Tagungsband Conference proceedings Atti del convegno

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1 Tagungsband Conference proceedings Atti del convegno


3 Inhalt Ingrid Felipe Vorwort Introduction Introduzione... 4 Ewald Moser Nachlese Summing up Epilogo imonitraf! Transport Forum E Helen Lückge Summary imonitraf! Transport Forum E Rainer Kistler imonitraf! Coordination Point-Networking towards the common transport strategy for the Alpine regions E Markus Maibach New Railway Links through the Alps: Base Tunnels and Modal Split Policy, Chances and Challenges E Matthias Wagner Monitoring system Update on the imonitraf! monitoring activities E Jürg Heldstab Update Best Practices E Astrid Epiney Analysis on compatibility of an Alpine Crossing Exchange with EU law E Helen Lückge Toll Plus System A proposal from the imonitraf! regions E Matthias Rinderknecht Exploit Synergies E Herald Ruijters Alpine traffic: TEN-T and Alpine traffic policy AGB Tagung Schiene stärken D Klaus-Uwe Sondermann Zusammenfassung AGB Tagung Schiene stärken...21 D Helmut Eder Grundsatzrede D Herald Ruijters TEN-V ScanMed und Brenner-Korridor D Roberto Ferrazza Intermodalität entlang des Skandinavisch-Mediterranen Korridors D Friederike Reineke Ausbau des Schienennetzes im Brennerkorridor in Deutschland D Thomas Spiegel Netz- und Terminalausbau am Brenner-Korridor in Österreich D Frank Lehner Kurzstatement TX Logistik D Armin Riedl Kurzstatement Kombiverkehr D Thomas Baumgartner Kurzstatement Fercam D Wolfgang Müller Kurzstatement DUSS mbh D Walter Pardatscher Kurzstatement Rail Traction Company D Martin Gradnitzer Umsetzungszeiten von Infrastrukturprojekten am Beispiel der Unterinntalbahn D Susanne Müller Status der Planungen zum Brennernordzulauf D Erhard Michel Kurzstatement Lärmminderungsstrategie der Deutschen Bahn AG Convegno della CAB Potenziamento della ferrovia I Klaus-Uwe Sondermann Riassunto del Convegno della CAB Potenziamento della ferrovia I Helmut Eder Discorso di apertura I Herald Ruijters TEN-T Corridoio Scandinavo-Mediterraneo e Corridoio del Brennero I Roberto Ferrazza L intermodalità lungo il Corridoio Scandinavo-Mediterraneo I Friederike Reineke Ampliamento della rete ferroviaria nel Corridoio del Brennero in Germania I Thomas Spiegel Potenziamento della rete e dei centri intermodali sul Corridoio del Brennero in Austria I Frank Lehner Intervento TX Logistik I Armin Riedl Intervento Kombiverkehr I Thomas Baumgartner Intervento Fercam I Wolfgang Müller Intervento DUSS...44 I Walter Pardatscher Una storia di successo e ulteriori sviluppi necessari della Rail Traction Company I Martin Gradnitzer Tempi di realizzazione di progetti infrastrutturali sull esempio della nuova linea della Bassa Valle dell Inn...46 I Susanne Müller Stato delle progettazioni della tratta di accesso nord al Brennero I Erhard Michel Strategia di riduzione del rumore della Deutsche Bahn AG Swiftly Green Workshop E Markus Singer Summary Swiftly Green Workshop E Jerker Sjögren Swiftly Green Project E Pat Cox Keynotespeech E Gernoth Götz Identification of relevant projects for greening of transport E René Schönemann Analysis and Effects of Transport Measures E Ludwig Schmutzhard Policies & Regulations E Gernoth Götz / René Schönemann Transport Techniques E Angelo Aulicino Novel Hub Role along the corridor and Supply Chain perspective...56 E Anders Ekmark Infrastructure E Anton Rieder Views of Activity 4 Best practice analysis and selection of innovative scenarios E Sergio Barbarino The UK Shuttle Train An example of a cost-efficient, fast and environmentally friendly intermodal solution E Ingemar Moen Toolbox Ideas E Thomas Spiegel National view on the ScanMed Corridor...61

4 Vorwort Verkehrswoche 2014 in Innsbruck / Tirol D Es können alle immer ein bißchen auf die anderen zeigen: Wir würden ja unsere Hausaufgaben machen, wenn die anderen ihre Erledigungen machen würden. Weil in der Öffentlichkeit nur sehr wenige Menschen die komplexen europäischen Entscheidungsstrukturen durchschauen, kann kaum jemand ausmachen, an wem gute Lösungen wirklich scheitern. Das haben wir mit der Verkehrswoche 2014 in Tirol jetzt anders gemacht: Gute Politik bringt die Verantwortlichen an einen Tisch. Gute Politik hört auf das, was die beauftragten ExpertInnen empfehlen. Gute Politik setzt auf Solidarität, statt auf sich aus der Verantwortung stehlen. Die Verkehrswoche in Innsbruck mit europäischer Dimension brachte eine Reihe namhafter und erfahrener ExpertInnen zusammen. Das gesammelte Know-How und die Entscheidungsbefugnis der anwesenden PolitikerInnen führte zu intensiven Diskussionen und zu Vorschlägen wie die ökologische Verkehrsverlagerung weiter forciert werden kann. Für den Brenner-Korridor haben wir uns eine Reduktion des Schwerverkehrs vorgenommen. Was wir dabei brauchen, sind einerseits Anreize für die TransporteurInnen: So lange die LKW-Fahrt über die Straße die billigste Variante ist, werden wir mühsam um Einschränkungen und Verbote kämpfen müssen. Deswegen müssen wir neben diesen Einschränkungen, wie z.b. dem Sektoralen Fahrverbot für Müll und Schrott, auch mit Anreizen bei der Verlagerung auf die Schiene arbeiten. Ich bin froh, dass Tirol als Alpenkorridor im Herzen des Kontinents jetzt Verantwortung für die BürgerInnen an den Transitkorridoren in der gesamten EU übernimmt denn nur durch die Zusammenarbeit ist es möglich, eine starke Stimme zu erheben und entsprechenden Druck aufzubauen, damit die Freiheit des Waren- und Güterverkehrs bei der Beeinträchtigung der Gesundheit der Menschen an den Straßen endet. Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Vergnügen mit dem vorliegenden Tagungsband, der eine Zusammenfassung aller Vorträge enthält. Introduction Transport-week 2014 in Innsbruck / Tyrol E Blaming others, even if only a little, is easy: why of course we would do our part, if everyone else did the same. Only few people are able to comprehend the very complex structure of decisionmaking processes in the EU, which is why it is extremely difficult to put one s finger on what or who caused a good solution to fail. With the Transport-week 2014 in Tyrol we were taking a new course: Good politics brings the decision makers together. Good politics listens to the advice of the experts consulted. Good politics is based on solidarity, rather than on shirking responsibility. The Transport-week in Innsbruck had a European dimension and brought well-known and experienced experts together. The accumulated know-how and the decision-making power of the politicians present allowed intensive discussions and suggestions how to accelerate an ecologically sustainable modal shift. We have planned a reduction of heavy traffic in the Brenner Corridor, but for that purpose we need to offer incentives to the transport companies: as long as truck transport by road is the cheapest option, the fight for restrictions and bans will be tough. For that reason, besides restrictions like the sectoral driving ban for waste and scrap material, we must offer incentives encouraging modal shift. I am glad that Tyrol, being an Alpine corridor in the heart of the continent, is now taking responsibility for citizens living in transit corridors throughout the EU because only through cooperation is it possible to be heard and to exercise political pressure to make sure that the principle of free movement of goods is not more important than the health of the population along the road. I wish you pleasure with this documentation, which contains a summary of all speeches. 4

