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1 Erwachsenenbildung LLP-2009-DE-LEONARDO-LMP 1

2 Erwachsenenbildung ( LLP-2009-DE-LEONARDO-LMP) Projektinformationen Titel: Projektnummer: Erwachsenenbildung LLP-2009-DE-LEONARDO-LMP Jahr: 2009 Projekttyp: Status: Land: Zusammenfassung: Beschreibung: Innovationsentwicklung bewilligt EU-Zentralisierte Projekte Die Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung spielt eine entscheidende Rolle für die strategische Entwicklung in jeder Organisation. Dies gilt insbesondere für jene Organisationen deren Business Konzept auf dem Wissen hochqualifizierter Mitarbeiter beruht, wie Weiterbildungsinstitutionen die abhängig sind von innovativen und organisatorischen Managementkonzepten. Eine effektive und gezielte Kommunikation sowie Wissensaustausch ist ein entscheidender Vorteil. Dies ist jedoch nur möglich, wenn eine gewisse Organisationskultur gepflegt wird, die auf flachen Hierarchien und sich selbstorganisierenden Teams basiert. SVEA richtet sich daher ganz gezielt an die Kooperations- und Web 2.0 Fähigkeiten von Lehrern und Trainern in der beruflichen Weiterbildung sowie in der Erwachsenenbildung mit einem speziellen Fokus auf die Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung. Die im Rahmen von SVEA angebotenen Trainings sollen die Trainer und Lehrer nicht nur dazu befähigen die Prozesse innerhalb ihrer Organisationen weiter zu entwickeln, sondern sie auch gleichzeitig darin zu bestärken, diese Instrumente im Rahmen ihrer Kurse einzusetzen und so ein lernerzentriertes Lernen zu ermöglichen. SVEA is focussing on the promotion of web 2.0 uptake for organisational and personnel development in VET and adult training. 1. Background Personnel and organisational development plays a significant role for the strategic development of every organisation. Especially in organisations whose business concept foots on the knowledge of highly qualified employees such as training institutions are dependent on innovative personnel and organisational management concepts. An effective and targetoriented communication and knowledge exchange is an important asset but is only possible with an organisational culture away from the hierarchical model towards flat hierarchies and self-organisation of teams. SVEA addresses the collaboration and web 2.0 skills of teachers and trainers in VET and adult training institutions with a special focus on personnel and organisational development. Trainings will not only empower teachers and trainers within their organisation enabling them to actively co-develop their organisational processes within their organisation; but at the same time will also enable them use these tools for learner-centred teaching. 2. Outputs -Online and face to face trainings on organisational development with web Training material such as guideline on successful implementation of web 2.0 in training institutions - Report on web 2.0 uptake in VET and adult training institutions - Platform offering Web 2.0 tools 3. Results - Developing and promoting new forms of working, qualification and communication processes through the usage of innovative, net-based technologies - Upgrading e-skills in VET and adult training institutions with regard to personnel and organisational development 4. Impact on -Target group: Upgrading web 2.0 and collaboration competences of teachers and trainers 2

3 Erwachsenenbildung ( LLP-2009-DE-LEONARDO-LMP) Projektinformationen -VET and adult training institutions: more efficient organsational processes and improved services which leads to visibility and greater competitiveness - Educational system: further development towards design for all/co-develop approaches The project consortium consists of the following partners: Coordinator: MFG Medienentwicklung Baden-Württemberg mbh (D) Partners: CSP Innovazione nelle ICT s.c.a.r.l. (I) EuroPACE ivzw (B) Fundación para el Desarollo de la Ciencia y Tecnología (ES) Coleg Sir Gar (UK) Themen: Sektoren: Produkt Typen: Produktinformation: Projektwebseite: *** IKT *** Lebenslanges Lernen *** Fernlehre *** Weiterbildung ** Nachhaltigkeit ** Anerkennung, Transparenz, Zertifizierung *** Erbringung von Sonstigen Wirtschaftlichen Dienstleistungen ** Information und Kommunikation ** Erziehung und Unterricht Unterlagen für offenen Unterricht Lehrmaterial Module Fernlehre Homepage The following products will developed during the project: -Online and face to face trainings on organisational development with web Training material such as guideline on successful implementation of web 2.0 in training institutions - Report on web 2.0 uptake in VET and adult training institutions - Platform offering Web 2.0 tools 3

4 Erwachsenenbildung ( LLP-2009-DE-LEONARDO-LMP) Vertragnehmer Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: MFG Medienentwicklung Baden-Württemberg mbh Stuttgart Baden Württemberg DE-Deutschland Öffentliche Einrichtung Kontaktperson Name: Adresse: Stadt: Land: Telefon: Fax: Petra Newrly Breitscheidstrasse 4 Stuttgart DE-Deutschland 4

