POSTILLION. Der Rundbrief des Saskatchewan German Councils. Volume 26, Issue 4

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1 POSTILLION Der Rundbrief des Saskatchewan German Councils. Volume 26, Issue 4 Winter

2 SGC Member Organizations American Historical Society of Germans From Russia, Regina Austrian Canadian Edelweiss Club, Regina Austrian Edelweiss Dance Association, Regina Battlefords & District German Heritage Language School Community Radio Society of Saskatoon Inc. Concordia Alpenrose Schuhplattler Verein Das Schulhaus - Regina German Language School Inc. Department of Internation Language, U of R Estevan & District German Freundschaft Society Folkart Co-op Humboldt German Canadian Club Concordia, Saskatoon German Canadian Society Harmonie, Regina German Heritage Society of Humboldt & District Inc. German Junior Fol Dancers, Saskatoon German Language School Saskatoon Inc German Russian Cultural Group, Leader German Students Association - U of S Hansel & Gretel Preschool Inc. Imhoff Heritage Society, St. Walburg Jagd- und Fischverein Waidmann s Lust, Regina Karnevalsgesellschaft Harmonie, Regina Kochlöffel & Nudelholz: German-Canadian Koch- und Backstudio Lloydminster German Heritage Society Inc. Melville & District German Heritage Club Mennonite Heritag Village, Swift Current Parents Association of German Language Schools, Saskatoon Prince Albert German Canadian Club Waldhorn Regina German Film Club Saskacthewan Association of Teachers of German, Saskatoon Saskatchewan German Culture Assistance Fund Inc. Saskatoon German Days SKAT Club Saskatoon Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Regina Village of Edenwold Volksliederchor Concordia, Saskatoon Volksliederchor Harmonie Inc., Regina Zichydorf Village Association, Regina

3 SGC Board of Directors President Ilona Beck Rouleau Vice President Josephin Dick Saskatoon Past President Andrew Grzesina Regina Treasurer Ray Fichter Regina Secretary Darrell Dick Saskatoon Directors Franziska Davies, Saskatoon Rod Gellner, Regina Ulrike Hecker, Saskatoon Les Lautner, Prince Albert Amanda Stehwien, Saskatoon Michael Zimmermann, Regina Consultant Barbara Hoggard-Lulay, Saskatoon Staff Andreas Denz, Interrim Executive Director Andrea MacLeod, M.A., Office & Program Assistant Hannelies Kuehnle, Immigrant Settlement Advisor & Pension Advisor Contents Aus dem Büro/From the Office 4-5 Grüße von der Präsidentin 6 Greetings from the President 7 Die neuen Bücher vom SGC in 2011 The new books from the SGC in Rolling Calendar of Events 9 History of the Germans from Russia, part 7 10 German Language School Regina 11 SGC Recipe Corner Cinnamon Stars - Zimtsterne Beef Bouillon - Rinderkraftbrühe 12 New Member Groups: Kochlöffel & Nudelholz: German- Canadian Koch- und Backstudio 13 SGC 2011 Jahresrückblick SGC 2011 in Pictures New Member Groups: Das Schulhaus: Regina German Language School Inc. 16 News from SGC Member Groups 17 Community Radio Station Saskatoon 17 German-Canadian Society Harmonie Inc. 17 German Heritage Society of Humboldt & District Inc. 19 German Junior Folk Dancers 20 German Language School Saskatoon Inc. 23 Hansel & Gretel Preschool Inc. 23 Karnevalsgesellschaft Harmonie 24 Prince Albert German Canadian Club Waldhorn 25 SKAT Club Saskatoon 26 SGC Office Christmas Greetings 26 Saskatchewan German Council Inc. 510 Cynthia Street Saskatoon, SK S7L 7K7 phone: (306) fax: (306) webseite: Edited by: Andrea MacLeod, M.A. 3

4 Aus dem Büro Andreas Denz Wenn im Advent s erschde Lichtle brennt, und wenn mr oft dr Handschuah scho braucha kennt, wenn d Baim ihre ledschde Blätter lasset, und d Lausbuaba uff dr Niklaus basset, wenn d Brotepfl auf dr Herdplatta bruzlet, de letschde Zwetschga vollends verhutzlet, wenn dr Baba d Puppastub nei trapaziert, und d elektrisch Eisebah ausprobiert, wenn mr s erschte Päckle verschickt, und s Elsle no schnell a Paar Topflappa strickt, wenn s Fritzle sich mit dr Laubsäg verleidet, und g hörig derbei in de Dauma nei schneidet, wenn d Hausfraua mit em Bacha a fanget, ond s Haushaltsgeld henda und vorna id langet, de Kloine all Dag uff da Kalendr gucket, ond s Näsle an jedes Schaufenstr nadrucket, ihra Mama von morgens bis obends plogat, weil se allaweil noch em Christkindle froget, bis zom Ellaboga im Guetsledoig stecket, ond dr Zuckerguß von de Zimtstern schlecket, wenn mer d Glaskugla abstaubt vom letschte Joahr, s Lametta sortiert ond Engelshoar, oim de Christbaumständer auf da Zeha fällt, ond wenn mr beim Metzger da Broate b stellt, sich a ma scheana Reifa frait und de Vögl wieder Futter strait, wenn sich die erschte Lichterbaim zoiget, ond d Gschäftsleit ihre Läda vollbeiget, mit allem was mr kaufe ka, vom Belzmantel bis zur Eisebah, wenn d Kassa klingelt im Akkord und s Eislaufa wird zum Leischtungssport, wenn d Eiszapfe an dr Dachrinna henget, und d Kinder en Schnupfe von dr Gass hoim bringet, wenn s scho zur Kaffeezeit dunkel wird und jede Drecklach zur a Schleifetse wird, und wenn s ab und zu mol a bissle schneit, dann, jo dann, isch s Christkindle nimme weit! Autor unbekannt Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, die staade Zeit hat begonnen und wieder einmal sind wir hin- und hergerissen zwischen Kommerz und Beschaulichkeit. Daher kommt von meiner Seite ein kleiner Beitrag hinsichtlich Beschaulichkeit, das andere kommt von selbst. Und da ich ja gebürtiger Oberschwabe bin wie viele von Ihnen in den letzten Monaten mitbekommen haben wählte ich, passend zur Jahreszeit, ein schwäbisches Adventsgedicht. Es ist nicht mehr zu übersehen und zu überhören, die Vorweihnachtszeit hat begonnen. Der erste Advent am letzten Novembersonntag läutete sie dieses Jahr ein. Es ist wieder die Zeit für Weihnachtsmärkte, Weihnachtsbäckerei und Glühwein. Und da die Temperaturen abends auch nichts mehr unbedingt zum Spazierengehen einladen, kommt der Postillion gerade richtig. Auch in dieser Ausgabe gibt es wieder Berichte ausden Mitgliedsgruppen und von Mitgliedern, Rezepte, die zum Ausprobieren einladen, und manches andere Informative und Unterhaltsame mehr. Das Council freut sich über Zuwachs, denn wir konnten im November zwei neue Mitgliedsgruppen begrüßen. Die deutsche Gemeinde in Saskatchewan ist aktiv, und mit neuen Projekten und gesicherter Unterstützung von SaskCulture wird sie auch in Zukunft sichtbar und erlebbar sein. Wir wünschen viel Spass beim Lesen. An dieser Stelle möchte ich mich für die gute und produktive Zusammenarbeit mit Ihnen allen bedanken. Meine Zeit als Interim Geschäftsführer geht dem Ende zu, und ab Februar wird Sabine wieder mit Rat und Tat, mit viel Erfahrung und neuem Elan, zur Stelle sein. Dies ist mein viertes und gleichzeitig mein letztes Grußwort aus dem SGC Büro. Es war eine sehr schöne und interessante Zeit für mich, die ich nicht missen möchte. Danke für Ihre Unterstützung, Ihren Rat, Ihre Hilfe, Ihre Zusammenarbeit, und danke für die vielen netten Gespräche. Ganz besonders danken möchte ich meinem Team hier im SGC Büro. Es war eine sehr fruchtbare Zeit, die uns trotz der Arbeit auch Raum für persönliches gab. Ich wünsche Ihnen allen eine besinnliche Adventszeit, ein frohes und gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest, und im neuen Jahr Gesundheit und viele Aktivitäten. 4

