Messung der Effektivität des lebenslangen Lernens unter Benutzung vom Erfolgsindikators Balanced Scorecard Concept (BSC)

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1 Erfolgsindikators Balanced Scorecard Concept (BSC) LLP-CZ-LEONARDO-LMP 1

2 LEONARDO-LMP) Projektinformation Titel: Projektnummer: Projekttyp: Messung der Effektivität des lebenslangen Lernens unter Benutzung vom Erfolgsindikators Balanced Scorecard Concept (BSC) LLP-CZ-LEONARDO-LMP Jahr: 2010 Status: Land: Marketing Text: Zusammenfassung: Beschreibung: Innovationsentwicklung abgeschlossen EU-Zentralisierte Projekte In einer Wissensgesellschaft muss dem Skillmanagement, das für die Gesellschaften wichtig ist um konkurrenzfähig zu sein, eine besondere Beachtung geschenkt werden. Das zu diesem Zweck aufgewendete Geld wird wegen Mangel an Instrumenten für die Messung der Effektivität der Schulungen hinsichtlich der gegenseitigen Verbindung zwischen der Leistungsfähigkeit der Gesellschaft, ihrer Strategie und der Schulung ihrer einzelnen Mitarbeiter verschwendet. Das Projekt EMOLL reagiert auf das Nichtvorhandensein einer klaren Methodologie für die Messung der Effektivität der Ausbildung. Es ist für Organisationen und Gesellschaften gedacht, die sich durch ihre formellen und informellen lebenslangen Ausbildungssysteme auszeichnen. Das Ziel des Projektes ist es, eine globale und auch eine generelle Vorgehensweise mit einer Reihe von Indikatoren und auch mit einem Rahmen zu übermitteln, die sich den Bedürfnissen jeder Gesellschaft oder Organisation aufgrund ihrer Ziele, Kontexte und Strategien anpassen können. We focused on organizations from different settings such as public, commercial, and educational and our targets in these organizations were/are members of top-management, HR managers, specialist in in-service training, members of middle (line) management and other staff. Another important target group was identified in educational, consultation and similar organizations that provide expert services to organizations and their staff such as trainers, lectors, consultants, facilitators, etc. The partner consortium was formed by 7 organizations from 6 European countries. There was a balanced representation of 3 elementary types of partners: higher education and research area, adult education and consultancy providers, and representatives of beneficiary organizations. Cooperation on this background enabled us to develop products matching the needs and experiences in education and HR development. It also allows the application of standardized research and development methodology and its implementation in target organizations. EMOLL project consisted of two main phases: 1. development and 2. pilot implementation and exploitation. We developed and verified new EMOLL methodology and supporting tools for effective measurement of lifelong learning benefits. It is enhanced by Balanced Scorecard, a well-known tool in strategy performance management used by efficient and competitive companies. To make it possible, we provided training and simulation environment and implemented of the EMOLL methodology in 12 pilot organizations by adapting the EMOLL concept to individual needs, culture and strategy of each organization. Apart from these main activities, other important steps were undertaken throughout the project such as quality assurance, networking and dissemination. The EMOLL methodology proved to be implementable and apt to provide a systematic approach to evaluation and measurement of education efficiency and efficacy in all types of organizations involved in the implementation phase. Best practices from 6 partner countries provide recommendations and alternatives for future development. In the future we expect to promote EMOLL best practices through the established knowledge network and to share gained experience in HR development and management issues with other potential users and multipliers of EMOLL outcomes. Themen: *** Qualität *** Unternehmen, KMU *** Weiterbildung * Arbeitsmarkt * IKT 2

3 LEONARDO-LMP) Projektinformation Sektoren: Produkt Typen: Produktinformation: *** Exterritoriale Organisationen und Körperschaften *** Öffentliche Verwaltung, Verteidigung; Sozialversicherung *** Erbringung von Sonstigen Wirtschaftlichen Dienstleistungen *** Grundstücks- und Wohnungswesen *** Erbringung von Finanz- und Versicherungsdienstleistungen *** Verkehr und Lagerei *** Handel; Instandhaltung Und Reparatur Von Kraftfahrzeugen *** Baugewerbe/Bau *** Wasserversorgung; Abwasser- und Abfallentsorgung und Beseitigung von Umweltverschmutzungen *** Energieversorgung *** Verarbeitendes Gewerbe/Herstellung von Waren *** Bergbau und Gewinnung von Steinen und Erden *** Gastgewerbe/Beherbergung und Gastronomie *** Erbringung von Freiberuflichen, Wissenschaftlichen und Technischen Dienstleistungen *** Gesundheits- und Sozialwesen *** Erbringung von Sonstigen Dienstleistungen *** Information und Kommunikation *** Erziehung und Unterricht *** Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Fischerei Programme/Curricula Lehrmaterial Homepage CD-ROM andere Regarding EMOLL outcomes such as analysis, methodology, simulator, training, validation, best practices, dissemination and networking, they are all available for public use and accessible on EMOLL project website: as well as in ADAM database. Some results (such as e.g. customized set of key performance indicators and simulator s user guide) are linked with the complete implementation process, and therefore are available for each potential beneficiary organization. Please contact us in case of your interest (contacts to co-ordinator as well as each partner are available also on the project website). All outcomes related to project quality assurance are confidential. Projektwebseite: 3

