Warstein statt Berlin: Wie bekommen wir die Talente erfolgreich zu uns in die Provinz?

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Warstein statt Berlin: Wie bekommen wir die Talente erfolgreich zu uns in die Provinz? Martin König Team Lead Talent Attraction Infineon Technologies AG

Wer bin ich? Name: Martin König Alter: 37 Jahre Wohnort: Düsseldorf früher u.a. Münster, Hannover, Nürnberg, Soest Studium: 2003 2007 European Business Studies (Diplom) Hochschule Osnabrück 2011 2013 Kommunikationsmanagement & Dialogmarketing (Master of Arts) Universität Kassel Beruf: 2007 2012 Personalberater seit 11/2013 Team Lead Talent Attraction Infineon Technologies AG 2

Infineon at a glance Business Segments Automotive 17% (ATV) 31% 42% 10% Revenue FY 2017 Industrial Power Control (IPC) Power Management & Multimarket (PMM) Chip Card & Security (CCS) Employees Around 37,500 employees worldwide (as of Sept. 2017) Americas 3,850 employees 36 R&D locations 17 manufacturing locations Europe 15,650 employees Asia/Pacific 18,000 employees Financials [EUR m] 3,843 4,320 5,795 6,473 7,063 Market Position Automotive Power Smart card ICs 14.4% 15.5% 15.2% 17.1% 9.8% 377 620 897 982 1208 FY 13 FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 Revenue Segment Result Margin # 2 # 1 Strategy Analytics, April 2018 IHS Markit*, Technology Group, August 2017 # 1 IHS Markit*, Technology Group, July 2017 3

Worldwide manufacturing sites frontend and backend San Jose Leominster Warstein Dresden Kulim Beijing Wuxi Cheonan Mesa Singapore Temecula Tijuana Regensburg Villach Cegléd Melaka Batam Frontend Backend Status: 30 April 2018 4

Standort Warstein ~2 000 Mitarbeiter/innen 5

Impressionen aus dem Sauerland 6

Infineon Warstein Alle Abteilungen an einem Standort Production Quality Management Development Infineon Warstein Purchase Marketing Sales/ Logistics 7

Warstein? Warstein! Erklärungsbedürftiger Standortvorteil!!! 8

Where did we come from? Situation in Germany & Austria, until January 2014 Recruiting-Prozess has been outsourced since 2003 Hiring Manager writes the job ad, no quality check 10 year old career website, no social media presence, recruiting a la post & pray Applying online takes applicants 30 Minutes No success measurement possible Since then a lot had happened State-of-the-art career website: Attractive job ads with relevant content: 37.000 fans on facebook 90 second application: Alignment Meetings: TRM, ie newsletters Measuring cost & KPIs 9

Standort Warstein + 200 neue MINT-MA (2014-2017) Abschluss 24% 1% 4% 4% 12% Geselle Staatlich geprüft Bachelor Berufserfahrung 23% 32% Master Diplom Promotion Andere 23% Absolvent 49% Young Professional 28% Professional Geschlecht 17% 83% männlich Weiblich 10

Standort Warstein + 200 neue MINT-MA (2014-2017) Studiengang WIRTSCHAFTSINGENIEURWESEN/ INGENIEURWESEN 1 3 2 8 PHYSIK 6 5 21 MASCHINENBAU 5 7 8 14 INGENIEURWESEN ELEKTROTECHNIK/ ENERGIETECHNIK 1 2 1 6 8 14 17 21 CHEMIE 1 6 0 5 10 15 20 25 Andere Promotion Diplom Master Bachelor 11

Guideline for successful recruiting A fast recruiting process that focuses on the candidate is the backbone of your success The magic happens when you combine Recruiting with Talent Marketing There is nothing like the one perfect way, the right mix out of many activities leads to success Know and understand your target group(s) and be authentic in your communication 12

Guideline for successful recruiting A fast recruiting process that focuses on the candidate is the backbone of your success The magic happens when you combine Recruiting with Talent Marketing There is nothing like the one perfect way, the right mix out of many activities leads to success Know and understand your target group(s) and be authentic in your communication 13

Das Ziel: Verbessern der Kandidatenerfahrung - Candidate Experience Der Recruiting Prozess ist so gestaltet, dass die Kandidaten jeden Kontakt zu Infineon positiv wahrnehmen. Schlüssel für eine positive Kandidatenerfahrung: Speed Warum wollen wir eine positive Kandidatenerfahrung? 80% aller Kandidaten sprechen über mit Freunden und Verwandten ihre Erfahrungen Eine negative Erfahrung schadet der Employer Brand Source: Candidate Experience Studie 2014 stellenanzeigen.de meta HR 14

