Elementary German I UCO College of Liberal Arts

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1 Elementary German I UCO College of Liberal Arts German 1114 Herbst (Fall) 2015 LA 223 Liberal Arts Building Mo, Mi : Uhr Monika Gerstenlauer-Beiler CRN : Professor Assistent of German/MA Adjunct Dept. of Modern Languages CELL: (405) Thatcher Hall 202 UCO: (405) mgerstenlauer@uco.edu monika.gerstenlauer-beiler@edmondschools.net Sprechstunde: Mo, Mi: Uhr im Klassenzimmer LA 223 Texts: Wie geht s? (Sevin/Sevin), 10th Edition, ilrn Heinle Learning Center, Authentic stories from Germany, Austria and Switzerland Media ilrn online workbook, Youtube, listening exercise, video resources in tutoring lab (Room 122) and TUTORS available!!! GRADING: There are 1000 points for the semester. 5 chapter tests including final exam (100 points each) vocabulary quizzes (30 points each) homework assignments (20 points each) ilrn assignments/listening activities (20 points each) 120 Culture Credits 50 1 Interview (points included with tutor) 50 TOTAL: 1,000 GRADES IN LETTERS: A = 900-1,000 B = C = D = F = UNDER 600 AFTER EACH CHAPTER TEST, THE STUDENTS ARE ALLOWED TO CORRECT THE EXAM WIHIN ONE WEEK FOR EXTRA POINTS; I ONLY ACCEPT COMPLETE GERMAN SENTENCES WHEN CORRECTED. (STUDENTS are able to get 5 extra points added to the exam).

2 COURSE DESCRIPTION FROM Course Catalog: An introduction to German pronunciation, conversation, grammar, reading, and composition writing. If a student is too advanced for this course, he/she can test out by arranging a time with the professor to be placed in a higher course. COURSE OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to - use basic German syntactical structures to make statements about everyday issues, desires, or conversational topics in comprehensible German; - read and contextualize texts of everyday communication and direction, such as menus, titles, and letters; write brief compositions, typical of classroom exposition, with grammatical accuracy commensurate with the topics covered; and - understand prepared spoken German and recognize elements of authentic speech from the target cultures. This course is part of a four-semester sequence. The first two semesters cover the material of a first year college textbook. The third and fourth semesters deepen communication skills and improve proficiency (correct usage) by building vocabulary and reviewing grammar, and add to students' knowledge of German-speaking cultures through readings, films, and web sites. TRNSFORMATIVE LEARNING: This course pays particular attention to two of the central six goals: Discipline knowledge (linguistic and communicative command of single German, grammar skills, vocabulary, cultural knowledge) and global competency (rudimentary command of a second language, cultural comparison, cultural exploration, and the demonstrated ability to communicate orally in the target language. CHAPTER TESTS: Each test covers the thematic, grammar, and vocabulary material from its chapter. The tests blend communicative tasks with questions focusing on the mastery of linguistic and cultural concepts and practices. The workbook and the website have pretests which give you an idea of where you stand. The chapter tests include writing, listening, and reading elements. VOCABULARY QUIZZES: Each quiz covers an assigned portion of the chapter vocabulary. Students are expected to write out the correct German expression in the correct grammatical form. WORKBOOK/HOMEWORK: For each chapter I will check the online Arbeitsheft or Lab/workbook which you need to complete at least 50% of the assignments. Learning a language takes practice and these books provide reliable opportunities for intensifying what we ve done in class and preparing for the upcoming activities. In any case, you must complete these materials by the day of the chapter test ORAL INTERVIEWS: You will be speaking German in class, but at the end of this semester I will make an appointment with each student so that I can evaluate how each of you has progressed in conversation skills. The topics discussed mirror the vocabulary, themes and issues covered in class, and I am not listening for perfection, but rather for communicative success. TUTORS: UCO uses your course fees to pay for a German tutor to help you with this course. The tutor is a student and works from LA 122 with access to ilrn, web sites, dictionaries, and other resources. The tutor cannot do the work for you, but is able to drill vocabulary, explain grammar, practice dialogues, and talk about learning German.

3 CULTURE CREDITS: The organized engagement with another culture will probably endure for you longer than your language skills. By viewing a movie (the department and the College show several), seeing a play, reading a magazine, or listening to music, you gain access to the cultural, aesthetic, political, religious, and educational diversity of the world. Share a film, a play, or a museum visit with fellow students. You ll at least save on gas money. CLASS ATTENDANCE: (departmental policy) Regular class attendance is vital important if you want to learn a new language. Six absences in the semester will result in a failing grade, unless the student can provide proof from a doctor, a professor (school or military activity). Thirty minutes late or early leave count as an absence!!! MAKING UP EXAMS: Exams and quizzes occur frequently in this course in order for you to pace yourself as you learn a large number of new words, grammar structures and cultural concepts. Falling behind by missing tests makes it harder for you to succeed. So, if you know you must miss an exam or quiz, you must talk to your instructor or leave a message BEFORE the test with your name and phone number at (405) or (450) to arrange a make-up date. Otherwise your instructor is under no obligation to give you a make-up exam or quiz and it will result in a zero (no exceptions!!!!). ADA: "The University of Central Oklahoma complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act of Students with disabilities who need special accommodations must make their requests by contacting the Coordinator of Disability Support Services, Ms. Kimberly Fields at (405) The DSS Office is located in the University Center, Room 415. Students should also notify the instructor of special accommodation needs by the end of the first week of class." WITHDRAWAL FROM THE COURSE: You must officially withdraw from a course to receive a W rather than an F. The deadline is October 30, If you withdraw by August 28, 2015 there will be no record of you attempting this class. Otherwise you will receive a notation or a grade, even if you attended only a few days of class INCOMPLETES: (departmental policy). A grade of I for incomplete work will only be given in the case of a verified emergency or personal need for a student who has been present for at least 50% of the total class periods and who has completed at least 50% of the class assignments. The instructor may assign a grade instead of an Incomplete. Please speak with your instructor about such a situation in a timely fashion. If you have had to abandon your academic work this semester then you might consider contacting Enrollment Services about an Emergency Withdrawal. University policies for Fall 2015:

4 S = Seite Mo, den Mi, den Mo, den Mi, den Mo, den Vorstellung meiner Familie und ein bisschen über die deutsche Sprache, Kultur und Geschichte sprechen!!! Hand-outs von verschiedenen Hilfsmaterialien (help for students with different materials) Schritt 1 (S6) das Alphabet; Wie heißen Sie? Ihr Name, bitte!; Wo wohnen Sie? Woher kommen Sie? Verschiedene Fragen mit Antworten/Grűße/Auf Wiedersehen Buchstabieren/Aussprache, (S 7) Differenz zwischen du und Sie, Übung dazu (du und Sie) S. 8 Gesprӓch: Was und wie ist das? Zuhӧren Schritt 1, Wortschatz (S5), Wiederholung der Sätze, Guten Tag lesen und űbersetzen, Fragen beantworten mit kompletten, deutschen Sӓtzen (Subjekt, Verb, Direkt Objekt/Platz, etc.) Schritt 2 (S 9) die Farben, Artikel der, die, das erklären und dann verschiedene Nomen besprechen; kleine Sätze űbersetzen mit Farben und Klassenobjekte (S 9/10) Ȕbungen mit Farben und Wiederholung von ABC und Sӓtzen Schritt 3,Zahlen lernen (S13) E. Preise; S15 Telefonnummern; Wiederholung; Beschreiben Sie!; Additionen + Subtraktionen (S15) Beschreiben Sie!; Kettenreaktion; Was sagen Sie? Schritt 2 (S8)lesen und űbersetzen, Fragen beantworten; Singular und Plural auf (S9); Sӓtze mit Farben und Plural bilden (S18) Deutsches Wetter; Tage/Monate/Jahreszeiten (Gedicht mit JZ), (S19) alle Ȕbungen machen, Celsius/Fahrenheit (S20), Gegenteile besprechen Schritt 5: (S20 )Wie spät ist es? Verschiedene Uhrzeiten angeben (S22 Aktivitäten im Sommer), Schritt 4 (S.17), Schritt 5 (S22) lesen/űbersetzen, Fragen beantworten Meine Kurse (S24) lesen (wahrscheinlich noch andere Fӓcher dazu tun - probably to add more subjects) Hausaufgabe-Nummer # 1: (HEUTE: fӓllig ) due today!!! Additionen/Subtraktionen/Divisionen/Multiplikationen (alles ausschreiben) Zum Beispiel: = zwei plus drei ist fünf fünfzehn minus sechs ist neun S 25 Praktisch Ausdrücke; (S.26) Hörverständnis: Das Klassenzimmer, Wiederholung von allen Schritten der Einführung Vokabelquiz 1 (Tage, Monate und Sätze)

5 Mi, den (S31/33), Kapitel 1: Fokus-Länder, Sprachen,Familie/Wortschatz, Fragen űber die Familie (Wie heißt dein Bruder/deine Schwester)? Die Nachbarländer von Deutschland mit Sprachen und Nationalitäten verbinden (connect), Wo liegen diese Städte? Die Präsens (Present Tense) von verschiedenen regulären Verben Wie z.b. gehen, wohnen, lernen, heißen, etc. Arbeitsheft # 1 (Schritte 1-5, Kapitel 1 - heute fällig ) Mo, den (LABOR DAY) Mi den Tag der Arbeit KEINE SCHULE (S37-39)) mehr Konjugationen, sentence structure; (S40/41)) alle Übungen machen und ein Hand-out geben mit Verben Am Goethe Institut (S32) lesen und űbersetzen, Fragen beantworten; er/sie/es Subjekt Pronomen (S.40) ein/eine/kein/keine erklären; (S40), Übungen auf Seite 41/42, alle Ȕbungen Mo, den Hausaufgabe-Nr. #2 ( ) Seite 50, Űbung C und Seite 53, Űbung E (bitte beantworten Sie mit kompletten, deutschen Sätzen) (S44) Sagen Sie es noch anders! (S45) Komposita (compound nouns), (S46) Zusammenfassung mit Partner/Partnerin; Gedicht lesen (S47); und Ȕbung L; die Landkarte ansehen und die verschiedenen Länder aussprechen; Wiederholung von Norden, Sűden, Osten und Westen Mi, den Vokabelquiz 2 (S13-Klamotten/S33-Familie) (S 48) Vor dem Lesen (S49) Deutschland in Europa lesen und űbersetzen, Fragen beantworten, EU-Mitgliedstaaten (S50); Auf Deutsch, bitte! (S47) Wiederholung des Kapitels (S55) Material vom Examen besprechen!!!! Mo, den Examen 1 (Schritte 1-5 und Kapitel 1) Mi, den Kapitel 2: (S57) Shopping und Store Hours; (S59) Wortschatz Partner/Partnerinarbeit (S 61), Allerlei Lebensmittel in verschiedene Kategorien schreiben, die Verben haben und sein auf (S63), dann Übung A und ein Hand-out geben (sein/haben); (S65) Akkusativ-Verben

