Europass Curriculum Vitae

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1 Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) DI Christoph Brunner Address A-8200 Gleisdorf, Feldgasse 19 Telephone(s) +43 (0) Fax: +43 (0) Nationality Austrian Date of birth 23/09/1967 Gender Male Work experience Page 1/9 - Curriculum vitae of Dates Since 05/2010 Head of department "Industrial Processes and Energy Systems" Main responsibilities: - Personnel development, budget responsible and acquisition of projects - Project coordinator of national and international projects (GREENFOODS, Solarbrew) and Task leader of IEA Task 49 on Solar heat for industrial processes and advanced applications The main topics of the work are - The areas energy efficiency and storage systems for industrial processes (focus on food and beverage industry) - Solar process heat and the integration of renewable energy for industry. - Involvement in the Austrian and European work of Standardization for energy audits (CEN) - Work for UNIDO in field of energy efficiency for industry. AEE Institute for Sustainable Technologies, A-8200 Gleisdorf, Feldgasse 19 Renewable energy research and development Dates Since 12/2009 Expert for the Austria Standards Institute (Ö-Norm) in the area of energy efficiency and energy management Representative of Austria Standards Institute for the Europeaa Standardization work CEN Austria Standards Standardisation Dates Since 11/2009 UNIDO expert for energy efficiency in industry Performance of energy audits and trainings for national experts in Malaysia, Uganda, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Moldavia, Croatia, Russia, Ukraine, India UNIDO UN-department Dates Since 06/2009 SME Energy Consultant of the Climate and Energy Fund Performance of energy audits in industry Klima- und Energiefond

2 Education and training Page 2/9 - Curriculum vitae of Dates Since 09/2007 External Lector Energy process engineering, solar energy, project management, thesis supervision Applied Science University Pinkafeld Lecture Dates Since 09/2006 Registred WIN consultant for energy audits Performance of energy audits Dates 03/ /2010 Head of the "Sustainable Technologies" research department Responsible for - Staff development, budgeting and project acquisition for research department "Sustainable Technologies" - Project management in the areas of sustainable production processes, industrial water management, use of renewable forms of energy and energy efficiency - Coordination of various national projects in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy for industrial enterprises - Coordination of the EU EINSTEIN project - Representative for solar process heat at the ASTTP and ESTTP Joanneum Research ForschungsGmbH, Institut für Nachhaltige Techniken und Systeme; Elisabethstrasse 16-18, 8010 Graz Research and development Dates 10/ /2001 Head of the testing laboratory (chemical physical laboratory) Responsible for processing and statistical analysis of leather testing Boxmark Leather GmbH & Co KG; Europastrasse 11; 8330 Feldbach Leather production and leather processing Dates 07/ /1998 Internship Dates 2007 Dates 2006 Dates 2005 System- and quality management Energieconsulting Heidelberg International GmbH (ECH); Pleikartsförsterstraße 99, Heidelberg Environmental and energy consulting Registred WIN-Wirtschaftsinitiative Nachhaltigkeit consultant Land Steiermark FA 19a Registred consultant for energy management TRIZ contradiction oriented innovation strategy Dr. Victor Pustogow Principles of the TRIZ method, practice of the method on the basis of case studies Business administration for managers ÖAF, Prof. Mandl Economic steps of company foundations, profit- and loss calculation, balance sheet preparation, annual report

3 Dates 2004 Dates 2003 Dates 2002 Dates 2002 Dates 2002 Analytical measurement in water and wastewater systems (DI Manns) JUMO Mess- und Regelgeräte GmbH Basics of the measured values ph, redox potential, electrolytic conductivity, dissolved oxygen, ozone, hydrogen peroxide concentration, chlorine and chlorine dioxide Argumentation and dialectics Dr Claudia Wesian Sales talk, company acquisition, negotiation tactics EU 6th Framework Programm Mr. Sean McCarthy, Hyperion Aufbau des Förderprogramms, Verfassen von Förderanträgen SAP for Project Managers Ing. Frankhauser Joanneum Research SAP basics Cost accounting BFI Basics of cost accounting (24 Stunden) Visual Basic Datensysteme Möller KG Introduction to VBA Programming Page 3/9 - Curriculum vitae of Dates 2001 Dates 2001 Dates 2001 Dates 2001 Dates 2001 Sicher Präsentieren wirksamer vortragen Dr. Klein, HPS vortragstechniken MS- Project introduction DI Herwig Zeiner basics in MS- Project ChemCAD Chemstation Deutschland Basics for ChemCAD; thermodynamics, Material data, distillation, reactors Cooperation with Chinese and Asian partners Fr. Rolle, VeRoChina Differences in communication, presentation and meetings, supervision of Chinese experts in Europe Methods of Innovation Support DI Schinagl, Joanneum Research Introduction and application of various innovation methods

