Prof. Dr. med. Ion-George Anghelescu

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Prof. Dr. med. Ion-George Anghelescu Arbeitsphilosophie Seite 2 Curriculum Vitae Seite 3 Mitgliedschaften Seite 4 Wissenschaftliche Gutachtertätigkeit Seite 4 Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen Bücher Seite 5 Peer-reviewed publications Seite 5 Abstracts and supplements (extract) Seite 12 (Stand: 5/2017)

Arbeitsphilosophie Auch ich möchte Sie ganz herzlich bei DR. FONTHEIM Mentale Gesundheit willkommen heißen. Hier möchte ich Ihnen kurz darlegen, was mir bei meiner Arbeit als Chefarzt wichtig ist. Ein modernes psychiatrisches Krankenhaus sieht sich heute verschiedenen Herausforderungen, aber auch Chancen gegenüber. Diese betreffen die Patienten, Angehörigen, Bewohner, Klienten und Kunden auf der einen Seite und die Mitarbeiter auf der anderen. Für von neuropsychiatrischen Erkrankungen betroffene Patienten selbst ist es herausfordernd, dass derartige Störungen ihre Lebensqualität, manchmal auch die Lebenserwartung deutlich beeinträchtigen können. Herausfordernd für uns als Ärzte sind dabei besonders die erfolglosen Behandlungsversuche und eine drohende Chronifizierung. Hier möchte ich dazu beitragen, dass wir vom klassischen Auftrag, eine Diagnose zu stellen und zu behandeln mehr dahin kommen, Krankheitsrisiken durch bestimmte Erkennungsmerkmale vorherzusagen und diesen Krankheiten dann vorbeugen oder zumindest das weitere Voranschreiten verhindern zu können. Die Neurobiologie wird uns dabei die Chance bieten, psychische Phänomene genauer zu charakterisieren, und die Versorgungsforschung wird dabei helfen, differenzierter und individueller zu behandeln. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass das bevorstehende neue Entgeltsystem in der stationären Psychiatrie die Behandlungsmöglichkeiten verändern wird. Wir können noch nicht abschließend wissen, in welcher Weise, wollen aber verhindern, dass es sich nachteilig für die Patienten auswirkt. Wichtig ist es meiner Ansicht nach, einerseits unser spannendes und hochinteressantes Fach selbstbewusst nach außen zu vertreten, andererseits einer zu starken Psychiatrisierung der Gesellschaft vorzubeugen. Auch die Mitarbeiter eines psychiatrischen Krankenhauses müssen sich den genannten Herausforderungen stellen. Die zunehmende Arbeitsverdichtung und Schwere der im Krankenhaus behandelten Störungen, aber auch Einflüsse der Globalisierung mit Beschleunigung von Veränderungen in allen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen führen nicht selten zu Verunsicherung und Überlastung. Ich sehe es als meine Aufgabe an, die Mitarbeiter unterstützend und erklärend zu führen, mit dem Ziel, ihre Kompetenz ebenso wie ihre Autonomie und Veränderungsbereitschaft zu fördern. Wir haben die Chance, unsere multifunktionellen Teams immer stärker zu professionalisieren, Wissen besser zugänglich und Abläufe transparenter zu machen. Dabei ist es wichtig, auch im Krankenhaus die Methoden moderner Unternehmens- und Personalführung zu nutzen. Besondere Bedeutung hat dabei auch der Dialog zwischen den Generationen (z.b. den vollständig digital vernetzten Jungen und den analog klassisch kommunizierenden Älteren) und die Offenheit für die Vielfalt von Arbeits- und Lebensformen. Schließlich sind mir im Kontakt mit den Mitarbeitern folgende Werte bzw. Tugenden wichtig: Kompetenz, Mut, Demut, Vertrauen, Kreativität, Inspiration und Verantwortungsgefühl. Ich werde mein Bestes geben, diesem Anspruch gerecht zu werden. 2

Curriculum Vitae 1987-1994 Medizinstudium an den Universitäten Mainz, Heidelberg und an der Jefferson Medical School (Philadelphia / USA) 1992, 1994 Clerkships an der Yale University (New Haven / USA) und Harvard Medical School (Boston / USA) 1991-1994 Promotion am Physiologischen Institut der Universität Heidelberg mit dem Titel: Untersuchungen ATP-abhängiger Kaliumkanäle in glatten Muskelzellen mittels Patch-Clamp-Technik 1994-2001 Assistenzarztzeit an der Psychiatrischen Klinik der Universität Mainz (Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie) 1996-1997 Klinische Forschergruppe an der Psychiatrischen Klinik der Universität Mainz zum Thema: GABA-Benzodiazepin-Rezeptor-Komplex 1998-1999 Neurologie, Universität Mainz 2001 Oberarzt an der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie am Universitätsklinikum Benjamin Franklin / FU Berlin 2005 Habilitation zum Thema genetische Assoziationsstudien bei Alkoholabhängigkeit an der Charité Berlin; Seitdem Hochschullehrer an der Charité Berlin 2006 Universitätsprofessor für Klinische Psychiatrie und Geschäftsführender Oberarzt an der Charité Berlin 2007 Mitglied des Exzellenzclusters Languages of Emotion der Freien Universität Berlin 2009 Direktor, Experimentelle Medizin der Neurowissenschaften bei Johnson&Johnson in Beerse / Belgien Seit 2012 Chefarzt, Klinik DR. FONTHEIM Volle Weiterbildungsermächtigung für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (48 Monate) 3

Mitgliedschaften Bundesdirektorenkonferenz (BDK) Verband der leitenden Krankenhausärzte Deutschlands Deutsche Gesellschaft für Suchtforschung und Suchttherapie e.v. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN) Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Neuropsychopharmakologie und Pharmakopsychiatrie (EGNP) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Bipolare Störungen (DGBS) Berliner Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Neurologie (BGPN) International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology (ISPNE) European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Verein zur Förderung psychisch Kranker e.v. Wissenschaftliche Gutachtertätigkeit Aging Health Annals of General Psychiatry British Journal of Medicine CNS Drugs Comprehensive Psychiatry Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift (DMW) DNP (Fachbeirat) Drug Safety Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Future Medicine International Clinical Psychopharmacology International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine Journal of Addiction and Preventive Medicine Journal of Affective Disorders Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience Journal of Psychopharmacology Nervenarzt Niederländische Regierung Nordic Journal of Psychiatry Obesity Facts Pharmacological Research Pharmacopsychiatry Planta Medica Primary Care Companion for CNS Disorders Psychiatria Danubina Psychiatry Research Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging Schizophrenia Research Sucht World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 4

Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen Bücher - Books Gründer G., Benkert O.: Psychopharmaka-Entwicklung: Von der Entdeckung bis zur Zulassung in Handbuch der Psychopharmakotherapie, 2. Auflage, Springer 2011. Klein H. E., Pajonk F.-G., Ko-Autor des Buches: "Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. 1000 kommentierte Prüfungsfragen" (Gebundene Ausgabe). Thieme, Stuttgart, 2006; 2. Auflage 2008; 3. Auflage 2010. Benkert O., Hippius H. (Hrsg.): Ko-Autor des Buches: "Kompendium der Psychiatrischen Pharmakotherapie"; Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg.1998 (1. Auflage), 2000 (2. Auflage), 2000 (überarbeitete und korrigierte 2. Auflage), 2001 (3. Auflage), 2003 (4. Auflage), 2005 (5. Auflage), 2007 (6. Auflage), 2008 (7. Auflage), 2014 (10. Auflage). Benkert O. (Hrsg.): Ko-Autor des Buches: "Pocket Guide Psychopharmaka von A bis Z"; Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg. 2010 (1. Auflage), 2015 (3. Auflage). Benkert O., Hautzinger M., Graf-Morgenstern M (Hrsg.): Ko-Autor des Buches Psychopharmakologischer Leitfaden für Psychologen und Psychotherapeuten, Springer- Verlag Heidelberg, 3. Auflage, 2016. Offermanns/Rosenthal: Ko-Autor des Buches: "Encyclopedia of molecular pharmacology"; 2003, 2. Auflage 2008. Holsboer/Gründer/Benkert; Ko-Autor des Buches: "Handbuch der Psychopharmakotherapie", (Hrsg.), Springer-Verlag, 2007. Rupprecht/Hampel, Ko-Autor des Buches: "Roter Faden Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie"; Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbh Stuttgart, 2006. Anghelescu/Regen: "CME Schizophrenie und bipolare Störungen-Behandlung von Mischzuständen bei bipolaren Störungen", 2005, Thieme-Verlag, Stuttgart. Bauer/Berghöfer/Adli: Ko-Autor des Buches: "Akute und therapieresistente Depressionen", Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2. Auflage 2005. Heuser/Anghelescu: Ko-Autor des Buches: "Kognitives Altern und Demenzerkrankungen"; uni-med Verlag, Bremen 2003. Wetzel H., Szegedi A., Anghelescu I., Härtter S., Hiemke C.: Interaktionen von Clozapin mit anderen Psychopharmaka. Clozapin - Pharmakologie und Klinik eines atypischen Neuroleptikums; Naber D., Müller-Spahn F. (Hrsg.), Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg,1997. Kreye VAW., Anghelescu I., Kajioka S., Karle C., Pfründer D.: ATP-Dependent K+ Channels in Vascular Smooth Muscle. Pharmacological Control of Calcium and Potassium Homeostasis edited by Godfraind T., Mancia G., Abbracchio MP., Aguilar-Bryan L., Govoni S., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1995. Peer-reviewed publications Bahari-Javan S. et al. / Anghelescu I. (Co-Autor): HDAC1 links early life stress to schizophrenia-like phenotypes. PNAS Early Edition 19.05.2017 ( Anghelescu I.: "Zombie" Outbreak Caused by Synthetic Cannabinoid. N Engl J Med. 2017 Apr 20; 376(16):1597. doi: 10.1056/NEJMc1701936. Anghelescu I.: Inhibitor of Fatty Acid Amide Hydrolase - Learning from Tragic Failures, N Engl J Med. 2017 Jan 26; 376(4):392 Solmi M, Veronese N, Zaninotto L, van der Loos ML, Gao K, Schaffer A, Reis C, Normann C, Anghelescu IG, Correll CU. CNS Spectr. 2016 Oct;21(5):403-418. Lamotrigine compared to placebo and other agents with antidepressant activity in patients with unipolar and bipolar depression: a comprehensive meta-analysis of efficacy and safety outcomes in short-term trials. Anghelescu I, Online Intervention for Prevention of Major Depression. JAMA. 2016 Aug 23-30;316(8):881. doi: 10.1001/jama.2016.9583. 5

Anghelescu I.: Methadone for prisoners. Lancet. 2016 Jan 16; 387(10015):224-5. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)00045-3. Epub 2016 Jan 15. Kasper S, Anghelescu I, Dienel A.: Efficacy of orally administered Silexan in patients with anxiety-related restlessness and disturbed sleep - A randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2015 Nov; 25(11):1960-7. doi: 10.1016/j.euroneuro.2015.07.024. Dettling M, Anghelescu I: Housing for Homeless Adults with mental illness. JAMA. 2015 Jun 23; 313(24):2493. doi: 10.1001/jama.2015.5745. Samara MT, Leucht C, Leeflang MM, Anghelescu IG, Chung YC, Crespo-Facorro B, Elkis H, Hatta K, Giegling I, Kane JM, Kayo M, Lambert M, Lin CH, Möller HJ, Pelayo-Terán JM, Riedel M, Rujescu D, Schimmelmann BG, Serretti A, Correll CU, Leucht S.: Early Improvement As a Predictor of Later Response to Antipsychotics in Schizophrenia: A Diagnostic Test Review. Am J Psychiatry. 2015 Jun 5:appiajp201514101329. [Epub ahead of print] Salih H., Anghelescu I., Kezic I., Sinha V., Hoeben E., Van Nueten L., De Smedt H. De Boer P.: Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic characterisation of JNJ-40411813, a positive allosteric modulator of mglur2, in two randomised, double-blind phase-i studies. J Psychopharmacol. 2015 Mar 3. pii: 0269881115573403 Dettling M., Anghelescu I.: Psychotropics and risk of violent crime. Lancet 2014 Dec 6; S. 384 Brakemeier EL., Merk A., Wilbertz G., Quante A., Regen F., Bührsch N., van Hall F., Kischkel E., Danker-Hopfe H., Anghelescu I., Heuser I., Kathmann N., Bajbouj M.: Cognitive-behavioral therapy as continuation treatment to sustain response after electroconvulsive therapy in depression: a randomized controlled trial. Biol. Psychiatry 2014 Aug 1; S. 194-202. Brakemeier EL., Merkl A., Wilbertz G., Quante A., Regen F., Bührsch N., Hall FV., Kischkel E., Anghelescu I., Danker-Hopfe H., Heuser I., Kathmann N., Bajbouj M.: Reply to: Continuation Antidepressant Strategies After Electroconvulsive Therapy: Ultrabrief Pulse Versus Cognitive- Behavioral Therapy. Biol. Psychiatry 2014 Jul 9; S. 0006-3223. Anghelescu I., Dettling M.: Pregabalin versus pramipexole for restless legs syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2014 May 22; 370 (21): 2049-50. Anghelescu I., Dettling M.: Variant GADL1 and response to lithium in bipolar I disorder. N Engl J Med. 2014 May 8; 370(19): 1859. Marder SR., Alphs L., Anghelescu IG., Arango C., Barnes TR. et al.: Issues and perspectives in designing clinical trials for negative symptoms in schizophrenia. Schizophr Res. 2013 Sep 9(13); S. 0920-996400447-7. Zeugmann S., Buehrsch N., Bajbouj M., Heuser I., Anghelescu I., Quante A.: Childhood maltreatment and adult proinflammatory status in patients with major depression. Psychiatr Danub. 2013 Sep;25(3):227-35. Quante A., Regen F., Schindler F., Volkmer K., Severus E., Urbanek C., Luborzewski A., Roepke S., Anghelescu I.: Quetiapine as combination treatment with citalopram in unipolar depression with prominent somatic symptoms: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot study. Psychiatr Danub. 2013 Sep;25(3):214-20. Fehr C., Sommerlad D., Sander T., Anghelescu I., Dahmen N., Szegedi A., Mueller C., Zill P., Soyka M., Preuss UW.: Association of VMAT2 gene polymorphisms with alcohol dependence. J Neural Transm. 2013 Aug; 120(8): 1161-9. Anderson-Schmidt H., Adler L., Aly C., Anghelescu IG., Bauer M. et al.: The "DGPPN-Cohort": a national collaboration initiative by the German Association for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (DGPPN) for establishing a large-scale cohort of psychiatric patients. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2013 Apr 3. Anghelescu IG., Janssens L., Kent J., de Boer P., Tritsmans L., Daly EJ., van Nueten L., Schmidt ME.: Does early improvement predict response to the fast-dissociating D(2) receptor antagonist JNJ-37822681 in patients with acute schizoprenia? Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2013: 1043-50. Peth J., Regen F., Bajbouj M., Heuser I., Anghelescu I., Hornung OP.: The influence of daytime napping versus controlled activity on the subjective well-being of patients with major depression, Psychiatry Res. 2012 Dec 30; 200(2-3): 368-73. Schmidt ME., Kent JM., Daly E., Janssens L., Van Osselaer N., Hüsken G., Anghelescu IG., Van Nueten L.: A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study with JNJ-37822681, a novel, highly, selective, fast dissociating D receptor antagonist in the treatment of acute exacerbation of schizophrenia. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol. 2012 Oct; 22(10):721-33. 6