5 Introduzione Settimana dei Trasporti a Innsbruck / Tirolo I È facile puntare il dito verso gli altri dicendo che si sarebbe più che propensi a fare la propria parte, se solo gli altri facessero la loro. Solo poche persone conoscono e capiscono i complessi processi decisionali europei, per cui è estremamente difficile determinare con precisione le cause per cui anche delle ottime soluzioni possano fallire. La Settimana dei Trasporti 2014 segue un approccio del tutto diverso: una politica efficace riunisce i responsabili intorno a un tavolo di discussione; una politica efficace ascolta i consigli degli esperti incaricati; una politica efficace punta sulla solidarietà invece di sottrarsi alle responsabilità. La Settimana dei Trasporti ad Innsbruck ha una dimensione europea e ha riunito una serie di esperti rinomati e di vasta esperienza. Il know how degli esperti e il potere decisionale dei politici presenti ha infuocato una discussione intensa da cui è nata una serie di proposte e idee, di come lo spostamento modale dei trasporti possa essere promosso. Auspichiamo una riduzione del traffico pesante nel Corridoio del Brennero, ai fini della quale è necessario creare degli incentivi per le imprese logistiche. Finché il trasporto su strada sarà l opzione più economica, la lotta per l introduzione di limitazioni e divieti resterà ardua. Per questo motivo, oltre alle limitazioni come il divieto di circolazione settoriale di rifiuti e rottami dovranno essere offerti degli incentivi per lo spostamento modale dalla gomma al ferro. Sono molto felice che il Tirolo, come corridoio alpino nel cuore del continente, ora si assuma le proprie responsabilità verso i cittadini che vivono lungo i corridoi di transito in tutta l Unione Europea solo attraverso la collaborazione sarà possibile avere una voce forte e si potrà fare pressione affinché la libertà di circolazione delle merci non sia prioritaria rispetto alla tutela della salute delle persone. Buon divertimento durante la lettura di questa cartella congressuale contenente tutti i riassunti delle presentazioni. Ingrid Felipe, Landeshauptmanstellvertreterin von Tirol Vice President of Land Tyrol Vicepresidente del Land Tirolo 5

