Az idegen nyelvi osztályozó- és javítóvizsgák vizsgaleírása

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1 Az idegen nyelvi osztályozó- és javítóvizsgák vizsgaleírása A vizsga írásbeli és szóbeli részből áll minden vizsgázó számára. Az írásbeli vizsgán a vizsgázó feladatlapot old meg, amely a következő készségeket méri: olvasás, nyelvhelyesség, íráskészség. Az írásbeli vizsga megoldására 30 perc áll a vizsgázók rendelkezésére. Az írásbeli vizsgán a feladatlap tartalmazza a megszerezhető maximális pontszámot, amely feladatlaponként eltérő lehet. A szóbeli vizsgán a vizsgázó a tanév során átvett szóbeli témakörök alapján összeállított kérdéseket, szituációs (szerepjáték) feladatot és képleírás (önálló témakifejtés) feladatot kaphat. A szóbeli vizsgán nincs felkészülési idő. A szóbeli vizsgán az a tanár, aki a vizsgázót a tanév során tanította nem lehet kérdező tanár, de tagja lehet a 3 fős vizsgabizottságnak. A szóbeli vizsgán maximálisan 20 pont szerezhető. A vizsga értékelése: A tanuló érdemjegye az írásbeli és szóbeli feladatrészek együttes elért pontszáma alapján kerül kiszámításra az alábbi százalékos határok alapján: Érdemjegy % A szóbeli vizsgán, ha valaki 0 pontot ér el, a javítóvizsgán való bukást eredményezi. Budapest, június 14. Urkom-Fábic Irena munkaközösség-vezető

2 Solution Elementary Angol 9. évfolyam Nyelvtani szerkezetek: Az óra Birtokos (melléknév/névmás my/mine, birtokviszony kifejezése) Countable/Uncountable főnevek, mennyiségi kifejezések Elöljárószavak térben és időben (in, at, from-to, until, on, behind, opposite, next to.) Going to Igealakok (szándékkifejezők: want, would like, érzelemkifejezők: love, hate, like, enjoy) Kérdőszavak (Wh-, Yes/No questions) Melléknévfokozás, összehasonlítás Névmások (személyes I, tárgy eset - me) Past Simple (BE, regular, irregular verbs) Present Continuous (Progressive) jövő idő kifejezésére is Present Simple Segédigék (can, could, will, may, would, have to, should Szóbeli témakörök Personal details Name, date and place of birth, address, family members (name, age, job), pets, school s name, hobbies Home and house Where do you live? (town, district, street, house/flat) Describe your home. (old/new, small/big, rooms, furniture, colours) Describe your room (small/big, furniture, colours) Daily routine Describe your typical Monday (-at home- getting up, having breakfast, in the bathroom, getting ready for school -how do you get to school? -at school- start/finish school, subjects, breaks, lunch -in the afternoon- learning, free time, going to bed) Describe your weekends. Family festivals (Christmas, Easter, New Year s Eve, birthday) Describe Christmas (preparing, gifts, food and drink, Christmas tree, customs) Describe Easter (customs, Easter eggs, sprinkling, food and drink) Describe New Year s Eve ( customs, food and drink) How did you celebrate your last birthday?

3 Tourism Describe your last holiday (where/when did you go? Who did you go with? Where did you stay? How did you travel? What was the weather like? What did you do? What did you eat/drink?) Name some sights in Budapest and in Hungary (World Cultural Heritage) You and your family Describe your family members (name, age, job, appearance, character, hobby) Food and meals in Britain and in Hungary Name some typical British/Hungarian food. What do we eat for breakfast/lunch/ dinner in both countries? Free time Describe your free time (When do you have free time? What do you do? Who do you go with? What do you do in school holidays?) Describing people Describe your favourite famous person. (name, age, job, appearance, character) Why do you like him/her? Clothes What clothes do you wear at school? What clothes do you wear at a party? What are your favourite colours? Can you make clothes? Where do you buy clothes?

4 Angol 9. évfolyam nyelvi előkészítő osztály Tankönyv: Solutions Elementary, Solutions Pre-Intermediate Nyelvtani szerkezetek a/an/the Adjectives Adverbs Adverbs of frequency First Conditional Future Simple Making comparisons Much/many Passive Past Simple Prepositions of time, place and movement Present Continuous Present perfect Present Simple Quantities Some/any Verb forms (to+infinitive/-ing) Szóbeli témakörök 1. Personal introduction: name, date and place of birth, family members, school, place of living, free time/hobby, pets 2. Family life: family members (name, age, job, description of appearance and inner qualities), cousins, grandparents, favourite family member, sharing housework family gathering occasions 3. Introduction of another person (e.g. a famous person): Who is this person? (name, nationality, profession), Why is (s)he famous? His/her famous films, songs, etc. Personal and career details. Description of appearance and inner qualities. Why is (s)he your favourite? 4. Festivities/ Celebrations: National holidays (15 th March, 20 th August, 23 rd October- What do we celebrate?) Religious holidays (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost- What do we celebrate?) Family holidays (birthday, name day, wedding, christening, wedding anniversary, etc.) 5. Shopping: Where: market, supermarket, small shop, shopping centre/mall, Internet What: food, clothes, presents How often and who with, favourite shops, Advantages and disadvantages of each type of shops.

