory variables for different outcomes in broader contexts such as family, schools and community. Despite this change over time, the individualising, problem-focused orientation of resilience approaches continues to obscure the environment, leaving it an under-interrogated factor in young people's well-being. This is important for its impact on policy and practice in youth development and health promotion. In this paper we argue that contemporary resilience theory and research continue to fall short of the paradigm shift called for by those orientating to environmentally-based public health measures to improve population-level well-being among young people. Miller, Eric D. (2003): Reconceptualizing the role of resiliency in coping and therapy. In: Journal of Loss and Trauma, Bd. 8, Nr. 4, S Abstract (Quelle: Social Sciences Citation Index): Even though the concept of resiliency is a popular one among researchers, clinicians, and lay-persons, it remains a fairly ill-defined term. Traditionally, it has been associated with the study of children or adolescents who have managed to succeed in life despite having to face serious life challenges. This article argues that the concept of resiliency, consistent with many of the goals of the positive psychology movement, should be broadened so that it is applicable to all individuals who have shown strength after facing adversity. Several theoretical and practical issues for both researchers and clinicians are considered throughout the article. Olsson, Craig A./ Bond, Lyndal/ Burns, Jane M./ Vella-Drodrick, Diane A./ Sawyer, Susan M. (2003): Adolescent resilience: a concept analysis. In: Journal of Adolescence, Bd. 26, Nr.1, S There is need for greater clarity around the concept of resilience as it relates to the period of adolescence. Literature on resilience published between 1990 and 2000 and relevant to adolescents aged between 12- and 18-years of age was reviewed with the aim of examining the various uses of the term, and commenting on how specific ways of conceptualizing of resilience may help develop new research agendas in the field. By bringing together ideas on resilience from a variety of research and clinical perspectives, the purpose of the review is to explicate core elements of resilience in more precise ways, in the hope that greater conceptual clarity will lead to a range of tailored interventions that benefit young people.

15 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 2. Konzeptklärung 52 Opp, Günther (2001): Kindliches Wohlbefinden trotz riskanter Lebensbedingungen: Neue Ergebnisse der Resilienzforschung. In: Das Gesundheitswesen, Bd. 63, Sonderheft 2, S Originalzusammenfassung: Riskante Lebenslagen gefährden die Entwicklung und das Wohlbefinden von immer mehr Kindern in modernen Gesellschaften. Die Ergebnisse neuerer wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen zeigen, dass eine signifikante Zahl von Kindern den negativen Einflüssen hochadversiver Lebensumwelten widerstehen kann (Resilienz). Was zeichnet diese Kinder aus und über welche Kompetenzen verfügen sie gegenüber entwicklungsauffälligen Kindern? Welche Qualitäten in kindlichen Lebenswelten fördern Resilienz? Die pädagogischen Herausforderungen, die aus den Ergebnissen der Resilienzforschung ableitbar sind, werden diskutiert. Petermann, Franz/ Niebank, Kay/ Scheithauer, Herbert (2004): Entwicklungswissenschaft. Entwicklungspsychologie Genetik Neuropsychologie. Berlin [u.a.]: Springer. Kapitel 8: Risikoerhöhende und risikomildernde Bedingungen in der Entwicklung. Originalzusammenfassung (S.351): Nachdem wir die risikoerhöhenden und risikomildernden Bedingungen an einigen Beispielen behandelt haben wird deutlich, dass erst durch eine Gegenüberstellung von kind- und umgebungsbezogenen Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren sowie Resilienz- und Vulnerabilitätsfaktoren [ ] eine Aussage über die Belastung des Kindes, seiner Familie und eine Prognose über den möglichen Entwicklungsverlauf getroffen werden kann [ ]. Dabei ist weniger die Betrachtung einzelner risikoerhöhender und risikomildernder Bedingungen, sondern vielmehr die Betrachtung von Risiko- und Schutzmechanismen, in ihrer über den Entwicklungsverlauf, sinnvoll. [ ]. Die Entwicklungswissenschaft verfolgt vor dem Hintergrund der angeführten Ergebnisse insbesondere drei Ziele: - Es sollen Personen mit hohem Risiko identifiziert und von solchen unterschieden werden, die bei ähnlichem Risiko keine Störungen entwickeln. - Es sollen die Faktoren bestimmt werden, die bei Risikopersonen zu Störungen führen oder solche vermeiden. - Zukünftig sind die Bedingungen zu identifizieren, mit denen es gelingt, zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt einen ungünstigen Entwicklungsverlauf positiv zu beeinflussen. Auf der Basis dieser Befunde können Entwicklungsmodelle fehlangepasster Entwicklungsverläufe (z.b. hinsichtlich psychischer Störungen) erstellt sowie alters- bzw. entwicklungsspezifische Präventionen und Interventionen abgeleitet werden.