5 From the Office Andreas Denz Dear Reader, The time of contemplation has started and again we are torn between commerce and reflectiveness. My contribution for this Postillion is something regarding reflectiveness, the other part comes by itself. Many of you found out during the last months, that I was born and raised in upper Swabia (South Germany). Therefore, and adequate to the season, I chose an Advent poem from Swabia. It s not possible to overlook or to miss it, Christmas time has come. Last Sunday we celebrated the first Advent and again it s time for the Christkindl Markt, for Christmas baking and for wine punch. Since the temperatures in the evenings are not really inviting to enjoy a walk this Postillion is just in time for you to read and enjoy. In this edition you will find again articles from member clubs and members from all over the province, some new recipes invite you to try out and you may find other news and interesting things. The Council is happy to welcome two new member groups. This shows that the German community is active in Saskatchewan, and with new projects and assured financial support from SaskCulture it will be visible and vibrant in the future. Enjoy reading the Postillion. At this point I want to thank all off you for your cooperative work. At the end of January my time as the SGC Interim Executive Director will be over, and with the beginning of February Sabine will be back in the office full of energy and motivation to be on hand with help and advice for you. This is my fourth and my last From the Office. It was a very interesting and enjoyable time for me which I never want to miss. Thank you for your support, your advice, your help, your teamwork, and for many nice visits and chats. A special thank you goes to my team here in the SGC office. We had a very effective time and despite work there was still a possibility for some face time. I wish you all a thoughtful advent, Merry Christmas, and a New Year full of health and a lot of activities. Office of the Honorary Consul of Germany for Saskatchewan Barbara Hoggard-Lulay 823 Brookhurst Bay Saskatoon, SK S7V 1G1 Phone: (306) Fax: (306) Office hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 5

6 Grüße von der Präsidentin Ilone Beck Und schon wieder hat uns die Weihnachtszeit eingeholt. Mit dem 1. Advent am 27. November begann die Vorweihnachtszeit und die damit verbundenen Vorbereitungen für Weihnachten. Gerade die deutsche Kultur verbindet mit Advent und Weihnachten unzählige Bräuche und Traditionen, auf die man sich jedes Jahr wieder neu freut. Adventskranz und Adventskalender sind aus der Weihnachtszeit genauso wenig wegzudenken wie die Weihnachtsbäckerei und die berühmeten Lebkuchen, die nun überall in den Geschäften erhältlich sind und die Adventszeit versüßen. Es ist vielleicht für Sie von Interesse, dass die Geschichte der Lebkuchen ins 12. Jahrhundert zurückgeht, wo Lebkuchen vornehmlich in Klöstern gebacken wurden. Sie waren lange haltbar und dienten als Notvorrat. Lebkuchen galten als Heil- und Arzneimittel, waren gesundheitsspendend und verdauungsfördernd. Es ist vielleicht für Sie von Interesse, dass die Geschichte der Lebkuchen ins 12. Jahrhundert zurückgeht, wo Lebkuchen vornehmlich in Klöstern gebacken wurden. Sie waren lange haltbar und dienten als Notvorrat. Lebkuchen galten als Heil- und Arzneimittel, waren gesundheitsspendend und verdauungsfördernd. Deshalb spielten die Lebkuchen besonders in der Vorweihnachtszeit und der Zeit vor Ostern eine grosse Rolle. Damals galten diese Zeiten noch als Zeit des Fastens, der Buße und Umkehr und Lebkuchen waren als Heilmittel wichtiger Teil der Nahrungszufuhr; sie waren lebensspendend, wie schon der Name selbst zur Annahme verleitet. Ursprünglich jedoch leitet sich die Bezeichnung Lebkuchen vom lateinischen Wort libum, der Fladen, ab. Über die Jahrhunderte entwickelte sich das Lebkuchengewerbe und die Zunft der Lebkuchner. Berühmt geworden sind vor allem die Aachener Printen, Pulsnitzer Pfefferkuchen, Berner Leckerli und natürlich die weltbekannten Nürnberger Lebkuchen. Sie sind auch hier in Kanada erhältlich. Als Teil ihrer Spendenaktionen verkaufen die German Junior Folk Dancers in Saskatoon jedes Jahr Lebkuchen, die auf Bestellung angefordert werden können. Eine gute Gelegenheit für alle, die auf diese Spezialtät nicht verzichten wollen! Es ist viel los in dieser Vorweihnachtszeit: viele Mitgliedsgruppen gestalten ihre eigenen Weihnachtsaktivitäten, presentieren Weihnachtskonzerte und laden ein zu Weihnachtsfeiern, Gesangs- und Nikolausabend. Der deutsche Klub in Regina veranstaltet am 1. Adventswochenende den ersten traditionellen Christkind l Markt, eine typische deutsche Tradition, die zum ersten Mal auch hier in Saskatchewan wiederbelebt wurde. In den Schulen findet der alljährliche Weihnachtskarten-Wettbewerb statt und die Siegerkarte wird für die nächste Saison gedruckt und beim Council erhältlich sein. Ich freue mich auch Ihnen mitteilen zu dürfen, dass höhere Unterstützung durch Sask Culture zugesichert wurde und davon auch alle Mitgliedsgruppen im nächsten Jahr profitieren werden. Der Council wechselt ins Neue Jahr mit neuen Projekten und kreativen Ideen, welche die Präsenz des Councils und die der deutschen Gemeinde in Saskatchewan beleben und mehr sichtbar machen. Neue Gruppen fanden den Zugang zum SGC und das Interesse an Deutsch und deutscher Kultur wird in einigen Mitgliedsorganisationen durch neue Mitglieder aufgefrischt. Wir sehen mit Zuversicht und Freude ins Neue Jahr! In diesem Sinne wünsche ich Ihnen ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest und ein gutes und gesundes Neues Jahr! 6

7 Greetings from the President Ilona Beck Time is flying and here we have Christmas again! November 26th marked the start of Advent and along came all the preparations to get ready for Christmas. The German culture is connected to so many traditions and customs during this festive season and every year we look forward to celebrate our rich culture. Advents wreath advents and advents calendars are as much part of the Advent s season as Christmas baking and the famous Lebkuchen, which are readily available to sweeten the days before Christmas. It is very interesting to learn that the history of Lebkuchen traces back to the 12th century. At this time Lebkuchen were formerly just baked in monasteries. They had a good shelf life, were storable and served as emergency food. Prepared with many spices, almonds, and dried fruit this type of baking was not considered food but health food or medicine for its association with improved indigestion and overall health benefits. For that reason Lebkuchen played an important role during the times of fasting practiced not only before Easter but also during Advent. Lebkuchen served as essential carrier of nutrients and promoter of life during fasting. The name says it all despite the fact that the original name derived from the Latin word libum flat bread. Over the centuries the Lebkuchen bakeries took off and developed into larger business. Most famous became the Aachener Printen, Pulsnitzer Pfefferkuchen, Berner Leckerli and of course the Nürnberger Lebkuchen. This fine type of baking is also available in Canada. As part of their fund raising efforts the Saskatoon Junior Folk Dancers sell Lebkuchen to the public. It seems to be a good opportunity for those who like to include this traditional Christmas baking in their celebrations. A lot is going on during Advent. Many member organizations started their individual Christmas routines, present Christmas concerts, invite the public to Christmas gatherings, sing-along and St. Nikolaus events. The German Club in Regina prepared for its first traditional Christkind l market. Christkind l markets are a typical German tradition during the weeks of Advent and it came alive in Saskatchewan on November 26th. German language schools are busy with the SGC Christmas card contest and the Council is looking forward to print the winning card for next year s Christmas season. I am also very pleased to announce that we will receive increased funding from Sask Culture which will benefit all member groups in the coming year. The SGC moves into the New Year with fresh ideas and innovative projects with the intention to make the SGC and the German communities more visible in the province. New member groups joined the Council and it seems that the interest in German, both the language as well as culture is revived by active new members. With great confidence and hope we look into the New Year! Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year! Scherenschnitt illustrations in this issue are taken from the originals by Waltraude Stehwien, courtesy of the artist. Repoduction without permission is strictly prohibited. W. Stehwien 7

