Institut für Sportwissenschaft und Sport

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1 Institut für Sportwissenschaft und Sport Studiengangbezeichnung und Titel: Beginn: Studiendauer: Physical Activity and Health/ Master of Arts Wintersemester 0/0, danach jeweils jährlich zum Oktober 4 Semester Regelstudienzeit Anzahl der ECTS-Leistungspunkte: 0 Module: 14 Anzahl der Studienplätze: ca. 15 Institution: Studiengangleitung: Verantwortlich für die Lehre: Verantwortlich für die Organisation: Fachgebiete: Zielgruppe: Studientyp: Studienbeiträge: Department Psychologie und Sport Institut für Sportwissenschaft und Sport (ISS) Gebbertstrasse 3b 105 Erlangen Dr. K. Abu-Omar & Dr. E. Freiberger Prof. Dr. K. Pfeifer/ Prof. Dr. A. Rütten Dr. K. Abu-Omar / Dr. E. Freiberger Sportwissenschaft Absolventen aus (BA-) Studiengängen mit Schwerpunkt Bewegung bzw. Sport und/oder Gesundheitsförderung Vollzeitstudiengang, forschungsorientiert 500.-! pro Semester plus Studentenwerksbeitrag Präambel: In den einzelnen Veranstaltungen ist der Workload der Study Time unterschiedlich gewichtet. Daraus ergeben sich Unterschiede in den Berechnungen des Arbeitsaufwands zwischen den Modulen. 1

2 1.1. Modulkatalog 1 Modul 1 Introduction into Physical Activity and Public Health ECTS 2 Lehrveranstaltungen 3 Modulverantwortlicher Dr. Abu-Omar Lecture 1: Introduction to public health Lecture 2: Introduction into physical activity and public health Seminar 1: Introduction into physical activity and public health 4 Dozenten Prof. Rütten, Dr. Abu-Omar, Dr. Gelius, Frahsa - The concepts of Public Health/ New Public Health - Models of Public Health (salutogenic and pathogenic orientation) - Structures for applying Public Health principles (e.g. RKI, local health authorities) - Scientific approaches to Public Health (epidemiology, behavioural medicine, medical sociology) - Examples of good Practice in Public Health (case studies) - Current topics in Public Health (e.g. obesity and physical activity) - Concepts of Physical activity: Exercise, Physical activity, HEPA, Movement - Epidemiology of PA: PA and Health - Intervention approaches to promote PA: individual- and population based interventions - Case studies: Good practice in PA promotion Students learn the basic principles of Public Health. They should be capable to describe models and structures of Public Health. Further, they should gain a basic understanding on how Public Health and its concepts are applied in prevention and health promotion activities. Students also learn to distinguish theoretical concepts of physical activity and describe the health effects of these concepts. Further, students learn about basic principles of physical activity promotion and existing evidence/recommendations for strategies of physical activity promotion. Students acquire a basic understanding of good practice in physical activity promotion. 1 st Semester None 11 Dauer des Moduls 1 semester Lecture 1: Lecture 2: Seminar 1: Final exam (0 min.) Pass/Fail Pass/Fail 13 Berechnung Modulnote Lecture 1: Graded 100% Class time: 5 SWS = 75h Study time: 150h 2

3 3

4 1 Modul 2 Health Enhancing Exercise I ECTS-Punkte 2 Lehrveranstaltungen Seminar: Basics in Exercise for Health and PT Seminar/Practice : Technical Skills in Exercise for Health and PT 1 Seminar & Practice: Basics in Kinesiology Modulverantwortlicher Dr. Freiberger 4 Dozenten Dr. Freiberger, Prof. Pfeifer e - Self-awareness of exercise in respect to rehabilitation regarding effects on physical, psychological and social dimensions - Examples of best practice to enhance physical, psychological and social dimensions through exercise and physical activity - Basics to structure exercise interventions for the improvement of self efficacy, improvement of emotional qualities (well-being), relaxation, and physical dimensions - Techniques for patient education and behaviour modification and their combination with exercise interventions and practical skill (endurance, strength, flexibility, coordination, games) - Basics in motor control, motor learning and trainings methods This module will provide a basis for applying evidence based exercise in respect to rehabilitation, and will provide an opportunity to apply selfawareness in respect to exercise in an group based intervention. Students will demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge of the linkage between physical activity and health. At the end of this module students will demonstrate knowledge about the structure, methods and contents of multimodal exercise interventions. Students will be able to design, implement and critically adapt methods for the goal-directed strengthening of psychosocial and physical health resources in exercise intervention and demonstrate to handle their complexity. This comprises the reflection of physical, cognitive-behavioural and emotional intervention techniques as well as their practical experience. 1 st Semester None 11 Dauer des Moduls 1 Semester 13 Berechnung Modulnote Seminar 100% Seminar: final exam (graded) and presentation (pass/fail) Seminar/Practice: term paper or presentation (pass/fail) Seminar/Practice: term paper or presentation (pass/fail) Class time: 5 SWS = 75h Study time: 150 h 4

