CF-H180DI/L. November 5 6, 2010 Congress Center Hamburg. Changing the way you perform colonoscopy

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1 Changing the way you perform colonoscopy * ENDOSCOPY LIVE * SIMULTANEOUS TRANSLATION ENGLISH/GERMAN * * CERTIFICATED 15 CME * 9 ECMEC * CF-H180DI/L Navigate with confi dence through any colon with the new CF-H180DI/L - top of its class in every way: Full ScopeGuide compatibility, crystal clear HDTV images, NBI, a super wide angle of 170, Close Focus plus the Innofl ex variable stiffness function. Navigate through any colon! ME 002 GB PR 07/10 By combining innovative technologies with full ScopeGuide compatibility, the new CF-H180DI/L will change the way you perform colonoscopy. Even the most experienced colonoscopists benefi t from the real-time 3D display of colonoscope position and confi guration. With true HDTV 1080 images and NBI capability, the new CF-H180DI/L marks a new era in colonoscopy. November 5 6, 2010 Congress Center Hamburg President: Friedrich Hagenmüller Thomas Rösch Siegbert Faiss

2 INHALT TABLE OF CONTENTS Das erste darmselektive Antibiotikum. Wirkt nur dort, wo es gebraucht wird. Im Darm. 1, 2 ENDOCLUBNORD 2010 Foreword... 5 Experts... 7 Program General Information Registration Exhibitors Arrival Arrival by Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) Hotel Reservation City Map Registration Form Referenzen: 1 Jiang ZD et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2000; 44 (8): Descombe JJ et al. Int J Clin Pharmacol Res 1994; 14 (2): Xifaxan, 200 mg Filmtabletten Zusammensetzung: Rifaximin 200 mg. Sonstige Bestandteile: Poly(O-carboxymethyl)stärke, Natriumsalz, Glyceroldistearat (Ph. Eur.), Hochdisperses Siliciumdioxid, Talkum, Mikrokristalline Cellulose, Hypromellose, Titandioxid, Natriumedetat (Ph. Eur.), Propylenglycol, Eisen(III)-oxid. Anwendungsgebiete: Behandlung der durch nicht-invasive enteropathogene Bakterien verursachten Reisediarrhö bei Erwachsenen. Es sind die offi ziellen Richtlinien zur sachgerechten Anwendung von Antiinfektiva zu beachten. Gegenanzeigen: Überempfi ndlichkeit gegen den Wirkstoff, gegen andere Rifamycin-Derivate oder einen der sonstigen Bestandteile. Nebenwirkungen: Die am häufi gsten beobachteten Nebenwirkungen in klinischen Studien waren gastrointestinale Symptome, Müdigkeit und Fieber, die alle auch auf die zugrunde liegende Krankheit zurückgeführt werden können. Gastrointestinale Symptome wurden in klinischen Studien unter Behandlung mit Xifaxan mit derselben Häufi gkeit festgestellt wie bei Patienten, die mit Placebo behandelt wurden. Alle anderen Nebenwirkungen traten gelegentlich auf. Infektionen und parasitäre Erkrankungen: Gelegentlich: Herpes simplex, Nasopharyngitis, Pharyngitis, Infektionen der oberen Atemwege. Erkrankungen des Blutes und des Lymphsystems: Gelegentlich: Lymphozytose, Monozytose, Neutropenie. Stoffwechsel- und Ernährungsstörungen: Gelegentlich: Anorexie, Dehydration. Psychiatrische Erkrankungen: Gelegentlich: Abnormale Träume, depressive Verstimmung, Schlafl osigkeit, Nervosität. Erkrankungen des Nervensystems: Häufi g: Benommenheit, Kopfschmerz. Gelegentlich: Ageusie, Hypästhesie, Migräne, Sinusitis-Kopfschmerz, Somnolenz. Augenerkrankungen: Gelegentlich: Diplopie. Erkrankungen des Ohrs und des Labyrinths: Gelegentlich: Ohrenschmerzen, Schwindel. Gefäßerkrankungen: Gelegentlich: Hitzewallungen. Erkrankungen der Atemwege, des Brustraums und Mediastinums: Gelegentlich: Husten, trockene Kehle, Dyspnoe, verstopfte Nase, Rachen-/Kehlkopfschmerzen, Rhinorrhö. Erkrankungen des Gastrointestinaltrakts: Sehr häufi g: Blähungen. Häufi g: Abdominelles Spannungsgefühl, Bauchschmerzen, Verstopfung, Stuhldrang, Übelkeit, Tenesmus ani, Erbrechen. Gelegentlich: Oberbauchschmerzen, Diarrhö, Dyspepsie, Störungen der gastrointestinalen Motilität, trockene Lippen, Hämatochezie, schleimiger Stuhl. Erkrankungen der Haut und des Unterhautzellgewebes: Gelegentlich: Ausschlag, kalter Schweiß, fl eckiger Hautausschlag, Hyperhidrose. Skelettmuskulatur, Bindegewebs- und Knochenerkrankungen: Gelegentlich: Rückenschmerzen, Muskelkrämpfe, Muskelschwäche, Myalgie, Nackenschmerzen. Erkrankungen der Nieren und Harnwege: Gelegentlich: Glykosurie, Pollakisurie, Polyurie, Proteinurie. Erkrankungen der Geschlechtsorgane und der Brustdrüse: Gelegentlich: Polymenorrhö. Allgemeine Erkrankungen und Beschwerden am Verabreichungsort: Häufi g: Erschöpfung, Pyrexie. Gelegentlich: Asthenie, Beschwerden im Brustraum, Schmerzen im Brustraum, Missempfi ndungen, grippeähnliche Erkrankungen, Schmerzen, Frösteln. Verletzung, Vergiftung: Gelegentlich: Sonnenbrand. Untersuchungen: Gelegentlich: Erhöhter Blutdruck, erhöhte Aspartat-Aminotransferase-Werte, Blut im Urin. Handelsform: PVC-Al-Blisterpackung mit 12 Filmtabletten. Verschreibungspfl ichtig. Stand: 08/2008. Norgine GmbH, Postfach 1840, Marburg, Telefon: /9852-0, Fax: / , Internet: Distribution supported by OLYMPUS EUROPA HOLDING GMBH 2 3

