Austria Italy: Exchange of Notes on the Mutual Recognition of Academic Degrees and Titles

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1 Austria Italy: Exchange of Notes on the Mutual Recognition of Academic Degrees and Titles QUOTATIONS Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the Italian Republic on the Mutual Recognition of Academic Degrees and Titles Date of signature: 28 January 1999, Vienna Publication: BGBl. (Austrian Federal Gazette) III No. 45/2001 Date of entry into force: 1 March 2001 Authentic language versions: German, Italian Exchange of Notes on the Amendment of the Exchange of Notes between the Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the Italian Republic on the Mutual Recognition of Academic Degrees and Titles Date of signature: 26./27. February 2003, Vienna Publication: BGBl. (Austrian Federal Gazette) III No. 58/2003 Date of entry into force: 1 April 2003 Authentic language versions: German, Italian TEXT EXCHANGE OF NOTES BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC ON THE MUTUAL RECOGNITION OF ACADEMIC DEGREES AND TITLES 1 2 With regard to the preceding Exchanges of Notes on the Mutual Recognition of Academic Degrees and Titles in execution of article 10 of the Agreement of 14 March 1952 between the Republic of Austria and the Italian Republic on the Promotion of the Cultural Relations between the two Countries, as well as the results of the Austrian-Italian Expert Committee, which have been reached in the 13 th meeting (11 th to 13 th November 1997, Vienna), in the 14 th meeting (13 th to 14 th March 1998, Rome), and in the 15 th meeting (27 th to 28 th July 1998, Vienna), I have the honour to propose on behalf of my Government the following consensual regulation: 1. (1) By the present Exchange of Notes the Exchange of Notes together with Annexe on the Mutual Recognition of Academic Degrees and Titles between the Republic of Austria and the Italian Republic, which has been signed on 11 September 1996 in Rome 3, shall be amended. The enclosed list of equivalent academic degrees and titles is an integral part (Annexe) of the present Exchange of Notes 4. (2) The Austrian-Italian Expert Committee shall meet in each case when one of the both sides takes it to be necessary in order to evaluate the substantial changes which have been taken place in the meantime in the study law for certain degree programmes. Changes which do not refer to sub- 1 This Exchange of Notes has become effective from 1 March The wording academic degrees and titles, which passes through the whole Exchange of Notes, is meant as a compromise between the terminologies of both Contracting Countries: For Austria, the academic degree, for Italy the academic title is the term by which a completion of studies is shown outside. 3 Publication: BGBl. III No. 208/ This kind of recognition ( full equivalence ) has the effect of a validation according to art. 90 of the Universities Act 2002.

2 stance shall be directly communicates to the other side, which takes note of them, unless it takes it necessary to convoke a meeting of the Committee. Both sides shall send to each other in respective due time before the meeting overviews on changes in the degree programmes and possible proposals for a supplement to the list. The update of the enclosed list of equivalent academic degrees and titles shall take place on the basis of the substantial contents of each educational programme. With regard to the entry into force of the supplements decided upon by the Expert Committee, the provisions of the subsequent paragraph 16.2 will apply. 2. (1) In the case that a new list of equivalent academic degrees and titles becomes effective, persons who have started their studies before the date of entry into force without interrupting them are, after completion of their studies, entitled to obtain that equivalence for the degree programme chosen which had been in force in Italy on the date of the admission or, respectively, registration in Austria. It shall not be taken as interruption if the applicant passes over to another university of the same country in order to continue immediately the same degree programme. (2) In case that the respective degree programme has been cancelled and/or transferred into a new degree programme with a new academic degree or title the person concerned can apply for a statement of equivalence with the new academic degree or title under those conditions which are laid down in the list of equivalent academic degrees and titles at the date of the application. (3) In case that the conditions for a statement of equivalence have been changed without a change in the study regulations, the applicant can obtain the statement of equivalence on the basis of that list of equivalent academic degrees and titles which is in force at the date of the application, if the conditions for the statement of equivalence, laid down in this list, are more favourable for him. 3. For the recognition of the Austrian combined degree programmes in Italy, only that field of study shall be relevant which has been chosen as the first field of study, unless no other provisions are laid down in the Annexe; this means that field of study in which the diploma thesis has been elaborated. If this fact is not visible from the Austrian graduation diploma (when awarded up to 31 July 1997), or from the notice of award of the academic degree (when awarded from 1 August 1997) 5, the certificate on the assessment of the diploma thesis with indications on the respective field of study shall be relevant. 4. If in the country in which recognition is sought the indication of branches of study in he diploma of recognition is compulsory, the foreign diploma shall be confronted with that branch of study, the characterizing subjects of which correspond to the core subjects (elective subjects) chosen by the applicant, and to the topic of his diploma thesis. 5. In case that one academic degree or title of one country is found equivalent to one or more academic degrees or titles of the other country, the holder of this academic degree or title shall be only entitled to apply for the equivalence with one of these academic degrees or titles of the latter country. 6. (1) There must not be demanded supplementary examinations in addition to those which are laid down in the Annexe. (2) The supplementary examinations can be taken, according to the applicant's choice, in one of the two countries, and that according to the provisions which are in force in the country chosen. 7. For the purpose of the recognition of academic degrees or titles, or of periods of study or examinations persons who intend to register either in Austria or in Italy as degree programme students must hold a secondary school leaving certificate 6 of an educational institution which entitles them in the other country to access to higher education. 5 This alternative wording takes into account art. 87 para. 2 of the University Act 2002 or, respectively, the former art. 66 para. 1 UniStG, which had become effective from 1 August It is the purpose of this wording that at each time only one document exists which is constitutive for the award of the academic degree, and which shall therefore be regarded as the basis for the recognition according to the Exchange of Notes by the decisionmaking authority. 6 Therefore the Austrian university entrance qualification exam (Studienberechtigungsprüfung) need not be recognized as a secondary school leaving certificate in Italy. Persons who have completed a degree programme in Austria, to which formerly the admission had taken place on the basis of a university entrance qualification exam, do not have a prevailing right to a recognition in Italy according to the Exchange of Notes. This is alos in conformity with the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region, BGBl. III No. 71/1999 (Lisbon Recognition Convention; see art. IV.8 of this Convention), because

