INDEX RERUM ad Vol. 55

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1 Further Section Acta Anatomica 1963;55: INDEX RERUM ad Vol. 55 Confecit G. Boehm, Basel Acellular bone: studies of the acllular bone of teleost fish. (IV.: Inorganic con tent of calcified tissues) 1 Acini of the Elephant lung, v. Respiratory tissue Acromioclavicular joint; histochemistry and development of the human shoulder and acromioclavicular joints with special reference to the early development of the clavicle 124 Adipeux, tissu adipeux; la vascularisation fine et Γespace intercellulaire du tissu adipeux. Etude au microscope électronique (C) 398 Adipose tissue, v. Epididymal adipose tissue Advances in biology of skin (Vol. 111: Eccrine sweat glands and eccrine sweatting) (B) 199 Alkaline phosphatases in the epithelium of the human tongue and a possible mechanism of taste 323 Anatomistes; comptes rendus de ΓUnion Libre des Anatomistes des Universités Suisses (C) Anatomy, comparative; studies on the comparative anatomy of the ganglion basale of Meynert 51 Angioarchitectonie de Γorgane subfornical, contribution à son etude (C) Anneaux osseux et la gouttière de 1 artère vertébrale de 1 atlas (Etude anatotomique et radiologique) 186 Anorganisches Material, v. Acellular bone Architektonik des menschlichen Stirnhirns (Darstellung der Prinzipien seiner Gestaltung als Spiegel der stammesgeschichtlichen Differenzierung der Großhirnrinde) (B) 196 Area 8, v. Augenfeld (C) Arteria carotis communis, v. Carotis (C) Arteria vertebralis; la gouttière et les anneaux osseux de Γartère vertébrale de 1 atlas (Etude anatomique et radiologique) 186 Articulatio genu, v. Knee joint Articulatio humeri, ontogenesis, v. Acromioclavicular joint Articulation acromio-claviculaire, développement, v. Acromioclavicular joint Articulation d épaule, développement, v. Acromioclavicular joint Articulation du genou, v. Knee joint Articulograph, v. Knee joint Atlas; la gouttière et les anneaux osseux de Γartère vertébrale de Γatlas (Etude anatomique et radiologique) 186 Atlas of ultrastructure (B) 295 Au (radioactive), v. Lymphatiques (C)

2 Auge, v. Muscle spindles = Book reviews Livres nouveaux Buchbesprechungen = Communications or demonstrations Communications ou demonstrations Vorträge oder Demonstrationen Acta anat., Vol. 55, No. 4 (1963) Augenfeld, frontales, der Katze, anatomische und physiologische Beobachtungen (C) 395 Auris media, v. Nerf tympanique (C) Ausdrucksformen der Säugetiere, v. Handbuch der Zoologie (B) Balantídíum colí; histochemical studies on the distribution of oxydative enzymes in Balantídíum colí from chimpanzees 112 Bears (behaviour), Handbuch der Zoologie (B) Behaviour, v. Handbuch der Zoologie (B) Biceps muscle, v. Musculus biceps brachii Bifurcation carotidienne, v. Carotis (C) Bindegewebe, v. Connective tissue Blutgefäßverhältnisse der Lungen mit trachealen prä-eparteriellen und eparteriellen Bronchien (C) 397 Bone studies of the acellular bone of teleost fish (IV.: Inorganic content of calcified tissues) 1 ; v. Microscope à rayons X (C), Tibia, Zεpfenepiphyse (C) Bone marrow; the lymphocyte content of the bone marrow in thymectomized-lymphadenectomized rats 9 Bone remodeling, principles (B) 296 Brain, v. Cerebrum Bronchien; Blutgefäßverhältnisse der Lungen mit trachealen prä-eparte riellen und eparteriellen Bronchien (C) 397 Buchbesprechungen , , 408 Ca, v. Acellular bone, Microscope à rayons X (C) Calcified tissues, v. Acellular bone Calcium, v. Acellular bone, Microscope à rayons X (C) Carotid body, v. Salmonids Carotis; structure microscopique de la bifurcation carotidienne de Γhomme (C) 399 Cartilago epiphysialis, v. Tibia Cat, v. Augenfeld (C), Lateral geniculate body Cavía porcellus, v. Spinal neurons Cavum laryngis, v. Sacculus laryngis (C) Cavum tympani, v. Nerf tympanique (C) Cerveau, v. Cerebrum Cell, v. Zelle Cells, human, living, shape and position of the sex chromatin 370 Cellules épithélioïdes juxtaglomérulaires. A propos de leur cycle sécrétoire (C) 405 Cerebrum, v. Augenfeld (C), Ganglion basale of Meynert, Lateral geniculate body, Organe subfornical (C), Säugetiergehirn (B), Stirnhirn (B), Sub-

