Newsletter V Februar 2001

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1 S A S L SWISS ASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF THE LIVER President E. L. Renner Zurich Councillors H. U. Baer Zürich G. Cathomas Liestal P. Grob Zurich A. Hadengue Geneva F. Negro Geneva D. Lavanchy Geneva C. Sieber Basel A. Zimmermann Berne Secretary Treasurer J-F. Dufour Dept. Clinical Pharmacology University of Berne Murtenstrasse 35 CH-3010 Berne Tel Fax JF.DUFOUR@ PC Schweiz. Arbeitsgruppe zum Studium der Leber 3010 Bern Editorial E.L. Renner Newsletter V Februar 2001 From Bench to Bedside A. Cerny et al. Towards a vaccine against Hepatitis C Highlights from AASLD 2000: J.F. Dufour & B. Müllhaupt Report from: SCCS (Swiss Hepatitis C Virus Cohort Study) F. Negro Rational and Aims SEVHEP (Swiss Experts for Viral Hepatitis) E. Odenheimer Echinokokken Arbeitsgruppe E.C. Renner-Schneiter Tag der Leber in Basel B. Meyer-Wyss & M. Heim Stand der aktuellen -Studien Wilsons Disease Questionnaire Herausgeber: Swiss Association for the Study of Liver Redaktion: Dr. B. Helbling, Zürich Korrespondenzadresse: PD Dr. med. J.-F. Dufour, Institut für Klinische Pharmakologie, Inselspital, 3010 Bern Der Newsletter erscheint in einer Auflage von 750 Exemplaren. Die Realisation wird durch Vereinsmittel ermöglicht.

2 Editorial From Bench to Bedside Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, Mit diesem Newsletter startet, was eine hoffentlich erfolgreiche Serie werden wird: die Rubrik from From Bench to Bedside. In der hepatologischen Grundlagenforschung tätige Kollegen werden versuchen, Ihr Forschungsgebiet in allgemeinverständlicher Sprache uns Klinikern näher zu bringen. Nicht nur in der Hepatologie ist die Interaktion zwischen (molekularer) Forschung und klinischer Anwendung entscheidend für die weitere Entwicklung des Gebietes zum Wohle der Patienten. Dabei müssen beide Seiten trotz der Verschiedenheit der Alltagsprobleme für einander offen bleiben: Der Forscher für die klinische Relevanz der Probleme, der Kliniker für die sich durch neue Forschungsresultate eröffnenden Perspektiven. Dies bedingt, dass beide die Bereitschaft aufbringen, sich aktiv darum zu bemühen, die Sprache des andern zu verstehen. Kommunikation über angestammte (Fach-)Grenzen hinweg ist auch unabdingbar, um die Oeffentlichkeit, zu überzeugen, die nötigen Resourcen für Klinik und Forschung weiterhin bereitzustellen und liegt damit nicht nur im Interessse unserer Patienten, sondern in unser aller ureigenstem Interesse. Ich hoffe deshalb, dass die neue Rubrik Ihre Aufmerksamkeit findet. Mit Beginn des Jahres sind zwei neue Studien zur Therapie der chronischen Hepatitis C mit pegyliertem Interferon und Ribavirin angelaufen. Beide richten sich an bisher unbehandelte Patienten mit geringer/mässiger Fibrose ( 14), resp. fortgeschrittener Fibrose/ Zirrhose ( 15). Beide Studien sind an Spital-Zentren gebunden. Dies aus folgenden Gründen: mit den für die Koordination und das Monitoring zur Verfügung stehenden personellen und finanziellen Mitteln sind teilnehmende Zentren das absolute Maximum, um 1) die logistische Dienstleistung für die Studien- Teilnehmer noch genügend speditiv erbringen und 2) eine den gängigen Standards einigermassen genügende Datenqualität gewährleisten zu können. Wir zählen auf Ihr Verständnis. Selbstverständlich sind wir Ihnen verbunden, wenn Sie Patienten im Rahmen von 14 oder 15 behandeln und empfehlen Ihnen, sich hierfür direkt mit dem nächstgelegen Studienzentrum oder dem jeweiligen Studienkoordinator abzusprechen. Die entsprechenden Adressen und weitere Details über laufende Studien finden Sie separat in diesem Newsletter. Unsere Schwester die SEVHEP (Swiss Experts for Viral Hepatitis) hat im letzten Herbst eine gesamtschweizerische Hepatitis C Kohorte (SCCS) gestartet. Sie wird in diesem Newsletter vom Studienleiter, unserem Vorstandsmitglied PD Dr. F. Negro, Universitätspital Genf, vorgestellt und sei Ihnen allen wärmstens empfohlen. Analog der Schweizerischen HIV Kohorte wird die HCV Kohorte offene klinische Fragen zur HCV Infektion beantworten helfen und als Netzwerk für gesamtschweizerische Kooperationen dienen. Last but not least, bitte ich Sie, den kurzen Fragebogen betreffend M. Wilson am Ende dieses Newsletters auszufüllen und zurück zu schicken. Er dient dazu, das Interesse an einem gesamtschweizerischen Register respektive einer Patientenorganisation abzuschätzen, welche beide von Patientenseite kürzlich angeregt wurden. Bonnes salutations! Ihr Präsident Eberhard L. Renner Zürich, im Februar

