Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie

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1 Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie Jahresbericht 2015

2 Inhaltsverzeichnis Personelles... 3 Forschung und Lehre... 4 Preise/Ehrungen... 4 Kompetitive Drittmittel... 5 Originalarbeiten In-House... 8 Originalarbeiten Kollaborationen Übrige Publikationen Abstracts Poster Vorträge Organisation Kurse/Symposien Fakultät bei Kursen/Symposien Vorsitz/Rundtischdiskussion bei Kursen/Symposien Instruktor bei Kursen/Symposien Zusätzliche Lehrleistungen Stipendien Habilitation Masterarbeiten Dissertationen Fortlaufende Liste der Ernennungen ab Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 2

3 Personelles Klinikdirektor und Chefarzt Prof. Dr. K.-A. Siebenrock Teamleiter Prof. Dr. K.-A. Siebenrock Prof. Dr. M. Keel PD Dr. med. L. Benneker Dr. S. Kohl PD Dr. M. Zumstein PD Dr. F. Krause Oberärzte Dr. M. Attinger Dr. J. Bastian Dr. Ch. Dumont Dr. T. Ecker Dr. R. Flückiger, OA-Stv. Dr. B. Kleer Hüfte, Becken, Tumorchirurgie Wirbelsäule, Becken Wirbelsäule Knie und Sportverletzungen Obere Extremitäten Sprunggelenk und Fuss PD Dr. F. Klenke Dr. D. Kolp Dr. C. Kurze, OA-Stv. Dr. B. Moor Dr. A. Pütz Dr. U. Seidel Dr. T. Schmid Dr. S. Steppacher Prof. Dr. M. Tannast Dr. S. Tomagra, OA-Stv. Assistenzärzte Dr. S. Ahmad Dr. C. Albers Dr. A. Ansorge Dr. H. Anwander Dr. A. Cavuoto Dr. V. Despotidis Dr. J. Ferschl Dr. A. Fösel Dr. A. Guetg Dr. P. Haefeli Dr. S. Halm Dr. M. Heilgemeier Dr. C. Hourscht Dr. M. Krawarski Dr. A. Krismer Dr. E. Liechti Dr. S. Merckaert Dr. F. Paradies Dr. B. Rufer Dr. M. Schär Dr. A. Seidel Dr. V. Steffen Dr. A. Stock Dr. M. Ulrich Wissenschaftliche Assistenzärzte und Mitarbeiter K. Bieri Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Knie Dr. M. Hanke Wissenschaftlicher Assistenzarzt Hüfte Dr. C. Zurmühle Wissenschaftlicher Assistenzärztin Hüfte Dr. T. Lerch Wissenschaftlicher Assistenzarzt Hüfte Dr. F. Schmaranzer Wissenschaftlicher Assistenzarzt Hüfte Dr. I. Todorski Wissenschaftliche Assistenzärztin Hüfte PD Dr. D. Nesic Teamleiterin Knochenbiologie & Orthopädische Forschung Prof. Dr. E.-B. Hunziker Teamleiter Zentrum für Regenerative Medizin der Skeletalen Gewebe K. Aeschlimann Klinikmanagerin R. Milbach Pflegeleitung OPS G. Clémençon Pflegeleitung Klinik Dr. phil. nat. S. Mans Qualitätsmanagementbeauftragte F. Röthlisberger Wissenschaftlicher Sachbearbeiter Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 3

4 Forschung und Lehre Preise/Ehrungen Best Fellow Research Presentation Award: Research Day, Department of Orthopaedics, University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada, Mai 6, Schmid T, Penner M, Krause F, Younger A, Wing K Arthroscopic ankle fusion: are results reproducible irrespective of pre-operative deformity? Best Poster Preis 2015: 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Schär M, Ma R, Titan A, Carbone A,Carballo C, Gu W, Sisto M,, Deng XH, Rodeo SA Bone Marrow Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transduced With SOX-9 Improve Rotato Cuff Healing in a Rat Model. Posterpreis 2015 (1. Rang): 44th ISSLS annual meeting (Int. Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine), San Francisco, USA, Juni, Chan SCW, Tekari A, Benneker LM, Heini P, Gantenbein B Nucleus Pulposus Cells inhibit Osteogenesis of Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Posterpreis 2015 (1. Rang): Jahrekongress Swiss Society for Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine, Lausanne, Schweiz, Juni 9-10, Frauchiger DA, Chan SCW, Benneker LM, Gantenbein B Annulus Fibrosus Repair with the help of a novel Silk membrane-fleece and Genipin-enhanced Fibrin Hydrogel. Prix Champagne: 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Benneker LM Replik zum SMB Bericht zur Behandlung von lumbalen Bandscheibenvorfällen. Selected Game Changers : American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Las Vegas, USA, März 24-28, Ahmad S Dynamic Intraligamentary Stabilization: A Doorway to Intrinsic Healing of the ACL. Theodor Kocher Award for the best researcher of the University of Bern, Schweiz, Tannast M Venel Prize 2015: Swiss Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. Steppacher SD, Lerch TD, Gharanizadeh K, Liechti EF, Werlen SF, Puls M, Tannast M, Siebenrock KA Size and shape of the lunate surface in different types of pincer impingement: theoretical implications for surgical therapy. 3rd place of the AO Spine Europe Young Researcher Award 2015: Hoppe S, Wangler S, Aghayev E, Gantenbein B, Boger A, Benneker LM Reduction of cement leakage by sequential PMMA application in a vertebroplasty model. Eur Spine J Apr 5. Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 4

5 Kompetitive Drittmittel AO Spine Int. Grad S, Benneker LM, Zeiter S, Sakai D Annulus fibrosus repair program: implant optimization and live animal surgery Betrag: CHF 308'836 Dauer: AO Spine Int. Ferguson S, Benneker LM Biomechanical determination of target properties for an annulus repair implant Extension Betrag: CHF Dauer: Deutsche Arthrose-Hilfe Siebenrock KA, Büchler L, Dehgani Histologische und spektroskopische Untersuchung der frühen Knorpelveränderungen bei femoroazetabulärem Impingement vom Cam Typ Betrag: CHF Dauer: Inselspital,Universitätsspital Bern, Inselgrant Ahmad S Mechano-biological trigger in the repair of the anterior cruciate ligament Betrag: CHF Dauer: Inselspital, Universitätsspital Bern, Direktion Lehre und Forschung Krause F Ermittlung von potentiell prädiktiven Faktoren für die Entstehung von Knocheninfektionen (Osteitis) bzw. Knochenmarkinfektionen (Osteomyelitis) Betrag: CHF Dauer: Inselspital, Forschungsgrant Hoppe S, Weisstanner C, Aghayev E, Bonel H, Benneker LM MRI based classification of the morphology and pathology of the annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc Betrag: CHF Dauer: KTI LigaFusion: Implantat zur Heilungsunterstützung eines gerissenen menschlichen Ligaments Betrag: CHF Dauer: Lindenhofgruppe Stiftung Fonds "Lehre & Forschung Gantenbein B, Benneker LM, Heini PF Secretion of BMP antagonists by intervertebral disc cells Betrag: CHF 138'000 Dauer: Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 5

