Kursangebote für praktizierende und künftige HausärztInnen zur Weiterbildung in Forschungsmethodik (für Profil 2-Forscher)

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1 Angebot Nr. 1 Letzte Änderung Interuniversitärer Weiterbildungsstudiengang PUBLIC HEALTH SCHWEIZ (Institute für Sozial- und Präventivmedizin (ISPM) der Universitäten von Basel, Bern und Zürich bieten gemeinsam den Public-Health-Weiterbildungsstudiengang an. Ort Basel, Bern und Zürich Swiss School of Public Health Modulangebote nach Themenbereich: Epidemiologie und Statistik, Sozialwissenschaften, Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung, Umwelt und Gesundheit, Biomedizinische Wissenschaften, Gesundheitsökonomie, Gesundheitsmanagement, Gesundheitspolitik Module: 3 bis höchstens 8 Tage Wichtig: Teilnehmer des Gesamtprogramms werden bevorzugt, Modulbesetzung nach offenen Plätzen möglich Kursbestätigung, vorläufig kein Zeritifikat (Master of Public Health, insgesamt mit Diplomarbeit ca. 5 Jahre) Kursangebot 2008: (Universität Basel, Universität Bern, Université de Genève, Université de Lausanne, Università della Svizzera italiana, Universität Zürich) Stefan Neuner, Abschluss als MPH (Stefan Neuner, <sneuner@freesurf.ch>) Michael Koller, MKoller@uhbs.ch Koordinationsstelle des Interuniversitären Weiterbildungsstudiengang Public Health Hirschengraben 84, 8001 Zürich Manfred Müller Telefon , Fax mph(at)ifspm.uzh.ch Wichtig: Anmeldung unbedingt schriftlich an diese Adresse, Deadline berücksichtigen

2 Angebot Nr. 2 Letzte Änderung Genève: Certificat de formation continue universitaire en Recherche clinique orientée patients Ort Genève Université de Genève, Faculté de Médecine Prof. Thomas Perneger, Epidémiologie clinique, 1211 Genève 14 Module: 1 Principes généraux 2 Etudes randomisées 3 Enquêtes 4 Etudes cas-témoins 5 Etudes cohorte; tests et scores 6 Trois thèmes spéciaux 7 Méthodes qualitatives et communication scientifique La "recherche clinique orientée patients" a pour but de faire progresser la pratique de la médecine et la qualité des soins au lit du malade. Elle comprend des axes de recherche variés, incluant, entre autres: - Evaluation de la qualité et de l efficience des soins - Développement et validation de tests diagnostiques et scores pronostiques - Essais cliniques de nouvelles substances pharmacologiques - Analyse des filières et des systèmes de soins - Validation d échelles de mesure de la santé et de la qualité de vie - Comparaisons de stratégies décisionnelles - Etudes sur la relation médecin-malade Dès 2008, programme en collaboration avec Lausanne Le programme se compose de 7 modules de 3 jours répartis sur une année académique. En plus des 7 modules, les candidats au certificat doivent rédiger un mémoire représentant 60 heures de travail personnel. L'ensemble de la formation correspond à 9 crédits ECTS. Beginn: Septembre, chaque année Certificat pour le programme complet CHF5'000.-, par module CHF 1'500.- (attestation de participation) dans l'index des sites web spécialisés HUG, seléctionnner "qualité des soins" oder direkt extranot.hcuge.ch/quickplace/qualite/main.nsf/h_toc/dbaf1926b9efa698c1256abd004edf3b/?opendocument Patrick Bovier, enseigne en module Département de Médecine communautaire et de premier recours, rue de Micheli-du-Crest 24, 1211 Genève Dr Dagmar Haller, cheffe de clinique scientifique, dagmar.haller-hester@hcuge.ch, Tel

