Thatcher Hall Sprechstunde: TR nachmittags und nach Vereinbarung

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Thatcher Hall 204 (Office) Telefonummer: Sprechstunde: TR nachmittags und nach Vereinbarung

GRADING: There are 1000 points for the semester.

COURSE DESCRIPTION from the UCO Course Catalog: An introduction to German pronunciation, conversation, grammar, reading, and composition.

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University of Central Oklahoma College of Liberal Arts Elementary German II

GRADING: There are 1000 points for the semester.

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COURSE DESCRIPTION from the UCO Course Catalog: An introduction to German pronunciation, conversation, grammar, reading, and composition.

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Punctuality is expected. Repeated tardiness will be counted as an absence.

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Elementary German II German 1224 Frühjahr 2015 LA 223 MoDiMiDo 11-11:50 Laura A. Collins, M.A. CRN 23025 Dept. of Modern Languages Thatcher Hall 204 974-5647 Sprechstunde: TR 12.00-1.00 nachmittags und nach Vereinbarung Texts: Media: Wie geht s? (Sevin/Sevin), 10th Edition, Thomson/Heinle; Online Workbook/ Lab Manual (required), (a CD-rom is optional). ilrn online workbook, video resources in tutoring lab (LA 122), TUTORS! GRADING: There are 1000 points for the semester. 5 chapter tests (70 pts each) 350 Vocabulary quizzes (15 points X 12) 180 1 comprehensive final oral exam 100 1 comprehensive written final exam 120 Testing total: (750) 5 Handouts 50 6 workbook/language Lab (20 pts each) 120 Oral Midterm 20 Culture Credits (3 items) 60 Assignments total: (250) TOTAL: 1000 COURSE DESCRIPTION from Course Catalog: An introduction to German pronunciation, conversation, grammar, reading, and composition. Pre-requisite: GERM 1114 COURSE OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to use basic German syntactical structures to make statements about everyday issues, desires, or conversational topics in comprehensible, if not perfect German; read and contextualize texts of everyday communication and direction, such as menus, titles, and letters; write brief compositions, typical of classroom exposition, with grammatical accuracy commensurate with the topics covered; understand prepared spoken German and recognize elements of authentic speech from the target cultures. This course is part of a four-semester sequence. The first two semesters cover the material of a first year college textbook. The third and fourth semesters deepen communication skills and improve proficiency (correct usage) by building vocabulary and reviewing grammar, and add to students' knowledge of Germanspeaking cultures through readings, films, and web sites. CHAPTER TESTS: Each test covers the thematic, grammar, and vocabulary material from its chapter. The tests blend communicative tasks with questions focusing on the mastery of linguistic and cultural concepts and practices. The workbook and the website have pretests which give you an idea of where you stand. The chapter tests include writing, listening, and reading elements. VOCABULARY QUIZZES: Each quiz covers an assigned portion of the chapter vocabulary. Students are expected to write out the correct German expression in the correct grammatical form. GENERAL UCO POLICIES: University code of Student Conduct:

WORKBOOK/HOMEWORK: For each chapter I will check the online Arbeitsheft or Lab/workbook. Learning a language takes practice and these books provide reliable opportunities for intensifying what we ve done in class and preparing for the upcoming activities. Check the chapter assignment sheets for suggestions on which exercises to do. In any case, you must complete these materials by the day of the chapter test. The title of the course is German 1224, its code is EFRKF648 ; if you bought the book code last semester, you should be able to login and enroll in the German II section. Please enroll as soon as possible. Go to: ORAL INTERVIEWS: You will be speaking German in class, but at the end of this semester I will make an appointment with each student so that I can evaluate how each of you has progressed in conversation skills. The topics discussed mirror the vocabulary, themes and issues covered in class, and I am not listening for perfection, but rather for communicative success. TUTORIAL: The department funds a tutor who can help you with conversational practice, hone your grammar skills or build your vocabulary. If the tutor s hours do not coincide with yours, then the instructor will make alternate arrangements. CULTURE CREDITS: The organized engagement with another culture will probably endure for you longer than your language skills. 5% of your grade will derive from your brief responses to various cultural outlets. These are assigned in the syllabus. Share a film, a concert, or a museum visit with fellow students. You are in a community of learners. The German Club offers several cultural activities throughout the semester as well. If you have your own idea for a culture credit, other than the ones listed above, you must approve them with me in advance; otherwise you will receive no credit for the assignment. CLASS ATTENDANCE: (departmental policy) Regular class attendance is necessary if you want to learn a new language. To encourage attendance, your instructor will deduct 1% point per absence after four absences (1% point = 10 points on the 1000 point system above). Arrive to class on time. Three late arrivals will result in an absence. A total of ten absences will result in an F for the course. Turn off your cell phones during class and put them away. Texting during class will result in an absence. MAKING UP EXAMS: (departmental policy) Exams and quizzes occur frequently in this course in order for you to pace yourself as you learn a large number of new words, grammar structures and cultural concepts. Falling behind by missing tests makes it harder for you to succeed. So, if you know you must miss an exam or quiz, you must talk to your instructor or leave a message BEFORE the test with your name and phone number at 974-5647 to arrange a make-up date. Otherwise your instructor is under no obligation to give you a make-up exam or quiz. ADA: "The University of Central Oklahoma complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act of 1990. Students with disabilities who need special accommodations must make their requests by contacting the Coordinator of Disability Support Services, Ms. Kimberly Fields at (405) 974-2549. The DSS Office is located in the University Center, Room 415. Students should also notify the instructor of special accommodation needs by the end of the first week of class." WITHDRAWAL FROM THE COURSE: You must officially withdraw from a course to receive a W rather than an F. The deadline is April 5, 2015 to withdraw. If you withdraw by January 23, there will be no record of your attempting this class. Otherwise you will receive a notation or a grade, even if you attended only a few days of class. INCOMPLETES: (departmental policy) A grade of I for incomplete work will only be given in the case of a verified emergency or personal need for a student who has been present for at least 50% of the total class periods and who has completed at least 50% of the class assignments. Please speak with your instructor about such a situation in a timely fashion. TRANSFORMATIVE LEARNING: Besides the discipline knowledge of the German language and its cultural context, the course opens a global perspective for our students on diet, work conditions, social

benefits, healthcare, business practices, and aesthetic tastes. While there is no formal research in this course, several cultural activities foster the student s creativity. S = Seite Wiederholungstag = Review Day 12.1.2015 Syllabus Wiederholungstag 1 Hallo, wie heißt du? Woher kommst du?... Nutzliche Ausdrücke im Klassenzimmer. Farben. Das Wetter. 13.1. Wiederholungstag 2: Kapitel 1 und 2: Nominativ und Akkusativ. Präsens und Verben. Wortstellung. Haben und sein. 14.1. Wiederholungstag 3: Kapitel 3 und 4: Oklahoma verbs. Dativ und Dativpräpositionen. Perfekt mit haben und sein. 15.1. Quiz 1: Wiederholungsquiz Wiederholungstag 4: Kapitel 5 und 6: Modalverben und Pronomen. Wo vs Wohin; stehen/stellen; sitzen/setzen; liegen/legen 19.1. Martin Luther King, Jr. Feiertag keine Sitzung (NO CLASS) 20.1. Kapitel 7. Auf der Bank und im Hotel; S196 Zum Thema; S197 Wortschatz 1; S198. Übungen zum Thema A, B. Exchange Offices and Credit cards; der Euro; S200 Öffnungszeiten; S201 Aussprache. 21.1. S199 Im Hotel Thüringer Hof; Wie spät ist es? (Review telling time.) S201 Hörverständnis; ; S202-204 der und ein-wörter, A. S. 205 C. Quatsch! 22.1. Quiz 2 (S197) S206-207 Separable-prefix verbs (S 206); S207 D. Was bedeuten diese Verben? E. Noch einmal. S. 209 Flavoring Particles. Kultur S. 210-11. S. 210 Gedächtnisspiel... 26.1. Kultur 1: Finden Sie eine Ferienwohnung in den Alpen für eine Woche 5-11. Juni 2015. S207 Separable prefix verbs continued...s207-208 G. I. Handout Trennbarpräfixen. S. 212-213 Wortschatz 2 Vor dem Lesen... 27.1. 213-214 Text lautlesen/nach dem Lesen. S. 217 G. Ein Brief (übersetzen) 28.1. Wiederholungstag 29.1. Kapitel 7 Test 1 - Workbook K7 due online 2.2. Kapitel 8 Post und Reisen; S222-224 Gespräche und Wortschatz 1; S 225 Train Travel und B. Was bedeuten diese Wörter?; 3.2. Quiz 3. (221-222); S 229-230 Genitiv; S231A. Im Reisebüro; Genitiv Handout. S. 226 C. Was fehlt? D. Jeder hat Probleme; S227 Kofferpacken; Car Travel; S 228 Aussprache; Hörverständnis. 4.2. S 232-234 Time Expressions E. Ein Besuch; G. Allerlei Märkte in Bern; S236-237 Time*Manner*Place, H. Sagen Sie das noch einmal!; S236, 238, 240 die Schweiz und Wilhelm Tell; S 239 Etwas Geografie S. 228 5.2. Weiter mit Wortstellung; S239 K Ferienwünsche (Verneinung); Review Genitiv.; Kapitel 8 Video anschauen. 9.2. Quiz 4 due: Miniaufsatz S235 F. Bei mir; S241 Wortschatz 2; Vor dem Lesen/Etwas Geografie; S242 B. Beusch in Bern; C. Aussprache; A Alles verstanden?; B. Die Eidgenossenschaft; S244 Hörverständnis 10.2. S242-243 Text lautlesen; S244 Nach dem Lesen; B. Die Eidgenossenschaft (The Swiss Confederacy). S246 Hörverständnis 11.2. Wiederholungstag; S247 Im Nebel (Hermann Hesse). 12.2. Kapitel 8 Test II - Workbook K8 due online