6 Nachlese Verkehrswoche 2014 in Innsbruck / Tirol D Die ersten Ideen zu einer Bündelung verschiedener Veranstaltungen zum Thema Güterverkehr in einer Woche entstanden bereits Anfang Die Aktionsgemeinschaft Brennerbahn beschloss während der Tiroler Präsidentschaft unter dem Motto Schiene stärken eine Tagung zu veranstalten. Im Rahmen von imonitraf! lag die Durchführung des Transport Forums in diesem Jahr auch beim Land Tirol. Als Themenführer in Swiftly Green war das Land Tirol gefordert einen Workshop abzuhalten. Alle Partner in den unterschiedlichen Vorhaben waren von der Zusammenführung in der Verkehrswoche 2014 begeistert. Auch die Brenner-Korridor Plattform schloss sich diesem Gedanken an. Das Land Tirol wird in allen genannten Organisationen und Projekten durch das Sachgebiet Verkehrsplanung vertreten, wo es um Europäische Verkehrspolitik und insbesondere um den alpenquerenden Güterverkehr geht. Für die Verkehrswoche 2014 wurde das Ziel gesetzt, die Schlüsselakteure am Brenner-Korridor zu vernetzen und eine Verknüpfung des Alpenbogens mit dem Brenner-Korridor und dem TEN-V Korridor zu erreichen. Nachdem also der Entschluss feststand eine Verkehrswoche in Innsbruck zu veranstalten, wurde schon sehr früh mit den Vorbereitungen federführend im SG Verkehrsplanung begonnen. Ein (sehr detaillierter) Entwurf des Programms für alle drei öffentlichen Veranstaltungen wurde schon gleich in der Anfangsphase konzipiert, dazu gehörte die Einteilung in die verschiedenen Blöcke wie z.b. Begrüßung, Grundsatzreden, fachliche Vorträge von Experten, Diskussionsrunden, Pausen, Zusammenfassungen und vieles mehr. Auch die Auswahl an gewünschten Vortragenden und ExpertInnen wie z.b. EU-Koordinator Pat Cox oder Univ.-Prof. Astrid Epiney und den VertreterInnen aus der Transportwirtschaft erfolgte gleich zu Beginn. Erstaunlich ist, dass das finale Programm nahezu identisch zu den ersten Überlegungen geblieben ist die gewünschten Vortragenden waren von der Idee einer Verkehrswoche, bei der Politik, Verwaltung, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft gemeinsam diskutieren und Vorschläge erarbeiten sofort begeistert. Neben vielen offensichtlichen zu meisternden Vorbereitungen einer so großen Veranstaltung wie z.b. der Saalauswahl und Gestaltung, Planung und Bereitstellung der Technik, Erstellung eines Programmfolders und Tagungsmappen, Organisation von DolmetscherInnen und einer Moderation, Catering, Einladungen und Registrierung sowie Empfang, Homepage und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sowie Ankündigungen, Abendessen und Rahmenprogramm, Film- und Fotodokumentation etc. waren es aber vor allem die Kleinigkeiten an denen man bemerkt hat wie viel Liebe in diese Sache gesteckt wurde: Bei der Erstellung des Logos sind eine Vielzahl von Ideen unterschiedlicher Personen verwirklicht worden, die sich alle mit der Verkehrswoche identifizierten; die Ausgabe der Verkehrswoche-Baumwolltaschen und Tirol-Schlüsselanhänger kam sehr gut an und nicht zuletzt das Rahmenprogramm rundeten die Veranstaltung ab dazu gehörten eine Baustellenbesichtigung des Brenner Basistunnels und eine Stadtführung in Innsbruck. An dieser Stelle geht ein besonderer Dank an die Vielzahl von internen und externen Organisationseinheiten und MitarbeiterInnen die in die Organisation und Abwicklung der Verkehrswoche involviert waren und mit vollem Engagement zu dem Erfolg beitrugen. Besondere Unterstützung lieferten uns die Abt. Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Abt. Repräsentationswesen, das SG Liegenschaft, AGB-Sekretär Heinrich Tschigg und durch die inhaltliche Vor- bzw. Nachbereitung je Veranstaltungstag Helen Lückge/ Climonomics für imonitraf!, Klaus-Uwe Sondermann/KombiConsult für AGB-Tagung sowie Markus Singer/SG Verkehrsplanung für Swiftly Green. Ein besonderes Highlight war auch der Vortrag von Prof. Wolfgang Nairz, der mit höchst eindrucksvollen Bildern aus seiner Zeit als Bergsteiger im Himalaya zum Thema Grenzen überschreiten die Parallelen zwischen den Herausforderungen im professionellem Bergsteigen und den Herausforderungen in der europäischen Verkehrspolitik aufzeigte und uns für die Arbeit Mut machte. Neben der perfekten Organisation und Durchführung beeindruckte die Verkehrswoche aber vor allem durch exzellente Vortragende und lebhaft geführte gute inhaltliche Diskussionen sowie dem bilateralen Austausch von hochkarätigen internationalen und interdisziplinären TeilnehmerInnen. Die Europaregion Tirol-Südtirol-Trentino war durch die zuständigen Landesräte LH-Stv. in Ingrid Felipe, LR Florian Mussner und LR Mauro Gilmozzi prominent vertreten. Auch LR Samuele Campedelli von der Provinz Verona mischte sich unter die Zuhörer. Die Europäische Kommission war an allen Tagen der Verkehrswoche durch hochrangige Vertreter präsent. Es ist mir ein Anliegen mich auf diesem Wege nochmals persönlich bei meinem ehemaligen Chef, dem Head of Unit Trans- European Networks Herald Ruijters zu bedanken. Ein ganz besonderer Dank gilt unserer ausgezeichneten Moderatorin Bettina Kerschbaumer-Schramek, den DolmetscherInnen, den Vortragenden und natürlich auch allen TeilnehmerInnen der Verkehrswoche 2014, die dafür gesorgt haben, dass wir uns gerne an diese Woche zurückerinnern. Unsere Anerkennung und Wertschätzung möchten wir ganz speziell LH-Stv.in Felipe aussprechen, da sie den Vorsitz der Verkehrswoche nicht nur übernommen sondern auch sehr ernst und eindrucksvoll wahrgenommen hat. 6

7 Das Ziel der Verkehrswoche der Vernetzung von Schlüsselakteure am Brenner-Korridor wurde sicher erreicht und darüber hinaus wurde durch das Aufzeigen sowie der Diskussion von unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten zur Stärkung der Schiene und zum Greening von Korridoren sowie von verkehrspolitischen Begleitmaßnahmen ein weiterer Schritt in Richtung Verlagerung des Güterverkehrs von der Straße auf die Schiene gesetzt. Alle Akteure sind aufgefordert nach Ihren Möglichkeiten auf allen Ebenen tätig zu werden. Die Mobilitätslandesrätin und die Mobilitätslandesräte der Europaregion haben sich bereits vorgenommen beim neuen Verkehrskommissar oder der neuen Verkehrskommissarin der EU im Herbst 2014 mit gemeinsamen Vorschlägen aufzutreten. Und nun wünschen wir Ihnen viel Freude mit diesem Tagungsband, sei es um die Woche noch einmal Revue passieren zu lassen, als Nachschlagewerk oder auch für Personen die nicht an der Verkehrswoche teilnehmen konnten. Die bekannte Homepage wird Sie über aktuelle Entwicklungen informieren. Gerne stellen wir Ihnen auf Anfrage Foto- und Filmmaterial für Ihre Berichterstattung zur Verfügung. Natürlich darf die Verkehrswoche oder auch nur Teilveranstaltungen daraus außerhalb von Tirol kopiert werden, damit der Spirit sowie das Sujet und Logo weiterleben! Summing up Transport-week 2014 in Innsbruck / Tyrol E The idea of holding several events concerning freight transport in the space of one week was first conceived of in early The Brenner Railway Action Community decided to hold a convention during the Tyrolean chairmanship based on the slogan Strengthen the Railway. And setting up the Transport Forum as part of imonitraf! fell to Tyrol this year as well. Tyrol was also charged with organizing a workshop as part of its thematic leadership in Swiftly Green. All the partners in these various projects were enthusiastic at the idea of bringing the events together in the Transport-week The Brenner Corridor Platform jumped on the bandwagon as well. Tyrol is represented in all these organizations and projects by its Department of Transport Planning, regarding European transport policy and especially those aspects concerning transalpine freight transport. The objective of Transport-week 2014 was to create a network among the main actors along the Brenner Corridor and link the Alpine arc with the Brenner Corridor itself and the entire TEN-T Corridor. Once the decision had been made to hold the Transport-week in Innsbruck, the Department of Transport Planning lost no time in starting to prepare for it. A (highly detailed) draft of the programme for all three public events was drawn up in the beginning phase, including setting up the various blocks such as welcome speeches, keynotes, specialized talks by experts, round tables, breaks, summing-up rounds and much more. The choice of speakers and experts, such as EU Coordinator Pat Cox or university Professor Astrid Epiney and representatives from the transport industry, also took place quite early. What is quite surprising is that the final programme was practically identical to the first draft the speakers invited were immediately enthusiastic at the idea of a Transportweek during which policy, administration, scientific and economic issues could be discussed together and proposals worked out. Besides the many preparations that are part of such a large event, such as the selection and set-up of the rooms, the planning and obtaining of the technical equipment, the creation of a programme folder and the convention documents, the organization of interpreting services and moderators, the catering, the invitations and registration, the reception, the homepage and PR work and the announcements, the dinner and entertainment, the filming and photography, it was the little things, particularly, that showed how much effort had gone into the entire endeavour: Many ideas from different people who in some way identified with the Transport-week came together to create the logo; the handout of the cotton Transport-week bags and Tyrol key-chains was much appreciated and last but not least, the programme of supporting activities rounded off the main events, including a visit to a Brenner Base Tunnel construction site and a guided tour of the city of Innsbruck. And at this point particular thanks should be paid to the many internal and external organizational units and colleagues that were involved in organizing and pulling off the Transport-week and contributed to its success with their efforts. We were supported, especially, by the departments of PR and Communications, the department for representation, the department for properties, Heinrich Tschigg from the AGB/CAB Secretariat and, for the preparation and wrap-up of the content for each convention day, Helen Lückge/Climonomics for imonitraf!, Klaus-Uwe Sondermann/ KombiConsult for the BRAC meeting and Markus Singer/Dept. of Transport Planning for Swiftly Green. 7