4 Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organisation providing education and training Name and type of organisation providing education and training Personal skills and competences Dates Diploma in process engineering studies system engineering with the specialisation ecological system engineering diploma thesis: Untersuchung des thermischen Trocknungsprozesses eines neuartigen auf Zellulose aufbauenden Werkstoffes (Zelfo) bei der Firma Zellform Technical University Graz, Austria Dates Naturwissenschaftliches Realgymnasium; BRG Kepler Graz Mother tongue(s) German Other language(s) Reading skills Writing skills Verbal skills English Excellent Excellent Excellent Dutch Excellent Basics Excellent Page 4/9 - Curriculum vitae of

5 Publications Glatzl W., Fluch J., Brunner C., (2015): GREENFOODS - energy efficiency in the food and beverage industry, Paper submitted for the eceee 2015 Summer Study on energy efficiency Hubmann M., Brunner C., (2014): Energieversorgung der Brauerei Murau mit Fernwärme - Umstellung der Energieversorgung durch die Anbindung an das Fernwärmenetz der Stadtwerke Murau, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie 2014/04 C. Brunner, W. Glatzl, 2014: Solare Prozesswärme weltweit im Aufwärtstrend, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie J. Fluch, W. Glatzl, 2014: GREENFOODS - Energieeffizienz in Bäckereien, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie C. Brunner, W. Weiss, 2014: Herausforderungen für die Nutzung solarer Prozesswärme in Chiles Bergbauindustrie, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie Mauthner F., Hubmann M., Brunner C., Stachel A. (2014): Solargestütztes Maischen in der Brauerei Göss - Systemtechnik, Betriebserfahrungen und Monitoringergebnisse, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie 2014/04 C.Brunner; 2014: IEA SHC Task 49/IV Solar process heat for production and advanced applications, FABbiogas-Session Energieeffizienz durch Biogasproduktion aus Abfällen der Lebensmittel- und Getränkeindustrie, Wien C.Brunner; 2014: Task 49: Solar process heat for production and advanced applications, IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme, Poster C.Brunner; 2014: Solare Prozesswärme Highlights der internationalen Aktivitäten, Gleisdorf Solar 2014 C.Brunner; 2014: Renewable Energy Supply (focus Solar process heat) potential and state of the art, Energy Supply for Intensified Processes 2014, Gleisdorf C.Brunner; 2014: Challenges for energy efficiency and renewable energy in the European food and beverage industry, 5th International Conference for European EnergyManagers, Vienna F. Mauthner, C. Brunner, C. Fink, M. Hubmann; 2014: Das Projekt SolarBrew Beschreibung und Analyse der Systemtechnik und des Anlagenbetriebes am Beispiel der solaren Prozesswärmeanlage in der Brauerei Göss, Internationales Anwenderforum Otti Tagung, Kempten C.Brunner; 2014: SolarBrew Energieeffizienz und Solare Prozessintegration in Brauereien/Mälzereien, HORIZON 2020 Umwelt, Rohstoffe Energie, Leoben C.Brunner; 2014: Technology Workshop on Solar Process Heat for Industry, SASEC 2014, Port Elizabeth C.Brunner; 2014: IEA SHC Task 49/IV Solar process heat for production and advanced applications, SASEC 2014, Port Elizabeth C. Brunner; 2014: Potential of solar process heat and overview on existing solar thermal process plants, Technology Workshop on Solar Process Heat for Industry, Stellenbosch B. Muster-Slawitsch, C. Brunner, M. Hubmann and M. Murkovic, Process modelling and technology evaluation in brewing, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 84, (2014). Page 5/9 - Curriculum vitae of