5 1 Modul 3 Rehabilitation Science ECTS-Punkte 2 Lehrveranstaltungen Lecture 1: Introduction to Rehabilitation Sciences Lecture 2: Medical Rehabilitation Seminar 1: Interdisciplinary Aspects in Rehabilitation 3 Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Pfeifer 4 Dozenten Prof. Pfeifer, Dr. Freiberger, Dr. Schupp, Dr. Gerling, Prof. Bernd Kladny - International Classification of Function (ICF), pathogenetic vs. salutogenetic health models - Rehabilitation concepts, structures, institutions (e.g. BAR, DVfR, EFRR, IR etc.), legal aspects etc. - Interdisciplinary methods and contents in rehabilitation: medical, social, vocational, psychological and exercise rehabilitation, patient education and empowerment etc. - Basics in medical rehabilitation (aetiology, pathogeneses, symptoms and syndromes of relevant diseases) - Differences of indications and target groups ( classical disabilities vs. chronic diseases, children vs. older adults, gender aspects etc.) - Models and concepts to influence health related behaviour and life style Students will learn the differentiation between historical, current, and emerging theories and models in rehabilitation and their practical application/implementation. At the end of the course they will be able to demonstrate a systematic approach to representative methodological issues and research areas in rehabilitation with special focus on the live span, gender specific as well as working specific aspects. Students will acquire basic knowledge of theoretical models and intervention concepts in rehabilitation, about target groups and indications specific aspects in rehabilitation as well as of organisation and process management in rehabilitation. They will be capable to describe and analyze the system of and interventions in rehabilitation and can understand goals and concepts of rehabilitation science 1 st Semester None 11 Dauer des Moduls 1 Semester Lecture 1 u. 2: Final exam (0 min.) Seminar 1: Term paper or presentation (pass/fail) 13 Berechnung Modulnote Lecture 1 u. 2: Graded 100% Class time: 6 SWS = 0h Study time: 135h 5

6 1 Modul 4 Basics in Methodology ECTS Punkte 2 Lehrveranstaltungen 3 Modulverantwortlicher Dr. Abu-Omar 4 Dozent Dr. Abu-Omar Lecture 1: Methodology in Health Sciences Seminar 1: Quantitative Research (fieldwork) Seminar 2: Qualitative Research (fieldwork) - What are qualitative and quantitative methods? - Study designs and the production of knowledge - Principles of research in Epidemiology, Public Health, Prevention and Rehabilitation - From evidence based medicine to participatory action research - Collecting and analyzing quantitative survey data (descriptive and multivariate data analysis) - Performing a participant observation and analyzing its outcomes Students learn the basic principles of conducting research, collecting data, and analyzing data. Further, they should be able to differentiate between qualitative and quantitative research methods, and be able to select the appropriate research methods according to a posed problem. The accompanying seminars should provide students with first hand experience in collecting, handling, and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. 1 st and 2 nd semester None 11 Dauer des Moduls 2 Semester Lecture 1: Seminar 1: Seminar 2: 13 Berechnung Modulnote Seminar 1: Graded 100% Class time: Study time: Final Exam (0 min.; pass/fail)) Field work and report (graded) Field work and report (pass/fail) 6 SWS = 0h 135h 6