4 LEONARDO-LMP) Vertragnehmer Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: EuroProfis s.r.o. Prague Praha CZ-Tschechien Weiterbildungseinrichtung Kontaktperson Name: Adresse: Stadt: Land: Telefon: Fax: Homepage: Gabriela Ledererova Prague CZ-Tschechien

5 LEONARDO-LMP) Koordinator Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: EuroProfis s.r.o. Prague Praha CZ-Tschechien Weiterbildungseinrichtung Kontaktperson Name: Adresse: Stadt: Land: Telefon: Fax: Homepage: Gabriela Ledererova Prague CZ-Tschechien

6 Partner Partner 1 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: SCIENTER, Ricerca e Innovazione per la Formazione Bologna Emilia-Romagna IT-Italien Forschungseinrichtung Partner 2 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: CTC Polska Sp. z o.o. Warsaw Mazowieckie PL-Polen Weiterbildungseinrichtung Partner 3 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: Personnel Consult - G. Popov Sofia Yugozapaden BG-Bulgarien andere Partner 4 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: Universite Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand Auvergne FR-Frankreich Universität/Fachhochschule/Akademie 6

7 Partner Partner 5 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: TRW Automotive Czech s.r.o. Jablonec nad Nisou Severovychod CZ-Tschechien Großunternehmen (über 250 Mitarbeiter) Partner 6 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: OPAL YAYINCILIK ORGANZASYON ve TCARET LMTED RKET Ankara Ankara TR-Türkei Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation 7

8 Projektdateien Article_HR_magazine_ _EN.pdf Article _BG.pdf Article _BG.pdf Article _BG.pdf Messung der Effektivität des lebenslangen Lernens unter Benutzung vom NewsLetter1_June2012_EN.pdf The international conference Good practices, issues and innovations in quality and efficiency management of vocational training took place in Sofia, Bulgaria (1th of June 2012). Members of stakeholders, representatives from business sector, universities and NGOs participated. Since the question of suitability of methods for measurement of the efficiency and development in vocational or lifelong learning is an important issue today, we aime to promote with this event an innovative EMOLL method based on BSC developed under our project. NewsLetter2_August2012_EN.pdf EMOLL newsletter with information about the latest developments in EMOLL project. Representatives from 2 pilot organizations per country (6 countries and 12 organizations in total) were trained and became familiar with the innovative EMOLL methodology. During the project implementation phase 70 people took part in EMOLL workshops. For more see the newsletter. Newsletter3_September2012_EN.pdf In this issue of the Newsletter we are happy to announce that the EMOLL project has been successfully completed. What are the EMOLL project results after its official end in September 2012? What has changed in the six countries involved in the project as a result of partner collaboration and common activities? What is the future of EMOLL methodology? 8

9 Produkte Analysis of existing approaches and tools for efficiency measurement and evaluation of education in Description of the innovative EMOLL methodology Set of key performance indicators Simulation model Simulation model user guide Training of EMOLL experts Implementation and exploitation projects Best practices from implementation projects Dissemination strategy Knowledge network and project website Progress report on EMOLL project (public part) Quality assurance Final report on EMOLL project (public part) 9