3 FOREWORD Prof. Friedrich Hagenmüller (Asklepios Hospital Altona), Prof. Thomas Rösch (University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf) and Siegbert Faiss, MD (Asklepios Hospital Barmbek) Welcome to the 18 th ENDOCLUBNORD! The innovative impetus of endoscopy continues! ENDO CLUB NORD will provide you with valuable insights into current advances. There is nothing comparable to practical demonstrations of effi cient endoscopy, putting hand and sense to the good of our patients. Since its founding in 1991 ENDO CLUB NORD has been pursuing this motto. The two new course directors of the younger generation, Siegbert Faiss and Thomas Rösch, have taken over from the founding fathers Wurbs and Soehendra adding impetus to this event. Together we endeavour to demonstrate the most innovative and the most important new developments in modern endoscopy to create great learning opportunities relying on top experts from all over the world. Friedrich Hagenmüller Asklepios Hospital Altona Thomas Rösch University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf Siegbert Faiss Asklepios Hospital Barmbek 5

4 EXPERTEN 2008 EXPERTS 2010 HONORARY PRESIDENT HONORARY MEMBER SPECIAL AMBASSADOR Bernd Seguin Hamburg, Germany Hiroyuki Sasa Tokyo, Japan Prof. Nib Soehendra Hamburg, Germany Prof. Lars E. Aabakken Rikshospitalet University Hospital Prof. Hans-Dieter Allescher Klinikum Garmisch-Partenkirchen Oslo, Norway Prof. Gustavo B. Baretton Universitätsklinikum Carl Gustav Carus Dresden, Germany Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany Ulrike Beilenhoff Chairwoman of the DEGEA and ESGENA-Past-President Ulm, Germany Michael Bläker, MD Gastropraxis Eppendorfer Baum Hamburg, Germany Prof. Jacques Devière Erasme University Hospital Brussels, Belgium Nicole Bouvy, MD University Hospital Maastricht Maastricht, the Netherlands Thomas Eisenbach, MD Gastroenterologische Praxis Leverkusen, Germany 6 7