Schmidt M. E., Justine M. Kent, E. D., Janssens L., Van Osselaer N., Hüsken G., Anghelescu IG., Van Nueten L.: A double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled study with JNJ-37822681, a novel, highly selective, fast dissociating D2 receptor antagonist in the treatment of acute exacerbation of schizophrenia. Accepted for publication in Eur Neuropsychopharm 2012. Zeugmann S., Quante A., Popova-Zeugmann L., Kössler W., Heuser I., Anghelescu I.: Pathways linking early life stress, metabolic syndrome, and the inflammatory marker fibrinogen in depressed inpatients. Psychiatr Danub. 2012; 24 (1): 57-65. Anghelescu I., Dettling M.: Neuron number in children with autism. JAMA. 2012 Feb 22; 307(8): 783; author reply 783-4. No abstract available. Stassen H., Anghelescu I.G., Angst J., Böker H., Lötscher K., Rujescu D., Szegedi A., Scharfetter C.: Predicting response to psychopharmacological treatment: survey of recent results. Pharmacopsychiatry. 2011 Sep; 44(6): 263-72. Epub 2011 Sep 28. Roepke S., Luborzewski A., Schindler F., Quante A., Anghelescu I., Heuser I., Bajbouj M.: Stimulus pulse-frequency-dependent efficacy and cognitive adverse effects of ultrabrief-pulse electroconvulsive therapy in patients with major depression. J ECT. 2011 Jun; 27 (2): 109-13. Quante A., Zeugmann S., Regen F., Engelhardt A., Anghelescu I.G.: Psychopharmacological treatment status in outpatients with bipolar disorder: a clinical survey in Germany. Psychiatry Investig. 2010 Sep; 7 (3): 155-62. Zeugmann S., Quante A., Heuser I., Schwarzer R., Anghelescu I.: Inflammatory markers in depressed patients with and without the metabolic syndrome. J Clin Psych 2010 Aug; 71(8): 1007-16. Reese J., Kraschewski A., Anghelescu I., Winterer G., Schmidt L. G., Gallinat J., Rüschendorf F., Rommelspacher H., Wernicke C.: Haplotypes of dopamine and serotonin transporter genes are associated with antisocial personality disorder in alcoholics. Psychiatr Genet. 2010 Aug; 20(4): 140-52. Quante A., Zeugmann S., Luborzewski A., Schommer N., Langosch J., Born C., Anghelescu I., Wolf J.: Aripiprazole as adjunct to a mood stabilizer and citalopram in bipolar depression: a randomized placebo-controlled pilot study. Hum Psychopharmacol. 2010 Mar; 25 (2): 126-32. Anghelescu I.: Omega-3 fatty acids for CHD with depression. JAMA. 2010 Mar 3; 303 (9): 836; author reply 836. Anghelescu I.: Successful smoking cessation and improvement of negative symptoms with varenicline in a stable schizophrenic patient. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2009 Winter; 21 (1): 102-3. Anghelescu I., Dierkes W., Volz H.P., Loeschmann P.A., Schmitt A.B.: Therapeutic effects of venlafaxine extended release for patients with depressive and anxiety disorders in the German outpatient setting - results of 2 observational studies including 8500 patients. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 2009 Nov; 77(11): 646-54. Kraschewski A., Reese J., Anghelescu I., Winterer G., Schmidt L.G., Gallinat J., Finckh U., Rommelspacher H., Wernicke C.: Association of the dopamine D2 receptor gene with alcohol dependence: haplotypes and subgroups of alcoholics as key factors for understanding receptor function. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2009 Jul; 19 (7): 513-27. Quante A., van Hall F., Anghelescu I.: Psychopharmacological combination therapy in bipolar disorder, Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 2009 May; 77 (5): 252-62. Anghelescu I., Dettling M.: Are new drugs for schizophrenia better than old ones? Lancet 2009 Apr 11; 373 (9671): 1249. Dettling M., Anghelescu I.G.: Subthalamic nucleus stimulation in severe obsessive-compulsive disorder. N Engl J Med 2009 Feb 26; 360 (9): 931. Ziegenhorn A.A., Roepke S., Schommer N.C., Merkl A., Danker-Hopfe H., Perschel F.H., Heuser I., Anghelescu I.G., Lammers C.H.: Clonidine improves hyperarousal in borderline personality disorder with or without comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2009; 29: 170-3. Hornung O.P., Regen F, Dorn H., Anghelescu I., Kathmann N., Schredl M., Danker-Hopfe H., Heuser I.: The effects of donepezil on the sleep EEG of healthy older adults: implications for sleep related memory consolidation. Pharmacopsychiatry, 2009; 42 (1): 9-13. Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Benkert O.: Update pharmacotherapy 2009. DNP 2009 (1/09): 52-54. Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Singer P., Fehr C., Hiemke C., Quante A., Regen F., Dahmen N., Szegedi A.: Low novelty seeking and high self directedness scores in alcohol-dependent 7