3 commisuralorgan (C) Chat, v. Augenfeld (C), Lateral geniculate body Chemo-receptors, v. Salmonids Chicken, v. (Embryo [C]), Oxyntic cell Children, v. Type constitutionnel sousmésoblastique (C) Chimpanzees; histochemical studies on the distribution of oxidative enzymes in Balantídíum colí of chimpanzees 112 Chromatolysis, v. Spinal neurons Chromosomes, v. Sex chromatin Cinematographic, v. Microcinématographie (C) Clavicle; histochemistry and development of the human shoulder and acromioclavicular joints with special reference to the early development of the clavicle Cobaye, v. Spinal neurons Columba, v. Kropfmilch (C) Columna vertebralis, v. Atlas Comparative anatomy of the ganglion basale of Meynert, studies 51 Comparative morphology, v. Wirbeltiere (B) Competition; Dr. Heinz Karger Memorial Foundation (Enzymology of leuk aemic cells) 297 Comptes rendus de ΓUnion Libre des Anatomistes des Universités Suisses (C) Concours, v. Karger, Dr. Heinz Connective tissue; on the nerve supply of the connective tissue of some peripheral nervous system components 343 Constitution, v. Type constitutionnel sous-mésoblastique (C) Constitutional body types, v. Körperbautypus Cor, v. Herzmuskel-Explantate (C) Corps genouillé externe (= lateral), v. Lateral geniculate body Corpus geniculatum laterale, v. Lateral geniculate body Cortex cerebri, v. Augenfeld (C), Stirnhirn (B) Croissance, v. Growth, Thalidomid (C) Cultures de tissus, v. Herzmuskel-Explantate (C), Thalidomid (C) Cytochemistry, v. Acromioclavicular joint, Balantídium colí, Deciduous teeth, Kidney, Spinal neurons, Taste Cytochrome oxidase, v. Balantídíum colí Deciduous teeth; histochemical studies of the prenatal development of human deciduous teeth 201 Dentes decidui, v. Deciduous teeth Development, v. Shoulder joint (human), Kidney, (Embryon [C]), Teeth Difi⅛renzierung, v. Stirnhirn (B) Disc, epiphysial, compression, v. Tibia Ecailles, v. Acellular bone Eccrine sweat glands and eccrine sweating (Advances in biology of skin; Vol. 111) (B) 199 Elektronenmikroskop, v. Adipeux (C), Foie de rat (C), Glatte Muskelzellen (C), Mitochondries (C), Oxyntic cell, Schilddrüse (C), Ultrastructure (B)