10 Produkt 'Analysis of existing approaches and tools for efficiency measurement and evaluation of education in organizations' Titel: Analysis of existing approaches and tools for efficiency measurement and evaluation of education in organizations Produkttyp: Evaluierungsmethoden Marketing Text: Beschreibung: The fundamental source for evaluation of the current status of procedures and methods of evaluating educational processes in European organizations consisted of initial analyses, in the context of which individual partners of the project collected data on the methods of evaluation of training in their home countries. The entry surveys presented by each partner country were primarily desk research based, and in selected cases elaborated as in-depth analysis. In order to compare the gathered data a standardized evaluation form of Trainings efficiency measurement method was created. In compiling and summarising the methods, the analysis report focussed on the relevant and best quality methods from the perspective of the BSC. Its conclusions created the basis for the creation of the innovative EMOLL method (see EMOLL methodology). Zielgruppe: EMOLL experts; trainers, lectors, consultants, facilitators etc., i.e. staff of educational, consultation and similar organizations Resultat: Based on a comparative and benchmarking approach, provides a summary of existing methods of evaluation and measurement of educational processes. The identified methods were compared with the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) that we decided to adopt as a background concept. Anwendungsbereich: The product is public, but its main role was to be an analytic supporting material for development of the innovative EMOLL methodology perfomed by the project team. Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch product files Analysis_report_EN.pdf

11 Produkt 'Description of the innovative EMOLL methodology' Titel: Description of the innovative EMOLL methodology Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: The knowledge of the EMOLL method improves the skills of involved persons in the area of HR development and also their orientation in respective terminology. It facilitates better and more efficient communication in the field of working with people (unanimous understanding of concepts in HR development). Beschreibung: Publication introducing and completely describing the new developed innovative methodology (EMOLL). Zielgruppe: EMOLL experts and with their support also organizations from all different sectors such as public, commercial, non-for profit; in concrete their staff such as top-management, HR managers, specialist in in-service training, members of middle (line) management; trainers, lectors, consultants, facilitators etc., i.e. staff of educational, consultation and similar organizations that provide expert services to other organizations (product and serviceoriented) Resultat: Publication/guide that introduces the new methodology Anwendungsbereich: "User guide" providing information on new developed methodology, its background and areas of application Homepage: Produktsprachen: Türkisch Italienisch Polnisch Englisch Französisch Bulgarisch Tschechisch product files Innovative_methodology_BG.pdf Innovative_methodology_CZ.pdf Innovative_methodology_EN.pdf Innovative_methodology_FR.pdf Innovative_methodology_IT.pdf Innovative_methodology_PL.pdf

12 product files Innovative_methodology_TR.pdf

13 Produkt 'Set of key performance indicators' Messung der Effektivität des lebenslangen Lernens unter Benutzung vom Titel: Set of key performance indicators Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: Customized key performance indicators, based on strategic objectives, needs, implemented system and the sector the pilot organizations are involved in Beschreibung: Definition of a set of measurable indicators for each pilot organization that participated in the project was the task closely related to the development of the EMOLL method. First an inspiring set of 38 indicators was created on basis of each partner proposals. It was used by EMOLL experts as a supporting packet while setting indicators in each pilot organization. In total 105 indicators were identified during the implementation in target organizations. Now there are available 12 sets of customized KPIs, one per target organization, defined on the basis of its strategic objectives, needs, management system they have implemented and the sector they re involved in. Pilot organizations plan to evaluate on regular basis using the implemented measure cards (indicators) and expect to improve their processes. Zielgruppe: EMOLL experts - facilitators, indicators experts; companies and organizations from all different sectors (pubclic, private, non-for-profit) interested in implementation of EMOLL method. Resultat: 105 of customized key performance indicators Anwendungsbereich: This product will be used only by EMOLL experts facilitators, indicators experts, who can customize the KPIs to concrete beneficiary organization. That s also why it is not a public result, since its usage needs expert knowledge in the field and BSC method. Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch 13

14 Produkt 'Simulation model' Messung der Effektivität des lebenslangen Lernens unter Benutzung vom Titel: Simulation model Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: Simulator is a computer-based tool that introduces the EMOLL method and Balanced Scorecard principals. Beschreibung: The flight simulator was developed as a learning managerial tool to support the training of EMOLL experts and to assure appropriate comprehension and smoother implementation of EMOLL method. The model provides key performance indicators, strategy map and relations between measures. An example of imaginary industry company is used and players can design its strategic decisions and manage the company s life. They can also observe the quantified results regarding for example financial and customer satisfaction. Zielgruppe: Organizations and companies from all different sectors (public, private, non-for-profit) that are interested in measurement and evaluation of training, which they provide to their employees, and also in identifying the benefits of education for the development of the organization as such. Resultat: Simulation model works as an interactive managerial game, it is an ICT-based tool, what enables the learners to understand the methodology and imagine the running in praxis to ensure the tailoring to specific situation and needs of concrete beneficiary (simulation model operates with variables and causalities to simulate the real world). Anwendungsbereich: Simulator was used for the training EMOLL experts and also to serve them as a supporting tool while introducing the EMOLL method/bsc principals to top managers, HR and line managers, and trainers from pilot companies; so they were able to understand the whole implementation process and indicate bottlenecks in training process. Homepage: Produktsprachen: Tschechisch Bulgarisch Polnisch Italienisch Französisch Englisch Türkisch product files Simulation_model_EN Installation_instructions_EN.pdf Simulation_model_EN.rar