6 H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, 2013: Energie für die nächste industrielle Revolution, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie J. Fluch, C. Brunner, 2013: EINSTEIN - Eine Methodik zieht Bilanz, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie J. Fluch, C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch, W. Glatzl, 2013: SOCO die intelligente Software zur Erhöhung der Energieeffizienz in Betrieben, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch, 2013: Neue Technologien für mehr Sonnenenergie in der Industrie, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie C. Brunner; 2013: 4,6 Mio. Krügerln Bier mit der Kraft der Sonne, Nachhaltigkeitsworkshop der Getränkeindustrie, Vienna, WKO C. Brunner ; 2013: Highlights of Solar thermal research in the EU best practice projects, 2 nd EU-Jordan Networking in Renewable Energy, Vienna, J-ERAcenter C. Brunner ; 2013: Solar Process Heat - Best Practice Plants and Future Developments, National Seminar on Solar Thermal For Industrial Applications C. Brunner; 2013: Solar Thermal Industrial Application Globally, National Seminar on Solar Thermal For Industrial Applications C. Brunner; 2013: IEA Task 49 Solare Prozesswärme Inhalte der internationalen Zusammenarbeit, Solare Großanlagen in Fernwärmenetzen und industriellen Anwendungen, Tagung Solare Großanlagen, Göss, Internationale Energie Agentur (IEA) C. Brunner; 2013: Solar Process Heat - Best Practice Plants and Future Developments, International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry 2013 key note, Freiburg, SHC C. Brunner; 2013: CO2-neutrale Energiebereitstellung in der Lebensmittelindustrie der Gegenwart - Nationale und internationale Fallstudien, Vienna, SolarFoods C. Brunner; 2013: Low CO2 production in European food and beverage industry - Branch concepts, Technology Workshop on Solar Process Heat for Industry, Brussels, RHC- Platform C. Brunner; 2013: Solar Foods - Das Projekt Solar Foods: Fallbeispiele der Anwendung von Solarthermie in der Lebensmittelindustrie, Wakeup im TIS zu Energieeffizienz im Lebensmittelsektor, Bolzano, TIS innovation park M. Hubmann, B. Muster-Slawitsch, C. Brunner; 2013: Wege zur CO2-freien Lebensmittelindustrie - Umstellung auf erneuerbare Energieversorgung in Brauereien, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie 2013/04 F. Mauthner, C. Brunner, M. Hubmann; 2013: 26 Millionen Krügel Bier mit der Kraft der Sonne, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie 2013/04 J. Fluch, C. Brunner, M. Hubmann; 2012: Innovative Entwicklungen in der Brauereiindustrie, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie 2012/01 J. Fluch, C. Brunner, M. Hubmann; 2012: EINSTEIN Expert System for an INtelligent Supply of Thermal Energy in INdustry - Veröffentlichung der Softwareversion 2.1, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie 2012/01 C. Brunner, 2012: SolarBrew - Solarthermie in der Bauereiindustrie, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie J. Fluch, C. Brunner, 2012: Optimiertes Speichermanagement für Industriebetriebe und Fernwärme, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie Page 6/9 - Curriculum vitae of