3 8. (1) For the purpose of the recognition of an Austrian academic degree in Italy persons concerned shall present their application to the chosen university, which shall make its decision as soon as possible, at the latest, however, within four months 7 after presentation of the complete documentation. The application shall be fitted, above the other necessary documents, with the graduation diploma (when awarded up to 31 July 1997), or from the notice of award of the academic degree (when awarded from 1 August 1998) 8. (2) For the purpose of the recognition of an Italian academic title in Austria persons concerned shall present their application to the persons concerned shall present their application with all necessary documents to the Federal Ministry of Science and Transportation, which shall make its decision as soon as possible, at the latest, however, within four months 9 after presentation of the complete documentation. 9. (1) The provisions of the present Exchange of Notes shall not apply to citizens of third countries. (2) Likewise, the provisions of the present Exchange of Notes shall not apply to academic degrees and titles which have been awarded by universities in third countries and afterwards recognized on the basis of international agreements or validation procedures. 10. In conformity with the suggestions of the Council of Europe to promote the liberal circulation of students, and in the sense of article of the European Convention on the Equivalence of Periods of University Study of 15 December , it is ascertained that periods of study which have been spent in one of both countries, and which lead to an academic degree or title which has been stated equivalent between both countries, shall be, upon continuation of the studies in the other country, be fully recognized. 11. Examinations passed at an Austrian or Italian higher education institution shall be recognized by the competent authority of the other country, insofar they are equivalent to the examinations provided for in the study regulations in force 11. This provision applies also to study programmes which lead to academic degrees or titles which have not yet been recognized equivalent between Austria and Italy. 12. With regard to the Austrian academic degrees which have been obtained according to the Decree on Examinations for Secondary School Teacher Accreditation (Prüfungsvorschrift für das Lehramt an Mittelschulen) 12 in conformity with the legal provisions valid in Austria, and which are not listed in the Annexe, a statement of equivalence with Italian titles is not possible; the periods of study, however, which have been spent can, for the purpose of continuation of studies and acquisition of an Italian laurea, be recognized. 13. The Expert Committee according to para. 1.2 can lay down the criteria for the correspondence of grades of the single examinations as well as their final grade 13. By entering into force of the present Exchange of Notes the Austrian universities shall confer to the students, upon their demand, a total in Italy does, for the time being, not exist an admission title which corresponded to the Austrian university entrance qualification exam. 7 The term of four months has been copied from art. 8 para. 2 of the directive on a general system for the recognition of higher-education diplomas awarded on completion of professional education and training of at least three years' duration, 89/48/EEC. 8 See note 5. 9 The term of four months is a particular in opposition to art. 73 para. 1 of the General Administrative Proceedings Act 1991 AVG, BGBl. No. 51; it has been copied from art. 8 para. 2 of the directive on a general system for the recognition of higher-education diplomas awarded on completion of professional education and training of at least three years' duration, 89/48/EEC. 10 Publication: BGBl. No. 231/ In Austria this corresponds to the provisions of art. 59 para. 1 UniStG. 12 Publication: BGBl. No. 271/ The constitutional basis for this delegation is, as for Austria, Art. 9 para. 2 of the Federal Constitutional Act (B-VG), BGBl. No. 1/1930, in the present version.

4 grade, which shall comprise any examinations passed according to the study regulations, and the diploma thesis. 14. For the purpose of the exercise of a profession, all other requirements, laid down in the legal provisions of that country in which the profession should be exercised, must be met. 15. In the case of problems in the application of the provisions of the Exchanges of Notes between the Republic of Austria and the Italian Republic on the mutual recognition of academic degrees and titles the proceedings of the Expert Committee for Equivalences shall be taken as an instrument of interpretation. 16. (1) Amendments to the present Exchange of Notes shall be agreed upon by the Contracting Countries, and shall become effective by the same procedures as the present Exchange of Notes. (2) The enclosed list of equivalent academic degrees and titles, which is an integral part of the present Exchange of Notes, can be amended by the Expert Committee according to para. 1.2 of the present Exchange of Notes 13 ; the relevant amendment shall become effective by a diplomatic Exchange of Notes, and that on the first day of the second month following the receipt of the last note. If Your Government agrees to the foregoing, the present note and the affirmative reply shall form an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Austria and the Government of the Italian Republic on the Mutual Recognition of Academic Degrees and Titles, which shall become effective on the first day of the second month following the day on which both countries have notified each other that the relevant constitutional requirements for entering into force have been met 15. Exchange of Notes BGBl. III No. 58/2003, paragraph 1 When executing the procedures on the statement of equivalence regarding the relevant academic titles and degrees of both countries, the respective competent authorities shall apply the schedule on the correspondence of the title or final degree, which is enclosed as Annexe No. 1 to the present Exchange of Notes 1. Annexes 2 15 See note 1. 1 This means the correspondence of the total grades for the titles or final degrees (cf. the Italian text). 2 The plural form Annexes is an editorial adaptation, because by the Exchange of Notes BGBl. III No. 58/2003 there has been added a further Annexe.

5 Annexe 1 16 Preliminatory notes 17 : - Expiring or expired degree programmes or, respectively, academic degrees and titles are printed in italic letters. - The notes concerning the supplementary examinations and other requirements for the statements of equivalence have been numbered currently and explained following the schedule. - Degree programmes and, respectively, academic degrees and titles are listed in alphabetical order. In the case of equal degree programmes, however, equivalences based on the present legal situation are listed always before possible equivalences based on expiring or expired law. Austrian Austrian Italian Notes degree programme academic degree Laurea in... Allgemeine Biologie Dr. phil. Scienze biologiche Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde Storia Angewandte Betriebswirtschaft Mag. rer. soc. oec. Economia aziendale Angewandte Geophysik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Scienze geologiche (1) Angewandte Geowissenschaften Dipl.-Ing. / DI Scienze geologiche (1) Anglistik Dr. phil. Lingue e letterature straniere (2) Anglistik Dr. phil. Lingue e letterature straniere (3) Anglistik, Romanistik, Slawistik Lingue e letterature straniere (4) Anglistik und Amerikanistik Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Anglistik und Amerikanistik Lingue e letterature straniere (4) Anthropologie Dr. phil. Scienze biologiche Architektur Dipl.-Ing. / DI Architettura Architektur Mag. arch. Architettura Astronomie Mag. rer. nat. Astronomia Astronomie Dr. phil. Astronomia Bauingenieurwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria civile Berg- und Hüttenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria mineraria Bergwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio Bergwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria mineraria Betriebswirtschaft Mag. rer. soc. oec. Economia aziendale Biologie Mag. rer. nat. Scienze biologiche (7) Biologie Mag. rer. nat. Scienze naturali Biologie und Erdwissenschaften Mag. rer. nat. Scienze biologiche Biologie und Erdwissenschaften Mag. rer. nat. Scienze geologiche Biologie und Warenlehre Mag. rer. nat. Scienze naturali (8) Botanik Dr. phil. Scienze biologiche Botanik Dr. phil. Scienze naturali 16 In the version of the Exchange of Notes BGBl. III No. 58/2003. The Annexe is, due to para. 1.1 and 16.2 of the Exchange of Notes, an integral part of that, and has, like this, the rank of a federal act. To future amanedments of the Annexe the simplified procedure of para of the Exchange of Notes shall apply. See also the Italian order of the Annexe 1 following the text. 17 The preliminatory notes are an authentic part of the Annexe.