8 Die neuen Bücher vom SGC in The new books from the SGC in 2011 Unverbindl. Preisempfehlung Recommended retail price $7.50 Unverbindl. Preisempfehlung Recommended retail price $16.50 Erhältlich bei / Available at: Saskatchewan German Council Inc. 510 Cynthia Street Saskatoon, SK S7L 7K7 Phone: (306) 8

9 Rolling Calendar of Events December 4: Volksliederchor Harmonie Weihnachtskonzert at the German- Canadian Society Harmonie in Regina Volksliederchor Concordia Christmas Concert at the German Cultural Centre in Saskatoon 6-8 Christmas Dinner Theatre at the & German Cultural Centre in Saskatoon 13-15: For tickets call: : Christmas Skat in Saskatoon Christmas Party Weihnachtsfeier at the German-Canadian Society Harmonie in Regina 14: Saskatoon Skat Club AGM and Award Presentation 17: Christmas Dinner & Dance at the German Cultural Centre in Saskatoon Mon.: The Classical Connection on CFCR 90.5 fm from 3 to 4 p.m. with Sigrid Kirmse Wed.: Skat at the German Cultural Centre in Saskatoon at 7 p.m. Fri.: Classical Panorama on CFCR 90.5 fm from 1 to 2 p.m. with Sigrid Kirmse Chef s Special at the German Cultural Centre from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Sun.: Treffpunkt Deutschland on CFCR 90.5 fm from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday Brunch at the German Culrual Centre in Saskatoon from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and German Buffet from 5:30 to 9 p.m. January Mon.: The Classical Connection on CFCR 90.5 fm from 3 to 4 p.m. with Sigrid Kirmse Wed.: Skat at the German Cultural Centre in Saskatoon at 7 p.m. Fri.: Classical Panorama on CFCR 90.5 fm from 1 to 2 p.m. with Sigrid Kirmse Chef s Special at the German Cultural Centre from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Sun.: Treffpunkt Deutschland on CFCR 90.5 fm from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday Brunch at the German Culrual Centre in Saskatoon from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and German Buffet from 5:30 to 9 p.m. February Mon.: The Classical Connection on CFCR 90.5 fm from 3 to 4 p.m. with Sigrid Kirmse Wed.: Skat at the German Cultural Centre in Saskatoon at 7 p.m. Fri.: Classical Panorama on CFCR 90.5 fm from 1 to 2 p.m. with Sigrid Kirmse Chef s Special at the German Cultural Centre from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Sun.: Treffpunkt Deutschland on CFCR 90.5 fm from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday Brunch at the German Culrual Centre in Saskatoon from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and German Buffet from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Please refer to the SGC Events Calendar at for more events. 9

10 History of the Germans from Russia, part 7 Alvin Knoll Now that spring had arrived the new settlers were anxious to leave the confines of Odessa and visit the Steppes where they were to start their new lives and build their homes. It is said that once the German settlers saw their new land they panicked. The area before them was a vast horizon of flat, gently waving grasslands, not a tree to be seen, no other human habitation, just flat prairie as far as the eye could see vast nothingness. How could they expect to live in such an inhospitable place? The summer temperatures were extreme and the winter weather could reach minus 40 C. Perhaps this weather sounds familiar to many of us! The soil was very rich, dark and about a foot in depth, excellent for growing most any crop. The Russians, under the guidance of Duc de Richelieu, had a plan for the villages or colonies as they became known. The Liebental Colonies were the first to be developed in the Odessa region. Villages such as Josephstal, Mariental, Franzfeld, Lustdorf and Neuburg were established, eleven in total. The village of Kleinliebental was 12 versts (8 miles) from the soon to be city of Odessa and Mariental was about 25 versts (16 miles) from Odessa. This close proximity would be an advantage later as farmers could access the large markets there. To understand how the land was designated let us look at the villages of Mariental and Franzfeld. Mariental was home to 60 families and was allotted 7,792 acres whereas the village of Franzfeld 43 families was allotted 5,975 acres, approximately 139 acres per family. The villages were laid out with one main street with houses on either side. 10 The properties were usually about an acre in size, with a frontage of 120 feet and a property depth of 360 feet. The front yard contained the house, barns and sheds, while the backyard was reserved for the threshing floor and the massive stacks of grain, hay and straw. Then to the rear of this were the fruit and vegetable gardens. Later stonewalls were built around each property. Again the main problem facing the colonists was the lack of building materials. There was no lumber; the only trees available were the scrub trees growing in some of the ravines, not much to build with. The colonists were used to their homes on the Rhine which were made out of timber, bricks and stones. There was none of that here, so the resourceful settler did the next best thing; he used Mother Earth herself. It was said that no hammer, saw or trowel was needed only a strong back and a spade! The farmers stripped off the sod and then the topsoil to expose the clay below. This clay was then mixed with grass or straw and water and made into clay bricks, similar to what had been done in Egypt, thousands of years before. A far cry from their previous homes on the Rhine! These bricks were sun dried and then placed one atop the other to form walls. The settlers then awaited lumber from Odessa to complete the roofs and with any luck a window or two might also arrive to be placed in the walls. A light covering of fine dirt completed the interior and exterior walls. These were then whitewashed for a finished appearance. A load of lumber did finally arrive from Odessa and each homeowner was given 19 pieces of lumber, not near enough to complete a roof, so once again reeds were placed atop these rafters and sod atop that; this would complete their living quarters until sometime in the future when the long houses would be built. The barns and sheds were constructed similarly although without the wooden roof boards. So these pioneers had not built a sod hut but rather a brick house! In the next issue I will touch on how they survived those first few years. Advertise in the Postillion full page (18.8 x 24.8 cm) $130 1/2 page horiz. (18.8 x 12.4 cm) $ 90 1 column ( cm) $ 70 1/2 column (6 x 12.4 cm) $ 40 1/4 column (6 x 6.2 cm) $ 20 SGC member receive a 15% discount. (306)

11 German Language School Regina Sandra Morin The school year is well underway and the excitement of the activities planned for December are anxiously being anticipated! October would not be complete without celebrating Halloween and the school celebrated this occasion in the fashion that is now being celebrated in various parts of Germany. The young students dressed in their costumes, accompanied by their teachers, went to the adult classrooms as well as one mystery classroom and yelled, Süsses oder Saueres whereupon the adult students would reward the witches, goblins, princesses, sumo wrestlers, etc. with treats. This was a fun way to wrap up the day after learning various expressions in German that are directly related to Halloween. There have been a number of workshops available for our teachers to attend and we have been fortunate to have at least one or more teachers at each of them. These teachers then provide a report for the remaining teachers and also any materials that are requested of them. The teachers of the various classes are busy preparing their students for their contributions to the Weihnachtsfeier program. We would like to thank the teachers for their extra efforts in ensuring that the Weihnachtsfeier is a success: Judith Kocks, Esther Flaman, Olga Lairich, Andrea Nillson, Jutta Moersch, and Mario Neumann as well as a special thank you to Julia Lacey who assists whenever and wherever needed. Our St. Nikolaustag celebration will take place at the school on December 3rd and the Weihnachtsfeier will take place on Dec. 17th. We are very excited to be holding the Weihnachtsfeier at the Austrian Edelweiss Club for the first time in the history of the school! We would like to extend special thanks to some individuals and organizations who provide support and assistance to the school: Robert Grain of Parkland Carpet One; Store Manager Dean Shaw and Assistant Store Manager Marvin Kwasnitza of Canada Safeway Ltd.; Melissa Berwald who provided excellent interim instruction for our preschoolers; and someone who is and has become Opa to many of our students, Harald Berwald, for providing assistance with everything from Preschool as well as taking pictures, morning set-up, etc. We are so grateful for their contributions to the German Language School. Wir wünschen Euch ein gesegnetes Weihnachtsfest und ein glückliches Neues Jahr! Our very own Pfau (peacock) named Andrea Nillson Ester Flamann & Jula Lacey yelling Süßes oder Saures with the many characters of Halloween. Herlad Berwald, Melissa Berwald, Olga Lairich & Judith Kocks with some preschoolers. An adult class passing out the goodies for the students 11