5 Falk Symposia and Workshops EXPERTS 2010 Prof. Paul Fockens Academic Medical Center Prof. Wolfgang M. Heckl General director of the German Museum Amsterdam, the Netherlands Munich, Germany Rita Hieber Klinikum Augsburg Sigrun Kauertz St. Josefshospital Dortmund-Hörde Augsburg, Germany Dortmund, Germany Falk Workshop Liver and Immunology Regensburg, Germany January 27 28, 2011 Falk Symposium 177 Endoscopy Live Berlin 2011 Intestinal Disease Meeting Berlin, Germany April 15 16, 2011 Falk Symposium 178 Diverticular Disease A Fresh Approach to a Neglected Disease Cologne, Germany September 2 3, 2011 Falk Symposium 179 Revisiting IBD Management: Dogmas to be Challenged Brussels, Belgium September 30 October 1, 2011 Falk Symposium 180 IBD 2011: Progress and Future for Lifelong Management Tokyo, Japan November 11 12, 2011 Prof. Peter Layer Israelitisches Krankenhaus Hamburg, Germany Peter N. Meier, MD Diakoniekrankenhaus Henriettenstiftung Hanover, Germany Prof. Ibrahim Mostafa Wady El Neel Hospital Prof. Christos Mavrogiannis Kappodistrian University of Athens Athens, Greece Prof. Helmut Messmann Klinikum Augsburg Augsburg, Germany Prof. Horst Neuhaus Evangelisches Krankenhaus Cairo, Egypt Duesseldorf, Germany Congress Division Tel: +49 (0)761/ Fax: +49 (0)761/ 8 9

6 EXPERTEN 2010 EXPERTS 2010 Gabriele Niemann, MD HELIOS Klinikum Emil von Behring Berlin, Germany Michael Oelckers, MD Albertinen Krankenhaus Hamburg, Germany Prof. Karl-Jürgen Oldhafer Asklepios Klinik Barmbek Ute Pfeifer Evangelisches Krankenhaus Hamburg, Germany Duesseldorf, Germany Prof. Thierry Ponchon Hôpital Edouard Herriot Gerald Poschmann, MD Gastroenterologische Praxis Lyon, France Darmstadt, Germany Prof. István Rácz Petz Aladár Teaching Hospital Prof. Paulo Sakai University of São Paulo Gyor, Hungary Sao Paulo, Brazil Prof. Ingolf Schiefke Klinikum St. Georg Prof. Wolfgang Schmitt Klinikum Neuperlach Leipzig, Germany Munich, Germany 10 11

7 EXPERTEN 2009 EXPERTS 2010 COOK 2010 ESC-IADV-HWECNC-EN Prof. Rainer Schöfl Krankenhaus der Elisabethinen Linz Linz, Austria Prof. Jürgen Schölmerich Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Germany Prof. Stefan Schreiber Universitätsklinikum Schleswig- Holstein Campus Kiel Kiel, Germany Prof. Hans-Joachim Schulz Sana Klinikum Lichtenberg Oskar-Ziethen-Krankenhaus Berlin, Germany Prof. Wolfgang Schwenk Asklepios Klinik Altona Prof. Stefan Seewald Klinik Hirslanden Dilate with strength and accuracy. Hamburg, Germany Zurich, Switzerland To effectively manage strictures in the esophagus, pylorus, duodenum and colon, you need a strong balloon that can be accurately staged. When you choose the Cook Hercules, you get both. Thanks to the exclusive P.E.T. Flex technology, this balloon balances exceptional strength and staging accuracy. And now, for clinician preference, the Hercules is available with a preloaded wire guide. Cook Medical Delivering innovative solutions to enhance clinical outcomes. Data on file at Cook Medical. Uwe Seitz, MD Kreiskrankenhaus Bergstraße Heppenheim, Germany Kornelia Wietfeld Paracelsus-Klinik der Stadt Marl Marl, Germany Prof. Joseph JY Sung Prince of Wales Hospital Hong Kong, China Prof. Naohisa Yahagi Keio University School of Medicine Tokyo, Japan AORTIC INTERVENTION CRITICAL CARE ENDOSCOPY INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY LEAD MANAGEMENT PERIPHERAL INTERVENTION SURGERY UROLOGY WOMEN S HEALTH 12 13