4 Elektronenmikroskopische Befunde am Subcommissuralorgan der Ratte (C) 406 Elektronenmikroskopische Studie über die Sekretbereitung und Sekretion der Kropfmilch bei der Taube nach Prolactininjektionen (C) Elefanten-Placenta (C) 406 Elephant; the respiratory tissue of the Elephant (Elephas índícus) (II.) Elephas maxímus, v. Elefanten-Placenta (C) Embryo, v. Deciduous teeth, Kidney, Shoulder joint (human), Thalidomid (C) (Embryon de poulet, développement, action de petites quantités de solvants physiologiques (eau distillée, solution physiologique, tyrode [C]) «End-buds» (chemo-receptors), v. Salmonids Enfant, v. Type constitutionnel sous-mésoblastique (C) Entwicklung, v. Deciduous teeth, Shoulder joint (human) Enzymes; experimental studies on the oxidative enzymes and hydrolytic en zymes in spinal neurons (I.: A histochemical and biochemical investi gation of the spinal ganglion and the spinal cord following sciatic neurotomy in the guinea-pig) 255 Enzymes, oxidative, v. Balantídíum coli, Spinal neurons Enzymology of leukaemic cells (Competition; Dr. Heinz Karger Memorial Foundation) Enzymopathologie (B) 408 Eparterielle Bronchien, v. Bronchien (C) Epididymal adipose tissue in yellow obese mice, postnatal growth 286 Epiphysenfuge (Druckversuche), v. Epiphysial disc Epiphysial disc; inhibition of tibial growth by means of compression of its proximal epiphysial disc in the rabbit 278 Epiphysis; zur Histologie der Zapfenepiphyse (C) 400 Epithélioïdes juxtaglomérulaires, cellules; à propos du cycle sécrétoire dans les cellules épithélioïdes juxtaglomérulaires (C) 405 Epithelium of the human tongue, v. Tongue, human Espace intercellulaire, v. Adipeux (C) Estomac; cellules éosinophiles des glandes submuqueuses (poule), v. Oxyntic cell Evolution des Säugetiergehirnes (B) 198 Extrinsic muscles of the eye, v. Muscles spindles Eye, extrinsic muscles; atypical muscle spindles in the extrinsic eye muscles of man 311 Faserzahl im Musculus biceps brachii des Menschen unter Berücksichtigung des Körperbautypus 224 Feinstruktur, v. Adipeux (C), Fine structure, Foie de rat (C), Glatte Muskel-zellen (C), Kropfmilch (C), Mitochondries (C), Schilddrüse (C), Subcom-missuralorgan (C), Ultrastructure (B) Felís domestíca, v. Augenfeld (C), Lateral geniculate body Ferments, v. Alkaline phosphatases, Balantidium colí, Enzymes, Enzymology, Enzymopathology (B), (Muscle [C]), Oxidative enzymes

5 (Fernseh-Mikroskop, praktisches Arbeiten mit dem ) (C) 397 Fettgewebe, v. Adipeux (C), Epididymal... Fettsüchtige Mäuse, v. Epididymal... Fetus, v. Foetus Fibres, muscle fibres, v. Musculus biceps brachii Fine structure of the oxyntic cell in the chicken proventriculus 299 Fine structure, v. Adipeux (C), Foie de rat (C), Glatte Muskelzellen (C) Kropfmilch (C), Mitochondries (C), Schilddrüse (C), Subcommissuralorgan (C), Ultrastructure (B) Fischschuppen, v. Acellular bone Fish scales, v. Acellular bone Foetus, v. Deciduous teeth, Kidney, Shoulder joint (human), Thalidomid (C) Foie de rat, les eífets de Γintoxication au formiate d allyl. Etude au microscope électronique (C) 400 Foie, v. Leber (C) Formiate d allyl; les effets de Γintoxication au formiate d allyl sur le foie de rat. Etude au microscope électronique (C) 400 Foundation, memorial foundation, v. Karger, Dr. Heinz Function and morphology of the human knee joint, relationship; experimen tal observations and interpretations 16 Funktionelle und morphologische Organisation der Zelle (B) 295 Fuseaux neuromusculaires, v. Muscle spindles Gallengänge, intrahepatische, v. Kapillarnetz (C) Gallus domestícus, v. (Embryon [C]), Oxyntic cell Ganglion basale of Meynert, studies on the comparative anatomy 51 Ganglion; spinal ganglion, v. Spinal neurons Ganglions lymphatiques, v. Lymphocyte content 413 Gaster, v. Oxyntic cell Gefäße, v. Adipeux (C), Atlas, Bronchien (C), Carotis (C), Leber (C), Organe subfornical (C) Gehirn, v. Cerebrum Geniculate body, lateral, structure of the synapses 166 Genou; articulation du genou, v. Knee joint Geschlechtschromatin, v. Sex chromatin Geschlechtsunterschiede, v. Musculus biceps brachii Geschmack, v. Alkaline phosphatases Gesellschaftsberichte (C) Gewebekulturen, v. Herzmuskel-Explantate (C), Thalidomid (C) Glande carotidienne, v. Salmonids Glandulae sudoriferae, v. Eccrine sweat glands (B) Glatte Muskelzellen im Neurilemm des Zentralnervensystems von Hírudo medicinalis L., elektronenrnikroskopische Untersuchungen (C) Glomus caroticum, v. Carotis (C), Salmonids Gold (radioactive), v. Lymphatiques (C) Gout, v. Taste Gouttière et les anneaux osseux de Γartère vertébrale de Γatlas (Etude anatomique et radiologique) 186 Growth; inhibition of tibial growth by means of compression of its proximal epiphysial disc in the rabbit 278 Growth, postnatal, of the epididymal adipose tissue in yellow obese mice. 286 Growth, v. Thalidomid (C) Guinea pig, v. Spinal neurons