6 (S58) Weights and measures; (S56B. Jetzt sind Sie dran!; (S60), Ȕ. B - Was passt nicht? Sprechen: Ich möchte 1 kg Birnen. Ich hätte gern 1 l Milch) auf S. 79 die verschiedenen Maβe erklӓren wie kg, g, St., l, etc Mo, den Mi, den Mo, den Nominativ vs. Akkusativ-Fall mit verschiedenen Sätzen an die Tafel schreiben (S64/65)), Verben im Akkusativ Akkusativ-Präpositionen: durch/fűr/gegen/ohne/um (S66/67) alle Übungen machen; (S70), Ȕ. J Fragen stellen? Arbeitsheft #2 (Kapitel 1 heute fällig ) Allerlei GeschӓfteWerbungen ansehen (S75) (S76) Geschäfte und Einkaufen lesen und űbersetzen, Fragen beantworten (S68) Satzbildung (sentence structure continued), Negation ein/kein und kein/nicht, (S71), Übung K Hausaufgabe # 3 (HEUTE: fӓllig ) Schreiben Sie mindestens 10 Sӓtze über Sie und Ihre Familie Vokabelquiz 3 (S59) Lebensmittel und Verschiedenes Akkusativ und N-Nomen (S66) (S72), Ȕbung O Auf dem Marktplatz (S77) die Stadt Regensburg/Donau Wiederholung des Kapitels, Material besprechen Mi, den Examen 2 (Kapitel 2) Mo, den Kapitel 3: Eating In and Out/(S83) Wortschatz besprechen und auch Speisekarte auf (S85/86) (S87), Übungen A-E (S84) Im Restaurant lesen und űbersetzen und Fragen beantworten (S89) Verben mit Vokal-Änderungen (vowel changes) mehrere Verben konjugieren und Übungen auf (S90) machen Umfrage auf Seite 91 Mi, den Dativ Präpositionen/Verben (S93/94), dann Ȕbungen machen, Was kaufen wir? (S97), nach Hause, zu Hause; (S97, alles machen); In der Mensa: Auf Deutsch, bitte!! (S99) (S89)Wiederholung von Verben mit Vokalӓnderung Hand-out für Studenten You-tube (Essen Manieren)

7 Do, den Fr, den Herbstferien!! Keine Schule (fall break) Mo, den Vokabelquiz 4 (S86 Restaurant/das Essen/Verschiedenes (S100) Persönliche Fragen, Allerlei Restaurants, űber sie sprechen Man ist, was man isst (S102) lesen und űbersetzen, Fragen beantworten (S103), Übung B Guten Appetit! (S104) Die Pizzeria, Fragen beantworten (S107) Zum Schluss Wiederholung und Material des Kapitels besprechen Arbeitsheft # 3 (Rückblick Kapitel 1-3) heute fällig Mi, den Hausaufgabe #4: heute fällig Speisekarte anfertigen mit mindestens 5-6 verschiedenen Kategorien wie: Hauptspeisen, Salate/Suppen, Getränke und Nachtische (Preise in Euro und Fotos) Examen 3 (Kapitel 3) Mo, den Kapitel 4. Holidays and Vacations, Christmas Season, Datum und Zahlen wiederholen; Wortschatz (S110/111); Länder und Ferien (S115); deutsche Bundesländer (states) mit Hauptstädten (capitals) (S116) Hörverständnis (S117) Das Perfekt (perfect tense) mit haben (S118), erklären und dann verschiedene Sätze zusammen machen; reguläre und starke Verben Mi, den (S120/121), Űbungen A,B + C, (S124), Űbung G (S122) Perfekt mit sein ; (S121), Hoppla, hier fehlt was! (S122), Ferien, verschiedene Konjunktionen bevor, dass, ob obwohl, weil, wenn (S122/123), Übungen H,I +J auf (S126/127) Do, den Mo, den Talent Show für Studenten im Jazz Lab (target language, poems, skits, songs), etc. If you want to participate in this event, you will receive 10 points for category/culture Vokabelquiz 5 (S111/112) Das Fest/Verschiedenes

8 Mi, den (S130) Vor dem Lesen, dann (S132/133) Da macht das Feiern Spaβ! Lesen, übersetzen und Fragen (S133) Ȕbung B, (S129) Ȕbung O (die Abschlussparty) 10 Sӓtze im Perfekt schreiben Mo, den Vokalquiz 6 (Bundesländer mit Hauptstädten) und Verben im Perfekt) (S134), Ȕbung C oder D, eine Postkarte schreiben wie das Modell Eine Postkarte aus München, Zum Schluss auf (S137) Wiederholung des Kapitels Arbeitsheft #4 (Hand-out: Perfekt) fällig heute Mi, den Examen (Kapitel 4) Mo, den Kapitel 5 (S139) Ӧsterreich (Austria) sprechen. Was wissen Sie über das Land? Wortschatz (S141), dann Ȕbungen zum Thema (S142) Modalverben (S148/149) verschiedene Sӓtze an die Tafel schreiben (S150/151), Ȕbungen H-K (S151), Hoppla hier fehlt was!! Partnerarbeit (S152/153) Sondern und aber erklӓren, Ȕbungen N+O+Q Mi, den (S156) Vor dem Lesen (S157/158) Grűße aus Wien lesen, űbersetzen und Fragen beantworten; Interview: Fragen Sie einen Partner/eine Partnerin (S161) und (S162) Grűße an die Gastfamilie (Brief) lesen und űbersetzen zusammen arbeiten Arbeitsheft #5 (Hand-out: Modalverben) fällig heute Mo, den Hausaufgabe # 5 (Österreich Deutschland Kultur) Mi, den Do. den Fr. den Erntedankfest Thanksgiving Erntedankfest Thanksgiving KEINE SCHULE (no school) Erntedankfest Thanksgiving

9 Mo, den Mi, den Mittwoch,, den 9. Dezember 2015: ABSCHLUSS- EXAMEN (FINALS) Interview für alle Studenten; wir beginnen um Uhr oder früher Bitte machen Sie einen Termin dafür!! Arbeitsheft #6 (Schreiben Sie über Österreich Sie wählen das Topic) fällig heute (S144) Personal Pronomen Tabelle aufschreiben/aufstellen (S145), Ȕbungen A-C, (S146) Im Wiener Cafe lesen Einreichung der Kulturpunkte Wiederholungen der Kapitel 1-5 und Abschluss-Examen besprechen UHR Bitte seien Sie pünktlich!!! Zusammenfassung von Kapitel 1 Kapitel 5 ITINERARY MAY CHANGE (Es kann geändert werden)

Elementary German I. ilrn online workbook, video resources in tutoring lab, TUTORS!!!