5 Erwachsenenbildung ( LLP-2009-DE-LEONARDO-LMP) Koordinator Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: MFG Medienentwicklung Baden-Württemberg mbh Stuttgart Baden Württemberg DE-Deutschland Öffentliche Einrichtung Kontaktperson Name: Adresse: Stadt: Land: Telefon: Fax: Petra Newrly Breitscheidstrasse 4 Stuttgart DE-Deutschland 5

6 Partner Partner 1 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Fundecyt - Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Ciencia y Tecnología Badajoz Extremadura ES-Spanien Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation Partner 2 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: CSP Innovazione nelle ICT s.c.a r.l. Turin Piemonte IT-Italien Forschungseinrichtung Partner 3 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Coleg Sir Gar Llanelli Wales UK-Vereinigtes Königreich Universität/Fachhochschule/Akademie Partner 4 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: EuroPACE ivzw Heverlee Vlaams Brabant BE-Belgien Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation 6

7 Projektdateien 2009_2782_FR_SVEA_pub.pdf SVEA Final Report Public Part 7

8 Produkte Project website Project Wiki Conference Report Public dissemination report with web 2.0 guideline Report on regional need analysis Platform with web 2.0 tools Training concept Web 2.0 training material Exploitation plan Annual activity report Evaluation Report Final conference Twitter Channel SVEA Public Progress Report SVEA Final Report Public Part 8

9 Produkt 'Project website' Titel: Project website Produkttyp: Homepage Beschreibung: The Website of the project will be useful to keep update and public the information on ongoing activities, training meetings and project results. Zielgruppe: teachers and trainers in VET and adult training institutions; stakeholders in the European Commission; project consortium Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: Englisch 9

10 Produkt 'Project Wiki' Produkttyp: Titel: Project Wiki Beschreibung: For the internal knowledge management a project wiki will be developed. The combination of virtual and real life collaboration tools has proven extremely valuable, when cooperating with partners from different European countries and from overseas. Whereas in real life meetings, such as workshops and conferences, stakeholders have the opportunity to exchange directly and go into detailed discussions on particular topics, virtual collaboration tools reach a much larger audience. Zielgruppe: project consortium Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: 10

11 Produkt 'Conference Report' Produkttyp: Titel: Conference Report Beschreibung: The SVEA project will be presented by the consortium at least at 3 international conferences during the latter half of the project. During these conferences activities, results and lessonlearned will we presented to the audience Zielgruppe: wider audience Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: 11

12 Produkt 'Public dissemination report with web 2.0 guideline' Produkttyp: Titel: Public dissemination report with web 2.0 guideline Beschreibung: The public dissemination report will gather project results, experiences, lesson learned during the project. Moreover one part of this deliverable will be the Web 2.0 guideline. It will be published in Italian, Spanish, Dutch, German and English. The Web 2.0 guideline is a synthesis of the training material and the lessons learned during the project. It will allow training institutions to take the first steps for integrating web 2.0. Zielgruppe: teachers and trainers in VET and adult training institutions; stakeholders in the field of VET and adult education; wider audience Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: product files Web_2_0_Guideline_FINAL_web_version.pdf SVEA Web 2.o Guidelines - How to integrate Social Media in your Training Institution and Practice 12

13 Produkt 'Report on regional need analysis' Titel: Report on regional need analysis Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: This report will summarise the results of the regional analysis on needs and profile of hypotetical target for the project. Zielgruppe: VET institutions, public authorities, adult training centres, trainers Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: Englisch product files _Baden-Württemberg Regional Needs Analysis Report.pdf Baden-Württemberg Regional Needs Analysis _Wales_Regional_Needs_Analysis_Report.pdf Wales Regional Needs Analysis _Extremadura_Regional_Needs_Analysis_Report.pdf Extremadura Regional Needs Analysis EuroPACE_regional_report_final.pdf Vlaams-Brabant Regional Needs Analysis SVEA_Piemonte_regional_analysis_report_def.pdf Piemonte Regional Needs Analysis SVEA Regional Needs Analysis.pdf SVEA Regional Needs Analysis 13

14 Produkt 'Platform with web 2.0 tools' Titel: Platform with web 2.0 tools Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: Platform in order to share/promote knowledge within an organisation with following functions: - Search: allow users to search for other users or content - Links: group similar users or content together - Authoring: include blogs and wikis - Tags: allow users to tag content - Extensions: recommendations of users or content based on profile - Signals: allow people to subscribe to users or content with RSS feeds - e-portfolio Zielgruppe: VET and adult training institutions On the SVEA platform you will find a full set of Web 2.0 functionalities and 10 learning modules on Web 2.0. Two of them (Facebook for Teachers and Online Learning) are also available in German, Italian and Spanish. Users can have a look and share their ideas and thoughts with other users about the content provided inside each group! Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: Englisch 14