8 A special highlight was the speech by Prof. Wolfgang Nairz, who showed some very impressive pictures from his time mountainclimbing in the Himalayas and, using the theme Breaking down borders, drew several parallels between the challenges posed by professional mountain climbing and those set by European transport policy, encouraging and inspiring us in our work. Besides the perfect organization and execution, the Transport-week was also an impressive event because of the excellent speakers and lively, high-quality discussions and the bilateral exchanges between the important international and interdisciplinary participants. The European Region Tyrol-Alto Adige-Trentino was represented by the competent members of the respective local governments, Vice President Ingrid Felipe, Mr. Florian Mussner and Mr. Mauro Gilmozzi. Mr. Samuele Campedelli, from the Provincial Government of Verona, was also among the audience. The European Commission was represented every day of that week by highlevel members. And at this point I would like to personally thank my former boss, the Head of Unit for Trans-European Networks Herald Ruijters. Special thanks to our excellent moderator, Bettina Kerschbaumer-Schramek, to the interpreters, the speakers and of course to all those who took part in the Transport-week 2014 and made this an event we will all be pleased to remember. We would like to express our great appreciation and respect for Tyrolean Vice-President Felipe, since she not only chaired the Transport-week but did a careful and impressive job of it. The goal of the event, to create a network of key actors along the Brenner Corridor, was certainly achieved and even beyond that, highlighting and discussing the various options to strengthen rail as a transport vector and green the Corridors, and the need for accompanying policy measures, was a further step in the direction of a modal shift of freight transport from road to rail. All actors are called upon to work at every level according to their possibilities. The members of the local governments in the European Region who are responsible for transport have already decided to appear in front of the new EU Commissioner for Transport in Fall of 2014 with some joint proposals. And now, we hope you enjoy these convention materials, as a review of the past week, as a reference or even for those who were not able to take part. The well-known homepage will keep you updated on current developments. We will be happy to send you photographic and video materials on request for your reports. And of course, the Transport-week or parts of it can and should be duplicated outside of Tyrol, so its spirit, its content and its logo can live on! Epilogo Settimana dei Trasporti a Innsbruck / Tirolo I L idea di raggruppare diverse manifestazioni sul trasporto di merci in una sola settimana a tema è nata all inizio del La Comunità d Azione Ferrovia del Brennero decise di organizzare un convegno durante la presidenza tirolese sotto lo slogan Potenziamento della ferrovia. Quest anno anche l organizzazione del Transport Forum nell ambito della imonitraf! era di competenza del Tirolo. In qualità di promotore del progetto Swiftly Green, il Tirolo aveva altresì il compito di organizzare un workshop. I partner dei diversi progetti erano entusiasti della proposta di raggruppare i singoli eventi nella Settimana dei Trasporti Anche la Piattaforma Corridoio del Brennero Brenner Corridor Platform (BCP) ha aderito all idea. Il Tirolo è rappresentato in tutte le organizzazioni e nei progetti citati nel settore specialistico dell Ufficio del Progettazione Trasporti per i temi della politica europea dei trasporti e in particolare del traffico pesante che attraversa le Alpi. La Settimana dei Trasporti 2014 aveva l obiettivo di creare una rete tra gli attori principali del Corridoio del Brennero e di collegare l arco alpino con il Corridoio del Brennero e con il Corridoio TEN-T. Non appena presa la decisione di organizzare la Settimana dei Trasporti a Innsbruck, sono iniziati i lavori preparativi a cura dell Ufficio del Progettazione Trasporti. Una proposta (molto dettagliata) del programma per tutte e tre le manifestazioni pubbliche è stata stilata già nella fase iniziale; sono subito stati definiti i singoli blocchi della manifestazione, quali i saluti di benvenuto, i discorsi di apertura, le presentazioni specialistiche degli esperti, i gruppi di discussione, le pause, i riassunti e molto altro ancora. Fin da subito si è anche proceduto a una selezione degli oratori e degli esperti di settore come il Coordinatore Europeo Pat Cox e la docente universitaria Prof. Astrid Epiney, nonché i rappresentanti del settore dei trasporti. Sorprendentemente, il programma nella sua versione finale è rimasto praticamente identico alla prima bozza gli oratori invitati si sono fin da subito dimostrati entusiasti di partecipare a una Settimana dei Trasporti in cui gli esponenti della politica, delle amministrazioni, della scienza e dell economia avrebbero potuto discutere ed elaborare delle proposte. 8