6 Mathys AG Dynamic intraligamentary stabilization and primary repair: A new concept for the treatment of ACL ruptures Betrag: CHF Dauer: Medacta AG Total shoulder arthroplasty using patient specific guides Betrag: CHF Dauer: Osteology Foundation, Luzern Hunziker EB Osteogenic functionalization of collagenous membranes and their time-controlled degradation Betrag: CHF Dauer: 2015 Research Counsel, China Hunziker EB Nanoscale CaP coating of dental implants determined by atomic force microscopy Betrag: CHF Dauer: 2015 RMS (Robert Mathys Stiftung) The impact of the critical shoulder angel on degenerative glenohumeral joint disorders a biomechanical analysis Betrag: CHF Dauer: Smith & Nephew Orthopeadics AG Knee revision data base Betrag: CHF Dauer: Smith & Nephew Hunziker EB Dosage optimization of BMP-2 for the osseointegration of porous titanium implants in an ovine model Betrag: CHF Dauer: 2015 SNF (Swiss National Science Foundation) Siebenrock KA Do high-impact sports in children promote abnormal physeal growth and cam-type deformity of the femoral head during the adolescent growth spurt? A longitudinal study Betrag: CHF 304'195 Dauer: SNF (Swiss National Science Foundation) Doc Mobility Grant of Michael Kuenzler The role of PARP1/ARTD1 in rotator cuff tears: An experimental study in knock out mice Betrag: CHF 5'000 Dauer: Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 6

7 SNF (Swiss National Science Foundation) Tannast M Development and validation of a multi-modal image-based model generation method for noninvasive dynamic assessment of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) Betrag: CHF Dauer: 2015 SNSF Professorship of the Swiss National Science Foundation Tannast M Femoroacetabular impingement from an experimental sheep model to patient care Betrag: CHF Dauer: Swiss Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Ahamd S ACL healing using PRP-triggered collagen scaffolds Betrag: CHF Dauer: Swiss Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Attinger M, Krause F Changes in ankle joint pressure in SER type lateral malleolar fractures Betrag: CHF 15'000 Dauer: 2015 Swiss Society of Orthopaedics and Traumatology The impact of the critical shoulder angel on degenerative glenohumeral joint disorders Betrag: CHF Dauer: Verschiedene Geldgeber Hunziker EB Various projects in orthopaedic research Betrag: CHF Dauer: R Research Foundation, Münsingen Hunziker EB Establishment of an in-vitro organ-slice defect model for meniscal repair in orthopaedic research Betrag: CHF Dauer: 2015 Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 7

8 Originalarbeiten In-House Abbasian MR, Paradies F, Weber M, Krause F: Temporary internal fixation for ligamentous and osseous lisfranc injuries: outcome and technical tip. Foot Ankle Int Aug;36(8): (IF 1.506) Ahmad SS, Gantenbein B, Evangelopoulos DS, Schär MO, Schwienbacher S, Kohlhof H, : Arthroplasty current strategies for the management of knee osteoarthritis. Swiss Med Wkly Feb 9;145:w (IF 2.086) Ahmad SS, Ahmad SS,, Ahmad S, Ahmed AR: The hundred most cited articles in bariatric surgery. Obes Surg May;25(5): (IF 3.747) Albers CE, Steppacher SD, Schwab JM, Tannast M, Siebenrock KA: Relative femoral neck lengthening improves pain and hip function in proximal femoral deformities with a high-riding trochanter. Clin Orthop Relat Res Apr;473(4): (IF 2.765) Albers CE, Steppacher SD, Haefeli PC, Hanke MS, Werlen S, Siebenrock KA, Tannast M: Twelve percent of hips with a primary cam deformity exhibit a slip-like morphology resembling sequelae of slipped capital femoral epiphysis. Clin Orthop Relat Res Apr;473(4): (IF 2.765) Anwander H, Melkus G, Rakhra KS, Beaulé PE: T1ρ MRI detects cartilage damage in asymptomatic individuals with a cam deformity. J Orthop Res Nov 17. (IF 2.986) Bain GI, Eng K, Chao Y Lee, Mc Guire D, : Reconstruction of chronic foveal TFCC tears with an autologous tendon graft. J Wrist Surg Feb;4(1):9-14. Bastian JD, Ansorge A, Tomagra S, Siebenrock KA, Benneker LM, Büchler L, Keel MJ: Anterior fixation of unstable pelvic ring fractures using the modified Stoppa approach: mid-term results are independent on patients' age. Eur J Trauma Emerg Surg Oct 12. [Epub ahead of print] (IF 0.346) Bastian JD, Bergmann M, Schwyn R,, Benneker LM: Assessment of the breakaway torque at the posterior pelvic ring in human cadavers. J Invest Surg Dec;28(6): (IF 1.158) Bastian JD, Jost J, Cullmann JL, Aghayev E, Keel MJ, Benneker LM: Percutaneous screw fixation of the iliosacral joint: optimal screw pathways are frequently not completely intraosseous. Injury Oct;46(10): (IF 2.137) Beck M, Krüger A, Katthagen C, : Osteotomy of the greater trochanter: Effect on gluteus medius function. Surg Radiol Anat Aug;37(6): (IF 1.047) Deml MC, Buhr M, Wimmer MD, Pflugmacher R, Riedel R, Rommelspacher Y, Kabir K: CTguided infiltration saves surgical intervention and fastens return to work compared to anatomical landmark-guided infiltration in patients with lumbosciatica. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol Jul;25 Suppl 1:S (IF 0.181) Eggli S, Kohlhof H,, Henle P, Hartel M, Evangelopoulos DS, Bonel H, : Dynamic intraligamentary stabilization: novel technique for preserving the ruptured ACL. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Apr;23(4): (IF 3.053) Evangelopoulos DS, Huesler M, Ahmad SS, Aghayev E, Neukamp M, Röder C, Exadaktylos A, Bonel H, : Mapping tibiofemoral gonarthrosis: an MRI analysis of non-traumatic knee cartilage defects. Br J Radiol Aug;88(1052): (IF 2.026) Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 8

