AU PAIR IN AMERICA Vermittlungsbedingungen 2015

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1 AU PAIR IN AMERICA Vermittlungsbedingungen Vertragsgegenstand 1.1 Gegenstand des mit uns American Institute For Foreign Study (Deutschland) GmbH, Friedensplatz 1, Bonn, Germany (Steuer-Nr.: 205/5719/0471; UST-ID: DE ) zustande kommenden Vertrages (im Folgenden: Vermittlungsvertrag ) ist ausschließlich die Vermittlung eines Vertragsverhältnisses mit dem American Institute For Foreign Study Inc., 1 High Ridge Park, Stamford, CT 06905, USA (im Folgenden: Au Pair in America ) über einen Einsatz der Teilnehmerin* im Au Pair in America Programm. 1.2 Die Vermittlung erfolgt im Namen und für Rechnung von Au Pair in America; auf das vermittelte Vertragsverhältnis finden ausschließlich die umseitig wiedergegebenen Teilnahmebedingungen (Terms and Conditions 2015) von Au Pair in America Anwendung, die in englischer Sprache abgefasst sind und dem Recht des US- Bundesstaates Connecticut unterliegen. Wir empfehlen dringend, diese Teilnahmebedingungen sowie die Übersicht für weitere anfallende Kosten ( What fees/costs do I need to pay? ) vor Abgabe einer Bewerbung sorgfältig zu lesen. 2. Zustandekommen des Vertrages 2.1 Die Teilnehmerin bewirbt sich um einen Au Pair in America Einsatz, indem sie die Bewerbungsunterlagen einreicht und sich einem Interview mit einem unserer Mitarbeiter unterzieht. Zwischen der Teilnehmerin und uns kommt ein Vermittlungsvertrag nach Maßgabe der vorliegenden Vermittlungsbedingungen erst dann zustande, wenn ihr die Anmeldebestätigung (Acceptance Package) von Au Pair in America unmittelbar oder durch unsere Vermittlung zugeht. Der Abschluss eines Vertrages mit minderjährigen Teilnehmerinnen bedarf zusätzlich der schriftlichen Einverständniserklärung aller gesetzlichen Vertreter. 2.2 Wir weisen darauf hin, dass Au Pair in America die Bewerbung der Teilnehmerin aus medizinischen Gründen jederzeit ablehnen kann, auch dann, wenn sie bereits eine Anmeldebestätigung erhalten hat. 3. Platzierung der Teilnehmerin 3.1 Das Interview dient der Überprüfung, ob die Teilnehmerin für den Einsatz im Au Pair in America Programm persönlich geeignet ist (z.b. Alter, Fremdsprachenkenntnisse, praktische Erfahrungen etc.). 3.2 Die vollständigen Bewerbungsunterlagen unter Einschluss des Berichts über das Interview werden von uns an Au Pair in America weitergeleitet. Au Pair in America bemüht sich sodann, die Teilnehmerin für den Einsatz in einer geeigneten Gastfamilie zu platzieren. Wir weisen ausdrücklich darauf hin, dass auch bei erfolgreicher Bewerbung Au Pair in America keine Gewähr für eine Platzierung der Teilnehmerin übernimmt, da ihre persönlichen Qualifikationen mit den spezifischen Bedürfnissen der Gastfamilie übereinstimmen müssen. 3.3 In der Regel melden sich interessierte Gastfamilien bei den Teilnehmerinnen telefonisch oder per , um sie besser kennen zu lernen. Nachdem sich die Gastfamilie und die Teilnehmerin über eine Platzierung geeinigt haben, erhält die Teilnehmerin eine schriftliche Platzierungsbestätigung (Confirmation of Placement) von Au Pair in America. 4. Zahlungsfälligkeiten 4.1 Mit Zugang der Confirmation of Placement werden zur Zahlung an uns fällig: bei der Classic Option ein Betrag von 890, bestehend aus einer Bearbeitungsgebühr von 470 (inkl. 19% MwSt = 75,04 ) sowie einer Programmgebühr von 420 ; bei der Professional Option ein Betrag von 690, bestehend aus einer Bearbeitungsgebühr von 460 (inkl. 19% MwSt = 73,45 ) sowie einer Programmgebühr von 230 ; bei der EduCare Option ein Betrag von 990, bestehend aus einer Bearbeitungsgebühr von 305 (inkl. 19% MwSt = 48,70 ) und einer Programmgebühr von Mit der uns zustehenden Bearbeitungsgebühr sind unsere Vermittlungsleistungen abgegolten. Die Programmgebühr vereinnahmen wir für Rechnung von Au Pair in America. 