patients without comorbid psychiatric disorders homozygous for the A10 allele of the dopamine transporter gene. World J Biol Psych 2009 Jan 30: 1-8. Dettling M., Opgen-Rhein C., Anghelescu I.: Escitalopram, problem-solving therapy, and poststroke depression. JAMA 2008 Oct 15; 300 (15): 1757. Roepke S., Merkl A., Dams A., Ziegenhorn A., Anghelescu I.G., Heuser I., Lammers C.H.: Preliminary Evidence of Improvement of Depressive Symptoms but not Impulsivity in Cluster B Personality Disorder Patients treated with Quetiapine: an Open Label Trial. Pharmacopsychiatry, 2008 Sep; 41(5): 176-81. Anghelescu I.: Placeboresponse bei Depression. DNP, 2008 (8/08): 34-36. Hornung O.P., Regen F., Warnstedt C., Anghelescu I., Danker-Hopfe H., Heuser I., Lammers C.H.: Declarative and precedural memory consolidation during sleep in patients with borderline personality disorder. J Psychiatr Res 2008 Jul; 42(8): 653-8. Anghelescu I., Regen F.: SSRI tapering and suicidal ideation in the TORDIA study for treatment of depressed adolescents. JAMA 2008 Jun 18; 299 (23): 2745-6. Quante A., Röpke S., Merkl A., Anghelescu I., Lammers C.H.: Psychopharmacologic Treatment of Personality Disorders. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 2008 Mar; 76(3): 139-48. Stiglmayr C.E., Ebner-Priemer U.W., Bretz J., Behm R., Mohse M., Lammers C.H., Anghelescu I.G., Schmahl C., Schlotz W., Kleindienst N., Bohus M.: Dissociative symptoms are positively related to stress in borderline personality disorder. Acta Psychiatr Scand. 2008 Feb; 117 (2): 139-47. Anghelescu I.: Unipolare depressive Störungen-Therapieerfolg stabilisieren und Rezidive verhindern. DNP 2008; 5: 43-55. Bernard F., Anghelescu I.: Fluoxetin plus Quetiapin - die Kombination wirkt nicht additiv. Info Neurologie/Psychiatrie 2008; 10 (12): 12. Schindler F., Anghelescu I., Regen F., Jockers-Scherübl M.: Improvement in refractory obsessive compulsive disorder with dronabinol. Am J Psychiatry 2008; 165 (4): 536-7. Dettling M., Anghelescu I., Bajbouj M.: Electroconvulsive therapy for depression. N Engl J Med 2008; 358 (6): 645. Schulte-Herbrüggen O., Anghelescu I.: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and osteoporosis: pathomechanism and clinical relevance remain to be established. Arch Int Med 2008; 168 (1): 110. Anghelescu I., Regen F.: Anxiety and depression in cancer patients, part 2: drug treatment. Ärztliches Journal Onkologie 2008; 3: 1-3. Hornung O.P., Regen F., Danker-Hopfe H., Heuser I., Anghelescu I.: Sleep-related memory consolidation in depression: en emerging field of research. Depress Anxiety. 2008; 25(12): E 163-5. Luborzewski A., Schubert F., Seifert F., Danker-Hopfe H., Brakemeier E.L., Schlattmann P., Anghelescu I., Colla M., Bajbouj M.: Metabolic alterations in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex after treatment with high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with unipolar major depression. J Psychiatr Res 2007 Oct; 41(7): 606-15. Quante A., Zeugmann S., Bajbouj M., Anghelescu I.: Clozapine in medication- and electroconvulsive therapy-resistant, depressed inpatients: a case series. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2007; 27(6): 715-7. Anghelescu I., Heuser I.: Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for dementia- an update. MMW Fortschr Med 2007; 21 (Suppl 2): 76-8. Kasper S., Anghelescu I.G., Szegedi A., Dienel A., Kieser M.: Placebo controlled contination treatment with hypericum extract WS 5570 after recovery from a mild or moderate depressive episode. Wien Med Wochenschr 2007; 157: 362-6. Schindler F., Anghelescu I.G.: Lithium versus lamotrigine augmentation in treatment resistant unipolar depression: a randomized, open-label study. Int Clin Psychopharmacol. 2007; 22 (3): 179-82. Merkl A., Regen F., Schindler F., Krüger S., Anghelescu I.: Mixed episodes in bipolar disorder: a review. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr 2006; Oct 10. Fehr C., Sander T., Tadic A., Lenzen K.P., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Dahmen N., Schmidt L.G., Szegedi A.: Confirmation of association of the GABRA2 gene with alcohol dependence by subtype-specific analysis. Psychiatr Genet 2006; 16 (1): 9-17. 8

Fehr C., Sander T., Tadic A., Lenzen K.P., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Dahmen N., Schmidt L.G., Szegedi A:. Confirmation of association of the GABRA2 gene with alcohol dependence by subtype-specific analysis. Psychiatr Genet 2006; 16 (1): 9-17. Dettling M., Opgen-Rhein C., Anghelescu I.: Homocysteine lowering and cognitive performance. N Engl J Med 2006; 13: 1390. Wolf J., Fiedler U., Anghelescu I.: Schwertfeger N. Manic switch in a patient with treatmentresistant bipolar depression treated with modafinil. J Clin Psychiatry 2006; 67 (11): 1817. Dettling M., Opgen-Rhein C., Quante A., Anghelescu I.: Fluoxetine for treatment of anorexia nervosa. JAMA 2006; 296 (20): 2439-40. Dettling M., Opgen-Rhein C., Anghelescu IG.: Homocysteine lowering and cognitive performance. N Engl J Med. 2006; 355 (13): 1390. Kasper S., Anghelescu IG., Szegedi A., Dienel A., Kieser M.: Superior efficacy of St John s wort extract WS 5570 compared to placebo in patients with major depression: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center trial. BMC Med 2006; 23 (4): 4-14. Luborzewski A., Regen F., Schindler F., Anghelescu I.: Modafinil-induced reversible hyperkinetic nondystonic movement disorder in a patient with major depressive disorder. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2006; 18 (2): 248-9. Dettling M., Anghelescu I.: Antipsychotic drugs and schizophrenia. N Engl J Med 2006; 354 (3): 298-300. Lieb K., Anghelescu I.: Neue Antidepressiva-Entwicklungen: Gibt es Wege aus der Innovationskrise? InfoNeurologie&Psychiatrie 2006; 8 (2): 38-43. Anghelescu IG., Kohnen R., Szegedi A., Klement S., Kieser M.: Comparison of Hypericum Extract WS(R) 5570 and Paroxetine in Ongoing Treatment after Recovery from an Episode of Moderate to Severe Depression: Results from a Randomized Multicenter Study. Pharmacopsychiatry 2006 39 (6): 213-9. Anghelescu I., Klawe C.: Innovationen in der Pharmakotherapie 2005: Neuzulassungen und Zulassungserweiterungen. DNP 2005; 12:4 8-51. Scheurich A., Müller M.J., Anghelescu I., Lörch B., Dreher M., Hautzinger M., Szegedi A.: Reliability and Validity fo the Form 90 interview (Form 90). Eur Addict Res 2005; 11: 50-6. Regen F., Anghelescu I.: The pharmacotherapy of affective disorders in diabetic patients. Med Welt 2005; 56: 184-8. Anghelescu I., Urbanek C.: Tadalafil in patient with treatment-resistant depression and antidepressant polypharmacy. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2005; 25 (2): 191-2. Anghelescu I., Jänen B., Schindler F., Lammers CH.:. Worsening of Borderline Symptoms under Reboxetine Treatment. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2005; 17 (4): 559-60. Tadic A., Dahmen N., Szegedi A., Rujescu D., Giegling I., Koller G., Anghelescu I., Fehr C., Klawe C., Preuss U.W., Sander T., Toliat M.R., Singer P., Bondy B., Soyka M.: Polymorphisms in the NMDA subunit 2B are not associated with alcohol dependence and alcohol withdrawal-induced seizures and delirium tremens. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 2005; 255 (2): 129-35. Anghelescu I., Müller-Forell W.: Bilateral exophthalmos plus depression - not always endocrine ophthalmopathy. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2005; 17 (3): 427. Anghelescu I.-G.: Senior is without energy and has memory problems. Depression or beginning dementia? MMW Fortschr Med 2005; 147 (35-36): 16. Anghelescu I.-G., Regen F.: St. John's wort in depression. The question is not whether it is effective but how do we use it. MMW Fortschr Med 2005; 147 (29-30): 17. Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Fehr C., Singer P., Schleicher A., Himmerich H., Hiemke C., Dahmen N., Szegedi A.: The TPH intron 7 A218C polymorphism and TCI dimension scores in alcohol-dependent patients: hints to nonspecific psychopathology. Addict Behav 2005; 30 (6): 1135-43. Regen F., Bajbouj M., Anghelescu I., Folkerts H.: For and against: broader indication of electroconvulsive therapy. Psychiatr Prax 2005; 32 (8): 378-80. Regen F., Merkl A., Heuser I., Dettling M., Anghelescu I.: Diabetes and depression. Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2005; 130 (17): 1097-102. Scheurich A., Müller M.J., Szegedi A., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Lörch B., Kappis B., Bialonski H.-G., Hautzinger M.: Neuropsychological status of alcohol-dependent patients: increased performance through goal-setting instructions. Alcohol Alcohol 2004; 39: 119-125. 9