15 Produkt 'Simulation model user guide' Messung der Effektivität des lebenslangen Lernens unter Benutzung vom Titel: Simulation model user guide Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: Beschreibung: User guide describes the functionality of the simulation model. Zielgruppe: EMOLL experts, trainers, lectors, consultants, i.e. staff of educational, consultation or similar organizations that provide expert services to other organizations or companies interested in measurement and evaluation of training benefits, i. e. in implementation of EMOLL method. Resultat: Guide about simulation model for EMOLL facilitators/consultants. Anwendungsbereich: Training in the simulation model functionality and EMOLL/BSC principals. Homepage: Produktsprachen: Tschechisch Bulgarisch Italienisch Französisch Türkisch Polnisch Englisch 15

16 Produkt 'Training of EMOLL experts' Messung der Effektivität des lebenslangen Lernens unter Benutzung vom Titel: Training of EMOLL experts Produkttyp: Programme/Curricula Marketing Text: Beschreibung: Training for EMOLL experts was designed and organized in order to familiarize EMOLL consultants with the methodology, supporting tools and implementation process. In total 12 experts (2 from 6 partner countries) took part and brought the acquired knowledge and tools to practice. The basic approach was to have 2 different consultants working together in pilot organization, the first as an expert in HR processes and the second as an expert in definition of indicators and observation. Together they were able to provide and couch the complete implementation process and to impact the organization in a more complex and efficient way. Zielgruppe: EMOLL experts, trainers, lectors, consultants, i.e. staff of educational, consultation or similar organizations that provide expert services to other organizations or companies interested in measurement and evaluation of training benefits, i. e. in implementation of EMOLL method. Resultat: Training session Anwendungsbereich: Training in the innovative methodology and its implementation is intended for future experts (facilitators, consultants, who help to implement the methodology in interested organizations. Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch 16

17 Produkt 'Implementation and exploitation projects' Titel: Implementation and exploitation projects Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: It was proved that the implementation process and adoption of proposed measures had benefited the involved organization with new knowledge, experience and approach. They expect to improve their processes and exploit the benefits within future activities. Beschreibung: The aim of the implementation process was to demonstrate that the EMOLL approach is applicable and that the best practices, which originated from the implementation and adaptation process, are useful examples and recommendations for next exploitation beyond the project s life. Zielgruppe: EMOLL experts and with their support also organizations from all different sectors such as public, commercial, non-for profit; in concrete their staff such as top-management, HR managers, specialist in in-service training, members of middle (line) management; trainers, lectors, consultants, facilitators etc., i.e. staff of educational, consultation and similar organizations that provide expert services to other organizations (product and serviceoriented) Resultat: In total 12 pilot/target organizations (2 per country, 6 countries) were recruited by the EMOLL team and took part in the implementation and exploitation of the EMOLL method. Among the organizations there were product oriented (4) and service oriented (8) subjects with different type of management and from different sectors (public, commercial), some of them are large enterprises, some SMEs, one is higher education institution. All these organizations have in common that their management is predominantly open-minded regarding the HR area, have got some strategic visions and also had sufficient interest, need and resources to undertake the process. To ease the process of implementing the products into beneficiary organizations guidelines were provided. They describe the process step by step and propose implementation scenarios. For each organization a customized strategy map was designed as well as a set of key performance indicators. The results and experience from the validation process are summarized within the validation report. Anwendungsbereich: Processes to implement the EMOLL product into beneficiary organization Homepage: Produktsprachen: Tschechisch Bulgarisch Französisch Englisch Polnisch Italienisch Türkisch product files Validation_report_App1.pdf

18 product files Validation_report_App2.pdf Validation_report_App3.pdf Validation_report_App4.pdf Validation_report_App5.pdf Validation_report_EN.pdf