9 Evangelopoulos DS,, Schwienbacher S, Gantenbein B, Exadaktylos A, Ahmad SS: Collagen application reduces complication rates of mid-substance ACL tears treated with dynamic intraligamentary stabilization. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc Nov 12. [Epub ahead of print] (IF 3.053) Gantenbein B, Gadhari N, Chan SCW,, Ahmad SS: Mesenchymal stem cells and collagen patches for anterior cruciate ligament repair. World J of Stem Cells Mar;7(2): Haefeli PC, Steppacher SD, Babst D, Siebenrock KA, Tannast M: An increased iliocapsularisto-rectus-femoris ratio is suggestive for instability in borderline hips. Clin Orthop Relat Res Dec;473(12): (IF 2.765) Hoppe S, Wangler S, Aghayev E, Gantenbein B, Boger A, Benneker LM: Reduction of cement leakage by sequential PMMA injection in a vertebroplasty model. Eur Spine J Apr 5. [Epub ahead of print] (IF 2.066) Hoppe S, Elfiky T, Keel MJ, Aghayev E, Ecker TM, Benneker LM: Lavage prior to vertebral augmentation reduces the risk for cement leakage. Eur Spine J Aug 15. [Epub ahead of print] (IF 2.066) Hoppe S, Keel MJ, Rueff N, Rhoma I, Roche S, Maqungo S: Early versus delayed application of Thomas splints in patients with isolated femur shaft fractures: The benefits quantified. Injury Dec;46(12): (IF 2.137) Hoppe S, Uhlmann M, Schwyn R, Suhm N, Benneker LM: Intraoperative mechanical measurement of bone quality with the DensiProbe. J Clin Densitom Jan-Mar;18(1): (IF 2.027) Hunziker EB, Lippuner K, Keel MJ, Shintani N: Age-independent cartilage generation for synovium-based autologous chondrocyte implantation. Tissue Eng Part A Jul;21(13-14): (IF 4.448) Jülke H, Mainil-Varlet P, Jakob RP, Brehm W, Schäfer B, Nesic D: The role of cells in meniscal guided tissue regeneration: A proof of concept study in a goat model. Cartilage Jan;6(1):20-9. (IF 0.694) Klenke FM, Hoffmann DB, Cross BJ, Siebenrock KA: Validation of a standardized mapping system of the hip joint for radial MRA sequencing. Skeletal Radiology; 44(3): ; (IF 1.510), Meier S, Ahmad SS, Bonel H, Exadaktylos AK, Krismer A, Evangelopoulos DS: Accuracy of cartilage-specific 3-Tesla 3D-DESS magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of chondral lesions: comparison with knee arthroscopy. J Orthop Surg Res Dec 29;10(1):191. (IF 1.386), Stock A, Ahmad SS,, Keel M, Exadaktylos A, Kohlhof H, Eggli, Evangelopoulos DS: Dynamic intraligamentary stabilization and primary repair: a new concept for the treatment of knee dislocation. Injury Apr;46(4): (IF 2.137) Kohlhof H, Heidt C, Bähler A,, Gravius S, Friedrich MJ, Ziebarth K, Stranzinger E: Can 3D ultrasound identify trochlea dysplasia in newborns? Evaluation and applicability of a technique. Eur J Radiol Jun;84(6): (IF 2.369) Liechti EF, Ferguson SJ, Tannast M: Protrusio acetabuli: joint loading with severe pincer impingement and its theoretical implications for surgical therapy. J Orthop Res Jan;33(1): (IF 2.986) Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 9

10 Liu L, Zheng G, Bastian JD, Keel MJ, Nolte LP, Siebenrock KA, Ecker TM: Periacetabular osteotomy through the pararectus approach: technical feasibility and control of fragment mobility by a validated surgical navigation system in a cadaver experiment. Int Orthop Jul 11. [Epub ahead of print] (IF 2.110) Liu L, Ecker T, Xie L, Schumann S, Siebenrock K, Zheng G. Biomechanical validation of computer assisted planning of periacetabular osteotomy: A preliminary study based on finite element analysis. Med Eng Phys Dec;37(12): (IF 1.825) Moor BK, Kuster R, Osterhoff G, Baumgartner D, Werner CM,, Bouaicha S: Inclination-dependent changes of the critical shoulder angle significantly influence superior glenohumeral joint stability. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). Epub 2015 Nov 4. (IF 1.970) Niebler S, Schubert T, Hunziker EB, Bosserhoff AK: Activating enhancer-binding protein-2 epsilon (AP-2 epsilon) deficient mice exhibit increased matrix metalloproteinase 13 expression and progressive osteoarthritis development. Arthritis Research and Therapy. 2015;17(119). (IF 3.75) Pflugi S, Liu L, Ecker TM, Schumann S, Larissa Cullmann J, Siebenrock K, Zheng G: A costeffective surgical navigation solution for periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) surgery. Int J Comput Assist Radiol Surg Aug 2. [Epub ahead of print] (IF 1.707) Rüegsegger N, Ahmad SS, Benneker LM, Berlemann U, Keel MJ, Hoppe: The 100 most influential publications in cervical spine research. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) Nov 2. [Epub ahead of print] (IF 2.297) Schaer MO, Diaz-Romero J,,, Nesic D: Platelet-rich concentrates differentially release growth factors and induce cell migration in vitro. Clin Orthop Relat Res May;473(5): (IF 2.765) Schmid T, Joeris A, Slongo T, Ahmad SS, Ziebarth K: Displaced supracondylar humeral fractures: influence of delay of surgery on the incidence of open reduction, complications and outcome. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg Jul;135(7): (IF 1.597) Schmid T, Krause F, Gebel P, Weber M: Operative treatment of acute fractures of the tarsal navicular body: Midterm results with a new classification. Foot Ankle Int Dec 23. [Epub ahead of print] (IF 1.506) Schmid T, Younger A: First metatarsophalangeal joint degeneration, arthroscopic treatment. Foot Ankle Clin Sep;20(3): (IF 0.755) Siebenrock KA: Editorial comment: symposium: 2014 Bernese Hip Symposium. Clin Orthop Relat Res Apr;473(4): Siebenrock KA, Steppacher SD, Tannast M, Büchler L: Anteverting periacetabular osteotomy for acetabular retroversion. JBJS Essent Surg Tech Jan;5(1):1-11. Siebenrock KA, Kienel KP, Steppacher SD, Tannast M, Mamisch TC, von Rechenberg B: Biochemical MRI predicts hip osteoarthritis in an experimental ovine femoroacetabular impingement model. Clin Orthop Relat Res Apr;473(4): (IF 2.765) Siebenrock KA, Anwander H, Zurmühle CA, Tannast M, Slongo T, Steppacher SD: Head reduction osteotomy with additional containment surgery improves sphericity and containment and reduces pain in Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. Clin Orthop Relat Res Apr;473(4): (IF 2.765) Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 10