Roepke S., Treudler R., Anghelescu I., Orfanos C. E., Tebbe B.: Patch test positive hypersensitivity syndrome to valproic acid in a psychiatric patient. Am J Psychiatry 2004; 161 (3): 579. Himmerich H., Müller M.J., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Wetzel H., Szegedi A.: Beziehungen von biologischen Markern exzessiven Alkoholkonsums. Suchtmed 2001; 2: 67-72. German J Psychiatry 2004; 7: 14-9. Himmerich H., Müller M. J., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Scheurich A., Szegedi A.: Antisocial personality disorder and its correlate in the Michigan. Alcoholism Screening Test. Germ J Psychiatry 2004; 7: 14-9. Anghelescu I.: Kognitives Altern und Demenz - Viele Faktoren drosseln den Denkprozeß. NeuroTransmitter 2004; 4: 56-58. Wetzel H., Szegedi A., Scheurich A., Lörch B., Singer P., Schläfke D., Sittinger H., Wobrock T., Müller M.J., Anghelescu I. and Hautzinger M. for the NeVeR Study Group: Combination treatment with nefazodone and cognitive-behavioral therapy for relapse prevention of alcohol dependent men: a randomized controlled study. J Clin Psychiatry 2004; 65 (10): 1406-1413. Anghelescu I.: Kognitives Altern und Demenz - MCI - Schmale Kluft zwischen Physiologie und Pathologie. NeuroTransmitter 2004; 4: 60-63. Anghelescu I., Klawe C.: Neuerungen in der Pharmakotherapie in 2004; Neuzulassungen und Zulassungserweiterungen. DNP 2004; 12: 52-56. Anghelescu I., Wolf J.: Aripiprazole in ziprasidone-induced hyperprolactinemia. J Clin Psychiatry 2004; 65: 1286-7. Schumann G., Rujescu D., Szegedi A., Singer P., Wiemann S., Wellek S., Giegling I., Klawe C., Anghelescu I., Heinz A., Spanagel R., Mann K., Henn F. A., Dahmen N.: No association of alcohol dependence with a NMDA-receptor 2B gene variant. Mol Psychiatry 2003; 8: 11-2. Himmerich H., Szegedi A., Klawe C., Anghelescu I., Müller M. J.: Distigmine bromide induced acute psychotic disorder in a patient with multiple sclerosis. Eur Psychiatry 2003; 18: 318-9. Schumann G., Rujescu D., Kissling C., Soyka M., Dahmen N., Preuss U.W., Wieman S., Müller A., Wellek S., Lascorz J., Bondy B., Giegling I., Anghelescu I., Cowen M.S., Poustka A., Spanagel R., Mann K., Henn F.A., Szegedi A.: Analysis of genetic variations of Protein Tyrosine Kinase fyn and their association with alcohol dependence in two independent cohorts. Biol Psychiatry 2003; 54: 1422-6. Lange-Asschenfeldt C., Müller M.J., Szegedi A., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Wetzel H.: Symptom-triggered versus standard chlormethiazole treatment of inpatient alcohol. withdrawal: clinical implications from a chart analysis. Eur Addict Res 2003; 9: 1-7. Szegedi A., Müller Matthias J., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Kohnen R., Benkert O.: Early improvement under mirtazapine and paroxetine predicts later stable response and remission with high sensitivity in patients with major depression. J Clin Psychiatry 2003; 4: 413-20. Anghelescu I., Klawe C.: Innovationen in der Pharmakotherapie 2003/2004. DNP 2003; 12: 38-44. Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Dahmen N.: Venlafaxine in mirtazapine-induced agranulocytosis. J Clin Psychiatry 2002; 63: 838. Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Szegedi A.: Add-on combination treatment of obese patients with different eating behavior. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2002; 22: 521-4. Schlösser R., Gründer G., Anghelescu I., Hillert A., Ewald-Gründer S., Hiemke C., Benkert O.: Long-term effects of the substituted benzamide derivative amisulpride on baseline and stimulated prolactin levels. Neuropsychobiology 2002; 46: 33-40. Himmerich H., Müller M.J., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Szegedi A.: Erythrozytenzahl und Vitamin B2-Serumspiegel korrelieren bei männlichen alkoholkranken Patienten. Suchtmed 2002; 4: 152-156. Himmerich H., Müller M.J., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Scheurich A., Szegedi A.: Dimensionen des Michigan Alcoholism Screening Tests (MAST): Faktorenanalystische Ergebnisse einer deutschen Version. Suchtmed 2002; 3: 205-212. Dahmen N., Müller M. J., Germeyer S., Rujescu D., Anghelescu I., Hiemke C., Wetzel H.: Genetic polymorphisms of the dopamine D2 and D3 receptor and neuroleptic drug effects in schizophrenic patients. Schizophrenia Research 2001; 49: 223-9. Gencik M., Dahmen N., Wieczorek S., Kasten M., Bierbrauer J., Anghelescu I., Szegedi A., Meneczes-Säcker A. M., Epplen J. T.: A prepro-orexin gene polymorphism is associated with narcolepsy. Neurology 2001; 56: 115-7. 10