6 Gustatory epithelia, v. Alkaline phosphatases Handbuch der Zoologie (Bd.VIII, Lief. 8) 1.: Methoden der Verhaltensforschung; 2: Ausdrucksformen der Säugetiere; 3: Verhalten der Bären (Ursídae)(B) 195 Haut, v. Skin (B) Head region of two salmonids, histological study, with special reference to pressor- and chemo-receptors 39 Hen, v. Oxyntic cell Hepar, v. Foie (C), Leber (C) Herzmuskel-Explantate, Einfluß von Recosen auf ihre Kontraktionstätigkeit in vitro (C) 404 Hírudo medicinalis, v. Glatte Muskelzellen (C) Histochemical studies on the distribution of oxidative enzymes in Balantidíum colí from chimpanzees 112 Histochemical studies of the prenatal development of human deciduous teeth 201 Histochemical study of oxidative enzymes in rabbit kidney before and after birth 352 Histochemistry and development of the human shoulder and acromioclavicular joints with particular reference to the early development of the clavicle 124 Histochemistry, v. Spinal neurons, Taste Histological study of the head region of two salmonids with special reference to pressor- and chemo-receptors 39 Homme, v. Man Hühnchen, v. (Embryon [C]) Huhn, v. Oxyntic cell Human cells, living, shape and position of the sex chromatin 370 Human deciduous teeth, development, v. Teeth 414 Human knee joint, v. Knee joint Human shoulder joint, development, v. Shoulder joint Hydrolytic enzymes; experimental studies on the oxidative enzymes and hydrolytic enzymes in spinal neurons (I.: A histochemical and biochemical investigation of the spinal ganglion and the spinal cord following sciatic neurotomy in guinea pig) 255 Induktion und Morphogenese (B) 200 Innervation du muscle releveur du voile du palais chez Γhomme et chez cer tains mammifères (C) 396 Inorganic content, v. Acellular bone Integumentum commune, v. Skin (B) Intoxication, v. Formiate d allyl (C) Isotope, radioaktive, v. Lymphatiques (C) Joint, v. Knee joint Kalzium, v. Acellular bone, Microscope à rayons X (C) Kaninchen, v. Kidney, Tibia Kapillarnetz, periduktuläres, in der Leber (C) 406 Karger, Dr. Heinz, Memorial Foundation; competition (Enzymology of leuk aemic cells) 297