11 Steppacher SD, Anwander H, Zurmühle CA, Tannast M, Siebenrock KA: Eighty percent of patients with surgical hip dislocation for femoroacetabular impingement have a good clinical result without osteoarthritis progression at 10 years. Clin Orthop Relat Res Apr;473(4):1333:41. (IF 2.765) Steppacher SD, Zurmühle CA, Puls M, Siebenrock KA, Millis MB, Kim YJ, Tannast M: Periacetabular osteotomy restores the typically excessive range of motion in dysplastic hips with a spherical head. Clin Orthop Relat Res Apr;473(4): (IF 2.765) Tannast M, Fritsch S, Zheng G, Siebenrock KA, Steppacher SD: Which radiographic hip parameters do not have to be corrected for pelvic rotation and tilt? Clin Orthop Relat Res Apr;473(4): (IF 2.765) Tannast M, Hanke MS, Zheng G, Steppacher SD, Siebenrock KA: What are the radiographic reference values for acetabular under- and overcoverage? Clin Orthop Relat Res Apr;473(4): (IF 2.765), Bürki A, Massy AS, Zysset P, Moor BK: Extra-articular step osteotomy of the olecranon: A biomechanical assessment. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon) Sep. (IF 1.970) Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 11

12 Originalarbeiten Kollaborationen Bara JJ, Herrmann M, Menzel U, Benneker LM, Alini M, Stoddart MJ: Three-dimensional culture and characterization of mononuclear cells from human bone marrow. Cytotherapy Apr;17(4): (IF 3.293) Blasimann A, Eichelberger P, Brülhart Y, El-Masri I, Flückiger G, Frauchiger L, Huber M, Weber M, Krause FG, Baur H: Non-surgical treatment of pain associated with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction: study protocol for a randomised clinical trial. J Foot Ankle Res Aug 14;8:37. (IF 1.462) Bornemann R, Müller-Broich JD, Deml MC, Sander K, Wirtz DC, Pflugmacher R: Diagnosis and treatment of spondylodiscitis/spondylitis in clinical practice. Z Orthop Unfall Oct;153(5): (IF 0.494) Guggisberg S, Benneker LM, Keel MJ, Gantenbein B: Mechanical loading promoted discogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells incorporated in 3D-PEG scaffolds with rhgdf5 and RGD. Int J Stem Cell Res Ther. 2015; 2(006):006. Haider DG, Lindner G, Ahmad SS, Sauter T, Wolzt M, Leichtle AB, Fiedler GM, Exadaktylos AK, Fuhrmann V: Hypermagnesemia is a strong independent risk factor for mortality in critically ill patients: results from a cross-sectional study. Eur J Intern Med Sep;26(7): (IF 2.891) Haider DG, Lindner G, Wolzt M, Ahmad SS, Sauter T, Leichtle AB, Fiedler GM, Fuhrmann V, Exadaktylos AK: Hyperphosphatemia is an independent risk factor for mortality in critically ill patients: results from a cross-sectional study. PLoS One Aug 7;10(8):e (IF 3.234) Leichtle UG, Wünschel M, Socci M, Kurze C, Niemeyer T, Leichtle CI: Spine radiography in the evaluation of back and neck pain in an orthopaedic emergency clinic. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2015;28(1):43-8. (IF 0.705) Pirvu T, Blanquer S, Benneker LM, Grijpma DW, Richards RG, Alini M, Eglin D, Grad S, Li Z: A combined biomaterial and cellular approach for annulus fibrosus rupture repair. Biomaterials Feb;42:11-9. (IF 8.557) Sauter TC, Lindner G, Ahmad SS, Leichtle AB, Fiedler GM, Exadaktylos AK, Haider DG: Calcium disorders in the emergency department: independent risk factors for mortality. PLoS One Jul 14;10(7):e (IF 3.234) Tschumi C, Seyed Jafari SM, Rothenberger J, Van de Ville D, Keel M, Krause F, Shafighi M. Post-operative monitoring of free muscle transfers by laser doppler imaging: A prospective study. Microsurgery Oct;35(7): (IF 2.421) Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 12

13 Übrige Publikationen Abdelnasser MK, Klenke FM, Whitlock P, Khalil AM, Khalifa YE, Ali HM, Siebenrock KA. Management of pelvic discontinuity in revision total hip arthroplasty: a review of the literature. Hip Int. 2015;25(2): Ahmad SS, : Chronic regional pain syndrome. In: Hirschmann MT, Becker R. The unhappy total knee replacement: a comprehensive review and management guide. Springer Verlag, 2015: Ahmad SS, : The optimal cementing technique. In: Hirschman MT, Becker R. The unhappy total knee replacement: a comprehensive review and management guide. Springer Verlag, 2015: Ahmad SS,, Ahmad S, Ahmed AR, Ahmad SS: Reply to the letter to the editor: citation analysis in bariatric suergery. Obes Surg Dec;25(12): Albers CE, Steppacher SD, Tannast M, Siebenrock KA: Surgical Technique: Reverse periacetabular osteotomy. In: Nho SJ, Leunig M, Larson CM, Bedi A, Kelly BT (eds.). Hip arthroscopy and hip joint preservation surgery. New York, Springer, 2015: Anwander H, Siebenrock KA, Rakhra K, Beaulé PE: Magnetic resonance imaging of the native hip joint. JBJS RVW. 2015: 3(5):e4 Ecker TM, Liu L, Zheng G, Albers CE, Siebenrock KA. Preoperative planning of periacetabular osteotomy (PAO). In: Zheng, Guoyan, Li, Shuo. Computational radiology for orthopaedic interventions. New York, Springer, 2015: Flückiger R, Raniga S, Moor BK, : Glenohumeral dislocation Injury patterns and combination injuries. Arthroskopie. 2015;1-9. Hunziker EB, Lippuner K, Keel MJ, Shintani N: An educational review of cartilage repair: precepts & practice myths & misconceptions progress & prospects. Osteoarthritis Cartilage Mar;23(3): Keel MJ, Bastian JD: Periazetabuläre Frakturen bei Hüftprothesen. OP Journal. 2015;31: Keel MJ: Komplexverletzungen des Beckenringes. Orthopädische Nachrichten. 2015;10:34. Sendi P, Moor BK,. Peripsothetic Joint infection after shoulder arthroplasty. In: Zimmerli W. Bone and joint infections: from microbiology to diagnostics and treatment. Wiley Blackwell, West Sussex, UK, Wiley Blackwell, Siebenrock KA, Steppacher SD, Tannast M, Büchler L: Anteverting periacetabular osteotomy for acetabular retroversion. J Bone Joint Surg Ess Surg Techn Jan 14; 5(1):e1. Steppacher SD, Albers CE, Tannast M, Siebenrock KA: Plain radiographic evaluation of the hip. In: Nho SJ, Leunig M, Larson CM, Bedi A, Kelly BT, ed. Hip arthroscopy and hip joint preservation surgery. New York, Springer, 2015: Wollgarten M, Keel MJ, Pape HC: Editorial: emergency fixation of the pelvic ring using the pelvic C clamp--has anything changed? Injury Sep;46 Suppl 3:S1-2., Abeysekera N, Pellegrino P, Moor B, Schär M: Ultrastructure and pathoanatomy of the rotator cuff. In: Bain GI, Itoi E, Di Giacomo G, Sugaya H. Normal and pathological anatomy of the shoulder. Springer, 2015: Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 13