Kuhl V., Anghelescu I., Vogt T.: Intravenöse Immunglobulin- und Prednisolon-Behandlung bei kryoglobulinämischer Polyneuropathie. Nervenarzt 2001; 72: 445-448. Fehr C., Schleicher A., A. Szegedi, Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Hiemke C., Dahmen N.: Serotonergic polymorphisms in patients suffering from alcoholism, anxiety disorders and narcolepsy. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiat 2001; 25: 965-82. Anghelescu I., Germeyer S., Müller M.J., Klawe C., Singer P., Dahmen N., Wetzel H., Himmerich H., Szegedi A.: No association between the DRD2 TAQI A1 allele and earlier age of onset of alcohol dependence according to different specified criteria. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2001; 25: 805-809. Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Himmerich H., Szegedi A.: Topiramate in venlafaxine-induced visual hallucinations in an obese patient with an old posterior cerebral artery infarction. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2001; 21: 462-464. Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Bartenstein P., Szegedi A.: Normal PET after long-term repeated electroconvulsive therapy. Am J Psychiatry 2001; 158: 1527. Himmerich H., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Szegedi A.: Vitamin B 12 and hepatic enzyme serum levels correlate in male alcohol-dependent patients. Alcohol Alcohol 2001; 36: 26-8. Scheurich A., Müller M. J., Wetzel H., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Ruppe A., Lörch B., Himmerich H., Heidenreich M., Schmid G., Hautzinger M., Szegedi A.: Reliability and validity of the German version of the European Addiction Severity Index (EuropASI). J Stud Alcohol 2000; 61: 916-9. Rujescu D., Giegling I., Dahmen N., Szegedi A., Anghelescu I., Gietl A., Schäfer M., Müller- Siecheneder F., Bondy B., Möller H. J.: Association study of suicidal behavior and affective disorders with a genetic polymorphism in ABCG1, a positional candidate on chromosome 21q22.3. Neuropsychobiology 2000; 1: 22-5. Dahmen N., Pauly T., Szegedi A., Wetzel H., Anghelescu I., Ferdinand K., Hiemke C.: Adenylyl cyclase activity is increased in younger, but decreased in older, alcoholic patients after detoxification. Alcohol Alcohol 2000; 35: 249-54. Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Benkert O.: Orlistat in the treatment of psychopharmacologically induced weight gain. J Clin Psychopharmacol 2000; 20: 716 717. Szegedi A., Müller M. J., Himmerich H., Anghelescu I., Wetzel H.: Carbohydrate-deficient transferrin (CDT) and HDL cholesterol (HDL) are highly correlated in male alcohol dependent patients. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 2000; 24: 497-500. Himmerich H., Müller M.J., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Wetzel H., Szegedi A.: Beziehungen von alkoholassoziierten Markern. Suchtmed 2000; 2: 268-269. Fehr C., Szegedi A., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Hiemke C., Dahmen N.: Sex differences in allelic frequencies of the 5-HT2C Cys23Ser polymorphism in psychiatric patients and healthy volunteers: findings from an association study. Psychiatr Genet 2000; 10: 59-65. Fehr C., Grintschuk N., Szegedi A., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Singer P., Hiemke C., Dahmen N.: The HTR1B 861G>C receptor polymorphism among patients suffering from alcoholism, major depression, anxiety disorders and narcolepsy. Psychiatry Res 2000; 97: 1-10. Gründer G., Wetzel H., Schlösser R., Anghelescu I., Hillert A., Lange K., Hiemke C., Benkert O.: Neuroendocrine response to antipsychotics: effects of drug type and gender. Biol Psychiatry 1999; 45: 89-97. Mäkelä R., Uusi-Oukari M., Oja S. S., Alho H., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Lüddens H., Korpi E. R.: Furosemide action on cerebellar GABA(A) receptors in alcohol-sensitive ANT rats. Alcohol 1999; 19: 197 205. Szegedi A., Anghelescu I., Wiesner J., Schlegel S., Weigmann H., Härtter S., Hiemke C., Wetzel H.: Addition of low-dose fluvoxamine to low-dose clozapine monotherapy in schizophrenia: drug monitoring and tolerability data from a prospective clinical trial. Pharmacopsychiatry 1999; 32: 148-53. Anghelescu I., Szegedi A., Schlegel S., Weigmann H., Hiemke C., Wetzel H.: Combination treatment with clozapine and paroxetine in schizophrenia: safety and tolerability data from a prospective clinical trial. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 1998; 8: 315 320. Szegedi A., Anghelescu I., Pauly T., Dahmen N., Müller M.J., Wetzel H., Hiemke C.: Activity of the adenylyl cyclase in lymphocytes of male alcoholic patient is state dependent. Alcohol Clin Exp Res 1998; 22: 2073 9. Wetzel H., Anghelescu I., Szegedi A., Wiesner J., Weigmann H., Härtter S., Hiemke C.: Pharmacokinetic interactions of clozapine with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: 11

differential effects of fluvoxamine and paroxetine in a prospective study. J Clin Psychopharmacol 1998; 18: 2-9. Pfründer D., Anghelescu I., Kreye V. A.: Intracellular ADP activates ATP-sensitive K+ channels in vascular smooth muscle cells of the guinea pig portal vein. Plugers Arch 1993; 423: 149-51. Anghlescu, I., Dettling M.: Pregabalin versus pramipexole for restless legs syndrome. N Engl J Med. 2014 May 22; 370 (21): 2049-50 Abstracts and supplements (extract) Jacobs GE, van Amerongen G, van Gorsel HC, Alvarez-Jimenez R, McAuliffe T, Anghelescu I, Singh J, Fedghin M, Salvadore G, Timmers M, van Gerven J, de Boer P: An exploratory study to investigate the effect of minocycline on depressive symptom relapse after response to ketamine in patients with therapy resistant major depressive disorder (TRD). J Psychopharmacol 2015; Abstract supplement to Issue 29, Number 8, August 2015. Anghelescu I.: Wirkstoff Lavendelöl: Den Bedürfnissen der Patienten gerecht werden; MMW Nr. 18, 2014; Beilage K. Lötscher, I.G. Anghelescu, S. Braun, R. Bridler, H. H. Stassen: Polypharmacy in psychiatry: clinical practice versus empirical evidence European Neuropsychoharmacology, Vol. 20, Supp. 3, August 2010, Elsevier Verlag, S. 378-379 Brakemeier EL., Merkl A., Wilbertz G., Quante A., Regen F., Bührsch N., van Hall F., Kischkel E., Danker-Hopfe H., Anghelescu I., Heuser I., Kathmann N., Bajbouj M.: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy as Continuation Treatment to Sustain Response After Electroconvulsive Therapy in Depression: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Biol. Psychiatry 2013; 12: 0006-3223 Kasper S., Anghelescu I., Schläfke S.: A multi-centre, placebo-controlled, randomised clinical study with Silexan in patients with sub-threshold anxiety. European Neuropsychopharmacology Volume 23, Supplement 2, 2013, S. 512 (Poster presented at the 26th ECNP Congress, Barcelona, 5-9 Ocotober 2013). Kent J., Anghelescu I.G., Kezic I., Daly E., Ceusters M., de Smedt H., van Nueten L., de Boer P.:. Safety, Tolerability and Potential Therapeutic Efficacy of a Novel Glutamate Modulator as Adjunctive Treatment in Patients with Schizophrenia 2013. de Boer P., Sinha V., Hoeben E., Anghelescu I.G., Kezic I., Daly E., Ceusters M., de Smedt H., van Nueten L., Kent J. M.: Characterization of the Clinical Effect of a Positive Allosteric Modulator of the Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor-2. Biol Psychiatry 2013; 73: 319S Anghelescu I.G., Kezic I., Van Nueten L., De Boer P.: Esketamine as a Challenge Tool to evaluate the Effect of novel glutamatergic Compounds: Which neuropsychiatric Symptoms are best suited for this purpose? Society of Biological Psychiatry 67th Annual Scientific Convention & Program, May 3-5, 2012, Philadelphia. Anghelescu I.G., Janssens L., Kent J., de Boer P., van Osselaer N., Tritsmans L., Daly E. J., van Nueten L.: Early prediction of sustained treatment response with JNJ-37822681, a novel fast dissociating D2 receptor antagonist, compared to olanzapine in schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry 2011; 69: 227S. Anghelescu I.G., Janssens L., Kent J., de Boer P., van Osselaer N., Tritsmans L., Daly E.J., Van Nueten L., Schmidt M.E.: Sustained Treatment Response in Schizophrenia to JNJ- 37822681, a Novel, Fast- Dissociating D2 Receptor Antagonist, Can be Predicted Within Three Days ; for the 24th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP) Congress, September 3-7, 2011, Paris, France (poster presentation). Merkl A., Schneider G.H., Kühn A., Bührsch N., Abbushi A., Kühl K.-P., Anghelescu I., Heuser I., Bajbouj M.: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subgenual cingulated gyrus for treatmentresistant depression (TRD). Biol Psychiatry 2010; 67: 190S. Luborzewski A., Merkl A., Quante A., Schubert F., Anghelescu I., Bajbouj M.: MR- Spectroscopy of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulum of patients with major depression: comparison with healthy controls and follow-up after a 4-week naturalistic treatment period. Biol Psychiatry 2010; 67: 466S. 12