16 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 2. Konzeptklärung 53 Richardson, Glenn E. (2002): The metatheory of resilience and resiliency. In: Journal of Clinical Psychology, Bd. 58, Nr. 3, S Resiliency and resilience theory is presented as three waves of resiliency inquiry. The identification of resilient qualities was the first wave characterized through phenomenological identification of developmental assets and protective factors. The second wave described resilience as a disruptive and reintegrative process for accessing resilient qualities. The third wave exemplified the postmodern and multidisciplinary view of resilience, which is the force that drives a person to grow through adversity and disruptions. Application of resilience using an educational and practical framework provides a means for connecting with and nurturing a client s resilience. Practical paradigms of resiliency that empower client control and choice are suggested. Original-Conclusion (S. 319): The metatheory of resilience and resiliency embodies numerous theories in the many academic disciplines. Resiliency and resilience integrates and encompasses most of the theories of life. The resiliency process is a life-enriching model that suggests that stressors and change provide growth and increased resilient qualities or protective factors. The disruptive and reintegrative process describes the up-and-down life for most people. Resilience theory that crosses academic and professional boundaries suggests that for reintegration and growth to occur, there is a requirement of energy. Resilience or energy comes from within the human spirit or collective unconscious of the individual and also from external social, ecological, and spiritual sources of strength. Resiliency and resilience can be seen as simple and practical applications to everyday living. Skills such as meditation, Tai Chi, prayer, yoga, Aikido, and other alternative therapies also can be used to access resilience. Resiliency and resilience can provide hope and with practice, increase self-efficacy, for people to have more control and order in their lives and rely less on medications and outside support. Resiliency and resilience are transcending interventions.

17 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 2. Konzeptklärung 54 Roosa, Mark W. (2000): Some Thoughts about Resilience versus positive Development, Main Effects versus Interactions, and the Value of Resilience. In: Child Development, Bd. 71, Nr. 3, S Interaction effects are the defining feature of resilience and resilience research and are responsible for the unique contributions of this field of study to our understanding of human development. The methodological and statistical challanges posed by interactions effects do not, by themselves, undermine the value of resilience as a construct. Ryff, Carol/ Singer, Burton/ Love, Gayle D./ Essex, Marilyn J.( 1998): Resilience in adulthood and later life: Defining features and dynamic processes. In: Lomran, Jacob (Hrsg.): Handbook of aging and mental health. An integrative approach. New York: Plenum Press, S Abstract (Quelle: PsycINFO): Examines the relevance of positive psychological well-being for understanding mental health in adulthood and later life. The first section provides a brief review of prior literatures on resilience, giving emphasis to the conceptualizations, empirical findings, and age focus that characterize previous studies. The authors then summarize their approach to the phenomenon of resilience and illustrate select parts of it with 2 ongoing studies. The authors propose the construct of resilience to illuminate, theoretically and empirically, how some individuals are able to maintain, recover, or improve their health and well-being in the face of cumulative life challenges. The formulation draws distinctions between resilience as an outcome, and resilience as a process. Central to the latter is a multidisciplinary formulation of protective factors, operative at the sociodemographic, psychological, social, and biological levels, that are believed to explain how resilience comes about. The final section reviews future research directions to advance understanding of later life resilience as well as interventive directions to promote resilience in the elderly. Ryff, Carol D./ Singer, Burton (2003): Thriving in the face of challenge: The integrative scince of human resilience. In: Rosenfield, Patricia L./ Kessel, Frank (Hrsg.): Expanding the boundaries of health and social science: Case studies in interdisciplinary innovation. London: Oxford University Press, S Abstract (Quelle: PsycINFO): This chapter provides an overview of a broad agenda of human resilience. A first section reviews why comprehensive understanding of resilience requires a multidisciplinary approach. The authors summarize key contributions from different disciplines and domains or inquiry. In the second section, the authors elaborate the findings and insights from the resilience agenda. These include not only substantive results but also the development of innovative methods for integrating data from diverse psychosocial, experimental, and biological realms. In the concluding section, the authors provide a more personal, inside look at the story of their collaboration.