8 PROGRAM 2010 PROGRAM 2010 Friday, November 5, a.m a.m. Opening and Introduction President: Friedrich Hagenmüller, Hamburg Honorary President: Bernd Seguin, Hamburg Honorary Member: Hiroyuki Sasa, Tokyo a.m a.m. Endoscopy live, Part 1 Video Broadcast from the three Hospitals: Asklepios Hospitals Altona and Barmbek and University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf a.m a.m. Nano-Medicine Wolfgang Heckl, Munich Sponsored by Sparda-Bank a.m a.m. Endoscopy live, Part a.m a.m. Coffee Break and Visit of the Industry Exhibition a.m p.m. Endoscopy live, Part p.m p.m. Endoscopic Hemostasis with Nano-Spray Joseph Sung, Hong Kong p.m p.m. Lunch Break and Visit of the Industry Exhibition p.m p.m. Endoscopy live, Part p.m p.m. Customized Colon Cleansing Michael Bläker, Hamburg Ferring Lecture p.m p.m. Endoscopy live, Part p.m p.m. Coffee Break and Visit of the Industry Exhibition p.m p.m. Endoscopic Cancer Treatment: How far can we go? Wolfgang Schmitt, Munich Norgine Lecture Saturday, November 6, a.m a.m. Friday s Highlights Discussion and Comments, Part 1 Gustavo B. Baretton, Dresden Peter Layer, Hamburg Jürgen Schölmerich, Frankfurt a.m a.m. Movement for the Constipated Bowel? Peter Layer, Hamburg Movetis Lecture a.m a.m. Friday s Highlights Discussion and Comments, Part a.m a.m. Coffee Break and Visit of the Industry Exhibition a.m a.m. Endo-Dialogue Mucosal Healing in IBD: Reasonable Concept? Key Role of Endoscopy? Stefan Schreiber, Kiel Jürgen Schölmerich, Frankfurt a.m p.m. Friday s Highlights Discussion and Comments, Part p.m p.m. Therapy of Obesity and Diabetes: The Role of Flexible Endoscopy Jacques Devière, Brussels p.m p.m. Video Case Competition Moderation: Uwe Seitz, Heppenheim p.m p.m. Closing Words and Invitation to the 19 th ENDOCLUBNORD November 4 5, p.m p.m. Endoscopy live, Part

9 INFORMATIONEN ZUR ANMELDUNG GENERAL INFORMATION Zystendrainage-Set nach Dr. C. Grotjahn Das Zystendrainage-Set wurde für die endoskopische Punktion von Zysten unter Einsatz von HF-Strom entwickelt und ermöglicht es, ohne Instrumentenwechsel die aufgesteckte Endoprothese zur Zystendrainage zu platzieren. HF-Punktionsnadel kann für den Wechsel auf einen Führungsdraht inch entfernt werden. Dilatator Endoskopie M A N U F A K T U R Congress Presidents Prof. Friedrich Hagenmüller Asklepios Hospital Altona Siegbert Faiss, MD Asklepios Hospital Barmbek Prof. Thomas Rösch University Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf Internet Zystendrainage Regelrechte Lage des Zystostoms nach Punktion der Zyste unter Einsatz des HF-Stroms Venue CCH Congress Center Hamburg Marseiller Straße Hamburg Germany Pusher Congress COCS GmbH Congress Organisation C. Schaefer Organization Franz-Joseph-Str Munich Germany Phone: +49 (0) Fax: +49 (0) HF-Anschluss Bestell-Nr. Außen-Ø in Ch Gesamtlänge (cm) Endoskopische Kontrolle der effektiven Drainage Besondere Merkmale 8,5 Zystostom mit Pusher und Endoprothese 8,5 Ch. Opening hours Thursday, November 4, p.m p.m. registration desk Friday, November 5, a.m p.m. Saturday, November 6, a.m p.m. Congress Language Liability MTW-Endoskopie W. Haag KG Goldsbergstraße 18 D Wesel Telefon: +49 (0) Telefax: +49 (0) The congress languages are German and English with simultaneous interpreting throughout the event. The congress organizer will bear no liability for loss, accident, damage or injury to persons or property irrespective of the cause. The client participates at all sessions, tours and events at his/her own risk. Sole place of jurisdiction is Munich, Germany. German law is applicable.