12 SGC Recipe Corner Cinnamon Stars - Zimtsterne Ilona Beck Once again it is Christmas time and our kitchens are filled with the smell of spices and baked cookies. There are many classic cookies which are traditional during Christmas in Germany. An all time favourite are these Cinnamon Stars. Ingredients: - 500g ground almonds (4 cups + 2tbsp.) - 5 egg white - 450g icing sugar (4 1/2 cup) - 2 tsp. cinnamon - 1 tbsp. Kirschschnaps Preparation: Beat egg whites until very fim then add icing sugar and blend well until stiff. Set aside one cup of the mixture to frost cookies. Add ground almonds, cinnamon and Kirschschnaps to the rest of the mixture and knead well to form a dough. Wrap in plastic warp and place for an hour in the fridge. Dust you workplace with icing sugar and roll the dough out to 1cm of thickness. Use a star cookie cutter to cut out cookies. They might stick to the work surface, use a spatular to remove carefully onto a cookie sheet lined with baking paper. Let them dry in a warm area overnight. The next day preheat your oven to 220 C and bake for about 5 min. The cookies should be still somewhat soft. The frosting should be mostly white, maybe a bit browned. Beef Bouillon - Rinderkraftbrühe Kochlöffel & Nudelholz: German-Canadian Koch- & Backstudio (Rezept für 4 Portionen) Zutaten: - 1 Bund Basilikum ml Rinderfond aus dem Glas g TK-Gemüse (Erbsen, Möhren, Bohnen) - Salz, Pfeffer, Tabasco, Sojasoße g Roastbeef - 4 Eigelb - nach Belieben etwas Parmesan Das Basilikum abbrausen, einige Blätter zum Garnieren beiseite legen, den Rest in feine Streifen schneiden. Den Fond erwärmen, das Gemüse hinein geben und alles aufkochen. Mit den Gewürzen abschmecken. Das Roastbeef in Streifen schneiden und mit den 12 Basilikumstreifen in vier tiefe Teller verteilen. Mit der Suppe auffüllen und in jeden Teller ein rohes Eigelb setzen. Nach Belieben mit frisch geriebenen Parmesan bestreuen und mit Basilikum garniert servieren. (For 4 portions) Ingredients: - 1 bunch basil - 800ml beef fond - 300g frozen vegetables (peas, carrots, beans) - salt, pepper, tabasco, soy sauce - 100g roast beef - 4 yolk - some parmesan if you like Wash the basil and put some leaves aside for decoration. The rest needs to be cut up in fine stripes. Heat the beef fond, add the frozen vegetables, and cook well. Use spices to your liking. Cut the roast beef into fine stripes and place into four soup plates together with the cut basil. Fill all plates with the soup and add a yolk in the middle. If you like you can top the soup with parmesan and decorate with loose basil leaves. Ein festliches Essen im Kreise lieber Menschen gehört zum Weihnachtsfest wie der Christbaum.

13 New Member Group Kochlöffel & Nudelholz: German-Canadian Back- & Kochstudio Vor wenigen Wochen wurde aus einer Idee ein Verein: Kochlöffel und Nudelholz, das German - Canadian Koch- und Backstudio. Seit dem 5. November 2011 sind wir Mitglied beim Saskatchewan German Council. Wir möchten die Esskultur aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum (Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz) hier in Saskatchewan erhalten und weitergeben. Koch- und Backkurse, Infoveranstaltungen mit Tipps und Tricks rund um s Kochen und Backen, Seminare von Getränkekunde bis zu Tischdekorationen, und weitere Vorträge zu verschiedenen Themen sind geplant. Wir wollen uns einmal im Monat treffen, aller-dings steckt zur Zeit noch vieles im Aufbau. So sind wir unter anderem noch auf der Suche nach geeigneten Räumlichkeiten. A few weeks ago an idea became a club: Kochlöffel und Nudelholz, the German Canadian Koch- und Backstudio. Since November 5, 2011 we are a new member with the Saskatchewan German Council. We would like to promote and share Germanic food culture in Saskatchewan. Workshops in cooking and baking, teaching kitchen know how, wine and beverage skills, table decorations and further lectures of several subjects are planned. We will meet once a month, however there are still a lot of things to do. Among others we are looking for a suitable location. People who are interested to join the Kochlöffel & Nudelholz are very welcome. For more information call Viktoria Maurus, Tel: (306) Kochlöffel & Nudelholz Interessierte (Anfänger bis Profis) sind herzlich willkommen. Für Interessierte: Viktoria Maurus, Telefon (306) Frohe Festtage / Season s Greetings Das Kochlöffel & Nudelholz Team 13

14 14 SGC 2011 Jahresrückblick

15 SGC 2011 in Pictures Merry Christmas Frohe Weihnachten 15

16 New Member Group Das Schulhaus - Regina German Language School Inc. Laterne, Latern, Sonne, Mond und Sterne... Sabine Zagoricnik.Wecker... brenne auf mein Licht, brenne auf mein Licht, aber nur meine liebe Laterne nicht! According to a German Tradition, DAS SCHULHAUS-Regina German Language School Inc., for its first time in Regina, invited children to a traditional St.Martinsumzug (lantern parade) on Saturday November 12. With lots of fun and a pretty nice design, we started in the afternoon with the crafting of little lanterns. Afterwards, we met in front of the Legislature in a cold Wascana Park. While singing traditional German Martins songs, we walked with our glowing lanterns through the park to the meeting point at the barbecue station where Andreas and Phillip already had a cozy fire made with a big pot of spiced apple cider on it. Like in a fancy winter wonderland, we sat and stood around the fire in the snow, waiting for the night to fall and for the lanterns to get brighter. We tried our first Lebkuchen of the year and enjoyed the end of a nice day. Thank you so much to everyone (and for next year we promise to make the lantern design Saskweather proof ;) We are so happy that so many people could join us! We are looking forward to the Heilige Nikolaus visit on December 6th! For more information contact: Das Schulhaus hat eingeladen und viele sind dem Ruf gefolgt, eine kleine Laterne durch den kalten winterlichen Wascana Park zu tragen. Was gibt es Schöneres als seine selbstgebastelte Laterne vor sich her zu tragen und mit den Sternen um die Wette zu leuchten, auch wenn diese durch die dicke Wolkendecke nicht sichtbar waren? Was gibt es Schöneres als, um ein Feuer zu stehen und sich mit heissen Apfelpunsch zu wärmen, sich im Schnee unter den tiefhängenden 16 Zweigen der Bäume zu verstecken, während die Nacht vollständig hereinbricht und die Laternen immer heller werden? Eben! Ein grosses Dankeschön an alle, die mitgeholfen haben und an alle die gekommen sind! Bleibt nur noch zu hoffen dass auch der Hl. Nikolaus am 6. Dezember seinen Weg nach Regina findet und uns besuchen kommt! Für mehr Infromationen schreiben Sie an:

17 News from SGC Member Groups Community Radio Station Saskatoon Community Radio Saskatoon Report Neil Bergen, G.M. A quick update on the happenings at Community Radio. As you may be aware we celebrated two anniversaries this year. The first was our 20th anniversary of broadcasting on the air in the month of September. The second was our 25th anniversary of the formation of The Community Radio Society of Saskatoon Inc. in the month of November. As you can imagine both these anniversaries were very big milestones for the station. We celebrated the 25th anniversary with a supper and invitations to the founding members, most of whom attended, and an open house which the mayor attended and did an on air interview, as well as the city declaring the day officially Community Radio Day in the City of Saskatoon. We had coffee and muffins throughout the day as well as pizza for lunch with a good number of people attending. Our annual fundraising drive FM- Phasis was very successful again this year as was as our annual Artists for Alternative Radio Art Auction. We raised just over $68, with FM-Phasis, our second best total ever, and $10, with the Art Auction which is right on our yearly average. All in all it s been a very good year for Community Radio and we look forward to continuing our success with the hard work of our volunteers and staff and your continued support. We like to thank the Saskatchewan German Council for its continuing support of the Treffpunkt Deutschland program and the Classical Connection programs, both broadcast by our long-time member Sigrid Kirmse. German-Canadian Society Harmonie Inc. Update from the Club Kerri Van Loosen On reflection, our second annual Oktoberfest, held October 15,was a great success and broke many of last year s records. The courtyard pig roast opened the evening. The festive performances by our Karneval folk dancers and the Austrian Schuhplattlers delighted the crowd and the bands, Cornerstone and Diamond Trio had everyone dancing all through the night. We introduced a new element of entertainment with the Group Competition. Both participants and spectators enjoyed themselves cheering on one another and the teams while completing the challenges. The winning team, Party Zeit, was made up of some of the Club s very own members and set the bar for next year s competitors. Amid the joys of life are also its sorrows. We were saddened by the sudden death of our member, Russ Eberle, on October 18, at the age of 52. Russ was a very active member of the Karneval group and could always be found helping out at the various club functions. He will be truly missed. Jetzt, da der Winter gut unterwegs ist, können wir beginnen uns auf das kommende Weihnachtsfest zu freuen! Christkindl Markt - (November 26th, 3-7pm) In the early fall a committee was formed to organize what is hoped to be the beginning of an annual tradition. With Christmas crafts, baking, Glühwein, Kaffee and 17

18 Stollen, it should bring Regina into the Christmas mood. Our friend Liesl will be coming from BC with her lovely German clothing. Markt admission is free! Please check out the Club s updated website: or become a fan on our Facebook page: Regina German Club. Volksliederchor Harmonie Weihnachtskonzert - (December 4th, 2:30pm) Club Christmas Party - (December 10th, 6:00pm) The evening begins with supper followed by Christmas readings, poetry, songs and a special performance by the Luther College string ensemble. Nun wünsche ich Ihnen allen ein fröhliches Weihnachtsfest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr! First Christkind l Markt in Regina Berbel Knoll During the weeks of December these popular Christmas markets take place in the market squares of cities and towns all over Germany. Very often the market place is surrounded by beautiful medieval buildings, a church or a castle, providing the perfect background and a festive atmosphere. The most famous Christkind l Markt is the market in Nürnberg, however, many smaller towns have established charming small Christmas markets which attract many visitors during the Advent season. Just in time for the first Advent, the German Club in Regina opened its doors to the first Christkind l Markt in Regina. A pleasantly mild, sunny day with a scattering of snow on the ground made for a perfect day to enjoy the festive atmosphere of this traditional Christmas event. Visitors were welcomed in the courtyard with Glühwein, and the mouthwatering 18 aroma of Bratwurst being grilled. A warm fire kept those gathered around it toasty warm. Inside the hall vendor tables, decorated to resemble huts and booths were arranged around the beautiful Christmas tree and offered many craft items, typical German baking such as Honigkuchen and cookies, German Christmas decorations, Advent wreaths and centre pieces, ice lanterns, knitting and much more. Visitors could stroll around the market or sit down with a cup of coffee and Stollen and listen to the German Christmas songs presented by the German choir. A small crafts corner kept the youngest visitors busy and gave parents a chance to inspect the many goods. The large crowds and the vendors all enjoyed the festive atmosphere. This first Christkind l Markt in Regina was a huge success and it would not have happened without the support of the many volunteers involved before, during and after the market. Our thanks go out to the planners, crafters, decorators, bakers, cooks and ad hoc helpers. Many thanks to the Saskatchewan German Council and Sask Lotteries for supporting this great event. On behalf of the Christkind l Markt committee Ilona Beck, Maria Hartman, Berbel Knoll, Sveltlana Voronin, and Sabine Zagoricnik-Wecker

19 Above: It is busy at the baked goods booth Below: A nice overview of the market Above: Buying German cookies Below: The children s craft corner Above: A break with coffee & Stolle Below: The choir singing Christmas songs Was ist los in Humboldt? Ruth Wilson It was thought provoking to see the 1955 built St. Elizabeth s Hospital being demolished by a wrecking ball. The contractor had trouble dismantling it because it was so well built. An era gone but we rejoice that a new modern State of the Art hospital replaced the old one. Now we need more doctors as our population is increasing. Advent is here and we turn out thought to Christmas. St. Nikolaus makes his annual appearance with the angelic choir - the Waldsee singers raising their voices in holy songs. Children welcome St. Nikolaus and the angels with a poem and song. He tells them his story of long ago German Heritage Society of Humboldt & District Inc. - but to be loving, kind and good is still his advice. One of our Folkart members, Maria Gossner, painted a large mural of Noah and the Arc for her 2 year old granddaughter Danika. Our Folkart Co-op provided straw stars by Emily Towstego, glass angels by Prairie Glass (Elaina Adams), and hand painted glass balls by Sharon Fetter for the Regina Harmonie Society Christkindl Markt. Die Zeit vergeht zu schnell - the time flies. There are several Christmas parties and concerts to attend, which remind us of our love and appreciation for family and friends. God is so good and we thank him. Gesegnete Weihnacht Euch Allen und ein Gesundes, Freudevolles Neues Jahr. Best Wishes for a joyfilled blessed Christmas Season and good health and success for

20 German Junior Folk Dancers A busy Year Amanda & Barbara Stehwien A brief travel log to go with our map: Our Europe tour started with arrival at the Frankfurt airport and an overnight stay at a nearby hostel-hotel. Non-dance activities were not always done together, and so it was that 8 of our group of 20 took in the big final game of the Women s World soccer league or FIFA game, while the others slept off the jet lag and/or explored downtown Frankfurt. We then travelled south, first to Günzburg (Legoland) for family fun, and then to Balingen for the folkdance workshops. There we took day trips in the area, including watching the big parade in Bad Urach and a visit to famous Burg Hohenzollern. On the way to Zirndorf (Playmobil Fun Park), we stopped at the large outdoor museum near Schwäbisch Hall and visited Nürnberg during the three days in Zirndorf. The major tour to Austria followed, where we bypassed the city of München as well as Salzburg. We would have loved to stop, but the time was short and the destinations many. The base camp in Austria was a family hostel in Oberwölz, where the folkdance workshops took place, but from where we also explored the area the amazing castle Burg Finstergrün, high up on a hill, the 1000 stair wooden walkway by Rachau and the planetarium/church steeple in Judenburg. Judenburg was also the stop where the Stefanson-Pexa family departed early, while the rest of the group headed back north to spend a few more days exploring Germany and tracing family roots. The Lissel- DeCorby family stayed in romantic and world famous Rothenburg ob der Tauber, along with the Falkowskys, who also went to retrace some family history in Lager Lechfeld. The Stehwien family ventured further north to stay in Göttingen, and from there visited the VW factory, museum and entertainment park in Wolfsburg. Also on the itinerary was a long drive and a short stop at the long time family home and birth place of Fritz Stehwien near Stendal. Three weeks after arrival, everyone met at the Frankfurt airport to return home happy, tired and a whole lot richer in knowledge and cultural experiences. Notes to our previous article: Correction in translation of the term Schäferlauf this is a Shepherd s run, or race, not a Sheep s run. The photo page that was inserted was incomplete and without subtitles, due to time constraints, but can be found complete on our website, as can our entire travel blog and many more pictures German Cultural Tradition Books, Pins & Lanyards Each book is filled with information on the specific holiday & tradition, including pictures, songs, and recipes. All books are written in German and English, and you get 450 pages of reading material. They make a perfect gift for any occasion or to teach your children and/or grandchildren about their heritage. Each books costs $10 or buy all four for $35. The set is already in its second edition and sells fast. Don t miss this opportunity. Show your love for both cultures by displaying a pin with either the Austrian, German, and Swiss flag together with the Canadian flag. You never know where your keys are? Hook them to this usefuly lanyard printed with the German-Canadian flag. You will find your keys so much easier. Pins are $2.50 and lanyards are $3.50.