7 1 Modul 5 Communication and Cooperative Planning 2 Lehrveranstaltungen 3 Modulverantwortlicher Dr. Gelius, Frahsa Lecture 1: Introduction into Communication and Interaction Seminar 1: Cooperative Planning Seminar 2: Cross-cultural differences in communication shake hands in different cultures 4 Dozenten Frahsa, Dr. Gelius The concepts and models of communication and interaction will be the first step to be able to describe and analyze communication and interaction. One major topic is human communication in developing relationships, factors affecting human communication behaviour in relationships, more effectiveness communication in relationships. Another topic is interaction patterns for coming together, interaction patterns and the maintenance of relationships, and interaction patterns for coming apart Scenarios are a useful base of communication for planning discussions. This meets the concept of an open, interactive process of planning cooperative planning. Students learn about basic principles of cooperative planning and existing best practice models. Furthermore how to manage a cooperative planning process. Especially the interactive cycle between the scientific/political protagonists and those in the field of application. Recommended to Allison: As we move into cultures distinct from our own, we may come to realize that our ways of seeing the world, thinking about the world, and behaving in such a world are quite different in form and content. Such cross-cultural insights would move us toward breaking down boundaries and barriers which limit not only the understanding of others, but ourselves as well (15, 56). Furthermore developing and implementing interactive cycle and development and implementation of evaluation concepts are part of the course work. Students learn the basic principles of communication and interaction. They should be capable to describe models and structures of communication and interaction. Furthermore the applied perspective will be important. Especially in terms of becoming an effective communicator and in developing concept of communication and interaction. Students will demonstrate knowledge of structure and contents of cooperative planning and project. They can apply their understanding, and problem solving abilities in new or unfamiliar environments! Based on the perspective of Allison (15) students will analyse crosscultural differences in human communication. Furthermore students can communicate their conclusions, and the knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialist and non-specialist audiences clearly and unambiguously 1st and 2nd Semester None 11 Dauer des Moduls 2 Semester Lecture 1: Final exam: 45 minutes, presentation Seminars 1 + 2: term paper or presentation 7

8 13 Berechnung Modulnote Lecture 1: Graded 33,3% Seminars 1 + 2: Each Graded 33,3% (66,7% in total) Class time: 4 SWS = 60h Study time: 165 h

9 1 Modul 6 2 Lehrveranstaltungen International Physical Activity and Health Lecture 1: International Public Health Seminar/Excursion: International Rehabilitation ECTS-Punkte 3 Modulverantwortlicher 4 Dozent Prof. Pfeifer Prof. Pfeifer, Prof. Rütten, Frahsa Goals, structures, programmes and projects of international agencies in the field of physical activity: I. National Institutions: e.g. CDC, Karolinska Institut, TNO II. Supranational organisations: WHO, EU, IUHPE III. International NGO s: e.g. EUPHA, Platform on Diet and Physical Activity IV: International Networks: HEPA-Europe V: Funding agencies Active participation (preparation, visit and post-processing) at an international scientific conferences in the field of rehabilitations sciences resp. (health related) exercise sciences Reflexion of current issues in rehabilitation science in an international comparison Reflexion of actual topics in physical activity and exercise therapy in rehabilitation science and practise in an international comparison St Students are exposed to the international landscape of physical activity and rehabilitation.arn to distinguish national and international Public Health agencies, and can describe their function/role in current Public Health. Further, they gain a basic understanding of how Public Health blends in national and international policies, and what the potentials/limitations of Public Health to promote healthy living are Students will visit an international conference in the context of rehabilitation sciences, exercise therapy or health enhancing physical activity (e.g. the annual conferences of: European Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, European College of Sports Science, World Confederation for Physical Ther preparation of the conference, they will prepare a well-founded visiting schedule and a catalogue of criteria for the assessment of conference contributions. While applying these criteria during the visit, students will be able to attribute conference contributions to categories of rehabilitation sciences resp. exercise science taking differences in international health care settings into account. They will attentively and critically assess the theoretical foundation and methodological quality level during the visit and in postprocessing of the conference and thus they will demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge and handle the complexity of scientific progress Students are exposed to the international landscape of physical activity

10 Students learn to distinguish national and international Public Health agencies, and can describe their function/role in current Public Health. Further, they gain a basic understanding of how Public Health blends in national and international policies, and what the potentials/limitations of Public Health to promote healthy living are Students will visit an international conference in the context of rehabilitation sciences, exercise therapy or health enhancing physical activity (e.g. the annual conferences of: European Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, European College of Sports Science, World Confederation for Physical Therapy). In preparation of the conference, they will prepare a well-founded visiting schedule and a catalogue of criteria for the assessment of conference contributions. While applying these criteria during the visit, students will be able to attribute conference contributions to categories of rehabilitation sciences resp. exercise science taking differences in international health care settings into account. They will attentively and critically assess the theoretical foundation and methodological quality level during the visit and in postprocessing of the conference and thus they will demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge and handle the complexity of scientific progress in health enhancing exercise in an up-to-date international scientific context. 2 nd semester Rehabilitation Sciences Introduction Physical Activity & Public Health Health Enhancing Exercise I 10 Turnus des Angebots Annually 11 Dauer des Moduls 1 Semester Lecture: Final Exam (100%) 13 Berechnung Modulnote Lecture (100%) Seminar/Excursion: Term paper: a) structured schedule of conference visit (pass/fail) and b) report of conference visit (pass/fail) Class time: 4 SWS = 60h Study time: 0h 10