5 6. Home: Where (city/country), flat or house, Who lives there?, Rooms and furniture, Your own bedroom (furniture, colours), do you like living there?, Why?, Your ideal home 7. Weather: What s the weather like today? Seasons and typical weather in Hungary, Your favourite season, Why? Activities you usually do in that season, Environmental protection, extreme weather conditions and global warming, What can you do to protect your environment? 8. Introduction of own school: Name and place of your school. Subjects you study, like, dislike, good at, bad at, etc. School facilities. School life (School Leavers Ball, School Leaving ceremony, Students Day, etc.). Description of own class 9. Jobs: Popular professions, Studying or working after high school? Why? Your career plans 10. Daily routine: When do you get up? Morning at home, leaving for school, At school (starting, finishing, number of lessons, extra school activities) Afternoon, free time, evening, weekends 11. Food and meals: Food you like, dislike, can-can t make. What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch, dinner? Typical Hungarian and British food. Fast food, healthy eating, dieting. 12. Free time activities: What do you usually do in your free time? Hobbies, interests. 13. Sports: Popular sports in Hungary, famous Hungarian sportsmen, Types of sports: winter-, summer-, team-, individual-sports. Who is your favourite sportsman? Why? Which team do you support, Sports you do. 14. Public transport: How do you come to school? What forms of public transport do you use/ are there in Budapest? Which one is your favourite? Why? Advantages and disadvantages of each form. 15. Travelling abroad: Have you ever been abroad? If yes, talk about it! (e. g. Where did you go? Who did you go with? How long did you stay there? How did you travel? Where did you stay? What did you do? Did you like it? Why?) What do you need/take when you travel abroad? (e. g. documents, money), Popular holiday destinations/resorts 16. Technology in everyday life: Household appliances (e. g. TV, DVD-player, machines in the kitchen, bathroom, etc.) Using a computer (where, how often, what for) Gadgets you have/use (e. g. mobile phone, mp3-player, etc.)

6 9.évfolyam német Delfin1 tankönyv+munkafüzet+cd +szóbeli témák 1. lecke Menschen und Reisen Beobachtungen aus Bahnhofscafé (olvasmány+szavak) bemutatkozás, köszönésiformák nyelvtan: a főnév, határozott, határozatlan névelők, ige jelen ideje, kijelentő és kérdő mondat 2. lecke Leute, Leute Rekorde,Rekorde( Olvasmány+szavak) számok ig. nyelvtan: személyesnévmások, módbeli segédigék, igék ragozása 3. lecke Wohnen und Leben Ein Krokodil und kein Telefon (olvasmány+szavak) nyelvtan: határozott névmás, határozatlan névmás, elváló igekötős igék 4. lecke Wer will, der kann Wollen wir zusammen szituációk módbeli segédigék a lehetőség, engedély és tiltás kifejezése módbeli segédigék jelen idejű mondatban 5. lecke Orientierung und Wege Lebensretter im Dienst (olvasmány+szavak) útbaigazítás, tájékoztatás nyelvtan: elöljárószavak, óra, pontosidő 6. lecke Alltag napirend, napi rutin, tevékenységek iskolán belül és a szabadidő nyelvtan: 2.múlt idő Partizip Perfekt 7. lecke Feste und Ferien Szokások és tradiciók karácsony és szilveszter itthon és Németországban, ételek, üdvözlőlapok nyelvtan: igevonzatok részes és tárgyesettel álló igék 8. lecke Essen und Trinken ételek, italok, étkezési szokások, vásárlás élelmiszerboltban Wenn Maria kommt (olvasmány) nyelvtan: weil és wenn mellékmondatok, felszólítómód 9. lecke Umzug und Einrichtung lakóhely és lakás bemutatása, szituációk pl. kiadó lakást keresek stb. Mia (olvasmány) nyelvtan: dass mellékmondat+ célhatározói mellékmondatok um zu +infinitiv és damit 10. lecke Mode und Geschmack Ruha teszi az embert? Hogy öltözködsz? szituációk áruházban cipővásárlás stb. Über Geschmack kann man nicht streiten. (olvasmány) nyelvtan: Präteritum +Szóbeli témák Ich und meine Familie/meine beste Freundin mein Wohnort/ meine Wohnung/Haustiere Freizeit Tagesablauf/das Wochenende Feste und Feiern Essen und Trinken /Einkaufen/ Mode, Bekleidung

7 Tankönyv: CHANNEL Pre-Intermediate Nyelvtani szerkezetek Angol 10. évfolyam Clauses of result (so+adjective/adverb+that) Comparatives superlatives comparisons (melléknévfokozás, összehasonlítás) Conditionals: type 1 and type 2 Defining relative clauses (who, which, that) Exclamatory sentences (how, what, such, so) Future Simple (will) Indirect questions Modals: must-mustn t, can-can t, have to-don t have to, need to-needn t to-don t need to, should-shouldn t Passive Voice (Present Simple, Past Simple) Past Continuous Past Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Continuous Present Perfect Simple Present Simple Quantifiers: some, any, much, many, a lot of, lots of, a few, a little, too, enough Question tags Reported Speech Time clauses (when, before, after, as soon as, until) Used to Szóbeli témakörök Topics and Questions 1. Home and house 2. Daily routine 3. Family festivals (Christmas, Easter, New Year s Eve, birthday) 4. Tourism (your last holiday, organising a holiday, sights in Budapest and in Hungary) 5. You and your family 6. Your town/village, giving directions around town 7. Food and meals in Britain and in Hungary 8. Free time/ going out 9. Describing people (a famous person) 10. Clothes

8 Situations 1. Your family wants to move house. You can stay in Budapest and live in a flat or to the country and live in a house. Discuss your choice with your mother (your teacher) 2. A Spanish exchange student is staying with you. You are talking about your typical schoolday to find out who s got a busier day. 3. Next week is your sister s 18th birthday. You want to surprise her with an unforgettable party. Discuss it with your mother (your teacher). Talk about the presents, the food, the invited people, the music and the program. 4. Your English friend has just arrived to your place and he is going to spend 4 days in Budapest. Suggest him programmes you should do and sights you should visit together. 5. Your sister is getting married and asks you to help her which family members should she invite to the wedding and why. 6. An Italian tourist (your teacher) asks you to tell him how to get to the Széchenyi thermal bath in the City Park. Give her directions using the map. (You are standing on the Blaha Lujza square) 7. Your French friend is visiting you at Christmas and he is staying for the whole holiday. You want to give him some typical Hungarian food. What will you make him for breakfast/lunch/dinner? 8. You and your friend want to go out on Saturday evening. You can choose from the following programmes. Where are you going and why? Cinema: Corvin 21:00 Star Wars III WestEnd 20:00 Mamma Mia Theatre Madách 19:00 Joseph National 19:30 SÖR Clubs Bank Dance Hall Old Man s Pub 9. You have lost your 6 year-old brother in the shopping centre. Go to the security guard asking for help and describing your brother. 10. You are getting ready for a wedding. Discuss with your friend what to put on. Talk about the clothing, shoes, accessories, jewellery. Pictures (a képanyagot a vizsgázó a vizsga folyamán kapja meg)