3 Towards a vaccine against Hepatitis C Andreas Cerny, Lugano, Werner J. Pichler, Isabelle Hunziker, Rinaldo Zurbriggen, Reinhard Glück, Olivier Engler and Jürg Reichen, Bern. More that ten years after the molecular cloning of HCV there is no reasonable prototype vaccine against hepatitis C. There are several reasons for this, the most important beeing that - HCV is not growing in tissue culture and may thus not be studied and grown in a classical way; - there is no small animal model suitable for vaccination and challenge studies; - there is no convenient test to measure virus neutralisation and last but not least HCV is a RNA virus and thus prone to genetic variability. Our understanding of the immune response to HCV has grown in the past years: observational studies in humans as well as vaccine studies done in experimental animals show that isolate specific (neutralizing?) antibodies against the surface glycoproteins E1/E2 protect against homologous challenge without however providing protection against heterologous challenge. Various groups target their efforts to identify antigens which generate broadly reactive antibodies. This is probably not enough. Based on the study of patients and chimpanzees who have selflimited HCV infection it became clear that the cellular immune response is pivotal for antiviral protection. Evidence from both, animal and human viral diseases, indicate that cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are crucial in HCV related antiviral defense. However, a major problem to generate cytotoxic immunity is that in vivo exogenous antigens are usually presented via MHC class II pathway and normally fail to induce CTL. In collaboration with the Swiss Serum and Vaccine Institute BERNA we use a novel non-live prototype vaccine based on immunopotentiating reconstituted influenza virosomes (IRIV) as vehicles to deliver MHC class I-restricted hepatitis C virus (HCV) peptides into host antigen presenting cells (APC). The system has the advantage of protecting the peptides from extracellular degradation by proteases and by using the influenza virus infection machinery to deliver the immunogenic peptides with high efficiency into the cytoplasm of APC ( trojan horse principle). Our stepwise approach includes first, an in vitro system in which human peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HCV-negative donors are immunized in vitro against HCV peptides. We could demonstrate successful in vitro priming with different HCV-derived peptides delivered via IRIV. The second step consists in testing the vaccine in the mouse model. Ongoing experiments demonstrate the in vivo immunogenicity of the vaccine using epitopes that induce both CD4 (T helper cells) as well as CD8 (cytotoxic) T cells. The combined use of recombinant proteins as well as defined peptide epitopes will be necessary to induce the desired combined cellular and humoral response. The third step consists in a human phase I trial aimed at studying the immunogenicity and tolerability of the prototype vaccine. We expect such a trial to initiate in late These studies are founded by the European Community within the 5 th Framework program and are part of a multicenter effort to study various vaccine strategies for HCV. Research in the field is dominated by Chiron Corporation which is backed by 3

4 a strong patent and studying proteinsubunit vaccines in various adjuvants with so far only partial protection in challenge experiments in chimpanzees. Others are using DNAbased or viral vector-based vaccine approaches with demonstrable immunogenicity in animal models but lack of consistent protection in challenge experiments. Safety concerns are an important drawback of these strategies. Summary HCV Vaccine 1. Viral variability and the lack of a non-primate animal model delay vaccine development 2. Induction of both antibodies and cellular immune responses are required 3. A prototype vaccine might also be used as a therapeutic vaccine 4. Introduction into large scale clinical trials is not expected before 2006 Highlights from AASLD, Dallas, October 27-31, 2000 NASH J.F. Dufour, Bern At the 51 st annual meeting of the AASLD in Dallas (28-31 October 2000), obesity-related liver diseases and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) attracted a lot of attention. They were the focus of more than 40 abstracts and of 2 well-attended sessions. On the basic science side, one of the most intriguing observation concerned the involvement of the leptin pathway in fat-associated liver fibrosis. Leptin-deficient mice did not develop fibrosis after a treatment inducing NASH with an marked fibrosis in the control animals (abstract #569). There was no difference in the degree of lipid peroxidation and in the induction of the fibrogenic factor TGFβ. This unexpected role of leptin in liver fibrosis, confirmed by another group (abstract #103),is important for a substance close to be used in clinical trials. The group of the Mayo Clinic determined with high density gene arrays the relative hepatic gene expression in patients with NASH in comparison to healthy individuals. Of the 6800 genes screened, 125 were significantly differentially expressed, not surprisingly many have a role in lipid metabolism and energy metabolism. This approach, which will certainly be applied to other liver diseases, provides not only a road map to understand the pathways involved but also identifies potential therapeutic targets (abstract #1031). On the clinical side, obese patients transplanted for a cryptogenic cirrhosis have a long term mortality (>2 years) significantly higher than patients transplanted for primary biliary cirrhosis and comparable to the mortality of patients transplanted for HCV-induced liver disease. Not surprisingly cardiovascular events were responsible for a substantial fraction of this mortality (abstract #1041). Two studies reiterated that central obesity, assessed by the waist:hip ratio, is among the strongest predictor of hepatic steatosis (abstracts #1032 and 1051). Finally normal aminotransferases do not exclude non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in obese patients (abstract #1024). Surprisingly no therapeutic trials were presented. Hepatitis and Cirrhosis B. Müllhaupt, Zürich Chronic Hepatitis C Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin Better than standard combination therapy? 4