9 Oltre agli innumerevoli aspetti organizzativi necessari per una manifestazione di questo tipo, quali la scelta delle sale e il loro allestimento, la programmazione e l installazione degli impianti tecnici, l elaborazione di un programma e della cartella congressuale (degli atti del convegno), l organizzazione del servizio di interpretariato e di moderazione, il catering, gli inviti e la registrazione nonché il ricevimento, l allestimento di un sito web e tutte le attività inerenti alle pubbliche relazioni e l annuncio dell evento, la cena e il programma di contorno, la documentazione fotografica e video e molto altro, sono state soprattutto le tante piccole cose a dimostrare quanta passione e quanto impegno sono stati dedicati a questo progetto: tutte le persone coinvolte e che si identificano con nella la Settimana dei Trasporti hanno contribuito alla realizzazione del logo con le loro idee; le borse di cotone della Settimana dei Trasporti e i porta chiave del Tirolo sono stati un successo che insieme al programma di contorno in cui era prevista la visita del cantiere della Galleria di Base del Brennero e una visita della città di Innsbruck hanno arricchito la manifestazione. Un particolare ringraziamento va a tutte le persone delle unità organizzative interne e esterne nonché a tutte le persone che hanno collaborato all organizzazione e allo svolgimento della Settimana dei Trasporti e hanno attivamente contribuito alla sua riuscita. È stato particolarmente prezioso il sostegno della Rip. Relazioni pubbliche, la Rip. Rappresentanza, l Ufficio beni immobili, di Heinrich Tschigg della Segreteria della CAB e di Helen Lückge di Climonomics per la imonitraf! per le attività preparatorie e conclusive per tutte le giornate della manifestazione, Klaus-Uwe Sondermann/KombiConsult per il Convegno della CAB e Markus Singer/Ufficio per la pianificazione dei trasporti per Swiftly Green. La presentazione del Prof. Wolfgang Nairz, Superarsi sempre, accompagnata da suggestionanti fotografie scattate durante il suo periodo da alpinista sull Himalaya, è stata un momento culminante della manifestazione in cui sono stati evidenziati i parallelismi tra le sfide da affrontare nell alpinismo professionale e gli ostacoli da superare nella politica dei trasporti europea e che ha dato nuovo coraggio a tutti presenti. Oltre alla perfetta organizzazione e allo svolgimento impeccabile, la Settimana dei Trasporti ha lasciato il segno soprattutto per le eccellenti presentazioni e gli accesi dibattiti in cui è stato possibile uno scambio bilaterale tra personaggi di spicco operanti o coinvolti in questo settore e nelle sue varie sottodiscipline. L Euregio Tirolo Alto Adige Trentino era rappresentata dalla Vicepresidente del Land Ingrid Felipe, dall assessore provinciale Florian Mussner e dall assessore provinciale Mauro Gilmozzi. Tra gli spettatori era presente anche l assessore provinciale Samuele Campedelli della provincia di Verona. La Commissione Europea è stata rappresentata durante tutti i giorni della Settimana dei Trasporti da personaggi di alto livello. Vorrei cogliere questa occasione per esprimere nuovamente il mio ringraziamento a Herald Ruijters, già mio superiore e capo Unità per le reti TEN-T. Un particolare ringraziamento va anche alla moderatrice Bettina Kerschbaumer-Schramek, agli interpreti, ai relatori e, naturalmente, a tutti i partecipanti della Settimana dei Trasporti 2014 che hanno reso memorabile questo evento. Esprimiamo anche il nostro riconoscimento e la nostra grande stima per la Vicepresidente del Land Ingrid Felipe che non ha solo patrocinato la Settimana dei Trasporti, ma lo ha fatto con grande interesse e sensibilità. L obiettivo che ci eravamo prefissati organizzando la Settimana dei Trasporti, cioè di riunire tutti i personaggi chiave coinvolti nel Corridoio del Brennero, è senza dubbio stato raggiunto. In aggiunta, è stato compiuto un ulteriore passo verso lo spostamento modale del traffico pesante da gomma a ferro mettendo in evidenza e discutendo le diverse possibilità per potenziare la ferrovia, rendendo i corridoi più verdi e sottolineando le misure accompagnatorie necessarie in termini di politica dei trasporti. Rinnoviamo il nostro appello a tutti di agire secondo le proprie possibilità e a tutti i livelli. Gli assessori alla mobilità dell Euregio hanno già preso l impegno di presentare delle proposte condivise al nuovo Commissario europeo per i trasporti nell autunno Vi auguriamo buona lettura, auspicando che questa cartella congressuale possa richiamare alla memoria i momenti condivisi durante la Settimana dei Trasporti e fungere altresì da raccolta documentale di consultazione, anche per tutti coloro che non abbiano partecipato alla Settimana dei Trasporti. Il sito web che già conoscete, Vi terrà informati sugli sviluppi più recenti. Su richiesta, saremo lieti di fornire materiale fotografico e video. Naturalmente, la Settimana dei Trasporti o i sui singoli eventi svoltisi durante essa possono essere riprodotti e copiati affinché lo spirito, il tema e il logo possano sopravvivere e diffondersi! Ewald Moser, Leiter der Verkehrswoche 2014, SG Verkehrsplanung, Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung Head of the Transport-week 2014, Department of Transport Planning, Office of the Provinicial Government of Tyrol Capo della Settimana dei Trasporti, Ufficio del Progettazione Trasporti, Ufficio della Giunta del Land Tirolo 9