6 Austrian Austrian Italian Notes degree programme academic degree Laurea in... Chemie Mag. rer. nat. Chimica (9) Chemie Dr. phil. Chimica Chemie Mag. rer. nat. Scienze e tecnologie alimentari Darstellende Geometrie Mag. rer. nat. Matematica Deutsch und Englisch Lingue e letterature straniere (10) Deutsch und Französisch Lingue e letterature straniere (10) Deutsch und Geographie Lettere (10) Deutsch und Italienisch Lingue e letterature straniere Deutsch und Latein Lettere (10) Deutsch und Russisch Lingue e letterature straniere (10) Deutsche Philologie Lingue e letterature straniere (6) (11) Deutsche Philologie Lettere (12) [kombiniert mit einer Studienrichtung der Romanistik] Deutsche Philologie Dr. phil. Lettere (3) Deutsche Philologie Dr. phil. Materie letterarie (2) Elektrotechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria elettrica Elektrotechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria elettronica Elektrotechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria informatica (13) Elektrotechnik Toningenieur Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria elettrica Elektrotechnik Toningenieur Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria elettronica Elektrotechnik Toningenieur Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria informatica (13) Elektrotechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria elettrotecnica Englisch und Französisch Lingue e letterature straniere (10) Englisch und Italienisch Lingue e letterature straniere Englisch und Russisch Lingue e letterature straniere (10) Erdölwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio Erdölwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria mineraria Erdwissenschaften Mag. rer. nat. Scienze geologiche (14) Ernährungswissenschaften Mag. rer. nat. Scienze e tecnologie alimentari Finno-Ugristik Filologia e storia dell'europa orientale Finno-Ugristik Lingue e letterature straniere (6) (11) Flugzeugbau Dipl.-Ing. Ingegneria aeronautica Forst- und Holzwirtschaft Dipl.-Ing. / DI Scienze forestali ed ambientali Forst- und Holzwirtschaft Dipl.-Ing. / DI Scienze forestali Französisch und Italienisch Lingue e letterature straniere Geographie Geografia Geographie Mag. rer. nat. Geografia Geographie Dr. phil. Geografia Geographie Mag. rer. nat. Geografia (15) Geographie und Geschichte Lettere (10) Geologie Dr. phil. Scienze geologiche Geophysik Dr. phil. Fisica

7 Austrian Austrian Italian Notes degree programme academic degree Laurea in... Geschichte Storia Geschichte Dr. phil. Lettere (3) Geschichte Dr. phil. Materie letterarie (2) Geschichte und Deutsch Materie letterarie (4) Geschichte und Englisch Lingue e letterature straniere (10) Geschichte und Französisch Lingue e letterature straniere (10) Geschichte und Italienisch Lettere Geschichte und Russisch Lingue e letterature straniere (10) Gesteinshüttenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria dei materiali (16) Gesteinshüttenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria mineraria (16) Handelswissenschaft Mag. rer. soc. oec. Economia e commercio Handelswissenschaft Dr. rer. comm. Economia e commercio Haushalts- und Ernährungswissenschaften Mag. rer. nat. Scienze delle preparazione (17) alimentari Humanmedizin Dr. med. univ. Medicina e chirurgia Hüttenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria dei materiali Hüttenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria gestionale Hüttenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria mineraria Industrieller Umweltschutz, Entsorgungstechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il (18) und Recycling territorio Informatik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Scienze dell'informazione Informatik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Informatica Instrumentalmusikerziehung Mag. art. Discipline dell'arte, della musica (19) Internationale Betriebswirtschaft Mag. rer. soc. oec. Economia del commercio internazionale e dei mercati valutari Internationale Wirtschaftswissenschaften Mag. rer. soc. oec. Klassische Archäologie Lettere Klassische Archäologie Dr. phil. Lettere Klassische Philologie Dr. phil. Lettere Economia del commercio internazionale e dei mercati valutari Klassische Philologie Griechisch Lettere Klassische Philologie Latein Lettere Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria civile Kunstgeschichte Discipline dell'arte, della musica (20) Kunststofftechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Chimica industriale (21) Kunststofftechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Chimica industriale (22) (23) Landschaftsplanung und Landschaftspflege Dipl.-Ing. / DI Pianificazione territoriale, urbanistica ed ambientale Landwirtschaft Dipl.-Ing. / DI Scienze e tecnologie agrarie Landwirtschaft Dipl.-Ing. / DI Scienze agrarie Latein und Griechisch Lettere (4) Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologie Dipl.-Ing. / DI Lebensmittel- und Biotechnologie Dipl.-Ing. / DI Lebensmittel- und Gärungstechnologie Dipl.-Ing. / DI Scienze e tecnologie alimentari Scienze delle preparazioni alimentari Scienze delle preparazioni alimentari

8 Austrian Austrian Italian Notes degree programme academic degree Laurea in... Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Bos- nisch/kroatisch/serbisch) Mag. rer. nat. Chimica (9) Chemie) Mag. rer. nat. Matematica Darstellende Ge- ometrie) Lingue e letterature straniere (6) (11) Deutsch) Lettere (12) Deutsch) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Englisch) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Französisch) Geografia Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde) Mag. rer. nat. Geografia Geographie und Wirtschaftskunde) Storia Geschichte, Sozi- alkunde und Politische Bildung) Lettere Griechisch) Mag. rer. nat. Scienze delle preparazione (17) Haushaltsökonomie und Ernährung) alimentari Mag. art. Discipline dell'arte, della musica (19) Instrumentalmus- ikerziehung) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Italienisch) Lettere Latein) (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Leibeserziehung) Mag. rer. nat. (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Leibeserziehung) Mag. rer. nat. Matematica Mathematik) Mag. art. Discipline dell'arte, della musi- (19) Musikerziehung) ca Mag. rer. nat. Fisica Physik) Scienze dell'educazione (27) Psychologie und Philosophie) (indirizzo insegnanti di scienze dell'educazione) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Russisch) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Slowenisch) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Spanisch) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Tschechisch) Lehramtsstudium (Un- Filologia e storia dell'europa