11 1 Modul 7 2 Lehrveranstaltungen 3 Modulverantwortlicher Dr. Abu-Omar International Physical Activity and Public Health Lecture: International Physical Activity and Public Health Seminar: International Physical Activity and Public Health ECTS-Punkte 4 Dozent Prof. Rütten, Dr. Abu-Omar, Dr. Gelius Approaches to physical activity promotion and examples of good practice of: I. National Institutions: e.g. CDC, Karolinska Institut, TNO II. Supranational organisations: WHO, EU, IUHPE III. International NGO s: e.g. EUPHA, Platform on Diet an PA IV: International Networks: e.g. HEPA-Europe V: Funding agencies VI: Intersectoral organisations: e.g. The PEP Students learn to distinguish national and international agencies that work in the area of physical activity/physical activity promotion, and can describe their function/role within health promotion. They acquire a basic understanding of options/restrictions for physical activity promotion and international standards for physical activity. They can reflect existing programmes for physical activity promotion and are sensitive to socio-cultural issues of physical activity promotion. 2 nd Semester 11 Dauer des Moduls 1 Semester Introduction to Physical Activity & Public Health Lecture: Seminar: final exam (0 min.) pass/fail 13 Berechnung Modulnote Lecture: Graded 100% Class time: Study time: 3 SWS = 45h 105h 11

12 1 Modul Health Enhancing Exercise II ECTS-Punkte 2 Lehrveranstaltungen Seminar/Lecture 1: Age- and Exercise-related Motor Development Seminar 2: Age-/Indication-specific Health Enhancing Exercise Seminar/Practice: Technical Skills 2 3 Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Pfeifer 4 Dozent Prof. Pfeifer, Dr. Freiberger, ISS Team - life span development and motor ontogenesis - motor performance changes due to age and disuse - motor plasticity (motor learning, adaptation to training) in different ages and health conditions - disease specific restrictions of motor performance (cardiovascular, metabolic, musculoskeletal, neurological/neurophysiologic etc.) - disease specific interventions - self-awareness in exercise group interventions with regard to health enhancing physical activity Students will acquire essential knowledge about the changes in motor performance and motor learning due to ageing and associated conditions (individual, social, environmental) as well as to disease related influences. Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze and discuss these influences in relation to the maintenance of individual mobility in daily life as well as to the goals, contents, methods and efficacy of exercise interventions, and integrate this knowledge in the planning of (exercise) interventions. This module provides for the students an opportunity to apply ideas in a group exercise intervention. Students will demonstrate their understanding through problem solving abilities in unfamiliar environment with a broader context. Students will be able to study in a manner that may be largely self-directed. 2 nd and 3 rd Semester 11 Dauer des Moduls 2 Semester Health Enhancing Exercise I Rehabilitation Science Seminar/Lecture 1: Term paper or presentation (graded) Seminar 2: Term paper or presentation (pass/fail) Seminar/Practice: Presentation/instructions (pass/fail) 13 Berechnung Modulnote Seminar/Lecture 1: graded 100% Class time: Study time: 5 SWS = 75h 150h

13 1 Modul Conceptualization, Implementation, Evaluation I ECTS-Punkte 2 Lehrveranstaltungen Seminar: Conceptualization, Implementation, Evaluation 5 3 Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Rütten 4 Dozent Prof. Rütten, Frahsa, Dr. Gelius 6 7 Lernziele und Kompetenzen Verwendbarkeit des Moduls - Concepts, models of physical activity interventions on individual or population level - Concepts and models of quality management - Quality management in public health and health care systems - Developing and implementing a quality management system Students will learn current models and strategies to conceptualize and implement successful physical activity interventions on the individual as well as on population or setting level and to use adequate outcome evaluation methods. Students will demonstrate the ability to handle complexity under strong consideration of quality management strategies, and integrate the basic principles of quality management. They learn to evaluate the quality of projects along the dimensions of process, structural and outcome specific quality management. Further, they understand the importance of quality management for physical activity/health promotion programme planning and are able to adapt basic principles of quality management to a given physical activity/health promotion programme. 2nd Semester 11 Dauer des Moduls 1 Semester 13 Berechnung Modulnote Introduction to Physical Activity & Public Health Rehabilitation Science Seminar: Seminar (100%) 16 Vorbereitende Literatur Term paper (graded) Class time: 3 SWS = 45h Study time: 105h 13

