Dr. Angela Oels. Curriculum Vitae. Academic career. Consulting. Academic Qualifications. Scholarships

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1 Dr. Angela Oels Curriculum Vitae Academic career Temporary Full Professor in International Politics (Vertretung der W3-Professur) and Scientific Director of the M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences (Interdisciplinary Distance Learning Programme in Environmental Sciences) Institute of Political Science, Distance Teaching University in Hagen, Germany Temporary Associate Professor (Vertretung der W2-Professur) for International Relations and European Politics Institute of Political Science and Japanese Studies, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany Temporary Assistant Professor (Vertretung der Juniorprofessur W1) for Global Governance Institute of Political Science, University of Hamburg, Germany Senior researcher in the grant-funded project entitled "The securitization of climate change in science and politics: the case of climate change induced migration" Cluster of excellence Integrated Climate Systems Analysis and Prediction (CliSAP), an interdisciplinary research cluster of about 100 scientists funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), University of Hamburg, Germany Assistant Professor in International Relations (Wissenschaftliche Assistentin C1) Institute of Political Science, University of Hamburg, Germany Postdoctoral researcher in a one-year grant-funded scoping study for a full grant proposal, project title Global Climate Change, social relations of nature and (inter)national climate policy, supervised by Prof. Elmar Altvater Otto-Suhr-Institute of Political Science, Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany Consulting Senior Research Fellow Political Science Secretariat of the German Advisory Council for Global Environmental Change, Berlin, Germany (a government-appointed board of 9 professors who publish bi-annual flagship reports with scientific advice on global environmental politics) Freelance work as trainer and large group change facilitator for Industrial Union Mine, Chemistry, Energy (Industrie-gewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie IG BCE) The German EMAS Advisory Board (Umweltgutachterausschuss). Kurs ZukunftsPiloten (Future Pilots). Academic Qualifications Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, University of Hamburg, Germany Submission of habilitation thesis entitled Climate change as a security issue: Analysing the discourse and its policy implications School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Science Thesis in the field of environmental politics published under the title Evaluating stakeholder participation in the transition to sustainable development: Methodology, case studies, policy implications supervised by Prof. Timothy O'Riordan and Dr. John Street Technical University of Berlin, Germany Pre-Diploma (Vordiplom) in Environmental Engineering Scholarships

2 Academic year 1996/1997 Visiting Scholar, hosted by Prof. Michael Shapiro (with financial support by the German Research Foundation DFG) Department of Political Science, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, USA Scholarship from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for one academic year abroad Research Grants Date Project title My role Funding body The heat is up! Cross-disciplinary perspectives on climate change negotiations joint module in the M.Sc. Environmental Sciences at the University of Hagen and the M.A. Environmental Citizenship and Participation at the Universidade Aberta (Portugal), 2 months online learning, 5-day workshop in Lisbon Project leader and coauthor application (with Daniel Otto and Sara Becker) Living with climate change a digital story joint module in the M.Sc. Environmental Sciences at the Project leader and coauthor University of Hagen and the M.A. Ouvert à Distance en Eco-Tourism (MODECO), Université Virtuelle application (with Daniel de Tunis (UVT), 5-day workshop in Hamburg, 2 Otto and Sara Becker) months online learning, 5-day workshop in Tunis MINT.online, a research consortium of four universities and several Fraunhofer Institutes to create new and upgrade existing distance learning M.Sc. programmes in the field of sustainability, energy, environment (University of Hagen and Fraunhofer UMSICHT ( )) Project leader of the current project at the University of Hagen, coauthor application for (not yet decided) Peer Reviewer for the following journals German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Dialogue with universities in Southern Europe German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), German-Arab Transformation Partnership German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), Programme Open University Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management Environmental Science & Policy Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen Climatic Change Global Environmental Politics Environment & Planning A Security Dialogue Environmental Politics Climate and Development Forest Policy and Economics Communication, Cooperation, Participation: Research and Practice for a Sustainable Future (e-journal) Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) - Discussion Paper Series Publikationen Monography Oels, A. (2003) Evaluating stakeholder participation in the transition to sustainable development: Methodology, case studies and implications for policymaking. LIT Verlag: Münster. International peer reviewed journal articles