3 Angebot Nr. 3 Letzte Änderung Lausanne: Formation de base pour investigateurs dliniques: Certificat Méthodes de recherche clinique - Epidémiologie Ort Lausanne Faculté de biologie et de médecine Université de Lausanne UNIL - Bugnon, Rue du Bugnon 21 - bureau 4111 CH-1005 Lausanne SUISSE Objectifs du cours: Ce cours a pour objectif de proposer aux investigateurs cliniques une introduction aux méthodes de recherche clinique, orientée patients. Programm E Méthodologie de la recherche clinique; Recherche documentaire Epidémiologie clinique, architecture de la recherche clinique, types d études, diagnostic, pronostic Recherche qualitative Statistiques : description, comparaison, taille d échantillon Ethique de la recherche clinique Essais cliniques, bonnes pratiques des études cliniques, cadre réglementaire Ecrire un protocole de recherche Aspects financiers et médico-économiques Sécurité de la recherche clinique Dès 2008, programme en collaboration avec Genève Epidémiologie clinique et biostatistique Janvier à octobre 2007, modules à choix ; 8 modules de 2,5 jours (2 à choix), entre le 11 janvier et le 5 octobre 2007 Les cours ont lieu le jeudi et vendredi de 8h15 à 17h et le samedi de 8h15 à 12h en Septembre Épidémiologie clinique (~ 50 heures); Méthodologie de la recherche clinique (~ 30 heures) Statistiques (~ 45 heures); Séminaires (discussion de projets, présentation de résultats) (8 heures) Certificat Méthodes de recherche clinique - Epidémiologie wwwdbpub.unil.ch/admin/?mival=sfintcoursdet&idsfcours= Marco Zoller, marco.zoller@hin.ch Centre d épidémiologie clinique Bugnon 17, CH-1005 Lausanne, Tél ; cepic@hospvd.ch Responsables du cours: Prof. Bernard Burnand, bernard.burnand@hospvd.ch et Prof. Jacques Cornuz, Jacques.Cornuz@chuv.ch

4 Angebot Nr. 4 Letzte Änderung European General Practice Research Network (EGPRN) Methodology Courses - pre-conference Workshops - Research conference - the relevance of the training offered by the project: the training environment Ort The European General Practice Research Network, WONCA - Europe different places like: Spain (Barcelona) Croatia (Dubrovnik) Barcelona: Research on Prevention and Health Promotion/Qualitative methods Meta-analysis/-synthesis (in collaboration with EuroPrev) Dubrovnik: Research on Gastrointestinal diseases/morbidity studies, Syst Reviews, Metaanalysis (in collaboration with ESPCG) two research meetings per year, spring and automn, during 4-5 days Barcelona: oct 2008 Dubrovnik:12-17 oct Marco Zoller, marco.zoller@hin.ch Co-ordinating Centre EGPRN Hanny Prick Dept. General Practice University Maastricht P.O. Box 616, NL 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands Phone: Fax: e-mai l: Hanny Prick Website :

5 Angebot Nr. 5 Letzte Änderung Berlin Qualitative Forschung: overview of how different disciplines (such as evolutionary psychology, developmental biology, psychology, educational sciences, and sociology) Ort Deutschland - Berlin International Max Planck Research School LIFE Lentzeallee Berlin The curriculum combines psychology, educational science, neuroscience, sociology, and biology, focussing especially on the dynamics of human behavior on different time scales. Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Study of the Life Cycle: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Lehrgang ist auf die wissenschaftliche, interdisziplinäre Aufarbeitung der Begriffe Unsicherheit und Risiko ausgerichtet. The seminar is set up as a block seminar consisting of an introductory session and four 2-day units. Seminar sessions are held at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, h to h (Fridays) and 9.30 h to h (Saturdays). Stefan Neuner; neuner@freesurf.ch International Max Planck Research School LIFE Lentzeallee Berlin Phone: Fax: imprs@mpib-berlin.mpg.de

6 Angebot Nr. 6 Letzte Änderung London: Master of Science (MSc) in epidemiology, by distance learning (e-course) Ort United Kingdom - London London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, London WC1E 7HT, UK Tel: +44 (0) Core modules: - Fundamentals of epidemiology - Statistics with computing - Practical epidemiology - writing and reviewing scientific paper - study design - statistical methods in epidemiology + optional modules Registration date: 1 september Course duration: 2 years min Paul Sebo, paul.sebo@hcuge.ch London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Keppel Street London WC1E 7HT UK Switchboard: +44 (0) Fax: +44 (0) Course and admission enquiries, prospectus requests registry@lshtm.ac.uk +44 (0)