7 C. Brunner, B. Muster, 2012: Forschungsagenda Prozessintensivierung, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie J. Fluch, C. Brunner, 2012: EINSTEINs Erfolge zur CO2-Reduktion in Europas Industrie - Evaluierung von 72 Energie-Audits, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie U. Herzog, C. Brunner, J. Fluch, F. Mauthner, 2012: Solar Foods - Solarthermie - Branchenkonzepte für die Lebensmittelindustrie, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie C. Brunner, 2012: Solar Process Heat for Production and Advanced Application - Projekt der IEA - Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (SHC) Task 49/IV, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie J. Fluch, C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch; 2012: SOCO Storage Optimisation Concepts in Industries, Commerce and District Heating Businesses, Chemical Engineering Transactions 29, C. Bramsiepe, S. Sievers, T. Seifert, D.G. Stefanidis, D.G. Vlachos, H. Schnitzer, B. Muster- Slawitsch, C. Brunner, J.P.M. Sanders, M.E. Bruins, G. Schembecker; 2012:., Lowcost small scale processing technologies for production applications in various environments Mass produced factories, Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 51, C. Brunner; 2012: Solar Process Heat, Internationale Konferenz, Gleisdorf Solar 2012 C. Brunner; 2012: Solar heat for production and advanced application IEA Task 49/IV, Proceedings SHC International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, San Francisco C. Brunner; 2012: Solar heat for production and advanced application IEA Task 49/IV, Intersolar Europe Conference, Munich C. Brunner; 2012: Integration solarer Wärme in industrielle Prozesse, Highlights aus nationalen und internationalen Forschungskooperationen zu erneuerbarem Heizen und Kühlen, Vienna, BMVIT C. Brunner; 2012: IEA SHC Task 49/IV - Solar process heat for production and advanced applications, 20th PIN MEETING The Beehive, Newcastle University C. Brunner; 2012: Solar Process heat the future energy source for the food and drink industry?, TEM Food and Drink Industry, Process Industry Thermal Energy Management Network (PRO-TEM network) C. Brunner, 2011: Solar Foods - Solarthermie-Branchenkonzepte für die Lebensmittelindustrie, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie C. Brunner, 2011: Produzieren mit Sonnenenergie für die Firma Assmann Ladenbau GmbH, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie J. Fluch, C. Brunner, M. Hubmann, 2011: Mit EINSTEIN zu geringeren Energiekosten: Erste Ergebnisse durchgeführter Energie-Audits in Europa, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie C. Brunner, B. Muster, H. Schnitzer, W.Weiss, 2011: Nachhaltige Produktion in Schwellenund Entwicklungsländern, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie C. Brunner, B. Muster, 2011: Die MATRIX - Übergang zur Energieeffizienz und Solaren Prozesswärme für die Industrie, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie C. Brunner, B. Muster, H. Schnitzer, 2011: Prozessintensivierung, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie Page 7/9 - Curriculum vitae of

8 C. Brunner, B. Muster, 2011: Grüne Brauerei Energieeffizienz und Einsatz erneuerbarer Energie in Brauereien, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie C. Brunner, 2011: Low Carbon für die Agrar- und Lebensmittelindustrien in der ehemaligen Jugoslawischen Republik Mazedonien, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie C. Brunner, B. Muster, 2011: Grüne Brauerei Energieeffizienz und Einsatz erneuerbarer Energie in Brauereien, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie C. Brunner; 2011: Solar Process heat the future energy source for the brewing industry?, The Green Brewery C. Brunner; 2011: Energy efficiency in brewing process methodology, tools and innovative solutions, The Green Brewery C. Brunner; 2011: EINSTEIN II a tool kit for industry, West Midlands European Service...past, present and future C. Brunner; 2011: Solutions for a low carbon production in the food industry, Proceedings SUSTEM 2011, Newcastle, Process Industry Thermal Energy Management Network (PRO-TEM network) C. Brunner; 2011: Einsatz von Solarthermie für Prozesswärme, Fachtagung Smart Production: Senkung der CO2-Emissionen in produzierenden Betrieben, Graz, EINSTEIN B. Muster-Slawitsch, W. Weiss, H.Schnitzer, C. Brunner; 2011: The green brewery concept Energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources in breweries, Applied Thermal Engineering 09/2011; 31(13): B. Muster-Slawitsch, C. Brunner, R. Padinger, H. Schnitzer; 2011: Methodology for Batch Heat Integration and Storage System Design for Ideal Integration of Solar Process Heat. in Chemical Engineering Transactions Prague: AIDIC Servizi S.r.l. C. Brunner; 2011: Solar thermal energy for breweries integration concepts depending on site specifications, 30th ISES Biennial Solar World Congress 2011, Kassel, International Solar Energy Society (ISES) C. Brunner; 2011: Integration of Solar Thermal in Industrial Processes, INTERSOLAR München, Solar Promotion GmbH C. Brunner; 2011: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy for the Food Processing Industry, Innovative Technologies for the Food Processing Industry towards a lower resource use and more profit C. Brunner; 2011: Solare Prozesswärme, WS solare Prozesswärme C. Brunner, B. Muster, 2010: AEE INTEC Forschungsgruppe Industrielle Prozesse und Energiesysteme, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie C. Brunner, B. Muster, 2010: EINSTEIN ein Werkzeug zur Senkung betrieblicher Energiekosten, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie C. Brunner, 2010: Einstein - Expert System for an Intelligen Supply of Thermal Energy in Industry, Zeitschrift Erneuerbare Energie K. Giannakopoulou, M. Lukas, A. Visiliev, C. Brunner, H. Schnitzer; 2010: Low pressure catalytic co-conversion of biogenic waste (rapeseed cake) and vegetable oil, Bioresource Technology 05/2010; 101(9): DOI: / j.biortech Page 8/9 - Curriculum vitae of