9 Austrian Austrian Italian Notes degree programme academic degree Laurea in... terrichtsfach Ungarisch) orientale Lingue e letterature straniere (6) (11) Ungarisch) Leibeserziehung (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Leibeserziehung Mag. rer. nat. (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Logistik Mag. rer. nat. Matematica Markscheidewesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il (16) territorio Markscheidewesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria mineraria (16) Maschinenbau Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria meccanica Maschinenbau Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria navale Mathematik Mag. rer. nat. Matematica Mathematik Dr. phil. Matematica Mathematik und Physik Mag. rer. nat. Matematica Mechatronik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria elettrica (24) Medizin Dr. med. univ. Medicina e chirurgia Metallurgie Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria dei materiali Metallurgie Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria gestionale Metallurgie Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria mineraria Meteorologie und Geophysik Mag. rer. nat. Scienze geologiche (25) Mineralogie und Petrologie Dr. phil. Scienze naturali Molekulare Biologie Mag. rer. nat. Scienze biologiche (41) Montanmaschinenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria meccanica Montanmaschinenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria mineraria (26) Musikerziehung Mag. art. Discipline dell'arte, della musica (19) Musikwissenschaft Musicologia (10) Musikwissenschaft Discipline dell'arte, della musica (10) Naturgeschichte Dr. phil. Scienze biologiche Naturgeschichte Mag. rer. nat. Scienze naturali Nederlandistik Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Pädagogik Scienze dell'educazione (27) (indirizzo insegnanti di scienze dell'educazione) Pädagogik Dr. phil. Pedagogia Pädagogik Pedagogia Paläontologie Dr. phil. Scienze geologiche Petroleum Engineering Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio Pharmakognosie Dr. pharm. Farmacia Pharmakognosie Dr. phil. Farmacia Pharmazeutische Chemie Dr. pharm. Farmacia Pharmazeutische Chemie Dr. phil. Farmacia Pharmazie Mag. pharm. Farmacia (28) Pharmazie Mag. pharm. Farmacia (22) Philosophie Filosofia Philosophie Dr. phil. Filosofia Philosophie an fac. theol. Filosofia Katholisch-Theologischen Fakultäten Philosophie, Pädagogik und Pedagogia Psychologie Philosophie, Pädagogik und Psychologie Physik Mag. rer. nat. Fisica Scienze dell'educazione (indirizzo insegnanti di scienze dell'educazione) (27)

10 Austrian Austrian Italian Notes degree programme academic degree Laurea in... Physik Dr. phil. Fisica Politikwissenschaft Scienze politiche Psychologie Psicologia (29) Psychologie Mag. rer. nat. Psicologia (29) Psychologie Dr. phil. Psicologia Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft Raumplanung und Raumordnung Dipl.-Ing. / DI Raumplanung und Raumordnung Dipl.-Ing. / DI Raumplanung und Raumordnung Dipl.-Ing. / DI Scienze della comunicazione (indirizzo comunicazioni di massa) Pianificazione territoriale, urbanistica ed ambientale Ingegneria civile per la difesa del suolo e la pianificazione territoriale Pianificazione territoriale e urbanistica Rechte Dr. iur. Giurisprudenza Rechtswissenschaften Mag. iur. Giurisprudenza Romanistik Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Romanistik Dr. phil. Lingue e letterature straniere (2) Romanistik Dr. phil. Lingue e letterature straniere (3) Romanistik Lingue e letterature straniere Schiffsbau und Schiffsmaschinenbau Dipl.-Ing. Ingegneria navale e meccanica Skandinavistik Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Slawistik Filologia e storia dell'europa orientale Slawistik Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Slawistik Dr. phil. Lingue e letterature straniere (2) Slawistik Dr. phil. Lingue e letterature straniere Slawistik Lingue e letterature straniere Sozial- und Wirtschaftsstatistik Mag. rer. soc. oec. Scienze statistiche ed economiche Sozialwirtschaft Mag. rer. soc. oec. Economia politica Sozialwirtschaft Mag. rer. soc. oec. Scienze economiche (31) Soziologie Sociologia Soziologie Mag. rer. soc. oec. Sociologia (32) Sportwissenschaften (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Sportwissenschaften Mag. rer. nat. (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Sportwissenschaften Scienze motorie (42) Sportwissenschaften Mag. rer. nat. Scienze motorie (42) Sportwissenschaften und Leibeserziehung (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Sportwissenschaften und Leibeserziehung Mag. rer. nat. (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Staatswissenschaften Dr. rer. pol. Scienze politiche Statistik Mag. rer. soc. oec. Scienze statistiche ed economiche Technische Chemie Dipl.-Ing. / DI Chimica industriale Technische Chemie Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria chimica Technische Mathematik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Matematica Technische Physik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Fisica Telematik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni Theaterwissenschaft Discipline dell'arte, della musi- (33) (3) (30)

11 Austrian Austrian Italian Notes degree programme academic degree Laurea in... ca Theaterwissenschaft Dr. phil. Discipline dell'arte, della musica Übersetzen und Dolmetschen Traduzione ed interpretazione Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung Traduzione ed interpretazione Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung Interprete Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung Traduttore Ur- und Frühgeschichte Dr. phil. Lettere Ur- und Frühgeschichte Storia (34) Verfahrenstechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria chimica Verfahrenstechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria meccanica (35) Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft Studi comparatistici (36) Vermessungswesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria civile (37) Vermessung und Geoinformation Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria civile (37) Veterinärmedizin Diplom-Tierarzt / Medicina veterinaria Mag. med. vet. Veterinärmedizin Diplomierter Tierarzt Medicina veterinaria Völkerkunde Materie letterarie Völkerkunde Dr. phil. Materie letterarie (38) Volkskunde Materie letterarie Volkskunde Dr. phil. Materie letterarie (38) Volkswirtschaft Mag. rer. soc. oec. Economia politica Werkstoffwissenschaft Dipl.-Ing. / DI Chimica industriale (39) Werkstoffwissenschaften Dipl.-Ing. / DI Chimica industriale (39) Werkstoffwissenschaften Dipl.-Ing. / DI Chimica industriale (22) (23) Wirtschaftsinformatik Mag. rer. soc. oec. Informatica (43) Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria civile Bauwesen Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria meccanica Maschinenbau Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Chimica industriale Technische Chemie Wirtschaftspädagogik Mag. rer. soc. oec. Economia e commercio (40) Wirtschaftswissenschaften Mag. rer. soc. oec. Economia aziendale (44) Wirtschaftswissenschaften Dr. rer. oec. Economia e commercio Zoologie Dr. phil. Scienze biologiche Zoologie Dr. phil. Scienze naturali Notes 18 (1) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy: Paleontologia / Paläontologie. (2) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy in Letteratura italiana / Italienischer Literatur, unless Italienisch has been chosen as the second subject in the main rigorosum. (This equivalence is restricted to all students who have completed the Teachers Accreditation Examination without the fifth integral year according to the Italina act n. 910 of 11 December.) (3) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy in Letteratura italiana / Italienischer Literatur, 18 The notes are an authentic part of the Annexe.