5 The attachment of a polyethylene glycol chain to the Interferon alpha molecule leads to an pharmacokinetic profile, with allows weekly injection instead of thrice weekly injection as with standard Interferon. All published data so far suggest that the efficacy of the pegylated Interferon (PEG-INF) is superior compared to standard Interferon, while the side effects of the two compounds are similar. The first data comparing the efficacy of PEG- INF2b/Riba to standard combination therapy were therefore eagerly awaited. At the AASLD in Dallas, Manns et al (1) presented the results of an international randomized controlled trial, comparing two PEG- INF2b/Riba regimens with standard combination therapy naive patients with chronic hepatitis C and compensated liver disease were randomized to receive either: A: 1,5ug/kg PEG-INF2b weekly for the first 4 weeks followed by 0.5ug/kg PEF-INF2b weekly for 44 weeks and Riba g/day (n=514); B 1,5ug/kg PEG-INF2b weekly for 48 weeks and Riba 800mg/day (n=511) or C: INF2b 3x3MIU tiw and Riba g/day for 48 weeks (n=505), followed by a 24 week observation period. In each group 68% of the patients were infected with genotype I and 10% were cirrhotic. The overall sustained virologic response rate (SVR) was 54% in group A, 47% in group B and 47% in group C (p<0.01 for C versus A). For patients with genotype I the SVR was 42%, 34% and 33% respectively (p<0.02 for C versus A). The SVR response rate for patients with genotype II/III was not significantly different between the three groups (A=82%, B=80%, C=79%). The safety profile of PEG- INF2b/Riba was similar to standard INF/Riba and no new types of adverse events were observed. Even though the SVR in the standard combination therapy group was considerably higher compared to previous trials, the combination of PEG-INF2b/Riba was significantly better, even though this effect was restricted to patients with genotype I infection. In summary, this is a another step to a better therapy for patients with chronic hepatitis C. Interferon alfa2b and Ribavirin in liver transplant patients with chronic hepatitis C: Patients with chronic hepatitis C infection after liver transplantation are a subgroup of patients for whom we currently have no efficient treatment. Samuel et al (2) presented the data of a randomized controlled trial that compared the efficacy of INF2b 3x3 MIU tiw and Riba g/day for one year versus no treatment, followed by a 6 months observation period. 58 patients were randomized to the two arms. Except for a higher viral load in the treatment group, there were no significant differences between the two groups at baseline. A SVR was observed in 21% of the patients in the active treatment group versus 0% in the control group. However 43% of the patients in the active treatment arm discontinued treatment, primarily due severe anemia. Even though this a significant success, treatment for patients with chronic hepatitis C after liver transplantation has to be improved and especially strategies have to be explored to maintain patients on therapy and to reduce the high drop out rate. Chronic Hepatitis B Extended Lamivudine treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis B is invariably associated with the emergence of YMDD viral mutants. The impact of these mutants on long term histologic response remains unclear. Patients with chronic hepatitis B, who remained HbeAg positive after 5

6 participation in phase III studies with lamivudine, were eligible to receive lamivudine 100mg daily for up to 5 years. After two years of follow-up treatment, liver biopsies were performed and compared to baseline biopsies collected prior to participation in the phase III studies. In the study presented by Schiff et al (3) 324 patients were enrolled, 88 (27%) were excluded from analysis because they withdrew or did not have complete follow-up data. Of the 236 patients who completed two year follow-up, paired liver biopsies were available only in 128 (54%) patients. After two year of treatment in the follow-up study, 77/128(60%) had a greater than 2 point improvement in the Knodell necroinflammatory score and 12(9%) had greater than 2 point deterioration. Improvement in bridging fibrosis and cirrhosis were observed in 26/51 (51%) and 14/22 (64%) respectively. Only 4/106 noncirrhotic patients (4%) progressed to cirrhosis. YMDD variant HBV emerged in 60% of patients, even though an improvement in the necroinflammatory score was observed 52%. These result suggest that long term treatment with lamivudine might even be able to reverse cirrhosis. Unfortunately paired liver biopsy samples were only available in slightly more than 50% of the patients. Hepatocellular cancer Percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) is one of the accepted percutaneous treatment options, that provides good results in small tumors (less than 3cm) with minor complications and at low costs. Radiofrequency (RF) thermal ablation is currently proposed as an alternative to PEI. Llovet et al (4) presented data of a study that compared PEI (100 patients) to RF (28 patients). After a mean follow-up of 24 months and a total of 720 sessions no needle tract seeding was observed in the PEI group. In contrast after a mean follow-up of only 6 month and 34 RF sessions three patients (10%) showed evidence for needle tract seeding. Unfortunately this is not a randomized controlled trial and therefore it is difficult to draw a definitive conclusions. Nevertheless a needle tract seeding rate of 10% is surprisingly high. The reason for this high needle tract seeding rate is unclear and a similar rate has not been reported so far. One possible explanation might be the size of the needle (22G in PEI and 17G in RF), another the location of the tumors. Clearly we need more data on this subject Complication of liver cirrhosis. Large volume paracentesis is associated with circulatory disturbances, which is associated with renal dysfunction, hyponatremia and decreased survival. In several studies is could be shown that these changes can be prevented by the intravenous infusion of Albumin. Since paracentesis induces arteriolar vasodilatation, Moreau et al (6) hypothesized that the administration of a vasoconstrictor might prevent these circulatory alterations. They presented data of a randomized study comparing the effects of terlipressin and Albumin on effective arterial blood in patients with cirrhosis treated with large volume paracentesis for tense ascites. Terlipressin (a total dose of 3mg) or Albumin (8g per liter removed ascites) were administered the day of paracentesis. There was no difference between the terlipressin and the Albumin group regarding all the parameters investigated (plasma renin and aldosterone, blood pressure, serum creatinin and serum sodium). No side effects occurred in either group. Therefore terlipressin is as 6