10 10 Verkehrswoche Transport-week Settimana dei trasporti 2014

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12 Helen Lückge Climonomics Climate, Mobility, Economics Summary imonitraf! Transport Forum Joining forces on regional level imonitraf! Transport Forum highlights political support for regional cooperation and provides mandate to further develop the regional Toll Plus proposal E As starting point of the Tyrolean Transport-week, discussions during the imonitraf! Transport Forum on 24 th June 2014 have re-confirmed the need for regional cooperation. The Alpine regions are particularly sensitive to negative impacts of freight and passenger transport. Transport related air and noise nuisances increase health risks and cause over-proportional effects in mountain areas, due to very high HGV shares, specific topographical features, limited spatial resources and highly vulnerable ecosystems. To avoid unwanted distribution affect, a common approach to tackle these challenges is necessary. Since 2005, the Alpine regions have thus joined forces in the frame of the imonitraf! (Implementation of MONITRAF Monitoring of road traffic related effects in the Alpine Space and common measures) network. As major milestone, the common transport strategy of 2012 defines a common target system and instrument-mix. This transport strategy foresees the implementation of a common Toll Plus system as mid-term instrument, to reflect the over-proportional effects of transalpine transport in a more appropriate way. With the Transport Forum, the imonitraf! network now launches the political discussion on Toll Plus with specific recommendations, based on a discussion paper that was presented during the Forum. The regional analysis identifies necessary design elements for the Plus to become an effective support for a common modal shift policy. The internalization and financing rationales are the instrument s focus. Toll Plus should contribute to internalizing external costs in the Alpine regions in a more appropriate way and, with its revenue, support the financing of rail infrastructures (as the Brenner or Lyon-Torino base tunnels or terminals for combined transport). Guaranteeing a steering effect is a second priority of Toll Plus, this rationale should be reached with the help of a cap-and-trade instrument, e.g. an Alpine Crossing Exchange or an emissions trading system, in the long-term. Flexible approach but harmonisation as major objective During the political roundtable discussion, issues around the specific design of a Toll Plus System and the specific question if a Toll Plus System should be designed as harmonized instrument or rather leave some flexibility with a corridor-specific approach were discussed controversially. The need for further analysis was identified in this respect, especially regarding the necessity of a flexible approach. All discussants however agreed, that a Toll Plus System should not lead to unwanted distributional effects between corridors but rather contribute to a harmonization of toll prices. Solidarity and fairness are clearly set before partial regional interests. After an intense discussion, the final result was clear: Toll Plus is an important instrument for a common modal shift policy in the mid-term and supports pull-measures that focus on development of rail infrastructures and services in an optimal way. The imonitraf! network will thus further specify its proposals on Toll Plus and support the further implementation process. imonitraf! network as important player in the political process The political discussion also appreciated other activites of the imonitraf! network that were presented during the Transport Forum, especially the common monitoring system and the exchange on best practices. Statements made clear that the network is seen as important sparring partner and source for creative and forward-thinking solutions. The cooperation under the Cooperation Point has proven successful and will be further developed. Thanks to the successful Transport Forum, the network can start its next phase with new impetus with a specific mandate to further develop the Toll Plus proposal, with many new ideas on networking and with a strengthened cooperation with its partners on national and European level. 12

13 Rainer Kistler Head of the Environmental Protection Agency, Canton of Zug, Switzerland imonitraf! Coordination Point-Networking towards the common transport strategy for the Alpine regions E This introductory presentation provides an overview on objectives, milestones and activities of the imonitraf! network. Since the first MONITRAF project has been launched in 2005, the network could be established as important platform on transalpine transport issues and is now using its common voice for networking towards a more sustainable transport system in the Alps. A major milestone of the network was the development of a common transport strategy, which has been signed by political representative in Lyon in May The strategy includes an agreement to continue the regional cooperation under a new institutional framework the Coordination Point. After the first year under this new framework, the Transport Forum provides a platform to collect feedbacks, to strengthen the political network and to set the agenda for further activities. Some major elements of imonitraf! were presented during the speech: Major objective of imonitraf!: reduction of negative health and environmental impacts through harmonization and common approach. Cooperation includes partners from main transit corridors: Brenner, Gotthard, Fréjus, Mont Blanc and Tarvisio. After two projects under the Alpine Space Programme, the network is now financed through the regions. Common strategy of Lyon (May 2012) as major milestone: strategy includes target system and common measures. In the mid-term, a common modal shift policy including a comprehensive pricing system is foreseen. This shall be supported by a cap-and-trade approach in the long-term. Activities in 2013: Update of all relevant data and information, to provide up-to-date basis for further discussion. This shall be used to set the political agenda during the Transport Forum. A teaser from Mr. Kistler s presentation: Starting point for MONITRAF-projects Mont Blanc 1990: 740 x : 570 Gotthard 1990: 550 x : 940 Brenner 1990: 930 x : 1850 HGV volumes 1990 and 2010 (in 1000 HGV/a) Fréjus 1990: 540 x : 730 Tarvisio 1990: 285 x :

14 Markus Maibach INFRAS, Managing Partner, Zurich, Switzerland New Railway Links through the Alps: Base Tunnels and Modal Split Policy, Chances and Challenges E In his keynote speech, Markus Maibach presents the Swiss modal shift experience, especially with the construction of the two new railway basetunnels. As large-scale infrastructures, the construction of basetunnels faces specific challenges especially concerning the long timeframe. In Switzerland, the construction of the basetunnels has been initiated on the basis of a modal shift vision that was well communicated by former transport ministers Adolf Ogi and Moritz Leuenberger. Throughout the construction phase, some further challenges could be identified. Here, an exchange of experiences could support the further planning and construction of the Brenner and Mont Cenis tunnel as well as the design of a well-targeted and effective policy mix of accompanying measures. The following challenges were highlighted during the presentation: Challenge 1 Technology: Technology itself has not proven critical, the tendering and contracting process is more difficult than specific engineering work. Challenge 2 Financing: Basetunnels require long-term financing, cross-financing models could be considered along other corridors as well. Challenge 3 Policy mix: Basetunnels need to be framed by accompanying measures to ensure their effective utilization. They can be seen as hardware for modal-shift policy that need to be supported by further push and pull measures. Challenge 4 Transport pricing: if the basetunnels are available, transport pricing along the corridors for freight and passenger transport need to be carefully designed. Challenge 5 Access tracks: are necessary to capture all potentials of the basetunnel. Challenge 6 Existing routes: the role of existing railway routes needs to be carefully discussed, especially their role for guaranteeing accessibility for passenger transport. The conclusions of the keynote speech are summarized on the following slide: Don t wait and don t rely on Transport policy embedding is vital: Push & Pull Flanking measures and road regulation create synergies The policy window for a substantial change is before operation There are major rail potentials without (before) the base tunnel 14