7 Katze, v. Augenfeld (C), Lateral geniculate body Kidney; histochemical study of oxidative enzymes in rabbit kidney before and after birth 352 Kidney, v. Cellules épithélioïdes (C), Mitochondries (C) Kind, v. Type constitutionnel sous-mésoblastique (C) Kinematographie, v. Microcinématographie (C) Knee joint; experimental observations and interpretations on the relationship between the morphology and function of the human knee joint Kniegelenk, v. Knee joint Knochen, v. Acellular bone, Bone, Microscope à rayons X (C), Tibia, Zapfenepiphyse (C) Knochenmark, v. Lymphocyte content Körperbautypus; über die Faserzahl im Musculus biceps brachii des Menschen unter Berücksichtigung des Körperbautypus 224 Konstitution, v. Körperbautypus, Type constitutionnel sous-mésoblastique (C) Kropfmilch der Taube, Sekretbereitung und Sekretion nach Prolactininjektionen, elektronenmikroskopische Studie (C) 402 Langue, v. Tongue, human Lapin, v. Kidney, Tibia Larynx, v. Sacculus laryngis (C) Lateral geniculate body, structure of the synapses 166 Leber, periduktuläres Kapillarnetz (C) 406 v. Foie (C) Leukaemic cells, enzymology (Competition; Dr.Heinz Karger Memorial Foundation) 297 Lingua, v. Tongue, human Liver, v. Foie (C), Leber (C) Livres nouveaux , , 408 Lobus frontalis cerebri, v. Stirnhirn (B) Lunge, v. Bronchien (C), Respiratory tissue Lymphadenectomy, v. Lymphocyte content 415 Lymphatiques; voies lymphatiques médiastinales de l homme normal, etude isotopique (C) 396 Lymphocyte content of the bone marrow in thymectomized-lymphadenectomized rats 9 Magen (Drüsenmagen des Huhns); acidophile Zellen der submukösen Drüsen, v. Oxyntic cell Main; les mensurations de la main dans le diagnostic du type constitutionnel sous-mésoblastique chez Γenfant (C) 393 Mammalia, v. Ganglion basale of Meynert, Handbuch der Zoologie (B), Muscle releveur (C), Säugetiergehirn (B) Man, v. Carotis (C), Deciduous teeth, Knee joint, Lymphatiques (C), Main (C), Muscle releveur (C), Muscle spindles, Musculus biceps brachii, Sex chromatin, Shoulder joint, Stirnhirn (B), Tongue Manus, v. Main (C) Maus, v. Obese mice M, bande M, v. (Muscle [C]) Mediastinum, v. Lymphatiques (C) Medulla ossium, v. Lymphocyte content Medulla spinalis, v. Spinal neurons Meerscbweinchen, v. Spinal neurons Memorial foundation, v. Karger, Dr. Heinz Mensch, v. Man Mésoblaste, v. Type constitutionnel sous-mésoblastique (C) Methode, v. (Fernseh-Mikroskop [C]), Microcinématographie (C), Microscope à rayons X (C) Methoden der Verhaltensforschung, v. Handbuch der Zoologie (B) Meynert; studies on the comparative anatomy of the ganglion basale of

8 Meynert 51 Mice, v. Obese mice Microcinématographie; proposition d une formule-type rapportant les données techniques d une experience microcinématographique (C) Microscope à contraste de phase, v. Sex chromatin Microscope électronique, v. Adipeux (C), Foie (C), Glatte Muskelzellen (C), Kropfmilch (C), Mitochondries (C), Oxyntic cell, Schilddrüse (C), Subcommissuralorgan (C), Ultra structure (B) Microscope à rayons X et son application à I étude de la repartition du calcium dans la substance osseuse (C) 398 Mikroskop, v. (Fernseh-Mikroskop [C]) Milk-tooth, v. Deciduous teeth Mitochondries; au sujet des granules denses dans les mitochondries rénales. Etude au microscope électronique (C) 405 ; v. Balantidium coli Mitosis, v. Sex chromatin Moelle épinière, v. Spinal neurons Moelle osseuse, v. Lymphocyte content Morphogenese und Induktion (B) 200 Morphologie, vergleichende, der Wirbeltiere, Einführung (2.Aufl.) (B) Morphologische und funktionelle Organisation der Zelle (B) 295 Morphology, v. Knee joint Mouse, v. Obese mice Mus musculus, v. Obese mice Muscle releveur du voile du palais chez l homme et chez certain mammifères, innervation (C) Muscle spindles, atypical, in the extrinsic eye muscles of man 311 (Muscle ventriculaire du rat, nature de Γenzyme dans la bande M [C]) Musculi bulbi, v. Muscle spindles Musculus biceps brachii; über die Faserzahl im Musculus biceps brachii des Menschen unter Berücksichtigung des Körperbautypus 224 Musculus levator veli palatini, v. Muscle releveur (C) Muskel; über die Faserzahl im Musculus biceps brachii des Menschen unter Berücksichtigung des Körperbautypus 224 Muskelzellen, glatte, im Neurilemm des Zentralnervensystems von Hírudo medícínalís L., elektronenmikroskopische Untersuchungen (C) Nerf tympanique et ses branches, constitution (C) 395 Nerve supply of the connective tissue of some peripheral nervous system components * 343 Nerve trunks, v. Nerve supply Nerven (Nervensystem, Zentralnervensystem), v. Augenfeld (C), Ganglion basale of Meynert, Glatte Muskelzellen (C), Muscle releveur (C), Lateral geniculate body, Muscle spindles, Nerf tympanique (C), Nerve supply, Organe subfornical (C), Säugetiergehirn (B), Spinal neurons, Stirnhirn (B), Subcommissuralorgan (C) Nervus ischiadicus (neurotomy), v. Spinal neurons Nervus tympanicus, v. Nerf tympanique (C)