4.3 Gegebenenfalls ist außerdem der Versicherungsbeitrag für die (freiwillige) Zusatzversicherung mit erhöhter Deckungssumme zur Zahlung an uns fällig, die wir ebenfalls für Rechnung von Au Pair in America vereinnahmen. 5. Rücktritt vor Ausreise 5.1 Der Rücktritt von der Teilnahme am Au Pair in America Programm erfolgt nur durch eine an uns als Empfangsvertreter gerichtete Erklärung, die zu Beweiszwecken unbedingt in Textform erfolgen sollte. Ein Rücktritt in anderer Weise, etwa durch Nichtleistung fälliger Zahlungen, ist nicht zulässig. 5.2 Tritt die Teilnehmerin nach erfolgter Platzierung und nach Ausstellung des Visa- Antragsformulars (DS-2019) vom Programm zurück, wird eine pauschale Stornoentschädigung in Höhe von 200 US$ fällig, die wir im Namen und für Rechnung von Au Pair in America erheben. Bereits an Au Pair in America geleistete Zahlungen werden zurückerstattet bzw. mit der Stornierungsgebühr verrechnet. 6. Beendigung der Teilnahme / Umvermittlung nach Ausreise 6.1 Im Falle von gravierenden Problemen zwischen Teilnehmerin und Gastfamilie wird sich Au Pair in America um eine Umvermittlung bemühen; für deren Erfolg können jedoch weder Au Pair in America noch wir als Vermittler eine Gewähr übernehmen. 7. Pflichten der Teilnehmerin 7.1 Die Teilnehmerin ist für die Beschaffung der notwendigen Ausweispapiere, Impfnachweise, Einreise- und Aufenthaltsbescheinigungen sowie für die Einhaltung der Zoll- und Devisenbestimmungen in vollem Umfange selbst verantwortlich. Sie haftet selbst für alle Nachteile, die ihr durch die Nichteinhaltung solcher Erfordernisse entstehen, soweit sie sie kannte oder kennen musste; bei Unklarheiten ist sie verpflichtet, uns rechtzeitig vor Beginn des Programms schriftlich darauf hinzuweisen. 7.2 Die Teilnehmerin verpflichtet sich, jederzeit die umseitig genannten Teilnahmebedingungen von Au Pair in America zu beachten. 7.3 Mit der Anmeldung erklärt die Teilnehmerin ihr Einverständnis, dass Bilder/Aufzeichnungen, auf denen sie im Zusammenhang mit ihrer Teilnahme am Au Pair in America Programm abgebildet ist, von uns und von Au Pair in America zu eigenen Zwecken verwendet werden. Die Weitergabe an Dritte ist ausgeschlossen. 8. Weitere Bestimmungen 8.1 Mit der Anmeldung erklärt die Teilnehmerin darüber hinaus ihr Einverständnis, dass ihre Daten ausschließlich an Gastfamilien, Kontaktpersonen, Partneragenturen sowie Institutionen weitergegeben werden, soweit dies zweckgebunden und im zeitlichen Rahmen der Vermittlungs- und Betreuungstätigkeit bzw. Qualitätssicherung erfolgt. 8.2 Die Unwirksamkeit, Lückenhaftigkeit oder Unanwendbarkeit einer oder mehrere Bestimmungen dieser Vermittlungsbedingungen führt nicht zur Unwirksamkeit oder Unanwendbarkeit der übrigen Bestimmungen. 8.3 Das Vertragsverhältnis zwischen der Teilnehmerin und uns unterliegt deutschem materiellem Recht. Soweit gesetzlich zulässig, ist Erfüllungsort und Gerichtsstand Bonn, wenn die Teilnehmerin ihren Wohnsitz in Deutschland hat, Wien für Teilnehmerinnen mit Wohnsitz in Österreich bzw. Zürich für Teilnehmerinnen mit Wohnsitz in der Schweiz. *Nur aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit dieser Bedingungen sind Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer einheitlich als Teilnehmerin bezeichnet. Stand: Dezember 2014