9 H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch, D. Riebeiro de Lima; 2010: The green brewery concept - Energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources in breweries, Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction - PRES, Prag C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch, E.Heigl, H.Schweiger, C.Vannoni; 2010: EINSTEIN Expert System for an Intelligent Supply of Thermal Energy in Industry - Audit Methodology and Software Tool, Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction - PRES, Prag C. Brunner; 2010: Simulation tools and process engineering, Intersolar Europe Conference, Munich H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch, D. Riebeiro de Lima; 2010: Low Carbon solutions for the food industry, Innovation for Sustainable Production ISUP, Brugge C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch, E. Heigl, H. Schweiger, C. Vannoni; 2010: EINSTEIN Expert System for an Intelligent Supply of Thermal Energy in Industry - Audit Methodology and Software Tool, Innovation for Sustainable Production ISUP, Brugge C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch, H. Schnitzer, K. Giannakopoulou; 2008: Industrial Process Indicators and Heat Integration in Industry, Task 33 Solar Heat for Industrial Processes of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme and Task IV of the IEA Solar PACES Programme (book) B. Schmitt, K. Giannakopoulou, C. Brunner, H. Schnitzer; 2008: Katalytische Niederdruck Verölung Development of a Process for the Direct Liquefaction of Biogenic Materials, Study commissioned by the Styrian Government Department of Environmental law, traffic law and nature protection A13 (Diplomarbeit) K. Giannakopoulou, M. Lukas, S. Schober, M. Mittelbach, H. Boechzelt, B. Muster-Slawitsch, C. Brunner, H.Schnitzer; 2008: Low Pressure, Catalytic Depolymerization of Biogenic Materials, Conference Proceedings of 16th Biomass Conference and Exhibition K. Giannakopoulou, M. Lukas, S. Schober, M. Mittelbach, H. Boechzelt, B. Muster-Slawitsch, C. Brunner, H. Schnitzer; 2008: Development of a low pressure, catalytic, direct liquefaction process for the conversion of biogenic materials into liquid fuels, Conference Proceeding of 6th International Workshop on Advanced Energy Studies, Graz H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch, K. Giannakopoulou, W.Weiss; 2008: Energy Efficiency and solar process heat for industry Austrian case studies, Conference Proceeding of 6th International Workshop on Advanced Energy Studies, Graz H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch, H.Schweiger, C.Vonnoni; 2008: EINSTEIN Expert-system for an INteligent Supply of Thermal Energy in Industry, Conference Proceeding of 6th International Workshop on Advanced Energy Studies, Graz H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch; 2008: EINSTEIN Expert-system for an INteligent Supply of Thermal Energy in Industry (Poster), World Sustainable Energy Days, Energy Efficiency Conference, Wels H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch; 2008: CO2 neutrale Lebensmittelindustrie energieeffiziente Verfahrenstechnik und Einbindung von erneuerbaren Energieträgern, Conference Proceedings of Minisymposium Verfahrenstechnik 2008, Leoben H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch; 2008: EINSTEIN Expert-system for an INtelligent Supply of Thermal Energy in Industry, Conference Proceedings of Minisymposium Verfahrenstechnik 2008, Leoben Page 9/9 - Curriculum vitae of