14 Abstracts Ahmad SS,, Schwienbacher S: Dynamic intraligamentary stabilization: a doorway to intrinsic healing of the ACL. AAOS, Las Vegas, USA, März 24-28, Attinger M, Kuonen K, Michel A, Siebenrock KA, Klenke FM: Are additional anteroposterior radiographs required for precise templating in total hip arthroplasty? Swiss Medical Weekly. 2015;Suppl. 210, FM121. Benneker LM, Sebald J, Cattaneo E: Single stage debridement, cement-interposition and stabilisation from posterior for progressive, erosive spondylodiscitis of the lumbar spine. Global Spine Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentinien, Mai 20-23, Benneker LM, Akseliki M: 2 years experiences with a new titanium coated radiolucent TLIF carbon-peek cage. Global Spine Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentinien, Mai 20-23, Benneker LM: A combined cellular and biomaterial approach for the restoration of disc height and prevention of degeneration in discs with annular defects. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Benneker LM: Human intervertebral disc stiffness correlates better with the Otsu threshold of its axial T2 map than with clinical classifications. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Diserens G, Anwander H, Fuhrer F, Moor B, Boesch C,, Vermathen P: Fat assessment in shoulder muscle: a comparison between spectroscopic and imaging techniques. ISMRM, Toronto, Kanada, Mai 30-Jun 5, Ecker TM, Jost J, Basedow J, Cullmann-Bastian J, Pflugi S,, Benneker LM, Bastian JD: A novel technique for percutaneous transiliac S1-screw placement using specific entry and aiming points defined on preoperative computed tomography scans a cadaveric feasibility study. 16th EFORT Congress, Prag, Tschechien, Mai 27-29, Ecker TM, Bastian JD, Liu L, Zheng G, Haefeli PC, Tannast M,, Siebenrock KA: Periacetabular osteotomy performed through the pararectus approach fragment mobility and fixation possibilities of the acetabulum assessed in a navigated cadaver feasibility study. 16th EFORT Congress, Prag, Tschechien, Mai 27-29, Eichelberger P, Lutz N, Bamert U, Krause F, Baur H: Reliability of a new foot model for dynamic navicular drop measurement. World Confederation for Physical Therapy, Singapore, Mai 1-4, Jost J, Ecker TM, Basedow J, Cullmann JL, Keel MJ, Benneker LM, Bastian JD: Potential optimization of percutaneous sacroiliac joint fixation by use of specific entry and aiming points on lateral pelvic views assessed in cadavers. 16th ECTES Congress, Amsterdam, Holland, Mai 10-12, Jost J, Cullmann JL, Aghayev E, Keel MJ, Benneker LM, Bastian JD: Radiographic analysis of entry and aiming points on lateral pelvic views for optimal sacroiliac joint fixation using sacroiliac screw. 16th ECTES Congress, Amsterdam, Holland, Mai 10-12, Keel MJ, Cullmann JL, Tomagra S, Bonel HM, Bastian JD: Reconstruction of femoral head impaction injuries using osteochondral shell autografts harvested from the head-neck junction 16th ECTES Congress, Amsterdam, Holland, Mai 10-12, Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 14

15 Keel MJ, Cullmann JL, Tomagra S, Bonel HM, Bastian JD: Reconstruction of femoral head impaction injuries using osteochondral shell autografts harvested from the head-neck junction. Orthopaedic Trauma Association, Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, Oktober 7-10, Klenke FM, Albers CE, Ahmad SS, Büchler L, Siebenrock KA,, Beck M: A bibliometric analysis of citation classics in orthopedic hip research. Swiss Medical Weekly. 2015;Suppl. 210, FM4. Klenke FM, Kuonen K, Petrov V, Michel A, Siebenrock KA, Attinger A: Sind zusätzliche Hüft a.p. Röntgenaufnahmen für eine präzise Planung von Hüft-Totalendoprothesen erforderlich? Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DKOU 2015), Berlin, Deutschland, Oktober 20-23, Krause F: Temporary arthrodesis for ligamentous and osseous lisfranc injuiries. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Krismer A, Ahmad SS, : Treatment of knee dislocation: does it have to be a graft? Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Deutschland, Oktober 21, Tekari A, Chan SCW, Wuertz K, Sakai D, Benneker LM, Grad S, Gantenbein B: Tie2+ cells of the bovine nucleus pulposus are progenitor cells capable of differentiating into osteocytes and adipocytes. Global Spine Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentinien, Mai 20-23, Triana M, Helfen T, Zderic I, Agarwal Y, Krause F, Richards RG, Gueorguiev B: The novel surgical LagLoc technique for locking plate systems. Biomechanical investigation and first clinical applications. 36th SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress, Guangzhou, China, September, : PARP1 leads to decreased atrophy and fatty infiltration in a chronic rotator cuff tear knock out mouse model. 26th Congress of the European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow, Mailand, Italien, September 16-19, : Extra-articular step osteotomy of the olecranon: a biomechanical evaluation. 26th Congress of the European Society for Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow, Mailand, Italien, September 16-19, 2015 Zurmühle CA, Steppacher SD, Zheng G, Siebenrock KA, Tannast M: Cup orientation determined with statistical shape modeling does not differ between the less-invasive anterior and transgluteal approach. 16th EFORT Congress, Prag, Tschechien, Mai 27-29, Zurmühle CA, Milella M, Steppacher SD, Hanke MS, Albers CE, Siebenrock KA, Tannast M: Femoroacetabular impingement existed ever since man Invented the wheel an anecdotal report of a 5000 year old hip. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 15