9 Angol 10. évfolyam nyelvi előkészítő osztály Tankönyv: Solutions Intermediate Nyelvtani szerkezetek Articles (a/ an, the) Comparative forms Conditional sentences type 1, type 2, type 3 Countable and uncountable nouns Demonstrative pronouns: this/ that Future Simple Future simple Going to Infinitives and -ing forms Modals: can, can t,could, may, should, must, mustn t, have to/ don t have to, need/needn t Passive sentences Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Simple Possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives Prepositions of place and movement prepositions of time Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Present Progressive Present Simple Quantifiers: some/any, much/many, a lot of/ lots of/ a few/ a little Relative pronouns There is / there are Wh-questions Szóbeli témakörök 17. Personal introduction: name, date and place of birth, family members, school, place of living, free time/hobby, pets 18. Family life: family members (name, age, job, description of appearance and inner qualities), cousins, grandparents, favourite family member, sharing housework family gathering occasions 19. Introduction of another person (e.g. a famous person): Who is this person? (name, nationality, profession), Why is (s)he famous? His/her famous films, songs,

10 etc. Personal and career details. Description of appearance and inner qualities. Why is (s)he your favourite? 20. Festivities/ Celebrations: National holidays (15 th March, 20 th August, 23 rd October- What do we celebrate?) Religious holidays (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost- What do we celebrate?) Family holidays (birthday, name day, wedding, christening, wedding anniversary, etc.) 21. Shopping: Where: market, supermarket, small shop, shopping centre/mall, Internet What: food, clothes, presents How often and who with, favourite shops, Advantages and disadvantages of each type of shops. 22. Home: Where (city/country), flat or house, Who lives there?, Rooms and furniture, Your own bedroom (furniture, colours), do you like living there?, Why?, Your ideal home 23. Neighbourhood: Your town/village/budapest-district, flat or houses, shops, schools, theatres, sport facilities, transport facilities, etc in the area. Famous landmarks, places, events. Do you like living there? Why? 24. Weather: What s the weather like today? Seasons and typical weather in Hungary, Your favourite season, Why? Activities you usually do in that season, Environmental protection, extreme weather conditions and global warming, What can you do to protect your environment? 25. Clothes: winter clothes, summer clothes, fashion, accessories, footwear. What do you usually wear for school? What are you wearing now? What do you usually wear when you go to a party? What do you wear when you go out with your friends? 26. Introduction of own school: Name and place of your school. Subjects you study, like, dislike, good at, bad at, etc. School facilities. School life (School Leavers Ball, School Leaving ceremony, Students Day, etc.). Description of own class 27. Studying languages: Studying languages: Secondary school, language school, private teacher. Advantages and disadvantages of each type. Languages you know and would like to study later. 28. Jobs: Popular professions, Studying or working after high school? Why? Your career plans 29. Student work: Student work: Typical student jobs (what, when). Reasons for student work. Advantages and disadvantages of student work. 30. Daily routine: When do you get up? Morning at home, leaving for school, At school (starting, finishing, number of lessons, extra school activities) Afternoon, free time, evening, weekends 31. Food and meals: Food you like, dislike, can-can t make. What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch, dinner? Typical Hungarian and British food. Fast food, healthy eating, dieting. 32. Free time activities: What do you usually do in your free time? Hobbies, interests. 33. Sports: Popular sports in Hungary, famous Hungarian sportsmen, Types of sports: winter-, summer-, team-, individual-sports. Who is your favourite sportsman? Why? Which team do you support, Sports you do. 34. Public transport: How do you come to school? What forms of public transport do you use/ are there in Budapest? Which one is your favourite? Why? Advantages and disadvantages of each form.

11 35. Travelling abroad: Have you ever been abroad? If yes, talk about it! (e. g. Where did you go? Who did you go with? How long did you stay there? How did you travel? Where did you stay? What did you do? Did you like it? Why?) What do you need/take when you travel abroad? (e. g. documents, money), Popular holiday destinations/resorts 36. Technology in everyday life: Household appliances (e. g. TV, DVD-player, machines in the kitchen, bathroom, etc.) Using a computer (where, how often, what for) Gadgets you have/use (e. g. mobile phone, mp3-player, etc.)

12 10.évfolyam német Delfin2. tankönyv+munkafüzet+cd+szóbeli témák 11.lecke Schule und Karriere Klassentreffen (olvasmány+szavak) iskolánk bemutatása, tanulmányaid+jövőbeli terveid az érettségi után nyelvtan: visszaható igék+igevonzatok (elöljárószavakkal) 12.lecke Nachrichten+Berichte Ein glücklicher Pechvogel (olvasmány +szavak) moziélmények, kedvenc filmek,kedvenc színészek,színésznők,szituációk jegyvásárlás mozielőadásra nyelvtan: 1.múlt idő (Präteritum),mellékmondat als,während, wenn,obwohl, elöljárószavak birtokosesettel 13. lecke Länder und Leute Es muss ja nicht immer Neuschwanstein sein (olvasmány+szavak) képleírás: nyári élmények, országismeret: Magyarország és Német városok nevezetességei, utazás előkészületei, szituációk szobafoglalás, jegyrendelés stb.nyelvtan: vonatkoz névmások 14.lecke Wünsche und Wirklichkeit Was wäre, wenn der Mensch nicht mehr altern würde?(olvasmány+szavak) érvelés: jó lenne, ha örökké fiatalok maradnánk?(pro-contra) álomházam,álompárom bemutatása nyelvtan: Konjunktiv2+Konditionalsätze 15.lecke Sport und Gesundheit sport és mozgás: mit sportolsz, kedvenc sportágaid, egy tornaóra bemutatása, sportágak, egészséges életmód+egészséges táplálkozás, testrészek, balesetek és sportsérülések nyelvtan: Konjunktiv1. +szóbeli témák ich und meine Familie/ meine beste Freundin mein Wohnort/ meine Wohnung/ Haustiere/ Freizeit/Hausarbeit/Haushaltsgeräte/ Tagesablauf/ das Wochenende/Feste und Feiern/ Essen und Trinken (gesunde Lebensweise)/Einkaufen/Mode und Bekleidung/ unsere Schule+unsere Klasse/ meine Zukunftspläne/ Reise im In-und Ausland/ Reisevorbereitungen/ Organisation einer Reise/ Sport und Gesundheit/häufige Krankheiten,Unfälle