10 H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch, H.Schweiger, C.Vannoni; 2008: EINSTEIN Expert-system for an INteligent Supply of Thermal Energy in Industry (Poster), Conference Proceedings of Gleisdorf Solar H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch; 2008: Energieeffizienz durch intelligente Wärmenutzung, Energyeffizienz Holzkluster Kuchl H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch; 2008: Integration of solar thermal energy in industrial energy supply systems food and metal industry (Poster), Conference Proceedings of Gleisdorf Solar H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch, K. Giannakopoulou, W.Weiss; 2008: Energy Efficiency and solar process heat for industry 10 Austrian case studies, Conference Proceedings of EuroSun 2008, Lisbon H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, B. Muster-Slawitsch, H.Schweiger, C.Vannoni; 2008: EINSTEIN Expert-system for an INteligent Supply of Thermal Energy in Industry (Poster), Conference Proceedings of EuroSun 2008, Lisbon C. Brunner; 2007: Solar heat for industrial processes, Asian Pacific Roundtable of Clean and Sustainable Production, Hanoi H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, G. Gwehenberger; 2007: Solar heat for industrial processes, Asian Pacific Roundtable of Clean and Sustainable Production, Hanoi H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, G. Gwehenberger; 2007: Minimizing greenhouse gas emissions through the application of solar thermal energy in industrial processes, Journal of Cleaner Production 01/2007; DOI: /j.jclepro J. Fresner, J.Mair, H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, G. Gwehenberger, M. Planasch, K. Taferner; 2007: Practical experiences with the implementation of the concept of zero emissions in the surface treatment industry in Austria, Journal of Cleaner Production 01/2007; C. Brunner; 2007: Minimising the Environmental Impact of Glass Recycling and Glass Container Production, Proceedings Asian Pacific Roundtable of Clean and Sustainable Production, Hanoi J. Fresner, J.Mair, H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, G. Gwehenberger, M. Planasch; 2006: Practical experiences with reducing industrial use of water and chemicals in the galvanising industry, Quantified Eco-Efficiency 12/2006; DOI: / _7 C. Brunner; 2006: Thermal energy optimisation in industrial processes,lecture EMA and CP Confernce in Graz C. Brunner; 2006: Minimizing greenhouse gas emission through the application of solar thermal energy in industrial processes, Workshop EU/Asia S&T Co-operation on Clean Production and Nanotechnologies, Seoul C. Brunner; 2006: Energy efficiency and solar heat in Austrian industry,lecture Österreichische Energietage in Slowenien B. Muster-Slawitsch, C. Brunner; 2006: Membrane Treatment as a technical Step towards Zero Emission in the Textile Industry,EMA and CP Confernce in Graz C. Brunner; 2005: Product Service System for water as a guideline for sustainable water management in Industry,Lecture at 9th UNO Expert Meeting on EMA C. Bramsiepe, S. Sievers, T. Seifert, G.D. Stefanidis, D.G. Vlachos, B. Muster-Slawitsch, H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, J.P.M. Sanders, M.E. Bruins, G. Schembecker; 2005: Lowcost small scale processing technologies for production applications in various environments - mass produced factories, Chemical Engineering and Processing (Impact Factor: 1.95). 01/2012; 51: DOI: Page 10/9 - Curriculum vitae of