2 AU PAIR TERMS & CONDITIONS In consideration of you, the American Institute for Foreign Study Inc., herein after referred to as 'AIFS', accepting me for their Au Pair in America, Au Pair Extraordinaire or educare in America program, I hereby undertake and agree as follows: I. a) I understand that failing to provide full and accurate responses to the questions asked in this application, on the medical form, at interview and on all ancillary documents, may result in the rejection of my application or termination from the program. I hereby warrant that the information I will give in the completed application will be accurate. I also declare that all qualifications gained and certificates and references provided, including photocopies will be genuine. b) I understand that after my acceptance my application may be withdrawn from the program at any time, should AIFS become aware of any new information which may have affected my initial acceptance for the program. c) I understand that certain medical information contained within my application will be shared with my prospective host family, and that if required I will arrange my own medical coverage for any pre-existing ongoing medical condition upon consultation with Au Pair in America. d) I certify that I have successfully completed my secondary school studies/training. e) I declare that I have never been convicted of a criminal offence. f) I declare that I am currently not married nor do I have any dependents. g) I understand that my application and contents herein cannot be returned to me at any time. II. (a) I understand that US law requires that all au pair sponsors ensure that all candidates are interviewed in person. I understand that I will meet with an official Au Pair in America representative in my home country who will interview me in person and NOT over the phone, Skype or internet. b) I will complete all visa and screening requirements in accordance with the instructions given and will be responsible for obtaining a valid passport, international driving permit (or equivalent) and complying with all vaccinations and immunization requirements. c) I will only accept a placement with a host family who I have interviewed with personally by telephone or Skype. I will review all pre-departure training materials and attend all sessions during the Orientation program. (d) I understand that I will receive an invoice for my Au Pair in America Program Fee only when I have officially placed with an Au Pair in America host family. I understand that I will only be able to pay the Au Pair in America Program Fee via my secure, password-protected Au Pair in America Participant Site using the payment methods described. I understand that neither Au Pair in America, nor any of its registered US host families, will ever ask me to wire or transfer money using a money transfer company, cashier s checks or money orders. e) I understand that my locally appointed Au Pair in America representative may charge me a local agency fee and that this is separate from the Au Pair in America Program Fee and governed by the local representative s terms and conditions. f) I will be present in good time for all flights or other transportation provided or arranged by AIFS. AIFS will not provide or be responsible for alternative transportation except in the case of illness or accident in accordance with its group insurance policy. f) I will abide by all appropriate regulations and instructions of the US Government and obey all applicable laws. III. I understand that, in the event of late cancellation from the program (after the visa application form has been issued) Au Pair in America and AIFS reserve the right to charge a US$200 cancellation fee. IV. a) As a participant on the Au Pair in America or Au Pair Extraordinaire program, I will provide childcare up to 45 hours per week and not more than 10 hours per day, for a period not exceeding the 12 months granted under the terms of my visa. As a participant on the educare in America program, I will provide childcare up to 30 hours per week and not more than 10 hours per day, for a period not exceeding the 12 months granted under the terms of my visa. However, I understand that I have a