16 Poster Anwander H, Siebenrock KA, Zurmühle CA, Tannast M, Slongo T, Steppacher SD: Head reduction osteotomy improves sphericity, containment and pain in LCPD. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Anwander H, Diserens G, Fuhrer F, Moor B, Boesch C, Vermathen P, : Increased critical shoulder angle without rotator cuff tear does not lead to fatty infiltration. ESSE, Mailand, Italien, Anwander H, Diserens G, Fuhrer F, Moor B, Boesch C, Vermathen P, : Single voxel spectroscopy and Dixon MRI are reliable for quantitative assessment of fat content in the rotator cuff. ESSE, Mailand, Italien, Anwander H, Sachevich N, Rakhra K, Schweitzer M, Beaulé PE: WORMS WHOLE ORGAN MAGNET RESONANCE SCORE predicts outcome after hip arthroscopy. ORS, Las Vegas, USA, Benneker LM, Hoppe S, Afiki T, Aghayev E: Vertebral body lavage prior to vertebroplasty/kyphoplasty significantly reduces cement leakage in a clinical setting. Global Spine Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentinien, Mai 20-23, Chan SCW, Tekari A, Benneker LM, Heini P, Gantenbein B: Nucleus pulposus cells inhibit osteogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells. 44th ISSLS annual meeting, San Francisco, USA, Juni 8-12, Chan SCW, Sakai D, Nakai T, Nakamura Y, Benneker LM, Gantenbein B: Hyperosmotic condition reduces nucleus pulposus growth in monolayer culture and 3D alginate beads culture. Global Spine Congress, Buenos Aires, Argentinien, Mai 20-23, Deml MC, Pflugmacher R, Bornemann R, Wimmer M, Hischebeth G, Rommelspacher Y: Sonikation von Wirbelsäulenimplantaten im Revisionsfall Ist eine erhöhte Nachweisrate von implantatassoziierten Infekten möglich? 10. Kongress der deutschen Gesellschaft für Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, Frankfurt, Deutschland, Dezember 10-12, Deml MC, Gravius S, Wimmer MD, Rommelspacher Y, Wirtz DC, Schmolders J: Uncemented hip revision arthroplasty shows promissing results in modular tapered, fluted titanium stems a retrospective survey. 16th EFORT Congress, Prag, Tschechien, Mai 27-29, Ecker TM, Bastian JD, Liu L, Zheng G, Haefeli PC, Tannast M,, Siebenrock KA: Periacetabular osteotomy performed through the pararectus approach fragment mobility and fixation possibilities of the acetabulum assessed in a navigated cadaver feasibility study. 16th EFORT Congress, Prag, Tschechien, Mai 27-29, Frauchiger DA, Chan SCW, Benneker LM, Gantenbein B: Annulus fibrosus repair with the help of a novel silk membrane-fleece and genipin-enhanced fibrin hydrogel. Jahrekongress Swiss Society for Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine, Lausanne, Schweiz, Juni 9-10, Hanke MS, Steppacher SD, Anwander H, Werlen S, Siebenrock KA, Tannast M: Which MRI parameters predict a bad outcome 10-year after surgical hip dislocation for femoroacetabular impingement? a pilot study. 16th EFORT Congress, Prag, Tschechien, Mai 27-29, Schär M, Ma R, Titan A, Carbone A,Carballo C, Gu W, Sisto M,, Deng XH, Rodeo SA: Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells transduced with SOX-9 improve rotator cuff healing in a rat model. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 16

17 Schär M, Ma R, Titan A, Sisto M, Gu W,, Deng XH, Rodeo SA: Fibrin glue does not improve rotator cuff healing in a rat model. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Schär M, Ma R, Titan A, Carbone A,Carballo C, Gu W, Sisto M,, Deng XH, Rodeo SA: Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells transduced with SOX-9 improve rotator cuff healing in a rat model. SECEC 2015, Mailand, Italien, September 16-19, Schär M, Ma R, Titan A, Sisto M, Gu W,, Deng XH, Rodeo SA: fibrin glue does not improve rotator cuff healing in a rat model. SECEC 2015, Mailand, Italien, September 16-19, Seidel A, Krause F, Weber M: Nonoperative treatment of stable Weber B fractures judged by weightbearing radiographs. 16th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, Amsterdam, Holland, Mai 10-12, Steppacher SD, Anwander H, Zurmühle CA, Tannast M, Slongo T, Siebenrock KA: Head reduction osteotomy with additional containment surgery improves sphericity and containment and reduces pain in Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 17

18 Vorträge Ahmad SS: Dynamic intraligamentary stabilization: a doorway to intrinsic healing of the ACL. AAOS, Las Vegas, USA, März 24-28, Ahmad SS, : Biological induction in the healing of the anterior cruciate ligament. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Ahmad SS, : Dynamic intraligamentary stabilization. A treatment option for acute ACL ruptures. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Ahmad SS, : The hundred most cited publications in orthopaedic knee research a bibliometric analysis-type: Free papers. 16th EFORT Congress, Prag, Tschechien, Mai 27-29, Ahmad SS, : The hundred most cited publications in orthopaedic knee research a bibliometric analysis-type: free papers. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Attinger MC: Are additional anteroposterior hip radiographs required for precise templating in total hip arthroplasty? 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Attinger MC: Femurschaftfraktur Marknagelung. AO Frühjahrstagung, Mai 8-9, Attinger MC: Allergie und Komplikationen in der Hüftprothetik. Symposium der Tessiner Orthopädischen und Dermatologischen Gesellschaft, Mai 7, Benneker LM: Wirbelsäule und Sport. Grand Prix Symposium, Bern, Schweiz, März 18, Benneker LM: BMPs good or evil? Biospine 2015, Berlin, Deutschland, April 26-28, Benneker LM: Improved osteointegration by titanium vacuum plasma spray (VPS) coating of carbon/peek implants. Biospine 2015, Berlin, Deutschland, April 26-28, Benneker LM: Annulus fibrosus repair strategies. 11th Turkish Spine Congress, Cesme, Türkei, April 29-Mai 2, Benneker LM: Spine and Sports. 11th Turkish Spine Congress, Cesme, Türkei, April 29-Mai 2, Benneker LM: Current and future problems in spine surgery a surgeons perspective. Annual general managers meeting AO Foundation, Davos, Schweiz, Mai 15, Benneker LM, Acaroglu E: Research Symposium. 11th Turkish Spine Congress, Cesme, Türkei, April 29-Mai 2, Benneker LM: Current/Future concepts in AF repair. Jahreskongress Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Spinale Chirurgie, Basel, Schweiz, August 28, Benneker LM: Update: adulte Deformitäten. Adventssymposium Inselspital, Bern, Schweiz, Dezember 10, Benneker LM: Keynote lecture: ethical considerations in research. AO Spine Master courses, Davos, Schweiz, Dezember 13-18, Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 18