18 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 2. Konzeptklärung 55 Ungar, Michael (2003): Qualitative Contributions to Resilience Research. In: Qualitative Social Work: Research and Practice, Bd. 2, Nr. 1, The use of qualitative methods can make a substantial contribution to our understanding of the construct of resilience. In particular, qualitative research addresses two specific shortcomings noted by resilience researchers: arbitrariness in the selection of outcome variables, and the challenge accounting for the sociocultural context in which resilience occurs. Qualitative research can help to resolve these dilemmas in five ways. Qualitative methods: are well suited to the discovery of the unnamed protective processes relevant to the lived experience of research participants; provide thick description of phenomenon in very specific contexts; elicit and add power to minority 'voices' which account for unique localized definitions of positive outcomes; promote tolerance for these localized constructions by avoiding generalization but facilitating transferability of results; and, require researchers to account for their biased standpoints. Reference to exemplars of resilience research will be used to make an argument for the complementarity of research paradigms. Ungar, Michael (2004): A Constructionist discourse on resilience Multiple contexts, multiple realities among at-risk children an youth. In: Youth and Society, Bd. 35, Nr. 3, S An ecological approach to the study of resilience, informed by Systems Theory and emphasizing predictable relationships between risk and protective factors, circular causality, and transactional processes, is inadequate to account for the diversity of people s experiences of resilience. In contrast, a constructionist interpretation of resilience reflects a postmodern understanding of the construct that better accounts for cultural and contextual differences in how resilience is expressed by individuals, families, and communities. Research supporting this approach has demonstrated a nonsystemic, nonhierarchical relationship between risk and protective factors that is characteristically chaotic, complex, relative, and contextual. This article critically reviews research findings that support an ecological perspective and explores the emerging literature that informs a constructionist approach to the study of resilience. It will show that an alternate constructionist discourse on resilience greatly enhances our understanding of resiliencerelated phenomena and our approach to interventions with at-risk youth populations.

19 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 2. Konzeptklärung 56 Wyman, Peter A./ Cowen, Emory L./ Work, William C./ Hoyt-Meyers, Lynne/ Magnus, Keith B./ Fagen, Douglas B. (1999): Caregiving and Developmental Factors Differentiating Young At-Risk Urban Children Showing Resilient versus Stress-Affected Outcomes: A Replication and Extension. In: Child Development, Bd. 70, Nr. 3, S This study tested hypotheses from an organizational-developmental model for childhood resilience. In this model resilience reflects a child s mastery of age-salient adjectives, in the face of substantial adversity, but drawing on internal and external resources that enhance processes of adaption specific to each developmental stage. Interviews were conducted with parents of to 9-year-old urban children exposed t multiple risk factors, 69 classified as resilient and 53 as maladjusted. Consistent with predictions generated by the model: (1) characteristics of a child s caregiving system and early development differentiated children with resilient and stress-affected adaptions; and (2) variables reflecting emotionally response, competent parenting were direct, proximal predictors of resilient status and mediators of other caregiver resources such as education, mental health, and relational history. Identified predictors of resilient status, including competent parenting and caregiver psychosocial resources, largely replicated finding from a prior study with sociodemographically comparable 9- to 12-year old children.

20 II.1 Kernbereich Kindes- und Jugendalter: 2. Konzeptklärung Forschungsbereiche im Feld Kinder- und Jugendbezogener Resilienzforschung Da das Forschungsfeld des Kinder- und Jugendalters am längsten und umfassendsten mit den Zugängen der Resilienzforschung erforscht wird, bietet das folgende Unterkapitel einen Überblick über die Breite und Vielfalt der Forschungsfragen und bereiche, welche alleine in Bezug auf das Kindes- und Jugendalter zu finden sind. Die im Folgenden aufgeführten Publikationen haben, wie bereits eingangs verdeutlicht, exemplarischen Stellenwert für die Gesamtheit der bereichsbezogenen Resilienzforschung. Borman, Geoffrey D./ Overman Laura T. (2004): Academic resilience among poor and minority children. In: Elementary School Journal, Bd. 104, Nr. 3, S Abstract (Quelle: Social Sciences Citation Index): Based on national data from the Prospects study, we identified the individual characteristics that distinguished academically successful, or resilient, elementary school students from minority and low-socioeconomic-status (SES) backgrounds from their legs successful, or nonresilient, counterparts. We also-formulated and tested 4 models of the risk factors and resilience-promoting features of schools: (a) effective schools; (b) peer group composition; (c) school resources; and (d) the supportive school community model. Our results suggested that minority students from low-ses backgrounds were exposed to greater risks and fewer resilience-promoting conditions than otherwise similar low-ses White students. Results, though, generally supported the applicability of uniform individual- and school-level models of academic resiliency to all low-ses students, regardless of their race. Greater engagement in academic activities, an internal locus of control, efficaciousness in math, a more positive outlook toward school, and more positive self-esteem were characteristic of all low-ses students who achieved resilient mathematics outcomes. The most powerful school characteristics for promoting resiliency were represented by the supportive school community model, which, unlike the other school models, included elements that actively shielded children from adversity.

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Level 2 German, 2015

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Level 1 German, 2016

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