3 right to apply to extend my participation as an au pair on the program for a further mutually agreed period of 6, 9 or 12 months if I successfully complete my first year of the program. b) I agree that I will perform my duties as an au pair to the best of my ability and indemnify AIFS, its staff, agents and all affiliated organisations from any damages, losses or claims resulting from my participation in the program. c) I will carry out my childcare and other responsibilities to the host family to the best of my ability and with due respect and will take full advantage of the cultural opportunities and will fulfil the educational requirements in accordance with the rules set out in the brochure, website and online resources. d) I understand that due to visa regulations I cannot change between the Au Pair in America or Au Pair Extraordinaire programs and the educare program once I am in the USA. e) I understand the support system provided by the London and Connecticut offices, and affiliated offices if appropriate, and Community Counselor network. I will maintain monthly contact with my Community Counselor. I will co-operate fully with those supervising the program on my behalf for AIFS and I agree to abide by any reasonable instructions they may give me. f) I understand that should a problem arise with my host family, depending on the circumstances Au Pair in America would consider re-matching me with another family but does not guarantee a second placement. g) I understand that should my medical condition limit my ability to perform my duties as an au pair or if I become pregnant prior to departing for the USA or during my participation on the Au Pair in America, Au Pair Extraordinaire or educare in America programs, that I will no longer be eligible to participate on any of the Au Pair in America programs. h) I understand that should I be convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, or any other illegal activity, during my participation, that I will no longer be able to participate on any of the Au Pair in America programs. i) I will not accept any form of paid employment in the USA during my stay other than within my duties as a program participant with my host family. I accept that I will be liable to file and pay taxes based on the US law. j) While living with my host family I will be responsible for all personal debts, such as telephone calls. In the event of an automobile accident, I may be liable for up to, but no more than, US$500 of the insurance deductible. k) I agree that AIFS may take such actions as it considers necessary regarding my health and safety during my time on the program, including securing medical treatment for me and transporting me to my home country. I release AIFS from any liability relating to the medical care received, and agree to pay for any medical or transportation expenses that are not covered by insurance. l) I understand that as a participant on the Au Pair in America, Au Pair Extraordinaire or educare in America program, if for any reason I do not complete the full 12 month term of the program, I will not be entitled to any refund of the Program Fee, insurance costs or any other supplementary payments for any ancillary services, and will be responsible for the full cost of my airfare to my home country, unless otherwise agreed by Au Pair in America and/or its local representatives at their discretion. m) I understand that if, for any reason, I do not complete the required educational hours, I will not be eligible to extend beyond my first year on the program and that Au Pair in America will not issue me a Completion Certificate. n) I understand that program flights will depart from and return to designated airports, so I am responsible for any costs prior to departure and upon my return. I must also make my own way to my designated US return airport at the end of the program in time for my return flight and pay any transportation costs from my host family to the airport. AIFS is not responsible for airline baggage costs, airport taxes or airline fuel surcharges. o) At the end of my stay I will return to my home country on or before the expiry of my 'duration of stay' as determined by US Immigration and will not attempt to return subsequently to the United States without a valid and current US visa if applicable to my home country. p) I understand that my weekly pocket money will cover 51 weeks because I will not receive pocket money for my first week in the USA. I understand that during these 51 weeks I am entitled to 2 weeks paid vacation, and one full weekend off per month (comprising Friday evening to Monday morning). I understand that any time off will be subject to mutual agreement with my host family. V. I have read (or will read) the Au Pair in America information provided in the online resources and agree that their terms are deemed incorporated in this agreement. VI.