15 Matthias Wagner Researcher, European Academy of Bolzano, EURAC, Italy Monitoring system Update on the imonitraf! monitoring activities E The common monitoring system is a core element of the imonitraf! network and has been developed continuously since the project start in It provides a comparable picture on traffic volumes and their impacts for the corridors Fréjus, Mont Blanc, Gotthard, Brenner and Tarvisio. Indicators can be compared with the help of a WebGIS system to allow an easy-access illustration and communication. In the frame of the Coordination Point, indicators are updated each year and interpreted by the network. During his presentation, Matthias Wagner presents the main results for the year 2012 and some first results for the year 2013, analysis trends and interprets the main results. For the main indicators, the following developments are presented: Road traffic volumes: The Brenner Corridor still carries the largest traffic volumes, Gotthard and Tarvisio are in the medium range and the French-Italian corridors have the lowest volumes. For the Brenner and Gotthard, traffic volumes have been rising since For the Mont Blanc, the situation is stable, for Fréjus and Tarvisio a significant decrease can be seen. Rail traffic volumes: Gotthard and Brenner also carry the highest values of transported tons on rail. In 2013, the rail volumes on the Gotthard lay above the Brenner for the first time due to the closure of the Brenner line in Air concentrations: For NO 2, highest concentrations have been monitored along Brenner and Gotthard, with concentrations partly above the relevant national and EU limits. For particulate matter, trends are declining and all stations of the monitoring system lie below the EU limits. Noise assessment: Overall trends differ between the corridors. For Gotthard, values have increased since 2005 but recently there is a tendency towards stagnation. On the Fréjus, values are decreasing while on Mont Blanc the development is unsteady. Toll prices: For both passenger and freight transport, an east-west divide between toll prices can be seen. With high tunnel charges, toll prices are highest on the French-Italian corridors. Results for NO 2 have been illustrated with the following slide: Indicator Air concentrations Nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ) 15

16 Jürg Heldstab INFRAS, Managing Partner, Zurich, Switzerland Update Best Practices 2013 E The exchange on best practice measures for freight and passenger transport is a key element of the imonitraf! strategy. An improved knowledge on best practices in other regions and their impacts supports the harmonization of regional measures and the development of common solutions. In his speech, Jürg Heldstab presents the main findings of the best practice collection and evaluation which has been carried out by the imonitraf! coordination point in This best practice collection is an update of the comprehensive Best Practice Guide which has been published in 2010 and can be seen as one major milestone of the previous imonitraf! project. Best practices are presented along five policy pillars, representing different types of measures reaching from soft to hard measures. Most important news on best practices are summarized in the slide below. In the light of the imonitraf! strategy, the developments can be interpreted as follows: Considerable efforts have been taken on regional/national levels towards more sustainable Alpine transport and towards harmonization. Especially regarding the harmonization of different driving bans, several improvements can be seen. Still, many potentials for harmonization remain. One important element would be a further development and harmonization of pricing systems, if possible with the implementation of a Toll Plus system. Improvements are also possible along the individual corridors. For example, on the Brenner, an extension of a more ambitious pricing approach to South Tyrol and Trento would improve the effectiveness of existing pricing systems. Further discussion on pricing systems needs to consider options for cross-financing under legal constraints. Experiences in Trento with cross-financing could be helpful in this respect. The new partner region Trento brings additional experiences into the network. Especially on passenger transport, the best practice update includes several interesting examples. Overview of Best Practices 2013 Pillar Name of measure Country/region Pillar 1 Fair distribution of traffic between Mt Blanc and Fréjus tunnels France (national level) Extension of night driving ban to EURO 5 HGV Tyrol (regional level) Pillar 2 Revision of the law on noise remediation of railways Switzerland (national level) Extension of driving ban to EURO 2 HGV Mt Blanc tunnel France/Italy Noise action plan and air quality program South Tyrol (regional level) Implementation of Ecotaxe poids lourds France (national level) Adjustment of the Heavy Vehicle Fee (LSVA) Switzerland (national level) Pillar 3 Adjustment of the Brenner Maut Tirol (regional level) Cross financing on Brenner motorway Italy, Trento and South Tyrol (nat./reg.) Extension of the Gotthard railway corridor to a 4 meters profile Switzerland (national level) Intermediate cancellation of sector driving ban Tyrol (regional level) Revision of mobility program Tyrol (regional level) Pillar 4 Innovative tourism offers with free public transport tickets Trento (regional level) Support of low-emission vehicles for public transport Trento (regional level) Synchronized public transport services Südtirol-Takt South Tyrol (regional level) Pillar 5 Coop. agreement between eight Italian regions / national ministries for common measures to improve air quality South Tyrol, Trento, Friuli Venezia Giulia national level 16

17 Astrid Epiney Université de Fribourg, Faculté de Droit Analysis on compatibility of an Alpine Crossing Exchange with EU law E An Alpine Crossing Exchange (ACE) would be one option to implement a cap-and-trade instrument for limiting overall transalpine road freight transport. As long-term instrument, it is included in the imonitraf! strategy. Some legal aspects regarding the ACE, especially its compatibility with EU law, are still under discussion. In her presentation, Prof. Astrid Epiney presents her legal analysis of an ACE and challenges the results of a previous study carried out in the frame of the Suivi de Zurich process. She reaches the conclusion that there are no insurmountable legal barriers for the implementation of an ACE. However, legal adjustments are necessary on the different political levels (EU law, national law, bilateral agreements). One major requirement for legal compatibility is the common implementation on those Alpine corridors which are in direct competition with each other. Some main findings of the legal analysis include: Compatibility with EU principle of free movement of goods and services: If an ACE is defined as instrument that reduces negative health impacts of freight transport and at the same time influences modal shift, a quantitative restriction of freight volumes could be legally argued for. This however requires that suitability of the measure (ACE impact on modal shift) and coherence (implementation on all relevant corridors) are provided. Interferences with the Eurovignette Directive are legally not relevant. Other regulations on road freight transport in addition to the Eurovignette Directive are generally possible if they focus on other objectives. The bilateral transport agreement between Switzerland and the EU includes no major barriers. However, the existing maximal charge for transalpine transport implemented in the agreement as well as the prohibition to implement quantitative restrictions would require an adjustment. The summary of the legal analysis is presented with the following slide: F. Schluss Keine unüberwindlichen rechtlichen Hindernisse für Einführung einer ATB: lediglich LVA Frage der Regelungsebene (EU-Ebene, einzelstaatliche Ebene, völkerrechtlicher Vertrag zwischen Alpenstaaten) Jedenfalls: Erfordernis des Einbezugs aller miteinander in Konkurrenz stehender Alpenpässe Frage des politischen Willens 11 17