3 Methmann, C./Oels, A. (2015) From fearing to empowering climate refugees: Governing climate-induced migration in the name of resilience. Security Dialogue 46 (1): Oels, A. (2013) Rendering Climate Change Governable by Risk: From probability to contingency. GEOFORUM, themed issue on Natures of Risk, 45 (March 2013): Oels, A. (2005) Rendering climate change governable: From biopower to advanced liberal government? Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 7 (3): Feindt, P./Oels, A. (2005) Does Discourse Matter? Discourse Analysis in Environmental Policy Making. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 7 (3): Oels, A. (2002) Investigating the emotional roller-coaster ride: A case-study-based assessment of the Future Search Conference Design. Systems Research and Behavioral Science 19: German peer reviewed journal articles Oels, A./ von Lucke, F. (accepted for publication in 2015) Gescheiterte Versicherheitlichung oder Sicherheit im Wandel: Hilft uns die Kopenhagener-Schule beim Thema Klimawandel? [Failed securitization or changing meanings of security?] Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen Methmann, C./Oels, A. (2014) Ein neues Klima für Entwicklung? Die ökologische Gouvernementalität der Entwicklungspolitik. [A new climate for development? The ecological governmentality of development politics] Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS), Sonderheft 48: Peer reviewed book chapters Oels, A. (2014) Climate security as governmentality: From precaution to preparedness. In: Bulkeley, H./ Stripple, J. (eds.) Governing the Global Climate: Rationality, Practice and Power. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Methmann, C./Oels, A. (2014) Vulnerability. In: Death, C. (ed.) Critical Environmental Politics. London: Routledge Intervention Series Oels, Angela (2012) From securitization of climate change to climatization of the security field: Comparing three theoretical perspectives. In: Scheffran, Jürgen; Broszka, Michael; Brauch, Hans-Günter; Link, P. Michael und Schilling, Janpeter (eds.) Climate Change, Human Security and Violent Conflict. Hexagon Series, Vol. VIII, Springer Further chapters in edited books Oels, A. (accepted for publication with minor revisions) Resisting climate security discourse: Restoring 'the political' in climate change politics. In: Dalby, Simon and O Lear, Shannon (eds.) Reframing Climate Change: Constructing an Ecological Geopolitics. London: Routledge. Oels, A. (accepted for publication with minor revisions) Climate Security. In: Bäckstrand, K./Lövbrand, E.(eds.) Research Handbook on Climate Governance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Methmann, C./ Oels, A. (book under review by the publisher) The vulnerable becoming dangerous: Rethinking the history of environmental security from conflict to resilience. In: Daase, C./ Schlag, G./Junk, J. (eds.) Dialogues on Security: Theoretical, Methodological, and Empirical Advances and Challenges. London: Routledge. Carvalho, Anabela/ Oels, Angela (2012) Wer hat Angst vor Klimaflüchtlingen? Wie die mediale und politische Konstruktion des Klimawandels den politischen Handlungsspielraum strukturiert [Who is afraid of "climate refugees"? How the construction of climate change in media and politics shapes the discursive space for policymaking] In: Irene Neverla und Mike S. Schäfer (eds.) Klimawandel in den Medien:

4 Kommunikationswissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag Brzoska, Michael und Oels, Angela (2011) Versicherheitlichung des Klimawandels? Die Konstruktion des Klimawandels als Sicherheitsbedrohung und ihre politischen Folgen. [Is climate change securitized? The construction of climate change as a security issue and its policy implications]. In: Brzoska, M.; Kalinowski, M.; Matthies, V. und Meyer, B. (eds) Klimawandel und Konflikte: Versicherheitlichung versus präventive Friedenspolitik? Nomos: Baden-Baden Oels, Angela (2010) Von Governance zu Gouvernementalität: Der Mehrwert einer Diskursanalyse nach Foucault für die internationale Politik das Beispiel Klimapolitik. [From governance to governmentality: The added value of a Foucaultian discourse analysis for international politics: The example of climate politics]. in: Voss, Martin (Hrsg) Der Klimawandel - Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven (Hrsg.), Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Oels, A. (2008) The Power of Visioning: The Contribution of Future Search Conferences to Decision-Making in Local Agenda 21 Processes. In: F.H.J.M. Coenen and R. Paterson (eds.) The Promise and Limits of Participatory Processes for the Quality of Environmentally Related Decision Making. Springer: Dordrecht Oels, A. (2007) Nachhaltigkeit, Partizipation und Macht - oder: Warum Partizipation nicht unbedingt zu Nachhaltigkeit führt. [Sustainability, participation and power - or: Why participation does not necessarily lead to sustainable development."] In: H. Jonuschat, E. Baranek, M. Behrendt, K. Dietz, B. Schlussmeier, H. Walk, A. Zehm (Hrsg.) Partizipation und Nachhaltigkeit: Vom Leitbild zur Umsetzung. Oekom Verlag: München Oels, A. (2006) Evaluating Stakeholder Dialogues. in: Stoll-Kleemann, S./Welp, M. (eds.) Stakeholder dialogues in natural resources management. Theory and practice. Springer: Berlin Oels, A. (2003) Global discourse, local struggle. Die Rekonstruktion des Lokalen durch Lokale Agenda 21 Prozesse. [The reconstruction of the local through Local Agenda 21 processes.] In: Döring, Martin/Engelhardt, Gunter/Feindt, Peter H./Oßenbrügge, Jürgen (eds.) Stadt - Raum - Natur. Die Metropole als politisch konstruierter Raum. Hamburger Universitätsschriften Oels, A./Altvater, Elmar/Brunnengräber, Achim (2002) Globaler Klimawandel, gesellschaftliche Naturverhältnisse und (inter-)nationale Klimapolitik. [Global climate change, social relations of nature and (inter-)national climate politics.] In: Ingrid Balzer und Monika Wächter (Hrsg.) Sozial-ökologische Forschung. Ergebnisse der Sondierungsprojekte aus dem BMBF-Förderschwerpunkt. Ökom Verlag: München Oels, A. (2000) 'Let's get together and feel alright!' Eine kritische Untersuchung von 'Agenda 21'-Prozessen in England und Deutschland. [A critical analysis of Local Agenda 21 processes in England and Germany]. In: Heinelt, H. und Mühlich, E. (Hrsg.) Lokale Agenda 21'-Prozesse. Leske und Budrich: Opladen. S Oels, A. (1998) Graz, Österreich: Ökostadt 2000 als Vision und der Grazer ÖKOPROFIT als ein modellhaftes Handlungsinstrument. [A case study of the city of Graz, Austria and its eco-profit scheme] In: ICLEI (1998) Städte der Zukunft im europäischen Vergleich. Eine Zusammenstellung von Fallstudien aus fünf europäischen Städten und deren vergleichende Auswertung. ICLEI & Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR): Freiburg / Bonn. Buchanan, K. und Oels, A. (1998) Edinburgh, Schottland: Verwaltungsreform als Anlass für eine neue Politik der Zukunftsbeständigkeit. [A case study of the city of Edinburgh, Scotland and its administrative reform] In: ICLEI (1998) Städte der Zukunft im europäischen Vergleich. Eine Zusammenstellung von Fallstudien aus fünf europäischen Städten und deren vergleichende Auswertung. ICLEI & Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR): Freiburg / Bonn. Edited volumes Special Issue of the Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning 7 (3) (September 2005) on discourse analysis, edited together with Dr. Peter H. Feindt, includes plenary talks of the 2003 Hamburg Conference 'Does Discourse Matter? Discourse, Power and Institutions in the Sustainability Transition.'