9 Neurilemm, v. Glatte Muskelzellen (C) Neuromuscular structures, v. Muscle spindles Neurotomy, v. Sciatic neurotomy New books , ,408 Niere, v. Cellules épithélioïdes (C), Kidney, Mitochondries (C) Nodi lymphatici, v. Lymphocyte content Obese mice; postnatal growth of the epididymal adipose tissue in yellow obese mice 286 Oculus, v. Muscle spindles OEil, v. Muscle spindles Ontogenesis, v. (Embryon [C]), Kidney, Morphogenese (B), Shoulder joint (human), Teeth Or colloidal radio-actif, v. Lymphatiques (C) Organum gustus, v. Taste Organum subcommissurale, v. Subcommissuralorgan (C) Organum subfornicale, v. Organe subfornical (C) Oryctolagus cunículus, v. Kidney, Tibia Os, v. Acellular bone, Bone, Microscope à rayons X (C), Tibia, Zapfenepi-physe(C) Ours (comportement), v. Handbuch der Zoologie (B) Oxidative enzymes; experimental studies on the oxidative enzymes and hydrolytic enzymes in spinal neurons (I.: A histochemical and biochem ical investigation of the spinal ganglion and the spinal cord following sciatic neurotomy in the guinea pig) 255 Oxidative enzymes, in rabbit kidney before and after birth, histochemical study 352 v. Balantídíum coli Oxyntic cell; fine structure of the oxyntic cell in the chicken proventriculus 299 Pan troglodytes, v. Balantídíum coli Panzernashorn, Placenta, zu seiner Kenntnis (C) Pathologie; Enzymopathologie (B) 408 Peau, v. Skin (B) Peripheral nervous system; on the nerve supply of the connective tissue of some peripheral nervous system components 343 Permutations; table of random permutations (B) 196 Phase contrast microscope, v. Sex chromatin Phosphatases, v. Alkaline phosphatases Phylogenesis, v. Säugetiergehirn (B), Stirnhirn (B) Pisces, v. Acellular bone Placenta des Elefanten (C) 406 Placenta des Panzernashorns, zu seiner Kenntnis (C) 401 Poissons, v. Acellular bone Postnatal development, v. Kidney Postnatal growth of the epididymal adipose tissue in yellow obese mice Poule, v. Oxyntic cell Poulet, v. (Embryon [C]) Poumon, v. Bronchien (C), Respiratory tissue Preisausschreiben, v. Karger, Dr. Heinz