7 effective as Albumin in preventing the circulatory alterations induced by large volume paracentesis in patients with liver cirrhosis and tense ascites. In Switzerland the cost for Terlipressin (3mg = 310,00 SFr.) are comparable to Albumin (20g = SFr.), but whether Terlipressin treatment also affects survival remains to be seen. Until we have further data, Albumin substitution should remain the first line treatment. Literature 1. Manns et al: PEGInterferon alfa 2b plus Ribavirin compared to Interferon alfa 2b plus Ribavirin for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C: 24 week treatment analysis of a multicenter, multinational phase III randomized controlled trial, Hepatology, 2000, 32; 87A 2. Samuel et al: Combination of interferon alfa 2b plus ribavirin for recurrent HCV infection after liver transplantation: A randomized controlled study. Hepatology, 2000, 32; 295A 3. Schiff et al: Improvements in liver histology and cirrhosis with extended lamivudine therapy. Hepatology, 2000, 32: 296A 4. Llovet et al: Increased risk of tumor seeding after radiofrequency thermal ablation for single hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology, 2000, 32; 206A 5. Moreau et al: Comparison of the effect of terlipressin and Albumin on arterial blood volume in patients with cirrhosis and tense ascites treated by paracentesis: A randomized study, Hepatology, 2000, 32; 311A The Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study (SCCS): Rationale and Aims F. Negro, Geneva The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a common human pathogen, affecting approximately 3% of the world population (~70,000 individuals in Switzerland). Acute hepatitis C becomes chronic in more than 80% of cases and persistent HCV infection may lead to the development of cirrhosis and primary liver cancer. HCV associated liver disease is not only the first indication to liver transplant in Switzerland as in most Western countries, but, even in the precirrhotic stage, also exerts a significant decrease in quality-of-life in a large proportion of patients. Incidence and prevalence data suggest that impressive increases in advanced diseases states and complications in Switzerland will occur during the next 20 years, translating into a dramatic increase in HCVrelated direct and indirect health care costs. Available treatment regimens allow to eradicate HCV infection in only about 50% of patients, and are contraindicated or poorly tolerated in advanced liver disease. A specific vaccine is presently not available. Thus, HCV infection impacts heavily today and will continue to impact in the mid-term future not only on the individual s quality of life, but also on overall health care resources. Rapid advances in HCV research have been largely impaired by the lack of suitable in vitro and animal models and by the lack of representative followup data of patients. Thus, large population-based studies are at present the only rational alternative to verify working hypotheses on the course of HCV-associated disease and on the 7

8 biology of HCV. Partly inspired from the successful experience of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS), the rationale for a nation-wide cohort study in the field of hepatitis C seems therefore soundly based. In fact, the success of the SHCS is a good example of how a well organised, thorough and systematic collection of data from a large patients population may lead to major scientific achievements, and justifies the effort of establishing similar studies for other diseases. The Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study (SCCS) was launched early in 2000 as one of the major activities of the Swiss Board of Experts of Viral Hepatitis (SEVHEP), in synergy with the Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver (), the Federal Office of Health (BAG/OFSP) and the Swiss Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (SGGH). Its main goals are the set-up of an infrastructure and investigation network fostering clinical and biomedical research on hepatitis C, and the optimisation and standardisation of the care for HCVinfected patients in Switzerland, including preventive measures and public health interventions. These objectives will be attained via an extensive collection of clinical and laboratory data of a large number of anti-hcv-positive individuals, together with the establishment of a repository of plasma and cell samples. From a practical point of view, all patients enrolled in the cohort will undergo a visit twice a year, during which a questionnaire will be filled out. At enrollment, data concerning demographic and socioeconomic variables, risk factors for HCV acquisition, alcohol drinking habits, quality of life, relevant events in the past history (including symptoms and signs of liver disease progression) and previous antiviral treatment will be collected. Some of these data will be updated at each follow-up visit, scheduled every six months. Routine blood tests will be performed at each visit. Furthermore, an additional blood sample will be taken, in order to allow the storage of plasma and mononuclear cells for further research. The SCCS is presently run by a Steering Committee, whose members are Dr. F. Negro (chairman), Prof. P. Grob (for the SEVHEP), Dr. R. Kammerlander (for the BAG/OFSP), Dr. E.L. Renner (for the ) and Prof. P. Francioli (as representative of the SHCS). As of today, eight hospitals across Switzerland have agreed to participate: the five university hospitals at Basle, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne and Zürich, the two cantonal hospitals of Lugano and St. Gallen and the Cadolles Hospital in Neuchâtel. The SCCS includes also a Coordinating Center, based in Zürich, and the Data Center, working in close collaboration with the SHCS data center at Lausanne. Effective November 1 st, 2000, the first patients have been enrolled at two centers (Geneva and Zürich). Presently the SCCS has no independent budget, its operations being financially supported by the SEVHEP. However, a major grant application has been submitted to the Swiss National Science Foundation, and a decision is expected before the end of March Once fully running, the SCCS will form both the premises for an epidemiological survey of hepatitis C in Switzerland and a framework for multi-disciplinary and multicenter research projects on epidemiological, clinical, laboratory and prevention issues in the field of hepatitis C. By fostering collaborative efforts throughout Switzerland, the SCCS will not only improve patient care but also increase the scientific impact of clinical and basic studies on HCV. The active participation of all 8

