Snom 3xx/7xx Serie. Manuelle Neukonfiguration. Dokumentenversion 1.0

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1 Snom 3xx/7xx Serie Manuelle Neukonfiguration Dokumentenversion 1.0

2 Snom 3xx/7xx Serie Mauelle Neukonfiguration Copyright Hinweis Copyright 2016 finocom AG Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Jegliche technische Dokumentation, die von der finocom AG (Placetel) zur Verfügung gestellt wird ist urheberrechtlich geschützt und proprietär. Die Veröffentlichung dieses Dokumentes unterliegt der Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung der finocom AG (Placetel). Kein Teil dieser Veröffentlichung darf ohne ausdrückliche schriftliche Genehmigung der finocom AG (Placetel) dupliziert, kopiert, weitergegeben oder in irgendeiner anderen Form zugängig gemacht werden. Die finocom AG (Placetel) behält sich das Recht vor, Änderungen ohne vorherige Ankündigung vorzunehmen. Schutzmarken Alle in diesem Dokument erwähnten Produktnamen können Warenzeichen oder eingetragene Warenzeichen der jeweiligen Firmen sein und werden hiermit anerkannt FINOCOM AG / PLACETEL SEITE 2

3 1 Snom 3xx/7xx Serie Manuelle Neukonfiguration WARNING: THIS PROCEDURE DESCRIBES HOW TO MANUALLY RECONFIGURE A SNOM IP PHONE TO WORK ON THE PLACETAL UC-ONE NETWORK. ONCE THIS PROCEDURE HAS BEEN COMPLETED, ANY PRIOR CONFIGURATION SETTINGS ON THE DEVICE WILL BE OVERWRITTEN, INCLUDING THE ADMINISTRATOR PASSWORD, AND THE DEVICE WILL ONLY BE USABLE ON THE PLACETEL UC-ONE NETWORK. THE DEVICE MUST BE RETURNED TO THE SNOM FACTORY DEFAULT CONFIGURATION BEFORE IT CAN BE USED ON ANY NETWORK OTHER THAN PLACETEL UC-ONE. Reset the Snom IP phone to Factory Defaults before continuing. This step is vital to remove all previous settings that may interface with you Placetel UC-One service. For Models: 300/320/370/720/760 Factory Default Instructions: 1. From a factory defaulted Snom IP phone, use the up/down arrow dial to select your language and press the check mark button. a. Note: for the snom 300 press the up arrow to get the menu. 2. Use the up/down arrow dial to select the Time Zone for your phone and press the check mark button. 3. Use the up/down arrow dial to select the Tone Scheme for your phone and press the check mark button. 4. From the Welcome screen, press the Menu button. 5. From the Settings menu, press the Network (number 4) or use the up/down arrow dial to select Network and press the check mark button. 6. From the Network menu, press the IP Settings (number 1) or use the up/down arrow dial to select IP Settings and press the check mark button. 7. From the IP Address menu, press the X button to reveal the IP address. 8. Record the IP Address. 9. From a browser on your PC, on the same LAN enter the IP Address of the phone. 10. From the phone web GUI home screen click on the Advanced option under setup. 11. From the web GUI Advanced Settings screen click the Update tab. 12. In the Update Policy drop down menu select the Update automatically option. 13. Using the numeric keypad, enter the following case sensitive URL: For EMEA: Click the PhP Config radio button to off. 15. Click the Apply button. 16. Click the Reboot button. 17. Click the Yes button to confirm and begin the reboot sequence FINOCOM AG / PLACETEL SEITE 3

4 Once the boot process has completed, the device will be provisioned for use in the Placetel UC-One network. If the station assignment process was properly completed prior to the reboot, the device will boot into a station specific assigned/usable state. If not, the device will boot into a default unassigned/unusable state, and will remain in this state until the site administrator has completed the station assignment process. If this occurs, contact your site administrator and request that station assignment be completed for the device in question FINOCOM AG / PLACETEL SEITE 4

5 Placetel UC-One ist ein Dienst der finocom AG Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer Köln

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1.1 Wichtige Informationen

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