15 Produkt 'Training concept' Produkttyp: Titel: Training concept Beschreibung: CSG will develop the training concept. The training concept will cover the following: - Introduction to virtual team management - Introduction to knowledge management with focus on web 2.0 tools - Introduction to e-moderation in virtual classrooms - Web 2.0 for the organisational development - Technical aspects of web 2.0 Zielgruppe: stakeholders in the field of VET and adult education; teachers and trainers in VET and adult training. Anwendungsbereich: VET and adult training institutions interested in implementing blended learning trainings by using social media tools. Produktsprachen: 15

16 Produkt 'Web 2.0 training material' Titel: Web 2.0 training material Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Beschreibung: The training material will be developed by CSG on the basis of the training concept. MFG will support the transfer of the content into multimedia such as podcasts and video-files. Zielgruppe: stakeholders in the field of VET and adult education; teachers and trainers in VET and adult training; wider audience. Anwendungsbereich: VET and adult training trainers interested in enlarging their knowledge about the use of social media tools in training environment Produktsprachen: 16

17 Produkt 'Exploitation plan' Produkttyp: Titel: Exploitation plan Beschreibung: SVEA aims at the widest possible dissemination and exploitation of results, also beyond the participating regions and the project duration. SVEA will also take into account various dissemination channels in order to target the end users. The exploitation plan will: - identify interested sectors and end users, and their needs - ensure consultation and involvement of end users in the project life The aim of the exploitation plan will be: - The project results will be assessed with regard to exploitation and funding possibilities - Consideration of web 2.0 experts and relevant organizations in the educational field at the regional, national and European level - Transferability of project results to other regional contexts and sectors - Identification of funding possibilities for follow up activities The exploitation plan will also include possible follow up activities designed to ensure the continuing visibility, accessibility and use of the results after the end of the project, to ensure maximum impact and sustainability. A consultant will evaluate the project results and will give advice on possible follow up addition, the web 2.0 platform is based on open source and is therefore free and accessible. Zielgruppe: stakeholders in the European Commission; project consortium Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: 17

18 Produkt 'Annual activity report' Produkttyp: Titel: Annual activity report Beschreibung: All partners will be provided with an annual activity report - a concise summary and review of accomplished, ongoing and to be implemented actions. The report will be provided timely before the evaluation meeting take place. Zielgruppe: project consortium Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: 18

19 Produkt 'Evaluation Report' Produkttyp: Titel: Evaluation Report Beschreibung: It outlines all the outcomes collected during the activities of the Quality management plan. This plan will help to monitor and control the level of quality produced by the project, to ensure that the quality targets will be met and will cover quality control and quality assurance of the SVEA project. The Quality Management Plan is a guideline for reporting quality control and assurance problems. Zielgruppe: European stakeholders; project consortium. Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: 19

20 Produkt 'Final conference' Produkttyp: Titel: Final conference Beschreibung: All the documentation produced for the final conference plus an overview on activities realized during it will be collected. Zielgruppe: teachers and trainers in VET and adult training institutions; stakeholders in the European Commission; wider public. The Next Generation Learning Conference involved about 65 participants from all over Europe and offered them a unique opportunity to discuss the benefits arising from the growing use of social media in vocational and adult training The conference was the final event of the EU-funded project SVEA and took place 23 November 2011 in Brussels, Belgium. Key note speakers Godelieve Van den Brande (European Commission), Gráinne Conole (University of Leicester, UK) and Helen Keegan (University of Salford, UK) presented their view on the Future of Learning. Two parallel workshops explored on the one hand what managers of vocational and adult training institutions have to change to optimise their organisational processes with the use of social media and on the other hand how trainers can overcome resistance and benefit from the integration of social media. The conference was closed with an interactive fishbowl discussion allowing all participants to discuss whether social media are a new hype or a revolution that will shape the way we learn. Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: 20

21 Produkt 'Twitter Channel' Titel: Twitter Channel Produkttyp: andere The SVEA Twitter Channel serves the project as a further dissemination tool to inform the public on the project development but also on current information on Web 2.0 in further education. Beschreibung: SVEA Twitter Channel to inform on the project and on other interesting news related to the project. Zielgruppe: teachers and trainers in VET and adult training institutions; relevant stakeholders; people interested in Web 2.0 uptake in training Anwendungsbereich: Produktsprachen: Englisch 21