9 gastroenterologists and internists who follow hepatitis C patients is therefore encouraged. A detailed list of all participating centers, with the name of the clinical coordinator for patients' referral and all information, is given below. PD Dr. M. Heim Gastroenterologische Abteilung Kantonsspital Basel, Petersgraben Basel PD Dr. J.-F. Dufour Institut f. Klinische Pharmakologie Murtenstrasse Bern Prof. A. Hadengue Division de Gastroenterologie et d'hépatologie Hôpital cantonal universitaire 24 rue Micheli-du-Crest 1211 Genève 14 Prof. J.J. Gonvers Policlinique médicale universitaire Av. César-Roux Lausanne PD Dr. A. Cerny Clinica Medica Ospedale Civico via Tesserete Lugano PD Dr. R. Malinverni Division of Medicine Hôpital des Cadolles 2300 Neuchâtel Frau PD Dr. Ch. Meyenberger Chefärztin Fachbereich Gastroenterologie Kantonsspital, 9007 St. Gallen PD Dr. E.L. Renner Abt. Gastroenterologie Dept. Innere Medizin Universitätsspital Rämistrasse Zürich Die SEVHEP Schweizerische Experten für virale Hepatitis E. Odenheimer, Zürich Die SEVHEP gibt es seit über 20 Jahren als unabhängige Expertengruppe, die sich regelmässig zu gegenseitiger Meinungsbildung trifft. Die Gruppe hat zudem mehrere Empfehlungen insbesondere zu Hepatitis-Impfungen und -Therapie veröffentlicht, dies meist im BAG- Bulletin oder der Schweiz. Ärztezeitung, vorerst allein und dann in gemeinsamer Autorenschaft mit der Swiss Association for the Study of the liver (), der Fachgesellschaft der Schweiz. FMH Gastroenterologen (FAGAS) und der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie (SGGH). Daneben haben ihre Mitglieder über ihre Kommissionstätigkeit zur Meinungsbildung kantonaler Behörden und des BAG beigetragen. Zur Erreichung ihrer Ziele hat sich die SEVHEP Anfang letzten Jahres eine neue Struktur, die insbesondere die Schaffung einer Geschäftsstelle beinhaltet, gegeben. Die Geschäftsstelle, die von einem akademischen Sekretär geleitet wird, ist der Abteilung für Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, Universitätsspital Zürich, angegliedert und fungiert auch als Koordinationszentrum der Schweizerischen Hepatitis C Kohortenstudie (SCCS). Die mindestens zweimal jährlich tagende Vollversammlung, die durch Kliniker, Forscher, Core Group Members, Advisors, Vertreter assoziierter Institutionen sowie Sponsoren gebildet wird, legt die Aktivitäten auf Konsensbasis fest. Die einzelnen 9