13 Angol 11. évfolyam Tankönyv: CHANNEL Intermediate Nyelvtani szerkezetek Adverbs of time Articles Clauses of result (so+adjective/adverb+that) Comparatives superlatives comparisons (melléknévfokozás, összehasonlítás) Conditionals: types 0, 1, 2 and 3 Exclamatory sentences (how, what, such, so) Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Simple (will) Going to Had better, Would rather, Should + Present and Perfect Infinitive Indirect questions Modals: must-mustn t, can-can t, have to-don t have to, need to-needn t to-don t need to, should-shouldn t, may, might, could Passive Voice (all tenses) Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Simple Past Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Continuous Present Perfect Simple Present Simple Quantifiers: some, any, much, many, a lot of, lots of, a few, a little, too, enough Question tags Relative clauses (who, which, that) Reported Speech Time clauses (when, before, after, as soon as, until) Used to Szóbeli témakörök Topics and Questions 11. Home and house 12. Daily routine 13. Family festivals (Christmas, Easter, New Year s Eve, birthday) 14. Tourism (your last holiday, organising a holiday, sights in Budapest and in Hungary) 15. You and your family 16. Your town/village, giving directions around town

14 17. Food and meals in Britain and in Hungary 18. Free time/ going out 19. Describing people (a famous person) 20. Clothes Situations 11. Your family wants to move house. You can stay in Budapest and live in a flat or to the country and live in a house. Discuss your choice with your mother (your teacher) 12. A Spanish exchange student is staying with you. You are talking about your typical schoolday to find out who s got a busier day. 13. Next week is your sister s 18th birthday. You want to surprise her with an unforgettable party. Discuss it with your mother (your teacher). Talk about the presents, the food, the invited people, the music and the program. 14. Your English friend has just arrived to your place and he is going to spend 4 days in Budapest. Suggest him programmes you should do and sights you should visit together. 15. Your sister is getting married and asks you to help her which family members should she invite to the wedding and why. 16. An Italian tourist (your teacher) asks you to tell him how to get to the Széchenyi thermal bath in the City Park. Give her directions using the map. (You are standing on the Blaha Lujza square) 17. Your French friend is visiting you at Christmas and he is staying for the whole holiday. You want to give him some typical Hungarian food. What will you make him for breakfast/lunch/dinner? 18. You and your friend want to go out on Saturday evening. You can choose from the following programmes. Where are you going and why? Cinema: Corvin 21:00 Star Wars III WestEnd 20:00 Mamma Mia Theatre Madách 19:00 Joseph National 19:30 SÖR Clubs Bank Dance Hall Old Man s Pub 19. You have lost your 6 year-old brother in the shopping centre. Go to the security guard asking for help and describing your brother. 20. You are getting ready for a wedding. Discuss with your friend what to put on. Talk about the clothing, shoes, accessories, jewellery.

15 Pictures (a képanyagot a vizsgázó a vizsga folyamán kapja meg)

16 Tankönyv: Solutions Intermediate Nyelvtani szerkezetek Angol 11. évfolyam nyelvi előkészítő osztály Articles (a/ an, the) Comparative forms Conditional sentences type 1, type 2, type 3 Countable and uncountable nouns Demonstrative pronouns: this/ that Future Simple Future Simple Going to Infinitives and -ing forms Modals: can, can t,could, may, should, must, mustn t, have to/ don t have to, need/needn t Passive sentences Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Simple Possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives Prepositions of place and movement prepositions of time Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous Present Progressive Present Simple Quantifiers: some/any, much/many, a lot of/ lots of/ a few/ a little Relative pronouns There is / there are Wh-questions Szóbeli témakörök 37. Personal introduction: name, date and place of birth, family members, school, place of living, free time/hobby, pets 38. Family life: family members (name, age, job, description of appearance and inner qualities), cousins, grandparents, favourite family member, sharing housework family gathering occasions 39. Introduction of another person (e.g. a famous person): Who is this person? (name, nationality, profession), Why is (s)he famous? His/her famous films, songs, etc. Personal and career details. Description of appearance and inner qualities. Why is (s)he your favourite?

17 40. Festivities/ Celebrations: National holidays (15 th March, 20 th August, 23 rd October- What do we celebrate?) Religious holidays (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost- What do we celebrate?) Family holidays (birthday, name day, wedding, christening, wedding anniversary, etc.) 41. Shopping: Where: market, supermarket, small shop, shopping centre/mall, Internet What: food, clothes, presents How often and who with, favourite shops, Advantages and disadvantages of each type of shops. 42. Home: Where (city/country), flat or house, Who lives there?, Rooms and furniture, Your own bedroom (furniture, colours), do you like living there?, Why?, Your ideal home 43. Neighbourhood: Your town/village/budapest-district, flat or houses, shops, schools, theatres, sport facilities, transport facilities, etc in the area. Famous landmarks, places, events. Do you like living there? Why? 44. Weather: What s the weather like today? Seasons and typical weather in Hungary, Your favourite season, Why? Activities you usually do in that season, Environmental protection, extreme weather conditions and global warming, What can you do to protect your environment? 45. Clothes: winter clothes, summer clothes, fashion, accessories, footwear. What do you usually wear for school? What are you wearing now? What do you usually wear when you go to a party? What do you wear when you go out with your friends? 46. Introduction of own school: Name and place of your school. Subjects you study, like, dislike, good at, bad at, etc. School facilities. School life (School Leavers Ball, School Leaving ceremony, Students Day, etc.). Description of own class 47. Studying languages: Studying languages: Secondary school, language school, private teacher. Advantages and disadvantages of each type. Languages you know and would like to study later. 48. Jobs: Popular professions, Studying or working after high school? Why? Your career plans 49. Student work: Student work: Typical student jobs (what, when). Reasons for student work. Advantages and disadvantages of student work. 50. Daily routine: When do you get up? Morning at home, leaving for school, At school (starting, finishing, number of lessons, extra school activities) Afternoon, free time, evening, weekends 51. Food and meals: Food you like, dislike, can-can t make. What do you usually have for breakfast, lunch, dinner? Typical Hungarian and British food. Fast food, healthy eating, dieting. 52. Free time activities: What do you usually do in your free time? Hobbies, interests. 53. Sports: Popular sports in Hungary, famous Hungarian sportsmen, Types of sports: winter-, summer-, team-, individual-sports. Who is your favourite sportsman? Why? Which team do you support, Sports you do. 54. Public transport: How do you come to school? What forms of public transport do you use/ are there in Budapest? Which one is your favourite? Why? Advantages and disadvantages of each form. 55. Travelling abroad: Have you ever been abroad? If yes, talk about it! (e. g. Where did you go? Who did you go with? How long did you stay there? How did you travel? Where did you stay? What did you do? Did you like it? Why?) What do you need/take