22 Produkt 'SVEA Public Progress Report' Titel: SVEA Public Progress Report Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: SVEA Public Progress Report gives an overview of the first year of the project activities the SVEA consortium has carried out during the first year of the project. Zielgruppe: Stakeholder, trainers, managers from the VET and adult training sector Anwendungsbereich: VET and adult training institutions Produktsprachen: Englisch product files SVEA Progress Report_Public Part.pdf SVEA public progress report 22

23 Produkt 'SVEA Final Report Public Part' Titel: SVEA Final Report Public Part Produkttyp: andere Beschreibung: The SVEA Final Report Public Part gives an overview on the project main results, products and lessons learned. Zielgruppe: trainers, managers from the VET and adult training sector Anwendungsbereich: Vocational Education Training, Further Education and Adult Training sector Produktsprachen: Englisch product files 2009_2782_FR_SVEA_pub.pdf

24 Veranstaltungen Next Generation Learning Datum Beschreibung The Next Generation Learning Conference will offer you a unique chance to discuss the new opportunities arising from the use of social media in the field of vocational and adult training. Three internationally recognised keynote speakers will provide an insight in the trends that will shape learning in the future. During the two interactive workshops that follow, you will be able to join in discussions with the speakers and other experienced practitioners. In the workshop targeting managers of vocational and adult training institutions a focus will be put on how social media can be used to optimize organizational processes in training institutions. The workshop tailored towards the needs of trainers will concentrate on the benefits of using web 2.0 tools in the delivery of vocational and adult training courses. The Next Generation Learning Conference is the final output of the SVEA project and it is open to all learning practitioners as trainers, curriculum designers, directors and managers of training institutions. Funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning programme, the SVEA project has developed new opportunities for institutions and trainers to set up blended learning environments and has developed training modules on the use of social media in training. Both the online environment and the modules will be presented during the conference. The Next Generation Learning Conference is free of charge. A detailed program can be found here Online registration is open till 16 November 2011 at this address Zielgruppe Öffentlich Kontaktinformation Trainers, curriculum designers, directors and managers of training institutions Öffentliche Veranstaltung Zeitpunkt und Ort 23 November from 1 pm till 8 pm Representation of the State of Baden-Württemberg to the EU Rue Belliard Brussels 24

25 Project Tags The project belongs to the following group(s): Best Projects ( 24


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NEWSLETTER. FileDirector Version 2.5 Novelties. Filing system designer. Filing system in WinClient

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Entwicklung und Erprobung von E-Learning-Modulen zur Schulung von Lehrern der beruflichen Bildung als E-Tutoren in Europa

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Qualitätssicherungsrahmen für die Personen, die in Ausbildung und Prüfung auf dem Gebiet der Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen

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Algorithms for graph visualization

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Programming : Blind people in Qualification

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SELF-STUDY DIARY (or Lerntagebuch) GER102

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ATLAS - Assessment and Training of LAbour market related Social Skills

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Contents. Interaction Flow / Process Flow. Structure Maps. Reference Zone. Wireframes / Mock-Up

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INVOCO - International Student Courses to Improve Vocational Skills

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Qualitätsmanagementsysteme in Einrichtungen der beruflichen Bildung im europäischen Vergleich

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p^db=`oj===pìééçêíáåñçêã~íáçå= p^db=`oj===pìééçêíáåñçêã~íáçå= Error: "Could not connect to the SQL Server Instance" or "Failed to open a connection to the database." When you attempt to launch ACT! by Sage or ACT by Sage Premium for


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HIR Method & Tools for Fit Gap analysis

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The Master of Science Entrepreneurship and SME Management

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job and career at CeBIT 2015

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Internet-basierte textile Ausbildung Labor

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Business English: Kompetenzorientiertes Lernen im Blended Learning Format. A Simulation Course in Entrepreneurship. Lehrideen an der H-BRS

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job and career at IAA Pkw 2015

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Üben Sie in einer alltäglichen Aufgabeumwelt für Elektronik und Elektrizitätstudenten

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Schaffung eines auf Kompetenzen beruhenden Systems des Personalmanagements im Bereich der beruflichen Weiterbildung

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job and career for women 2015

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megadigitale media based teaching and learning at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Project to implement the elearning-strategie studiumdigitale

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European Business Skills

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Visionen für die Betriebliche Weiterbildung

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Magic Figures. We note that in the example magic square the numbers 1 9 are used. All three rows (columns) have equal sum, called the magic number.

Magic Figures. We note that in the example magic square the numbers 1 9 are used. All three rows (columns) have equal sum, called the magic number. Magic Figures Introduction: This lesson builds on ideas from Magic Squares. Students are introduced to a wider collection of Magic Figures and consider constraints on the Magic Number associated with such


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ISO 15504 Reference Model

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Transfer von experimentellen und innovativen Lehrmethoden für betriebswirtschaftlichen Ausbildung

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