21 21

22 A busy Year Amanda & Barbara Stehwien It s been a very busy year for the German Junior Folk Dancers, especially this past summer. We ve had more performances than ever, with a total of 16, some of which included more than one set, or even more than one day. After Canada Day we went on a road trip to participate in Moose Jaw s Motif Multicultural Festival. While half of the dance group was in Europe the other half took part in the Folkfest preview during Taste of Saskatchewan with long time dancer Brooklyn doing double duty as Junior Ambassador and instructor. Shortly after we returned from Europe we had a performance as part of the entertainment of the grand opening for the German club here in Saskatoon. We even managed to show off one of the dances we learned just the week before in Austria! Three days later we Above: new Plätscher Polka dance Below: new Schustertanz (Shoemaker s Dance) travelled to Humboldt to take part in their German Days celebration which was great fun and ended with a trip to Dairy Queen before heading back to Saskatoon. The next day was the start of our busy Folkfest week with three days of practice followed by three days of performances. It was a great opportunity to show off several new dances we brought back from Germany and Austria, including the Ennstaler Polka, the Hacke Spitze, the Schwabentanz and the Plätscher Polka, as well some old favourites such as the ever popular Maitanz. September included two more performances before the start of the new dance year. We danced at a chilly and wet Fireworks Festival at River Landing and took our final road trip of the year to the Regina Dragon Boat Festival, where we performed a set downtown, Above: German Junior Folk Dancers group, November 2011 Below: new Schwabentanz followed by a set in Wascana Park. This year we have three new dancers as well as one returning dancer joining our group. In between learning new dances we ve already had six performances this term. In September and October we auditioned to be part of the Global Movements Project at Walter Murray Collegiate, danced as part of Culture Days at the Farmer s Market, and travelled to Melfort and Prince Albert to take part in their folk festivals. To kick off the Christmas season we also took part in one of our favourite events, the annual Festival of Trees in Boomtown at the WDM. We performed an entirely new set of dances with only one of our nineteen dancers not available. We also recently held our annual Mini Christmas Market fundraiser at Market Mall where we sold imported Lebkuchen, home baking, and some favorite Erzgebirge items. At the same time we also put on a mini MiniFest (which somehow didn t happen during our überbusy summer) where we performed two sets and invited the Hungarian Junior Dancers to perform as well. To end our wonderfully exhausting 2011, we re looking forward to taking our show to the new and hugely popular Vancouver Christmas Market to show off our group and be junior ambassadors for Saskatoon. 22

23 German Language School Saskatoon Inc. News from the Language School Saskatoon Gabi Harrison As winter is approaching, we are well into the school year 2011/12 with our classes. Our three adult classes are working on different levels (beginner, intermediate and advanced), using the textbook and workbook Themen Aktuell. Teachers are always adding their own activities and games in order to learn the German language in a fun and interesting environment. This Christmas, all of our adult students are getting together for a Christmas Dinner in order to get a taste of German Christmas. Our children s classes also work on different age levels and skill levels. We offer level 1, 2 & 3 for young children as well as High School Credit Classes German 10, 11 & 12. In November, our school celebrated the day of Sankt Martin. Invited were all students as well as the families of the children. During the potluck dessert everybody had the chance to visit and chat. Afterwards, we had a program related to the theme of St. Martin. Level 1 sang Ich geh mit meiner Laterne, Level 2 prepared a puppet show with Sankt Martin and the beggar being paper mache figures. Level 3 and the Credit classes recited different poems. Last but not least, the children went on the traditional Left: Barbara Hoggard-Lulay, Jade Hanson, Ben Sartison, Francois Roewer and Mr. Dick for his son Jonathan Dick; with Josephin Dick and Gabi Harrison. Right: One of the Second Level children, John Cody, with the pappmaché figures protraying the beggar and St. Martin. Laternenumzug - lantern parade with their lit lanterns. During the evening, The Honorary Consul of the Federal Republic of Germany in Saskatchewan, Mrs. Barbara Hoggard-Lulay, officially presented the DSD I Certificates to our students. Jade Hanson, Ben Sartison, Francois Roewer and Jonathan Dick studied for the DSD I exam and all of them passed. These 4 young people now have the linguistic qualification to enrol in a Studienkolleg in Germany. We hope these language heroes are an inspiration for all language learners! Hansel & Gretel Preschool Inc. News from the German Preschool Ulrike Hecker Preschool can be a busy place and we are always happy to have new families registering their little ones in our bilingual German-English program. Our information booth with kids activities at the Folk Fest in August attracted many new faces to our preschool. We are proud to have successfully raised awareness and we even recruited new students through this venue. Thank you to Sask Lotteries and SGC for supporting this community outreach project. In October we had a group of 13 Early Childhood Development students from SIAST come to visit our preschool. These students wanted to gain a deeper understanding of how little children absorb a foreign language in a preschool setting. They were very impressed to see how all of our children could follow the teacher s instructions in German and sing German songs. At the end of that day our little preschoolers taught the future educators how to count in German and waved Auf Wiedersehen with a BIG, proud smile on their faces. In November, Hansel & Gretel Preschool celebrated the German Holiday St. Martin s Day with a lantern parade through Brevoort Park School. The children also made little lanterns for their care partners and presented a little play about the 23

24 story of St.Martin. We are positive that events like this will enrich the children s understanding of the German culture and create long lasting memories. In November, we also held a multicultural day where children had the opportunity share their individual heritage with our class. In this context we performed the German Dance Brüderchen, komm tanz mit mir. All families were invited to join us for celebration at the end of the day. I would like to thank Amanda Stehwien for providing us with German Dirndel and Lederhosen. We asked our families to bring their favorite ethnic dish to share with our class. One of the most popular food items were our German Bretzel Brötchen with homemade butter that the children had shaken from whipping cream! Like every year, St.Nikolaus will be visiting us on December 6th to fill the children s Stiefel with German treats. Hansel and Gretel preschool is also proud to have the opening act at the Brevoort Park School Christmas Concert. Hansel and Gretel Preschool will have an Open House on January 30, 2012 from 6:30-8:00 pm. Registration for the School year 2012/13 will start that day. If you know families who are interested, please let them know. We still have some openings left in our current Tuesday/Thursday group. If you would like to get more information, please call Ulrike or go on our website: In behalf of all our staff, Hansel and Gretel Preschool wishes everybody Frohe Weihnachten und ein Gesundes und Frohes Neue Jahr! We had some sad news. One of our Karneval members, Russ Eberle, has passed away. Russ will be missed by all members of the group. He was always willing to help and was there for us whenever we needed him. He loved wearing his Leather Hosen and enjoyed dancing with Heart of Harmony. The KG Harmonie German Dancers had been very busy this year. We have performed at various Senoir Citizen Complexs and several Oktoberfests. Heart of Harmonie had the honour of dancing for the Scotia Bank employees at the Casino Show Lounge. We are becoming well known in the community and, 24 Karnevalsgesellschaft Harmonie Greetings from the Karnevalsgesellschaft Harmonie Darlene Rubrecht as a result, we are getting more invitations to perform for various activies and groups. We also tried out for the Kinsmen Telemiracle and are waiting to hear whether we were successful. Since November 11, Remembrance Day, fell on a Friday, out of respect for the veterans, we had our Crowning a week early. We opened the Karnival Season on November 4th with the crowning of our new Prinzen Paar, Princess Dyan I and Prince Kyle I. The festivities started right on time with the entrance of our honoured guests and dignitaries. Once again, we had a new twist to the entrance which increased the fun factor for the formal activities. The Princess picked her Prince from two contestants trying to woo her. Contestant #1 was a happy go lucky adventurer and Contestant #2 was a big shot businessman. At one point, Contestant #2 chased Contestant #1 out of the hall. But then a mysterious wrestler appeared and protected the Princess from Contestant #2. The mysterious wrestler revealed Contestant #2 was actually a wrestler living in his mom s basement and trying to move up in the world. This mysterious wrestler turned out to be Contestant #1. Of course, he won the Princess. After the Crowning, the evening continued with raffle draws and a dance.