19 Dumont C,, Djonov V, Bastian JD: The pararectus approach to harvest large bony segment of vascularized iliac crest. Annual Congress of the French Society for Surgery of the Hand, Paris, Frankreich, Dezember 17-19, Ecker TM, Jost J, Basedow J, Cullmann-Bastian J, Pflugi S,, Benneker LM, Bastian JD: A novel technique for percutaneous transiliac S1-screw placement using specific entry and aiming points defined on preoperative computed tomography scans a cadaveric feasibility study. 16th EFORT Congress, Prag, Tschechien, Mai 27-29, Hanke M: Predictors For failure 10-years after surgical hip dislocation for femoroacetabular impingement an MRI study. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Hanke M: Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease leads to atrophy and degeneration of hip abductor muscles. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Hanke M: Mean 10-year follow-up of surgical hip dislocation for protrusio acetabuli a controlled study. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Hanke MS, Steppacher SD, Anwander H, Werlen S, Siebenrock KA, Tannast M: Predictors for failure 10 years after surgical hip dislocation for femoroacetabular impingement an MRI study. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Haefeli PC, Marecek GS,, Siebenrock KA, Tannast M: Long-term follow-up after surgical hip dislocation for the treatment of acetabular fractures. AAOS 2015 Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, USA, März 26, Keel MJ, Cullmann JL, Tomagra S, Bonel HM, Bastian JD: Reconstruction of femoral head impaction injuries using osteochondral shell autografts harvested from the head-neck junction. Orthopaedic Trauma Association, OTA, Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA, Oktober 7-10, : News in acetabular surgery. Departement of Orthopaedic Surgery, Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town, Südafrika, Februar 10, : Acute management of pelvic fractures. Departement of Orthopaedic Surgery, Groote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town, Südafrika, Februar 10, : Damage control surgery. European Trauma Course (ETC), Inselspital, Bern, Schweiz, März 28-30, : Stabilization of hemodynamically unstable patients with pelvic injuries: Ex Fix vs. Binder vs. C-Clamp. 17th Cooperative Course Polytrauma Management beyond ATLS, München, Deutschland, April 28-29, : The pararectal approach indication and technique. 5. Hamburger Beckenkurs/ 3rd European Pelvic Course, Hamburg, Deutschland, Mai 6-8, : Reconstruction of femoral head impaction injuries using osteochondral shell autografts harvested from the head-neck junction. 16th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery (ECTES), Amsterdam, Holland, Mai 10-12, : Pedicle screw augmentation. 16th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery (ECTES), Amsterdam, Holland, Mai 10-12, : Pelvic trauma surgical approaches: many ways to Rome. 16th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery (ECTES), Amsterdam, Holland, Mai 10-12, Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 19

20 : Keynote: Virtual reality and pelvic fracture treatment. 16th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery (ECTES), Amsterdam, Holland, Mai 10-12, : What s new in pelvic and acetabular trauma incl. geriatrics Jahreskongress, Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie, Bern, Schweiz, Mai 20-22, : Klinische Diagnostik und Beurteilung von Begleitverletzungen. 14. AO Trauma- Homburger Beckenkurs Teil 1 Grundlagen der Becken- und Azetabulumchirurgie, Homburg, Deutschland, Juni 10-12, : Pelvis and acetabulum: reconstruction and arthroplasty. 2nd EU Trauma Case Controversies, Amsterdam, Holland, Oktober 9-10, : Special cases: nonunion pelvis and acetabulum. 2nd EU Trauma Case Controversies, Amsterdam, Holland, Oktober 9-10, : Choice of surgical approach (PW,PC,AC,AW,PC+PW). 27th Emile Letournel Course and Workshop, Fractures of the Acetabulum and Pelvis, Luzern, Schweiz, September 21-24, : Trochanteric flip. 27th Emile Letournel Course and Workshop, Fractures of the Acetabulum and Pelvis, Luzern, Schweiz, September 21-24, : Instabile Beckenringverletzungen: Behandlungsstrategien bei Komplexverletzungen des Beckenringes. 79. Jahrestagung DGU/101, Tagung DGOOC, Berlin, Deutschland, Oktober 20-23, : Wirbelsäulen-Traumaversorgung vom Dens bis zum Sacrum: Von L2 bis zum Sacrum. 79. Jahrestagung DGU/101, Tagung DGOOC, Berlin, Deutschland, Oktober 20-23, : Pertrochantäre Femurfraktur: Stellenwert der Klingenplatte oder proximalen Femurplatte. Masters Kurs, AO Trauma Courses 2015, Davos, Schweiz, Dezember 6-10, : Femurkopffraktur: Möglichkeiten der Gelenkerhaltung. Masters Kurs, AO Trauma Courses 2015, Davos, Schweiz, Dezember 6-10, : Becken-/Azetabulum- und mediale Schenkelhalsfraktur. Masters Kurs, AO Trauma Courses 2015, Davos, Schweiz, Dezember 6-10, Klenke FM: Sind zusätzliche Hüft a.p. Röntgenaufnahmen für eine präzise Planung von Hüft- Totalendoprothesen erforderlich? Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DKOU 2015), Berlin, Deutschland, Oktober 21, Klenke FM, Ahmad SS, Albers CE, Büchler L,, Siebenrock KA, Beck M: A bibliometric analysis of citation classics in orthopaedic hip research. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Krause F: The role of osteotomies in the subtle cavus foot. Canadian Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society Symposium, Whistler, Kanada, Januar 30-31, Krause F: Calcaneal fractures tips from Switzerland. Canadian Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society Symposium, Whistler, Kanada, Januar 30-31, Krause F: Gelenkerhaltende Therapie des OSG: Umstellungsosteotomie. 2. Bonner Fuss- Symposium, Bonn, Deutschland, Februar 20-21, Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 20

21 Krause F: Mini-Battle: Akute Achillessehnenruptur pro konservativ. GOTS Basel, Juni 12-13, Krause F: Temporary arthrodesis for ligamentous and osseous Lisfranc injuiries. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, Krause F: The role of subtalar instability. EFAS Advanced Symposium, Genua, Italien, Dezember 4-5, Krause F: Komplexe Verletzungen am OSG, konservative Therapie. AO Trauma Masters, Davos, Dezember 6-10, Krause F: Calcaneusfrakturen, minimal invasive OP-Technik. AO Trauma Masters, Davos, Dezember 6-10, Krause F: Mini-Battle: Treatment of acute achilles tendon rupture pro conservative. OrthoDays 2015, Pratteln, Schweiz, Februar 11-13, Krause F: Case discussion asking the expert: varus dislocation of the ankle. OrthoDays 2015, Pratteln, Schweiz, Februar 11-13, Krause F: Hindfoot reconstruction: learn from the master how I did it. OrthoDays 2015, Pratteln, Schweiz, Februar 11-13, Krismer A: Treatment of knee dislocation: does it have to be a graft? Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Berlin, Deutschland, Oktober 21, Kurze C: Sarkomverdacht, was nun? Erstes Berner Sarkomsymposium, Bern, Schweiz, September 17, Schär M, : The role of growth factors and stem cells refixation Münster, Deutschland, Februar 19-21, Schmid T: Arthroscopic ankle fusion: are results reproducible irrespective of pre-operative deformity? Research Day, Department of Orthopaedics, University of British Columbia Vancouver, Kanada, Mai 6, Siebenrock KA: Anatomy of the femur-changes with age. AO Trauma Course Surgical Preservation of the Hip. Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Januar 8-10, Siebenrock KA: FAI: Acetabular pathomorphologies. AO Trauma Course Surgical Preservation of the Hip. Salt Lake City, USA, Januar 8-10, Siebenrock KA: Outcomes of PAO. AO Trauma Course Surgical Preservation of the Hip. Salt Lake City, USA, Januar 8-10, Siebenrock KA: Management from closure of triradiate cartilage through young adult. Instructional course lecture 146: Current perspectives on the diagnosis and management of DDH through early adulthood. American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), Las Vegas, USA, März 24-28, Siebenrock KA: Management of Perthes sequelae after skeletal maturity. Instructional course lecture 167: Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease: The beginning and the end. American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), Las Vegas, USA, März 24-28, Siebenrock KA: Surgical hip dislocation indication and technique. 3rd European Pelvic Course. Hamburg, Deutschland, Mai 6-8, Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 21