16.2. Kapitel 9 Freizeit und Gesundheit; S252 Gespräche und Alles verstanden?; S253-254 der Körper; S255 Was tun Sie, wenn...? S 253 ich gehe gern + verb; S254 B.ich schwimme gern; ich spiele gern Fußball; S255 Was tust du gern in deiner Freizeit? Hobbys... 17.2. S258-259 Adjektiv-Endungen mit Handout; mehr mit Hobbys; S256 C. Interview; Aussprache; S257 Hörverständnis; Some Idomatic Expressions. 18.2. S260 A. Schlittschuhlaufen...mehr mit Adjektiv-Endungen; S 262-264 Reflexivverben; Handout.; 265 G. Was fehlt? S264 F. 1.Antworten Sie mit Ja! 19.2. Quiz 5 (253-254); Was ist deine Morgenroutine? Mehr mit Reflexiv... S268 Rotkäppchen und der Wolf. S269 Vacationing 23.2. Quiz 6 due: Miniaufsatz: Ihre Morgenroutine. S263 (Describe your morning routine using reflexive.) S 266 Infinitives with zu S267 J. und K.; S 270-271 Vor dem Lesen, Allerlei Fragen und Ferientipps. 24.2. S271-273 Freizeit Lust oder Frust? S271 A. Nach dem Lesen; S275 Zum Hören: Eine tolle Radtour! 25.2. Wiederholungstag 26.2. Kapitel 9 Test III Workbook K9 due online 2.3. Kapitel 10 Unterhaltung; S282 Gespräche; S 283 A. und B.; S284 Wortschatz 1; S285 Am Frühstückstisch; C. Allerlei Fragen. 3.3 S288 Verbs + prepositions; Wofür interessieren Sie sich? S289 A.; B. Meine Tante. S287 Classical Music und Hörverständnis 4.3 290 D. So beende ich die Sätze. Und du?; S290-291 Da and wo-compounds handout. S291 E. Wo ist nur mein Handy?; 290 The Art Scene 5.3 Quiz 7 (284) S292 F. Die Geburtstagsfeier. S292 G. das Klassentreffen S294 Endings of unpreceded adjectives; S295 I. Ersetzen Sie die Adjektive! 9.3. S296 L. Das mache ich gern. Und du? S302 Was tun die Deutschen in ihrer Freizeit? S303 Hörverständnis S304 Literatur. S293 German television productions (Tatort). 10.3. Oral Midterms und Film: Tatort 11.3. Oral Midterms und Film: Tatort 12.3. Oral Midterms und Film: Tatort 16.3. Frühlings- 17.3. pause, 18.3. keine 19.3. Sitzung! 23.3. Quiz 8 (S288) S299-300 Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual; Nach dem Lesen B. Wofür interessieren Sie sich im Fernsehen? 24.3. Wiederholungstag Kapitel 10 25.3. Kapitel 10 Test IV Workbook K10 due online 26.3. Kapitel 11 Beziehungen; S310-311 Gespräch; A, Wortschatz 1; S313Anzeigen 1 und 2. S314 2. Liebe; E. So bin ich