10 REGISTRATION EXHIBITORS Registration fee Payment received by Oct.1, 2010 from Oct.2, 2010 Doctor Assistance (evidence enclosed) Nurse Student (evidence enclosed) The ENDOCLUBNORD is grateful for the support of its sponsors and exhibitors: Olympus Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg, Germany Team Ticket: 1 doctor and 2 nurses doctor and 3 nurses doctor and 4 nurses Registration We encourage you to use our website or to complete the enclosed registration form at page 29/30 of the program. The final registration date is October 26, After this date registration at the congress venue only. Mode of payment On your bank transfer please indicate ECN2010 and the name of the participant and transfer the money to the following account: COCS GmbH, Munich, Germany Account: Bank code: HypoVereinsbank Munich IBAN: DE SWIFT/BIC: HYVEDEMMXXX Congress documents For payments received before October 20, 2010 by participants from Germany, Austria and Switzerland the personal conference documents will be sent by post before the congress. To avoid unnecessary delays the final conference program and your badge holder will be available in the entrance hall of the CCH. Cancellation Cancellation in writing must be received not later than October 20, A service fee of 20 will be deducted from the refund amount. Registration fees will not be refunded if cancellations are received at a later date. Certification Confirmation of participation will be issued to all participants at the end of the congress. The congress will be certified internationally and by the Ärztekammer (General Medical Council) Hamburg. Public transportation free of charge You will be entitled to use Hamburg s entire public transport system for the duration of the conference. The network includes buses, S-Bahn (overground trains) and U-Bahn (underground metro system) as well as some of the harbour ferries. Your name badge will be valid as your ticket. Ferring Arzneimittel GmbH, Kiel, Germany Norgine GmbH, Marburg, Germany Boston Scientific Medizintechnik GmbH, Ratingen, Germany Cook Deutschland GmbH, Moenchengladbach, Germany Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH, Tuebingen, Germany Essex Pharma GmbH, Munich, Germany Dr. Falk Pharma GmbH, Freiburg, Germany medwork medical products and services GmbH, Hoechstadt, Germany Merckle Recordati GmbH, Ulm, Germany Movetis GmbH, Ratingen, Germany MTW Endoskopie, Wesel, Germany US Endoscopy, Mentor, USA 18 19