25 The band Corner Stone played into the late hours of the night. Everybody enjoyed themselves. On November 20th the KG Harmonie German Dancers took part in the Santa Parade. We had a reindeer pulling the Gingerbread basket, or house as some children said on the parade route. The Princess. her children and a young dancer rode on the reindeer (actually a truck). In between the reindeer and the basket reindeer dancers performed the Jingle Bell Dance along with some other dances. Then came a basket full of gingerbread men and other goodies. Amanda & Adrian Dickie, dancer parents, walked along in front of the reindeer carrying our Karnevalsgesellseschaft Harmonie banner. Even though it was cold there were many people watching along the parade route who appreciated the work that the participants put into their floats. Our dancers performed the entire time and did not feel the cold. We want to give a special Thank You to Cheryl and Sheila Aldous for organizing our entry, entering us and making up the dances for the parade, Kenton DuMont for letting us use his shop to decorate the vehicles and driving the reindeer in the parade, and Darlene Rubrecht for driving the Gingerbread Basket. On behalf of Karnevalsgsellschaft Harmonie I want to wish the readers a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in English and Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr auf Deutsch. Prince Albert German Canadian Club Waldhorn Greetings from the Waldhorn German Club Louise Fornal On October 22 and 23 our Club was part of the cultural festivities of Tapestrama, an annual Prince Albert event, held at the Exhibition Center. We once again had a food booth as we have traditionally done for many years, showcasing the cooked pork of Willi Baessler and a wide variety of baking from our Club members. This year bratwurst was added to the menu, giving customers a choice of pork or bratwurst on a bun with sauerkraut. Our hot food and selection of delicious home made baking is always well received by customers. We brought in the Saskatoon German Junior Folk Dancers to perform on the Tapestrama stage Saturday evening giving the audience a taste of German music, dance and traditional attire. We had a really good turnout of volunteers that took time from their busy schedules to help work at the table. Members also donated their time and baking ingredients to create desserts to support our Club. It was a chance to get together and lend a hand, all while listening to the entertainment and maybe doing a little dancing behind the table. A huge and sincere THANK YOU to each and every one of you who helped in any way and gave your time. Your support and generosity never goes unnoticed and is so truly appreciated. Thank you so much. In 2010, we celebrated our 50th year 25

26 of existence as a Club in Prince Albert. We entered a float in the city s parade that year to show our pride and commitment to the German culture and its traditions. To commemorate this milestone, we had special 50th anniversary member cards made as a special keep sake to honour our dedicated Club members. We have three vacant positions that still require filling. Our Club requires a treasurer and choir director. These are volunteer positions. Anyone interested oras questionscan call Les, Club President at The third is a German teacher for beginner German classes. This is a paid position. Please call Louise, Club Secretary at if interested or you have any questions. We wish you all the best in the new year. May 2012 be filled with good health, family, friends, love and happiness. Happy New Year! News from the SKAT Club Don Atchison SKAT Club Saskatoon On Sunday November 20th a group from the Saskatoon Skat Club consisting of Hans-Jürgen Steinmetz, Hagen Hermann and Don Atchison travelled to Lloydminster. The purpose of our trip was to try to light the spark of interest for our beloved game within another community. We all had a great time teaching all of those who attended the basics of the game. We were invited to some snacks and then dinner by the organizers of the event who made us all feel very much at home. We hope that our visit will turn into many more future visits with even more and more people with each trip, be it either in Saskatoon or in Lloydminster. The ultimate goal of this initial meeting would be to eventually create the first of many new skat clubs within the province. Should there be any further communities wishing to learn the game, please SGC Office Christmas Greetings We wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for Wie wünschen Ihnen Frohe Weihnachten und ein gutes, gesundes neues Jahr. 26 Your SGC office team. / Ihr Team vom SGC Office.

27 Prince Albert 5-25th St. E Prince Albert, SK Our mission is to help our clients and our people excel. We provide services to clients throughout Saskatchewan. Regina Scarth St. Regina, SK Saskatoon st Ave S Saskatoon, SK Deloitte & Touche LLP is one of the largest professional service firms in Saskatchewan offering a full spectrum of accounting, audit, tax, computer consulting and insolvency services. We serve a broad cariety of clients in a wide range of industries in Saskatchewan and have offices in 127 countries around the world. Assurance & Advisory Services Provide audit, accounting and tax services to owner-managed businesses and large corporate clients. With sound business advice, we help to minimize your risk. Taxation Services Providing corporate and personal tax planning, consulting and compliance, estate planning and international performance. Businesses Advisory & Training Services Providing Adult Busness Education programs across Saskatchewan. Providing assistance to clients who are marking a career transition and those interested in starting their own business. Financial & Special Services Licensed Trustees in Bankruptcy providing restructuring, bankruptcy, receivership, and liquidation services to businesses and individual in financial difficulty throughout Saskatchewan. Business Valuations & Litigation Support Services Solving problems for lawyers and their clients regarding purchase and sale of business, shareholder disputes, personal injury, matrimonial property, business interruption insurance and courtroom expertise.

28 Publication Mail Agreement # Supported by: Please return unclaimed copies to: Saskatchewan German Council Inc. John V. Remai Center 510 Cynthia Stree Saskatoon, SK S7L 7K7

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Level 1 German, 2012

Level 1 German, 2012 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2012 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Tuesday 13 November 2012 Credits: Five Achievement



+ROLGD\V 1LYHDX$ )HUWLJNHLW+ UYHUVWHKHQ +ROLGD\V )HUWLJNHLW+ UYHUVWHKHQ 1LYHDX$ Wenn langsam und deutlich gesprochen wird, kann ich kurze Texte und Gespräche aus bekannten Themengebieten verstehen, auch wenn ich nicht alle Wörter kenne. 'HVNULSWRU


ZENTRALE KLASSENARBEIT 2014 GYMNASIUM. Englisch. Teil B. Schuljahrgang 6. Arbeitszeit: 35 Minuten. Thema: Tiere

ZENTRALE KLASSENARBEIT 2014 GYMNASIUM. Englisch. Teil B. Schuljahrgang 6. Arbeitszeit: 35 Minuten. Thema: Tiere GYMNASIUM Englisch Teil B Schuljahrgang 6 Arbeitszeit: 35 Minuten Thema: Tiere Name, Vorname: Klasse: Seite 1 von 6 1. Read the text to find out which of the statements below are true or false. Mark the


The English Tenses Die englischen Zeitformen

The English Tenses Die englischen Zeitformen The English Tenses Die englischen Zeitformen Simple Present (Präsens einfache Gegenwart) Handlungen in der Gegenwart die sich regelmäßig wiederholen oder einmalig geschehen I go you go he goes she goes


g. If you don't know where you are, you must look at the h. If you can't find your way, you must for help: Can you me...the way to, please?

g. If you don't know where you are, you must look at the h. If you can't find your way, you must for help: Can you me...the way to, please? 1 Practise your vocabulary. Wortschatzübung. a. the opposite (Gegenteil) of child: b. uninteresting: c. 60 minutes are: d. not cheap: e. not early: f. The restaurant is in Olive Street. You can't it. g.