10 Projekte werden durch interessierte Mitglieder, die Core Group und die Geschäftsstelle umgesetzt. Die SEVHEP verfolgt folgende Ziele: Erforschung von Infektionen mit den Hepatitisviren A-X und deren klinischen Folgen, wie beispielsweise akute und chronische Hepatitiden, Leberzhirrose und hepatozelluläres Karzinom. Aktivität in Prophylaxe, Diagnostik, Therapie und "Patient care. Zusammenarbeit mit anerkannten Fachleuten, Ärzten, Virologen, Immunologen, Epidemiologen sowie Experten in Public Health und des Transfusionswesens. Abstützung auf Konsensbasis und wissenschaftlichen, Evidenz gestützten Daten. Kooperative Expertengruppe des Bundesamtes für Gesundheit (BAG). Zusammenarbeit mit der, SGGH, FAGAS sowie internationalen Institutionen (CDC, WHO) und Fachgruppen. Eigene wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit z. B. Schweizerische HCV Kohorten Studie (SCCS) und die geplante nationale Studie über die Prävalenz des Hepatoms. Finanzierung über mehrere, die Unabhängigkeit gewährleistende Sponsoren. Verbreitung des erarbeiteten Wissens an Kliniker, Forscher, Patienten und Öffentlichkeit über geeignete Informationskanäle. Erarbeitung von Empfehlungen und Informationen an Ärzte, Patienten, Bevölkerung (Fachpresse, Medien). Kontakte mit Patienten- Organisationen. Kontakte mit Industrie (Diagnostika, Therapeutika, Impfstoffe). Eigener Internetauftritt (Wissenschaftliche Daten, relevante Publikationen anderer Institutionen, usw.) Webbasierte Frage- und Antwort-Box mit Informationen für Aerzte und Laien im Sinne von Frequently asked questions ( SEVHEP-Korrespondenzadresse: Dr. E. Odenheimer Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie Universitätsspital Rämistrasse Zürich Tel: 01/ Fax: 01/ Homepage: S E P V SEVHEP Swiss Experts for Viral Hepatitis Independent Group of Clinicians, Immunologists, Virologists and Experts of Public Health Cooperative Center of the Federal Office of Public Health Host of the Swiss Hepatitis C Cohort Study (SCCS) 10

11 Echinokokkose- Kohorte der Schweizerischen Echinokokkose Studiengruppe: Ein Update E. C. Renner-Schneiter, Zürich 1976 wurde von der Schweizerischen Echinokokkose Studiengruppe* (SESG) eine prospektive, gesamtschweizerische Langzeitstudie zur Chemotherapie der Echinococcus multilocularis Infektion gestartet. Diese Studie hat wesentlich dazu beigetragen, dass sich die Langzeitbehandlung mit Benzimidazolen zur Behandlung der inoperablen alveolären Echinokokkose weltweit als Standardtherapie etabliert hat. Die Jahres-Überlebensrate dieser Patienten hat sich dadurch markant verbessert. Viele Aspekte des Krankheistverlaufs und der Behandlung bleiben aber weiterhin unklar. Deshalb wird eine stetig wachsenden Zahl von Patienten (immer häufiger auch mit E. granulosus Infektion) seit nunmehr 25 Jahren systematisch im Rahmen einer Fortsetzung der Kohorten-Studie erfasst. Hauptaugenmerk gilt dabei folgende Fragen: Wie lange ist eine medikamentöse Behandlung nötig, insbesondere kann bei inoperablem E. multilocularis die Therapie nach Jahren gestoppt oder muss lebenslang behandelt werden? Gibt es prädiktive Faktoren (z.b. Titerverläufe serologischer Tests, spezifische Reaktivität des zellulären Immunsystems, neue bildgebende Verfahren), welche beim einzelnen Patienten eine Voraussage erlauben, ob der Parasit noch vital und nur am Wachstum gehindert oder ob er definitiv abgestorben ist? An unserer Abteilung läuft diesbezüglich eine Studie zur Evaluation der Wertigkeit der FDG-PET Untersuchung zur Bestimmung der Vitalität des Parasiten bei alveolärer und zystischer Echinokokkose. Aktuell stehen zudem epidemiologische Fragen im Mittelpunkt des Interesses. Kürzlich konnten wir in einer kurzen retrospektiven epidemiologischen Analyse zeigen, dass die derzeitige Zunahme einer mit E. multilocularis stark durchseuchten Fuchspopulation in den grossen Schweizer Städten bisher nicht zu einer Zunahme der Infektionshäufigkeit beim Menschen geführt hat (Renner-Schneiter EC et al. Schweiz Med Wschr (Suppl 121): 28S [Abstrakt]). Vor dem Hintergrund dieser Fragen ist die Erfassung und Auswertung der Daten möglichst vieler Patienten mit diesen Parasitosen in Form einer Kohortenstudie weiterhin von grossem Wert. Nur so werden wir die Behandlung weiter verbessern und unseren von diesen glücklicherweise nicht sehr häufigen, aber oft schwerwiegenden Erkrankungen betroffenen Patienten optimal helfen können. Gerne stellen wir Ihnen auf Anforderung ein Informationsblatt für Patienten und Protokollblätter für ein dezentrales Erfassen der Patientendaten zu und stehen Ihnen jederzeit auch für Fragen oder bei Problemfällen zur Verfügung.** *Prof. Dr. R. W. Ammann, Zürich; Prof. Dr. J. Bircher, Bern; Prof. Dr. J. Eckert, Zürich; Prof. Dr. P. Deplazes, Zürich; Prof. Dr. B. Gottstein, Bern; Prof. Dr. P. Grob, Zürich; Prof. Dr. J. Reichen, Bern. ** Frau Dr. E.C. Renner-Schneiter Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, UniversitätsSpital, 8091 Zürich. Tel Fax:

12 Tag der Leber 2001 In Basel Hotel Radisson SAS Am Donnerstag 7. Juni 2001 Informationen : PD Dr. B. Meier-Wyss, Abteilung für Gastroenterologie, Claraspital, Basel. Tel Und PD Dr. med. M. Heim, Kantonsspital, Abteilung für Gastroenterologie, Basel : Tel From Bench to Bedside. Eine neue Newsletter Rubrik: Die möchte den Gedankenaustausch zwischen Grundlagenforschern und Klinikern fördern. In diesem Newsletter finden Sie den ersten Beitrag from bench to bed-side von Prof. A. Cerny. Weitere Grundlagenforscher unter den - Newsletter Lesern sind aufgerufen kurz und verständlich aktuelle hepatologische Forschungsprojekte und ihre Implikationen für die Klinik unseren hepatologisch interessierten Lesern vorzustellen. Gerne erwarten wir Ihren ein bis maximal zwei seitigen Artikel z.h. PD Dr. E. L. Renner, Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, UniversitätsSpital, 8091 Zürich, Tel Fax:

13 -Studien: Stand Januar 2001 Rekrutierung läuft: 14 Treatment with 12 kd PEG-Interferon alfa-2b and Ribavirin of Interferon-naive Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C and up to Moderate Fibrosis Zielpopulation: Behandlungs-naive Patienten mit chronischer Hepatitis C und höchstens mässiger Fibrose in der Leberbiopsie (Metavir Score <F2, Ishak Fibrose Score <3). Design: randomisiert (startifiziert nach Genotypen), kontrolliert, multizentrisch. Therapie: A) PEG-Interferon alfa-2b (1.0 ug/kg sc wöchentlich) und Ribavirin (800 mg po tgl) versus B) PEG-Interferon alfa-2b (1.5 ug/kg sc wöchentlich) und Ribavirin (800 mg po tgl), je für 24 Wochen (Genotyp 2 und 3) resp. 48 Wochen (Genotyp 1, 4, 5, 6). Endpunkte: Primär: sustained virologic response; sekundär: prädiktiver Wert bzgl. sustained response des Verlaufes der HC-Virämie nach 1-24 Wochen Therapie-dauer, Lebensqualität. Geplante Patientenzahl: 260. Korrespondenz: PD Dr. B. Meier-Wyss, Abteilung für Gastroenterologie, Claraspital, Basel. Tel Fax: Treatment with 40 kd Branched-PEG-Interferon alfa-2a and Ribavirin of Interferon-naive Hepatitis C Patients with Advanced Fibrosis or Cirrhosis Zielpopulation: Behandlungs-naive Patienten mit chronischer Hepatitis C und fortgeschrittener Fibrose/(kompensierter)Zirrhose in der Leberbiopsie (Metavir Score F3 und F4; Ishak Fibrose Score 4-6). Design: randomisiert (startifiziert nach Genotypen), kontrolliert, multizentrisch. Therapie: A) 40 kd branched-peg-interferon alfa-2a (180 ug sc wöchentlich) und Ribavirin (1000/1200 mg po tgl) versus B) 40 kd branched-peg-interferon alfa-2a (180 ug sc wöchentlich) und Ribavirin (600/800 mg po tgl), je für 48 Wochen. Endpunkte: Primär: sustained virologic response; sekundär: prädiktiver Wert bzgl. sustained response des Verlaufes der HC-Virämie nach 1-24 Wochen Therapie-dauer, Lebensqualität. Geplante Patientenzahl: 280. Korrespondenz: PD Dr. E. L. Renner, Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, UniversitätsSpital, 8091 Zürich. Tel Fax: Studien Koordinator: Dr. B. Helbling, Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, UniversitätsSpital, 8091 Zürich. Tel Fax:

14 MonoNR-3T/2T Interferon alfa-2a, Ribavirin and Amantadine (Triple- Therapie) vs. Interferon alfa-2a and Ribavirin (Bi-Therapy) in Interferon Non Responders. Randomized controlled trial with initial pilot phase: Safety and efficacy. Die MonoNR-3T/2T ist eine Pilotstudie, welche die Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit einer Zweier-Therapie (anfänglich tägliche Interferon Verabreichung und Ribavirin) mit der einer Tripel-Therapie (anfänglich tägliche Interferon Verabreichung zusammen Ribavirin und Amantadin) bei erfolglos mit Interferon vorbehandelten Patienten vergleicht. Nach 40 Patienten (20 pro Gruppe) wird eine Zwischenanalyse durchgeführt. Korrespondenz: Dr. B. Müllhaupt, Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, UniversitätsSpital, 8091 Zürich, Tel: , Fax: TREATMENT WITH alpha-tocopherol AND URSODEOXYCHOLIC ACID OF PATIENTS WITH NON-ALCOHOLIC STEATOHEPATITIS (NASH) -A randomized, placebo-controlled, double blind trial Cette étude a deux volets. Le premier volet est diagnostic, le second thérapeutique. Le premier volet concerne tous les personnes avec des tests hépatiques d'origine indéterminée, cherche à identifier des patients souffrant d'une stéatohépatite non-alcoolique (biopsie hépatique) et à déterminer si des investigations non-invasives permettent de distinguer les patients ayant une stéatohépatite non-alcoolique de ceux ayant une stéatose simple. Dans le second volet, les patients avec une stéatohépatique non alcoolique sont randomisés en double aveugle en trois groupes: ceux traités avec une combinaison acide ursodéoxycholique et vitamine E, ceux traités avec de l'acide ursodéoxycholique et un placébo et ceux recevant uniquement les placébos. Après une année de traitement les patients ont un contrôle, après deux années une seconde biopsie hépatique. Contactez: Dr. J-F. Dufour, Institut de Pharmacologie Clinique, 35 Murtenstrasse, 3010 Bern, Tel Fax: Rekrutierung abgeschlossen -3T- 2TNR Triple Therapy with Interferon alpha 2a, Ribavirin and Amantadine for chronic Hepatitis C Patients who failed to Respond in a previous Combination Treatment Protocol. Single arm open label pilot study Korrespondenz: Dr. B. Müllhaupt, Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, UniversitätsSpital, 8091 Zürich, Tel: , Fax:

15 Studien abgeschlossen Datenanalyse in Vorbereitung: 8 Interferon alpha (IFN) (6 MU sc. TIW) + Amantadine/Placebo in IFNnaive Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C Korrespondenz: PD Dr. E. L. Renner, Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, UniversitätsSpital, 8091 Zürich. Tel Fax: Reinduction Therapy with Interferon alpha-2b and Ribavirin in Interferon Monotherapy Relapse Patients with chronic Hepatitis C. Korrespondenz: Jan Borovicka, Abteilung für Gastroenterologie, Kantonsspital, 9007 St.Gallen, Tel Fax: IFN (5MIU sc. QD for 28 days, then 3 MIU sc. TIW for 48 weeks) + Ribavirin in IFN Non-Responders with Chronic Hepatitis C Korrespondenz: PD Dr. E. L. Renner, Gastroenterologie und Hepatologie, UniversitätsSpital, 8091 Zürich. Tel Fax: Investigators Meeting Donnerstag, 3. Mai Uhr Uhr im Bahnhof Bern ( Au Premier ) Traktanden können bis 30. März 2001 eingereicht werden an: PD Dr. E.L. Renner, Präsident, Fax ,

16 WILSON S DISEASE QUESTIONNAIRE Wilson s disease is a rare disorder. Little is known on its prevalence in Switzerland. This survey intends to get an idea of the number of Wilson s disease patients followed by Gastroenterologists/Hepatologists in Switzerland and might form the basis for a Swiss Wilson s disease registry and/or patient organization. We would be very grateful if you could spend a few minutes completing this short questionnaire and returning it to Newsletter, attn. Dr. B. Helbling, Div. Gastroenterology and Hepatology, University Hospital Zurich, Ramistrasse 100, CH-8091 Zurich, Fax: Thank you very much for your time and cooperation! 1) - How many patients with Wilson s disease do you currently follow? >10 2) - How many NEW patients with Wilson s disease do you diagnose per year? every 2 years 1 every 5 years 3) - Would you be willing to cooperate with a -driven Swiss Wilson s disease registry? Yes No 4) - Would you be willing to help with a Wilson s disease patient organization? Yes No 5) - Would you be interested in participating at a Wilson s disease conference or workshop? Yes No 6) - Would you like to receive further information on a Swiss Wilson s disease registry, patient organization or conference/work shop? Yes No If Yes, please stamp your name/address

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Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien

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Hepatitis C Therapie bei Suchtpatienten. Marc Isler, Arzt Zokl1 und Checkpoint Zürich ARUD Zürich

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A. Wutte, J. Plank, M. Bodenlenz, C. Magnes, W. Regittnig, F. Sinner, B. Rønn, M. Zdravkovic, T. R. Pieber

A. Wutte, J. Plank, M. Bodenlenz, C. Magnes, W. Regittnig, F. Sinner, B. Rønn, M. Zdravkovic, T. R. Pieber Proportional ose Response Relationship and Lower Within Patient Variability of Insulin etemir and NPH Insulin in Subjects With Type 1 iabetes Mellitus A. Wutte, J. Plank, M. Bodenlenz, C. Magnes, W. Regittnig,


Curriculum Vitae Professor Dr. Johannes Eckert

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HIR Method & Tools for Fit Gap analysis

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Level 2 German, 2015

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Online Learning in Management

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Vaccines: A success story with failures. Aims of vaccination

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p^db=`oj===pìééçêíáåñçêã~íáçå= p^db=`oj===pìééçêíáåñçêã~íáçå= Error: "Could not connect to the SQL Server Instance" or "Failed to open a connection to the database." When you attempt to launch ACT! by Sage or ACT by Sage Premium for



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job and career for women 2015

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Algorithms for graph visualization

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Funktion der Mindestreserve im Bezug auf die Schlüsselzinssätze der EZB (German Edition)

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Intrauterine instillation of diluted seminal plasma in in vitro fertilization a double-blind, placebo controlled, randomized study

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Smartphone Benutzung. Sprache: Deutsch. Letzte Überarbeitung: 25. April 2012. - 1 -

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Notice: All mentioned inventors have to sign the Report of Invention (see page 3)!!!

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Level 1 German, 2012

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Making quality visible. National Quality Certificate for Old Age and Nursing Homes in Austria (NQC)

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