19 Produkt 'Best practices from implementation projects' Titel: Best practices from implementation projects Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: Best practices collected from 12 implementation projects in 6 countries and EMOLL experts as examples and recommendations on how to implement/exploit the EMOLL methodology. Beschreibung: The aim was to gather best practices from implementation projects, and to show that: the EMOLL approach is implementable, and the best practices, which originated from the implementation and adaptation process, are useful examples and recommendations for next exploitation beyond the project s life, i.e. other potential users. Zielgruppe: EMOLL experts and organizations from all different sectors such as public, commercial, nonfor profit; in concrete their staff such as top-management, HR managers, specialist in inservice training, members of middle (line) management; trainers, lectors, consultants, facilitators etc., i.e. staff of educational, consultation and similar organizations that provide expert services to other organizations (product and service-oriented) Resultat: A large part of the analytical work, to identify best practices, was done within the validation phase itself. The designed best practices identity cards were a way of providing uniformity to the set of data collected. In order to guide the reader through different possibilities of implementation of EMOLL an interactive mind map has been provided so that, for future use, the research of the best practice fit for purpose is easier. The map is available on More details on EMOLL best practices are considered in Best practices report. Anwendungsbereich: To show, that the product is implementable and collect the best practices of the implementation and adaptation process as examples and recommendations for next exploitation beyond the project life. Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch Französisch Italienisch Polnisch Bulgarisch Tschechisch Türkisch product files Best Practices_App1.pdf Best Practices_App2.pdf Best_practices_EN.pdf

20 product files Best_practices_TR-PL-IT-FR-BG-CZ.rar

21 Produkt 'Dissemination strategy' Messung der Effektivität des lebenslangen Lernens unter Benutzung vom Titel: Dissemination strategy Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: Beschreibung: We designed dissemination strategy and built up a professional knowledge network on national and international level to share the results and experience gained in EMOLL project with identified target groups. Zielgruppe: From the short-term view we focused on our EMOLL expert team, pilot organizations and their staff, involved in the implementation process. From the long-term view we target at organizations, companies from all different sectors and their staff, i.e. top managers, HR managers, line managers, trainers, consultants, etc. Resultat: The main material outcomes of the dissemination and networking activities are: - EMOLL dissemination strategy - EMOLL knowledge network concept (national and international level) - EMOLL conference on Good Practices, Issues and Innovations in Quality and Efficiency Management of Vocational Training - Project website (information about the project, partners, objectives, outcomes, activities) - EMOLL Facebook account Lifelong-Learning/ EMOLL discussion group on LinkedIn ?trk=myg_ugrp_ovr - Articles on EMOLL approach and experience - Workshops, seminars, round tables, panels - Newsletters - Brochure, pads, calendars, pens Anwendungsbereich: International and national level within our knowledge network (described in Knowledge network concept). Homepage: Produktsprachen: Türkisch Italienisch Polnisch Englisch Tschechisch Französisch Bulgarisch product files Conference_Appropriate training effective_results_bg2_en.pdf Conference_Authentic_presence_HR_professionals_PDimitrov_EN.pdf Conference_EuroProfis_roundtable_EN.pdf

22 product files Conference_EuroProfis_TRW_EN.pdf Conference_PC_GPopov_EN.pdf Conference_photos.rar Conference_programme_EN.pdf Conference_Scienter_EN.pdf Dissemination_strategy_App1.pdf Dissemination_strategy_EN.pdf Publicity_calendar_EN.pdf Publicity_leaflet_EN.pdf Publicity_notepad_EN.pdf

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Providers of climate services in Germany

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Europaisches Zertifikat zur Vorbereitung von Arbeitsschutzmassenahmen in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen

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Exercise (Part II) Anastasia Mochalova, Lehrstuhl für ABWL und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Kath. Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt 1

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Transfer von experimentellen und innovativen Lehrmethoden für betriebswirtschaftlichen Ausbildung

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Lean Six Sigma Academy

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ISO 15504 Reference Model

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Notice: All mentioned inventors have to sign the Report of Invention (see page 3)!!!

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Exercise (Part V) Anastasia Mochalova, Lehrstuhl für ABWL und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Kath. Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt 1

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Space policy implementation. Example of Austria. Dr. Thomas Geist FFG Austrian Research Promotion Agency

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Üben Sie in einer alltäglichen Aufgabeumwelt für Elektronik und Elektrizitätstudenten

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p^db=`oj===pìééçêíáåñçêã~íáçå= p^db=`oj===pìééçêíáåñçêã~íáçå= Error: "Could not connect to the SQL Server Instance" or "Failed to open a connection to the database." When you attempt to launch ACT! by Sage or ACT by Sage Premium for


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Level 2 German, 2015

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