5 Editorial Board and Editorial for a special issue of the German journal Politische Ökologie [Political Ecology] on 'Machtspiel Globalisierung. Pokern um Ökologie und Gerechtigkeit.' [The gamble for ecology and justice in a globalising world.] No. 85, September Edited by the ecology group of Attac Germany and the Heinrich- Böll-Foundation. Academic editor of a paper series of 12 briefing papers on environmental issues analysed through a diversity of political science perspectives, produced for the training programme Kurs ZukunftsPiloten ( in cooperation with the Deutschen Naturschutzring (DNR) and the University of Lüneburg. Co-editors were Rasmus Grobe und Imke Kreusel. Articles in German journals (without peer review) Brzoska, M./Oels, A. (2012) Massenmigration und Klimakriege? Diskurse über Klimawandel als Sicherheitsbedrohung und ihr Einfluss auf die Politik.[Mass migration and climate wars? Discourses about climate change as a security issue and their influence on politics] Wissenschaft und Frieden 03: 19-22, Schwerpunktheft Klima zwischen Krieg und Frieden Oels, A. (2002) 10 Jahre Lokale Agenda 21: Warten aufs Christkind. [10 years of Local Agenda 21: Waiting for Santa Claus] Politische Ökologie 76: Oels, A. (2002) Globale Nachhaltigkeitspolitik nach Monterrey und vor Johannesburg: Neue Finanzquellen erschließen! [Global sustainability politics after Monterrey and before Johannesburg: opening new sources of finance!] Ökologisches Wirtschaften 3-4, Ökologisches Wirtschaften Spezial 'Rio+10', S.2-3. Oels, A. (2002) Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie: Zahnloser Papiertiger.[The German Sustainability Strategy: a paper tiger] punkt.um 4: Oels, A. (1997) Zukunftskonferenz - in drei Tagen erste Schritte zu einer Lokalen Agenda 21. [Future Search Conference in three days towards Local Agenda 21] Klima-Bündnis Rundbrief Nr. 16: Oels, A. (1997) Wege zum Konsens. Erfolge und Misserfolge bei der Umsetzung der Agenda 21 in Großbritannien. [Towards consensus: Success and failure in the implementation of Local Agenda 21 in Great Britain] Politische Ökologie Nr. 52:

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參 考 書 目 現 象 學 及 其 效 應, 北 京 : 三 聯,1994 現 象 學 概 念 通 釋, 北 京 : 三 聯,1999

參 考 書 目 現 象 學 及 其 效 應, 北 京 : 三 聯,1994 現 象 學 概 念 通 釋, 北 京 : 三 聯,1999 參 考 書 目 尼 克 拉 斯 魯 曼, 生 態 溝 通, 台 北 : 桂 冠,2001 韋 伯, 社 會 學 的 基 本 概 念, 台 北 : 遠 流,1993 涂 爾 幹, 宗 教 生 活 的 基 本 形 式, 台 北 : 桂 冠,1992 胡 塞 爾, 純 粹 現 象 學 通 論, 台 北 : 桂 冠,1994 埃 德 蒙 德 胡 塞 爾, 笛 卡 爾 式 的 沈 思, 北 京 : 中 國 城



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PUBLICATIONS IN PEER-REVIEWED ACADEMIC JOURNALS Lukas GORETZKI Associate Professor Department of Accounting Stockholm School of Economics Sveavägen 65 113 83 Stockholm, Sweden Tel.: +46 (0) 8-736 9313 Lukas.Goretzki@hhs.se ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE Associate