Das Ziel: Verbessern der Kandidatenerfahrung - Candidate Experience Der Recruiting Prozess ist so gestaltet, dass die Kandidaten jeden Kontakt zu Infineon positiv wahrnehmen. 15

Mindset-Change: Walk Away Messages for Hiring Manager You are the DRIVER! Hiring is not a sideshow, but one of your key responsibilities & priorities as manager Planning is crucial, otherwise the hiring process is slow and ineffective Speed is everything in the War for Talent be responsive & quick The candidate is KING! In a more and more competitive candidate market the roles are reversed We have to convince the candidates of us as Brand Ambassadors A positive Candidate Experience throughout the whole process is a competitive advantage Get SUPPORT! The TAM is always there for you Involve your team and nominate a substitute if needed Use our information material and intranet site Talents are everybody s business! 16

Wir arbeiten eng mit Hiring Managern zusammen für schnellen Erfolg TAM Hiring Manager Auftragsklärung vor jedem Job um Stellenkriterien, Kandidatenanforderung und Sourcing Strategie zu diskutieren und Erwartungen abzugleichen Hiring Manager aktivieren ihr Netzwerk in XING & LinkedIn, mit Unterstützung durch TAMs und dem Handbuch How To Contribute 17

Guideline for successful recruiting A fast recruiting process that focuses on the candidate is the backbone of your success The magic happens when you combine Recruiting with Talent Marketing There is nothing like the one perfect way, the right mix out of many activities leads to success Know and understand your target group(s) and be authentic in your communication 18

Integrierte Videos in den Stellenanzeigen: Hier stellt sich der Chef & sein Team vor! Um den Kandidaten/innen einen realistischen und authentischen Eindruck ihres zukünftigen Arbeitsplatzes zu vermitteln => Recruiting auf Augenhöhe Job Ad Video produced in-house 19

Introduction Recruiting Task Force Ramp-up Project Goal: increase production capacity High demand for Power Modules for e- mobility applications Approval of new positions: June 30th (External) Publication of first positions: July 1st Recruiting Task Force Goal: Hire 28 new employees as soon as possible Avoid Headhunter Costs Use internal sources Use HIRE4IFX Collaboration HM & HR Weekly reporting Work together at eye-level Focus on speed in recruiting process Act as internal consultant, from posting to filling Metrics Goal: Measure effectiveness Jobboards / channels Derive necessary measures Applicants / interviews Departments involved: 10 HM involved: More than 20 Additional challenge: Summer holidays Action Recruiting Activities Marketing Activities Adapt Lessons Learned Time to hire Create awareness for Recruiting Ramp up Communicate storyline to target groups Present IFX as an employer of choice 20

Facebook- & Twitterkampagne 21

XING- & LinkedIn-Aktivitäten (IFX Corporate Channel & diverse Postings) 22

Radio Kampagne Instandhalter Radio Kampagne mit Fokus auf Instandhalter Anzahl: 40 Radiospots Zeitraum: Drei Wochen mit Fokus Arbeitszeitbeginn & -ende (Morgens & Nachmittags) Spotdauer: 24 sec. main spot + 12 sec. reminder spot Reichweite: Etwa 100.000 Hörer täglich 23

What did we do A fast recruiting process that focuses on the candidate is the backbone of your success The magic happens when you combine Recruiting with Talent Marketing There is nothing like the one perfect way, the right mix out of many activities leads to success Know and understand your target group(s) and be authentic in your communication 24

How we generate hires: A talent attraction portfolio Online Job boards Business Networks SEO & SEM 80% of job searches start at Our Hub: Career Website 70.000 unique visitors / month 90 second application #1 channel for applications & hires High-Tech After-Works candidates meet hiring managers so far 32% hire rate Face-to-Face Job Bags for industry fairs Social Media Career Fairs Internal Internal posting & job alert Hire4IFX Business Lunch Internal female talents meet hiring managers Hires Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) Nurturing Relations 2nd best candidates Exclusive programs Newsletters, Job Blasts, Birthday Mails Infineon Campeon Top Student Pool Infineon Alumnis Employee Profile so far 40% hiring rate CRM Programm 25