18 when you travel abroad? (e. g. documents, money), Popular holiday destinations/resorts 56. Technology in everyday life: Household appliances (e. g. TV, DVD-player, machines in the kitchen, bathroom, etc.) Using a computer (where, how often, what for) Gadgets you have/use (e. g. mobile phone, mp3-player, etc.)

19 11.évfolyam német Delfin2 tankönyv+munkafüzet+cd+szóbeli témák 16.lecke Berufswelt und Ideen Erfolgsgeschichten (olvasmány+szavak) a munka világa: siker foglalkozások, gyerek vagy karrier, idegennyelvek szerepe világunkbannyelvtan: Passiv jelen ideje és múlt idejei 17. lecke Humor und Alltag Große Meister-kleine Schwächen( anekdoták, olvasmány+szavak) szófordulatok, szólás mondások, állandó szókapcsolatok nyelvtan: Plusquamperfekt 18.lecke Politik,Geschichte und Zukunft Menschen, so alt wie die Bundesrepublik Deutschland(olvasmány) német parlament működése, választási rendszer, pártok, régi és új technikai vívmányok, (TV,rádió,computer, internet) információ források, média szerepe világunkban nyelvtan: Futur1 és Futur lecke Kultur und Freizeit színház, koncertek, kiállítások, olvasás, szépirodalom milyen gyakran jársz színházba, kedvenc könyved, festőd Kultur der Superlative(olvasmány) Dürrenmatt: Der Besuch der alten Dame (tartalom) +olvasónapló kedvenc könyvről,szituációk: jegyrendelés, beszélgetés legutóbbi színházlátogatásról nyelvtan: Modalverben zur Graduierung von Wahrnehmung, Vermutung und Beurteilung 20. lecke Sprachen und Begegnungen irodalmi német nyelv(standardsprache) ifjúsági nyelv, szleng, dialektusok(cd) szavak tartományok szerinti eltérése gyűjtőmunka, tanulmányozás (Österreichisches Wörterbuch und Deutsches Universalwörterbuch) +szóbeli témák ich und meine Familie/ meine beste Freundin/ mein Wohnort/ meine Wohnung/ Haustiere/ Freizeit/Hausarbeit/Haushaltsgeräte/ Tagesablauf, das Wochenende/ Essen und Trinken (gesunde Lebensweise)/Einkaufen/Mode und Bekleidung/ unsere Schule/ unsere Klasse/ meine Zukunftspläne/ Reise im In-und Ausland, Reisevorbereitungen, Organisation einer Reise/ Sport und Gesundheit, Häufige Krankheiten, Unfäll e/fremdsprachen/ Lesen, Internet/ Theater, Kino/ Konzerte,Ausstellungen/

20 Tankönyv: Longman Érettségi Aktivátor Nyelvtani szerkezetek Angol 12. évfolyam Adjectives (regular and irregular, comparison) Adverbs Articles (definite, indefinite, zero) Auxiliaries/Modal verbs Clauses of purpose Conditional Clauses (1 st 2 nd 3 rd conditionals ) Conjunctions, linking words Forms of the verb (infinitives, gerund and participles) Future with will Going to Nouns (singular and plural, countable, uncountable) Passive Future Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Simple Past Simple Passive Possession Prepositions, prepositional phrases Present Continuous Present Perfect Continuous Present Perfect Passive Present Perfect Simple Present Simple Present Simple Passive Question-tags Relative clauses defining Relative clauses non-defining Reported Speech (with the reporting verb in the past) Reported Speech (with the reporting verb in the present) Time clauses with future meaning Wish Szóbeli témakörök I. Személyes vonatkozások, család - Personal world 1. Personal introduction Name Date and place of birth Family members

21 School Place of living Free time/hobby Pets 2. Family life Family members (name, age, job, description of appearance and inner qualities) Cousins (number), grandparents (age, description) Favourite family member Sharing housework within the family Family gathering occasions II. Ember és társadalom - Man and Society 3. Introduction of another person (e.g. a famous person, my hero ) Who is this person? (name, nationality, profession) Why is (s)he famous? His/her famous films, songs, etc. Personal and career details Description of appearance and inner qualities Why is (s)he your favourite? 4. Festivities/ Celebrations National holidays (15 th March, 20 th August, 23 rd October What do we celebrate?) Religious holidays (Christmas, Easter, Pentecost - What do we celebrate?) Family holidays (birthday, name day, wedding, christening, wedding anniversary, etc.) 5. Shopping Where: market, supermarket, small shop, shopping centre/mall, Internet What: food, clothes, presents How often and who with, favourite shops Advantages and disadvantages of each type of shops III. Környezetünk - Environment 6. Home Where is it? (town/village/budapest-district) Flat or house Who lives there? Rooms and furniture Your bedroom (furniture, colours) Do you like living there? Why? Your ideal home 7. Neighbourhood Your town/village/budapest-district Flats or houses

Leseprobe Englisch Grammatik Clever gelernt Bestell-Nr. 1004-80 Mildenberger Verlag GmbH

Leseprobe Englisch Grammatik Clever gelernt Bestell-Nr. 1004-80 Mildenberger Verlag GmbH sübersicht 1 A/An (Indefinite article) Unbestimmter Artikel... 7 2 Adjectives, Comparison of adjectives Adjektive/Eigenschaftswörter, Steigerung/Vergleich... 8 3 Adverbs, Comparison of adverbs Adverbien/Umstandswörter,



BÁRDOS LÁSZLÓ GIMNÁZIUM A nyelvi előkészítő évfolyam vizsgája 9/Ny b, 9/Ny c Tantárgy: angol nyelv A vizsga szintje: A2, B1 A vizsga ideje: májusi írásbeli érettségi vizsgaidőszak A vizsga részei: 1. írásbeli vizsga 2. szóbeli



ÜBERBLICK ÜBER DAS KURS-ANGEBOT ÜBERBLICK ÜBER DAS KURS-ANGEBOT Alle aufgeführten Kurse sind 100 % kostenfrei und können unter abgerufen werden. SATZBAU & WORTSTELLUNG - WORD ORDER Aussagesätze / Affirmative


Schule mit Erfolg. Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit Blatt What time is it? 7.50 Uhr Uhr Uhr Uhr 20.