12 unless Italian has been chosen as the second subject in the main rigorosum. (4) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy in Letteratura italiana / Italienischer Literatur, unless Italienisch has been chosen as the second subject. (5) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy, subject to applicant s choice, in Lingua e letteratura italiana / Italienischer Sprache und Literatur, or Letteratura italiana / Italienischer Literatur, unless the applicant has already taken such an examination in Austria. (6) The equivalence of the Austrian academic degree "Magister der Philosophie" ("") upon completion of philological and cultural degree programmes (degree programme "Anglistik und Amerikanistik"; degree programme "Deutsche Philologie"; degree programme "Finno-Ugristik"; degree programme "Nederlandistik"; degree programmes in "Romanistik"; degree programme "Skandinavistik"; degree programmes in "Slawistik") in Italy shall take place only of the student has combined in Austria two philological and cultural degree programmes. (7) Supplementary examination for the recognition of the branch Humanbiologie in Italien: Chimica organica / Organische Chemie; Chimica biologica / Biochemie. (8) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Austria: Allgemeine Technologie und Warenwirtschaftslehre. Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy: Fisiologia vegetale / Pflanzenphysiologie; Geografia fisica / Physische Geographie. (9) Graduates of the branch "Chemie (Lehramt an höheren Schulen)" must take supplementary examinations in basic subjects of the chosen Italian branch of studies in order to be recognized in Italy as equivalent to the "Laurea in chimica". (10) Ergänzungsprüfung für die Anerkennung in Italien: Letteratura italiana / Italienische Literatur. (11) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy in Italianistica / Italianistik (wahlweise Letteratura italiana / Italienische Literatur oder Lingua e letteratura italiana / Italienische Sprache und Literatur), unless the applicant has already taken such an examination in Austria. (12) Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy: Letteratura italiana / Italienische Literatur; Materia filosofica / ein philosophisches Fach. (13) Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy in Reti logiche / Logische Netze und Calcolatori electronici / Elektronische Rechner, unless the applicant has already taken such examinations in Austria. (14) Ergänzungsprüfungen für die Anerkennung des Studienzweiges Mineralogie-Kristallographie in Italien: Rilevamento geologico / Geologisches Vermessungswesen; Geochimica / Geochemie; Geologia applicata / Angewandte Geologie. (15) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy in Storia economica / Wirtschaftsgeschichte, unless History has been chosen as the second subject. (16) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy: Scienza delle costruzioni / Konstruktionslehre. (17) Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy: Botanica sistematica ed applicata / Systematische und Angewandte Botanik; Morfologia e fisiologia animale / Tiermorphologie und Tierphysiologie;

13 Zootecnica generale / Allgemeine Tierzucht. (18) Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy in Tecnica urbanistica / Städtebau und Ingegneria del territorio / Landschaftsingenieurwesen, unless the applicant has already taken such examinations in Austria. (19) Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy: Italienisch; altra lingua / eine weitere Sprache. (20) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Austria: Deutsche Sprache; Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy: Lingua italiana / Italienische Sprache. (21) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Austria in Technologie und Verarbeitung der Kunststoffe (if taken in Austria) beziehungsweise Materie plastiche (if taken in Ital). Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy: Chimica industriale I con laboratorio di Chimica industriale I / Industriechemie I mit Laboratorium aus Industriechemie I; Chimica industriale II con laboratorio di Chimica industriale II / Industriechemie II mit Laboratorium aus Industriechemie II. (22) This equivalence shall apply only to students who have begun their studies before 1 December 1997 and continued them without interruption (cf. para. 2 of the Exchange of Notes). (23) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy: Elementi di diritto, di economia e di legislazione sociale / Grundlagen des Rechtes, der Wirtschaft und der Sozialgesetzgebung. (24) Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy in Sistemi e misure elettrici / Elektrische Systeme und Messungen und Disegno tecnico / Technisches Zeichnen, unless the applicant has already taken such examinations in Austria. (25) Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy: Chimica generale ed inorganica con elementi di chimica organica / Allgemeine und Anorganische Chemie mit Elementen der Organischen Chemie; Topografia e cartografia / Topographie und Kartographie. (26) Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy: Chimica / Chemie; Scienza delle costruzioni / Konstruktionslehre. (27)* Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy in Storia della filosofia / Geschichte der Philosophie und Antropologia culturale / Kulturanthropologie, unless the applicant has already taken such examinations in Austria. (28) For the purpose of recognition in Italy the holder of the Austrian academic degree shall present a certificate of the Austrian Chamber of Pharmacists ( Zeugnis über die Aspirantenprüfung ), which gives evidence of having passed the internship after the acquisition of the academic degree. (29) When the recognition of equivalence is done in Italy, that branch of study shall be indicated in which the graduate of the Austrian degree programme "Psychologie" has taken examinations in the framework of the elective subject, provided for in Austria, which correspond to one of the Italian branches of study ("Psicologia generale e sperimentale"; "Psicologia della sviluppo e dell'educazione"; "Psicologia clinica e di comunità"; "Psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni"). The topic of the diploma thesis must be part of a subject which is one of the characterizing subjects of the des Italian branch of study. The graduates of the Austrian degree programme "Psychologie" shall show evidence