Elementary German I. ilrn online workbook, video resources in tutoring lab, TUTORS!!! Elementary German I German 1114 Herbst (Fall) 2014 LA 223 Liberal Arts Building Mo, Mi : 17.30 19.20 Uhr Monika Gerstenlauer-Beiler CRN : 13447 Professor Assistent of German/MA Adjunct Dept. of Modern


Elementary German I. ilrn online workbook, video resources in tutoring lab, TUTORS!!!

Elementary German I. ilrn online workbook, video resources in tutoring lab, TUTORS!!! Elementary German I German 1114 Herbst (Fall) 2013 LA 233 Mo, Mi : 17.30 19.20 Uhr Monika Gerstenlauer-Beiler, MA/Adjunct CRN: 13447 Dept. of Modern Languages CELL: (405) 401-3385 Thatcher Hall 202 UCO:


Elementary German I. Sprechstunde: Mo, We. 5:00 to 5:30 PM in the liberal arts building, room 140

Elementary German I. Sprechstunde: Mo, We. 5:00 to 5:30 PM in the liberal arts building, room 140 Elementary German I German 1114 Herbst (Fall) 2012 LA 140 Mo, Mi : 17.30 19.20 Uhr Monika Gerstenlauer-Beiler, MA/Adjunct CRN:18424 Dept. of Modern Languages CELL: 401-3385 Thatcher Hall 202 mgerstenlauer@uco.edu


Elementary German I. Wie geht s? (Sevin/Sevin), 8th Edition, Thomson/Heinle; Online Workbook/ Lab Manual/Quia (need CD-rom)

Elementary German I. Wie geht s? (Sevin/Sevin), 8th Edition, Thomson/Heinle; Online Workbook/ Lab Manual/Quia (need CD-rom) Elementary German I German 1114 Herbst (Fall) 2012 LAR 233 MoDiMiDo: 1 :00-1 :50 PM Andrea Rodriguez, Adjunct CRN: 18422 Dept. of Modern Languages Thatcher Hall 204 Sprechstunde: Mittwoch (Wednesday) 2:00


Elementary German I. Sprechstunde: T, TH 5:00 to 5:30 PM in the liberal arts building, room 223

Elementary German I. Sprechstunde: T, TH 5:00 to 5:30 PM in the liberal arts building, room 223 Elementary German I German 1114 Spring 2012 LAR 223 T, Th : 5 :30-7 :20 PM Andrea Rodriguez, Adjunct CRN: 26833 Dept. of Modern Languages Thatcher Hall 204 Sprechstunde: T, TH 5:00 to 5:30 PM in the liberal


University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Elementary German II

University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Elementary German II University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Elementary German II GERM 1224 Frühling 2016 LAR 223 Liberal Arts Building Mo.Mi : 17.30-19.20 Uhr Monika Gerstenlauer-Beiler CRN: 23026 Professor


University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Elementary German II

University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Elementary German II Elementary German II German 1224 Frühling 2015 LA 223 Liberal Arts Building Mo.Mi : 17.30-19.20 Uhr Monika Gerstenlauer-Beiler CRN: 23026 Professor Assistant of German/MA Adjunct UCO: 405-974-5845 Dept.


Elementary German II

Elementary German II Elementary German II German 1224 Frühling (Spring) 2013 LA 223 Mo.Mi : 17.30-19.20 Uhr Monika Gerstenlauer-Beiler MA/Adjunct CRN: 28433 Dept. of Modern Languages CELL: 401-3385 Thatcher Hall 22 mgerstenlauer@uco.edu


Elementary German II University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts 100 N. University Drive, Edmond, OK Department of Modern Languages

Elementary German II University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts 100 N. University Drive, Edmond, OK Department of Modern Languages Elementary German II University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts 100 N. University Drive, Edmond, OK Department of Modern Languages GERM 1224 Semester: Frühling 2017 LAR 223 Liberal Arts Building


There are 10 weeks this summer vacation the weeks beginning: June 23, June 30, July 7, July 14, July 21, Jul 28, Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18, Aug 25

There are 10 weeks this summer vacation the weeks beginning: June 23, June 30, July 7, July 14, July 21, Jul 28, Aug 4, Aug 11, Aug 18, Aug 25 Name: AP Deutsch Sommerpaket 2014 The AP German exam is designed to test your language proficiency your ability to use the German language to speak, listen, read and write. All the grammar concepts and


COURSE DESCRIPTION from the UCO Course Catalog: An introduction to German pronunciation, conversation, grammar, reading, and composition.

COURSE DESCRIPTION from the UCO Course Catalog: An introduction to German pronunciation, conversation, grammar, reading, and composition. Elementary German I College of Liberal Arts The University of Central Oklahoma GERM 1114 Frühling(Spring) 2017 LAR 223 MTWR 9-9:50 Mrs. Sharon Topp CRN 21765 Thatcher Hall 204 Email: stopp@uco.edu Office


Elementary German II

Elementary German II Elementary German II German 1224 Frühling 2014 LA 223 Mo.Mi : 17.30-19.20 Uhr Monika Gerstenlauer-Beiler MA/Adjunct CRN: 23026 Dept. of Modern Languages CELL: 401-3385 Thatcher Hall 22 mgerstenlauer@uco.edu


University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Dept. of Modern Languages Elementary German I GERM 1114 Frühjahr (Spring) 2017

University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Dept. of Modern Languages Elementary German I GERM 1114 Frühjahr (Spring) 2017 University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Dept. of Modern Languages Elementary German I GERM 1114 Frühjahr (Spring) 2017 LAR 223 TR 5.30pm-7.20pm Laura A. Collins, M.A. CRN 25721 Thatcher


GRADING: There are 1000 points for the semester.

GRADING: There are 1000 points for the semester. Elementary German I The University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Dept. of Modern Languages GERM 1114 Frühling (Spring) 2016 LAR 223 MTWR 11.00-11.50 a.m. Andrea Rodriguez CRN 24862 Thatcher


COURSE DESCRIPTION from the UCO Course Catalog: An introduction to German pronunciation, conversation, grammar, reading, and composition.