Wie werden Bewerber/innen auf unseren Standort in Warstein aufmerksam? Übersicht direkte Stellenanzeigen Infineon Homepage (extern) & Intranet Jobboard (intern) Online-Stellenbörsen (u.a. Stepstone, Indeed, Ingenieurkarriere) Regionale Stellenbörsen (Karriere-Südwestfalen) Infineon Facebook Career Channel, Twitter-Kanal XING und LinkedIn Weitere Plattformen wie z.b. Universitäten, Verbände (EPCE) Weitere Recruiting-Aktivitäten Eigene Warstein Homepage => 5 Gute Gründe für Warstein Regelmäßiger Karriere-Newsletter (Professional / Students) (Karriere-)Messen (Bonding, VDI, PCIM, Karrieretag etc.) Virtuelle Karriere-Messen (MindMap; Twitter-Karriere-Messe) Recruiting-Events (z.b. High-Tech After Work) Kooperation mit dem Regionalmarketingverband Südwestfalen e.v. Kooperationen mit Hochschulen (z.b. Bewerbungstraining; Gastvorlesungen; Prämierung Abschlussarbeiten) Standortbesichtigungen (z.b. VDE / VDI) Active Sourcing bzw. Poolsearch via TRM-Tool Teilnahme an Aktionen wie z.b. der Campus Tour Standort-Sammelstelle für Studentenanfragen 26

Die wichtigsten Rekrutierungskanäle Recruiting-Kanäle No 1: Mitarbeiterempfehlungen No 2: Karriere-Website No 3: Intranet 27

Hire4Infineon Kampagne 28

Guideline for successful recruiting A fast recruiting process that focuses on the candidate is the backbone of your success The magic happens when you combine Recruiting with Talent Marketing There is nothing like the one perfect way, the right mix out of many activities leads to success Know and understand your target group(s) and be authentic in your communication 29

We needed to make the next quality step From having the same measures for every target group To focused activities based on target group preferences 30

High-Tech After-Work in Warstein Zielgruppe & Kanäle: Vorrangig Professionals aus den MINT- Fachrichtungen Eigene Talent Pools / VDI Mailing / Direktansprachen / Social Media Ergebnisse: 39.000 Personen insgesamt erreicht 15 motivierte Bewerber vor Ort Tolles Feedback seitens der Kandidaten Positives Feedback von unseren Fachbereichen Gewinnung eines neuen Mitarbeiters 31

High-Tech After-Work in Warstein: Impressionen 32

High-Tech After-Work in Warstein: Feedback Teilnehmer Herzlichen Dank noch einmal für die Ausrichtung des interessanten Infoevents in Warstein. Ich habe nicht nur eine äußerst spannende Führung durch die Produktion erhalten, sondern habe mich auch über die Gelegenheit gefreut Ihre Kollegen am Standort kennen zu lernen und die Vor- und Nachteile eines Standorts im Sauerland zu besprechen. Ich möchte mich hiermit für die Werksführung und das Abendessen bedanken. Der Eindruck, dass Infineon ein attraktiver Arbeitgeber sein kann, hat sich manifestiert. Noch einmal vielen Dank für den tollen Abend in Warstein. Wie ich Ihnen schon erklärt habe, kann ich mir sehr gut vorstellen bei Infineon zu arbeiten 33

Fünf gute Gründe für Infineon in Warstein 34

Fünf gute Gründe für Infineon in Warstein 35

Fünf gute Gründe für Infineon in Warstein 36

Corporate Social Responsibility We create a net ecologic benefit Emission Reduction enabled by our products and solutions around 1.8 million tons CO 2 equivalents around 52.4 million tons CO 2 equivalents CO 2 burden 1) Ratio around 1:30 CO 2 savings 2) Net ecological benefit: CO 2 emissions reduction around 50 million tons 1) This figure considers manufacturing, transportation, function cars, flights, materials, chemicals, water/wastewater, direct emissions, energy consumption, waste, etc. and is based on internally collected data and externally available conversion factors. All data relate to the 2016 fiscal year. 2) This figure is based on internally established criteria, which are explained in the explanatory notes. The figure relates to the calendar year 2015 and considers the following fields of application: automotive, LED, PC power supply, renewable energy (wind, photovoltaic), drives as well as induction cookers. CO₂ savings are calculated on the basis of potential savings of technologies in which semiconductors are used. The CO 2 savings are allocated on the basis of Infineon market share, semiconductor content and lifetime of technologies concerned, based on internal and external experts' estimations. Despite the fact that CO₂ footprint calculations are subject to imprecision due to the complex issues involved, the results are nevertheless clear. 37

Welche Argumente überzeugen Kandidaten/innen von Infineon in Warstein 1. Vergütung = Hygienefaktor 2. Sicherheit & Perspektive 3. Positives Arbeitsklima / Corporate Culture 4. Sinnhaftigkeit 38

Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit! Lust auf die Provinz bekommen?! 39