Schule mit Erfolg. Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit Blatt What time is it? 7.50 Uhr Uhr Uhr Uhr 20. Englisch Simple present adverbs time Unit 3 2.1 Blatt 1 1. Vocabulary. a) Write down the opposites! big always after first late rude b) Put in the right prepositions. Luke gets up at 7 am the morning.


English grammar BLOCK F:

English grammar BLOCK F: Grammatik der englischen Sprache UNIT 24 2. Klasse Seite 1 von 13 English grammar BLOCK F: UNIT 21 Say it more politely Kennzeichen der Modalverben May and can Adverbs of manner Irregular adverbs Synonyms


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Grammar New Inspiration 2 + 3

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The English Tenses Die englischen Zeitformen

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Aufbau der grammatischen Kompetenzen im Fachbereich Englisch

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ÜBERBLICK ÜBER DAS KURS-ANGEBOT ÜBERBLICK ÜBER DAS KURS-ANGEBOT Alle aufgeführten Kurse sind 100 % kostenfrei und können unter abgerufen werden. SATZBAU & WORTSTELLUNG - WORD ORDER Aussagesätze / Affirmative


Materialien zu unseren Lehrwerken

Materialien zu unseren Lehrwerken Word order Word order is important in English. The word order for subjects, verbs and objects is normally fixed. The word order for adverbial and prepositional phrases is more flexible, but their position


Fachschaft Englisch Unterrichtsinhalte Klasse Lehrwerk/Zusatzmaterialien: Lehrbuch Green Line 1 Voraussetzungen: Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte

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Englisch-Grundwortschatz Englisch-Grundwortschatz Die 100 am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter also auch so so in in even sogar on an / bei / in like wie / mögen their with but first only and time find you get more its those because


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9. Wie wäre dein Traumurlaub? What would your dream holiday be like? 10. Ist es wichtig auf Urlaub zu fahren? Is it important to go on holiday?

9. Wie wäre dein Traumurlaub? What would your dream holiday be like? 10. Ist es wichtig auf Urlaub zu fahren? Is it important to go on holiday? GCSE German conversation questions: Unit 1 : Me, my family and friends 1. Beschreibe mir deine Familie. Describe your family. 2. Verstehst du dich gut mit deiner Familie? Warum (nicht)? Do you get on well


Themenplan Englisch. Klasse 6. gemäß Bildungsplan. WELCOME BACK! Von den Ferien erzählen Ein Bild beschreiben

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Abitur-Training - Englisch Grammatikübungen Oberstufe mit Videoanreicherung

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GCSE GERMAN GENERAL CONVERSATION PREPARATION BOOKLET PART 2 Name: GCSE GERMAN GENERAL CONVERSATION PREPARATION BOOKLET PART 2 For the general conversation in the speaking exam, you will be required to answer questions on TWO themes. You can choose one of the themes


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Prepositions are words that give information to the reader. Vorwörter geben dem Leser Informationen.

Prepositions are words that give information to the reader. Vorwörter geben dem Leser Informationen. What is the role of prepositions? Prepositions are words that give information to the reader. They can tell us where something takes place when something takes place why something takes place or give a


Aufbau der grammatischen Kompetenzen im Fachbereich Englisch

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She works with a computer. Does she work with a computer? He writes s. Does he write s? It sounds right. Does it sound right?

She works with a computer. Does she work with a computer? He writes  s. Does he write  s? It sounds right. Does it sound right? REPEAT Fragen stellen Im Deutschen durch Veränderung der Wortstellung Du sprichst Englisch. 2 1 3 Sprichst du Englisch? Asking questions Im Englischen mit do oder does und das s wandert vom Verb weg. You


a lot of, much und many

a lot of, much und many Aufgabe 1, und In bejahten Sätzen verwendest du für die deutschen Wörter viel und viele im Englischen Bsp.: I have got CDs. We have got milk. There are cars on the street. Bei verneinten Sätzen und Fragen


Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 5: Kann einfachen Interviews, Berichten, Hörspielen und Sketches zu vertrauten Themen folgen.

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[GEBEN SIE DEN TITEL DES DOKUMENTS EIN] Präpositionen der Zeit ago after at before by during for from to/till/until in on past since to till / until within Zeitdauer vor dem jetzigen Zeitpunkt: five years ago vor fünf Jahren nach einem Ereignis:


Grammar Inspiration 2 + 3

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Willst du jemandem einen Rat oder eine Anweisung geben, dann verwendest du den Imperativ: Hier nun ein paar Beispiele:

Willst du jemandem einen Rat oder eine Anweisung geben, dann verwendest du den Imperativ: Hier nun ein paar Beispiele: Aufgabe 1 verneinter Imperativ Willst du jemandem einen Rat oder eine Anweisung geben, dann verwendest du den Imperativ: Hier nun ein paar Beispiele: Gib mir bitte die Milch Please pass me the milk. Das


Modern Foreign Languages

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+ROLGD\V 1LYHDX$ )HUWLJNHLW+ UYHUVWHKHQ +ROLGD\V )HUWLJNHLW+ UYHUVWHKHQ 1LYHDX$ Wenn langsam und deutlich gesprochen wird, kann ich kurze Texte und Gespräche aus bekannten Themengebieten verstehen, auch wenn ich nicht alle Wörter kenne. 'HVNULSWRU


Contents / Inhalt. Lilijana Stepic, ERLERNEN WIR DIE ENGLISCHEN ZEITEN 205. Vorwort... und noch einige Tipps zum erfolgreichen Lernen