COURSE DESCRIPTION from the UCO Course Catalog: An introduction to German pronunciation, conversation, grammar, reading, and composition. Elementary German I The University of Central Oklahoma German 1114 Herbst (Fall) 2015 LA 223 MTWR 10:00-10:50 a.m. Andrea Rodriguez CRN 16616 Thatcher Hall 204 974-5647 Office hours: Email: arodriguez17@uco.edu


Deutsch Herbst 2013 Introductory German I MWF 8:55-10:05am

Deutsch Herbst 2013 Introductory German I MWF 8:55-10:05am Deutsch 100 - Herbst 2013 Introductory German I MWF 8:55-10:05am Birgit Laramie Comenius C 409 mebim01@moravian.edu Phone: FL Department: 610-861-1697 Office Hours: Wednesday, 10:10-11:10am and by appointment


Deutsch Frühjahr 2012 Introductory German III MWF 8:55-10:05am

Deutsch Frühjahr 2012 Introductory German III MWF 8:55-10:05am Deutsch 110 - Frühjahr 2012 Introductory German III MWF 8:55-10:05am Birgit Laramie Comenius C 409 mebim01@moravian.edu Phone: FL Department: 610-861-1697 Office Hours: Wednesday, 2:00-3:00pm Course description


Hausaufgabe 1-4. Name: If homework late, explanation: Last class homework is being accepted: If correction late, explanation: Student Self-Grading

Hausaufgabe 1-4. Name: If homework late, explanation: Last class homework is being accepted: If correction late, explanation: Student Self-Grading Hausaufgabe 1-4 To Be Filled Out By Instructor Inspected Self-Grade Accepted Lateness of Homework Accepted Instructor s Grade: Name: To Be Filled Out By Student (White Fields Only) Class # due: 1-4 Turned


Deutsch Herbst 2015 Introductory German III. Comenius 405 Phone:

Deutsch Herbst 2015 Introductory German III. Comenius 405 Phone: Deutsch 110 - Herbst 2015 Introductory German III Comenius 405 hildebrandta@moravian.edu Phone: 610-861-1395 Course Description and Objectives German 110 is a continuation of German 105 (Introductory German


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Deutsch Herbst 2010 Introductory German I MWF 7:30-8:40am

Deutsch Herbst 2010 Introductory German I MWF 7:30-8:40am Deutsch 100 - Herbst 2010 Introductory German I MWF 7:30-8:40am Birgit Laramie Comenius C 409 laramieb@moravian.edu Phone: FL Department: 610-861-1697 Office Hours: Wednesday, 9:00-10:00am Course Description


Deutsch Herbst 2012 Introductory German I MWF 8:55-10:05am

Deutsch Herbst 2012 Introductory German I MWF 8:55-10:05am Deutsch 100 - Herbst 2012 Introductory German I MWF 8:55-10:05am Birgit Laramie Comenius C 409 mebim01@moravian.edu Phone: FL Department: 610-861-1697 Office Hours: Wednesday, 10:10-11:10am Course Description


Punctuality is expected. Repeated tardiness will be counted as an absence.

Punctuality is expected. Repeated tardiness will be counted as an absence. German 101 Prof. Kim Vivian Fall 2007 Office: DK 109 MWF 1000-1115 (B Period) Phone: 7606 DK-B2 Office Hours: TTH 0900-1100, and by appointment I. Grading: Participation 10% A+ 100 Homework 10% A 93-99


Deutsch Herbst 2013 Introductory German III. Comenius 405 Phone:

Deutsch Herbst 2013 Introductory German III. Comenius 405 Phone: Deutsch 110 - Herbst 2013 Introductory German III Comenius 405 hildebrandt@moravian.edu Phone: 610-861- 1395 Course Description and Objectives German 110 is a continuation of German 105 (Introductory German


Deutsch Herbst 2014 Introductory German III. Comenius 405 Phone:

Deutsch Herbst 2014 Introductory German III. Comenius 405 Phone: Deutsch 110 - Herbst 2014 Introductory German III Comenius 405 hildebrandta@moravian.edu Phone: 610-861- 1395 Course Description and Objectives German 110 is a continuation of German 105 (Introductory


Deutsch Herbst 2012 Introductory German III. Comenius 405 Phone:

Deutsch Herbst 2012 Introductory German III. Comenius 405 Phone: Deutsch 110 - Herbst 2012 Introductory German III Comenius 405 hildebrandt@moravian.edu Phone: 610-861- 1395 Course Description and Objectives German 110 is a continuation of German 105 (Introductory German


Thatcher Hall Sprechstunde: TR nachmittags und nach Vereinbarung

Thatcher Hall Sprechstunde: TR nachmittags und nach Vereinbarung Elementary German II German 1224 Frühjahr 2015 LA 223 MoDiMiDo 11-11:50 Laura A. Collins, M.A. CRN 23025 Dept. of Modern Languages lcollins@uco.edu Thatcher Hall 204 974-5647 Sprechstunde: TR 12.00-1.00


German translation: technology

German translation: technology A. Starter Write the gender and the English translation for each word, using a dictionary if needed. Gender (der/die/das) German English Handy Computer Internet WLAN-Verbindung Nachricht Drucker Medien


GRADING: There are 1000 points for the semester.