Zeugmann S., Quante A., Bührsch N., Heuser I., Anghelescu I.: Childhood maltreatment and adult inflammation in patients with major depression. Biol Psychiatry 2010; 67: 790S. de Boer P., Anghelescu I.-G., van Iersel T., Schmidt M., Palumbo J.M., van Nueten L.: Fast off-rate dopamine D2 receptor antagonists are well tolerated by healthy subjects despite high levels of central dopamine D2 receptor occupancy. Biol Psychiatry 2010;67:899S. de Boer P., Anghelescu I.-G., van Iersel T., Moolenaar M., Schmidt M., Palumbo J. M., van Nueten L.: Increases in cerebrospinal fluid glycine levels are not associated with psychomotor functioning in healthy subjects following administration of an inhibitor of the glycine reuptake transporter-1. Biol Psychiatry 2010; 67: 900S. Lötscher K., Anghelescu I.G., Braun S., Bridler R., Stassen H.H.: Polypharmacy in psychiatry: clinical practice versus empirical evidence. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2010; 20: S378. Schmidt M., Janssens L., Kent J., Anghelescu I., Hüsken G., Sinha V., Mannaert E.: Efficacy and safety of JNJ 37822681, a fast dissociating D2 receptor antagonist, in the treatment of schizophrenia. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2010; 20: S484. Anghelescu I.G., Szegedi A.: Translational research in schizophrenia. Nervenarzt 2010 (DGPPN congress). Kasper S., Anghelescu I.G., Dienel A.: Efficacy of Silexan (WS 1265) in patients with restlessness and sleep disturbances. Nervenarzt 2010 (DGPPN congress). Buehrsch N.C., Swoboda U., Quante A., Zeugmann S., Bajbouj M., Anghelescu I., Heuser I.: Cortisol awakening reaction in depressed patients with and without early life stress. Presented at the 40th Annual ISPNE Conference in San Francisco on July 23-26, 2009. Schipke C., Anghelescu I., Regen F., Heuser I., Peters O.: Antidepressants act on glia cells: Calcium responses of astrocytes to citalopram and fluoxetine in the mouse brain. Pharmacopsychiatry 2009; 42 DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1240216. Quante A., Luborzewski A., Bührsch N.C., Langosch J., Zeugmann S., Born C., Anghelescu I., Wolf J.: Aripirazole as adjunct to a mood stabilizer and citalopram in bipolar depression: A randomized, placebo-controlled study Pharmacopsychiatry 2009; 42 DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1240202. Bührsch N.C., Swoboda U., Quante A., Zeugmann S., Bajbouj M., Anghelescu I., Heuser I.: 1. Cortisol awakening reaction in depressed patients with and without early life stress. Pharmacopsychiatry 2009: 42. DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1240094. van Hall F., Zahn C., Schommer N., Anghelescu I., Heuser I., Bajbouj M. rtms as add-on to escitalopram: a way to enhance antidepressant response? A randomized, placebo controlled trial. Pharmacopsychiatry 2009; 42 DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1240239. Merkl A., Schneider G.H., Kühn A., Bührsch N.C., Anghelescu I., Heuser I., Bajbouj M.: Deep brain stimulation of the anterior subgenual cingulate (Cg 25) in treatment-resistant depression. Pharmacopsychiatry 2009; 42 DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1240173. Zeugmann S., Quante A., Marx N., König W., Heuser I., Schwarzer R., Anghelescu I.: 2008-06-04 Impact of the metabolic syndrome on inflammatory biomarkers in inpatients with major depression. Biological Psychiatry, Vol.63, number: 7S, p. 216S. Presented at the 63rd annual scientific convention and program of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, May 1-3, 2008, Washington, DC, USA. Zeugmann S., Quante A., Schröder C., Anghelescu I., Jordan J.: Effects of modern antidepressants with different mode of action on cardiovascular parameters in patients with major depressive disorder and response to treatment. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2007, Vol.17, Supplement 3, p.s155. Presented at the 9th ECNP Regional Meeting, Sofia, Bulgaria, 27-29 April 2007. Zeugmann S., Anghelescu I., Schwarzer R.: Das metabolische Syndrom, aber nicht die Depression selbst beeinflusst Zytokin-Level bei depressiven vollstationär behandelten Patienten. Presented at the DGPPN Kongress 2007, 21.-24. Nov.2007, Berlin, Germany Bajbouj M., Luborzewski A., Jakob F., Brakemeier E.-L., Anghelescu I., Heuser I., Seifert F., Schubert F.: Metobolic interaction of metabolites in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, motor cortex and occipital cortex- A 3 T magnetic resonance spectroscopy study. Biol Psychiatry 2007; 61:1S-266S 67S. Zeugmann S., Quante A., Schröder C., Anghelescu I., Jordan J.: Effects of modern antidepressants with different mode of action on cardiovascular parameters in patients with major depressive disorder and response to treatment. Presented at the 6th International Forum on Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Vienna, Austria, 29 November-01 December 2006. 13

Zeugmann S., Schindler F., Bernard F., Anghelescu I.: Comparing the efficacy of a depression-specific group cognitive behaviour therapy and disorder unspecific group therapy for inpatients with major depressive disorder. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 2006, Vol. 256, Supplement 2 p.ii 47. Presented at the 9th Congress of the German Society for Biological Psychiatry, 12-14 October 2006, Munich, Germany. Anghelescu I., Dienel A., Kieser M.: Hypericum extract WS 5570 is at least equally effective and better tolerated than paroxetine in moderate to severe depression. WFSBP-Congress, Vienna, 30.6.2005. Anghelescu I.: Metabolisches Syndrom unter verschiedenen Psychopharmaka. Nervenarzt 2004, Suppl.2: S252. Anghelescu I., Müller M.J., Klawe C., Singer P., Kasten M., Dahmen N. : (2003) Narcolepsy: increased leptin concentrations and BMIs. 58th Annual Convention and Scientific Program of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, May 14-17, 2003, published in Biological Psychiatry Anghelescu I.: (2003) New antiepileptic drugs (AED) and atypical antipsychotics (AAP) as mood stabilizers. AGNP-Congress 2003, published in Pharmacopsychiatry. Schindler F., Anghelescu I.: The NSAID rofecoxib reduces subjective cognitive impairment associated with ECT. AGNP-Congress 2003, published in Pharmacopsychiatry. Anghelescu, I.: Therapeutische Aspekte neuer Antidepressiva. Arch Pharm Pharm Med Chem 335: S29. Roepke S., Bajbouj M., Lehmann A., Urbanek C., Schindler F., Anghelescu I., Neuhaus A., Szegedi A.: (2003) Determination of predictors of twelve treatments (four weeks) outcome of titrated moderately suprathreshold (low dose) right unilateral electroconvulsive therapy in depression: a two year retrospective analysis. AGNP-Congress 2003, published in Pharmacopsychiatry. Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Szegedi A.: (2002) Add-on combination and maintenance treatment: case series of obese patientswith different eating behavior. 57th Annual Convention and Scientific Program of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, May 16-18, 2002, published in Biological Psychiatry. Anghelescu I., Wetzel H., Müller M.J., Klawe C., Szegedi A., Gründer G., Schlösser R., Hiemke C.: (2002) Dopaminergic system in schizophrenia and alcohol dependence: the apomorphine challenge test. 57th Annual Convention and Scientific Program of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, May 16-18, 2002, published in Biological Psychiatry. Klawe C., Anghelescu I., Schreckenberger M. : Diclofenac-induzierte musikalische Pseudohalluzinationen mit Minderperfusion des linken Thalamus im 99m-Tc-Bicisat-SPECT. Kongress 2001, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde, Berlin 22.11.2001. Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Singer P., Germeyer S., Szegedi A.: Association of MAST scores with the Taq A1 polymorphism. World Psychiatric Association, International Congress 2001, Madrid, Spain, September 30 October 4, 2001. Klawe C., Lörch B., Wollmerstedt N., Schmitt H.G., Scheurich A., Anghelescu I., Szegedi A., Hautzinger M.: Aufmerksamkeitsprozesse bei alkoholabhängigen Patienten unter Cueexposure. Neuropsychologie-Meeting, Mainz, 13.9.2001-12-18. Scheurich A., Müller M.J., Klawe C., Anghelescu I., Szegedi A.: Der neuropsychologische Status von alkoholabhängigen Patienten nach der Entgiftung: Funktionale und motivationale Defizite? Neuropsychologie-Meeting, Mainz, 13.9.2001-12-18. Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Benkert O. : Additive Kombinationsbehandlung von adipösen Patienten mit unterschiedlichem Essverhalten. Seminar für Biologische Psychiatrie, Oberlech, 18. 24.3.2001. Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Singer P., Germeyer S., Szegedi A.: Association of the TAQ A1 polymorphism with MAST scores. Pharmacopsychiatry 2001; 34: 163. Klawe C., Anghelescu I., Singer P., Schanz B.: Prospective study of inpatient violence in a German psychiatric teaching hospital: incidence, patient characteristics and quantification with Staff Observed Aggression Scale (SOAS). Pharmacopsychiatry 2001; 34: 106. Klawe C., Anghelescu I., Himmerich H., Röhrich J., Szegedi A.: A case of possible N- bezylpiperazine induced persisting perception disorder and description of initial intoxication syndrome. Pharmacopsychiatry 2001; 34: 183. 14