14 1 Modul 10 International Internship ECTS-Punkte 2 Lehrveranstaltungen Internship 10 3 Modulverantwortlicher Dr. Abu-Omar 4 Dozent Dr. Abu-Omar Internship in one of the following types of organisations (e.g.): I. National Institutions: e.g. Health Insurance Companies, CDC, Karolinska Institut, TNO II. Supranational organisations: WHO, EU, IUHPE III. International NGO s: e.g. EUPHA, Platform on Diet and Physical Activity IV: International Networks: HEPA-Europe V: Funding agencies VI: Other organisation: e.g. Private sector company 11 Dauer des Moduls 13 Berechnung Modulnote No grading Students will apply knowledge through problem solving abilities in new or unfamiliar environment within broader context and receive firsthand experience working in a public health/ health promotion/ rehab/ private sector agency etc. They learn to apply knowledge gained in the first semester. Between 2 nd and 3 rd Semester Introduction to Physical Activity & Public Health/ Rehabilitation Science Organization of a workshop/ presentation of results of internship at workshop (pass/fail) Class time: 2 SWS = 30h Study time: 270 h 14

15 1 Modul 11 Public Health Diagnostics ECTS-Punkte 2 Lehrveranstaltungen Seminar/Lab 5 3 Modulverantwortlicher Dr. K. Abu-Omar 4 Dozent Dr. K. Abu-Omar - Health Monitoring/ Global surveillance e.g. BRFSS - PA Assessment on the population level: - Measurement properties - Objective and subjective methods for PA assessment - Questionnaires (e.g. IPAQ, GPAQ, PACE) Students learn appropriate ways to collect and analyze population level data on health and health behaviour. Further, they learn different methods/instruments for assessing physical activity on the population level, and they are able to judge the use of physical activity methods/instruments in public health practice. 3 rd semester Basics in Methodology 11 Dauer des Moduls 1 Semester Seminar: 13 Berechnung Modulnote Seminar (100%) Term paper (graded) Class time: 3 SWS = 45h Study time: 105h 15

16 1 Modul Diagnostics/Assessment in Rehabilitation and Prevention ECTS-Punkte 2 Lehrveranstaltungen Seminar + Practice/Laboratory: Diagnostics/Assessment in Rehabilitation and Prevention 5 3 Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Pfeifer 4 Dozenten Prof. Pfeifer, Steib, Dr. Freiberger - generic instruments, indication specific and intervention specific diagnostics/assessment - methods and problems in health measurement ( objective vs. subjective health, quality of life, patient satisfaction ) - measurement of function, activities, participation, quality of life - individual testing, assessment and prognosis Students will get a theoretical and practical basis for measurement in rehabilitation research and health care. Students will demonstrate the knowledge of measurement theory, measurement models and methods for assessing the properties for assessing clinical phenomena and client performance as they apply to rehabilitation and health care. Students will be able to integrate knowledge and handle complexity in applying adequate tests as well as to analyse and interpret the results. 3 rd semester 11 Dauer des Moduls 1 semester Rehabilitation Science Basis in Methodology Health Enhancing Exercise I 13 Berechnung Modulnote Seminar (100%) Seminar: term paper or presentation (graded) Class time: 2 SWS = 30h Study time: 105h 16

17 1 2 Modul 13 Lehrveranstaltungen Conceptualization, Implementation, Evaluation II Project I: Population/organizational- based project OR Project II: Individual based project ECTS-Punkte Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Pfeifer, Prof. Rütten 4 Dozenten Prof. Rütten, Prof. Pfeifer, Dr. Gelius, Frahsa, Dr. Abu-Omar, Dr. Freiberger - Concepts, models of physical activity interventions on individual or population level - Conceptualization and implementation of an intervention - Evaluation of the intervention - Designing, implementing, and evaluating a programme for physical activity/health promotion among different target groups (older people, disabled people, adults, children/adolescents etc.) - Cooperation with health care organisations (curative, rehabilitation) or organisations for physical activity/health promotion Students choose one of two project seminars. Students will apply knowledge in the area of physical activity/ health promotion to real world problems. Students shall identify a health/physical activity problem and under consideration of quality management procedures - select the appropriate methods to plan and implement adequate concepts and actions that are intended to reduce the health/physical activity problem. Students will evaluate the interventions on the process and outcome level and will draw conclusions for future projects. Students will study in a manner that may be largely self-directed or autonomous. 3 rd and 4 th Semester Conceptionalisation, Implementation, Evaluation I 11 Dauer des Moduls 2 Semester 13 Berechnung Modulnote Project I: Project report OR Project II: Project report Project I: graded 100% OR Project II: graded 100% Class time: 6 SWS = 0 h Study time: 210h 17