30.3. Quiz 9 (311); S314 Allerlei über Tiere; S315 H. Schlau wie ein Fuchs. S314 Beloved pets; S315 Hörverständnis; Ss316-318 Simple past/imperfekt; S319 B. Ersetzen Sie die Verben! 31.3. Assignment due: S319 A. Nennen Sie das Imperfekt (simple past) S319 Wiederholen Sie die Texte! S323 Conjunctions als, wenn, wann; F, G; Handout: Als ich klein war... 1.4. Liberal Arts Symposium Day 2.4. S324-325 The past perfect, J. K. S37: Wiederholen Sie Imperfekt! 6.4. Quiz 10 (324): MiniAufsatz: I. Ein Bericht (report): Damals... Brothers Grimm and Fairy Tales; Handout: Vokabular dazu. S329 Märchen, A. C. S333 Hörverständnis 7.4. S330-331 Rumpelstilzchen. Nach dem Lesen. S332 Als, wenn oder wann? 8.4. Wiederholungstag The Department of Modern Languages Speaking in Tongues poetry reading, 7:00-9:00 PM, UCO Jazz Lab 9.4. Kapitel 11 Test V Workbook K11 due online 13.4. Kapitel 12 Wege zum Beruf (Schule, Frau, Gastarbeiter); S340-342 Gespräch und Wortschatz 1; S342 A, B; S343 C. Zu welchem Arzt... 14.4. Was werden Sie? S342 Jetzt sind Sie dran!; S343 E. Ein interessanter Beruf; S344 Aussprache; Hörverständnis; C; S345-347 Comparitive and superlative; S347 A., B. Je er, desto --er 15.4. Quiz 11 (341-342); Comparative continued--s348 In der Wohngemeinschaft E. Eine bessere Stelle. S348 Was ist im Leben am wichtigsten? 1.,2. 16.4. S349-350 Futur; S351 H. Sagen Sie die Sätze in der Zukunft! S.351-352 Predicate nouns and adjectival nouns. Handout. 20.4. Vok. 12 (354); S 360 Mein Lebenslauf; S361 Hörverständnis; S. 354 O. Wie viel Ansehen (prestige) haben die Berufe in Deutschland? S356 Diskussion; Vor dem Lesen; 21.4. S357-358 Die Berufswahl; Nach dem Lesen. Oral Sign-up. 22.4. Kapitel 13 Das Studium; S368 Gespräche; S369 Wortschatz 1; S370 Sag mal, was studierst du?; Oral Interview Practice. 23.4. Kultur 3 due. S 372 the subjunctive mood; Könnten Sie bitte...? Oral Interview Practice. 27.4. Wiederholung zur Schlussprüfung (Review for final exam) 28.4. Wiederholung zur Schlussprüfung (Review for final exam) 29.4. Mündliche Prüfung (Oral Interview) 30.4. Mündliche Prüfung (Oral Interview) 4.5. FINAL Montag von 11.00 bis 12.50 im Klassenzimmer. (Monday, May 4th from 11am-12.50pm in our classroom) Oral Final: I Vorlesen einer Passage aus dem Buch. 25% III. Freizeit Musik, Film, Kunst, Theater 25% II Diskussion über Arbeit und Beruf. 25% IV. Fragen an den Prof. 25%