Szegedi A., Lörch B., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Scheurich A., Ruppe A., Wetzel H., Hautzinger M.: Cue reactivity as a predictor of response to cue exposure treatment: Results from the NeVeR study. Pharmacopsychiatry 2001; 34: 203. Klawe C., Anghelescu I., Singer P., Fehr C., Germeyer S., Schleicher A., Hiemke C., Dahmen N., Szegedi A. : Lower novelty seeking and higher self-directedness scores on TCI in alcohol dependent patients homozygous for the A10 allele of DAT1. Pharmacopsychiatry 2001; 34: 183. Himmerich H., Anghelescu I., Klawe C., Szegedi A.: Serum levels of vitamin B12 and hepatic enzymes correlate positively in male alcohol dependent patients. Nervenarzt 2000; Suppl.1: S124. Szegedi A., Pauly T., Anghelescu I., Klawe C.J., Dahmen N., Wetzel H., Hiemke C.: (2000): Reduced expression of adenylat cyclase isoforms in lymphocytes of alcohol dependent patients. XXIInd CINP Congress, 9. 13. Juli 2000 in Brüssel, Belgien. The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 3 (Suppl. 1): S. 310. Rujescu D., Szegedi A., Anghelescu I., Giegling I., Schäfer M., Müller-Siecheneder F., Bondy B., Möller H.-J., Dahmen N.: (2000) Association study of suicidal behavior and affective disorders with a genetic polymorphism in ABCG1, a positional candiadate on chromosome 21q22.3. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 10, Suppl 3, p S. 259, P.1.102. Rujescu D., Szegedi A., Anghelescu I., Giegling I, Schäfer M, Möller HJ, Dahmen N. Unipolar depression and polymorphisms of monoaminooxidases. American Journal of Medical Genetics 96: (4) P61 (2000). Rujescu D, Giegling I, Szegedi A, Anghelescu I, Schäfer M., Bondy B., Dahmen N. : Suicidal behaviour, affective disorders and a polymorphism in the ABCG1 gene. American Journal of Medical Genetics 96: (4) P371 (2000). Müller-Siecheneder F., Rujescu D., Szegedi A., Anghelescu I., Gieling I., Gietl A., Schäfer M., Möller H.-J., Dahmen N.: (2000) Association study of affective disorders with genetic polymorphisms of monoamine oxidases. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 10, Suppl 3 p S. 259, No P.1.101. Szegedi A., Hevers W., Klawe C.J., Anghelescu I., Dämgen K., Lüddens H.: Dramatically Reduced Sensitivity to GABA without a Change in the Equilibrium Affinity Induced by a Point Mutation in GABAA Receptors. 21th Symposium of AGNP, Nürnberg, October 6 9, 1999. Pharmacopsychiat. 32 (1999), S. 213. Szegedi A., Meyer T.D., Germeyer S., Anghelescu I., Klawe C.J., Dahmen N., Wetzel H.: Anhedonia and Dopaminergic Polymorphisms in Patients with Alcohol Dependence or Alcohol Abuse. 21th Symposium of AGNP, Nürnberg, October 6 9, 1999. Pharmacopsychiat. 32 (1999), S. 213. Fehr C., Wehrmeister K., Szegedi A., Anghelescu I., Wetzel H., Hiemke C., Dahmen N.: Allele Differences Between Men and Women in the 5-HT2C Cys23/Ser23 Polymorphism. 21th Symposium of AGNP, Nürnberg, October 6-9, 1999. Pharmacopsychiat. 32 (1999), S. 179. Szegedi A., Müller M.J., Himmerich H., Anghelescu I., Wetzel H.: Carbohydrate-Deficient Transferrin (CDT) and HDL-Cholesterol (HDL) are Highly Correlated in Male Alcohol Dependent oder Abusing Patients. 21th Symposium of AGNP, Nürnberg, October 6 9, 1999. Pharmacopsychiat. 32 (1999), S. 214. Szegedi A., Hevers W., Klawe C.J., Anghelescu I., Dämgen K., Lüddens H.: The mechanisms of several recognition sites intersect at a single amino acid to modify channel function. Journal of Neurochemistry 73: S. 139 S. 139; Suppl. S (1999). Anghelescu I., Hiemke C., Wetzel H.: Evaluation of the dopaminergic hypothesis in male schizophrenic patients by means of the apomorphine challenge test. Pharmacopsychiatry 1999; 32: 112. Anghelescu I., Hiemke C., Müller M.J., Klawe C., Szegedi A., Wetzel H. : Apomorphin-Test bei Alkoholabhängigen. Seminar für Biologische Psychiatrie, Oberlech, 17. 23.3.1999. Anghelescu I., Wetzel H., Müller M.J., Szegedi A., Käfer M., Golombek M., Hiemke C.: Evaluation of the dopaminergic hypothesis as a trait marker in male alcohol-dependent patients by the apomorphine challenge test. ISPNE Congress in Trier 1998; published in Psychoneuroendocrinology, 1998. Fehr C., Schleicher A., Szegedi A., Anghelescu I., Wetzel H., Mann, K., Germeyer S., Hiemke C., Dahmen N. (1998): 5-HT2A receptor polymorphism in patients suffering from alcoholism generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of 15