18 1 Modul 14 Master Thesis ECTS-Punkte 2 Lehrveranstaltungen/ Master Thesis Seminar: Colloquium for Examination Master Thesis Modulverantwortlicher Prof. Pfeifer/ Prof. Rütten 4 Dozenten Dr. Abu-Omar, Dr. Freiberger The master thesis might build on contents that students developed in some of the earlier courses. The seminar will enable the students to critically analyse literature sources for writing the Master Thesis. In the master thesis the students apply their knowledge and understanding and problem solving abilities often in a research context or new or unfamiliar environment within broader or multidisciplinary context. They demonstrate the ability to handle complexity and formulate judgements with e.g. incomplete data. They will write the thesis in a manner that will be largely self-directed and autonomous. In the defending process they are able to communicate their conclusions and the underpinning knowledge as well as the rationale. 3 rd and 4 th semester All modules of the first and second Semester finished 11 Dauer des Moduls 2 Semester Master Thesis (graded) Kolloquium: Presentation (pass/fail) 13 Berechnung Modulnote Master Thesis 100% Class time: 2 SWS = 30 h Study time: 70h 1

19 1.2. Studienplan Tab. 1: Module im M.A. Physical Activity and Health Nr. Modultitel LV/ Modul ECTS- Punkte Semester 1 Introduction into Physical Activity and Public 3 7,5 1 Health 2 Health Enhancing Exercise I 3 7,5 1 3 Rehabilitation Science 3 7,5 1 4 Basics in Methodology 3 7, Communication and Cooperative Planning 3 7, International Physical Activity and Health International Physical Activity and Public Health Health Enhancing Exercise II 3 7,5 2+3 Conceptualization, Implementation, Evaluation I 10 International Internship Public Health Diagnostics Diagnostics/Assessment in Rehabilitation and Prevention 13 Conceptualization, Implementation, Evaluation II 14 Master Thesis Summe CP 0 1

20 Übersicht über die Module und Prüfungen Nr. Modultitel LV/ Modul ECTS-Punkte Semester Prüfungen 1 Introduction to Physical Activity 3 7,5 1!"#$%&"'()'*+,-.'"/-0'3'0+,4'5&-6"67' & Public Health 2 Health Enhancing Exercise I 3 7,5 1 "0+,-&)'*+,-.'"/-0'3'0+,45&-6"67' 3 Rehabilitation Science 3 7,5 1!"#$%&"'(:)'*+,-.'"/-0'3'0+,4'5&-6"67' 4 Basics in Methodology 3 7,5 1+2 "0+,-&'()'*+".6';<&='-,6'&"><&$'15&-6"67' 5 Communication and Cooperative Planning 3 7,5 1+2!"#$%&")'?+,-.'"/-0'1@A'0+,B4'5&-6"6'CCBCD7' "0+,-&'(:)'E"&0'>->"&'<&'>&"F",$-$+<,' 15&-6"6'CCBCD'"-#G7'' 2 5 2!"#$%&")'?+,-.'"/-0'1@A'0+,4'5&-6"674'' 6 International Physical Activity & Health 7 International Physical Activity & 2 5 2!"#$%&")'*+,-.'"/-0'3'0+,B4'5&-6"67' Public Health Health Enhancing Exercise II 3 7,5 2+3 "0+,-&H!"#$%&"'()'E"&0'>->"&'<&'>&"F",$-I $+<,''15&-6"67' Conceptualization, Implementation, E"&0'>->"&'15&-6"67' Evaluation I 10 International Internship J<$'5&-6"6' 11 Public Health Diagnostics E"&0'>->"&'15&-6"67' Diagnostics / Assessment in Rehabilitation and Prevention E"&0'>->"&'<&'>&"F",$-$+<,'15&-6"67' 13 Conceptualization, Implementation, K&<L"#$'&"><&$'15&-6"67' Evaluation II 14 Master Thesis EG"F+F'15&-6"67' 20

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