18 Helen Lückge Climonomics Climate, Mobility, Economics Toll Plus System A proposal from the imonitraf! regions E In her presentation, Helen Lückge gives an overview on the regional Toll Plus proposal that has been developed by the imonitraf! network. The implementation of a Toll Plus system is foreseen as mid-term instrument in the imonitraf! strategy as intermediary solution until a common cap-and-trade instrument can be implemented. As Toll Plus is currently also discussed in the frame of the Suivi de Zurich process and as a revision of the relevant Eurovignette Directive is coming up, imonitraf! launches the discussion on specific Toll Plus elements in a pro-active way to set the agenda. The regional proposal defines the role of a Toll Plus system in the policy mix, illustrates the need for appropriate toll levels and identifies key elements for revenue management. The regional statement on Toll Plus derives five major recommendations: Focus: Major objective for Toll Plus should be a more effective external cost charging in mountain areas, with more appropriate mountain factors in the existing Eurovignette regulation, the inclusion of additional external cost elements as well as a shortening of exemption periods for low-emission HGV to support the polluter-pays-principle. Avoiding overlaps: A clear separation of external cost charging and the mark-up concept of the Eurovignette Directive would provide a more appropriate HGV charging. Application: Toll Plus should be implemented with a distance-dependent approach, starting from 3.5 t to include the rising share of light duty vehicles. Corridor approach: Rates should be calculated in a way to support harmonization of pricing levels. However, some flexibility per corridor should be possible. Revenues: Should be partly allocated to Alpine regions for financing of large railway infrastructures (first priority) or for financing regional projects (second priority). Defining the rationale for Toll Plus from a regional viewpoint is summarized on the following slide: Rationale for Toll Plus How to define the «Plus» from a regional viewpoint Three rationales are possible: 1. Internalization instrument: More appropriate internalization of external costs Consideration of over-proportional impacts in mountain areas 2. Financing instrument: Collect revenue for major modal shift projects New railway infrastructures (base tunnels and access tracks) Environmental protection infrastructures and support for CT 3. Steering instrument: Financial incentive to switch from road to rail But: steering effect is indirect and difficult to estimate 18

19 Matthias Rinderknecht Federal Office of Transport, Switzerland Exploit Synergies: Reflection on imonitraf! Activities, ongoing work and perspectives of the Follow up Zurich Process E Matthias Rinderknecht represents the Federal Office of Transport in the Follow-up Zurich Process and, in his speech, reflects the synergies between this institution and the imonitraf! network. The Follow-up Zurich Process has been initiated after the devastating tunnel fires on the Alpine corridors in 2001 to develop common solutions for improving tunnel safety. Recently, activities of the Follow-up Zurich Process have focused on management of transalpine freight transport, including detailed analysis of the three potential steering instruments Alpine Crossing Exchange, Alpine Emissions Trading System and Toll Plus System. With the resolution of Leipzig in May 2012, transport ministers of the Alpine countries have agreed to take forward the development of a Toll Plus system. This has been confirmed in the latest resolution of May Thus, the Follow-up Zurich Process, as representation of the national level, and the imonitraf! network, as representation of the regional level, both aim at moving forward on Toll Plus. Synergies should be used to reach an effective solution. Specifically, Matthias Rinderknecht identifies the following activities for creating synergies between imonitraf! and the Follow-up Zurich Process: imonitraf! can support the new working group EnvAlp of the Suivi de Zurich process to develop a common knowledge base on impacts of transalpine traffic. The relevant working group under the Follow-up Zurich Process is launching further activities on Toll Plus. Here, it would be possible to provide the work done by imonitraf! as input and support. The common discussion and knowledge transfer between the two networks should be further continued, using the existing working groups, platforms, etc. Activities of the Follow-up Zurich Process regarding Toll Plus are summarized on the following slide: Traffic management instruments: Focus on Toll + imonitraf Verkehrsforum / Innsbruck Juni 2014 Matthias Rinderknecht Elaboration of a report addressing the evolvement and further development of the Toll+ instrument, including Comparative synopsis on the basis of ALBATRAS, EFFINALP and LEGALP Existing / planned tolling instruments Identification of needs for further indepth analysis (practical implementation, socioeconomic/technical/legal compliancewith EU-legislation, spatial application, flanking measures, potential of harmonisation, costs / revenues etc)

20 Herald Ruijters European Commission, Head of Unit MOVE.B1 Alpine traffic: TEN-T and Alpine traffic policy E Herald Ruijters presents the new EU policy framework on the Transeuropean Transport Network (TEN-T) and their role for the Alpine Space. The TEN-T has developed considerably over the last 25 years, from a patchwork of individual projects to a real transport network. With the latest revision of the TEN-T framework in 2013, the EU is now supporting the development of a core network focusing on strategically most important parts. Until 2020, nine core network corridors shall be in the focus of TEN-T including several corridors crossing the Alpine regions. The corridors shall be developed as frontrunners for innovative and sustainable transport, implementing the objectives of the latest Transport White Paper of Specifically, the new policy and financing framework includes the following elements. Investments on the core corridors will be coordinated by work plans which will be set up by an EU coordination in consultation with a corridor forum until the end of Financing is provided through the Connecting Europe Facility which will provide about 26 bn. Euros for transport projects in the time-period For the Alpine Space, it is clear that a policy framework needs to be developed in parallel to new infrastructures to reach the objectives of the White Paper with its ambitious modal-shift policy. Projects which support horizontal policy making are also eligibly for CEF financing. This would be a window-of-opportunity to strengthen activities of the imonitraf! network. The core network corridors as defined in the CEF are presented with the following map: The 9 core network corridors defined in the CEF Transport 20

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