11 ZIMMERRESERVIERUNG ARRIVAL You will be entitled to use Hamburg s entire public transport system for the duration of the conference. The network includes buses, S-Bahn (overground trains) and U-Bahn (underground metro system) as well as some of the harbour ferries. Your name badge will be valid as your ticket. Delivering proven stent solutions for you. Expanding treatment options for your patients. For more than two decades. Each year, physicians worldwide place approximately 100,000 Boston Scientific self-expanding GI stents, including the WALLSTENT Endoprosthesis, Ultraflex Stent and our newest technology, the WallFlex Stent. These are stents you know and trust, cited in hundreds of journal articles and chosen by you for their clinical efficacy and consistent performance. Every day, our field representatives work with your clinical teams, sharing their knowledge and experience and providing hands-on training and support. Yesterday, today and tomorrow we continue to advance stent technologies that make more treatment options possible and improve patient care. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch an unserem Stand. Richtung Neumünster/Kiel Dauenhof Horst Barmstedt Brunnenstraße Voßloch Richtung Itzehoe/Husum Richtung Cuxhaven Hammah Stade Agathenburg Richtung Bremerhaven Kutenholz Brest-Aspe Tornesch Dollern Wedel Horneburg Barmstedt Bokholt Sparrieshoop Langenmoor Elmshorn Prisdorf Pinneberg Neukloster Bargstedt Harsefeld Ruschwedel Apensen Nur zeitweilig/ limited services Nicht alle Regionalverkehrszüge halten an jedem Bahnhof Not all regional trains stop at all stations Fernbahnhof Main-Line Station Alveslohe Langeln Thesdorf Halstenbek Krupunder Elbgaustraße Großbereich Hamburg Buxtehude Rissen Sülldorf Iserbrook Blankenese Hochkamp Quickborn Süd Hasloh Bönningstedt Klein Flottbek Burgwedel Schnelsen Hörgensweg Eidelstedt Zentrum (Botanischer Garten) Haltestellen Schnellbahn-/Regionalverkehr Rapid Transit-/Regional Rail-Stations Großbereichsgrenze Greater Hamburg boundary nicht im HVV not inside HVV network Parken und Reisen park and ride Tanneneck Ellerau Quickborn Othmarschen Bahrenfeld Neu Wulmstorf Niendorf Nord Schippelsweg Joachim-Mähl-Straße Niendorf Markt Hagenbecks Tierpark Hagendeel Lutterothstraße Osterstraße Emilienstraße Christuskirche Diebsteich Schlump Holstenstraße Altona Königstraße Reeperbahn Neugraben Sternschanze (Messe) Feldstraße (Heiligengeistfeld) St. Pauli Landungsbrücken Baumwall Neuwiedenthal Rödingsmarkt Richtung Neumünster Boostedt Großenaspe Wiemersdorf Bad Bramstedt Bad Bramstedt Kurhaus Lentföhrden Nützen dodenhof Holstentherme Kaltenkirchen Kaltenkirchen Süd Ulzburg Süd Eidelstedt Stellingen Arena Langenfelde Fischbek Barrierefreier Zugang zu den Schnellbahnen Infos zum barrierefreien Zugang zu den Regionalbahnen unter Tel Barrier-free access to the rapid transit trains Information on barrier-free access to the regional trains on tel Henstedt-Ulzburg Sengelmannstraße (City Nord) Messehallen Meeschensee Haslohfurth Quickborner Straße Friedrichsgabe Moorbekhalle (Schulzentrum Nord) Dammtor (Messe / CCH) Gänsemarkt (Oper) Rathaus Tostedt Richtung Bremen Heimfeld Klosterstern Alster Hallerstraße Sprötze Norderstedt Mitte Richtweg Garstedt Ochsenzoll Kiwittsmoor Langenhorn Nord Langenhorn Markt Fuhlsbüttel Nord Fuhlsbüttel Klein Borstel Hamburg Airport (Flughafen) Stephansplatz (Oper/CCH) Jungfernstieg Meßberg Sierichstraße Steinstraße Harburg Rathaus Hittfeld Klecken Ohlsdorf Buchholz Suerhop Holm-Seppensen Büsenbachtal Handeloh Richtung Soltau Schnellbahn-/Regionalverkehr Rapid Transit /Regional Rail Infos Fahrpläne Service Borgweg (Stadtpark) Saarlandstraße Nord Hauptbahnhof Central Station Süd Poppenbüttel Wellingsbüttel Hoheneichen Kornweg (Klein Borstel) Rübenkamp (City Nord) Himmelpforten Mönckebergstraße Stadthausbrücke Eppendorfer Baum Hoheluftbrücke Alte Wöhr (Stadtpark) Dehnhaide Hamburger Straße Mundsburg Uhlandstraße Lübecker Straße Lohmühlenstraße Hammerbrook (City Süd) Veddel (BallinStadt) Wilhelmsburg Harburg Meckelfeld Maschen Hoisbüttel Habichtstraße Barmbek Berliner Tor Ohlstedt Volksdorf Trabrennbahn Buckhorn Meiendorfer Weg Stelle Ashausen Berne Farmsen Ritterstraße Wartenau Landwehr Approach by car: car park 2 per hour, 14 per day Rothenburgsort Tiefstack Winsen Richtung Neumünster Rickling Wahlstedt Fahrenkrug Richtung Lübeck Bad Segeberg Altengörs Reinfeld Wakendorf Fresenburg Bad Oldesloe Kupfermühle Gartenholz Bargteheide vsl. Dez 2009 Ahrensburg Friedrichsberg Alsterdorf Lattenkamp (Sporthalle) Hudtwalckerstraße Kellinghusenstraße Wandsbek- Gartenstadt Buchenkamp Ahrensburg West Alter Teichweg Straßburger Straße Wandsbek Markt Wandsbeker Chaussee Hasselbrook Billwerder-Moorfleet Mittlerer Landweg Stand/Date of issue 29. Juni 2009 Allermöhe Nettelnburg Bergedorf Radbruch Rahlstedt Tonndorf Wandsbek HVV Bardowick Ahrensburg Ost Schmalenbeck Kiekut Großhansdorf Reinbek Wohltorf Großbereich Hamburg Burgstraße Hammer Kirche Rauhes Haus Horner Rennbahn Legienstraße Billstedt Merkenstraße Steinfurther Allee Mümmelmannsberg Aumühle Lüneburg Richtung Uelzen Lauenburg Echem Friedrichsruh Schwarzenbek Müssen Wendisch Evern Richtung Lübeck Ratzeburg Mölln Büchen Richtung Schwerin/Rostock Vastorf Bavendorf Dahlenburg Neetzendorf Göhrde Richtung Dannenberg The law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indications, contraindications, warnings and instructions for use can be found in the product labelling supplied with each device. Copyright 2009 by Boston Scientific Corporation or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Data on file Boston Scientific Corporation. PSST