7 Angebot Nr. 7 Letzte Änderung London: Distance learning (e-learning) Ort United Kingdom -London London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Home Learning College Kangley Bridge Road London SE26 5AR Address: Home Learning College Kangley Bridge Road London SE26 5AR Freephone: student.enquiries@homelearningcollege.com

8 Angebot Nr. 8 Letzte Änderung Rotterdam: clinical sciences, health sciences and biomedical sciences Medical curriculum The Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics is responsible for training in the basic principles of epidemiology and biostatistics during the medical curriculum. Ort Holland - Rotterdam Erasmus University Rotterdam P.O. Box DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands Phone: Week 1: Principles of Research in Medicine and Epidemiology, Conceptual Foundation of Epidemiologic Study Design Introduction to Data-analysis, Introduction to Public Health Topics in Meta-analysis, Principles of Genetic Epidemiology Introduction to Decision Making in Medicine Week 2: Causal Inference, History of Epidemiologic Ideas Clinical Decision Analysis, Regression Analysis Methods of Clinical Research, Methods of Public Health Research Methods of Health Services Research, Searching Genes of Complex Disorders Introduction of Genomics and Bioinformatics, Cohort Studies, Case-control Studies Week 3: Health Economics, Topics in Ageing Research Topics in Health and Diseases in the Ederly, Clinical Trials Pharmaco-epidemiology, Survival Analysis Spatial Epidemiology, Bayesian Analysis Genetic Epidemiology of Complex Diseases, Prevention Research Courses in summer: 3 Weeks with 33 Courses in Quantitative Medical Research The first week provides introductory courses, the second week is devoted to methodology courses and the third week offers advanced courses (The 2008 programme will be available as soon as possible) Michael Koller, MKoller@uhbs.ch André Busato, andre.busato@memcenter.unibe.ch Erasmus University Rotterdam P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands Phone: Contact: inschrijvingen@eur.nl or to the Erasmus Student Service Centre: CB-07 (Woudestein Lecture Hall) Telephone +31 (0) / Mondays Fridays from hours.

9 Angebot Nr. 9 Letzte Änderung Maastricht: 1. Quality and organisation of care 2. Effectiveness of interventions 3. Chronic illness 4. Prevention and health promotion Ort Holland - Maastricht CaRe, Netherlands School of Primary Care Research Maastricht University Peter Debyeplein 1, 6229 HA, Maastricht Postbus 616, 6200 MD, Maastricht Certification and testimonial PhD Training Programme Course Coordination CaRe: Mrs. Hanny Prick CaRe Course coordinator 6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands hanny.prick@hag.unimaas.nl + 31 (0) (0)

10 Angebot Nr. 10 Letzte Änderung Fürstentum Liechtenstein: Studienziel ist die Vermittlung wissenschaftlichen Forschens und Arbeitens --> Forschungskompetenz Ort Liechtenstein Universität für Humanwissenschaften im Fürstentum Liechtenstein Dorfstrasse 24 FL-9495 Triesen 1. Semester: Einführung I: Persönliche und soziale Kompetenz 2 Tage; Effiziente Methoden zur Literaturrecherche 1 Tag; Einführung II: Projekt und Versuchsplanung 2 Tage; Verfassen von Projektanträgen 1 Tag; Journal-Club 2 Tage; Scientific writing 2 Tage 2. Semester: Finanzplanung 1 Tag; Erfüllung ethischer Voraussetzungen 1 Tag; Datenerhebung, Messinstrumente 2 Tage; Datenauswertung (Statistik) 2 Tage; Progress Report 1 Tag; Journal-Club 1 Tag; Scientific writing 2 Tage 3. Semester: Performance characteristics von Labormethoden 1 Tag; Good clinical practice 1 Tag; Biologische Grundlagen der Medizin 2 Tage; Klinische Epidemiologie 2 Tage; Rhetorik und Präsentation 1 Tag; Journal-Club 1 Tag; Scientific writing 1 Tag; Exkursion 1 Tag 4. Semester: Drug Discovery 1 Tag; Pharmakogenetik 1 Tag; Wahlfach 2 Tage; Umgang mit Medien 1 Tag; Prinzipien in Management und Führung 1 Tag; Journal-Club 1 Tag; Exkursion 1 Tag 4 Semester Dr. scient.med. (Postgraduate-Programm) Einschreibegebühr CHF Semestergebühren CHF 5'000.- (insgesamt CHF 20'000.-) Broschüre Dr. scient. Med. Franz Marty, mesmeta@bluewin.ch, fmarty@hin.ch Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Heinz Drexel (Studienleiter) Ordinarius, Chefarzt Innere Medizin und Institutsleiter VIVIT, Universitäres Lehrkrankenhaus Feldkirch A-6807 Feldkirch Tel , Fax vivit@lkhf.at Anmeldung: erfolgt über das separate Anmeldeformular der Universität Universität Humanwissenschaften Telefon Telefax , info@ufl.li