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Lektion 3: Nominativ und Akkusativ (nominative and accusative cases)

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way2go! 5 Vorschlag für eine kompetenzorientierte Jahresplanung

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Reported speech. Indirekte Rede

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The ing form (gerund)

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Englisch Klasse 7 - Name:

Englisch Klasse 7 - Name: Kompetenzen: Unit 1 give information about sports Fit für Tests und Klassenarbeiten: p.5, ex.2+3 // p.10, ex.12+12 // p.11, ex.15 Trainingsheft Kompetenztest Englisch Klasse 7+8: p.10, ex.5 // p.31 English


word order Ergänze jetzt die Sätze mit den rot geschriebenen Satzteilen. Pass auf, dass du sie an der richtigen Stelle einsetzt!

word order Ergänze jetzt die Sätze mit den rot geschriebenen Satzteilen. Pass auf, dass du sie an der richtigen Stelle einsetzt! Aufgabe 1 word order Noch einmal zur Erinnerung: Die Adverbien der Häufigkeit stehen zwischen dem Subjekt und dem Prädikat des Satzes: Bsp.: My sister often plays with her friends. Mrs Croft never reads


Cool! für die Berufseinstiegsklasse in Niedersachsen

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Stimmt! 4 Curriculum for Excellence National 4 Context Development

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Langenscheidt. Standardgrammatik. Englisch. von Dr. Lutz Walther. Berlin München Wien Zürich London Madrid New York Warschau

Langenscheidt. Standardgrammatik. Englisch. von Dr. Lutz Walther. Berlin München Wien Zürich London Madrid New York Warschau Langenscheidt Standardgrammatik Englisch von Dr. Lutz Walther Langenscheidt Berlin München Wien Zürich London Madrid New York Warschau Inhaltsverzeichnis Vorwort- Preface 3 Abkürzungen - Abbreviations


Simple present or Present progressive?

Simple present or Present progressive? Aufgabe 1 Simple present or Present progressive? Das simple present benutzt du, wenn etwas häufig oder regelmäßig passiert. Oft wird dies durch Signalwörter angezeigt. Zu diesen Signalwörtern gehören die


Übungsblatt 24. Alle Aufgaben, die Lösungen zu den Aufgaben und eine Übersicht zu den Grammatiken findest du im Internet:

Übungsblatt 24. Alle Aufgaben, die Lösungen zu den Aufgaben und eine Übersicht zu den Grammatiken findest du im Internet: Übungsblatt 24 Name: Abgabedatum: 23.6.2004 Alle Aufgaben, die Lösungen zu den Aufgaben und eine Übersicht zu den Grammatiken findest du im Internet:



ÜBERBLICK ÜBER DAS KURS-ANGEBOT ÜBERBLICK ÜBER DAS KURS-ANGEBOT Alle aufgeführten Kurse sind 100 % kostenfrei und können unter abgerufen werden. KALENDER, UHRZEIT Calendar - Date - Time * Verwendung von Präpositionen


g. If you don't know where you are, you must look at the h. If you can't find your way, you must for help: Can you me...the way to, please?

g. If you don't know where you are, you must look at the h. If you can't find your way, you must for help: Can you me...the way to, please? 1 Practise your vocabulary. Wortschatzübung. a. the opposite (Gegenteil) of child: b. uninteresting: c. 60 minutes are: d. not cheap: e. not early: f. The restaurant is in Olive Street. You can't it. g.


DO you come from a big city in Italy? (you)

DO you come from a big city in Italy? (you) TIME FOR PRACTICE ASKING QUESTIONS WITH DO OR DOES Im Deutschen durch Änderung der Wortstellung Du sprichst Englisch. Sprichst du Englisch? I / You / We / They write, run, play,.? REMEMBER Im Englischen


ADas Verb (1. Teil) (the verb) das Tätigkeitswort

ADas Verb (1. Teil) (the verb) das Tätigkeitswort ADas Verb (1. Teil) (the verb) das Tätigkeitswort Die Zeiten des Verbs (the tenses of the verb) I Das Präsens (the present tense)... 9 1 Das einfache Präsens (die Formen) 9 2 Besondere Merkmale in der


English grammar BLOCK F:

English grammar BLOCK F: Grammatik der englischen Sprache UNIT 23 2. Klasse Seite 1 von 13 English grammar BLOCK F: UNIT 21 Say it more politely Kennzeichen der Modalverben May and can Adverbs of manner Irregular adverbs Synonyms



KURZÜBERSICHT SONDERTEIL 402 BERUFSKOLLEG / FACHOBERSCHULEN - Englisch - Inhalt - Kurzübersicht KURZÜBERSICHT SONDERTEIL 402 410 Inhaltsverzeichnis 411-439 Notizen 440 476 Language-Aufgaben (Vocabulary) 477-489 Notizen 490 506


Wortschatzliste 1-1. Students will be able to greet and say good-bye to others. Fine! / Good! / Well! Unit 1: Getting to Know You

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Englisch Klasse 8 - Name:

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Orientierungsarbeit Englisch

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Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form. Auszug aus: Vertretungsstunde Englisch 5. Klasse: Grammatik

Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form. Auszug aus: Vertretungsstunde Englisch 5. Klasse: Grammatik Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form Auszug aus: Vertretungsstunde Englisch 5. Klasse: Grammatik Das komplette Material finden Sie hier: Pronouns I Let s talk about


Bei den Modalverben sind die 1. und 3. Person Singular gleich!

Bei den Modalverben sind die 1. und 3. Person Singular gleich! Lektion 12: Modalverben (modal verbs) Ein Modalverb steht selten allein, sondern modifiziert meist ein Vollverb. Dabei wird lediglich das Modalverb konjugiert, während das Vollverb im Infinitiv bleibt.