Englisch Einstufungstest 1 (A1-A2 Sprachniveau)

Englisch Einstufungstest 1 (A1-A2 Sprachniveau) Englisch Einstufungstest 1 (A1-A2 Sprachniveau) Liebe Kundin, lieber Kunde Wir freuen uns, dass Sie sich für einen Englischkurs im Präsenzunterricht interessieren. Dieser Einstufungstest soll Ihnen dabei


ZENTRALE KLASSENARBEIT Englisch. Schuljahrgang 6

ZENTRALE KLASSENARBEIT Englisch. Schuljahrgang 6 GYMNASIUM Englisch Schuljahrgang 6 Arbeitszeit: 45 Minuten Thema: Travelling Name, Vorname: Klasse: 2 Travelling Jenny is waiting for her friend Jonas at the station. Jonas is from Leipzig, Germany. He



AT JULIE S AUNTY S HOUSE FLIRT ENGLISH DIALOGUE TRANSCRIPT EPISODE SIX : A DAY OUT 1 AT S AUNTY S HOUSE Dear Diary Things in Cologne are great. Our presentations at the language school went really well. Alex and Nina have had


Prediction Market, 28th July 2012 Information and Instructions. Prognosemärkte Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre insbes.

Prediction Market, 28th July 2012 Information and Instructions. Prognosemärkte Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre insbes. Prediction Market, 28th July 2012 Information and Instructions S. 1 Welcome, and thanks for your participation Sensational prices are waiting for you 1000 Euro in amazon vouchers: The winner has the chance


DOWNLOAD. Englisch in Bewegung. Spiele für den Englischunterricht. Britta Buschmann. Downloadauszug aus dem Originaltitel:

DOWNLOAD. Englisch in Bewegung. Spiele für den Englischunterricht. Britta Buschmann. Downloadauszug aus dem Originaltitel: DOWNLOAD Britta Buschmann Englisch in Bewegung Spiele für den Englischunterricht auszug aus dem Originaltitel: Freeze Hör-/ und Sehverstehen Folgende Bewegungen werden eingeführt: run: auf der Stelle rennen


Seminarfragebogen Englisch-Schulung Basic-Level

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DOWNLOAD. Me and my body. Erste Schritte in Englisch. Anne Scheller. Downloadauszug aus dem Originaltitel: Klasse 3 4

DOWNLOAD. Me and my body. Erste Schritte in Englisch. Anne Scheller. Downloadauszug aus dem Originaltitel: Klasse 3 4 DOWNLOAD Anne Scheller Me and my body Erste Schritte in Englisch Klasse 3 4 auszug aus dem Originaltitel: Mit Geschichten, vielfältigen Übungen und Materialien zur Portfolio-Arbeit THE TERRIBLE TOM Luke


The poetry of school.

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Standardstufe 6: Interkulturelle kommunikative Kompetenz

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Selbstlernmodul bearbeitet von: begonnen: Inhaltsverzeichnis:

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Englisch. Schreiben. 18. September 2015 BAKIP / BASOP. Standardisierte kompetenzorientierte schriftliche Reife- und Diplomprüfung.

Englisch. Schreiben. 18. September 2015 BAKIP / BASOP. Standardisierte kompetenzorientierte schriftliche Reife- und Diplomprüfung. Name: Klasse/Jahrgang: Standardisierte kompetenzorientierte schriftliche Reife- und Diplomprüfung BAKIP / BASOP 18. September 2015 Englisch (B2) Schreiben Hinweise zum Beantworten der Fragen Sehr geehrte


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Technische Oberschule Stuttgart

Technische Oberschule Stuttgart Aufnahmeprüfung Englisch 20 Seite von 5 I. Vocabulary and Grammar (20 Punkte). Fill in the correct form of the verbs. Last November Robin Meyer, a student from Duisburg, to Tucson, Arizona, on a school


Informeller Brief Schreiben

Informeller Brief Schreiben preliminary note Every letter is something special and unique. It's difficult to give strict rules how to write a letter. Nevertheless, there are guidelines how to start and finish a letter. Like in English


Schreibmaterial. Tape script: Gerngroß, Günter, et al. Use Your English. Wien: Österreichischer Bundesverlag, S. 126.

Schreibmaterial. Tape script: Gerngroß, Günter, et al. Use Your English. Wien: Österreichischer Bundesverlag, S. 126. HOLIDAYS Fertigkeit Hören Relevante(r) Deskriptor(en) Deskriptor 3: Kann Anweisungen, Fragen und Auskünfte in einem sprachlich vertrauten Kontext (z.b. Wegerklärungen) meistens verstehen. (A2) Themenbereich(e)


Level 1 German, 2015

Level 1 German, 2015 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2015 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Thursday 26 November 2015 Credits: Five Achievement


Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form. Auszug aus: Vertretungsstunde Englisch 5. Klasse: Grammatik

Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form. Auszug aus: Vertretungsstunde Englisch 5. Klasse: Grammatik Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form Auszug aus: Vertretungsstunde Englisch 5. Klasse: Grammatik Das komplette Material finden Sie hier: Pronouns I Let s talk about





Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form. Auszug aus:

Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form. Auszug aus: Unterrichtsmaterialien in digitaler und in gedruckter Form Auszug aus: Comparison - Nie mehr Probleme mit Steigerungs- und Vergleichsformen im Englischen! Das komplette Material finden Sie hier: Download


COMPUTER: Mission Berlin, August 13, 1961, six pm. You've only got 55 minutes left to save Germany.

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Newsletter 11 - HBG - Schuljahr 2015/16

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ROOMS AND SUITES A place for dreaming. ZIMMER UND SUITEN Ein Platz zum Träumen

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Einstufungstest ENGLISCH

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RATAVA. COMPUTER: Mission Berlin. November 9, 2006, ten thirty am. You ve got 75 minutes, 2 lives and some help:

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ZENTRALE KLASSENARBEIT 2015 SEKUNDARSCHULE. Englisch. Schuljahrgang 6. Teil A und B. Thema: Music

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ZENTRALE KLASSENARBEIT 2012 GYMNASIUM. Englisch. Teil B. Schuljahrgang 6. Arbeitszeit: 35 Minuten. Thema: Sport

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Level 2 German, 2011

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)UHH)XQ 1LYHDX% )HUWLJNHLW/HVHYHUVWHKHQ )UHH)XQ )HUWLJNHLW/HVHYHUVWHKHQ 1LYHDX% Ich kann in unterschiedlichen Texten das Wesentliche erfassen. Auch wenn ich nicht alles verstehe, kann ich die Bedeutung einzelner Wörter und Äußerungen aus dem



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WEDNESDAY, 19 MAY 1.00 PM 2.10 PM. Date of birth Day Month Year Scottish candidate number

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Eindruecke von Ottos und Hannas ersten Besuch im Buki-Haus, Cidreag Nov 2015

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place on: many games get to know families to There will be free game an absence,

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a lot of, much und many

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Übungsblatt. Klasse 6c. Name: Abgabedatum: Donnerstag, 17.03.2005. (Saint Patrick s Day!)

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Name: Klasse/Jahrgang: Standardisierte kompetenzorientierte schriftliche Reife- und Diplomprüfung HUM. 12. Jänner Englisch.

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Inequality Utilitarian and Capabilities Perspectives (and what they may imply for public health)

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Goodbye! English version

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AT JULIE S AUNTY S HOUSE 1 FLIRT ENGLISH DIALOGUE TRANSCRIPT EPISODE ELEVEN : BOLLYWOOD BIRTHDAY AT S AUNTY S HOUSE Jules, did you know it s Alex s birthday next week? No. When? Twenty. Friday. What are we going to buy him as


Prediction Market, 12th June 3rd July 2012 Information and Instructions. Prognosemärkte Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre insbes.

Prediction Market, 12th June 3rd July 2012 Information and Instructions. Prognosemärkte Lehrstuhl für Betriebswirtschaftslehre insbes. Prediction Market, 12th June 3rd July 2012 Information and Instructions S. 1 Welcome, and thanks for your participation Sensational prices are waiting for you 1000 Euro in amazon vouchers: The winner has


Workshop Quality Assurance Forum 2014

Workshop Quality Assurance Forum 2014 Workshop Quality Assurance Forum 2014 How do connotations of to learn and to teach influence learning and teaching? Andrea Trink Head of Quality Management Fachhochschule Burgenland - University of Applied