GRADING: There are 1000 points for the semester. Elementary German II The University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Dept. of Modern Languages GERM 1224 Frühling (Spring) 2016 LAR 223 MTWR 10.00-11.50 a.m. Andrea Rodriguez CRN 24862 Thatcher


Introductory German I (Germ 105) Fall 2008

Introductory German I (Germ 105) Fall 2008 Moravian College Foreign Language Department Introductory German I (Germ 105) Fall 2008 Instructor: Martina Buckley Office Hour: Monday 12:45-1:45pm (and by appointment) Office Location: Comenius C 409


Deutsch 110 - Frühjahr 2013 Introductory German III MWF 10:20-11:30am

Deutsch 110 - Frühjahr 2013 Introductory German III MWF 10:20-11:30am Deutsch 110 - Frühjahr 2013 Introductory German III MWF 10:20-11:30am Birgit Laramie Comenius C 410 mebim01@moravian.edu Phone: FL Department: 610-861-1697 Office Hours: Wednesday, 2:00-3:00pm and by appointment


Deutsch Frühjahr 2011 Introductory German II MWF 7:30-8:40am

Deutsch Frühjahr 2011 Introductory German II MWF 7:30-8:40am Deutsch 105 - Frühjahr 2011 Introductory German II MWF 7:30-8:40am Birgit Laramie Comenius C 409 laramieb@moravian.edu Phone: FL Department: 610-861-1697 Office Hours: Wednesday, 10:20-11:20 Course Description


Level 1 German, 2014

Level 1 German, 2014 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2014 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 9.30 am Wednesday 26 November 2014 Credits: Five Achievement


Deutsch Herbst 2013 Introductory German II MWF 7:30-8:40am

Deutsch Herbst 2013 Introductory German II MWF 7:30-8:40am Deutsch 105 - Herbst 2013 Introductory German II MWF 7:30-8:40am Birgit Laramie Comenius C 409 mebim01@moravian.edu Phone: FL Department: 610-861-1697 Office Hours: Wednesday, 10:10-11:10 and by appointment


Thatcher Hall 204 (Office) Telefonummer: Sprechstunde: TR nachmittags und nach Vereinbarung

Thatcher Hall 204 (Office) Telefonummer: Sprechstunde: TR nachmittags und nach Vereinbarung University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Elementary German II German 1224 Herbst 2016 LA 223 DiDo 5.30pm-7.20pm Laura A. Collins, M.A. CRN 12368 Dept. of Modern Languages Email: lcollins@uco.edu


Deutsch Frühjahr 2013 Introductory German II MWF 8:55-10:05am

Deutsch Frühjahr 2013 Introductory German II MWF 8:55-10:05am Deutsch 105 - Frühjahr 2013 Introductory German II MWF 8:55-10:05am Birgit Laramie Comenius C 410 mebim01@moravian.edu Phone: FL Department: 610-861-1697 Office Hours: Wednesday, 2:00-3:00pm and by appointment


Level 2 German, 2013

Level 2 German, 2013 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2013 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German text(s) on familiar matters 9.30 am Monday 11 November 2013 Credits: Five



Englisch-Grundwortschatz Englisch-Grundwortschatz Die 100 am häufigsten verwendeten Wörter also auch so so in in even sogar on an / bei / in like wie / mögen their with but first only and time find you get more its those because


German Fall 2008 German Culture and Reading. Axel Hildebrandt Comenius Phone:

German Fall 2008 German Culture and Reading. Axel Hildebrandt Comenius Phone: German 155 - Fall 2008 German Culture and Reading Axel Hildebrandt Comenius 405 E-mail: hildebrandt@moravian.edu Phone: 610-861-1395 Course Description and Objectives This course is designed to improve



SAMPLE EXAMINATION BOOKLET S SAMPLE EXAMINATION BOOKLET New Zealand Scholarship German Time allowed: Three hours Total marks: 24 EXAMINATION BOOKLET Question ONE TWO Mark There are three questions. You should answer Question One


Deutsch Frühjahr 2010 Introductory German II MWF 7:30-8:40am

Deutsch Frühjahr 2010 Introductory German II MWF 7:30-8:40am Deutsch 105 - Frühjahr 2010 Introductory German II MWF 7:30-8:40am Birgit Laramie Comenius C 409 bmartinez@moravian.edu Phone: FL Department: 610-861-1679 Office Hours: Wednesday, 10:20-11:20 Course Description


Elementary German II German 1224 Frühjahr 2018 LA 223 MoDiMiDo 11-11:50 Hans Rudolf Nollert, Ph. D. CRN 21766

Elementary German II German 1224 Frühjahr 2018 LA 223 MoDiMiDo 11-11:50 Hans Rudolf Nollert, Ph. D. CRN 21766 Elementary German II German 1224 Frühjahr 2018 LA 223 MoDiMiDo 11-11:50 Hans Rudolf Nollert, Ph. D. CRN 21766 Dept. of Modern Languages hnollert@uco.edu Liberal Arts 104F 974-5845 Sprechstunde: Mo-Fr 10.00-11.00


Fachübersetzen - Ein Lehrbuch für Theorie und Praxis

Fachübersetzen - Ein Lehrbuch für Theorie und Praxis Fachübersetzen - Ein Lehrbuch für Theorie und Praxis Radegundis Stolze Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically Fachübersetzen - Ein Lehrbuch für Theorie und Praxis Radegundis Stolze Fachübersetzen


Deutsch 110 - Frühjahr 2010 Introductory German III MWF 8:55-10:05am

Deutsch 110 - Frühjahr 2010 Introductory German III MWF 8:55-10:05am Deutsch 110 - Frühjahr 2010 Introductory German III MWF 8:55-10:05am Birgit Laramie Comenius C 409 bmartinez@moravian.edu Phone: FL Department: 610-861-1679 Office Hours: Wednesday, 10:20-11:20 Course


Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages MFL1: To understand the verb werden and to be able to talk about future plans A) Match the English answers to the German. German Correct Answer English Ich werde spielen Du wirst spielen You will play


Introductory German II (Germ 105) Spring 2008

Introductory German II (Germ 105) Spring 2008 Moravian College Foreign Language Department Introductory German II (Germ 105) Spring 2008 Instructor: Office Hour: Katja Saeuberli Fridays 9:15 10.05 (and by appointment) Office Location: Comenius C 409


Deutsch 110 - Frühling 2014 Introductory German III MWF 10:20-11:30am

Deutsch 110 - Frühling 2014 Introductory German III MWF 10:20-11:30am Deutsch 110 - Frühling 2014 Introductory German III MWF 10:20-11:30am Birgit Laramie Comenius C 409 mebim01@moravian.edu Phone: FL Department: 610-861-1697 Office Hours: Wednesday, 2:00-3:00pm and by appointment