10 Prenatal development, v. Teeth Pressor-receptors, v. Salmonids Primates, v. Balantídium coli Prolactin, v. Kropfmilch (C) Protozoa, v. Balantídíum coli Proventriculus of chickens, fine structure of the oxyntic cell 299 Pulmo, v. Bronchien (C), Respiratory tissue Rabbit, v. Kidney, Tibia Radiographies, v. Atlas Random permutations, table (B) 196 Rat, v. Foie de rat (C), Lymphocyte content, (Muscle [C]), Subcommissuralorgan (C) Rayons X; microscope à rayons X et son application à l étude de la repartition du calcium dans la substance osseuse (C) 398 ; v. Atlas, Sacculus laryngis (C) Recosen, Einfluß auf die Kontraktionstätigkeit von Herzmuskel-Explantaten in vitro (C) 404 Remodeling of the bone, principles (B) 296 Rein, v. Ren Ren, v. Cellules épithélioïdes (C), Kidney, Mitochondries (C) Respiratory tissue of the Elephant (Elephas indicus) (II.) 105 Rhinoceros unícornís, v. Panzernashorn (C) Roentgenograms, v. Atlas Röntgenologische Darstellung des Sacculus laryngis mittels Kontrastsubstanz (C) 396 Röntgenstrahlen, v. Microscope à rayons X (C) Rückenmark, v. Spinal neurons Säugetiere, Ausdrucksformen, v. Handbuch der Zoologie (B) Säugetiergehirn, Evolution (B) 198 Sacculus laryngis, röntgenologische Darstellung mittels Kontrastsubstanz (C) 396 Salmonids; histological study of the head region of two salmonids with special reference to pressor- and chemo-receptors 39 Salmo salar (Salmo trutta), v. Salmonids Scales, fish scales, v. Acellular bone 418 Schilddrüse, Beitrag zu ihrer Ultrastruktur (C) 404 Schimpansen, v. Balantídium coli Schultergelenk, v. Shoulder joint Schweißdrüsen, ekkrine, v. Eccrine sweat glands (B) Schweiz, v. Suisse Schwitzen, v. Eccrine sweat glands (B) Sciatic neurotomy, v. Spinal neurons Sekretbereitung (Kropfmilch), v. Kropfmilch (C) Sekretion, v. Cellules épithélioïdes (C) Sex, v. Musculus biceps brachii Sex chromatin in living human cells, shape and position 370 Shoulder joint; histochemistry and development of the human shoulder and acromioclavicular joints with special reference to the early develop ment of the clavicle 124

11 Sinus caroticus, v. Carotis (C) Skeletal tissue, v. Acellular bone Skeletmuskel, v. Musculus biceps brachii Skin; advances in biology of skin (Vol.111: Eccrine sweat glands and eccrine sweating) (B) 199 Solvants physiologiques, v. (Embryon [C]) Society transactions (C) Souris «jaunes obèses», v. Obese mice Spinal cord, v. Spinal neurons Spinal neurons; experimental studies on the oxidative enzymes and hydrolytic enzymes in spinal neurons (I.: A histochemical and biochemical investigation of the spinal ganglion and the spinal cord following sciatic neurotomy in the guinea pig) 255 Statistik, v. Random permutations (B) Statistische Auswertung, v. Musculus biceps brachii, Spinal neurons Stirnhirn, menschliches, Architektonik (Darstellung der Prinzipien seiner Gestaltung als Spiegel der stammesgeschichtlichen Differenzierung der Großhirnrinde) (B) 196 Stomach, v. Oxyntic cell Subcommissuralorgan der Ratte, elektronenmikroskopische Befunde (C) Submicroscopical structure, v. Adipeux (C), Fine structure, Foie (C), Glatte Muskelzellen (C), Kropfmilch (C), Mitochondries (C), Oxyntic cell, Schilddrüse (C), Subcommissuralorgan (C), Ultrastructure (B) Succinic dehydrogenase, v. Balantidium coli Suer, v. Eccrine sweat glands (B) Suisse; comptes rendus de l Union Libre des Anatomistes des Universités Suisses (C) Sulcus arteriae vertebralis, v. Atlas Sweat glands, v. Eccrine sweat glands (B) Switzerland, v. Suisse Synapses; the structure of the synapses in the lateral geniculate body Table of random permutations (B) 196 Talidomide, v. Thalidomid (C) Taste; alkaline phosphatases in the epithelium of the human tongue and a possible mechanism of taste 323 Taube; elektronenmikroskopische Studie über die Sekretbereitung und Sekretion der Kropfmilch bei der Taube nach Prolactininjektionen (C) 402 Technik, v. Microcinématographie (C) 419 Teeth; histochemical studies of the prenatal development of human deciduous teeth 201 Teleost fish; studies of the acellular bone of teleost fish (IV.: Inorganic content of calcified tissues) 1 Thalidomid; action inhibitrice de la Talidomide sur la croissance «in vitro» des tibias embryonnaire (C) 401 Thymectomy, v. Lymphocyte content