Schule mit Erfolg. access 6 Unit 1 Unit 2: tenses / going to-future / adjectives 1.1 Blatt 1

Schule mit Erfolg. access 6 Unit 1 Unit 2: tenses / going to-future / adjectives 1.1 Blatt 1 access 6 Unit 1 Unit 2: tenses / going to-future / adjectives 1.1 Blatt 1 1. Vocabulary a) Find the words the day after today is: to write down some information: sb. who lives next to you is your: at the


Abkürzungen Abbreviations Unbestimmte Artikel Indefinite Article... 9

Abkürzungen Abbreviations Unbestimmte Artikel Indefinite Article... 9 Preface 3 Vorwort Wer möchte nicht auch mal Spaß haben beim Lernen? Die Englisch-Comics machen es möglich, frei nach dem Motto "Wer zuerst lacht, lernt am besten". Jedes Kapitel startet mit einem Comic,


The Indicative MOOD. We re starting with the indicative. The vast majority of sentences you use are in this MOOD.

The Indicative MOOD. We re starting with the indicative. The vast majority of sentences you use are in this MOOD. Satzbau Deutsch The Indicative MOOD We re starting with the indicative. The vast majority of sentences you use are in this MOOD. We will review how to form the past, present and future Plus how to make


Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form. Auszug aus: Fit in Test und Klassenarbeit - Englisch (5./6. Klasse)

Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form. Auszug aus: Fit in Test und Klassenarbeit - Englisch (5./6. Klasse) Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form Auszug aus: Fit in Test und Klassenarbeit - Englisch (5./6. Klasse) Das komplette Material finden Sie hier: Tipps zum Training


Übersicht Green Line 2 (Ausgabe ab 2014)

Übersicht Green Line 2 (Ausgabe ab 2014) Übersicht Green Line 2 (Ausgabe ab 2014) Diese Übersicht hilft Ihnen bei der Zuordnung der Green Line Bildfolien und Filmsequenzen von Action UK! zum Lehrwerk Green Line 2 (Ausgabe 2014). Green Line Band



Englisch-Selbsteinstufungstest Abteilung Weiterbildung Tel: 061 552 95 99 Fax: 061 552 95 06 E-Mail: Web: Bildungs-, Kultur- und Sportdirektion Kanton Basel-Landschaft Gewerblich-industrielle


Englisch. Schreiben. 18. September 2015 HTL. Standardisierte kompetenzorientierte schriftliche Reife- und Diplomprüfung. Name: Klasse/Jahrgang:

Englisch. Schreiben. 18. September 2015 HTL. Standardisierte kompetenzorientierte schriftliche Reife- und Diplomprüfung. Name: Klasse/Jahrgang: Name: Klasse/Jahrgang: Standardisierte kompetenzorientierte schriftliche Reife- und Diplomprüfung HTL 18. September 2015 Englisch (B2) Schreiben Hinweise zum Beantworten der Fragen Sehr geehrte Kandidatin,



ÜBERBLICK ÜBER DAS KURS-ANGEBOT ÜBERBLICK ÜBER DAS KURS-ANGEBOT Alle aufgeführten Kurse sind 100 % kostenfrei und können unter abgerufen werden. WORTSCHATZÜBUNGEN Word Family * Wortfamilien im Englischen * Veränderung


Wortschatzliste 1-1. Students will be able to greet and say good-bye to others. Fine! / Good! / Well! Unit 1: Getting to Know You

Wortschatzliste 1-1. Students will be able to greet and say good-bye to others. Fine! / Good! / Well! Unit 1: Getting to Know You Wortschatzliste 1-1 Students will be able to greet and say good-bye to others. Hallo! Guten Tag! Guten Morgen! Morgen! Guten Abend! Gute Nacht! Grüβ Gott! Grüβ dich! Auf Wiedersehen! Tschüs! Tschau! Bis


adverbs of manner (Adverbien der Art und Weise) you can answer it easily

adverbs of manner (Adverbien der Art und Weise) you can answer it easily adverbs of manner (Adverbien der Art und Weise) an easy question you can answer it easily adjective adverb 1) Ausnahmen und Besonderheiten: terrible -> terribly angry -> angrily careful -> carefully good


Langenscheidt Englisch-Comics Grammatik

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Die Bedeutung neurowissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse für die Werbung (German Edition)

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GRUNDWISSEN GRAMMATIK E 1 GRUNDWISSEN GRAMMATIK E 1 1. Lernjahr: present tense: simple present, present progressive simple past going to-future (rezeptiv) Vollverben, Hilfsverben (be, have, do, can, must) alle Satzarten, einfache


What did you do in your holidays?

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Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form. Auszug aus: Troubleshooter Englisch, Niveau: A1 - B2

Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form. Auszug aus: Troubleshooter Englisch, Niveau: A1 - B2 Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form Auszug aus: Troubleshooter Englisch, Niveau: A1 - B2 Das komplette Material finden Sie hier: Seite 4 Vorwort 5 Teil 1 Common


Klassenarbeit - Grammatik

Klassenarbeit - Grammatik Klassenarbeit - Grammatik 5. Klasse / Englisch / Monat März Kurzantworten; Dialoge; Fragen bilden; Sätze bilden; Personalpronomen Aufgabe 1 Do you know the word? 1. There are planes here: 2. It is a place


Stichwortverzeichnis. Anhang. Bedingungssatz siehe Konditionalsatz Befehlsform

Stichwortverzeichnis.  Anhang. Bedingungssatz siehe Konditionalsatz Befehlsform Anhang 130 A Adjektiv 68 73, 112 Bildung aus anderen Wörtern 69 mit Genitiv 63 Übersicht Deklination 108 109 Adverb 74 77, 112 Steigerung 76 Stellung 77 Typen (lokal, temporal, kausal, modal) 75 adverbiale


Übungsblatt zum Vergleich des simple past und present perfect

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Im Original veränderbare Word-Dateien

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Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien

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Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien

Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien Folge 029 Grammatik 1. The pronoun "es" (review) "es" is a pronoun that usually substitutes a neuter noun. Example: Ist das Bett zu hart? - Nein, es ist nicht zu hart. (es = it das Bett = the bed) But:


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Klassenarbeit - Grammatik

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Grammar is / there are: positive

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Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form. Auszug aus: Englische Grammatik gecheckt! 5. Klasse

Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form. Auszug aus: Englische Grammatik gecheckt! 5. Klasse Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form Auszug aus: Englische Grammatik gecheckt! 5. Klasse Das komplette Material finden Sie hier: Tipps zum Training mit diesem Buch


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.««JüetlCa.Jjyad Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik

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