German 1110: Frühlingssemester 2014

German 1110: Frühlingssemester 2014 Die Legende the Legend: German 1110: Frühlingssemester 2014 Das Kapitel the chapter der Tag the day der Kurs the course/class die Hausaufgabe the homework der - start-up/warming-up text der - the review


kennen, kennen lernen, können, möchten, sollen;

kennen, kennen lernen, können, möchten, sollen; 1 Class Meeting 3/10 notes: KURS: 3/10 Strukturen VIII: Possessive Adj. (acc. Case) kennen, kennen lernen, können, möchten, sollen; Lebensmittel S. 98 u. 99 können can/to be able to. Ich kann Du kannst


BIG PICTURE. Vocabulary that you need to know for the exam: Morning routines. Sports. Hobbies. Adjectives. Days of the week

BIG PICTURE. Vocabulary that you need to know for the exam: Morning routines. Sports. Hobbies. Adjectives. Days of the week Yr 7 German Assessment Preparation SUM 1 BIG PICTURE Vocabulary that you need to know for the exam: Morning routines Sports Hobbies Adjectives Days of the week (+ recapping previous knowledge) Conjugation


Registration of residence at Citizens Office (Bürgerbüro)

Registration of residence at Citizens Office (Bürgerbüro) Registration of residence at Citizens Office (Bürgerbüro) Opening times in the Citizens Office (Bürgerbüro): Monday to Friday 08.30 am 12.30 pm Thursday 14.00 pm 17.00 pm or by appointment via the Citizens


Mercedes OM 636: Handbuch und Ersatzteilkatalog (German Edition)

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GERMAN I. HSE-NES BA Program Fall Course description and objectives. Attendance, grading, and make-up policy

GERMAN I. HSE-NES BA Program Fall Course description and objectives. Attendance, grading, and make-up policy GERMAN I Instructor: Irina Kuznetsova i_kuznetsova@nes.ru Class-time: MW 15:10-16:30 Office hours: TBD Course description and objectives German I is an introductory course, designed mainly for students


Englisch Klasse 7 - Name:

Englisch Klasse 7 - Name: Kompetenzen: Unit 1 give information about sports Fit für Tests und Klassenarbeiten: p.5, ex.2+3 // p.10, ex.12+12 // p.11, ex.15 Trainingsheft Kompetenztest Englisch Klasse 7+8: p.10, ex.5 // p.31 English



GERMAN LANGUAGE COURSE SYLLABUS University of Split Department of Professional Studies GERMAN LANGUAGE COURSE SYLLABUS 1 COURSE DETAILS Type of study programme Study programme Course title Course code ECTS (Number of credits allocated)



GERMAN LANGUAGE B II COURSE SYLLABUS University of Split Department of Professional Studies GERMAN LANGUAGE B II COURSE SYLLABUS 1 COURSE DETAILS Type of study programme Study programme Course title Course code ECTS (Number of credits allocated)


English grammar BLOCK F:

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Die Bedeutung neurowissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse für die Werbung (German Edition)

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Englisch Klasse 8 - Name:

Englisch Klasse 8 - Name: Englisch Klasse 8 Name: Kompetenzen: Unit 1 talk about New York City Englisch G 21 A4 p. 1421 Fit für Tests und Klassenarbeiten 4, p. 89, p. 14 ex. 2, p. 15 ex. 3 use the present perfect progressive and


Grade 12: Qualifikationsphase. My Abitur

Grade 12: Qualifikationsphase. My Abitur Grade 12: Qualifikationsphase My Abitur Qualifikationsphase Note 1 Punkte Prozente Note 1 15 14 13 85 % 100 % Note 2 12 11 10 70 % 84 % Note 3 9 8 7 55 % 69 % Note 4 6 5 4 40 % 54 % Note 5 3 2 1 20 % 39


Welcome Day MSc Economics

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Level 2 German, 2016

Level 2 German, 2016 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2016 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German texts on familiar matters 2.00 p.m. Tuesday 29 November 2016 Credits: Five


Martin Luther. Click here if your download doesn"t start automatically

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Handbuch der therapeutischen Seelsorge: Die Seelsorge-Praxis / Gesprächsführung in der Seelsorge (German Edition)

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Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien

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Lektion 9: Konjugation von Verben im Präsens (conjugation of verbs in present tense)

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Die besten Chuck Norris Witze: Alle Fakten über den härtesten Mann der Welt (German Edition)

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VORANSICHT. M 3: Do you like my decorations? Mit einem Kurzilm das Hörverstehen schulen (Klassen 5 bis 10) Die Materialien

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Die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention. Darstellung der Bedeutung (German Edition)

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Haslingden High School MFL Faculty Y8 German Block A Homework In der Stadt

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Level 2 German, 2015

Level 2 German, 2015 91126 911260 2SUPERVISOR S Level 2 German, 2015 91126 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of written and / or visual German text(s) on familiar matters 2.00 p.m. Friday 4 December 2015 Credits: Five


Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien

Harry gefangen in der Zeit Begleitmaterialien Folge 029 Grammatik 1. The pronoun "es" (review) "es" is a pronoun that usually substitutes a neuter noun. Example: Ist das Bett zu hart? - Nein, es ist nicht zu hart. (es = it das Bett = the bed) But:


Reparaturen kompakt - Küche + Bad: Waschbecken, Fliesen, Spüle, Armaturen, Dunstabzugshaube... (German Edition)

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German Extension. Written Examination. Centre Number. Student Number. Total marks 40. Section I Pages 2 5

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Im Fluss der Zeit: Gedanken beim Älterwerden (HERDER spektrum) (German Edition)

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Star Trek: die Serien, die Filme, die Darsteller: Interessante Infod, zusammengestellt aus Wikipedia-Seiten (German Edition)

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Level 1 German, 2016

Level 1 German, 2016 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2016 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Wednesday 23 November 2016 Credits: Five Achievement


G e rma n 1 01 H e r b s t

G e rma n 1 01 H e r b s t G e rma n 1 01 H e r b s t 2 0 0 5 SYLLABUS This syllabus is tentative and does not include every detail of every assignment. As the semester progresses specific assignments may be changed to reflect the


Magic Figures. We note that in the example magic square the numbers 1 9 are used. All three rows (columns) have equal sum, called the magic number.