11 C. Brunner H. Schnitzer, T. Müller; 2005: Vom Prozess zur Integration der Solaranlage eine Wegbeschreibung anhand der Beispiele Berglandmilch und Wolford AG, Lecture at Betriebliche Energieeffizienz und solare Prozesswärme Graz C. Brunner H. Schnitzer, U.Begander; 2005: Technologien und Innovationen für eine nachhaltige Produktion, Lecture at 8.Symposium Energie-Innovation im Rahmen der Programmlinie Fabrik der Zukunft, Graz C. Brunner H. Schnitzer, U.Begander; 2004: PROMISE-Production with solar energy, PROMISE-Production with solar energy, Schriftenreihe 01/2004, 305 pages (out of stock) C. Brunner H. Schnitzer, J. Fresner, G. Gwehenberger, M. Planasch, J. Mair; 2004: Optimization of water management in Galvanizing Plants, Lecture at European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, Bilbao J. Fresner, H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, G. Gwehenberger, M. Planasch, J. Mair; 2004: Practical experiences with the reduction of the industrial use of water in the galvanising industry, Paper at European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, Bilbao J. Fresner, H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, G. Gwehenberger, M. Planasch, J. Mair; 2004: ZERMEG Zero Emissions Retrofitting of Galvanizing Industries, Paper at European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production, Bilbao C. Brunner, H. Schnitzer, J. Fresner, G. Gwehenberger, M. Planasch, J. Mair; 2004: ZERMEG II Zero Emission Retrofitting Method for existing galvanizing plants, Lecture at "Eco-Efficiency for Sustainability" Conference, Leiden A. Stuhlbacher, H. Berghold, M. Reinhofer, C. Brunner, K. Taferner; 2004: Pflanzenkläranlagen für die Kreislaufschließung und Reinigung industrieller Prozesswässer, Study, commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) C. Brunner, B. Hammerl; 2004: Innovative Servicekonzepte als Chance für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften - Dienstleistungsmodelle für betriebliches Wassermanagement, Lecture at Zeria Symposium "Technologie, Finanzierung und Dienstleistungen zur wirtschaftlichen Reduktion des Wassereinsatzes", Graz C. Brunner, B. Hammerl; 2004: Product Service System For Water As A Guideline For Sustainable Water Management In Industry And Public Utilities, Lecture at IWA 4th World Water Congress, Marrakech H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, K. Taferner, K. Hufnagel; 2004: Wissenschaftliche Unterstützung der Aktivitäten der Eureka-Initiative Prepare, Study, commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) A. Stuhlbacher, C. Brunner, M. Koinigg, B. Muster-Slawitsch, K. Hufnagel; 2004: Machbarkeitsstudie zur Minderung von Luftemmissionen aus Mastbetrieben, Project report H. Fresner, C. Brunner, K. Taferner, G. Gwehenberger, M. Planasch, H. Schnitzer, J. Mair; 2004: ZERMEG II Zero Emission Retrofitting Method for existing galvanizing plants, Project report H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, G. Gwehenberger; 2004: Methoden der wärmetechnischen Integration von Solarwärme in Produktionsprozessen, Paper at Gleisdorf Solar 2004 C. Brunner, H. Schnitzer, J. Fresner, G. Gwehenberger, M. Planasch; 2003: Optimization of water management in galvanizing plants, Poster presentation at the IWA Asia-Pacific Regional Conference: ASIAN WATERQUAL 2003, Bangkok Thailand Page 11/9 - Curriculum vitae of

12 C. Brunner, K. Taferner, B. Muster-Slawitsch; 2003: Produktionsintegrierte Verbesserung der Wassereffizienz durch Analyse und Behandlung industrieller Prozesswässer und Abwässer, Project report T. Müller, U. Begander, C. Brunner, H. Schnitzer, W. Weiss; 2003: PROMISE Produzieren mit Sonnenenergie, Potenzialstudie zur thermischen Solarenergienutzung in Gewerbe- und Industriebetrieben in Abhängigkeit der Produktionsprozesse, Project report J. Fresner, T. Dielacher, C. Angerbauer, M. Möller, J. Sage, P. Wolf, H. Schnitzer, C. Brunner, G. Gwehenberger, M. Planasch, J. Mair, H. Schneider, A. Lüer, G. Altgajer; 2003: Zermeg: Zero Emission Retrofitting Method for Existing Galvanizing Plants, Project report C. Brunner, K. Taferner, B. Muster-Slawitsch; 2002: Wertstoffsteigerung aus Reststoffen, Project report C. Brunner, H. Schnitzer; 2002: Sustainable Economic Development, Lecture at the European Roundtable on Cleaner Production (ERCP) in Cork, Ireland C. Brunner, U. Begander, H. Schnitzer, B. Muster-Slawitsch, K. Taferner; 2002: Wissenschaftliche Vorarbeiten für die Umsetzung nachhaltigen Wirtschaftens auf der betrieblichen Ebene, Project report H. Schnitzer, C U. Begander,. Brunner, K. Taferner; 2001: Teilbegutachtung der Einreichunterlagen für die Produktionslinie PM5-MORECOAT der Norske Skog Bruck GmbH - Stoff- und Energiebilanzen, Project report Page 12/9 - Curriculum vitae of

Europass Curriculum Vitae

Europass Curriculum Vitae Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) DI Jürgen Fluch Address A-8200 Gleisdorf, Feldgasse 19 Telephone(s) +43 (0)3112 5886-454 Fax: +43 (0)3112 5886-18 E-mail


INTERREG IIIa Project R&D - Ready for Research and Development Project results and ongoing activities

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