11 Angebot Nr. 11 Letzte Änderung Melbourne: Master or PhD by research Ort Australien Department of General Practice University of Melbourne Melbourne, Australia The Researcher Development Program (RDP) is a core research training activity sponsored by the PHC RED strategy. This program provides funding to early-mid career researchers to develop their research skills and expertise through participation in research Master 2 years PhD: 3-4 years Start: Preferably February or July, each year Aus/year - grants available - see Dagmar Haller, dagmar.haller-hester@hcuge.ch, Tel (absolviert mit PhD) Prof. Jane Gunn Department of General Practice The University of Melbourne 200 Berkeley Street CARLTON, VIC 3053 Melbourne Australia jane.gunn@unimelb.edu.au

12 Angebot Nr. 12 Letzte Änderung Postgraduate courses in biostatistics Ort Biostatistics Collaboration of Australia The BCA Coordinating Centre BCA, Locked bag 77 Camperdown NSW 1450 The BCA delivers a program of postgraduate courses that aims to fill a serious gap between current programs in public health and epidemiology (which train users of biostatistical methods, not professional biostatisticians), and general statistics courses (which do not cater to the increasingly diverse and specialised needs of health research). Dagmar Haller, dagmar.haller-hester@hcuge.ch, Tel Biostatistics Collaboration of Australia The BCA Coordinating Centre; BCA Coordinating Office BCA, Locked bag 77, Camperdown NSW 1450 Phone: Fax: bca@ctc.usyd.edu.au

13 Angebot Nr. 13 Letzte Änderung Ontario: Bioethics Curriculum: Guidelines for ethics education in family medicine training programs problem-solving: analytical methodology in clinical ethics demonstration case analysis clinical cases and references Ort Kanada The College of Family Physicians of Canada 2630 Skymark Avenue Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5A4 Bioethics Curriculum um/ The College of Family Physicians of Canada 2630 Skymark Avenue Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5A4 Local Telephone Number: (905) Toll-Free Telephone Number: Fax Number: (905) Toll-Free Fax Number:

14 Angebot Nr. 14 Letzte Änderung Boston: didactic instruction in research methods at the Boston University School of Public Health, Fellowship research seminars and the performance of supervised research projects. summer courses in Epidemiology and Biostatistics Ort USA - Boston Boston University Medical Campus School of Medicine Center for Primary Care Direction of John Noble, M.D., Professor of Medicine. 715 Albany St. E-113 Boston, MA / Phone: (617) ; Fax: (617) Primary Care/Academic Fellowship Program: David Battinelli, M.D., Program Director Boston University Medical Center Residency Program in Medicine or Angela Jackson, M.D., Director Primary Care Training Program Associate Director, Boston University Medical Center Residency Program in Medicine Evans Albany St. Boston, MA Boston University Medical Campus School of Medicine Contact: Mary-Kathleen Deloge: mkdeloge@bu.edu