14 of these criteria in the final certificate ("Absolutorium"), which shall list all examinations provided for by the study decrees, including the elective subject and the corresponding examinations. If the elective subject and the corresponding examinations of the Austrian graduate do not correspond to Italian branch of study for which the recognition has been sought, the applicant shall take, for the purpose of recognition, an overall supplementary examination in the subjects which are the characterizing ones ("materie costitutive") for the branch of study for which the recognition has been sought. This does not apply to students who have begun their studies before 1 December 1997 and continued them without interruption (cf. para. 2 of the Exchange of Notes). (30) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy: Elementi di diritto pubblico / Grundlagen des öffentlichen Rechts. (31) Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy: Scienze delle finanze / Finanzwissenschaften; Economia monetaria e creditizia / Geld- und Kreditwirtschaft. (32) Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy: Filosofia morale / Moralphilosophie; Psicologia sociale / Sozialpsychologie; Psicologia / Psychologie. (33) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy in Psicologia / Psychologie, unless this examination has already been taken. (34) The Austrian academic degree "" ("Ur- und Frühgeschichte") is recognized equivalent to the "Laurea in storia", but restricted to those Austrian academic degrees which have already been acquired, as well as to students who have been registered for the Austrian degree programme "Urund Frühgeschichte" up to the academic year 1989/90, and will comlete their studies without interruption. (35) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy: Fisica tecnica / Technische Physik. (36) Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy: Lingua e letteratura italiana / Italienische Sprache und Literatur; Lingua e letteratura tedesca / Deutsche Sprache und Literatur; altra lingua e letteratura / eine weitere Sprache und Literatur. (37) Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy: Scienza delle costruzioni / Konstruktionslehre; Tecnica delle costruzioni / Konstruktionstechnik. (38) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Italy, subject to applicant s choice, in: Lingua e letteratura italiana / Italienische Sprache und Literatur, or Tradizioni popolari italiane / Italienische Volkskunde. (39) Supplementary examination for the recognition in Austria in Werkstoffe und Werkstoffwissenschaften (wenn sie in Österreich abgelegt wird) beziehungsweise Scienza e tecnica dei materiali (wenn sie in Italien abgelegt wird). Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy: Chimica industriale I con laboratorio di Chimica industriale I / Industriechemie I mit Laboratorium aus Industriechemie I; Chimica industriale II con laboratorio di Chimica industriale II / Industriechemie II mit Laboratorium aus Industriechemie II. (40) Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy: Matematica finanziaria / Finanzmathematik; Ragioneria generale ed applicata / Allgemeine und Angewandte Buchhaltung; Storia economica / Wirtschaftsgeschichte; Geografia economica / Wirtschaftsgeographie; Merceologia / Warenkunde.

15 (41)* Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy in Matematica / Mathematik, Fisica / Physik, Fisiopatologia / Physiopathologie und Bioecologia / Bioökologie, unless these examinations have already been taken. (42)* Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy in Riabilitazione motoria degli handicappati / Behindertensport, Medicina fisica riabilitativa / Physikalische Medizin, Fisica / Physik, Anatomia / Anatomie, Fisiologia / Physiologie, Antropologia / Anthropologie, Igiene / Hygiene und Biochimia / Biochemie, unless these examinations have already been taken. (43)* Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy in Fisica / Physik, Cibernetica / Kybernetik und Elettronica / Elektronik, unless these examinations have already been taken. (44)* Supplementary examinations for the recognition in Italy in Diritto commerciale / Handelsrecht, Diritto tributario / Steuerrecht, Diritto fallimentare / Konkursrecht und Legislazione bancaria / Bankenrecht, unless these examinations have already been taken. * In the version of the Exchange of Notes BGBl. III No. 58/2003.

16 Annexe 2 16 Schedule for the concersion of grades Austrian grades 1) Italian points 1, summa cum laude 1,01-1, ,06-1, ,26-1, ,30-1, ,36-1, ,40-1, ,46-1, ,51-1, ,60-1, ,70-1, ,80-1, ,90-1, ,00-2, ,10-2, ,20-2, ,30-2, ,40-2, ,50-2, ,60-2, ,70-2, ,80-2, ,90-2, ,00-3, ,10-3, ,20-3, ,30-3, ,40-3, ,44-3, ,48-3, ,50-3, ,54-3, ,58-3, ,60-3, ,64-3, ,68-3, ,70-3, ,74-3, ,78-3, ,80-3, ,84-3, ,88-3, ,90-3, ,94-3, ,98-3, , ) 1 = sehr gut; 2 = gut; 3 = befriedigend; 4 = genügend; 5 = nicht genügend 16 Added by the Exchange of Notes BGBl. III No. 58/2003.

17 Annexe 1 (Italienian order) Premesse: - I corsi di studio e i corrispettivi titoli e gradi accademici soppressi o in via di soppressione sono stampati in corsivo. - Le note relative agli esami integrativi e ad altre condizioni per ottenere il riconoscimento sono numerate progressivamente e riportate in calce alla tabella. - L elencazione dei corsi di studio e dei titoli e gradi accademici è effettuata in ordine alfabetico. In caso di studi identici, le corrispondenze basate sulla normativa vigente precedono sempre quelle derivanti dalla normativa soppressa o in via di soppressione. Laurea italiana in... Corso di laurea austriaco Grado accademico Note austriaco Architettura Architektur Dipl.-Ing. / DI Architettura Architektur Mag. arch. Astronomia Astronomie Mag. rer. nat. Astronomia Astronomie Dr. phil. Chimica Chemie Mag. rer. nat. (9) Chimica Mag. rer. nat. (9) Chemie) Chimica Chemie Dr. phil. Chimica industriale Kunststofftechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI (21) Chimica industriale Technische Chemie Dipl.-Ing. / DI Chimica industriale Werkstoffwissenschaft Dipl.-Ing. / DI (39) Chimica industriale Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Dipl.-Ing. / DI Technische Chemie Chimica industriale Kunststofftechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI (22) (23) Chimica industriale Werkstoffwissenschaften Dipl.-Ing. / DI (39) Chimica industriale Werkstoffwissenschaften Dipl.-Ing. / DI (22) (23) Discipline dell'arte, della musica Kunstgeschichte (20) Discipline dell'arte, della musica Mag. art. (19) Instrumentalmusiker- ziehung) Discipline dell'arte, della musica Mag. art. (19) Musikerziehung) Discipline dell'arte, della musica Musikwissenschaft (10) Discipline dell'arte, della musica Theaterwissenschaft (33) Discipline dell'arte, della musica Instrumentalmusikerziehung Mag. art. (19) Discipline dell'arte, della musica Musikerziehung Mag. art. (19) Discipline dell'arte, della musica Theaterwissenschaft Dr. phil. Economia aziendale Angewandte Betriebswirtschaft Mag. rer. soc. oec. Economia aziendale Betriebswirtschaft Mag. rer. soc. oec. Economia aziendale Wirtschaftswissenschaften Mag. rer. soc. oec. (44) Economia del commercio internazionale Internationale Betriebswirtschaft Mag. rer. soc. oec. e dei mercati valutari Economia del commercio internazionale Internationale Wirtschafts- Mag. rer. soc. oec. e dei mercati valutari wissenschaften Economia e commercio Handelswissenschaft Mag. rer. soc. oec. Economia e commercio Wirtschaftspädagogik Mag. rer. soc. oec. (40)