22 Siebenrock KA: Hip: osteotomy and arthroplasty. Comprehensive review course session 3. 16th EFORT Congress, Prag, Tschechien, Mai 27-29, Siebenrock KA: Cumulative 10-year follow-up of surgical hip dislocation for protrusio acetabuli a controlled study. International Hip Society Meeting, Chicago, USA, September 9-12, Siebenrock KA: Behandlungsalgorhythmen bei vermehrter und verminderter Überdachung. AE- Kurs für Gelenkerhaltende Chirurgie, Dresden, Deutschland, September 25-26, Siebenrock KA: Komplikationen und Fehler bei Beckenosteotomien Prävention und Behandlung. AE-Kurs für Gelenkerhaltende Chirurgie, Dresden, Deutschland, September 25-26, Siebenrock KA: Extended retinacular flap. AE-Kurs für Gelenkerhaltende Chirurgie, Dresden, Deutschland, September 25-26, Siebenrock KA: Bedeutung sekundärer operative Verfahren beim ausgeheilten M. Perthes. Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DKOU). Berlin, Deutschland, Oktober 20-23, Siebenrock KA: Offene und arthroskopische Verfahren zur Gelenkerhaltung. Seminar Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DKOU). Berlin, Deutschland, Oktober 20-23, Siebenrock KA: Gelenkerhaltende Chirurgie heute. Expertenrunde Deutscher Kongress für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie (DKOU). Berlin, Deutschland, Oktober 20-23, Steppacher SD: Klassifikation von Pfannenfehlformen. AE-Kurs für Gelenkserhaltende Hüftchirurgie, Dredsden, Deutschland, September 24-26, Steppacher SD. Behandlungsalgorithmen beim Cam-Impingement. AE-Kurs für Gelenkserhaltende Hüftchirurgie, Dresden, Deutschland, September 24-26, Steppacher SD: Femurosteotomien welche Osteotomie wann? AE-Kurs für Gelenkserhaltende Hüftchirurgie, Dresden, Deutschland, September 24-26, Tannast M: Zugangsspezifische Komplikationen, The painful primary total hip arthroplasty. Orthodays, Basel, Schweiz, Februar 12, Tannast M: Bern tradition. The Millis Hip Preservation Symposium 2015, Boston, USA, Mai 16, Tannast M: Pincer open treatment results. The Millis Hip Preservation Symposium 2015, Boston, USA, Mai 16, Tannast M: Resutate der offenen Pincer-Behandlung. Interne Morgenfortbildung Orthopädie Inselspital, Bern, Schweiz, Oktober 15, Tannast M: Pincer open treatment results. German Congress for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Berlin, Deutschland, Oktober 20-23, Tannast M: Bildgebung der Hüfte. German Congress for Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Berlin, Deutschland, Oktober 20-23, Tannast M: Pelvimetry in dysplasia and retroverted hips. 2nd International Lisbon Hip Symposium, Lissabon, Portugal, November 13-14, Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 22

23 Tannast M: Patterns of loading in finite elements analyses (normal, dysplasia, cam & protrusio). 2nd International Lisbon Hip Symposium, Lissabon, Portugal, November 13-14, Tannast M: Muscle quality after surgical hip dislocation. 2nd International Lisbon Hip Symposium, Lissabon, Portugal, November 13-14, Tannast M: Endoprothetik nach Azetabulumfraktur. 4. Internationales Peter Brehm Revisionssymposium. Bonn, Deutschland, November 19-20, Tannast M: Management of pelvic ring injuries. AO Trauma Course Advanced Principles of Fracture Management for Swiss Surgeons, Davos, Schweiz, Dezember 6-11, Tannast M: Management of acetabular fractures. AO Trauma Course Advanced Principles of Fracture Management for Swiss Surgeons, Davos, Schweiz, Dezember 6-11, Tannast M: General management of non-unions. AO Trauma Course Advanced Principles of Fracture Management for Swiss Surgeons, Davos, Schweiz, Dezember 6-11, Tannast M: Aktuelle Radiologische Grundlagen, Winkelberechnungen und biomechanische Prinzipien welche Bilder und wie? 5. Niederrheinischer Hüftarthroskopiekongress, Essen, Deutschland, September 4-5, Wolfer N, Steppacher SD, Siebenrock KA, Nuss K, von Rechenberg B, Müller U, Süss K, Zurmühle CA, Lerch T, Tannast M: The blood supply of the femoral head in sheep surgical implications for an established experimental ovine FAI model. 75. Jahreskongress Swiss Orthopaedics, Basel, Schweiz, Juni 24-26, : Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty or muscle transfers. Arthroscopy Days of Berlin, Oberwiesenthal, Deutschland, Januar 16, : Round Table, Die Rotatorenmanschette. Swiss Orthopaedic, Bern, Schweiz, Januar 17, : Round Table, Rund um die Schulter. DePuy Synthes, Solothurn, Schweiz, Januar 21, : Rotator cuff: basic science update Refixation update, XIII. International Shoulder Course, Münster, Deutschland, Februar 19-21, : Augmentation of the rotator cuff: does it make sense? Swiss Orthopaedics Course, Shoulder and Elbow, Bern, Schweiz, : Biceps killer vs biceps keeper: scientific rationale. 9th Advanced Course on Shoulder Arthroscopy, Val d Isere, Frankreich, Januar 25-30, : Acute AC joint dislocation: definition Rockwood III to V. 9th Advanced Course on Shoulder Arthroscopy, Val d Isere, Frankreich, Januar 25-30, : Acute AC joint dislocation: should we operate? Evidence base data, results and complications. 9th Advanced Course on Shoulder Arthroscopy, Val d Isere, Frankreich, Januar 25-30, : How to check brain vascularization? 9th Advanced Course on Shoulder Arthroscopy, Val d Isere, Frankreich, Januar 25-30, Jahresbericht 2015, Universitätsklinik für Orthopädische Chirurgie und Traumatologie 23


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