12 ANFAHRT ARRIVAL US Endoscopy is listening... and delivering solutions We are pleased to present our next generation of problem solving devices including the Velocity irrigation system, Entrada colonic overtube and the Exacto cold snare. Be sure to visit us at our exhibit to see what s new! Special offer by Deutsche Bahn (German Railways) exclusively for congress participants By train beginning at 99 to the ENDOCLUBNORD (round-trip) Travel relaxed and economical to Hamburg from any German train station. Preserve your travel budget and protect the environment. The price for a round-trip ticket* to Hamburg, Germany amounts: 2. class class 159 Photo Credit: DBAG All trains of the Deutsche Bahn can be used with this special offer, including the ICE. For the ICE-Sprinter and the Deutsche Bahn night train additional costs apply. The ticket is not valid in the public transportation system HVV (Hamburg Verkehrsverbund). The tickets are valid between November 3 and 8, The special offer is bookable with immediate effect under the hotline +49 (0) ** keyword: ECN. Please be aware that these tickets cannot be combined with other special offers of the Deutsche Bahn. The price for retaining a seat is not included in above mentioned ticket prices. Payment can be made by your personal credit card. You can pick up your ticket at on of the ticket machines (Fernverkehrs-Ticketautomat = NTA) of the Deutsche Bahn. For identification please use your personal credit card number. * Deadline for booking at least 3 days in advance. With reservation for a specific train and sale as long as available. Conversion and refund before the 1. day of validity 15, from the 1. day of validity excluded. ** Phone charges from the power line of the Deutsche Telekom AG will be charged with 14 ct/min., the hotline is accessible from Monday to Saturday from 8:00 21:00. Details without guarantee

13 HOTEL RESERVATION HOTEL RESERVATION Room-contingents have been reserved in several hotels for the period November 4 6, In accordance with room availability, participants can book a room until September 23, 2010 under the keyword ENDO CLUB NORD. Please note that another big event will be taking place in Hamburg at the same time and hotels will be booked out early. All prices stated are per night and include breakfast, VAT and service. Hotels Address/Rates Hotels Hotel am Dammtor approx. 5 min. walking distance to the CCH Address/Rates Schlüterstraße 2, Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) , Fax: +49 (0) single room: 120/double room: 155 Radisson Blu Hotel combined with the CCH Marseiller Str. 2, Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) , Fax: +49 (0) single room: 165/double room: 175 Best Western Hotel St. Raphael approx. 5 min. by car to the CCH approx. 7 min. walking distance to the Central Station Adenauerallee 41, Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) , Fax: +49 (0) single room: 109/double room: 129 Renaissance Hotel Hamburg approx. 8 min. walking distance to the CCH Große Bleichen, Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) , Fax: +49 (0) single room: 179/double room: 199 Hotel Baseler Hof approx. 5 min. walking distance to the CCH Esplanade 11, Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) , Fax: +49 (0) single room: 99/double room: 145 Mercure Hotel Hamburg an der Messe approx. 10 min. walking distance to the CCH Schröderstiftstr. 3, Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) , Fax: +49 (0) single room: 132/double room: 149 Hotel Bellmoor approx. 5 min. walking distance to the CCH Moorweidenstr. 34, Hamburg, Germany Phone: +49 (0) , Fax: +49 (0) single room: 99/double room:

14 Marcus Venzke KOOPERATION CITY MAP 22 27

15 INFORMATION REGISTRATION FORM I will participate at the ENDOCLUBNORD 2010 as: Payment received by Oct.1, 2010 from Oct.2, 2010 Please cut off and send in a window envelope. The address is matched with. Registration also at: Doctor Assistance (evidence enclosed) Nurse Student (evidence enclosed) Team-Ticket 1 doctor and 2 nurses doctor and 3 nurses doctor and 4 nurses Names of the nurses attending (last name, first name): Payment Please deposit the total amount to the account indicated below: COCS GmbH, Munich, Germany HypoVereinsbank Munich Account: Bank code: IBAN: DE SWIFT/BIC: HYVEDEMMXXX Keyword: ECN2010 and name of participant Date, Signature 24 29

16 Titel Last name First name Department Hospital/Institute/Practice Street Postal Code City Area Code Phone Area Code Fax For statistical reasons: office-based physician hospital-based doctor Specialization: gastroenterology surgery internal medicine others SAVE THE DATE ENDOCLUBNORD November 4 5, 2011 NOTIZEN ENDO CLUB NORD 2009 Endlich, die geschmackvolle Darmreinigung! NEU REGISTRATION Register by postal mail or online: COCS GmbH Congress Organisation C. Schaefer Franz-Joseph-Str Munich Germany Überzeugende Sauberkeit 1 durch zweifachen Wirkmechanismus 2 Hohe Compliance 3 durch einfache Anwendung und frischen Orangengeschmack Hervorragende Verträglichkeit 3, geeignet für Kinder ab 1 Jahr 2 1 Love, J et al. Can J Gastroenterol 2009; 23: Fachinformation 3 Hookey, LC. AM J Gastroenterol 2009; 104 (3): MAGNESIUMCITRAT + NATRIUMPICOSULFAT Einfach. Sauber. PICOPREP Pulver zur Herstellung einer Lösung zum Einnehmen Zus.: Jeder Beutel (16,1 g) enthält Natriumpicosulfat, Magnesiumoxid, Citronensäure. Sonstige Bestandteile: Kaliumhydrogencarbonat, Saccharin-Natrium. Anw.: Für Kinder ab 1 Jahr: Zur Darmreinigung vor Röntgenuntersuchungen, endoskopischen Untersuchungen oder chirurgischen Eingriffen. Gegenanz.: Überempfindlichkeit, dekompensierte Herzinsuffizienz, Retention von Mageninhalt, gastrointestinale Ulcera, toxische Kolitis, toxisches Megakolon, Ileus, Übelkeit, Erbrechen, abdominale chir. Notfälle, z. B. akute Appendizitis, Obstruktion, Perforation, schwere Dehydratation, Rhabdomyolyse, Hypermagnesiämie, aktive entzündl. Darmerkrankung, stark eingeschränkte Nierenfunktion. Warnhinw.: Enthält 5 mmol Kalium, enthält Lactose. Nebenw.: Häufig: Kopfschmerzen, Übelkeit, Proktalgie. Gelegentlich: Anaphylaktische Reaktion, Überempfindlichkeit, Hyponatriämie, Hypokaliämie, Epilepsie, Grand-Mal-Anfall, Krampfanfälle, Verwirrtheit, Erbrechen, aphthoide Ulcera im Ileum, Bauchschmerzen, Hautausschlag, Urtikaria, Pruritus, Purpura. Häufigkeit nicht bekannt: Diarrhoe, Stuhlinkontinenz. Apothekenpflichtig. Stand: Juli FERRING Arzneimittel GmbH, Fabrikstraße 7, Kiel, Tel.: , Fax: , 30 27

Dein exklusiver. Shopping Guide. für Hamburg

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Neumünster Eidelstedt ( Hamburg Hbf)

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