12 Thyreoidea, v. Schilddrüse (C) Tibia; inhibition of tibial growth by means of compression of its proximal epiphysial disc in the rabbit 278 Tibias embryonnaires, v. Thalidomid (C) Tissu adipeux, v. Adipeux (C), Epididymal tissue Tissu conjonctif, v. Connective tissue Tissue cultures, v. Herzmuskel-Explantate (C), Thalidomid (C) Tongue, human; alkaline phosphatases in the epithelium of the human tongue and a possible mechanism of taste 323 Tracheale prä-eparterielle und eparterielle Bronchien, v. Bronchien (C) Transpirer, v. Eccrine sweat glands (B) Type constitutionnel sous-mésoblastique; les mensurations de la main dans le diagnostic du type constitutionnel sous-mésoblastique chez Γenfant (C) 393 Type constitutionnel, v. Körperbautypus Ultrastructure, atlas (B) 295 Ultrastructure, v. Adipeux (C), Foie (C), Glatte Muskelzellen (C), Kropfmilch (C), Mitochondries (C), Oxyntic cell, Subcommissuralorgan (C), Ultrastruktur (C) Ultrastruktur der Schilddrüse, ein Beitrag (C) 404 Umbauvorgänge, v. Bone Ursidae, v. Handbuch der Zoologie (B) Vaisseaux, v. Atlas, Bronchien (C), Carotis (C), Leber (C), Organe subfornical (C), Vascularisation (C) Vascularisation fine et Γespace intercellulaire du tissu adipeux. Etude au microscope électronique (C) 398 Ventriculus, v. Oxyntic cell Vergleichende Anatomie, v. Ganglion basale of Meynert Vergleichende Morphologie der Wirbeltiere, Einführung (2. Aufl.) (B) Verhalten der Bären (Ursidae), v. Handbuch der Zoologie (B) Verhaltensforschung, v. Handbuch der Zoologie (B) Verhandlungen der Freien Vereinigung der Anatomen an Schweizerischen Hochschulen (C) Verkalkung, v. Acellular bone Vertebrata, v. Wirbeltiere (B) Vessels, v. Atlas, Bronchien (C), Carotis (C), Leber (C), Organe subfornical (C), Vascularisation (C) Voies lymphatiques, v. Lymphatiques (C) Wachstum, v. Growth, Thalidomid (C) Wahrscheinlichkeit, v. Random permutations (B) Wirbeltiere, vergleichende Morphologie, Einführung (2. Aufl.) (B) 296 X-rays, v. Atlas, Microscope à rayons X (C), Sacculus laryngis (C) Zähne, v. Teeth Zapfenepiphyse, zu ihrer Histologie (C) 400

Appendix A - Topics for ImageCLEFmed 2005

Appendix A - Topics for ImageCLEFmed 2005 Appendix A - Topics for ImageCLEFmed 2005 Visual topics: 1. Show me photographs of benign or malignant skin lesions. Zeige mir Fotos von gutartigen oder bösartigen Melanomen. Montre-moi des images de lésions


Further Section. Acta Anatomica 1959;39:

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6. SCHWER- PUNKT 9. KURS- SPRACHE 1. Kurslehrplan Biologie Akad. Jahr 2013/14, 2. DOZENT Dr. Camilla Wellstein 3. KREDITPUNKTE 10 BÜRO (Lage) Building K, Room 1.08 WISSENSCHAFT- LICHES FELD BIO/03 - Biologie E-MAIL ADRESSE Camilla.wellstein@unib


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