18 Laurea italiana in... Corso di laurea austriaco Grado accademico Note austriaco Economia e commercio Handelswissenschaft Dr. rer. comm. Economia e commercio Wirtschaftswissenschaften Dr. rer. oec. Economia politica Sozialwirtschaft Mag. rer. soc. oec. Economia politica Volkswirtschaft Mag. rer. soc. oec. (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Leibeserziehung) (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Mag. rer. nat. Leibeserziehung) (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Sportwissenschaften (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Sportwissenschaften Mag. rer. nat. (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Leibeserziehung (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Leibeserziehung Mag. rer. nat. (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Sportwissenschaften und Leibeserziehung (Diploma di) Educazione fisica Sportwissenschaften und Leibeserziehung Mag. rer. nat. Farmacia Pharmazie Mag. pharm. (28) Farmacia Pharmakognosie Dr. pharm. Farmacia Pharmakognosie Dr. phil. Farmacia Pharmazeutische Chemie Dr. pharm. Farmacia Pharmazeutische Chemie Dr. phil. Farmacia Pharmazie Mag. pharm. (22) Filologia e storia dell'europa Finno-Ugristik orientale Filologia e storia dell'europa orientale Ungarisch) Filologia e storia dell'europa Slawistik orientale Filosofia Philosophie Filosofia Philosophie an Katholisch-Theologischen fac. theol. Fakultäten Filosofia Philosophie Dr. phil. Fisica Mag. rer. nat. Physik) Fisica Physik Mag. rer. nat. Fisica Geophysik Dr. phil. Fisica Physik Dr. phil. Fisica Technische Physik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Geografia Geographie Geografia Geographie Mag. rer. nat. Geografia Geographie und Wirts- chaftskunde) Geografia Mag. rer. nat. Geographie und Wirts- chaftskunde) Geografia Geographie Dr. phil. Geografia Geographie Mag. rer. nat. (15) Giurisprudenza Rechtswissenschaften Mag. iur. Informatica Informatik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Informatica Wirtschaftsinformatik Mag. rer. soc. oec. (43) Ingegneria aeronautica Flugzeugbau Dipl.-Ing. Ingegneria chimica Technische Chemie Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria chimica Verfahrenstechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria civile Bauingenieurwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria civile Kulturtechnik und Wasserwirtschaft Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria civile Vermessung und Geoinformation Dipl.-Ing. / DI (37)

19 Laurea italiana in... Corso di laurea austriaco Grado accademico Note austriaco Ingegneria civile Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Dipl.-Ing. / DI Bauwesen Ingegneria civile Vermessungswesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI (37) Ingegneria dei materiali Gesteinshüttenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI (16) Ingegneria dei materiali Metallurgie Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria dei materiali Hüttenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria delle telecomunicazioni Telematik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria elettrica Elektrotechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria elettrica Elektrotechnik - Toningenieur Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria elettrica Mechatronik Dipl.-Ing. / DI (24) Ingegneria elettronica Elektrotechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria elettronica Elektrotechnik - Toningenieur Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria elettrotecnica Elektrotechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria gestionale Metallurgie Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria gestionale Hüttenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria informatica Elektrotechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI (13) Ingegneria informatica Elektrotechnik - Toningenieur Dipl.-Ing. / DI (13) Ingegneria meccanica Maschinenbau Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria meccanica Montanmaschinenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria meccanica Verfahrenstechnik Dipl.-Ing. / DI (35) Ingegneria meccanica Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen - Dipl.-Ing. / DI Maschinenbau Ingegneria mineraria Metallurgie Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria mineraria Berg- und Hüttenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria mineraria Bergwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria mineraria Erdölwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria mineraria Gesteinshüttenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI (16) Ingegneria mineraria Hüttenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria mineraria Markscheidewesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI (16) Ingegneria mineraria Montanmaschinenwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI (26) Ingegneria navale Maschinenbau Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria navale e meccanica Schiffsbau und Schiffsmaschinenbau Dipl.-Ing. Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio Bergwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio Erdölwesen Dipl.-Ing. / DI Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territoritsorgungstechnik Industrieller Umweltschutz, En- Dipl.-Ing. / DI (18) und Recycling Ingegneria per l'ambiente e il territorio Petroleum Engineering Dipl.-Ing. / DI Interprete Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherausbildung Lettere Deutsche Philologie (12) [kombiniert mit einer Studienrichtung der Romanistik] Lettere Klassische Archäologie Lettere Klassische Philologie - Griechisch Lettere Klassische Philologie - Latein Lettere (12) Deutsch) Lettere Griechisch) Lettere Latein) Lettere Deutsch und Geographie (Leh- (10)

20 Laurea italiana in... Corso di laurea austriaco Grado accademico Note austriaco ramt) Lettere Deutsch und Latein (10) Lettere Deutsche Philologie Dr. phil. (3) Lettere Geographie und Geschichte (10) Lettere Geschichte Dr. phil. (3) Lettere Geschichte und Italienisch Lettere Klassische Archäologie Dr. phil. Lettere Klassische Philologie Dr. phil. Lettere Latein und Griechisch (4) Lettere Ur- und Frühgeschichte Dr. phil. Lingue e letterature straniere Anglistik und Amerikanistik (5) (6) Lingue e letterature straniere Deutsche Philologie (6) (11) Lingue e letterature straniere Finno-Ugristik (6) (11) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Bosni- sch/kroatisch/serbisch) Lingue e letterature straniere (6) (11) Deutsch) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Englisch) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Französisch) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Italienisch) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Russisch) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Slowenisch) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Spanisch) Lingue e letterature straniere (5) (6) Tschechisch) Lingue e letterature straniere (6) (11) Ungarisch) Lingue e letterature straniere Nederlandistik (5) (6) Lingue e letterature straniere Romanistik (5) (6) Lingue e letterature straniere Skandinavistik (5) (6) Lingue e letterature straniere Slawistik (5) (6) Lingue e letterature straniere Anglistik Dr. phil. (2) Lingue e letterature straniere Deutsch und Italienisch Lingue e letterature straniere Englisch und Französisch (10) Lingue e letterature straniere Englisch und Italienisch Lingue e letterature straniere Französisch und Italienisch Lingue e letterature straniere Geschichte und Englisch (10) Lingue e letterature straniere Geschichte und Französisch (10) Lingue e letterature straniere Romanistik Dr. phil. (2) Lingue e letterature straniere Slawistik Dr. phil. (2) Lingue e letterature straniere Anglistik Dr. phil. (3) Lingue e letterature straniere Anglistik, Romanistik, Slawistik (4)