Magic Figures. We note that in the example magic square the numbers 1 9 are used. All three rows (columns) have equal sum, called the magic number. Magic Figures Introduction: This lesson builds on ideas from Magic Squares. Students are introduced to a wider collection of Magic Figures and consider constraints on the Magic Number associated with such


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30.9. (B) Freitag Vokabeln lernen: Unit 1 Liste 3 Tag (B) Vokabeln lernen: Unit 1 Liste 3 Tag 3 plus Verben: to shine to stand

30.9. (B) Freitag Vokabeln lernen: Unit 1 Liste 3 Tag (B) Vokabeln lernen: Unit 1 Liste 3 Tag 3 plus Verben: to shine to stand German II B @ PHS prelimimary Syllabus 2016-2017: Woche Deutsch II Lernstoff Hausaufgaben für die nächste Klasse (hw for the next class) 30.8. (B) Dienstag K 1.0.1 Einführung / Intro to German II Syllabus,


Hueber. Hörkurs Deutsch für Anfänger. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. A German Audio Course for Beginners. Deutsch Englisch

Hueber. Hörkurs Deutsch für Anfänger. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. A German Audio Course for Beginners. Deutsch Englisch Hueber Deutsch als Fremdsprache Hörkurs Deutsch für Anfänger A German Audio Course for Beginners Deutsch Englisch Begleitheft Contents Lesson 1 Guten Tag or Hallo! Hello and Hi! Greetings and introductions


Exercise (Part V) Anastasia Mochalova, Lehrstuhl für ABWL und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Kath. Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt 1

Exercise (Part V) Anastasia Mochalova, Lehrstuhl für ABWL und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Kath. Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt 1 Exercise (Part V) Notes: The exercise is based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. For all screenshots: Copyright Microsoft Corporation. The sign ## is you personal number to be used in all exercises. All


Killy Literaturlexikon: Autoren Und Werke Des Deutschsprachigen Kulturraumes 2., Vollstandig Uberarbeitete Auflage (German Edition)

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Kursbuch Naturheilverfahren: Curriculum der Weiterbildung zur Erlangung der Zusatzbezeichnung Naturheilverfahren (German Edition)

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Sveučilište u Splitu Sveučilišni odjel za stručne studije GERMAN LANGUAGE B I COURSE SYLLABUS ACADEMIC YEAR 2013/2014

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Exercise (Part XI) Anastasia Mochalova, Lehrstuhl für ABWL und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Kath. Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt 1

Exercise (Part XI) Anastasia Mochalova, Lehrstuhl für ABWL und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Kath. Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt 1 Exercise (Part XI) Notes: The exercise is based on Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. For all screenshots: Copyright Microsoft Corporation. The sign ## is you personal number to be used in all exercises. All


Where are we now? The administration building M 3. Voransicht

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Selbstlernmodul bearbeitet von: begonnen: Inhaltsverzeichnis:

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Level 1 German, 2015

Level 1 German, 2015 90886 908860 1SUPERVISOR S Level 1 German, 2015 90886 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of German texts on areas of most immediate relevance 2.00 p.m. Thursday 26 November 2015 Credits: Five Achievement


University of Split Department of Professional Studies GERMAN LANGUAGE B II COURSE SYLLABUS

University of Split Department of Professional Studies GERMAN LANGUAGE B II COURSE SYLLABUS University of Split Department of Professional Studies GERMAN LANGUAGE B II COURSE SYLLABUS 1 COURSE DETAILS Type of study programme Study programme Course title Course code ECTS (Number of credits allocated)


Willkommen zurück in Wellesley. Dialoge: Introduction

Willkommen zurück in Wellesley. Dialoge: Introduction Prof T. Hansen Frühjahr 2007 Mein Büro: FND 412 E-mail: thansen@wellesley.edu Deutsch 102, Beginning German 102.2 Mo., Mi., Do.: 9:50 11:00 Uhr; Founders 121 Sprechstunde: Mo. und Mi.: 11:00-11:45; Mo


Hardwarekonfiguration an einer Siemens S7-300er Steuerung vornehmen (Unterweisung Elektriker / - in) (German Edition)

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BIG PICTURE. Vocabulary that you need to know for the exam: Personal plans for the future. Reasons. What you would do if you could

BIG PICTURE. Vocabulary that you need to know for the exam: Personal plans for the future. Reasons. What you would do if you could Yr 9 German Assessment Preparation SUM 1 BIG PICTURE Vocabulary that you need to know for the exam: Personal plans for the future Reasons What you would do if you could Cultural knowledge about German


Jägersprache, Wildkunde und Begriffe aus der Jagd: Schwerpunkt Jägerprüfung Rotwild, Rehwild, Gamswild, Steinwild, Muffelwild (German Edition)

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Hausaufgabe 6-7. To be filled out by student: If homework late, what are the reasons: If correction late, what are the reasons:

Hausaufgabe 6-7. To be filled out by student: If homework late, what are the reasons: If correction late, what are the reasons: Hausaufgabe 6-7 Homework due: 6-8 Last day of acceptance of homework: 6-4 Correction due: 6-10 Last day of acceptance of correction: 7-1 To be filled out by student: If homework late, what are the reasons:


Was heißt Denken?: Vorlesung Wintersemester 1951/52. [Was bedeutet das alles?] (Reclams Universal-Bibliothek) (German Edition)

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Unterwegs mit einem Engel: Mit dem Buch Tobit durch die Fastenzeit bis Ostern (HERDER spektrum) (German Edition)

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