15 Angebot Nr. 15 Letzte Änderung Oxford: The Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care MSc Modules ans Stand-alone Short Courses Ort United Kingdom - Oxford Department for Continuing Education University of Oxford Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square Oxford OX1 2JA Compulsory Modules: 1. The Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care This module will introduce the basic concepts and skills of Evidence-Based Health Care. For example: - formulate and define a research question clearly and cogently - understand which types of study design (trials, observational, qualitative etc) are most appropriate for which types of clinical questions - identify which study type has been used, and judge how this affects the interpretation of the results -... more you find in 2. I ntroduction to Study Design and Research Methods This module will introduce some of the more advanced concepts and skills of research design an how the relate to Evidence-Based Health Care. The module will require a deeper understanding of design and statistics and introduce good practice in research protocol development: - study design - statistical Analysis - Protocol Development 3. Elective Modules (four must be chosen) 1. The Practice of Evidence-Based Health Care: october 2008 (5-day short course) 2. Introduction to Study Design and Research Methods: 8-12 December 2008 (5-day short course) 3. Elective Modules Compulsory Modules: Elective Modules: 3. Adrian Rohrbasser, e- mail: adrian.rohrbasser@bluewin.ch University of Oxford,Department for Continuing Education Rewley House, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford,Oxfordshire,OX1 2JA, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) ; enquiries@conted.ox.ac.uk; Web:

16 Angebot Nr. 16 Letzte Änderung TOPAS Europe Association organises, in collaboration with EQuiP, an international Summerschool in August This first Summerschool (a pilot) will mostly use examples an application from general practice. The aims are: 1. To increase the knowledge of quality improvement research, particulary to qualify better for a Ph D. or Habilitation. 2. To enhance international networking and exchange of new and established researchers in this field. Participants: - Individuals with a university degree (medicine, nursing, health or social sciences) and basic or intermediate knowledge of quantitative research methods. - Individuals with a background in a health profession (physicians, nurses, allied health professionals) who wish to increase their knowledge of quality improvement research. Ort Nijmegen, the Netherlands TOPAS Europe Association NIJMEGEN Netherlands Research in qualitiy improvement methods Teaching staff: - Prof.dr. Richard Grol, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre - Prof. Joachim Szecsenyi, Heidelberg University Hospital - Prof. dr. Thomas Rosemann, Zürich University Hospital - Dr. Michel Wensing, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre Day 1-26 Aug. (Grol) Introduction - Introduction, overview, presentation by participants - Context and background of quality improvement Performance indicators - Development of indicators - Use for research and educational feedback - Use for accreditation, certification, and public reporting Day 2 27 Aug. (Wensing) Quality improvement interventions - Overview of interventions and evidence on effectiveness - Tailoring to and analysis of determinants of change - Some methodological issues in the evaluation + Time to work on a group project Day 3-28 Aug. (Szecsenyi, Rosemann) Large scale quality improvement projects - Partnerships between researchers, practitioners and policy makers - Running large scale quality improvement projects - Multi-level quality improvement + Time to work on a group project Day 4-29 Aug. (morning only) - Presentation and discussion of student projects - Summary of the week, questions/discussion Format: mix of lectures, reading and exercises. Period: Aug.2008 (participants arriving 25 August); Teilnahmezertifikat Course fee: 500 euro per person (not including accomodation and dinners) If you want to you can also book your accomadation: costs EURO single room including breakfast

17 Day 4-29 Aug. (morning only) - Presentation KHM and discussion AG Forschung of student Hausarztmedizin, projects in Zusammenarbeit mit der - Summary of the week, questions/discussion Format: mix of Schweizerischen lectures, reading and Akademie exercises. der Medizinischen Wissenschaften Period: Aug.2008 (participants arriving 25 August); Teilnahmezertifikat Course fee: 500 euro per person (not including accomodation and dinners) If you want to you can also book your accomadation: costs EURO single room including breakfast Summerschool 2008: Beat Künzi, Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe Forschung in der Hausarztmedizin (beat.kuenzi@swisspep.ch) TOPAS Europe Association Golden Tulip Val Monte Oude Holleweg AA BERG EN DAL/NIJMEGEN Tel.: (Reception) Fax: Information: Dr. Michel Wensing@kwazo.umcn.nl reservations@goldentulipevalmonte.nl Internet:

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APPLICATION. DeutscherAkademischerAustauschDienst GERMAN ACADEMIC EXCHANGE SERVICE 871 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017

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