4 This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Connecticut. I agree that any dispute with AIFS, its staff, agents and all affiliated organizations that is not settled informally will be submitted to binding arbitration, to be conducted in substantial accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association. The location of the arbitration and identity of the arbitrator will be decided by mutual agreement, with the costs to be shared equally between the parties, and the decision of the arbitrator shall be final. By accepting this agreement, I understand that I am giving up my right to have any claim against AIFS, and its affiliated organizations decided in Court before a judge or jury. VII. I agree to abide by the above conditions should I legally extend my stay on the Au Pair in America, Au Pair Extraordinaire or educare in America program beyond the initial 12 month term. Privacy Consent I understand that the application for the Au Pair in America program(s) requires me to disclose sensitive and private personal information. I understand that this application will be sent to the AIFS office located in London and/or Bonn, and then to its American office which is located in Stamford, Connecticut. AIFS will then share my application with its network of Community Counselors [who are not employees of AIFS],prospective host families, and with designated third party matching sites in an effort to obtain a placement for me on one of the Au Pair in America programs. I understand that during the matching, my time spent on any of the Au Pair in America programs, and subsequently, that I will have access to personal and confidential information, including photographs and videos, about my (and other) host families. I agree not to share or disclose this information to any other parties, including on social media sites and blogs. I understand and agree that I am responsible for controlling visibility of my presence in any media forumsonce I arrive in the US and that AIFS and its appointed representatives/partners cannot be held liable should I choose to participate in AIFS cluster photographs, publicity or materials produced by other au pairs, or AIFS employees, as part of my participation on the program. In the unlikely event of a legal claim, lawsuit or arrest in connection with my participation in the Au Pair in America program, it may be necessary to provide my application to attorneys, insurers, or the United States Department of State [which regulates the program] and, if AIFS receives a valid court order or subpoena, to whatever entity is determined to have a legal right to obtain this information. I understand that AIFS will not disclose my personal information to any other parties unless I am given notice and an opportunity to object. AIFS takes reasonable precautions to protect personal information from loss, misuse and unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction. By completing and submitting the application, I am authorizing AIFS to disseminate the information that is contained in my application in the manner and for the purposes set forth above. I understand that I may revoke this consent at any time and I can request access to my personal information by sending a written request to the American Institute for Foreign Study, Inc., Attention: Privacy Officer, Au Pair in America, 1 High Ridge Park, Stamford, CT, 06905, USA. I confirm that I have read the above terms and conditions and agree to abide by their declarations and clauses by selecting 'I Agree'.

5 What fees/costs do I need to pay? It is important to be financially prepared for your stay in America. You also need to have enough money for the costs you will incur whilst you are preparing for your adventure! Here is a breakdown of all the fees & costs you will need to cover prior to your arrival in the USA. These prices are correct as of 01 January 2015 for departures in Fee/cost type Amount When payable To whom payable Medical form signed by During application To your doctor Doctor TB vaccination or chest x- To your doctor During application ray if no proof of prior immunisation Additional immunisations If applicable During application To your doctor Criminal record check Ca. 13 During application Local Authority Travel costs to interview International Driving Permit Ca. 15 During application After placement n/a Local Authority Visa application fee US$ 160 After placement To Embassy Travel to US embassy After placement n/a Insurance upgrade (optional) Travel costs to airport 370 After visa granted Day before/of departure to USA Au Pair in America n/a You will also need to have some funds available for your costs at Orientation (New York City tour, phone calls), luggage fees if you are flying to your Host Family home and pocket money for your first two weeks in the USA. Stand: December 2014

AU PAIR IN AMERICA Vermittlungsbedingungen

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Application Form (Bewerbungsformular) Unpaid Work Experience. Incoming (Aufnahme) Application Form (Bewerbungsformular) Unpaid Work Experience Incoming (Aufnahme) PERSONAL INFORMATION Family Name Date of Birth Country Sex (!) Male Female City PERIOD OF TI M E First Name Address SKYPE


Notice: All mentioned inventors have to sign the Report of Invention (see page 3)!!!

Notice: All mentioned inventors have to sign the Report of Invention (see page 3)!!! REPORT OF INVENTION Please send a copy to An die Abteilung Technologietransfer der Universität/Hochschule An die Technologie-Lizenz-Büro (TLB) der Baden-Württembergischen Hochschulen GmbH Ettlinger Straße


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Tip: Fill in only fields marked with *. Tipp: Nur Felder ausfüllen, die mit einem * markiert sind.

Tip: Fill in only fields marked with *. Tipp: Nur Felder ausfüllen, die mit einem * markiert sind. Tip: Fill in only fields marked with *. You do not need to worry about the rest. Also, do not worry about the places marked with black ink. Most important is your permanent address! Tipp: Nur Felder ausfüllen,



p^db=`oj===pìééçêíáåñçêã~íáçå= p^db=`oj===pìééçêíáåñçêã~íáçå= Error: "Could not connect to the SQL Server Instance" or "Failed to open a connection to the database." When you attempt to launch ACT! by Sage or ACT by Sage Premium for



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Tip: Fill in only fields marked with *. You do not need to worry about the rest. Also, do not worry about the places marked with black ink.

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