Österreich Italien: Notenwechsel über die gegenseitige Anerkennung akademischer Grade und Titel

Österreich Italien: Notenwechsel über die gegenseitige Anerkennung akademischer Grade und Titel Österreich Italien: Notenwechsel über die gegenseitige Anerkennung akademischer Grade und Titel ZITATE Notenwechsel zwischen der Regierung der Republik Österreich und der Regierung der Italienischen Republik


BUNDESGESETZBLATT FÜR DIE REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH. Jahrgang 1997 Ausgegeben am 1. August 1997 Teil II

BUNDESGESETZBLATT FÜR DIE REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH. Jahrgang 1997 Ausgegeben am 1. August 1997 Teil II P. b. b. Erscheinungsort Wien, Verlagspostamt 1030 Wien BUNDESGESETZBLATT FÜR DIE REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH Jahrgang 1997 Ausgegeben am 1. August 1997 Teil II 212. Verordnung: Befristete Einrichtung von Diplom-


Österreichischer. Bakkalaureatsstudium/ Österreichisches. Beni culturali L-1 Ärchäologien Bachelor of Arts

Österreichischer. Bakkalaureatsstudium/ Österreichisches. Beni culturali L-1 Ärchäologien Bachelor of Arts Kurztitel Anerkennung akademischer Grade und Titel (Italien) Kundmachungsorgan BGBl. III Nr. 177/2008 zuletzt geändert durch BGBl. II Nr. 118/2012 /Artikel/Anlage Anl. 1 Inkrafttretensdatum 01.09.2012


Gleichwertigkeiten Studienabschlüsse. Österreich Italien. Bachelorstudien

Gleichwertigkeiten Studienabschlüsse. Österreich Italien. Bachelorstudien 3207/AB XXV. GP - Anfragebeantwortung - Beilage 9 1 von 21 P-A 3360/J - Beilage 9 Österreichisches Bachelorstudium Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde Angewandte Betriebswirtschaft Gleichwertigkeiten Studienabschlüsse


VERBALNOTE. Österreichischer akademischer Grad

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Austria Italy: Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of Academic Degrees and Titles QUOTATION

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Österreichischer. Bakkalaureatsstudium/ Österreichisches. Beni culturali L-1 Ärchäologien Bachelor of Arts

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signature of applicant

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Level 2 German, 2013

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Level 1 German, 2012

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Level 2 German, 2016

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TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN / TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS Akademische Dienste / Academic Services Kanzlei / Registrar s Office ETH Zürich HG F 19 Rämistrasse 101 8092 Zürich Telefon +41 44 632 30 00 Telefax +41 44 632 10 61 Zurich,


Arbeitslose AkademikerInnen nach Studienrichtungen Datum: 2016/Oct Region: Österreich Ausbildung: UV - Universitaet Bestand Arbeitsloser zum Stichtag

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Level 1 German, 2014

Level 1 German, 2014 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2014 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Wednesday 26 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement


BUNDESGESETZBLATT FÜR DIE REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH. Jahrgang 2001 Ausgegeben am 20. Februar 2001 Teil III

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Arbeitslose AkademikerInnen nach Studienrichtungen Datum: 2014/Apr Region: Österreich Ausbildung: UV - Universitaet Bestand Arbeitsloser zum Stichtag

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Austrian Studies. Zulassung zum Masterstudium / Admission to the Master s Programme

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Klassische Archäologie

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Level 2 German, 2015

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Anthropologie. Zulassung zum Masterstudium / Admission to the Master s Programme

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Molekulare Biologie. Zulassung zum Masterstudium / Admission to the Master s Programme

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Genetik und Entwicklungsbiologie

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Naturschutz und. Biodiversitätsmanagement. Zulassung zum Masterstudium / Admission to the Master s Programme

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Studierende und Studienzulassungen nach Studienprogrammleitung und Studienrichtung

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Englisch-Grundwortschatz Englisch-Grundwortschatz Die 100 am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter also auch so so in in even sogar on an / bei / in like wie / mögen their with but first only and time find you get more its those because


Tip: Fill in only fields marked with *. You do not need to worry about the rest. Also, do not worry about the places marked with black ink.

Tip: Fill in only fields marked with *. You do not need to worry about the rest. Also, do not worry about the places marked with black ink. Tip: Fill in only fields marked with *. You do not need to worry about the rest. Also, do not worry about the places marked with black ink. Most important is your permanent address! Tipp: Nur Felder ausfüllen,


Studierende und Studienzulassungen nach Studienprogrammleitung und Studienrichtung

Studierende und Studienzulassungen nach Studienprogrammleitung und Studienrichtung * exkl. Beurlaubte sowie exkl. der nur während der Zulassungsfrist kurzzeitig Zugelassenen (Studium in der Z.frist wieder beendet) ** "neue Studierende" haben im Vorsemester kein einziges Studium an der


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APPLICATION. DeutscherAkademischerAustauschDienst GERMAN ACADEMIC EXCHANGE SERVICE 871 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017

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Level 1 German, 2011

Level 1 German, 2011 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2011 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am uesday Tuesday 1 November 2011 Credits: Five Achievement


CREOLE (Cultural Differences and Transnational

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Politikwissenschaft. Zulassung zum Masterstudium / Admission to the Master s Programme

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Biologische Chemie. Zulassung zum Masterstudium / Admission to the Master s Programme

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Hinweise zum Antrag auf Erteilung einer Einzelfahrtgenehmigung im grenzüberschreitenden Personengelegenheitsverkehr gemäß 52 Abs. 3 oder 53 Abs. 3 Personenbeförderungsgesetz (PBefG) Für die Erteilung einer


BUNDESGESETZBLATT FÜR DIE REPUBLIK ÖSTERREICH. Jahrgang 2003 Ausgegeben am 27. Mai 2003 Teil III

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Telefon, your contact Telephone

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Philosophie. Zulassung zum Masterstudium / Admission to the Master s Programme

Philosophie. Zulassung zum Masterstudium / Admission to the Master s Programme Zulassung zum Masterstudium / Admission to the Master s Programme Die Zulassung zu einem Masterstudium setzt den Abschluss eines fachlich in Frage kommenden bzw. gleichwertigen Vorstudiums (Bachelorstudium)


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Level 1 German, 2016

Level 1 German, 2016 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2016 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Wednesday 23 November 2016 Credits: Five Achievement



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Magic Figures. We note that in the example magic square the numbers 1 9 are used. All three rows (columns) have equal sum, called the magic number.

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Molekulare Mikrobiologie, mikrobielle Ökologie und Immunbiologie

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